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The secret to a perfect sponge cake is in the details: use room temperature ingredients, beat the eggs separately, and bake low and slow for a moist, creamy delight.

Hello dear friends,

I am glad to welcome you to my channel today. In this video, I am baking an incredibly delicious Mega creamy very moist sponge cake called Milk Girl. Many asked me in the comments to prepare just such a sponge cake, and today I am showing you how to cook it correctly.

To start, I take five eggs and divide them into yolks and whites. I use medium-sized eggs at room temperature. While the eggs are aside, I will beat 250 g of softened butter for approximately 2 minutes. Next, I add 8 g of vanilla sugar and about 40 g of sugar, which is 1/3 of 120 g of sugar. I also include 175 g of condensed milk with sugar, which is ordinary condensed milk. After that, I beat this mixture of butter and condensed milk for the next 2 minutes. It is important that the condensed milk and butter, as well as all other products, are at room temperature.

After these two minutes of beating, I add the five yolks and beat for about another minute. The mixture will be very soft, glossy, and beautiful. I then add a pinch of salt. Now, I sift the flour and note that I do not add baking powder, as this is a sponge cake and not a cake. You don’t need to worry; if you beat it all as I show you in the video, everything will rise perfectly.

Now, I’m whipping the whites. It is crucial not to beat the whites in advance, as the remaining sugar will settle in portions. I add about 80 g of sugar to the whites and beat them with my low-power mixer for about 4 minutes. Even if you use a planetary mixer, you need to separate the eggs into yolks and whites and prepare them in exactly the same way as I’m showing you now.

It is very important to mix the first part of the protein into the dough very carefully, using a spatula, so that later the remaining protein mass will be much easier to mix into this dough. Under no circumstances should you interfere with anything in the oven. I have already preheated the oven to 160° C and will bake this butter sponge cake at such a low temperature. If the temperature is too high, the top and bottom of the sponge cake will burn, and it will also form a cap.

I took a pastry ring as a form without a bottom and covered it with foil. I’m putting all the dough there now. You can also bake in a regular pan with a bottom; if you do, be sure to line the bottom with baking paper. I will bake at 160° C in the up and down mode without convection for about 60 minutes. During baking, of course, we do not open the oven under any circumstances.

Everyone's oven is different; perhaps yours will need 5 minutes longer or less. Look carefully at the condition of your sponge cake and use a wooden skewer to check its readiness. After about 60 minutes, I check the sponge cake, and it comes out dry and clean. Now, before it has even cooled down completely, I remove it from the mold. It perfectly lags behind the mold, so there is no need to lubricate either the sides or the bottom of the mold.

As I mentioned, if you use a baking dish with a bottom, you need to cover it with baking paper. Right now, I’ll cut it in front of you. You can also freeze this sponge cake and store it in a food pan for a couple of days in the refrigerator. However, the longer you store it in the refrigerator, the more this creamy aroma will leave it. This aroma, reminiscent of a milk girl, is impossible to confuse with anything else, and it is present in both the cakes and this biscuit.

I strongly recommend using it in the cake right away, ideally on the same day or the next day. In any case, it doesn’t turn out to be sticky; it is Mega silky and very, very tender. I hope I can convey this to you on camera. In fact, I have it hot without crumbs, and it is perfectly evenly sliced, both on the cake and in portions.

Of course, you can cook it like a pie and simply eat it as an independent dessert. This sponge cake is mega delicious; it somewhat resembles a creamy genoise sponge cake, but this sponge cake is just mega moist, juicy, and very, very aromatic. I advise everyone to really prepare the cakes themselves. I wouldn’t even soak the cakes; the only thing I would do is soak the bottom when baking, as the crust still remains there.

Here, I show that it is cut so perfectly with a pastry string. This sponge cake is perfectly smooth right away, and the cakes are still not completely cooled but are cut so perfectly. This is how it is Mega tender and moist. I hope that the video was useful and informative. Please subscribe to my channel, like, and write comments. I wish you all great success, and see you in new videos!