Star Trucker Release Day Stream!

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Trying new things today: rocking a hat and enjoying bubblegum cigars!

I'm here, I'm here. I'm setting something up real fast. Oh God, hello everyone. Oh yeah, better. Oh God, I got to turn on the actual thing here. Oh, hello. How are you guys doing? Star Trucker like Optimus Prime? I don't know about that. Steve, hello. Oops, I'm late on cam. I am, I am. As you can tell, I have a Star Trucker hat. I don't wear hats, so this is going to be a new thing for me. Hello everyone. Eva, Iron Goddess of Mercy, good seeing you in the chat. Johnny, uh, oh Feer, is that how you pronounce that? Thank you so much for being in the chat. Love the hat, thank you. Todd Long, don't worry though, he's starting soon. I am starting soon. Oh, hello everyone.

I also made sure I went out and got some awesome cigars so we can really get in there. I think I've been beaten though. I saw a video shared by in Exile. Oh my God, dude, that was so good. Wait a minute, Sebastian with the 50 gifted memberships. Dude, insane. Very much appreciated. 07 Sebastian for the 50 gifted memberships. Holy fudge indeed, holy fudge. So I got my cigar here. Now you'll notice it looks a little funky. Wait a minute, oh no, can I get my label off? Oh no, is it stuck? No, there it goes, boom, boom. So I have my cigar.

You must get a flexible toilet seat. Yes, seriously, thank you so very much. This is a bubblegum cigar by the way. I don't smoke, I don't wear hats. This is going to be a whole new experience for you guys. Everybody, today it's going to be fun. Ah, sweet dude, everyone's going to become a member today. You guys are freaking awesome. Awesome. Alright, so let's get Star Trucker going. I always want to call it Star Ship Trucker. I don't know why I want to call it Star Ship. It's not, it's just Star Trucker. Let's get Star Trucker going. Let's get in here.

So you'll notice this music sounds a little bit familiar, I hope. Anyway, this game, I've played a little bit of it. It reminds me a lot of Pacific Drive. Did you guys ever play Pacific Drive? We did a stream. It came out, I believe, in like March or April or something like that earlier this year. I really like Pacific Drive and this game reminds me a lot of it, but it's like a trucker, space trucker simulator driving version of that. It is pretty good. It is pretty good. So if you have not, like a Cod highlight dude, if you have not, be prepared. It's going to be a little bit different, but I think you're going to like it. So I really like Pacific Drive and so when I first got in here, I was like, dude, I am digging this a lot.

Let's switch over here. Of course, my face is not here. There we go, there we go. And everyone's becoming a member now as well. You guys are freaking amazing. Everybody and hitting that like button, thank you so very much. Oh my God, I'm going to keep hitting my microphone. Yep, every time, every time. So I have them and I didn't realize what I was buying. I went and got a box of cigars. Let me put this down. I got a box of cigars. Yes, actually, let's go back into the big screen here. I got a box of cigars. I didn't realize that they sent me a whole, like, I was like, okay, that's a pretty decent size, right?

I have lots, lots of cigars. Oh my God, I don't know what I'm going to do with this many bubblegum cigars, but I have some bubblegum cigars, you guys. So yeah, bubblegum cigars. I thought they were going to send me like 10. I was like, okay, I'll take like 10 or like 15 or whatever. Not like this many. There's like a ton. There's a ton of cigars in this box. So yeah, I was not ready for that many cigars. Was not ready. Get one per stream. How long will it last? Dude, do they tell you how many are in the box? All I know is that it is 2 lb of cigars. It's 2 lb. Oh no, okay, there it goes right on the side. 38 count or 36 count. So I got 36 cigars in here.

36 cigars. 2 lb, 36 different cigars. So yeah, how many can you fit in your mouth? That's for my OnlyFans. Nah, that's only the OnlyFans. Alright, let's get in here, let's get in here. So, oh my God, make it shorter. There we go. I got to bite off the tip to make it shorter. Hand them out at Halloween. I might, I might because they're probably still going to be around at Halloween. I don't know. I don't want to hand out, like, I don't want to be the house that hands out bad candy on Halloween. And I don't know how long they're going to last before they get hard. Like, I don't know about you guys, but I don't like hard bubblegum.

=> 00:05:50

Playing a space trucker simulator on PC with a controller, and it's awesome!

I have a box containing 36 cigars, each weighing 2 pounds. These are different types of cigars. I joked about how many I could fit in my mouth, but that's a topic for my OnlyFans. Moving on, I had to bite off the tip of one to make it shorter. I might hand them out at Halloween, but I'm concerned about them getting hard over time. I don't want to be the house that hands out bad candy on Halloween. I prefer soft bubblegum, and these cigars are really soft, so they are good.

Switching topics, I am going to be playing a game on PC, but it is also available on Xbox Game Pass. Unfortunately, it is not out on PS5 or PlayStation yet, and I am unsure if there are plans for a PlayStation version. I played a bit last night to get a feel for it, and I really like it. The game has a theme similar to Pacific Drive. Before starting, I want to show you the controls. I will be playing on a controller because I prefer it over the inverted default controls, which treat the game like a flying simulator. I had to switch to a normal control scheme because I couldn't handle the inverted controls.

There are limited remapping options for controls, especially if you are playing on a mouse and keyboard. The game doesn't allow remapping, which I hope they patch in the future. For now, I'm playing on a controller, and it feels great. The game settings include playing at 1440p with no frame rate cap. You can use VSync as a frame rate cap, but I prefer locking it to 30 or 60 frames rather than my monitor's refresh rate, which is 165 Hertz. I hope they add a frame rate limiter in the future.

Now, let's get into the actual game. It's like American Trucker Simulator in space. I tried normal settings but messed up my reversing, so I will start over. The game offers many settings you can customize, such as fuel type, fuel cost, collision damage, and more. I will be playing on the recommended settings, which is the normal setting.

=> 00:10:18

Exploring space as a trucker is like American Truck Simulator but with zero gravity and endless customization!

True, it's American Trucker Simulator in space. I tried normal but scuffed up my reversing. Oh, I'm going to have to try this, so let's go do this. Let's go new. Yep, I played, I think, for 15 minutes, so not major. I'm going to start over though. Look at these settings if you want to do custom. Look at all this, look at all these settings you can change. That is ridiculous. You have your fuel type, you have your fuel cost. This is so freaking cool. I love all this. You can go through and set anything you want: collision damage, death auto recovery, image item damage, docking, truck warranty. I'm going to set everything to default, so it's going to be default. I'm going to be playing at recommended, which is like the normal setting.

You have driver, which is like your easy mode for those who want to focus on your hauling jobs, reduce maintenance, and lowers the job payout, so you're playing on kind of like an easier mode. You actually look great in that hat. Smile. Thank you, Midnight, very much appreciate it. My wife said the same thing, and I've never worn a hat before. So, I don't think this is going to be normal. I feel weird. Like, you'll notice I don't wear jewelry either. I have my, you know, my wedding ring, but other than that, I don't like wearing watches or anything like that. But, I mean, when I start to lose my hair for real, maybe I'll start wearing a hat because I'll look okay.

Then we have recommend, which is like the normal setting, the perfect starting point for new Star truckers, a balance of mix of in and maintenance. And then you have mechanic for those who enjoy getting their hands dirty, increase maintenance and lower shop prices. So, this whole game is you're hauling items across the galaxy, but you can receive damage and you need to fix it yourself as a trucker. So, you're getting out and patching up your truck, and this mechanic mode will make that more often. Hardcore is for truckers looking for a challenge. How long can you with the hardest settings? Again, we're going to be playing normal.

