The Awakening Unleashing The God Within Cypher; 19 Keys, Yahki & Billy Carson Live at Invest Fest

Table of contents

True power lies in self-ownership and cultural resilience; it's time to shift from being consumers to creators and redefine our legacy.

70% of the black dollar goes to luxury goods in the Peril, and all we do is influence what other people buy and consume. In this context, we must consider setting intentions before we engage in relationships, as mixing toxic seeds can lead to toxic sick babies. When we look into the genetics of black people, we find that we all have DNA, some of which is referred to as Junk DNA. However, this so-called junk DNA is one of our biggest powers.

We understand the Jezebel spirit that is often showcased in the portrayal of the black woman, yet we sometimes perpetuate that same image and celebrate it as part of our culture. People are afraid of the government and concerned about Project 25, but they remain unaware of Cosmic Cycle 25. If we are a people that is sick at the root, we must ask ourselves: where do we start? We need to stop and examine our culture to identify what is stopping us from growing. The Blind Faith era is coming to an absolute end.

I appreciate my pops for teaching me how to transition from a boy into a man, ultimately guiding me back into my natural state of being. As a Gody, I am supposed to always move with my higher self, but I must also be able to execute this. Knowledge is not power; the execution of knowledge is power. Knowledge makes a man unfit to be a slave because the only real knowledge you can attain is knowledge of self.

The highest level is ownership; the highest level is power; the highest level is sovereignty; the highest level is higher consciousness. We must own our own excellence at a very high level. It is time for a high-level conversation. We are here for another high-level conversation, and this is a high-level discussion.

Look at all these beautiful black people ready to change the world; you are the leaders of the world. This is where it happens. This is what we call real culture. The culture that is portrayed on TV and in music is not our culture. We have built an entire culture of resilience, self-reliance, and revolution—economic independence and spiritual awakening. We have taught our people how to create global impact, how to fight for all oppressed peoples around the world, and how to advocate for health science globally. We have learned to tap into the metaphysics of the cosmos and to build industries, much like Marcus Garvey did in the 1920s.

However, they trick us. They control the movies and the music, presenting a narrative that showcases a pimp, a criminal, a gangster, and a killer, and they label that as culture. Our minds and spirits are powerful; whatever we absorb influences the entire world. But that is not our culture—not a good culture. It is not the culture of Dr. Sebi, who taught people how to eat alkaline; it is not the culture of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, who raised up Malcolm X; it is not the culture of Martin Luther King, who strategically fought for change as a political action strategist; nor is it the culture of Noble Drew Ali, who taught black people about their real heritage.

Every single decade since we arrived in America, we have been the most revolutionary and industrious people on this planet, and nobody can hold a candle to us. So why is this not represented? When we look at the Olympics and see these magnificent, brilliant, melanated athletes breaking records, that is not our culture. They say hip-hop is the culture, but hip-hop is merely an entertainment aspect of the culture. What we truly do is change the universe; we influence because our spirit and mind are brilliant, conducting so much energy that the rest of the world revolves around it.

I am not here to lie to you or make it sound appealing; I am here to tell you how it is. As black men, we must stop being afraid of speaking the truth. Donald Trump ain't going to make you wealthy; you are going to make you wealthy. Kamala Harris ain't going to save you; you are going to save you. Until you internalize this truth, you will always feel the need for them. They are supposed to need you.

I need you to recognize what time it is; I need you to understand your power. We must stop being the biggest consumers and instead produce what we consume. By 2030, you will spend $70 billion on luxury goods.

=> 00:05:27

Your wealth and power come from within; stop relying on others to define your success and start creating your own legacy.

Influence is a powerful force because our spirit and our mind are brilliant, conducting so much energy that the rest of the world revolves around it. I ain't here to lie to you today; I ain't here to make it sound fly. I'm here to tell you how it is. As black men, we got to stop being afraid of speaking truth. Donald Trump ain't going to make you wealthy; you going to make you wealthy. Kamala ain't going to save you; you going to save you. Until you get that in your spirit, you going to always need them. They supposed to need you.

I need you to know what time it is. I need you to know your power. We need to stop being the biggest consumers and instead produce what we consume. By 2030, you going to spend $70 billion on luxury goods and apparel, but do we produce the manufacturing and the cotton from which it comes? Or are we just sewing generational wealth into other families because of our insecurities? Seventy percent of the black dollar goes to luxury goods and apparel, and all we do is influence what other people buy and consume. The time is over for that. The time for us is to dress in ourselves. When we dress like slaves, we are wearing brands of other people, building up their generational wealth while talking about black power. You a damn lie; ain't nothing powerful about that.

We got to get our health right. You can't be a man if you ain't working out and exercising. You can't do 20 push-ups, or you think because you got a new Tesla truck that means something. You got an AP on your wrist that means something? When somebody slaps you in your face, you can't protect yourself, fat boy. I'm calling it out today. We understood that the Jezebel spirit they tried to showcase the black woman with is so they can do anything they wanted to her and say she wanted it. But then we pimp ourselves out with that same image and celebrate it as culture. Every single one of your family and friends should have showed up today, but they didn't because they are not the chosen ones. You were chosen to be here in this time, in this space, and in this place because it's your time; it's our time.

This is a time where political reliance is going to all. This is the RNC and the DNC. If it represents black people, it's here. When you walk outside, the way you make yourself and the way we shape a new future is by putting the depth of knowledge, courage, virtues, and values in you so that the next generation becomes a reflection of what you became. It's past ambitions; we have to start to aspire to become more. What do we want to become? Where do we want to go? Today, we are about to get rid of that ignorant, low-level conversation, and we are about to have us a what.

I got some special gods in the building. They don't operate in the corporateocracy; they don't operate within the government; they don't operate in the systems. They are not afraid to dress how they want, talk how they want, speak how they want, and they still make millions. Isn't that freedom? I said, isn't that freedom? Are we a free people? We need to stop being afraid to speak like one, to think like one, to walk like one, to talk like one, to be like 19 Keys, to be like Billy Carson, to be like the God that's in you. Because when I talk to you and I see you, I'm not talking to that weak, insecure self trying to grab your confidence and manhood. I'm talking to the God in you, and if you can't resonate with that spirit, then you are dead.

We think these moments on stage are entertainment; this is a cosmic shift on the planet Earth. This is us taking back our rulership. Are y'all ready for the gods to come out? [Applause]

Well, the first brother I want to bring up, I believe you are very familiar with him. He goes by the name of Billy Carson. Can y'all stand on your feet and make some noise for the cosmic God as he comes out here? I want y'all to shake the energy up. How many people in here have ever been sick? Some of y'all are sick right now; I see those stomachs. It's all right; just don't cough on nobody. But if you got an ailment, you got an issue, you got something that needs to be treated, this next brother out here is a priest of knowledge. This brother can go backwards and forward in time of recorded history, break down civilizations, ancient past, and forward, and has damn near perfect...

=> 00:09:45

True healing starts with understanding our roots—mindset, environment, and the unique minerals that make us who we are.


Well, the first brother I want to bring up, I believe you are very familiar with him. He goes by the name of Billy Carson. Can y'all stand on your feet and make some noise for the cosmic God as he comes out here? I want y'all to shake the energy up! How many people in here have ever been sick? Some of y'all are sick right now; I see those stomachs. It's all right, just don't cough on nobody. But if you have an ailment, an issue, or something that needs to be treated, this next brother out here is a preor of knowledge. This brother can go backwards and forwards in time of recorded history, break down civilizations, and delve into the ancient past and the future. He has damn near perfect recall memory.

I always tell people, when you look at Billy Carson, don't just listen to what he's saying; look at who he became. This is a black man, but they try to make it seem like this is an outlier. No, this is the normal. Thank you; this is the culture. And if anybody has a problem, tell them to come see me, but I'm slapping folks!

