Umi Kena Fitnah

Even boys can be victims—speak up and seek help.

Asalamualaikum, Umi. Asalamualaikum, Umi. Oh, Umi where is the person not here, huh? / Surprise for what, Om? You are surprised, right? Congratulations, you got pranked. / The camera is a bit different, Umi, now, right? Now Umi makes funny videos, Risma, on Facebook Pro. / Pretty good to get some money, oh the happiness.

Udah tua, Umi. Alangkah baiknya kita itu melakukan hal yang bermanfaat seperti ibadah, sedekah, dan bertakwa. Insyaallah itu akan membuat hidup kita bahagia. / Eh, why is Risma the one giving a sermon? What does the teacher want to come here for, Risma? / This Umi's party is so intense later I want to. / Umi, Astagfirullahalazim, what is this? / Sinful, Umi. Fari has sinned. Forgive Fari, Umi. / What do you mean, Fari? Umi doesn't understand what you mean. / Fari has been harassed by Stella and her friends, Umi. / Fari is no longer a virgin.

Hah, Astagfirullahalazim. / So strange, usually, the case is that women are harassed. This can also be a man. What should Fari do, Umi? / Fari feels sinful and Fari is disgraced. / Fari now bathes and prays for repentance, asks Allah for forgiveness, my child. / Let Umi go to Stella's house. / Yes, Umi. Really, I said earlier, Kak. / Very soft Fahri. Yes right, Dik? / Fahri is still innocent that's why crunchy and tasty. / Later when we meet let's do it again, Kak. / Ih, don't, Dik. His brother felt sorry when we did it earlier, he cried. / Couldn't bear it. Look for another prey, Kak. Like using this brother's belorong, Dek.

[Laughing] Mercy, Bargas from Mandose usual with just executed with his younger siblings ready e k Nun just saw his brother usual long younger siblings just we this Rara from Siantar this Baby from Langsa. / More and more Bargas in Binja this, right, Mak. Ih, dizzy Kik. / Yes, Kak Bargas. / Our UMKM just murceak-murcek. / C lah, Kak. / We in Medan not selling well that's why we went to Binj. / When will you sell, Dek? / Your face, Kak, iguana. / Scared. Eh, so pretty setel this time. / Her face is like capong ih. / Alright, Dek, you take care of your younger siblings. / Tell Kay how to play. / Mak, sell it. / Why our younger siblings it's also dizzying to take care of them no income. / Ah, her brother has retired. / No longer playing this kind of thing. / Already tired, ih, in the entertainment world like this, Dek. / Ah, no substance. Ih, no ah tired yes, Kik. / So, Mak, if so, captus us. / Heeh, yes, Dek. / Call Kelan hurts his brother's eyes looking at your friends. Ih, their form is like ceng gondok. / How can I sell them? Ih, 300 also not selling canceled. / What happens is dropping my personal branding.

Mak, Asalamualaikum. Asalamualaikum. / Waalaikumsalam. Why come to people's houses banging on the door like that not mature, Um? / This heh if you want to ask for donations nicely to the person don't Asalamualaikum. Asalamualaikum. Asalamualaikum. Ih, people also lazy. Asking for donations just wait a bit to look for it first Bang my change 00,000 only 2,000. / Really rude, Umi, right? / Heh, are you drunk? I came here not to beg. / I want to talk to Stella. Where is your child? / Why are you looking for her? Want to borrow money? / Yes. Oh, so the Quran teacher also lacks. / No salary money, huh? / Shut up, animal. / Faris has been harassed by Stella and her friends. / Where is she now, huh?

Jangan asal nuduh tanpa bukti, didik anak dengan baik.