That hat does look good on you. Well, thank you. I'm a hat guy, and that's a nice one, and you wear it well. Well, thank you, Dragon Boy. Broke down in Onyx. All right, looks like you're leaking a whole lot of long juice there, buddy. Might want to take a walk and patch those holes. All right, we need to go patch the holes.

So, this is your normal view. I'm in my driver's seat. You got your gauges here, you have all your buttons for all this stuff. You have your hitch, you have all the stuff, you have your CB, of course, and then you have your chair that you can get out of. And look at this, look at this. This is insane. I can't talk with this damn cigar in my mouth. This is insane. I wouldn't mind having a truck like this. Look at it, it's a double-decker. Look at this, got our bed and stuff down here. We got our shock sensitive, what is this? I don't even know what these are. We'll pick these up later. Well, there you go. We have our core systems, our mag lock controls, all that kind of stuff, you know, our beds. Let's go up here. Now we need to go out and patch some leaks, so let's get our suit on.

That's it, we got to open up our air lock, close it. Did you remember your equipment? Did you remember your suit? I did. And then let's open this thing up. You'll notice I have a power gauge right there, but then there's an oxygen gauge right behind me. My big face is in front of my oxygen, so let me show you guys what this looks like. My oxygen meter right there, so you have your oxygen right where my head is.

Atlas Prime, I like how they use a—I don't know if this is around the world or is this just for the United States. Whenever I see a green highway sign, I think the USA, so I like it. Upair, whole breaches. So, we are in zero G, so it's kind of floaty because there's no gravity whatsoever. Let's get in here. We got to hold it down to repair the hole. And I like how you just float. Oh my God, I got to get closer. There we go. Like, I'm just kind of gliding around, so it's very floaty, but that's on purpose because we're in space. I like it. Look at that, just out in the middle of nowhere. I'm not even using a tether or anything. I'm just kind of floating. All these guys just driving around. Let's get up.

=> 00:14:40

Floating in zero gravity while repairing breaches in space is surreal and thrilling!

I think the USA so I like it up here, whole breaches. So we are in, oh God, we're in zero gravity, so it's kind of floaty because there's no gravity whatsoever. Let's get in. Here we got to hold it down to repair the hole. I like how you just float, like, oh my God, I got to get closer. There we go, like I'm just kind of gliding around. It's very floaty, but that's on purpose because we're in space. I like it. Look at that, just out in the middle of nowhere. I'm not even using a tether or anything, I'm just kind of floating. All these guys just driving around. Let's get up here. Where's my other patch? Where's my other hole? Right, oh, down here. Space, exactly. Here we go, just hold it down, so we should be good. Your objectives are up to the top left, that way you know what you need to do.

Now we need to return to my airlock and get back in my truck. Oh, I smashed into my pipe. I like how there's literally an exhaust, that's so good. Get back in my truck. Jason, I have another hole, right? That's what she said. There are speed holes. All right, that's closed. Let's open up the airlock, close that airlock, and then put our suit away. There we are. Your suit charges when it's on the rack, so you don't have to worry about it. Just let it sit there for a while. I wonder, can I get in here? Can I eject? Will it kill me? I think I'm going to die. Oh, I'm blacking out. Get back in the truck. It doesn't kill you immediately, but it's not good. You don't want to do that. You don't die immediately, but man, you start blacking out pretty quick.

If I was playing this, I'd be acting like I'm on a CB radio and just say all sorts of crazy stuff. They do have a CB in here, Captain Steve. You can't just do any response you want. I mean, well, you can choose which responses you want to make. Let's get in here and show you guys what's going on. All patched up, good. All right, good. You get back on the road. It might be wise to check your CB radio. There we go, and they give you the tutorials on how to use your CB radio. Interact with fellow truckers by using your CB. If you see the handheld symbol, pick up the mic, hold your right trigger to view a list of responses, and select all that apply. Put the mic back once you're done to regain control of your truck. Grab your headset and give me a holler. I'll let you know if you're coming through. All right, and then you get your responses. That's a 10-2 partner, loud and clear. With that done, I guess you should be on your way.

They don't have you respond like you don't hear your response. It just kind of tells you, "Oh, that's what you said." Press your right trigger to accelerate using your main thrusters. To brake and reverse, press your left trigger, just like most car racing type games. Any driving kind of game, use your left stick to fire maneuvering thrusters and turn the truck. Use left and right bumper to roll left and right. You can switch to an external view by pressing up on the d-pad, so I can go to third person. However, it should get you where you need to go. Let's put that back and I'll catch you on the other side.

The only thing is, I wish the camera could go out farther because that's your third-person camera right here. It feels like it's too close. I'd love for it to zoom back a little bit more. Wait a minute, wait a minute, I might be able to do that. There's not really a far-off camera though. Okay, so they do have different camera modes. Like, I'm on the right-hand mirror, the passenger mirror, so you can change between different cameras, but there's no option to pull this back a little bit more. I would love this camera just a little bit further back. All right, so let's go into the first person, that way I can actually drive this truck.

Oh yeah, and you have your load right here. You have all your Power Cell status. My grab is very low. Just like a normal truck, man, it takes a while to get going. Then let's roll, let's see what happens. Oh my God, that takes a long time to roll.

=> 00:19:36

Driving a space truck feels just like a real truck—slow to start, tricky to maneuver, and easy to damage!

There isn't really a far-off camera, though they do have different camera modes. For instance, I'm currently using the right-hand mirror, the passenger mirror. You can change between different cameras, but there's no option to pull the view back a little more. I would love to have this camera just a little bit further back.

Alright, so let's switch to the first-person view so I can actually drive this truck. Oh yeah, you have your load right here, and all your Power Cell status. My grab is very low, just like a normal truck; it takes a while to get going. Let's roll and see what happens. Oh my God, it takes a long time to roll. Beware the speed slot. Listen, dude, I don't even know if they have trucker stops, but I want to know now.

Jump Gates allow you to move between locations in the Galaxy with your truck correctly aligned to the gate. It will automatically power up once all gate lights are green. Use the lever above your head to make the jump. So, if you get here, you got to stop, and then you're ready to go. Your lever is above your head right here. Let's go! Oh yeah, we're doing a cool jump. I love this animation, this warp.

Galactic B calling in from the DV. Glad to see you finally made it, GB. I love it. We've already got a drop zone warmed up and waiting for you, so just head on over to the Waypoint, detach your trailer in the designated area, and I'll make sure your payment gets processed ASAP. ASAP, not ASAP.

Look at this area here. I like it. It's definitely an American interstate line right there. Drive your cargo to its designated Drop Zone to complete the hauling contract. The Drop Zone will change color to indicate the trailer is within the safe area. So, we got to go up here, get back in here. Come on. It's very floaty. Oh God, I'm going to crash. Don't crash, don't crash, don't crash. Son of a... Don't want to do that. That's not probably nice for the cargo.

If you turn off your Magna lock system, you unhitch from the trailers. This can be done by using the maglock lever inside your cab. Make sure the entire trailer comes to a stop; you don't want to be moving, or you won't get paid. Now, there's no way to see other than looking out the side mirror. I wish there was a mirror instead of just doing this. Someone just honked at me. Hey, chill out, buddy. Alright, I guess we got to unlock, so let's get back in the cab.

Oh my God, this is my rating for the job I just did, my tutorial. I got paid $500, but careless driving took 125 damage to client property, minus 1,541. I got zero dollars. I didn't get any money because I smashed up my haul. Man, like I said, star sucker. Oh dude, I am terrible at driving.

