True Sidereal Astrology vs Tropical Astrology with Athen Chimenti (Must See!)

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True siderial astrology aligns with the actual positions of the stars, offering a more accurate reflection of the cosmos than traditional Western methods.

Welcome to the Crypto Astro Podcast. I have a special guest today, his name is Athen, and he is a siderial astrologer. I just discovered Athen and the work he does with siderial astrology a few weeks ago. After studying Western astrology for almost a decade now, I am being introduced to this different type of astrology. You might be surprised to learn that there is a chance that siderial could actually be more accurate.

So, welcome Athen, and thank you for coming on the show. I would love to ask you about your story. Did you start off originally with Western astrology, and how did you discover true siderial?

Athen responds, "Thanks for having me on, Jack. It's great to be here! Yes, I was doing tropical astrology, like pretty much everyone else in the West. For those that don't know, there are basically two main forms of astrology used in the world: tropical astrology, which is mostly used in the West, and siderial astrology, which is mostly used in the East, at least in this kind of mainstream astrological culture.

The main difference is that tropical astrology uses the seasons. That's why, with Sun Signs in the West, you always hear that if you are born during a specific date, you are that sign. This is because the zodiac is fixed around the seasons; right at the beginning of the Spring Equinox is the beginning of the zodiac. So, on that first day we enter the Spring Equinox, it starts with Aries in tropical astrology.

However, the truth is that the sun does not actually come back to the same spot every year. If the sun did return to the same position each year, we would be in a tropical sky, and we would always have the sun in the same sign during the Spring Equinox. But the sun is not returning to the exact same position; it changes very subtly, only one degree every 72 years. There are 360 degrees in the wheel, and it only changes one degree every 72 years. Over a long enough period, like where we are today—basically 2,000 years after tropical astrology was established—we have a whole sign, and sometimes up to two signs, different. Right now, at the beginning of this Spring Equinox, it is Pisces, not Aries anymore. It used to be Aries, but now it's Pisces. This phenomenon is called precession for those who want to delve deeper into it.

This is where siderial comes in. Siderial astrology says, 'Okay, we want to stay true to the sky; we want to see exactly where the sun is at this time.' The Hindu astrologers are the main users of siderial astrology, which is why I mentioned the East. They have still been using siderial.

Now, both systems—tropical and siderial—use an even 30 degrees for the zodiac signs: 30° Aries, 30° Taurus, and so forth. However, the truth is that they are different sizes, and that is where true siderial comes in. True siderial looks at the actual size of the constellations as our ancestors intended them to be when they were initially created, likely pre-Babylonian and much further back than that.

Like everyone else, I was using tropical astrology in the West. I always knew about siderial astrology; if you're into astrology, most of you are aware of the fact that there is siderial. However, it didn't really hit me until one day when I wanted to see what the full moon looked like using one of these modern apps. You just hold your phone up to the planetarium maps. I thought, 'Alright, let me check out this moon in Gemini.' So, I went up and held my phone up, and sure enough, it was a moon in Taurus. When I actually saw it visually, it really hit me. Thanks to technology, we now have software that allows us to look at the placements. From that day forward, I started slowly incorporating more and more. I began with regular siderial, but as I mentioned, that doesn't match the actual constellations either because of the different sizes. I then slowly morphed into true siderial.

So here I am today, using what I believe is as close as you can get to the visual sky. There are no exact starting and ending points; there are no lines between the stars in the sky. If there were, it would make our lives easier. Instead, we are using a midpoint method, which is the halfway points, and to me, this is the most accurate way to interpret the sky as you would see it visually.

=> 00:05:08

Embrace true siderial astrology for a clearer, more accurate reflection of the cosmos as it truly appears, aligning your life with the stars our ancestors revered.

Thanks to technology, we now have software that allows us to actually look at the placements of celestial bodies. From that day forward, I have been slowly incorporating more and more into my practice. I started with regular sidereal astrology, but as I mentioned, that doesn't match the actual constellations due to their different sizes. I then gradually transitioned into true sidereal astrology, and here I am today, using what I believe is as close as you can get to the visual sky.

