WTF is this rush?!
Table of contents
- Gaming is all about adapting and learning on the fly.
- Gaming is all about strategy and quick thinking—adapt, evolve, and conquer!
- Even when it feels like you're losing, keep pushing forward and adapt your strategy.
- Navigating the chaos of strategy games: adapt, build, and conquer!
- I have no idea what I'm doing, but I'm just clicking things and it's working!
- Winning isn't always about the score; it's about outlasting the pressure and making the right moves.
- Mastering strategy games is all about timing and resource management!
Gaming is all about adapting and learning on the fly.
We'll see what happens in T West in 6 days or months. Thank you so much for the cost gold. I know he's playing as is. What's that? Cronos? Go there. What is this spice en to see what it does? Wait, oh, because it shows my... oh God, actual disaster. It's fine, it's fine. I got to remember now that my bills don't get selected alongside my berserk. That's supposed to be a heart less than three.
Wait, what map is this? Irand? So, I have to make ships. What's your favorite so far? I don't know if I have a favorite. I'm going to make a dwarf. I'm not sure if that's good. I'm just going to go fast up and try to win water like that rather than go and make fishing ships already. Not sure if that makes sense, but it is what it is. I like that it still continues to auto queue villagers after you queue up a dwarf. Dwarfs do collect gold faster; that's the purpose of them. You can build Ox carts now. Villagers can always build Ox carts, can't they? Oh wait, no, the oars used to be built from the town centers in the past.
Another thing that is cool is that it warns you five population before you get housed. I think that's a good way to do it. I like that they're doing it like that. True, so yeah, that's a bit of a boost to the Norse. Should I build a temple on his side so I can maybe use make a myth unit as well? Actually, no, I'll build on my side; feel safer. Temple is 135. I already have enough gold. Maybe I didn't need this many Ox carts already. Let's build a temple. Not what I wanted to do. Focus infantry, focus buildings. IR hay troll. I'm just going to go for City, I think. Going to cancel this B to make sure I get up faster. These ores do be aggressive. We need a dock because I'm going to make ships. Let's also queue the wood upgrade. How much is do one 0 wood only? It's not too bad.
I haven't even checked if he made a dock, so my build is kind of blind. I can make heers now as well. Why not? Remember to only mine WS with dwarfs this time. Why would you only want dwarfs? Is it our vs just way worse? I mean, dwarfs mine faster but do dwarfs collect more gold? Like, do they just collect more? Is it inefficient? Wa did he just delay my... no, what did he do? Oh, I guess it's just idle. Wait, the hell is my thing? Wait, he can just remove my building like that? What universe is that fair? He can just remove my building? Wait, what is happening right now? What is this thing even? Guys, stay on this wood. What are those promo proman? Just chop trees, guys, it's not that difficult.
Okay, I guess he didn't make any ships. I can try to make some ships then. I do need food as well. I'm just going to eat some chicken while we're there. Those are myth though, right? So I can probably build some Earth stairs. I only have food. Make some dwarfs since I don't have food. Might as well get some dwarfs on the field. What is the... he's just spawning temp like... wait, what? I need to read about this. What is he even playing? They're pretty strong. I'm hoping I can recover with a little bit of fish economy. He's very active with those things. Run, keep running. They're dead now. Why are they so...
Gaming is all about strategy and quick thinking—adapt, evolve, and conquer!
I do need food as well, so I'm just going to eat some chicken while we're there. Those are myths though, right? I can probably build some Earth stairs. I only have food, so I might as well make some dwarves since I don't have food. Might as well get some dwarfs on the field. What is he playing? He's just spawning temp like, wait, what? I need to read about this. They're pretty strong. I'm hoping I can recover with a little bit of fish economy. He's very active with those things. Run, keep running. They're dead now. Why are there so many fish? They have been nerfed and reted.