Hey, Jayon, guess what? You're a space truck fan, not a Star Wars fan. Hey, I like trucking. I like trucking. I haven't seen all the Star Wars movies. I've only seen the one. Jason, the horn is to the left of the jump switch. Oh, really? Great job. Payment should already be with you. If you feel like spending some of that hard-earned cash, just head on over to Palm View Station. You'll find they've got supplies, a few jobs on the board, and the best home-cooked soya protein inside of Alpha Centauri.

Now that you've learned the basics, we've enabled the dashboard controls and core truck systems. For further information, please take the time to read the user manual located in your glove compartment. Happy trucking! If you need any more help, get down in here. Look at this, holy cow, controlling your truck. Wow, you can go through everything if you have a question. Here you are, boom. Oh my God, there's a lot of stuff here.

Alright, let's put that back. Wait a minute, wait a minute. I got my high beams, turn off my roof lights. Okay, wait. Oh my God, a heater. Moderate? No, no, no. Let's turn that to cold. I like mine cold. The blower is going to be on low because you don't want it to be too high.

=> 00:24:27

Master your truck's dashboard controls and cruise through the game like a pro!

Enabled the dashboard controls, okay, so now I can use it and core truck systems. For further information, please take the time to read the user manual located in your glove compartment. Happy Trucking! If you need any more help, get down in here. Oh, look at this, holy cow, controlling your truck, wow. You can go through everything if you want to. Like if you have a question, here you are, boom. Oh my God, there's a lot of stuff here. Alright, let's put that back. Wait a minute, wait a minute, I got my high beams, turn off my roof lights. Okay, wait, oh my God, a heater moderate, no, no, no, let's turn that to cold. I like mine cold. Blower is going to be on low because you don't want it to be too high. Yes, internal 61 degrees Fahrenheit, yeah, let's get that low, let's get that low. Oh yes, 59, 58, I want to freeze.

Activate cruise control, are you serious? Oh man, okay, so our horn should be up here. Oh yes, alright, let's go. We're going to Palm View, and I love how it's not a fast-paced game, it's kind of a chilled, relaxed game so you can just enjoy as you're going along. Oh yeah, oh sweet, is this VR compatible? I have not seen that yet. I have not seen any VR features in it yet. Hopefully in the future, maybe it's a future update or a future patch. That would be cool to see because I mean, this does feel like it would be amazing in VR. Emergency air brake, oh look at that, you just go right to zero. I like it. Alright, 50°, I like it, that's a pretty good temp. Let's go to cool, we don't want to freeze.

Looks like my fuel's getting kind of low, I'm going to need to refuel. That trucker at Michael, yeah, we got the cool trucker. Hopefully, I didn't crash into anyone. Did I crash into anyone? I didn't even know. Oh God, excuse me, sorry. I assume it's going to be just like American driving on the right side of the road, not into here though. Oh God, don't do it, son of a driving offense. Looks like you just received a penalty for a driving offense. Penalties vary in severity based on the offense committed. This includes driving carelessly, collisions, and failure to engage with authorities. The cops, I got those Smokies on me, are you kidding me?

Alright, docking, not the kind of docking you're thinking about. Use the docking camera to align your truck with the Docking Bay. Maneuver close enough, oh you have to reverse in. Oh God, and mag lock system will become available because you have to lock in when you're in position. Pull the maglock lever to lock in with the target. Alright, Docking Bay, great, let's turn around. I am way below what I need to be. Okay, so I need to go up. I'm assuming I get to line up a little bit. There we go. Oh my God, got to use my reverse camera on this. Well, see if I can get this. Oh my God, roll yards. Oops, sorry, sorry, sorry. Not aligned. Oh my God, am I not lined up? I'm not lined up.

Alright, this is what we're going to do because we're in space. I bet you I could do this. So we're going to line up facing it and then we're just going to turn around. Oh my God, yeah, I'm way off. I am way off. Okay, let's line up looking at it and then we'll just turn around and back up into it. So let's do this. Look at that truck over there, that's all in the Docking Bay, wow. Alright, that should be a straight shot, right? That looks like we're lined up. So what we're going to do now is we're just going to turn. We're going to cheat, we're not going to reverse in like a normal truck, we're just going to cheat and do it this way.

Alright, I assume right there. Let's see, you're pretty good. Maybe NS has to fix the infinite loading screen glitch. Oh, hopefully. I thought they did that one, Michael, and thank you for the Super Chat, by the way. I thought they did that one already. I know the patch went out. What platform are you playing on, Michael? Maglock ready, okay, good. Wait a minute, low power, power.

=> 00:30:07

Navigating the galaxy with a trucker's spirit—space hauling just got real!

In the Docking Bay, it looks like we're lined up for a straight shot. What we're going to do now is turn and cheat a bit; instead of reversing like a normal truck, we'll do it this way.

Michael, thank you for the Super Chat. It seems like NS might need to fix the infinite loading screen glitch. I thought they had already addressed that issue with a patch. What platform are you playing on, Michael? Oh, Xbox? That might be the problem. Xbox has been behind on patches, so the fix for the infinite loading screen on No Man's Sky might not have hit Xbox yet.

Power levels seem low or exhausted for one or more of your truck systems. Be sure to replace power cells at regular intervals to prevent system failures, job delays, and death. Let's hitch up. Oh my God, I'm probably dead.

This game is included in Game Pass Ultimate. You need to have either Ultimate or a PC Game Pass; the lower-tier Game Pass won't suffice for day-one access.

Job boards provide a list of contracts available in the local area. As you earn certification skills, the list will expand, giving you access to new job types and cargo to haul. Keep in mind that bonuses and deductions will differ between job types, and harsh penalties will be issued for abandoning hauls or canceling jobs.

From someone who used to work in transportation, this looks interesting. Thank you for the Super Chat. I'm digging it; it's very chilled and relaxed. So far, there haven't been any time limits or harsh conditions. It's mostly about driving well and slow to ensure you get to your destination.

Let's see what jobs we have. One job expires in 4 hours and 47 minutes, hauling synthetic leather for two hops, which pays $2,000. Another job pays $500 for a four-mile haul. There's also a job for 6.1 light years and another for 10 light years, both paying $2,000. The shipping container job is catching my eye, so let's accept that one.

The contract is quite detailed. It specifies that the driver shall receive compensation for services rendered as per the agreed terms. The contract remains in full force until terminated as per its provisions. The company reserves the right to seek reimbursement up to $4,418 for early termination or abandonment of goods by the driver. This is legit and detailed, covering indemnification and holding the company harmless from any claims, liabilities, damages, or expenses arising out of the driver's performance of services, except in cases of gross negligence or willful misconduct by the company.

I am loving this. Let's accept the offer and see if we can take on another contract. It appears you can only have one contract at a time.

=> 00:34:42

If I quit or abandon the goods, I owe $4,418—this contract is no joke!

The company reserves the right to seek reimbursement up to $4,418 under the following circumstances: early termination or abandonment of the goods by the driver. So, if I quit or if I just leave the goods somewhere, I get to pay 4,400 bucks. Good Lord, this is legit. Holy cow, I am loving this. Look at all this. The driver shall indemnify and hold the company harmless from any claims, liabilities, damages, or expenses arising out of or related to the driver's performance of the services, except in cases of gross negligence or willful misconduct by the company. This is crazy good. I mean, I'm going to accept the offer.