There are no exact starting and ending points in the sky; there are no lines between the stars. If there were, it would make our lives easier. Instead, we are using a sort of midpoint method, which is based on the halfway points. To me, this is the most accurate representation of how you would see it visually. The true sidereal chart, which we have on the website, reflects the exact location of the planets at the time of your birth. I recommend everyone input their birth details to see where the planets were positioned. For activities like trading or anything else, I find this method to be more accurate because we are using the actual sky and the constellational energy that I believe our ancestors intended.

They could have created the stars and zodiac lines in different areas, but they chose these specific ones for a very specific reason. Initially, I might have been a bit more resistant to this information, but a couple of years ago, I looked at an app on my phone called Sky View. There are many different apps available to observe the sky and constellations. I noticed that the moon was in a different sign, which struck me as odd. I thought maybe the app was wrong, but I kept noticing this over the years, which opened me up to the information regarding true sidereal astrology.

I have watched some of your videos, and you mentioned that Western tropical astrology can still be accurate predictively because the aspects and houses are the same as in true sidereal astrology. So, true sidereal, sidereal, and tropical astrology, as we have discussed, are essentially just different Zodiac systems. The Zodiac system is merely a way of deriving the zodiac signs, and there is also a house system for the houses. You could even say there are aspect systems, but all three of these are independent of each other.

You can use tropical astrology with any house system, and true sidereal astrology with any house system as well. If two astrologers were using the same house system but different zodiac systems, then the signs would be the only difference. This is where I diverge from the mainstream. For those familiar with tropical astrology, Placidus or some sort of quadrant system is usually the most commonly used. However, with true sidereal astrology, I prefer to use an equal house system.

Many Western tropical astrologers also use the equal house system, but this is a significant area where I deviate. To briefly describe it, quadrant systems like Placidus divide the sky by Northeast, South, and West, while the equal system divides the sky equally. I prefer this method because I want to maintain the visual representation of the sky. The highest part of the chart should correspond to the highest part of the sky. The only way to achieve that is by equally dividing the sky. When you start dividing by cardinal directions, you end up with skewed houses—some larger and some smaller—because true north or true south isn't always in that same higher part of the sky, known as the midheaven, which oscillates above the sky.

This is why I use the equal house system; I want the chart to remain as true to the sky as possible, exactly how we would see it visually. Additionally, I use a topocentric approach, which focuses on the surface of the Earth instead of the center of the Earth, which is the geocentric perspective. Geocentric is something that tropical astrologers use almost exclusively, but I also incorporate this method, which primarily changes the position of the moon.

=> 00:09:28

True astrology aligns with the sky as we see it, not just the charts we create.

When dividing up the sky, once you start dividing by Northeast, South, and West, you begin to get a skewed representation of houses. Some houses appear larger while others are smaller. This discrepancy arises because true north or true south isn't always located in the same higher part of the sky; it is referred to as the midad and oscillates above the sky. Therefore, I use an equal house system because I want the chart to stay as true to the sky as possible, reflecting exactly how we would see it visually.

In addition, I utilize a topocentric approach, which focuses on the surface of the Earth rather than the center, as is done in geocentric systems. Geocentric methods are predominantly used by tropical astrologers. The topocentric method primarily affects the moon and the nodes, as they are closely associated with Earth. When discussing true sidereal, sidereal, or tropical, we are essentially referring to the signs or the Zodiac system.

Regarding my astrology software, AST Gold, it may not be capable of performing true sidereal calculations, as it primarily supports tropical systems such as Fagan Allen, Lahiri, Deluche, Raman, Usha, Shashi, Krishna Merti, D Cool, Draconic, and SVP. To achieve true sidereal calculations, one must adjust the sizes of the constellations. There are only a couple of software options available for this, one of which is called Prometheus, which I use and is available on my website. Another option is a browser-based software called Astro App, which I have not used and therefore cannot recommend, but I know they include my system, Chimenti.