The next brother I want to bring out is someone from one of the same hometowns as me, St. Louis. I come from Oakland, and he's a brother who brought himself out of the streets so that he can elevate the people. Y'all make some noise for Y'all Key Awakening! Are y'all ready to learn something? Are y'all ready to take this practical knowledge and go do something? What y'all are going to leave with today is something that you can take with you and apply it to get results. We just ain't up here talking spookism and discussing this and that; we are here to give y'all some real-life transformation type of situations.

Alright, so let's start this off with health because what I've been noticing is that a lot of us are sick. I mean, we are ill spiritually, mentally, and financially—sick. I have deemed this a Health crisis. During COVID-19, they looked at the disparities in Black health and kept propagating that, but at the same time, they were telling you to go get a vaccine at Crispy Creams. So when I look at the way that black men and women are thinking, operating, and moving, if we are sick right now, where do we start?

I've been studying a lot about being in nature. There's a concept called Yoku Sher, and in the 1980s, the Japanese government would take people out into the forest because it was such a big mental health issue crisis that was going on. They would have you spend two days in the forest, and what it showed is that it decreased cortisol levels by 50% and increased cancer-killing cells in your body. This was their way of practicing holistic methods and medicine to heal their people.

If we are a people that are sick at the root, where do we start? Well, what you are mentioning is called nature deficiency disorder, and it shows us, as biological people here from this Earth, that being around trees, being around running water, and seeing the color green—which is chlorophyll—comes with frequencies. What these things do is actually relax us and bring on something called the parasympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system is what brings on cortisol and adrenaline; these are all part of your fear, fight, or flight chemistry and hormones that roam around in the body.

Well, when you are in nature, what nature does is it brings on serotonin, melatonin, oxytocin, and dopamine—these are your happy chemicals and happy hormones. To answer the question, I think the first place we should start with health is with our mindset, with the environment, and knowing who we are biologically. We have been taught that everybody in this room is made up of the same things, but we are not.

Now, of course, we all share amino acids and minerals, but depending on who you were created by—and I'm pretty sure Billy would get into this—we have different types of markers and different genetic codes that were mixed in us differently. Since black people are more mineral dense than any other people on planet Earth, that means we require more minerals. It's a fact! You can actually, if a body died and it got burnt, and they came to the corpse without knowing what it was, they would check the bones of that body and the teeth. Based on the mineral composition and the mineral density of those skeletal structures, they can tell you...

=> 00:13:37

Understanding our unique genetic makeup is the key to unlocking true health; one size does not fit all when it comes to nutrition and wellness.

The discussion highlights the importance of understanding our unique biological makeup and how it relates to health. It begins by acknowledging that we all share amino acids and minerals, yet emphasizes that different genetic codes and markers exist among various populations. Specifically, it points out that black people are more mineral-dense than any other group on the planet, which implies a greater requirement for minerals. This assertion is supported by a scientific method where, if a body were to be examined post-mortem, the mineral composition of bones and teeth can indicate the racial background of the deceased.

The conversation further elaborates on the notion that not everyone should be treated the same way when it comes to health. It emphasizes that individuals have different blood types, anatomies, and physiologies, which necessitates a tailored approach to health and nutrition. The speakers argue that understanding our identity as a people is crucial for tapping into true health. They express concern that we are currently influenced by a European culture, which leads to the consumption of European foods and the adoption of European histories and beliefs, thereby straying from our indigenous mindset.

Billy Carson contributes to the discussion by examining the DNA perspective. He notes that there are significant differences in the genetics of black people compared to other races. He points out that many scientific studies are predominantly based on middle-aged Caucasian Europeans, which can lead to inappropriate medical prescriptions for black individuals. Carson stresses that specific genes in black people can be activated or deactivated, and that they require more sunlight than the average person to absorb sufficient vitamin D due to their unique melanin structure.

To achieve better health, Carson suggests that individuals should undergo comprehensive testing, including blood panels, stool samples, and saliva samples. This approach provides a complete picture of one’s health status, allowing for personalized nutrition plans. He shares his personal experiences with dietary restrictions, noting that certain foods, like spinach or kale, can negatively affect his health due to oxalates and lectins.

The conversation also touches on the concept of junk DNA, which is increasingly being recognized for its purpose and significance. The speakers argue that this so-called junk DNA is not useless; rather, it holds potential power that many are unaware of. They express concern about environmental factors, such as microplastics, which are now found in human bodies and are damaging our DNA. The speakers advocate for a cleaner environment and greater awareness of what we consume, as these factors can activate genes that lead to disease. Ultimately, they stress the importance of understanding our unique biological heritage to reclaim our health and well-being.

=> 00:17:34

Unlock your true health potential by understanding your unique genetics and the impact of your environment. It's time to reclaim your power and cultivate wellness tailored to you.

Junk thinking is often dismissed as useless or worthless, leading many to believe it has nothing to do with anything significant. However, I believe that it represents one of our biggest powers. We possess a lot of this power within us, but we've been tricked into thinking we can't access it. This deception comes not only from the media but also from our environment.

For instance, we are now facing the issue of microplastics, which are found everywhere, even in our testicles. This is outrageous! We must start cleaning up our environment and understanding what we are eating and drinking. We need to be aware of what kind of oils are used in our food, as all these factors are damaging our DNA and genetics. They activate genes that lead to disease, which can ultimately result in death.

In ancient times, the system was much different. Initially, it was based on the genetic makeup of the human body, and people were fed according to their needs based on their surroundings. No matter where you were indigenously, your environment provided everything your body required. Now, as you mentioned, we have become more Europeanized. Therefore, we need to discover who we are and understand our bodies better than the doctors do. Doctors have a practice, and there are ways to do that.

At my clinic, which has two locations in St. Louis, Missouri, we implement exactly what you mentioned. Make some noise for that! We also have a fully accredited laboratory in Houston, Texas, where we send all of our blood and gene samples for testing.

What we have noticed is that many people are unaware of amino acids. If you know about them, raise your hand. Do you see that? They teach you that in school. But how many have heard of carboxylic acid? Only a few hands go up. Even when you delve into the structure of amino acids and carboxylic acids, we tend to have more carboxylic acids in our bodies compared to Europeans, who have more amino acids.

When you break these down into their subgroups, you find that amino acids are built off of nitrogen, ammonia, and sulfur—these are the three main ingredients that make up a European. In contrast, our bodies are composed of selenium, copper, melanin, and carbon. If I conduct a genetic test on you and compare it to another genetic test, I can determine what you are missing. I can identify whether you are getting enough serotonin or why your genes are not being activated based on your molecular structure.

At our clinic, when you come in, we provide you with a genetic test and a comprehensive blood panel. Based on your physiology and genetic makeup, I know exactly what to put back into your body. Billy mentioned something very interesting regarding vitamin D3. He pointed out that all blood work and testing are based on the standards of a 40-year-old white man. If a 14-year-old African-American girl goes to the clinic, how can the standards based on a 40-year-old Caucasian male help her?

We must start approaching health and wellness as individuals, as this is the only way we can achieve healing. You mentioned carbon and vitamin D; they don’t even have the machines to measure our vitamin D correctly. In Europeans, they measure vitamin D3 in the bloodstream, but our sun interacts differently with our bodies. We experience something called bopo modulation; the longer we sit in the sun, the more effectively we disperse its energy deep into our cells. Unfortunately, they do not have the technology to measure this yet.

That’s why at least 80% of the so-called black people in this room right now are considered vitamin D3 deficient. In reality, you are not truly deficient; they simply lack the right technology to test your levels accurately. This discussion about culture is crucial. The word culture means to cultivate, which comes from cultivation. This is a conversation rooted in permaculture and agriculture, emphasizing growth.

From a health standpoint, if we know that the current technology cannot accurately test our vitals, and if we understand that blood work is based on a 40-year-old Caucasian, shouldn’t we advocate for a change? Shouldn’t we create blood work panels that fit our needs? We need to come together to develop the technologies and tools necessary to truly understand our health.

=> 00:21:19

True culture is about cultivating solutions that meet our unique needs and empower us to thrive at our fullest potential.