Sumbangan baik-baik sama orangnya. "Asalamualaikum, Asalamualaikum, Asalamualaikum," kata seseorang. Namun, orang lain menjawab dengan malas, "Ih, orang pun malas minta sumbangan kan. Bentar, cari dulu Bang recekku, Rp00.000 e 2.000 aja." Reaksi tersebut dianggap tidak sopan oleh Umi yang kemudian berkata, "Heh, mabuk kau ya? Aku datang ke sini bukan untuk minta-minta, aku mau ngomong sama Stella. Mana anakmu? Ngapain kok nyari-nyari dia, mau ngutang ya?" Orang tersebut menjawab, "Oh, berarti guru ngaji suka kekurangan juga ya, enggak ada uang gajennya ya?" Umi dengan marah membalas, "Tutup mulutmu binatang! Si Faris sudah dilecehkan sama Stella dan kawan-kawannya. Ke mana dia sekarang, hah?"/Donate properly to people. "Asalamualaikum, Asalamualaikum, Asalamualaikum," someone said. However, someone else lazily responded, "Ugh, people are also lazy to ask for donations. Wait, let me find some change, Rp00.000 and 2,000 only." This reaction was considered impolite by Umi who then said, "Hey, are you drunk? I didn't come here to beg, I want to talk to Stella. Where is your child? Why are you looking for her, do you want to owe money?" That person replied, "Oh, so religious teachers also lack money, don't they get paid?" Umi angrily retorted, "Shut your mouth, animal! Faris has been harassed by Stella and her friends. Where is she now, huh?"

Orang tersebut terkejut, "Dilecehkan? Gak salah dengar aku ini, heh Umi. Biasanya di mana-mana itu perempuan yang dilecehkan, apa pula tiba-tiba ada laki-laki yang dilecehkan. Eh, udah sedeng ini, udah kena ini otaknya ini ya, hah? Mana pula gak ada buktinya. Apa pula laki-laki jadi korban?" Umi menjawab dengan tegas, "Ada anakku korbannya dan itu buktinya, baju Faris koyak-koyak dan mukanya penuh lipstik. Itu adalah perbuatan anakmu dan kawan-kawannya."/The person was shocked, "Harassed? I didn't hear wrong, did I, Umi? Usually, it's women who are harassed everywhere, how come suddenly a man is harassed. Eh, he's gone crazy, his brain is affected, huh? There's no evidence. How can a man be a victim?" Umi firmly replied, "My son is the victim and here is the evidence, Faris' clothes are torn and his face is full of lipstick. That's the doing of your child and her friends."

Orang tersebut tertawa, "Sakit perutku, heh. Nanti memang anak kau yang mau, yang kegatalan sama anak aku. Karena takut ketahuan sama Umi, dia pulang makanya nuduh anak aku. Sejarahnya gak ada itu laki-laki dilecehkan perempuan, yang ada perempuan dilecehkan laki-laki. Anak kau yang biadap, yang gak ada otaknya, yang sedeng, yang gak tahan nafsu."/The person laughed, "My stomach hurts, heh. Maybe your son wanted it, he was itching for my daughter. Because he was afraid of being caught by you, he accused my daughter when he got home. There's no history of men being harassed by women, only women being harassed by men. Your son is the savage one, who has no brain, who is insane, who can't control his desires."

Umi dengan tegas berkata, "Oke, aku tahu siapa anakku. Aku besarkan dan didik dengan adab yang baik. Aku pun tahu anakku, tapi kau gagal mendidiknya. Seharusnya kau menjadi seorang ibu yang mendidik dengan akhlak yang baik, bukan menjadi sarang dosa." Orang tersebut membalas, "Hei Umi, kau dengar aku udah betul mendidik anak. Jangan mentang-mentang Stella bentuknya kayak gitu, kau pikir Stella kegatalan kali. Hatinya baik, memang luarnya kayak gitu. Aku gak salah mendidik anak ya, jangan ngerasa orang yang paling benar lah Umi. Kita sebagai orang tua gak perlu diajarkan lagi kayak mana cara mendidik anak, udah tahu ya kau pula mau ngajarkan aku."/Umi firmly said, "Okay, I know who my child is. I raised and educated him with good manners. I know my child, but you failed to educate yours. You should be a mother who educates with good morals, not a nest of sin." The person replied, "Hey Umi, you hear me, I have educated my child properly. Don't think just because Stella looks like that, you think she's itching. She has a good heart, even if her appearance is like that. I didn't fail to educate my child, don't act like you're the only one who's right, Umi. We parents don't need to be taught how to raise children, you should know that, and you want to teach me."