Alright, can I do another one? Let's see what's going on here. So, can I do this one? This was a short one. Oh, you can only have one contract at a time. Okay, never mind. Alright, let's go accept the contract and go. M here got a legit lawyer to help out. Barrel break for Barrel Red Ed, good out here. What's going on here? This is Barrow, go ahead. What can I do for you, mate? I'm looking for info on the express Gates. Last I heard, it was a parking lot out there, nowhere in the Galaxy. You hear that? We'll clear out here as far as the eye can see. Are from Dusty bear our own set of Apple ears. Oh, really? Alright, alright. You CAU me just reading the mail here at the pit stop. Okay, those sheriff instincts do are, don't they, old bear? Now, who you calling old, Ace? You've been out here just as long as I've been. Listen to you two turkeys arguing again, loing the channel. A, it's just a go free break, Ed. Ain't no one out here with us anyway. Who all let like the newcomer made it across from Onx in one piece. A fresh-faced freelancer, well I'll be. Yeah, handle pal? Uh, not yet. Well, you'll need one if you got to be driving out here. Maybe we should call you Lucky Break. Lucky Break, you know, on account of the serendipity of our meeting. Pretty sure there's a Tough Break in Vexm. Right, right, Break Jake J. I reckon Lucky J could work. Lucky J, Lucky J it is. That works, Lucky J. Feels like a big old with all this chatter. Don't you have somewhere to be, Barrow? Yeah, yeah, I got a cold rink that's going to go. Keep the shiny side up and the greasy side down, fell. We'll do, Red Ed. Down and gone. Down and gone, big eights boys. Safe travels. Alright, don't agree, Michael. I had to, man. I need the money. I got a big old accident earlier. I probably owe like $1,000, so I need to make some money.

Alright, so this is why it reminds me of Pacific Drive because you have all these cool screens for like your upgrades. What is this over here? Look at this. Get my hole. I need to, oh, repairs recommended. I better go out and check my hole. Core systems, everything's online. There's my left mirror, there's my left forward mirror, upper forward docked mirror. Alright, so it says hole repairs recommended, so let's go out there and check our hole, make sure we're not leaking. Let's get down here. This is why it feels like a Pacific Drive to me. It's really, really good. Where are my power cells at? Where do I need to plug these in? At 48 U UCC. Only looks like your cab circuit breaker has been tripped. This is likely the result of an EMP or the incorrect removal of a UCC while the system was still active. Uh, that was probably what it was. Trip systems will stay offline until they are manually reset at the circuit breaker. Well, great. Remove that power cell. Yeah, the thing is almost drained. Look at that, it's 74%. I wonder if I can charge up my batteries. 74, 72. Is there a way to charge these things up? I got to trip my breaker here. Oxygen generator. Oh God. Alright, is there a way to charge up batteries? Shock pad. Okay, wait a minute. Open. Oh, what we got here? Air filters. Okay, let's put these over here. Put them back on the shelves. That way they're not all over my dang truck, all over the place. Back over here. There's a power cell. Ooh, 150 Power Cell. Oh, this is probably a super duper one, so I don't want to plug that in where it doesn't need to go. Put that down there. Put my boxes back in here. Come on, work wear carton. I don't know what that is, but we'll put that away. Alright, UCC. Oh, these are shock.

=> 00:40:05

Keeping my truck organized is a never-ending adventure!

I need to trip my breaker here for the oxygen generator. Oh God, is there a way to charge up batteries? Shock pad... okay, wait a minute, let's open this. What do we have here? Air filters, let's put these over here, back on the shelves, so they're not all over my truck. There, a power cell, ooh, 150 Power Cell. This is probably a super duper one, so I don't want to plug that in where it doesn't need to go. I'll put that down there and put my boxes back in here. Come on, work wear carton, I don't know what that is, but we'll put that away.

Alright, UC, see, these are shock sensitive. I need to find a place to fix all this stuff. We've got everything working. Alright, let's go outside and see what's going on with our freaking truck. Oh yeah, wait, batteries, put these batteries down here. There you go, there has to be a way to charge them back up. Maybe we'll find that later on after we do a couple of jobs. Those are good. Can't open these, right? Nope. Alright, let's go fix our freaking truck. Keeping this truck all organized, I know I gotta, man. What is this? Can't exit the truck here? Why not? Airlock offline? Why is the airlock offline? What happened to my airlock? Is it broken or is it because I'm in the Docking Bay? Probably because I'm in the Docking Bay. Yeah, I bet you because I'm in the Docking Bay it won't let me get out of my airlock.

Alright, Jason 74% drained, I think it's 74% left. Let's get out of here, we need to fix our truck. So where do I go to pick up my load? I guess I'm over here at New Liberty terminal. Oh, pull my brake, where's my brake at? There it is. Alright, I mean, the emergency brake doesn't seem like it holds, it doesn't lock in. Did I take that out? Oh, I thought I put it back in, son of a gun. I thought I put the battery back in, that's probably why. Son of a gun, let's put this back in, that's probably why I couldn't get out earlier.

Alright, John says battery exchange. It could be, maybe that's what it is, you can just trade in your batteries. That might be it. Let's look around, do we have any problems? Oh God, oh God, I don't see any. There's like no markers for me to fix. I'm not seeing anything. Yeah, I'm not seeing any kind of markers. Do you have to go to an actual repair area before you can repair? Because I'm not seeing any leaks, I'm not seeing any markers to tell me I had to repair something. Is that underneath? Yeah, I'm not seeing anything. Alright, maybe we have to go to a special area to repair, and that could very well be because I don't see anything even though it says I need to repair. Let's get back in here.

Check your gravity bar under the stairs. Oh, okay, let me do that then. Wait a minute, oh dang it, I thought I was closing the hatch. No, return to truck. Thought I was closing it. Alright, this is how we open it and close it. Pretty good. Battery exchange, it could definitely be that, John, and the 07, thank you, man. Under the stairs, over here, shock pad, nope, can't do that, can't do that. I'm guessing these are just vents to keep me warm or cold. I got it, looks like fuel, oh, I got a fuel canister. Okay, grow pack, I don't even know what that is, grow pack. Oh, got a box over here, get that back over here, back in there.

H, did you complete the cargo or just left without it? I assume I completed it. I need to go over here to, what is it called, we have a place that's marked for us. Man, that chair sounds like it's comfortable. We have that place, New Liberty terminal, it looks like we have to go over there, that's our marker. Or Medusa, wait a minute, alright, wait a minute. My mission at the top says head to Edgeboro and pick up the casual.

=> 00:45:17

Navigating space cargo runs is a wild ride—don't forget to secure your gravity compensator!

I have vents to keep me warm or cold. It looks like I got a fuel canister. I also found a grow pack, though I don't even know what that is. There's a box over here that I need to get back in there. H, did you complete the cargo, or did you just leave without it? I assume I completed it. I need to go over to a place that's marked for us. That chair sounds comfortable. We have to go to the New Liberty terminal; it looks like that's our marker. Wait a minute, my mission at the top says to head to Edgeboro and pick up the casual clothes. So, we have to go to Edberg. Maybe we can go over to the terminal, the New Liberty terminal, and check it out. I probably need to refuel. Is my cruise control on? Let's go up a little bit to 160; that sounds good to me. I like it because it has cruise control, so it's not driving for you, but it holds down the gas so you can keep on cruising.

Oh, what is this jack wagon doing over here? Okay, good, he's going. Wait a minute, get out of the way. The artificial gravity looks like it's offline. Movement around the cab will be impacted, and damage is likely to occur to poorly stowed items. The system can be found under the lower stairs and requires both power and a working UCC to stay active. What the hell, where's my brake? Sorry, oh God, everything came forward. Son of a... all right, thank you, low gravity. Did I put my hazards on? Crap, I forgot to put my hazards on. Sorry, I'm dealing with some stuff right now. Give me a second. Where are my hazards? Switching off the drive assist will disable the truck's automatic stabilizing system. This saves fuel but requires manual momentum correction. Okay, turn it on. Do I not have hazards? I guess I don't have hazards. Remind me to never hire Jason under the cargo. Is it literally this? No, where is it? Is it under the stairs? I'm over here. Gravity, I'm under the stairs, literally under the stairs. Wait a minute, oh my God, it is. I have to lift my staircase. Oh my God, my power cell is drained. Watch, I'm going to plug in a battery, and everything's going to drop.