Solar Fire does offer a constellational overlay, but it does not integrate the International Astronomical Union (IAU) boundaries directly into the charts you are examining. Instead, it provides an overlay that can be applied to an existing chart to display the constellations. This brings me to another point about true sidereal astrology. Most systems that claim to be true sidereal or astronomical astrology utilize the IAU boundaries. The IAU was established by astronomers, not astrologers, and they created boundaries for all constellations, not just the zodiac signs. These boundaries are represented as boxes around each constellation in planetarium software.

However, the IAU's boundaries were not designed with astrology in mind. In astrology, we focus on the ecliptic or the path of the planets, which is crucial for determining the exact constellation in which the planets reside. The IAU's method of defining boundaries seems arbitrary, as they did not reference the ecliptic, leading to discrepancies. For instance, some signs may extend into the ecliptic or overlap with other signs due to their angled positions. Consequently, these boundaries can be quite inaccurate when checked against planetarium software.

Unfortunately, software like Solar Fire primarily uses the IAU boundaries, which are not as precise. There are only a couple of software options that can accurately utilize true sidereal calculations. Alternatively, using a planetarium app or software to input a date in the past or future can effectively show the exact positions of the planets. This method is also valid for astrological purposes if you wish to see the planetary positions accurately.

=> 00:13:33

Stay open-minded; exploring new perspectives can transform your understanding of astrology and yourself.

Whatever and so those boundaries are quite inaccurate if you were to check using a planetarium software. Again, referencing planets, it is important to note that unfortunately, software like Solar Fire does have these constellations, but anytime you're seeing constellations now, you're pretty much, and if it's involving a boundary, it's pretty much exclusively using the IAU boundaries, which are also, again, not as accurate.

So, yeah, unfortunately, there's only like two softwares that can use the true sidereal. Of course, there's planetarium software. I mean, there's really nothing wrong with, you know, just typing in a date in the past or a date in the future in a planetarium app or software and seeing exactly where the planets are that way; that works too. But if you do want it in an astrological chart, yeah, there are really only the two options: Prometheus and then Astro App.

Okay, I want to talk about the importance of open-mindedness versus closed-mindedness. People can either, you know, be open-minded to this new information—which I think is probably going to be new for a lot of people—or just reject it, and you know, that's okay too. This information is not for those people. But for me, I always want to remain as open-minded as I can because, yeah, you know, there's a lot of information out there, and we're learning new things every day about, in my opinion, human history is changing, you know, and then in this case, what we understand about astrology.

So, have you helped a lot of people kind of go through that process of, you know, going from, I guess, more tropical to learning true sidereal? What is that process like? Yeah, I take a more kind of laissez-faire attitude. I still believe that all systems are accurate for their intended purpose. So, I still think tropical has its uses. Again, with tropical, it's a seasonal system, so you're looking at the person or the situation if you're doing, you know, these kinds of mundane things like trading and stuff.

But, it's called mundane astrology—not that it's mundane—but, you know, you can look at the person or that event from that angle of the tropical lens. When you're doing that, you're viewing it through the seasonal lens, if you will, right? This is that more physical lens, as I describe it. If you think about what the seasons are, it's like we're kind of fixed in these consistent reoccurring patterns, what the Hindus might call the kind of karmic patterns of the earth.

So, that's what I think tropical is showing, and it does a really accurate job of showing the more physical parts of the self, especially with the sun because it's directly related to the seasons. The ascendant is another one that really shows more the physical self compared to sidereal, which doesn't show the physical self. So, there are a lot of advantages that tropical has.

But, yeah, for those that are like, you know, "What? Tropical has been used forever; why would I change it? It's working. Sidereal? Whatever. I don't want to use it," fine, you know, it's no big deal. It's like if it's something that resonates with you, use it. But for those that are, you know, again curious and, like you said, open-minded, yeah, I highly recommend exploring it and just seeing if it resonates.