Umi tidak terima, "Hei Umi, kau jangan asal nuduh. Kau fitnah ini namanya. Mana buktinya? Hah, katanya guru ngaji, padahal sok suci kau." Orang tersebut menegaskan, "Memang itu kenyataannya dan itu buktinya. Iya, Umiku sayang, Umi yang hatinya bersih, yang ingin dihormati, dan yang ingin dipanggil Ustazah. Hei, biar kau tahu ya Umi, Stella itu enggak murahan kali ya, enggak gatal kali. Hah, dia mau cuma sama orang yang berduit. Ngapain dia enak-enak sama anakmu yang gak ada duitnya sama sekali. Makanya Umi kalau belajar agama jangan sendiri, apalagi cuma nonton dari YouTube. Kita butuh bimbingan Umi ya, biar enggak gerot kali otakmu itu. Ih, kau belajar agama sendiri tinggi pula itu, gak tahu kajiannya apa, jadi seperti malaikat. Semua orang di kampung ini salah kau bikin."/Umi did not accept it, "Hey Umi, don't make random accusations. This is slander. Where's the proof? Huh, you call yourself a religious teacher, but you're so pretentious." The person asserted, "That's the reality and that's the proof. Yes, my dear Umi, Umi with a clean heart who wants to be respected and wants to be called Ustazah. Hey, just so you know, Umi, Stella isn't cheap, she isn't itching. Hah, she only wants to be with people who have money. Why would she want to have fun with your son who has no money at all? That's why, Umi, when you study religion, don't do it alone, especially just by watching YouTube. We need proper guidance, Umi, so your brain doesn't get so twisted. Ugh, you study religion alone and think you're so high, you don't even know what the studies are about, acting like an angel. You've made everyone in this village wrong."

Umi menantang, "Baiklah kalau kau gak bisa ngajarin anakmu, biar aku yang ngasih pelajaran. Aran apa? Ngaji hadis, fikih, udah tamat anakku, gak usah kau ajarin lagi guru ngaji kampung. Aneh kali datang ke rumah orang marah-marah gak jelas."/Umi challenged, "Alright, if you can't teach your child, let me give her a lesson. What do you mean? My child has finished studying hadiths and jurisprudence, no need for you to teach anymore, village religious teacher. It's strange to come to someone's house and get angry for no clear reason."

Kemudian, seseorang datang dan bertanya, "Permisi Bu Isa, nampak Stella gak?" Bu Isa menjawab, "Gak nampak Umi, makasih ya." Umi dengan marah berkata, "Ke mana kamu Stella, beraninya ganggu anak saya. Awas saja kalau jumpa Umi, saya habisin."/Then, someone came and asked, "Excuse me, Mrs. Isa, have you seen Stella?" Mrs. Isa replied, "No, Umi, thank you." Umi angrily said, "Where are you, Stella, daring to disturb my child. Just wait if we meet, I'll finish you."

Di tempat lain, seseorang mengeluh, "Aduh, siapa mah Maa ya, Umi ah yang sakitan kepalaku. Jang, eh kenapa marah-marah itu Umi? Ditendangnya tadi galon ini Kak, kepala belakangku untung takot." Orang lain menjawab, "Eh, kenapa ditendang galon ini? Apa ada masalah rupanya galon ini sama Umi? Tak ada salahnya galon ini sama Umi, aku pun tahungk yangm diaang dapatnya dia itu kurasa Wak n kita pun kan gitu kalau lagi dapat emosi, perut kita sakit, pikiran kita entah kayak mana mau marah aja, makanya ditendangnya galon ini kena kepalamu. Alah Mak bayoh enggaknya./Somewhere else, someone complained, "Oh, who is it, Maa, Umi is hurting my head. Jang, eh why is Umi so angry? She kicked this gallon earlier, fortunately, it hit the back of my head." Another person replied, "Eh, why did she kick this gallon? Does Umi have a problem with this gallon? This gallon has no quarrel with Umi, I also know that when we get emotional, our stomach hurts, our mind gets so confused, and we just want to get angry, that's why she kicked this gallon and it hit your head. Oh, dear, at least."