Where did that battery go? I don't have hazards; they didn't give them to me. I guess we're going to pop one of these babies in here. This does not look like the same battery, so I'm pretty sure it's going to ruin everything. There we go, everything fell. Literally under the stairs, I should have looked down and seen that. Lift here for gravity access. There we go, I got my fuel, didn't explode, but I have boxes everywhere. Excuse me while I pick up all my stuff that was just floating around. It doesn't sound good. I like how it instantly makes you float; that's good. Pop that baby in. I just want to put in the normal battery because I'm afraid this over-juiced battery is going to mess it up. Anything else need anything? Okay, good, let's continue on.

I wonder if you can get a new truck or just upgrades. I don't know; I haven't gotten that far in the game. Hopefully, they can give you upgrades. Maybe it's not a new truck, but you can customize your truck. I know I saw the trailer, and it said you can customize your truck, so maybe it's just customization.

=> 00:51:30

Exploring space truck stops for upgrades and essentials—don't forget the travel beers!

I like that, that's good. Pop that baby in. I just want to put it in the normal battery because I'm afraid that this over-juiced P battery is going to mess it up. All right, anything else? Need any freaking thing? Okay, good, let's continue on.

Now, I wonder if you can get a new truck or just upgrades. I don't know, I haven't gotten that far in the game. Hopefully, they can give you something. Maybe it's just not a new truck, but you get upgrades like you can customize your truck. I know I saw the trailer and it said you can customize your truck, so maybe it's just customization. I'm just doing it because it's cool.

It says New Liberty Terminal. I assume... oh, wait a minute, job board, Job Shop. Let's go to the shop. I don't have any money, but let's see what's in the shop. I'm going to have to do this. Okay, what? Go back. All right, I'm going to have to do this again because we're in space. I can just literally turn in a circle, so let's line up with the shop and then we'll just reverse in. All right, so now we just have to turn around and reverse into that. Hopefully, am I lined up? There we go. I like how you don't have to be perfect. Jason, where's the driving instructor? Dude, I do need a passenger that's working with me here.

All right, containers. This is where you can buy your batteries. Okay, so yeah, it doesn't look like an exchange. James, it does look like an exchange. Or John, excuse me, John, it looks like you can exchange. I mean, yeah, we need a pack of beer. They don't have any good batteries. Oh, they have one. So if I can select something to trade and then... oh my God, a battery costs 555. That hurts. Cleaning supplies are only worth 225. Workwear, carton, crafting supplies, grow packs. I don't know what to sell because I don't want to sell something that I'm going to need later on. I got fuel, yeah, maybe not. Maybe not, maybe we don't do that.

Okay, so this is where you would buy your stuff and then you have this hard case container, electronic kits, probably cheaper on AliExpress. Probably. And it does say like when you go to sell something, it says its value is 500 but mine is only worth 6. So you might get more or less depending on where you go to trade. Maybe there are different truck stops where they'll give you more money. All right, yeah, well, you see in the center it says local prices. Chemicals are more expensive, energy is more expensive, but General Goods, food and drink are lower. So let me, you know what, we need to get the essentials, you guys. Let's get some beers, some travel beers. I mean, some travel drinks. Your order will be delivered to your airlock immediately. Do they just drop it in your... okay, they just drop it in your airlock. I still got to pick it up. All right, wait a minute, no, no, no, open up my... there it goes. Give me my beers. Do I have a fridge? Oh God, I don't even have a fridge. Yeah, and they sell them in fours, not in six packs. What the hell is this? I didn't even get a six-pack, huh? Come on now, don't open that can right away, that's a mess. I know they just dropped it in there, man, it's just going to be foam.

All right, so we need to go to... where is it at? We need to go to Edberg. Where is Edberg at? Do they not mark it for you? Atlas Prime, Auto Essentials, Purity, Harmony Link. I don't see Edberg anywhere. Express, gates to the Three Kings. Let's go in here. All right, oh my God, look at this. Where am I? Okay, where is Edberg? Am I convoying? Wait a minute, I got nothing in here. I got beers and stuff. There's a skill tree in here. Wait a minute, we have a skill tree. Looks like two jumps away. How did you know that? Wait a minute, wait a minute. Oh yeah, okay, there we go, there we go, you're good. So we have to go to...

=> 00:57:52

Navigating space is wild—no roads, just jump gates and skill trees!

All right, so we need to go to Edberg. Where is Edberg at? Do they not mark it for you? Atlas Prime Auto Essentials Purity Harmony link—I don't see Edberg anywhere. Express gates to the Three Kings, let's go in here. Oh my God, look at this. Where am I? Okay, where is Edberg? My convoying—wait a minute. I got nothing in here. I got beers and stuff. There's a skill tree in here. Wait a minute, we have a skill tree. Looks like two jumps away. How did you know that? Wait a minute, wait a minute. Oh yeah, okay, there we go. There we go, you're good.

So we have to go to Medusa 6, and then from Medusa 6, we got to go up to Edberg. So we got to jump two times to get up there. All right, let's go to Medusa. That's why Medusa 6 is marked. Okay, that's where we need to go. Can I just fly straight to it? Do I have to follow the road? Where we're going, we don't need roads. All right, let's see. We just fly over to Medusa 6. Roads, who needs roads? Exactly.

Did Jason just insinuate that he typically drives with an open container? Never would, Calvin, never would. I follow all the laws of my local community. Look at your map, you can see. Yeah, I know, I just couldn't see. Seriously, gaming, I can't read this. I'm not smart, so yeah, I just see the big green line. All right, there you go. So I like that. I'm going to need more fuel because I have like—yeah, look at that, I'm almost at half a tank. I wonder if there's a fuel station because I do have fuel in the back. Am I going to have to just use that?

This is a jump gate. We're going to need to line up with it. Oh, this guy's probably going in there right now, so let's get behind this guy. Yeah, so he's lining up for a jump. Stop your truck at a suitable distance and jump. The gate will power up. If you're having trouble, make sure you are facing towards the gate and use the stop signs to align yourself. Remember, gates between zones and sometimes sectors will stay inactive until you get clearance from the divv. Do I need clearance? So I'm guessing we need to line up like where he is.

Where's my emergency brake? Am I not lined up? Am I too close? There we go, like that. Hey, I'm trying to get through this gate. Am I not lined up? This has to be it, right? No? All right, we're going to let someone else do it, and I'll just come back. Let's do a loop. Oh, there's a fuel station right there. Okay, he went through. All right, let's line up again. You got to get up on it. Do you have to? Everyone else was like far away. Let me get up on it. You do have to get up on it. Okay, am I not high enough? Go. Oh no, back up a little bit. I don't think I'm high enough. I think I'm too low. I need to go up a little bit higher. You got to get real close. Okay, you got to get—I thought you had to see the stop signs before you can go through. Okay, let's go up a little bit higher. Let's get up on it. There we go. Let's go. All right, all right, we're getting this. We're getting the hang of it. CB radio, yeah, you got it.