Now, if you do go into this thing with cognitive dissonance, which is a very common symptom of shifting a chart almost completely—where you know you're so used to your tropical chart and those signs, then all of a sudden you're in many cases like 80-90% of your signs are different—then, yeah, this is where, again, I think it's important to look at it as you're only looking at that part of the self.

Okay, so there's the tropical lens, and then what I believe true sidereal is, is the most fundamental lens. So, I do advocate for that; I do believe that the true sidereal chart is the original chart, and then you're just creating derivatives from there. Yes, I believe tropical is a derivative of the original sky. I believe mainstream sidereal is a derivative of the original sky. It doesn't mean it's less accurate; it just means that, again, the true sky, I believe, is the fundamental.

From there, you can create charts of charts, which I do, which we all do as astrologers. Like, the progress chart is a chart of a chart. You create charts of charts or these derivative charts in order to look at it from that lens. So, if the true sidereal resonates, that's the fundamental self, I believe.

=> 00:17:39

True sidereal astrology reveals the fundamental self, while tropical astrology reflects our physical existence. Embrace both perspectives to understand the full spectrum of who you are.

In discussing astrology, I believe that true siderial is the most fundamental lens through which to view astrological charts. I advocate for this perspective, asserting that the true siderial chart is the original chart from which all derivatives are created. In my view, tropical astrology is a derivative of the original sky, as is mainstream siderial. This does not imply that these derivatives are less accurate; rather, it emphasizes that the true sky is the foundational element. From this fundamental perspective, astrologers can create various charts, such as progress charts, which are essentially "charts of charts."

If the true siderial resonates with someone, I believe that it represents their fundamental self. From there, one can explore the tropical self or the mainstream self, as well as various zodiac systems, each of which offers slightly different signs. Each of these systems provides a unique perspective on astrology. Just like in any other medium, utilizing multiple methods of analysis can be beneficial, provided that one maintains the context of the discussion. Here, the context revolves around the true self, true sky, and real sky, which can be seen as the fundamental or spiritual self. In contrast, the tropical perspective might be viewed as more aligned with the physical or seasonal self.

For me personally, both systems resonate. I have found many aspects of tropical astrology that align with my experiences, but I recently discovered true siderial astrology, which shifted my sun sign from Aquarius to Capricorn. Interestingly, my moon sign remained in Pisces, while my ascendant changed from Aries to Pisces. Additionally, my Mars sign transitioned from Taurus to Aries, which felt quite significant. Each of these changes has resonated with me in different ways.

I have also observed how these astrological shifts resonate with others in my life. For instance, my wife’s signs changed from a Capricorn sun to a Sagittarius sun, and she, too, finds elements that resonate with both systems. I appreciate the explanation that tropical astrology may represent our physical selves, while true siderial feels more aligned with the mental or spiritual aspects of our being.

When I looked up my father's chart, I found that he is a typical Aries in the tropical system, embodying all the classic Aries qualities. However, in true siderial, he shifts to Pisces, landing right on the cusp. This has been a point of contemplation for me, as I struggle to envision my dad as a Pisces. He is a competitive, hardworking lawyer and exhibits many feisty Aries traits.

In this scenario, I wonder what approach to take. Should I simply go with what resonates? I recall your explanation about the cusp, where you mentioned that it can go either way. You suggested that someone on the cusp embodies a blend of both signs. This concept is significant; the Zodiac wheel represents the life cycle, beginning with Aries and concluding with Pisces. Aries symbolizes the birth of identity, akin to a child emerging from the womb, while Pisces represents the womb itself, the spiritual realm. Thus, when someone is born on the cusp, it symbolizes a blend of both identities, reflecting the duality of their nature.

=> 00:22:05

The Zodiac is not just a set of rigid signs; it's a fluid cycle of life, evolving from one energy to the next, reflecting our own journey of growth and identity.