Why is it that at least 80% of y'all so-called black people in this room right now are vitamin D3 deficient? In fact, you're not really vitamin D3 deficient; they just don't have the right technology to test yours. This is what we are talking about when we discuss culture. The word culture means to cultivate, which comes from cultivation. This is former talk—this is permaculture and agriculture talk. It means to grow something.

Bringing this from a health standpoint, if we know that there’s no technology out here that can really test our vitals, and if we understand that the blood work is based on a 40-year-old Caucasian, then shouldn't we change the blood work panel to fit us? Shouldn't we create technologies and come together to figure out how to create the utensils and tools to really measure our vitamin D3? I’m asking y’all a question; talk back to us.

This is what Keys and Billy are discussing—culture really taking the bull by the horns and creating things for our situation and our needs. I want to quote John HCK Clark and Dr. Amos Wilson, who said, “The point and purpose of a culture is to meet the needs of a people and to solve the problems of a people.” So if it’s not meeting our needs and it’s not solving our problems, then we can’t call it culture. Talk to him!

Many of you have heard of identity politics, right? But what we are talking about is biopolitics because we’re not really getting to the deep root of things. At the core root is what it means to be radical. Someone may say you are radical because you are getting to the root of the problem, and everything we are addressing is at the root. As we talk about the sun, I often ask people, “Are you living at your 100%?”

Let’s start with the physical. Do you have your 100% body? Do you have energy when you wake up? Do you reach peak levels of energy? Is your body fit? Can you run a mile? Can you do push-ups throughout the day? Is this the body you would choose if God gave you a choice? Then why is it the body that you choose every day? You choose to maintain the body with the habits that you have so that we can live at a higher frequency.

The top floor requires you to change habits, change who you're around, what you do, and where you go. Therefore, it changes the reality that you live in. When I started focusing on my 100% physical, I had to think about protecting myself. We talk about being a man; if a man can’t protect himself, he cannot protect his woman. If you have a physically weak and strained body, a biologically weak man cannot help his woman, and therefore he cannot be the man. This creates an imbalance within our culture or society.

So, how many of you would love to live at your 100% self? As we go through this, I want you to think about yourself and imagine it in your mind. I remember watching Creed 3 and I said, “I want to be on Creed 4.” I decided that was my goal, and next thing you know, I look like Creed 5. But my 100% self said I need to go out there with combat skills; I need to be out there strong. I can’t see another man doing things that I know he can do only because he challenges himself.

The mid-interior single cortex is the seat of willpower in the brain. When you do things that you don’t want to do, your willfulness grows, and your will to live grows. People always tell you to do what you love, but also do what you hate because the things we hate to do are the very things that showcase the love we have for ourselves and each other.

I decided to share this page with my brothers because we hate to collaborate. We hate to build with one another. These brothers have so much wealth and knowledge, but when we are stars, we create a universe. The problem is when we try to outshine each other because of this inferior complex, thinking that you need to be more significant than the one standing next to you, when the focus should be growth.

Oh, that’s a pledge y’all are taking to live at your 100% self. Now, I want to get us to an idea about our 100% Cosmic age. We are in an age now where we see scientific and technological revolutions. We see a generation going through a spiritual awakening, and in the early ages of five years old, they already have an eco-consciousness. They are more worried about the planet Earth than they are about themselves; they don’t want to buy...

=> 00:25:48

Collaboration over competition is the key to unlocking our true potential; when we lift each other up, we create a universe of growth and abundance.

Collaboration is essential, yet we often find ourselves in a position where we hate to build with one another. These brothers possess so much wealth and knowledge, but when we are stars, we create a universe. The problem arises when we try to outshine each other, driven by an inferiority complex that makes us feel the need to be more significant than those standing next to us. Instead, our focus should be on growth.

This brings us to a pledge: to live at our 100% self. We are currently in a Cosmic Age, characterized by scientific and technological revolutions. We see a generation undergoing a spiritual awakening, where even at the early age of five, children exhibit eco-consciousness. They are more concerned about planet Earth than about themselves, opting to shop at thrift stores instead of buying new clothes. This shift reflects a change in how they perceive themselves, seeing themselves as part of a grand scheme of things, rather than everything revolving around them.

In contrast, our generation has been selfish and ego-based, believing that everything revolves around me. As we discuss this Cosmic Age and the culture moving forward, we must consider the philosophy that should guide us. Speaking from a personal standpoint, as a biochemist and biologist, I’ve observed the energy and magnetism in the universe. Everything has a pulling sensation, as if the universe has a language of bringing things in and bringing things out.

We are not doing anything new; the fathers and daughters of old practiced this long before us. Ancient technology and knowledge have existed for ages, and now we are finally catching up to that Consciousness. There is truly nothing new in this universe; it all exists in a great pool of potential—the ether. Tapping into oneself is crucial, as is loving ourselves more and wanting to see our brothers and sisters thrive.

This means looking at one another and saying, “I see you need help; let me supply that.” If I have an overabundance of wealth and know that you need something, it’s my responsibility to step in and help. This sense of community used to be prevalent; I remember my grandmother, who took care of the entire neighborhood. Anyone could come into her house to eat or sit at her table, regardless of whether she knew them well. She was the glue that held our neighborhood together, and it seems we are missing that sense of community today.

The insignificance mindset often leads us to step on each other's toes. The way forward involves knowledge, information, and a genuine love for oneself and for our brothers and sisters. While it may sound corny, it is indeed real. I believe that the most practical information is the wisest, as it is the easiest for people to absorb and utilize. The upcoming generation is poised to teach us more than anything else, as they already embody wisdom in their actions. They are fighting against outdated systems and are conscious of their impact on the planet, striving to be productive citizens of the cosmos.

Indeed, the youth is the future, which is why I strive to connect with them as much as possible. The generation I came from often operated on competition rather than collaboration. There was a tendency to want to see others do better, but not truly better than oneself, leading to a mindset of jealousy and pocket watching that has nearly destroyed two generations. This mentality is embedded in our epigenetic memories, tracing back to ancient times.

Scientists have discovered that the memories we experience today are influenced by epigenetics and the RNA of our ancestors, extending back 15 to 20 generations. The turmoil of slavery and other historical injustices is ingrained in our bodies. The divide and conquer system established centuries ago continues to propagate through us today. However, the fortunate aspect is that the younger generation is breaking these cycles and paving the way for a brighter future.

=> 00:29:30

Break the cycle of jealousy and embrace collaboration; it's time to support each other and elevate the next generation.

In our society, there exists a desire to see others do better than themselves, but not truly better. This jealousy mindset and pocket watching have nearly destroyed two generations. It is embedded in our epigenetic memories, tracing back to ancient times. Scientists have discovered that 15 to 20 years of your memories are currently experienced in your body through epigenetics, specifically through the RNA of our ancestors, reaching back 15 to 20 generations. The turmoil we have faced, including the legacy of slavery, is ingrained in our bodies. The divide and conquer system that has been in place for hundreds of years continues to propagate through us to this day.

Fortunately, the younger generation is beginning to realize the importance of questioning the status quo. They are asking, "If you can't answer this question, there's something wrong." The era of Blind Faith is coming to an end. This generation is actively seeking answers, and it is our responsibility to support them in their quest for knowledge. However, to do this effectively, we must reprogram ourselves. Many of us are currently operating on outdated programming; I refer to some as NPCs, or non-player characters. We need to recognize when it is time to unlearn and relearn.

It is essential to understand that your brother and sister are not your enemies. If you see someone succeeding, we must acknowledge our feelings of envy or jealousy. It is crucial to look in the mirror and ask ourselves why we feel this way. Often, the person we are envious of has done nothing to us; rather, they are achieving things we desire or aspire to accomplish. We must be honest with ourselves and consider that perhaps we are the problem. Instead of harboring negative feelings, we should engage with that person, ask questions about their achievements, and explore how we can incorporate their success into our own lives.