Drama di kampung: Guru ngaji ketahuan nyiksa anak-anak, warga marah besar!

[Music] /

You, oh who? Is it Maa, Umi, my head hurts Jang. Eh, why is Umi so angry? She just kicked this water gallon, Sis, it hit the back of my head luckily I was scared. Eh, why did she kick this water gallon? Is there a problem between this gallon and Umi? There’s nothing wrong with this gallon and Umi. I too somehow feel that she got it, I guess. We too act like that when we are emotional, our stomach hurts, our mind is confused, we just want to be angry that’s why she kicked this gallon and it hit your head. Oh Mak, it's not like that when we get it, Mak Nong. I also feel it but I can control my emotions. Hah, but it seems like Mak Nong has other issues with Umi. I know Umi well, she can control her emotions, hold herself back when she gets it, not getting angry. Umi must be hiding something.

Even if she has a problem, what problem could it be I wonder. Oh my gosh, I don't know either. Do you think I'm God who knows every problem? Oh ah, you are so rude to elders like that, this is what happens when you are disrespectful. Come here, come here, dare you. [Laughter] Ouch, ouch, ouch. Hey, what's wrong with you Umi? Why are you acting like this towards my friend, huh? Shut up you wild animal. Hey, what's wrong with you? Hey, realize that you are a religious teacher, right? Why are you speaking like that? You are rude, you should be a role model instead of speaking like that. And what about you my friend? Don’t talk back, what did you do to my child Fari, huh? Hehe, we didn’t do anything to Fari, we treated him well. Don’t judge by the appearance, it’s Fari who was being flirty couldn’t resist seeing our thighs, that’s why we felt harassed, we felt humiliated in Fari’s eyes. We should be the ones angry with Umi. Quiet, don’t you cry. You are a lying hypocrite destined for hell.

[Music] Never disturb my child, let alone harass Fahi. You will face me. Dek, help your sister. Dek, beat Rara baby, beat Rumi. Don’t show mercy, the slap hurts so much. Move forward, you’re disrespectful. Come on Rara, hit Umi. Ouch, ouch, ouch, yes ouch, ouch, ouch. [Music] Come here, you devil, my patience has run out yaumi. Ah, ouch. [Music] Ahah, playing around like this. [Music] You are cursed, you are cursed woman descendant of the devil. Help, help my child is being beaten Ma help. [Applause] Set it up, three times Umi dares with children, oh God Umi shouldn't act like this. Umi, you are a religious teacher but you are torturing people, oh God Umi is so evil, destroying the community. Oh, Astagfirullahalazim. What's happening, look Mr. RT. If I had been late, my child's kidneys would have been crushed by Umi three times oh my. Help Mr. RT, what to do oh God Umi, I as RT am very disappointed with Umi's actions towards Stella. I did not expect Umi to be so cruel. Astagfirullahalazim, Umi as a religious teacher in this village should set a good example for the children, not behavior like this. Astagfirullahalazim, you all see with your own eyes here witnesses to my child being beaten by Umi. She is a religious teacher in this village but acts like a devil. We shouldn't learn from her, she is evil to be a religious teacher.

[Music] Yes, that's right, you have no heart. [Applause] [Music] I want to look for a house. [Music] Ask Bettil for a cheap one. [Music] Move forward Kamer. [Music] Raise it a bit more, just a bit more. Yes, raise it a bit more if possible. Rolling and action. [Music] Okay Cut. Okay cut rolling and action. What’s wrong with Umi, you are sinful. [Music] Umi look at the camera. [Applause] [Music] [Music]