The concept of the Zodiac wheel is very important, as it represents the life cycle that we all experience. It starts with Aries and ends with Pisces, mirroring the cycles of the seasons. This overlay of the Zodiac on the seasons illustrates how these energies manifest throughout life.

Aries symbolizes the beginning, akin to the birth of a child. In this context, Pisces represents the womb, the ethers, and the spiritual realm. When a child is born, it emerges from the womb into Aries, becoming aware of its identity. This initial stage is characterized by a basic understanding of separation from the mother and the realization of personal needs. As we progress through Aries, the energy evolves, becoming more assertive and independent, which then transitions into Taurus. Taurus embodies self-reliance and a grounded sense of self, continuing the evolution of life as we move through the Zodiac.

When discussing cusp energy, it is essential to recognize that we are not strictly dealing with either sign. Instead, as one approaches the middle of Aries, for example, they embody a blend of both Aries and Pisces energies. In the case of your father, who is at the very beginning of Aries, you will observe qualities such as initiative and a sense of separation, which are characteristic of early Aries. This pattern is consistent throughout the entire Zodiac.

Unlike mainstream systems like tropical astrology, which define signs as exactly 30 degrees, the reality is more nuanced. The energies are barometric, slowly moving and evolving from one sign to the next. Even if someone is firmly in Aries, if they are at the end of that sign, they may already exhibit qualities of Taurus. Therefore, it is crucial to view the Zodiac as a spectrum, reflecting the evolution of life rather than rigid boundaries between signs.

In the case of your father, it is important to consider the blending of Pisces and Aries. Interestingly, the later part of Pisces can be very independent and self-aware, similar to Aries. Many athletes, for instance, often embody this late Pisces and early Aries energy, which is driven by dreams, ideals, and a strong sense of self-actualization.

I understand your skepticism regarding the hard lines that separate signs, particularly the transition from 29 degrees Pisces to Aries. It seems arbitrary to define an exact moment when everything changes, especially when observing the vast constellations in the sky, which lack clear boundaries. This perspective resonates intuitively.

Additionally, I would like to discuss Pluto transits. In Western astrology, there was significant attention on Pluto entering Capricorn in 2008, coinciding with the great financial crisis. Many astrologers attribute this crisis to Pluto bringing destruction and transformation in its wake.

=> 00:26:27

Change is inevitable; as we shift from one astrological era to another, our perspectives and societal structures transform profoundly.

Pisces and right when it goes into Aries, everything changes. It's interesting to note that this transition doesn't necessarily resonate with everyone. It raises the question: who defines that exact line? When you look in the sky, there are these massive constellations, and there isn't a clear line indicating where one ends and another begins. This observation makes a lot of sense intuitively.

I also want to ask you about the Pluto transits. In Western astrology, particularly tropical astrology, everyone was talking about how Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008, which coincided with the great financial crisis. Western astrology suggests that this was due to Pluto bringing the destruction of the old structures associated with Capricorn. However, in true sidereal astrology, it discusses how Pluto was moving from Scorpio to Sagittarius. Could you provide the dates for when Pluto was ingressing into Sagittarius? Was it through the year 2000?

Technically, Pluto's ingress into Sagittarius started in 2007. When dealing with these very outer planets, their ingresses take multiple years because they move very slowly and often go retrograde. They gradually dip back in closer every year. This timing coincides perfectly with the 2007-2008 economic situation we witnessed. Currently, Pluto is just now entering Capricorn.

To recap, in tropical astrology, Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008, while in true sidereal astrology, we say it was in Sagittarius. From a physical standpoint, it was Capricorn, and we did see many transformations in the economic system during that time. However, I don't think it's anything like what we are about to experience with Pluto in Capricorn. In tropical astrology, the focus is very physical.

On the other hand, Sagittarius, as many of you know, deals with perspective. It is the sign of our beliefs, philosophies of life, and perspectives. How many of you have become more awake, conscious, or spiritual since 2007-2008? My own spiritual awakening occurred during that period. If you look at the world, it's remarkable how much people's perspectives have changed over the past nearly 20 years. These significant perspective shifts are now wrapping up as Pluto leaves Sagittarius.