When we begin to reprogram ourselves to collaborate rather than compete, we will see positive changes. Supporting the youth becomes more effective when they know we have their backs. Currently, there are three men on stage, each with slightly different perspectives on various topics, including science and society. Yet, we are collaborating, demonstrating that it is okay to disagree on certain points. This is part of being human. If we can collaborate here, then everyone can do the same in their lives.

By fostering collaboration over competition, we can better support the youth, who will, in turn, teach us valuable lessons. It is a reciprocal relationship.

Now, how many people are aware that we are in solar cycle 25? Many may not know this. Solar cycles measure the peaks of energy emitted by the sun, typically every 11 years. We are currently approaching a high peak in this cycle. Scientists have studied the correlation between solar activity and societal interactions, noting shifts in events and conflicts that occur during these high peaks. Historically, these peaks have coincided with new innovations and movements, such as the women’s movement during the last peak, cosmic cycle 19.

I mention this because, in local events, people often express fear of the government and various projects. However, they may not be aware of cosmic cycle 25 and how these events are timely and interconnected.

=> 00:33:34

We are in a cosmic moment where collective action and community reliance are essential for growth and empowerment; it's time to harness our energy and influence for the culture, not just for individual gain.

Throughout Cosmic Cycle 25, there are low peaks where the sun emits energy and high peaks. Right now, we are headed toward a high peak. Scientists have studied this phenomenon and shown that there is a correlation between how societies interact with each other and the shifts that happen during these peaks. Events such as conflicts and the breathing patterns of people can be observed when the sun is at higher peaks. This correlation can also be linked to new innovations, technology, and women's movements. For instance, the last highest peak marked the beginning of the women's movement during Cosmic Cycle 19.

The reason I bring this up is that when I think about local events, people are often afraid—afraid of the government, afraid of projects—but they don't know about Cosmic Cycle 25. All of these things are just on time when we live in this sort of age. If I am a melanated being, I am not afraid of the sun; therefore, I can observe and absorb energy through skin conductance. However, when there is an excess amount of energy, it can lead to violence, as we often see in the summer. Why is that? It is because we have so much energy but nowhere to channel it. We are people who constantly absorb everything given to us, and because we are not in connection with the cosmos, we often overlook things of that nature. We might think about our astrology signs, but only the ones we are attracted to or the ones our exes had, so we can avoid them.

We are not really considering how we can utilize this information effectively. In ancient times, when they created astrolabes, it was to understand the best dates for planting, entering relationships, or creating ships. Based on my predictions and studies, this is the best time for us. This is a time where my brother and I were discussing the people of the sun. We are supposed to operate differently. I often talk about how Black men face the worst health disparities on the planet, ranking number one in violence and disease. However, we also have the number one health advocates, social community advocates, and we are the biggest growing platform in media. We are the number one influencers on the planet and excel in entertainment and physicality.

The problem lies in our inability to take all of this energy and motion and organize it effectively. Everyone has media platforms, but we are not sharing information, data, and guests to grow these platforms. When we look at the top 10 list, I don't see one Black American on it, even though we are the most influential group in America. If you examine their audience sizes, you will find a large number of Black people watching their content. There is something wrong with this picture.

In this age, we talk about collective reliance, which means shifting away from independence and focusing on the "we" rather than the "I." If there is no "we" in it, then there is no "me" in it; I don't want to be a part of it. My brother emphasized that we must shift and create opportunities and solutions for the culture; otherwise, we are not part of it. Just because someone can rap does not make them a part of the culture. It is nonsensical to invite someone to the barbecue simply because they can rap.

When men approach me or my brother, they often say, "You helped make me a man." This highlights that every father is a baba, meaning a father who raises you. We are in an age where we must all be fathers of the culture, and I am specifically speaking to Black men. We are not operating as universal rulers, guardians, and truth-tellers. We are not functioning as high-level protectors. While my brothers and I are doing our part, it is just a few of us. They always say, "Protect these brothers," but who will protect everyone if we keep passing the responsibility to the next person?

It is essential to speak the truth together. How can you be in your corporate seat, afraid to speak your mind, yet say, "I believe you, but I can't say it"? If that is the case, then fund the revolution. When I look at politicians, they get people to organize and fund their initiatives. So, how can you expect a leader you are not even voting for? We know how to elect presidential leadership, but when it comes to cultural leadership, everyone seems to think they have to do it alone. All Black women know that when they vote for Kamala, they are doing it because they believe she is a Black woman.

=> 00:37:15

If you want change, stop waiting for someone else to lead; it's on all of us to step up and invest in our future.

We are not operating as high-level protectors; my brothers and I are, but it's just one of us. They always say, "Protect these brothers well," but who is going to do the protecting of everybody? Everyone is putting it off to the next. Come on now! No, you are supposed to be speaking the truth with me. How can you be in your corporate seat afraid to speak your mind but say, "I believe you, but I can't say it?" Well then, fund the revolution! When I look at a politician, they get people to organize and fund.

So how do you want a leader that you aren't even voting for? We know how to elect presidential leadership, but when it comes to cultural leadership, everybody has to do it by themselves. All black women know when you go vote for Kamala, you're doing it because you believe she is a black woman who is going to represent you. But when you have people that represent the culture, when are you putting your money, using your media app platform, flying out to the White House, or flying out to the DNC and the RNC and saying, "This is the leader that's going to make the change in the world?" I’m putting the onus on y'all because we are doing our job, and I need y'all to stand up as the next generation of leaders. That's the shift; it's not one, it's all of us.

When do you feel you're at your highest self? I feel like I'm at my highest self when I've been consistent in all of my personal training, working out properly, taking care of nutrition, reading, and keeping up with my own mental growth. I start my mornings with meditating, and when I go on a juice cleanse, I just have all of this energy. I also say my affirmations every day; that's what keeps me going and lit. I feel like I'm at my highest self when I'm in my flow, which means doing things from a place of creativity and passion. I make sure that I always journal every day and that I have at least three things that I'm grateful for that have nothing to do with my accomplishments.

This brings us to the question: Are we low level or high level? I have a question for you: What does your cabinet look like? What is it that you're taking in your routine that's keeping you high level? If it's not our products, then whose products are you taking? And if there are no products, then that's a problem. You’ve seen our commercial for Goldwater, right? You've seen it all over. High-level conversations come to the show; you grab yourself a bottle. People give us the best testimonials on the planet, and we have people on the go.

The thing about Goldwater is it's not our only product. We have products like the Vitamin C Moss. We don't naturally produce Vitamin C, so we have to get it in other forms. Therefore, especially during wintertime, we are able to keep that immune system functioning high. Let's say if you just want P Moss; this is just pure moss. I'm talking about a superfood, the best on the planet, and not just from anywhere because you never know what people are actually getting their moss from. I have never seen them take a trip to Jamaica. We get ours tested to make sure that you're getting the highest quality pure version of it, and you're getting those minerals in this over-chemicalized world.

We have Smart Moss Gold, right? That Smart M Gold is like a Viagra for the brain. You ever find yourself when your brain feels low? You tap one of these, and your brain is going to feel high level. Yeah, and women love a sapiosexual, so when those brains are popping and those ideas are running, you stay tapped in. You have to make sure you stay safe out here. It’s also about the viruses and diseases that are running around this world, especially during this time. If you're traveling, make sure you spray this on your orifices and throughout your body to kill any of those viruses or anything trying to invade you.

Excuse me; I don't know why I'm talking so passionately. That's all good, but I feel like I only get this energy when y'all sit in those seats and listen to rap. It goes back to what you were saying about epigenetics. When you go into transgenerational epigenetic inheritance, they did this science experiment on rats. They got the rats familiar with the smell of orange and lemon balm scent. They hooked them up to these little chains and then put orange and lemon balm scent in front of them. They loved the smell; they developed a beautiful love for it and could pick it out and smell it.

=> 00:41:02

Health is more than just diet; it's about the values and representation we instill in our households.

Make sure you keep your health a priority. Journey running Samaritan. Peace, y'all! You have to excuse me; I don't know why I'm talking so passionately, but that's all good. I feel like I only get this opportunity when you all sit in those seats and listen to rap.