Okay, we got to go to Edberg, but I might go get some fuel first. ASO of fuel, let's go get some fuel. Let's see what that costs because I'm at half a tank now. I like how every section is different, like this is a whole different nebula. Look at this, this looks crazy. I like it. Go get some fuel. Do you have a heavy vehicle driving license? We'll say yes. We will say yes on that. There's no control for straight up and down. No, as far as I know, you just have a roll, and then you have your steering that you can kind of like—you know, you're just basically going all over the place, but there's no straight up, down, or side to side. There's a roll, and then there's just your free roam steering.

=> 01:05:04

Fuel prices are insane—$2.13 per gallon? Sign me up!

Let's go get some fuel and see what that costs because I'm at half a tank now. I like how every section is different; this area looks like a whole different nebula. Look at this, it looks crazy. Let's go get some fuel.

Do you have a heavy vehicle driving license? We'll say yes. There's no control for straight up and down; as far as I know, you just have a roll and then your steering. You can kind of go all over the place, but there's no straight up, down, or side to side—just roll and free roam steering.

Let's get in here and get some more fuel. I assume I pull up; do I have to go outside? I might have to go outside. Oh nice, they lined it up, and it's purple—the best color. They give you a box to get into, which I like. This is what they should have done with the warping portal. Oh, you don't have to go outside; you can just fuel. Begin fueling.

$2.3 per gallon? I need to find out where this gas station is. $2.13 a gallon? Are you kidding me? I've never seen it that low. That's not true; when I first started putting gas in my car, it was 89 cents. Now, I think around me it's like $3 something. Holy cow, $2.13? Sign me up!

Wait a minute, 393 gallons? That's a big tank. Holy hell. Alright, let's get it. We're good, so now we're full. We had 80 or 57 miles. This is the worst fuel economy in a truck I've ever seen—57 miles on 300 gallons? Are you kidding me?

We need to go to Edberg. Where are you, Edberg? There you are. $2.58 last week in South Louisiana. Dude, it's around $3 in Colorado. You might be able to get lower than $3 if you have a discount, but it's tough. What the hell did I hit? I didn't hit anything. Warning, hole breach. Did I hit an asteroid? Oh shoot, I probably hit an asteroid. Look at that, there's an asteroid just floating out there.

That's why you want to use the roads. Let's go patch up our hole. We have a hole breach, and oxygen is depleting. We need to fix this now. That chair sounds like a comfy chair. Let's go fix this. Where's this hole? Oh my God, up in the front. I love it. This game is so good, you guys. I love this game so damn much. I hit the side for sure.

Look at that, this game is good. Iron on some of these patches. There we go. My truck's looking a little bit rough; I'm definitely going to need to fix it up a little bit. Got to do this job, get some money, and afford some upgrades—maybe paint my truck.

Let's get in here. John says his 2015 has 25,000 miles on it. Really nice to have no clue about car maintenance. Dude, 2015 and only 25k miles? Do you never drive anywhere? When I was working at the radio station, we were doing about 250 miles a week, which is 1,000 miles every month—12,000 a year. Man, you must have a really close job.

Alright, let's go back to Edberg and try to avoid all these asteroids. That's probably why you want to use the highways, so you don't hit these asteroids like I did. Look at that, they're just floating out there. Son of a... use the highways for sure; don't just four-wheel it. That's not what you want. Warning, hole breach again? I just fixed it. Son of a gun. Let's see what happens if I jump with a hole breach.

=> 01:11:00

Space trucking isn't just a job, it's an adventure through asteroid fields and endless repairs.

Working at the radio station, we were doing about 250 miles a week, which adds up to 1,000 miles every month, and 12,000 miles in a year. Oh my God, man, you must have a really close job. Dude, all right, let's go back to Edberg and try to skip out on all these asteroids. That's probably why you want to use the highways, so you don't hit these asteroids like what I'm doing. Idiot, yeah, look at them, they're just asteroids floating. Oh my God, Son of a... use the highways, use the highways for sure, don't just four-wheel it, that's not what you want.

Warning: hull breach. How? I just fixed it, son of a gun. Well, let's see what happens if I jump with a hull breach. Will it even let me jump? Let's go, I'm going to die on the way. Gate status: deceleration phase. Whoa, look at this, this is like a big factory. Welcome to Edberg. I'm not going to be the guy that stops on the freaking offramp. I definitely need to find a place to pull over so I can fix my hull breach. Let's go up here. All right, I wish I had freaking hazards.

All right, let's go fix another hole that ran into an asteroid. Dang it, where was this one at? It could have been a flat tire. I mean, yeah, that's true, it could have been a flat tire. It's always the same side, man. I have a problem with my right side. Same problem, same spot. Now, this is another thing: I wish they would keep all your patches on here because then you can come out and see, Oh my God, Jason, the right side of your freaking truck has a million patches on it. What the hell, dude? You got a problem, you better keep your eye on your right side. Oh yeah, now we're good.

Oh seven, Captain Steve. Oh Captain Steve, what did he say? Dang it, the VR demo was a ripoff, was space trucker, and it was rubbish. Oh no. Yeah, as far as I know, this one did not have anything that said it was VR, so maybe in the future they'll have a VR update if the game is popular enough. I know that it's a smaller developer, so it's not going to be immediate fixes or changes because they have to actually do stuff. There's only a couple of them, I think there's only two guys making this. I'm not positive on that, but I know it's a very small developer.

All right, I need a beer after all that. Can I drink this? Can I not drink my beer? I guess not. All my stuff is falling out of my truck because I keep hitting all these asteroids. Got to set it back up. All right, Jason's first upgrade is armor. I'm going to need it, John, I'm going to need it. That way I can just plow through all the asteroids, no problem. No problem. All right, let's go over and pick up our cargo. Can I get over there without crashing into another asteroid? That's going to be the question.

What is this? Oh, Salvage Beacon. I don't know what a salvage beacon is, but I want it. I just saw that. What is a salvage beacon? Oh, I didn't give it enough time to power back up. Uh-oh, I will be okay, I still have half power, so we're good. This salvage beacon feels like it's way far away. I might not have enough power, I just realized. What is all this? What is all this? Is it beer? I will take space beer. Oh, pack of soda. I mean, I guess I'll take a soda. Hey, don't honk at me, I'm picking up space soda.

All right, let's bring back our space soda. Man, my truck looks rough, look at that thing. It is so rusted and the paint is not good. Definitely need to fix that up. All right, let's get back in here. I like how I took off my suit while I was still carrying the soda. What's the soda called? Easy Soda. All right, that'll fit in your pocket. Yeah, all right, let's go down here and get our cargo. Switching to your docking camera.

=> 01:17:02

Space trucking is the future, and I'm loving every minute of it!

This is it. Beer? I will take space beer. Oh, a pack of soda. I mean, I guess I'll take a soda. Hey, don't honk at me; I'm picking up space soda. B all right, let's bring back our space soda. Man, my truck looks rough. Look at that thing; it is so rusted, and the paint is not good. Definitely need to fix that up. All right, let's get back in here. I like how I took off my suit while I was still carrying the soda. What's the soda called? Easy soda. All right, that'll fit in your pocket. Yeah, all right, let's go down here and get our cargo.

Switching to your docking camera and approach carefully. Once you're within range and aligned correctly, use your magn lever to hitch to the trailer. We're going to do this just like when we park. I'm going to line up and then I'm just going to turn around. All right, we have our camera. Yep, we do have our camera there, so let's turn. Smash into the side rail—don't worry about it. All right, now we use our reverse camera. Back up into it. Come on, we got this. We got this, you guys. Maglock is ready. What? Oh, I went too far. All right, now maglock is ready.