Why do the buildings keep disappearing? I'm so confused. I'm going to be housed very soon. I'm just going to claim that all his score advantage right now is scouting. Yeah, let's go look around. Do I go for a second town? I could just go to the next age. My food is already coming up a bit. What is this? This regular infantry, right? Good in melee combat. I could make some generate. I want to build a counter barracks and build some X-Men. That's what I'm thinking right now. He still might have that Oracle or whatever that was running around. I'm not making vills, that's why I'm floating food. That makes a lot of sense actually. Trolls are nice for damage. Well, I don't have a temple anymore; they wrecked my temple. Score looks very bad. Oh, that's great. I don't have a long house.
Oh, hello there. He is Atlantean; I thought it was Greeks for some reason. I have a healing spring, useful as well. No one is building this. Let's turn them to those, it's free. Think we just run from this. Score doesn't look that bad, although I feel like I'm in a bad spot. I don't know if I actually am. Let's go back to hunting that. You guys idle, okay. Let's get some X-Men on the field; those guys should help. What about might be crashing out of here? You mean, wait, is the game crashing for people? Does this fight back? Oh, it does. Oh, I just clicked the wrong thing. Okay, we're fine, we're fine. I didn't build a house. Let's do that since we're waiting.
Oh, my units are going. Don't really want to do the healing spring here. What is that? Improve the speed of all foot soldiers? That seems pretty nice. Do I not have a ship here? We do. The ship can come help. My H feels very weak here, at least that's the feeling I'm getting. Don't kill the unit with spy; wouldn't I want to kill it at some point? Oh, he's getting a sizeable army. We're getting some damage done with the ship here. It's coming with a lot of units. I might need the healing spring. Feels weird to do it though like that. Maybe then now if I lose it, I think he gets the healing. That's not something we want.
I have so many resources. Wait, okay, I'm just getting worked here. What are those? They are Siege units, aren't they? Rain infantry ships, they're good against infantry even. Maybe I should have made some range units, not range units, cry units. It's j, I believe you. So many units, un ships don't feel that. Wait, I spawned the troll. My troll, whoa, okay, I can live with that. Not too bad. I'm definitely not spending my resources efficiently.
Even when it feels like you're losing, keep pushing forward and adapt your strategy.
Healing is not something we want. We have so many resources. Wait, okay, I'm just getting worked here. What are those? They are Siege units, aren't they? Rain infantry ships, they're good against infantry even. Maybe I should have made some range units, not range units, cry units. It's j, I believe you. So many units, un ships don't feel that. Wait, I spawn the troll. My troll, whoa, okay, I can live with that, not too bad.
I'm definitely not spending my resources very well here. We cannot go there. Let's find some gold maybe down here. Axmen are good against infantry on paper. I believe I'm winning the fight. No, does he know that I'm spying on that guy? What did he do? What was that? It was an ability there. The score looks so bad for me. Let's make another longhouse. At least doing very good against the cavalry here or the sea there. It's God power. Yeah, but what was it is my question. I don't know what the god power was.
Can I afford to do town Armory C power? You get a free cfish. He is an attacking unit though. He's still not on water. He has so much more score lead than me. Try to go to the next age. Should get gold here fairly quickly. What are you going for, bro? Myth unit is and earning favor. Cavalry four serpent call hit points. Let's go. Is he trying to quickball me or what? I think he was trying to quick. He has extra Town centers, I guess. Oh, he made them Heroes. He can kill that.
Let's build a temple then. Probably need some upgrades. What is this? Herdman and berserks with dwar and arm, more resistance to hack attacks. Herdman and berserks, what is Herdman? Not sure about that. Wait, I had even Garrison, didn't know they could Garrison there. Even anti-cal infantry. Okay, I probably have lost the vill through fighting these. I had some low HP ones there. We should also be doing more of those. He's also third age. Hey, Kraken, we have a kraken. Let's do that as well since he's allowing us to have the fish. Go heal a little bit while we're waiting.