It goes back to what you were saying earlier about epigenetics. When you delve into transgenerational epigenetic inheritance, there was a significant scientific experiment conducted on rats. In this experiment, researchers familiarized rats with the smell of orange and lemon balm. They hooked the rats up to little chains and introduced the scents of orange and lemon balm in front of them. The rats developed a beautiful love for these smells and could identify them anywhere.

After a month, the researchers began shocking the rats every time they smelled the orange and lemon balm scents. Interestingly, after a few years of this conditioning, the baby rats developed a sense to avoid those smells altogether. This experiment illustrates that not everything is passed down genetically; some things are passed down spiritually or through minerals and composition.

If we start cleaning up on that level, we need to consider what we are teaching in our households. What God are you following inside your household? Does your God look like you? This extends even to the toys we allow our children to play with. My children are not allowed to play with toys that don't resemble them. This is not about racism; I simply don't want them to grow up with an inferiority complex. Their Superman shouldn't look like any other ethnicity; he should look like them. This way, when they see Superman demonstrating his supernatural abilities, they can connect with that and feel empowered.

Health is about more than just eating right and getting sunlight; it's about the information we bring into our households. We are not doing enough in this regard. I’ve been thinking about how, if we are going to come together collectively, we need to support each other. For instance, if you have a man who makes clothes, I shouldn’t be wearing someone else's brand. I should be wearing his custom-made shoes and clothing. This reflects the idea that love is a part of sacrifice. I could sacrifice wearing what I love to support him, keeping the dollar circulating among us.

This is also a call to action for myself. Since you mentioned it, many people might not know that I'm starting a partnership with a manufacturing facility in LA owned by a black man. We are putting together a $225,000 grant to help individuals build their brands from the ground up. He took me to one of the facilities and mentioned that I was the first black man to express interest in seeing the initial process of making a t-shirt from yarn.

We can infuse our influence into the products we create, which can increase their value. An Iranian gentleman at the facility told me, “Man, we love y’all because you’ve been feeding our families for generations with your influence.” When you wear and flaunt someone else's brand, you are enriching their family instead of your own.

It's essential to understand that while we consume a lot, we are not involved in the manufacturing process. It’s a great idea to get into this business. If you have the means, we teach a lot about economic and financial literacy. However, it's crucial now to invest in the supply chain. The only way a population can grow is by becoming business owners rather than working for others. We call it being a prosumer: produce what you consume. Right now, we are merely consuming what everyone else produces.

=> 00:44:46

Shift from being just consumers to becoming producers; create the solutions we seek and watch abundance flow.

For generations, with your influence, when you wear it, you stun your own people and be like, "Look, ahuh, you ain't got this." All you are doing is making their family richer. So, how come you're interested in this business? Because I wear it, oh good! Yes, and a lot of my people consume so much of it, but we're not in the manufacturing of it and not really in the understanding.

It is a very good idea to get into it. Yes, I mean, if you have the means for it, definitely. We teach a lot of economic and financial literacy, but now it's more so about investing into the supply chain. The only way I think a population can grow is by getting into a business and becoming a business—not just working for other people. We call it a prosumer: produce what you consume.

Right now, we are just consuming what everybody else produces. You know, maybe one thing I'd like to say, which might be a little bit offensive to you, is that when I go to places that are predominantly black, I see most of the businesses run by people other than black individuals, which is not good. Yes, sir, it should be run by black people. Black people should be more of a business people. Yes, sir, and unfortunately, maybe they haven't learned. I'm glad you have that sensing in you; I mean, that's very good.

We've been there, but not as something that we see as our culture. We see entertainment as our culture more than production. So, the shift is not just about influencing what people wear but also about producing it. Yes, as consumers, we have that down pat. However, like you said, it's not enough to just say, "Okay, it's black-owned," but you don't actually create jobs because that doesn't stimulate your people.

Now, when you see problems of poverty, violence, and criminality, those can be solved by who you hire. People talk about not wanting immigrants taking their jobs, but immigrants already have your jobs; they produce everything you buy. For instance, America imported $546 billion worth of goods from China. Right there, there are over two billion shoes made, and less than 1% of them are made in the U.S.

Not just black people are consumers; America is a consumption factory. We just eat. That's why we're the most gluttonous, greediest, and biggest people on the planet Earth. So, when I say prosumer, it means produce what you consume. We want to talk about reparations; they exist in our habits. Exactly! All we have to do is change the way we do business.

So, you can get fly because we ain't going to never stop getting fly. I already know that. Before I try to teach you to stop buying clothes and get fly, let's just make the clothes. Therefore, when I get the profit, I'm going to build up the mental wealth or the Mental Health Institute that helps your brother when he is outside.

Fact! Listen, that's beautiful. What 19 Keys and Yaki are saying is so important. We have to take the mindset that we're going to become solutions providers or be a part of the solution. I didn't like what was on TV, so I created my own TV network, Forbidden Knowledge TV. I have apps on all the platforms. I didn't like what was on the radio, so I got into music production and started creating music. I have over 340 songs in global distribution.

Talk your talk, Billy! Rolls-Royce is playing my stuff. Billy, that Billy! The Atlanta Housewives are playing my stuff. Documentaries, movies—I'm making more money than rappers, and I don't have to go to any club.

You know, I wanted to become an author, so I created my own book publishing company. Now, I give out book deals. But you see, it's all about realizing why I should go get a book deal from this company that's only going to give me 5% every quarter and steal all my profits when I could become my own company and make the profits. Then, I can offer people an opportunity to make money just like I'm making money. I'm not going to be the greedy one; I'm going to give them an opportunity to say, "Look, we're going to split this 50/50 right down the middle." It's a standard contract—50/50, not 90/10.

But again, it's the mindset of realizing we have to be part of the solution. We also have to realize that abundance is our birthright. Yes, sir! When you recognize that abundance is your birthright, you're not afraid to share. You're not afraid to buy his clothes; I'm not afraid to buy your clothes. You're not afraid to sign up for the Forbidden Knowledge TV network.

I'm publishing my next book with Billy Carson. Let's go! Me too! Let's go! Me too! Facts! But again, we need to unlearn and relearn, understanding that abundance is our birthright. If that's the case, all my needs are going to be met. The more you collaborate and the more you become a solutions provider, the more you attract money, the more you attract revenue, and the more you attract more collaborations.

You don't chase the money; money is a side effect of an energy exchange. Exactly! The secret to making money is to find a need and fill that need.

=> 00:48:46

Abundance is your birthright; embrace it, share it, and watch opportunities flow your way.

Abundance is our birthright. Yes, sir! When you recognize that abundance is your birthright, you're not afraid to share. You're not afraid to buy his clothes, and I'm not afraid to buy your clothes. You're not afraid to sign up for the Forbidden LGE TV network. I'm publishing my next book with Billy Carson—let's go! Me too!

But that again is about unlearning, relearning, and understanding that abundance is our birthright. If that's the case, then all my needs are going to be met. The more you collaborate and the more you become a solutions provider, the more you attract money, revenue, and additional collaborations. You don't chase the money; money is a side effect of an energy exchange.

Exactly! The secret to making money is to find a need and fulfill that need. You discover what your passion is, and when you find out what your passion is, you also find a need for that passion in the world. When you provide or exchange that passion for others who need it, money is a side effect that shows up in your bank account. Forget about the money; follow your passion, become a solutions provider, and believe in abundance.

What you’re saying is very powerful. He just reiterated what I just came out here and said, along with what Dr. John H. R. Clark and Dr. Amos Wilson said: the whole purpose of a culture is to cultivate it, solving problems and meeting the needs of a people.

So, what is the problem in America, particularly in the Black community? We see high disease rates. What is causing these diseases? It's the food, because we're eating like another people and we're out of our indigenous mindset. Therefore, we need to start teaching people how to eat correctly for their biology.

Another significant issue is the high incarceration rates. Why are people going to jail? Because they feel they have to rob, steal, and sell drugs to make a living for their families. We need to create funding programs and businesses to offer our brothers and sisters jobs. This is the essence of what we are trying to convey today: to revamp or recreate our culture, we must identify the problems in our community and then educate ourselves on how to solve those problems.