Press your menu button to access the galactic map. They could have done this earlier; that way, I can find it here anyway. From here, you can plan delivery routes and view information about locations. I guess we need to go back to Atlas Prime. Oh, there you go. One and two driving distance, two stops. Driving time: 10 minutes. Galactic distance is 7.6 light years. Estimated total duration: 2 hours 45 minutes. I assume that's in-game time, not real lifetime. All right, well, let's go. So 10 minutes of driving, but it's 2 hours in drive time.

Everything looks good over there. Wait for everyone else to go through. There we go. Get up on it. Oh, that braking took a little bit longer because I actually have a haul. Okay, that's interesting. So it took a little bit longer to brake because I'm actually carrying. Okay, I like it. We need to go over to Atlas Prime. Where's my Atlas Prime? We're going to use the highway; that way, I don't hit any freaking asteroids. Oh yeah, oh my God, physics. I mean, most of the time, you'd be surprised, Dr. Pong, that they actually wouldn't use that. They'd be like, yeah, you're good. I like it.

Let's drive through the business hub. We need to go up there to go to Atlas Prime. Up, I see asteroids. There's my Atlas Prime. Excuse me, I assume this is for Atlas Prime, right? This highway? Yep, looks like it. Okay, got to get in here. Got to go up. Exit only Atlas Prime. I like it. Oh, turn, turn, turn. Wow, yeah, you float for sure. Yeah, you are definitely flying a ship. Don't crash, you son of a... I smashed into that dude. I need to be more relaxed on turning here. Jeez Louise, I'm pretty sure I damaged my hull here. Oh, I didn't. Maybe I damaged my cargo. Son of a gun.

All right, so Atlas Prime is on the right. Let's get in here. Total haul weight: 92,000 lb. I don't know if that's a lot, but that feels like a lot. All right, we got to get up on it. I'm really liking this game, you guys. I'm really liking it. Go, go, go. So it's a trucking simulator but in space. That's what it feels like. I have not played trucking simulator, but I've seen some trucking simulator videos, and it feels kind of like that. And we need to drop off casual B, close in B NL 05. Where is that at? Drop zone over there. Well, let's go on over. We're going to follow the highway.

=> 01:24:00

Space Trucking Simulator: Delivering cargo through asteroid fields is my new obsession!

Atlas Prime is on the right, and we're ready to get in here with a total haul weight of 92,000 lb. That seems like a lot. We need to get up and get moving. I'm really liking this game, you guys. It's like Trucking Simulator but in space. Although I haven't played Trucking Simulator, I've seen some videos, and this game feels similar.

We need to drop off casual B at close in B NL 05. Let's head over there by following the highway. I did have a collision, and my trailer is at 80% while the casual clothes are at 100%. Hopefully, they don't penalize me too much for just the trailer being damaged. Everything's working fine, but I need to avoid going into debt. Someone suggested deleting the game if you go into debt, but I'd rather start a new game and learn from my mistakes.

Using the highways is crucial because they are clear of asteroids. Flying wherever you want will likely result in hitting asteroids, causing damage to your truck or cargo, and losing money. As we approach the drop zone, I got a warning light that freaked me out. I need to slow down to avoid sliding into the walls, as careless driving costs $300 and damage to client property costs $200.

I need to make sure the Drive Assist is on. We used 1,000 gallons of fuel, but we made $1,800, which is a positive outcome compared to our first drop where we owed $1,000. We've leveled up to rank two and have a skill point available. We can unlock Just in Time jobs with tight deadlines, which offer a 5% XP boost and 10% cash bonus for timely deliveries. Alternatively, we could unlock fragile loads, but they seem risky due to potential damage deductions.

After considering the options, I decide to go with Just in Time jobs. This method involves receiving goods from suppliers only as needed, minimizing downtime between jobs. Planning maintenance, fuel stops, and other activities will be crucial to avoid deductions.

For now, we only have one skill point for our trucker. Someone asked if we can play with the G27 or just the keyboard. It seems there's no real key rebinding, so we're likely locked to either keyboard and mouse or controller. I'm using a controller, and it works fine, but there's no option to redo the keybinds.

=> 01:30:23

Loving the vibe of this space truck simulator, even if it's a bit rough around the edges!

Right, I think that one's the best. I need a drink. The glass load, the heavy loads—I need all the heavy loads. All right, so we just have that one for our trucker so far. Oh, can we play with the G27 or just the keyboard, Carlos? I have a feeling—let me look in the settings. This is a break for me to check. I think there's no real option for redoing the key binds, so you probably are locked to either keyboard and mouse or controller. I'm using a controller right now.

You can use a controller, but there's no keybind customization. I don't know if you can use a joystick, but you could try. It's on Game Pass, so if you have PC Game Pass, you can test it out if you want to.

DJ, I heard you've been given a just-in-time job permit. If that's so, then I might have a teeny tiny job for you. Alice Prime, right? Come see me over at Harmony Link if you're interested. Harmony Link, sour candy, and I'm lucky. J, all right, let's go see sour candy. Where's she at? Meet sour candy. There we go. This is going to be one sour shipment.

Oh yes, so the skill tree is just like that one in ETS. ETS? I have no idea; I've never played either one of those. Okay, thank you. No worries, Carlos, no worries, man. The biggest thing I would think of is the keybinds—you can't mess around with those, so that might make it hard for any kind of joystick or anything you want to throw in here. If it's a two-person development team, they plan on adding it. Dude, I hope so, but I don't know their road map for the game. I know it's a small team; it might be more than two people, but I get the impression it's just two guys working on this. The game is awesome; I'm really digging it.

So let's get in here and meet candy. Boom, boom, boom. I just realized she's at the truck stop. I'm not going to make any jokes; we're just going to go with it. We're going to meet sour candy over here at the truck stop. Oh, we're doing 160; we better calm down. You definitely can slow down a lot faster without a load behind you. Okay, she's out here. Do I have to go out here? Breaker breaker for Lucky J, you here for that job I mentioned? I'm looking for someone to haul something to Emerald Junction. I’d do it myself, but I really need to get back to my workshop. Should be some sweet lettuce on delivery, though—just a little something for Barrow, nothing crazy though, Scout's honor.

Now, just give me a moment. Okay, I've sent you the delivery schedule. If you're too early, there'll be nowhere to park the trailer, and if you're too late, Barrow won't need the shipment anyway. So the trick is to optimize your route. It might be a quick turnaround, but you can't make it too quick. You copy? 10-4, sour candy. Great, catch me on the rebound and let me know how it panned out. All right, let's go get the load, and we can't be too fast, I guess. Pick up stuff from the Barrow—I like how it's just "stuff."

Oh man, it's just a space truck simulator type thing. It is, Cobra King, it is. If you're into that kind of thing, it's really, really fun. I'm actually digging it a lot. I like the atmosphere of the game. It's not really difficult to get going, but it is going to be difficult for the finer-tuned things, I guess. So let's grab this cargo load. This is the hardest part of the freaking game for me anyway—lining up and hitching up to either the drop-off points or the loads or whatever. Stop, there we go, and we just turn around, make sure we're lined up. There we are, line it up, and back up into it. Don't crash into it though. What the hell? Did I just run out of—oh my God, suit and gravity. Every time, my freaking gravity in my suit. Man, maglock is ready. Stuff for Barrow. Mhm, let's see where we're going. We got to go to Medusa City and then Emerald Junction. Got it. All right, we're heading for Medusa.

=> 01:36:26

Switching to third-person view can make hitching up in the game way easier, even if you lose some dashboard details!

This is the hardest part of the game for me: lining up and hitching up to either the drop-off points or the loads. I need to stop, turn around, make sure we're lined up, and back up into it without crashing. What the hell? Did I just run out of gravity in my suit? Every time, my freaking gravity in my suit runs out. Maglock is ready for Barrow.