I see movement. What, my Kraken? Those are close combat ships. He's not attacking on north of s. What is this guy swimming? You can win this fight though. He has three town centers. Kraken is doing some work, cracking work. I want to build another town center as well. Hunt the Bears because why the hell not. Okay, he has deaths Herman hit point. Okay, we just want that one. I think I have so many resources. I need a market which I can build with my units. Not necessarily that. Market could have been used to start trade already as well. Stone, okay, let's just do that and that.
We need gold. Gold is our biggest use. My Cod powers score is actually not that far. Thought it would be way worse off. He's still making ships. Can I heal somehow? Should I make some more trolls? Do some battle. Kraken is definitely doing work though on water. Maybe he has ships now actually. Okay, we'll just continue with berserk hit points, but I'm not really making berserks. Do the throwing Axmen count as a Herdman given that he has a counter unit? I think it does, right? I'm a little bit confused still. I need food.
Navigating the chaos of strategy games: adapt, build, and conquer!
Gold is our biggest resource. My Cod powers score is actually not that far off; I thought it would be way worse. He's still making ships. Can I heal somehow? Should I make some more trolls to do some battle? The Kraken is definitely doing work on the water. Maybe he has ships now. Actually, we'll just continue with berserker hit points, but I'm not really making berserks. Do the throwing Axemen count as Herdman given that he has a counter unit? I think it does, right? I'm a little bit confused. I still need food. He used the god power just now; I don't know what he did. The game has become very okay. I guess we need to start farming. Not a fountain. Oh, I could heal the Kraken, true, and I could also try and take fights from the water area. There is a lot of favor spent. Is there no more food around? I guess I still want to make some dwarves. I don't know what he's doing. He became very passive all of a sudden. Maybe I should try to get to the next age. Oh, these guys are idle. Go there and farm.
He is making dwarves. What do I have against those? Only good against infantry, no good against cavalry. Okay, we make some of those. I want to make more longhouses. What was that? Oh, a dvergr. I spawned a dvergr. Wait, so this heals all ships as well? Ships get healed too. He's making Ares as well. I guess I want to just try and get to the next stage. We are idle because I told us to be idle. Oh no, it's just raining. Definitely want to make more longhouses and such. I think that's still fine. Try to attack here. I still hate that you cannot attack move on the minimap. He hasn't reacted yet to see what I'm doing there. He's now reacting, or doesn't seem to. Actually, they're very tanky. I'll just fall back and heal once the boar is low HP.
Restoring 3K food, why are we doing this? To repair it, or he was trying to repair it. Then we can try to advance. I need a hill fort for that. Can we build hill forts on the water? Oh, you can, that's nice. I should probably, you know what, why am I not doing this? Let's do that. Can we wall the water? Man, you can wall across the water. Walls cost gold. I'm sure I knew that sometime in the past. Okay, and then we'll just go to the next age. I'm going to already prepare markets for trade as well. We can make this into a gate, I guess, once we finish building. Myth is infantry. I'm going to infantry. I have too much infantry. Golden walls indeed. Turn this to a gate and check out if we can raid anything here. The troll is on the journey. How many buildings do I want? I guess it doesn't hurt to add some more and maybe finish those buildings. Sure, ballistics probably never hurts.
Relics, which one is it? Carry hit points 10%. Bro, bro, bro, wait, this actually unweds. Do I have a hero? Make a hero, go for that one. What's this? Range soldier, yes, please. Give me more heroes, please. Okay, we do a temple down here as well. Oh, the raid is off the charts. Why is he just idle? I guess he turned them all to heroes. SM Fender threat, I wouldn't know. I'm waiting for the next age now before I start attacking. He took back the Town Center once again.
I have no idea what I'm doing, but I'm just clicking things and it's working!
Maybe finish those buildings, sure. Ballistics probably never hurts. Relics, which one is it? Carry hit points, 10%. Bro, bro, bro, wait, this actually unwed. Do I have a hero? Make a hero, go for that one. What's this? Range soldier, yes, please give me more heroes, please.