We are now transitioning into actual Capricorn. For the true sidereal comparison, many of you may have heard that this is also the United States's Pluto return. In the United States's chart, Pluto is at the beginning of Aquarius, but in true sidereal astrology, Pluto is at the beginning of Capricorn. So, in tropical astrology, they say Pluto is entering Aquarius, while in true sidereal astrology, we say it is entering Capricorn.

Looking at what has occurred in the world, every time Pluto has entered Capricorn in true sidereal astrology or Aquarius in tropical astrology, we have seen major transformations to the systems and structures of society. This pattern occurs approximately every 250 years. The last significant transformation was during the birth of the United States in the late 1700s. This period marked a time of major changes in governance and economic systems across the Western world, transitioning from monarchies to republics and democratic forms of governance. The French revolutions and transformations throughout Europe were notable examples of this shift.

Tracking these transformations every 250 years reveals a consistent pattern. For instance, we can look back to the early to mid-1500s and observe similar changes. I recommend anyone interested in this topic to keep tracking these events, as they highlight the significant transformations and changes we've experienced, including the shift from mercantilism to a more laissez-faire capitalist system.

=> 00:30:46

We're on the brink of a major transformation, echoing the revolutionary shifts of the late 1700s, as governments and economies prepare for change that could redefine freedom and governance for the next 250 years.

The late 1700s marked a period of significant transformation, particularly in the Western world. During this time, there were major shifts in governments and economic systems, fundamentally altering the bedrock of society. Most notably, there was a transition from monarchies to republican and democratic forms of governance. This transformation was exemplified by the French Revolution, which influenced all of Europe as it moved away from monarchies toward more free-based systems.

These major changes can be tracked approximately every 250 years. For instance, the early to mid-1500s also experienced significant transformations. I recommend that anyone interested in this topic keep tracking these cycles to observe the major changes over time. Economically, we transitioned from a more mercantilist government structure to a form of laissez-faire capitalism. These shifts represent substantial changes in both governance and economic systems.

Currently, we are witnessing a similar transformation as Pluto enters Capricorn, which aligns closely with the events of 1776. This timing suggests that we are on the cusp of another major transformation. In the coming years, including this year, we are likely to see the beginnings of these changes. It is probable that not only the United States but also many governments around the world will undergo transformations. However, I do not anticipate these changes to be as violent or tumultuous as past revolutions, such as the French Revolution, which was marked by extreme bloodshed. Humanity is evolving and becoming more peaceful in its transitions.

The 250-year cycle appears to function like a pendulum, swinging between two extremes. The last significant transformation occurred in the late 1700s, while the one prior to that took place in the early to mid-1500s. It seems we are heading toward a transformation reminiscent of the early to mid-1500s, and in another 250 years, we may find ourselves in a situation similar to the late 1700s. This oscillation suggests that we could experience transformations leading to more centralized forms of governance.

As a strong advocate for freedom, I hope these transformations will enhance the development of freedom for humanity, akin to what was experienced during the Age of Enlightenment that followed the late 1700s. However, there is a concern that we might see a return to situations resembling heavy monarchies. While this does not necessarily mean a limitation of freedoms, it suggests a potential trend toward more centralized governance structures.

Countries that have historically been monarchies may experience increased freedom. For example, there are discussions in Britain about potentially abolishing the monarchy altogether. We may also witness major transformations in countries like Australia and in the Middle East, which is heavily concentrated with monarchies. These regions could transition toward republican and democratic forms of governance.

Economically, we are likely to see significant changes as well, particularly with Uranus moving into Taurus. This shift is expected to bring innovation to the financial sector, especially with the rise of cryptocurrency and other financial technologies. Overall, the changes we are experiencing now are poised to shape the next 250 years, marking a very significant time in history.

=> 00:35:01

The Middle East is on the brink of a major transformation, shifting from monarchies to democratic governance, driven by economic innovation and the influence of Uranus in Taurus.