Our issue is that we often lack the skills to address the problems in our community because we are too busy solving everyone else's problems. Think about it: how many doctors and lawyers are we sending to school who aren't even of our own ethnicity? Then, when we get sick, we go to a doctor who may not understand our unique needs. They lack the knowledge to study our molecular biology, how our melanin functions in our bodies, or how vitamin D3 works for us.

All the funds we are contributing are going to benefit others and their generational wealth, while none of that money stays in our community for us to benefit from. If our culture is dismantled, if it's not functioning correctly, and if we're not elevating to expand our consciousness—while the entire universe is expanding—we need to stop and examine what's holding us back from growth.

Now that we've identified the problem, it's time to educate ourselves on the solutions and put people in positions to help solve those problems. Guess what? We just cultivated—that's called culture.

I know you wanted to hear about food and vegan burgers, and while we only have an hour and fifteen minutes, we need to give you a high-level overview. We will definitely be back together, and when we do, I would love to have Billy do his own presentation, you do yours, and I do mine so that the people can get properly fed.

As we talk about culture and the shifts happening, I want to discuss a little about spiritual awakening. Many of us deny that we are very spiritual people. If I ask people to define spirituality, they often can’t. What does it mean to be spiritual? I don’t know; I thought that was enough.

Spirit is breath—the key energy to breathe. If we are people of melanin, we have skin conductors that create electricity, which operates within a certain rhythm. This is why we have rhythm in our breathing and why we move the way we do, how we say things, and the way we walk and talk. Everything is operated through our spirit. To have a spiritual ascension...

=> 00:52:42

Awakening your spirit starts with mastering your breath and detoxifying your body; it's time to reclaim our creativity and organize for change.

People can get properly fed, but I want to talk about why we have some time left. As we discuss culture and the shifts happening, I want to delve into a spiritual awakening. I believe many of us deny that we are very spiritual people. If I ask people what it means to be spiritual, they often cannot define it. For example, when I say, "I'm spiritual," what does that mean? I don't know; I thought that was enough.

Spirit is breath—this is the number one key. Chi energy is the energy to breathe. If we are people of melanin, we have skin conductors that create electricity, which operates within a certain rhythm. This is why we have rhythm in our breathing and why we move the way we do, say things the way we say them, walk the way we walk, and talk the way we talk. Everything is operated because we drip everything in our spirit.

To achieve a spiritual ascension, we must not only utilize our spirit to influence the world, but we also need to turn spirit into matter. We have to materialize things. Therefore, in order to be industrious, we need organization. Only fear organization, and if we are not an organized people, we will be yelling at the world, asking them to do for us what we can do for ourselves.

As a people who materialize, we must ask ourselves: if you are a man, what is your expertise? This is the age of Masters. We just had an expert on this stage talking about technology and AI. I don't need just a person with information and smarts; I have a machine for that. What I need is for humans to be creative. I need you to be an independent thinker and to know how to organize in abstract ways.

This is a time when the world is dependent upon us because creativity is lost. Eighty percent of the Internet is just regurgitated information; there is no color in the world right now. Yet, black people are asleep at the wheel during the greatest time for us to be creatively expressing ourselves and putting infrastructure behind it, so that everybody floods over to us.

So, are we ready to wake up? That doesn't sound like it. Come on, are we ready to wake up?

My brother, can you give us a breakdown about a spiritual awakening right from a cellular level? I heard you talking about light bodies and electrical bodies. Can we get into that a little bit? I know you usually do a three-hour breakdown, but can you condense it into five minutes?

Yes, I can. Some people call it the Kundalini rising, the rising of the spirit within us. It involves taking breath and using it in a way I call conscious breathing. You can do this just by consciously breathing. We know that 80% of the so-called African American population is even breathing incorrectly. Not only do we not know how to breathe correctly, but we also ingest and digest our food incorrectly. We don't even supercharge our food.

Returning to the breath, spirit means breath. When you look at spirituality or mastering spirituality, it is about mastering your breath. If you can breathe the correct way—breathing in through your nasal passage and exhaling through your mouth or nasal passage—you are actually using something called the diaphragmatic muscle to breathe well. Right behind this diaphragmatic muscle is something called the CNA Kyo, a large lymph node that detoxifies the body and activates a hormone called glutathione, which detoxifies and opens up what you would call Nrf2 pathways or metabolic pathways in the body.

This is how you detoxify. You are already spiritually wired to be spiritual and to expand in spirituality. What is stopping you from rising in your spirituality is that you need to detoxify your body of all the toxins and pollutants from the environment, from the information, and from all the EMF frequencies that permeate your body—trillions of them every second of the day.

If you detoxify naturally, start eating the right foods, get the right breath, and begin stretching, you will unlock memories. Many people don't realize that stretching can actually unlock memories because hormones and other substances can get caught up in your hips. How many men can't even stretch their hips properly? You start seeing all of these hip mobility exercises and stretching out the fascia, which is another nervous system that isn't being talked about.

So, just by getting back to what the elders used to do—breathing, fasting, intermittent fasting, eating one time a day, consuming your fruits and vegetables, getting out in the sun, and going back to nature—we can reconnect with our true essence.

=> 00:56:23

Transform your diet and environment, and you'll unlock your true spiritual potential. You are already a divine being; it's time to believe in yourself and embrace your eternal nature.

To detoxify naturally, one must start eating the right foods, which leads to getting the right breath and engaging in stretching. Many people may not realize that stretching can actually unlock memories, as various hormones and emotions can become trapped in the hips. It’s common to find that many men struggle to stretch their hips properly. By incorporating hip mobility exercises and focusing on stretching the fascia, which is another aspect of the nervous system that often goes unmentioned, individuals can begin to experience significant changes.

Returning to the practices of our elders, such as breathing, fasting, intermittent fasting, and eating one meal a day filled with fruits and vegetables, can lead to profound benefits. Spending time in the sun and reconnecting with nature—topics we discussed earlier—are essential for achieving a spiritual awakening. It is important to understand that you are already a spiritual being; the spirit cannot be separated from the body. Whether you are astral traveling or dreaming, you are always in a body that corresponds to the dimension you are experiencing. The only barrier to experiencing your spirituality is the environment around you, which can pollute your tissues and blood.

Since life, or oxygen, or spirit exists in the blood, it is crucial to engage in practices that cleanse the blood. This includes getting into nature, drinking more water, and eating foods that are grown naturally. Avoiding ultra-processed foods will facilitate your spiritual awakening. Personally, I transformed my life by changing my diet. I used to be a gang member with tattoos on my face, gunshot wounds, and stab wounds, having come from one of the toughest cities in America, St. Louis, Missouri. Now, I am a doctor with my own clinics. I share this not to boast, but to illustrate that if I can achieve this transformation, anyone can. The key to my change was altering my environment, food, water source, and the way I think about my brothers and sisters.

In our last episode of Level Conversations, the number one show in the world, we discussed the bloodline of the Gods. We delved deeply into the concepts of ascendants and descendants, and the protocols for creating the future. One of these protocols involves the next generation. If a man and a woman, both possessing knowledge and cultivated virtues, come together, they will each contribute half of themselves to their child. To influence the future, this process must be intentional. It’s not merely about love, despite the allure of fairy tale endings. The control of time is achieved by embedding secrets into the blood. The term Anunnaki refers to the bloodline of the Gods, and when you hear this, it should resonate with your own identity.

To activate this potential, you must look within yourself. We are all gods and goddesses. I encourage you to believe in yourself. The Bible states, "Ye are gods" (Psalms 82:6), and I choose to embrace this belief. A significant challenge we face in our spiritual ascension is the pervasive lie that we must die to live. In truth, we are already living. I intend to live fully now, and after this corporeal body passes, I will continue to live, as we are eternal beings.