We can do a temple down here as well. Oh, the raid is off the charts. Why is he just idle? I guess he turned them all to heroes. SM Fender threat, I wouldn't know. I'm waiting for the next age now before I start attacking. He took back the Town Center once again. We can make some siege, maybe can also do host calls now. Oh, he's trading. Oh, he got to the next stage before me. Do a market over here. He's got plenty of archers. Maybe I do want to make some H calls, something or this, sure. What is this? Sure, all seems like good things.
I think I should stop auto queuing bills, I have plenty. Just do all upgrades. I have no idea what I'm doing, but I'm just clicking things. What's this? Wait, he's actually getting wrecked by my Kraken. What do we have? We have a wolf. They get stronger in packs. I mean, I could probably go and raid a little bit more because why not. I need these upgrades though, 500 food, get Elite of that. Oh, wait, what is this? Man of War, such a wall boy, this guy. Strongest unit and ships, decent against buildings, siege weapon speed, sure. Why is that his color? Oh, I didn't send anything to take this relic.
Okay, we have that relic, so Cavalry will have more hit points, that's good. He still has a massive score there. I mean, he started trade before me as well. I need that one, both of them probably trade to the town there. Oh boy, incoming stone wall. I guess I could have upgraded that. Let's just try to attack here at the same time, run these guys away, turn those into those. Maybe he will fall back, no he won't. What is that sound? Sometimes there's just a random sound that shows up or I hear.
What do we have here? Leg Y, good against human soldiers, sure. Good against myth units, there are a couple of myth units in the mix here for him. See if we can bring this relic down here. I'm just going to go straight for his trade, honestly. Imagine his quite far. I'm also a bit scared of losing this area. Brings the relic to the temple. I don't know how this is going to go. Flood control V just got food from farms fast as, sure. What do I have here? Sure, oh let's go wolves.
He's taking my Town Center, he's taking my Town Center, guys fight. Oh wait, I got wolves here as well, what the hell. Wait, what's he doing? Oh, he teleported his whole army there. What, they have wolves everywhere. Wait, do they spawn the whole map or what? I got Rams here as well. Let's just focus on the... I think I lost my Armory. What is the lion thing? Berser, sure. Gold is becoming a problem. There's a gold in bottom here, we should probably keep some units there just in case. Very expensive to use once again if we want to do it again.
I mean, we both lost a lot here. I need to remake the Town Center, start adding more trade. Sorry guys, but it's time for you guys to go. Wait, I can try to transport the ails. What do I have here? Yon El, yo something. Let's wall up.
Winning isn't always about the score; it's about outlasting the pressure and making the right moves.
I think I lost my Armory. What is the lion thing? Berser? Sure. Gold is becoming a problem. There's gold at the bottom here; we should probably keep some units there just in case. It's very expensive to use once again if we want to do it again. I mean, we both lost a lot here. I need to remake the Town Center and start adding more trade.
Sorry guys, but it's time for you to go. Wait, I can try to transport the ails. What do I have here? Yon El? Yo, something. Let's wall up again. Can't believe I'm a wall boy. Did I bring the Relic in? I did. I don't see any more relics here on the map. Wait, there's a relic. Ox cart build time and house build time are not really important anymore. Wait, can I transport with these units as well? I think that's how it works. Let's take the dwarves. Yeah, I could have transported those as well, but I guess they have less.
For Town Center for more population, that makes sense. Do I have all upgrades now? Range of towers, boiling oil, sure. What is this? Line of sight? Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. We like just a sneaky landing here, right? Then we take that gold and try to work on the Town Center. My concern is that I didn't really do Ox Caravans. Why do you keep making my buildings disappear, bro? It's not fair. I feel like I'm winning the game though. I'll build a new one if you're going to be like that.