The Middle East is the most monarch concentrated part of the world. We could see these nations transition to Republic and Democratic forms of governance, indicating major changes ahead. I believe we will look back on this period as a significant time of transformation. Economically, we are also poised for shifts, which I attribute to Uranus going into Taurus. As we discussed earlier, this transition is likely to bring a lot of innovation to the financial sector, particularly with the rise of crypto and similar technologies.

My point here is that the changes occurring now are set to influence the next 250 years, marking a very significant time. When we consider these developments in a more global or mundane context, we see that Capricorn, which rules governance and the foundations of society, is being activated by transformative Pluto. This is indeed very interesting.

I want to focus on 2025, as there are notable shifts in Western astrology. For instance, Neptune is going to enter Aries in March, and Saturn will ingress into Aries as well. Additionally, Uranus is set to ingress into Gemini next summer, indicating a series of major changes. However, when we look at true sidereal astrology, the situation might be quite different. It appears that Uranus is already in Taurus, while Neptune has recently moved into early Pisces.

Could you elaborate on the astrology for next year? Are there any major shifts involving the outer planets? For instance, Saturn is currently in Aquarius and will eventually ingress into Pisces. Given that Saturn is a faster mover compared to some of the outer planets, we can expect it to officially enter Pisces around February of next year in true sidereal astrology.

Moreover, Jupiter changes signs every year, and it will move into Gemini in June. It's important to note that the recent transitions of two outer planets in 2024—Pluto into Capricorn and Uranus into Taurus—are very significant. Both of these planets are in Earth signs, which deal with tangible physical aspects of life. Taurus, in particular, relates to what we value as a society. This cycle spans 84 to 85 years, which is crucial for those tracking these changes.

Uranus in Taurus is likely to bring about many changes and revolutions, especially in the financial and monetary sectors. This encompasses not just money, but also tangible physical value. We have already begun to see these changes this year. I predicted this shift when Jupiter entered with Uranus at the beginning of the year, around April, coinciding with their conjunction.

Jupiter’s expansion is significant, as it operates on a 12-year cycle. Each time Jupiter enters Taurus, we typically observe trends such as increased inflation and rising commodity prices. Taurus represents the tangible and physical aspects of our economy, and we have indeed witnessed these trends manifesting this year.

=> 00:38:58

The next decade will redefine value and self-sustainability, pushing us towards innovation in finance and a deeper connection with nature.

Around April, Jupiter is significant as it marks the time when they ingressed during that conjunction. Oh my God, true, they were ingressing when they conjoined. Exactly! This is important because Jupiter represents expansion. If you track Jupiter, it has a 12-year cycle, which is much quicker. Every time Jupiter goes into Taurus, we tend to see some kind of financial impact. Since this is a financial channel, I know many in your audience are financially aware.

We generally observe more inflation and rising commodity prices during this period. Taurus represents the tangible and physical aspects of things, and we saw this unfold dramatically. I predicted this, and it was evident when we began to see the prices of gold and other precious metals rise, alongside an increase in inflation. However, this is just the beginning, as Uranus represents a much larger cycle.

Jupiter is currently in Taurus this year, but for the next 10 years, we can expect a lot of innovations and changes in resources and finance. This includes the realm of cryptocurrency. I believe that as early as next year, we will start to see significant mainstream adoption of crypto. Much of this has been delayed intentionally by those in power due to elections happening not just in the United States but globally. The U.S. is intricately tied into everything as well.

Astrologically, the environment is already primed for these changes to happen, and it was set to begin this year. I think that once the elections conclude and the political landscape stabilizes, we will see many bills ready to be drafted and pushed forward. A significant part of this involves finance and technology.

Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) will see a lot of innovation over the next decade. This isn’t just about centralization; it also pertains to energy for individuals. What we value is changing, and we may witness meme coins and other unconventional assets dramatically increasing in value. This phenomenon highlights the fact that we are essentially trading paper as money. When did that not become a mind-blowing realization?