The biggest misconception is that people believe they must plead for eternity. Each of us possesses an eternal spirit inhabiting our physical bodies at this very moment. To reach higher levels of consciousness, the first step is to forgive yourself. This is a struggle for many, as they often seek external validation for forgiveness. Instead, it is vital to engage in self-reflection, looking in the mirror, and acknowledging your past actions, how they occurred, and what led to them.

=> 01:00:26

We are all eternal creators, and the first step to unlocking that power is learning to forgive ourselves and grow from our past mistakes.

They're all already living. Right now, they're living, and I intend to live now as well. After this corporeal body passes away, I'm going to live again because we're already Eternal. I think the biggest secret is that people believe they have to beg to be Eternal. However, every single one of us has an eternal spirit inhabiting our Avatar bodies right now, this second.

If you want to understand how to reach higher levels of consciousness, the first thing you have to do is learn how to forgive yourself. This is something that people struggle with—not begging, hoping, and wishing for an outside source to come and forgive you, but rather going in front of the mirror and having a conversation with yourself. Recognize the things that you've done, how they happened, what created the situation, and how you got out of it or how you're dealing with it. Learn how to not duplicate that problem again.

When you reach that point of conversation with yourself and apply it in your life, you've now been born again in the spirit. You'll be born again many times in one lifetime because you're going to continue to grow, develop, and learn. You'll look back and see, "Man, I used to be here," just like Brother Yaki was saying, "but now I'm here." This growth comes from understanding how to learn from past mistakes, never repeating them, and developing yourself to a higher level of understanding.

We are part of the Divine; God is inside of every single one of us. Yes, I do believe in God. Just because I talk about aliens doesn't mean I don't believe in God. I've said this a thousand times, but people never hear me say that; they hear what they want to hear. Even in the Sumerian tablets, they referred to it as the creator of all, acknowledging they weren't gods in terms of the creator of the universe as a whole. When I say we're all gods, I can't snap my fingers and create a planet, but I do have a certain level of control over my own reality. This means I'm a fractal of the God as a whole, and the power of the Divine spark that created everything in the known universe is inside of my body, giving me the ability to create things myself.

Every single one of us here has manifested reality. I have a microphone in my hand; this microphone was created by a conscious thought. Somebody thought about this microphone in the original platform called the multi-dimensional platform. Our brains connect to 11 Dimensions. Peer-reviewed science has validated this. I've been saying this for over a decade, and people laughed at it, but now it's recognized. Three years ago, the Brain Institute quantified this.

This platform appears where thoughts begin. A person said, "Let me have a device that people can talk into that can magnify voice." Now, it's in a multi-dimensional state of being, but that person collapses it into two dimensions by drawing it on a piece of paper. Nowadays, we take it and put it into a computer, which is CAD (computer-assisted design). It looks 3D, but it's only 2D. Once we get it exactly the way we want it to shape ergonomically and feel, we take those specifications and give them to an engineer. The engineer will manifest a three-dimensional object that can move around on the XYZ axis in SpaceTime.

I'm holding this microphone right now, created from conscious thoughts. Every single one of us is doing that on a daily basis, and we take it for granted. We have the power of the Creator; we are all creators. We need to understand this and stop taking it for granted. If we weren't creators, we wouldn't be sitting on a chair—that's a fact. We wouldn't have clothes; we'd be sitting under a tree somewhere, butt naked.

This realization comes with great responsibility. Since we are creators, it means we have an effect and change on reality. Just speaking about the question you asked earlier, what are we laying down with each other for and procreating for? Are we just doing this to get our rocks off, or are we doing this to create civilizations and put our people in positions for a thousand years from now? I was talking to Dr. Africa years ago, and he was asking, "What is the purpose of even having a baby?" Do you pray before you have sex, or are you setting intentions before you go into that woman? Hold on, run that back for him, my brother.

=> 01:04:21

Creating life is about more than just procreation; it's about setting intentions and healing generational wounds before the child even enters the world.

Since we are creators, that means we have an effect and change on reality. Just speaking about the question that you asked regarding the purpose of procreation, we must consider what we are laying down with each other for. Are we simply doing this to get our rocks off, or are we doing this to create civilizations and put our people in position for thousands of years from now?

I was talking to Dr. Africa years ago, and he posed a profound question: what is the purpose of even having a baby? Do you pray before you have sex, or are you setting intentions before you go into that woman? Hold on, run that back for him, my brother. Do you pray before you have sex, or are you setting intentions before you go into that woman? They didn't clap hard enough for that. Are you mixing toxic seeds? Is your seed even good enough? Is it pure?

We are witnessing a troubling trend where we have two-year-olds coming in with leukemia and glioblastoma. You might ask yourself, where do these things come from? They are coming from the pollutants and toxins we have in our bodies because we are not conscious enough before we enter into these relationships and lay down to have children. Where are you at mentally?

I have several children. I had children when I was in the street, gang banging, running around rapping, and doing drugs. Then I had children during my awakening. Do you know the personality of my children during those two different times is completely different? This is an example of transgenerational epigenetic inheritance. If we are talking about raising an improved species and a higher level of critical thinkers, then that means you have to be that before you impregnate your woman. Your woman has to be there before she gets impregnated.

It’s way deeper than what we are saying; it starts even before the womb. It starts in the parents' minds. We have to clean ourselves up if we are going to really guarantee that our generation is going to be free. Look, when my mom makes some noise for that!

Seriously though, when I was in my mother's womb, she was listening to a specific lecture. It's one of the most powerful lectures that you can listen to, and it’s by The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. It’s called The Making of a God. The intention that you put into it is crucial. What my brother said was so powerful and affects all of us. You take a free frame of yourself, you have a baby, and that baby is a representation of who you were at that moment. If you become more, you then have to try to teach that baby so they can become like you.

Instead, if you focus on clearing out your DNA, healing your shadow, and going deep within to do that work, then when you have a baby, they don’t have to inherit the issues that you have. Our willfulness and our discipline come from our DNA, at least a percentage of it. If we are inheriting our parents, we are looking directly at them and saying, "I am you; I am our grandparents." Therefore, you study your father and your mother to know what is in you and what you need to overcome. But you also learn about the gifts you have.

That’s the beauty of it. You can learn something and then pass it down to that child. They have gifts, skills, and talents. I learned how to develop my gifts, my ability to speak, my ability to sway, and my ability to move on this planet Earth and shift time. That’s a gift; it’s not something you just develop. I got that from the womb and have been cultivating it in every sense.

I want us to have a reality where we focus on what our gifts are and who our parents are. Let’s start to do our genealogy. Let’s trace our roots. We used to keep Bibles as a people to know exactly who our family was. We had philosophies that governed our families, so we knew what that family represented. Whether it was written a thousand years ago or today, that same mind could be in that child, and that’s how you control time.

But we are not equal because we don’t all live the same age. How can we be equal on this planet Earth? Some of us eat right, while others have access to healthcare, allowing them to live longer. We are talking about equality, but equality starts in the womb. You want to give that child an opportunity by being knowledgeable and right within yourself. By the time you have that child, they won’t be trying to fight against the world.

=> 01:08:24

True equality begins before birth; it’s about the legacy we create and the health we pass on to future generations.

Let's start by exploring our genealogy and tracing our roots. Historically, we used to keep Bibles as a means to document our family lineage, allowing us to know exactly who our family was. We had philosophies that governed our families, which helped us understand what our family represented. Whether these philosophies were written a thousand years ago or today, that same mindset could be passed down to the next generation. This is how we can control time.

However, we must acknowledge that we are not equal because we do not all live the same lifespan. Some of us have access to proper nutrition and healthcare, which enables us to live longer lives. When we talk about equality, we must recognize that it begins in the womb. To give a child the best opportunity, we must be knowledgeable and right within ourselves. By the time we have that child, they should not have to fight against the limitations we impose on them.