Wait, hold on, you can transport there? Oh wait, you can spawn. Isn't that broken if I can just randomly spawn like a tier four Beast like that? That seems insane. Okay, that's a cheeky one. We can take that gold. He's dying as fast as he spawned, but the point still stands. We're getting some trade cards up and running as well now. Those towers have good upgrades by the looks of it. I need gold. Yeah, send some carriages to the top.
No more automatic villager production, please. Thank you. I am comfortable with how this is playing out right now. What is this? P L? Oh, pigeon, okay. Tower rushing, they kill, they get 300. Oh yeah, true. I just fed him gold now with the... Wait, he has llama C. I have Ox Caravans. Makes sense actually, but does this also count for Caravans? House card, no, not Caravans. We should send some more units down here to raid these gold miners.
Oh wait, they're building a Titan thing. It's a Titan gate. Get it. I thought it was just building something else. Don't want to build here. I can do Titan gate too, right? Do I kill it fast if I just target it down? I think I'm just going to target it for the most part. GG. Nice. I don't have a favor for the Fimble Winter. Wish I did though.
Okay, I mean, I felt like I got absolutely stomped in the opening when he came with those... Do you remember what they were? Those annoying things. He had a constant score lead for the most part, but then in the mid-game, I felt like his pressure wore off. I like the gameplay in Age of Mythology. I love it. This is right up my alley when it comes to strategic choices and decision-making.
Mastering strategy games is all about timing and resource management!
I think I'm just going to Target it for the most part. GG. Nice. I don't have a favor for the Fimble Winter, wish I did though. Oh, okay. I mean, I felt like I got absolutely stomped in the opening when he came with those annoying things. He had a constant score lead for the most part, but then like in the mid-game, I felt like his pressure wore off. I like the gameplay, Edge Mythology over. I love it. This is right up my alley when it comes to set strategic choices and decision-making. There are certain aspects of micro as well.
He played Cronos. Okay, sco didn't matter that much. I don't know how to read the score sometimes; I feel like it's very inaccurate. So he played Cronos, he did a really fast rush with those units, and he can remove my temple just like that, snap his fingers, and my temple is gone. I did not enjoy that part. I need to be better at starting trade earlier when I feel like the game is heading towards gold disappearing. But yeah, getting Town Centers and controlling Town Centers is crucial for population space and denying your opponent population space. I need to be way better at managing my economy and spending resources.
David Kum, thank you for the subs. Welcome AFC dream, 9 months. Morte with the 4 months, Om Martinelli 6 months, Raging Poner with the prime, Alam with the prime as well, thank you very much. Could Del play? Anyone can play the qualifiers; you just have to be good enough. You've got Eco upgrade for a long time. I did my eco upgrades fairly quickly, I think. Let's see post-game here. We're winning all the stats overall in the end, which makes sense.
Timeline. No statistics here, that's what I want to see. So he got more food, he got more wood. I got a little bit more gold. I got a lot more favor. I also have fishing ships. I really wonder how much of a difference fishing ships make. Is it worth it even? Is water that important compared to Age of Empire 2 or A4? Because in those games, having fishing ships versus the opponent is a massive difference. Do you like reusable powers? I do, yeah. You think fish kept me alive? That would make sense since he didn't do a dock. So fish is greater than farms, but it's not greater than, for example, hunting. Now water means you will be behind. Okay, so water is still important, but it's not as important, I reckon, as in, for example, AOE2.
Classical Age, he was a little bit faster. Hero Age as well. We followed a similar thread the whole game; he was slightly faster. I had a lot more researches than him in the end. I also don't know what unit is correct for me to make. He had a lot of archers towards the end. Are archers just regular archers good against infantry? And he made, what else did he make? I don't remember anymore what he had. Yeah, Herses seem very good because they spawn random myth units, and if you spawn suddenly like the dragon thing, for example, that's pretty bonkers. Yon El is good against human soldiers and ships. Yeah, makes sense. He started trade faster than me as well, but I guess in the end, I just got a better army and took better fights. Cool, I enjoyed that.