Value is determined by what humans decide to trade and exchange with each other. We might see people trading meme coins and even living off them. This is an extreme example, but it illustrates that our societal values and what we consider money are changing significantly.

On the other side, we will likely see a resurgence in the use of natural resources. More people will return to nature and become self-sustaining. This is a significant trend expected over the next decade. Politically, there will be considerable innovation in natural energy. While we have seen progress in this area over the years, nothing compares to what we will witness in the next ten years regarding environmentalism and sustainable energy initiatives.

I also foresee individuals becoming more self-reliant and possibly more community-oriented, which is a positive development. Uranus deals with community, and this shift aligns with the current astrological landscape. Meanwhile, Saturn is finishing up its transit in Aquarius.

Interestingly, on the day Saturn entered Aquarius in sidereal astrology, it coincided with significant events, particularly at the beginning of 2022. You can track these correlations closely.

=> 00:43:10

The next decade will see individuals becoming more self-reliant and community-focused, as technology transforms our lives in ways we can't yet fully imagine.

Over the next 10 years, there is a growing sense of individuals becoming more self-sustaining in general. This trend is something I appreciate from an astrological standpoint, as we are currently witnessing less reliance on governments and a shift towards individuals becoming more self-reliant and potentially more community-based. This would be a positive development, especially since Uranus deals with community.

As Saturn is finishing up its transit in Aquarius, it's noteworthy that the day Saturn entered Aquarius coincided with the rise of ChatGPT in mainstream media, which was right at the beginning of 2022. You can track this event to the day, highlighting the significance of astrological cycles. Historically, when Saturn enters Aquarius, we see major developments in technology. The last time this occurred was in the early to mid-90s, specifically in 1994, when the foundation of the internet was built. Back then, we saw individuals chatting online, and now we are witnessing the emergence of chatbots.

This is important because we are observing a 29-year cycle with Saturn. Understanding this cycle allows us to anticipate what to expect over the next 29 years. If we consider the early 90s as the beginning of the internet, we can recognize that we are now at a transitional phase—the end of the internet as we have known it and the birth of technology in a completely new way, primarily through AI. In 29 years, AI will likely be fully embedded in consumer life, similar to how the internet is integrated into our lives today. Additionally, we can expect new technologies to emerge that will revolutionize our interaction with AI.

The way we currently use the internet is also changing. I believe that in 29 years, the internet will resemble more of a library; there will be less need to search for information since AI will provide all the necessary information directly. This is a powerful shift, reflecting the true nature of Aquarius, where Saturn is currently wrapping up its transit before entering Pisces around February of next year.

Looking ahead, the Neptune-Saturn conjunction is expected to occur in 2026, with both planets in Pisces. Neptune entered Pisces in 2022, and this conjunction will officially take place in 2026. Pisces is Neptune's home sign, and this alignment suggests a period that will require trust, faith, and a sort of circumnavigation of life to follow one's dreams and ideals.

Drawing from my experiences in the United States, I note that the last time Neptune was in Pisces was during the Civil War. While I am not suggesting a similar conflict will occur, it was a time marked by uncertainty and confusion, with strong ideals on both sides. We have already been witnessing a powerful sense of idealism over the past two years, and this will continue. With Saturn's entry into Pisces, there will be an opportunity to ground and structure these ideals.

On a personal level, this is an excellent time for building foundations that are more soul-aligned, spiritually meaningful, and beneficial for mental health. However, from a collective standpoint, Saturn's influence can complicate matters. As the planet of governance and systems, Saturn's transit into Pisces may lead to challenges in political and governmental contexts. It is essential to ensure that our governments do not become overly idealistic, as we have seen the consequences of such tendencies in the past.

In conclusion, utilizing the energy of Pisces to build a society that is more soul-aligned is crucial. Thank you so much, Athan, for this enlightening discussion. I have learned a lot today, and I believe my viewers will appreciate it as well. I look forward to having another conversation in the future, as I have many more questions. Thank you again!