So, the real question is: why do you want a baby? The purpose of wanting children should be to pass on your genetic information and ensure your legacy lives on through the ages. Yet, we must consider the quality of life we are providing. Many of us are suffering from various illnesses, and as we walk through life, we may find ourselves asking, "Can I get into the clinic?" We look at life expectancy and realize that some of us may only have a few more years left. This raises important questions: What have you accomplished in your life? Have you set up a trust fund for your children? Do you even have children? Is your sperm healthy enough for procreation?

The essential question is: how can we reproduce healthily, and what are we giving our children? The purpose of humanity in this reality is to experience creation. God fragmented Himself into seven billion different people so that we could experience His creation. However, how can we truly experience creation when we are suffering from ailments, such as arthritis or heart failure? When you are confined to your home due to health issues, how can you engage with life fully?

To address these challenges, we need to clean up our diets, our environment, and our mindset. We must break free from the rat race of nine-to-five jobs and become more entrepreneurial. We need to ask ourselves profound questions: What is your purpose? Who are you? Why are you here? These are questions that we should sit with in front of a mirror until we find answers.

You know where that shift starts? The shift begins with courage. Many of us lack the courage to make the necessary changes in our lives. Courage operates on a certain frequency, and when we live below that frequency, we find ourselves in a state of anxiety, guilt, or shame. When we are stuck in these lower frequencies, we cannot create our own world. Collectively, we must have the courage to step outside and create a world that reflects who we truly are. We need to speak our truth, expressing what is genuinely on our minds and hearts without fear of judgment or repercussions.

Fear often holds us back from becoming our higher selves. We dread going to jobs where we must endure unfunny jokes from our bosses, and we yearn for the dignity and respect we deserve. This journey is a marathon, a race that begins and continues throughout our lives. We are currently in an age of evolution, where we can take the ideas of our ancestors and advance them with modern science and technology.

We are tasked with taking ancient wisdom and applying it to modern life, learning from the past to shape our future. In this technological age, we must change the image we hold of ourselves. If I ask you to close your eyes, the image you envision should not merely reflect what you see in the mirror; it should represent who you are destined to become.

=> 01:12:36

Embrace your evolution by merging ancient wisdom with modern innovation, and watch how you transform not just yourself, but the world around you.

We must operate this planet Earth with dignity and respect. However, there is a marathon to this endeavor; it's a race that you start and continues indefinitely. We are currently in the age of evolution, where we take the ideas of our ancestors and advance them using modern science, technology, and the contemporary mind. We are bringing ancient wisdom back to Modern Man, and now we are poised to advance our culture by learning from the past and moving it into the future.

As we stand at the center of technology, we need to change the image we have of ourselves. If I ask you to close your eyes, the image in your mind should not be a reflection of what you see in the mirror; it should be a vision of what you're going to become. Therefore, you must focus on growth. This requires learning, challenging yourself, manifesting your potential, cleansing and detoxifying your spirit, and embracing the principle of "Each one teach one." You must forgive, love, honor, and respect one another. This is a different dedication to your next level; it’s about climbing that mountain and slapping the devil.

Part of this journey involves a demonstration of how we can come together and cipher. I do not argue with anyone on my platform because we are here to build. We are bridging connections based on the knowledge we possess, layering it on top of one another. Throughout history, there have been philosophers whose ideas have transcended time, and we continue to use their quotes and concepts. Now, we must become the philosophers of the world. We need to tell people, "I’m a cosmic masculine man," because the cosmos represents the perfect order and harmony of all things.

Religion, in this context, is simply man's connection to the Divine self; it’s our way of explaining reality. We all need to become more Divine in everything we do. I understand that some of you may not be fully engaged right now, but this message will resonate with you when you need it. However, if you can embrace it before you reach that point, you will find yourself in a state of abundance. Stop waiting until you are at your lowest to think your highest.

I want to be an example today. I came here wearing clothes from three different companies. The next time you see me on stage, everything will be made by a brother from my community. I am committed to spending all of my money within the community. Oh, praise! I will not be spending it with the Europeans or the Jews; I will ensure that every dollar goes back to my own community. This is my way of sacrificing and making a change to keep the money circulating within our community.

Now, I ask you, what will you do? How many of you are ready to manufacture with us? How many of you have brands? There are many brands out there, and we are opening our doors to help you. You can come to our facilities, tour them, and we want to assist in manufacturing your brand. If you want to enter a contest for a chance to win a $25,000 grant and be part of our new show, come to my booth and scan the QR code to get started.

I want to let my brother Billy share his thoughts. He remarked on how amazing it is to see so many people at a conference focused on gaining knowledge, gaining experience, and learning how to look within. It’s about becoming self-reliant and sometimes hearing things that might be uncomfortable. Even if some of it doesn’t apply to you, you can take that knowledge and help someone else. We are all here to build and grow together.

I also want to add another $10,000 to the brother's efforts, bringing the total to $45,000. Can I get everyone to stand up? This movement has always been about energy. We spend countless hours teaching and engaging with people, but it’s the energy we want to cultivate. When you leave here, this is an operation that transforms into a movement. As you step out those doors, you are stepping into a new self, declaring, "I am now here to advance." When you speak to others, you will do so with a renewed sense of purpose.

=> 01:16:36

Unlock your highest self by embracing growth, sharing knowledge, and stepping into your divine power.

We are here to build together and grow together. I want to add another $110,000 to the Brother. Come on now, let's make it $45,000. All right, $45,000 it is. Remember to check out Forbidden Knowledge TV and make sure you get the app.

Can I get everybody to stand up? This whole movement has always been about energy. We spend countless hours teaching and engaging with people, but it's that energy we want you to carry with you when you leave here. This is an operation that turns into a movement. When you step out those doors, you're stepping into a new self, saying, "I'm now here to advance." When you speak to people, be a little more calm and less violent.

I'm sharing the wealth, information, knowledge, and opportunities. You sitting in these corporate positions have the ability to fund with your budget, and you are not being radical. If you ever watched the movie The Spook Who Sat Beside the Door, it was about the first black CIA agent who took all the knowledge and intel from the CIA and brought it to the streets. What I'm here to tell you is that there's a spook inside you just waiting to be activated. You may not have realized you got into that position for this reason, but you did.

I get brothers all the time who tap in with me and say, "Keys, I got you." They don’t need to know it, but that’s our job—to activate ourselves. We are not capitalist crony bums; we are gods, and we must operate with a higher standard for ourselves. Are we low level or high level? High level! Well, let's act like it. It’s time for us to advance the culture and push it forward. When they ask, "Why are you listening to Yaki? Why are you listening to Billy?" you can say, "Because I want to tap into that God energy."

Men are the givers. What we consume, we then give to the world. But if we don’t consume anything, we have nothing to give. All three of us are still working on healing ourselves. We are still working to remove trauma and issues from our DNA. We are studying the habits of past leaders and asking ourselves how we can be better today. None of us are perfect, but we are striving. If we can give each other the same grace that we give to politicians, we can understand the importance of giving grace to leadership because they represent something bigger than themselves.

Each one of you today knows in your heart and mind that you are more than your job, your cars, your clothes, or even the person you are with. You know that you are a Divine Source. You are the children of the cosmos. You have been through the darkness and are bringing it to the light. You are the greatest innovators and inventors on this planet Earth. You possess a superiority in the way you move, talk, operate, think, calculate, and breathe. If you don’t walk with that type of confidence, you are not operating in the Universal order of yourself. I command you to be the man you are supposed to be, the woman you are meant to be, and the people that represent God.

When do you feel you are at your highest self? Personally, I feel at my highest self when I am consistent with my personal training, working out properly, taking care of my nutrition, reading, and focusing on my mental growth. I start my mornings with meditation, go on juice cleanses, and say my affirmations every day. That is what keeps me going. I feel at my highest self when I am in my flow, doing things from a place of creativity and passion. I make sure to journal every day and list at least three things I am grateful for that have nothing to do with my accomplishments.

Women love a sapiosexual, so when those brains are popping and ideas are flowing, you stay tapped in. You must stay safe out here; there are all sorts of viruses and diseases running around, especially during this time. If you are traveling, make sure to spray this on your body to kill any viruses trying to invade you.