We need to head to Medusa City and then Emerald Junction. Alright, we're heading for Medusa City. John suggested trying it in third person, and it seems much better. In third person, I can't see any of the details like the speedometer or in-game seat things, but I can drive a little better.

I have stuff floating around because my gravity's gone. Hopefully, these things will chill out. Thank you, John Rogue, for the super chat and the tip. Next time I have to hitch up, I'll try it in third person to see if it's easier. I need to get to Medusa 6, way up there, and then arrive in Emerald Junction from 517. I'm at 3:14 right now, so I have a couple of hours to get there. I'm going by the clock on my dashboard, hoping it's correct and synced up.

My suit's at 6%, and my gravity is at 0%. My gravity in my truck just keeps draining like crazy. I definitely need to get some more batteries. We'll drop this off, get our money, and then get some more batteries. What was that? There's just a big old car. Oh my God, I'm probably all jacked up and leaking everything. I need to stay on the highways. I can see the leaks. This is a driving hazard; I can't see anything with all this junk in front of me.

Welcome to Medusa. This is an automated inspection checkpoint. Please be patient while we check for compliance with local regulations. Security check complete. Results are satisfactory. Have a great day. No one's got any men around here anyway. Breaker breaker, this is a 107 for Lucky J. Can I get your 20?

Sorry, what's the 107? This is GB checking on a report of an unregistered freight job. Sour candy? Alright, I'll let it fly this time, but be careful in the future. Sour candy at the DV isn't as lenient as me. Sour candy is going to mess me up.

Let's put that away. My driver assist is on. Let me stop here for a second; we need to patch up some stuff. I'm about to die; all my meters are gone. Let's stop and patch up. My gravity and beer are getting shook up. Let's get this gravity going. Where did my batteries go? They're probably up there. Yep, grab this thing. My suit battery is at 6%.

=> 01:42:15

When life throws you sour candy, just keep driving and patch up the leaks!

All right, I'll let it fly this time, just be careful in the future. Sour candy at the DV ain't as lenient as me. Sour candy is going to mess me up. Let's put that away. My driver assist is on. Let me stop here for a second; we got to patch up some stuff. I'm about to die. Oh my God, all my meters are gone. Let's stop. All right, let's go patch up. Oh my God, gravity, my beer is getting shook up. Dang it, get this gravity going. Where did my batteries go? Oh God, they're probably up there. Yep, grab this thing. I think my suit battery is dead. No, it's at 6%. Okay, all my beers are all shook up. I got junk everywhere. Dang it, drop that. That battery is dead; I should probably just get rid of that. All my beer, get all this crap out of here. All right, that was all this junk. What is going on? Yeah, I know, I know, I'm leaking. I know I'm leaking.

All right, open up this lock. Let's go out there and fix some holes. I bet you I'm leaking everywhere. I got to be leaking everywhere. Let's look at this. Oh yeah, hole breach, hole breach, hole breach. Oh my God, a freaking car came out of nowhere. Clean up later, you're on a schedule. I'm going to die though. I think I'm leaking too much. I got a leak I got to patch up. I don't want to die. Get going, get going. Oh my God, look at my truck, it's all scratched. I definitely need to get better armor so I can smash into things without getting hole damage. Come on, at least I didn't break my windshield. If you're in Colorado, you know what that's like. Man, you get some hail damage on your window. Oh my God. All right, let's get back inside and keep going. Go, go, go. Besides, we're delivering illegal stuff for sour candy. I have a feeling she's going to get us in trouble. Man, cops are going to come after us for sure. Close that up. All right, let's go. I got all this crap on the ground. Go, go, go. Pay attention to the temperature on the ship; it does change depending on the outside temp. You can turn it up or down. Yeah, it's at 59, we're good. We need to get over to express gates to the Emerald City. We need to go to Emerald, right? Yeah, we need to go to Emerald. All right, got it. Oh, my battery is getting low on my suit and my core. Oh God, definitely need to stop off and get batteries after we do this delivery, guys, because I'm losing all my stuff.

So definitely in between jobs, you want to take some time to get your batteries and everything. It's already 4:51, we got to get there at 5:17. We got to go, we got to go. Let's go. Can I cut in line? I'm going to cut these guys off. I need to get to Emerald City quick. Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me, I got to get in here quick. Let me, oh, I can't cut him off, I don't think. Hurry up, hurry up. I got to get in there. I got less than half an hour to get back to my thing. Thank you, thank you. Go, go, go. How do you go up or down? You just got to drive up or down. There's no actual accelerate up. Well, how about that then? Perfect, the truck has been flagged for a mandatory weight check. Please head to the waypoint and stop in the marked bay. Like I was telling you, well, how about that then? Perfectly on time, right on the stopwatch. Head on over and attach the merch at these coordinates. We'll have this job wrapped up in no time at all. I got to go get weighed in first. I'll be right back. I need to be there by 8:31. It's already 5:35, so I need to go to the weigh station. Oh my God, they're going to catch me. I have some illegal stuff, I know it. So I have to get there between 5:17 and 8:31 because I got to drop off at 8:31. All right, that's not bad, that's not bad. Don't need any fuel. Let's get into this weigh station. Of course, I'm coming at it from the side. Son of...

=> 01:48:14

Just when you think you're on time, life throws a curveball—stay ready for the unexpected!

Stop in the marked bay. Like I was telling you, perfectly on time, right on the stopwatch. Attach the merch at these coordinates, and we'll have this job wrapped up in no time at all. I need to go get weighed in first; I'll be right back. I need to be there by 8:31, and it's already 5:35. So, I need to go to the weigh station. Oh my God, they're going to catch me. I have some illegal stuff; I know it. I had to get there between 5:17 and 8:31 because I have to drop off at 8:31.

Alright, that's not bad. I don't need any fuel. Let's get into this weigh station. Of course, I'm coming at it from the side. Son of a... of course, I come at it from the side like a fool. Give me a second; I'm turning around. Come on, where is this freaking weigh station at? There you are. Alright, let's get in here. I know I'm going to get messed up. They're going to be like, "Sorry man, you're way out of spec, buddy. What the hell are you hauling?" I don't know, sour candy? She was whispering sweet nothings in my ear.

Weight check will start the moment your rig comes to a standstill. Hold tight; we'll have you back on the road shortly. Does each area have different time zones? I don't know. I know each job has a different time. Have a nice day. Thank you. I know each job has a certain time, so I don't know if there are different time zones, but you definitely have to drop off and pick up at certain times. Some jobs are very specific, like you can't be outside of the window whatsoever.

Let's go back and drop off at our drop zone. Come on, don't crash into anybody, Jason. Thank you. Oh, I think we lined up perfectly on this too. Yeah, alright, and we're going to be there by 5:38. So, we just needed to be there before 8:31. We're going to be a couple of hours early, I guess, almost three hours early. Wait a minute, damage to client property: $8,000. I just lost a ton of money. Oh my God, $8,000 for damage to client property. That wasn't my fault; it came out of nowhere. Damn.

It's a massive scale. How are those weight limits in space for gravity on Earth? They wear and tear on the road surfaces. Maybe it's more that they don't want you slamming into stuff when you have a heavy load. Great stuff, thanks for the delivery. Lucky, I'll keep you in mind next time I need something done on the sly. Oh yeah, Candy said it to Medusa 6. Hit that way if you want to catch up with her. As for me, it's back to the old grind. Catch you later, Lucky. This is Barrow, out and in the clear.

I don't know if I want to mess with Candy anymore. Alright, let's go fix up this freaking truck. Let's see what we got here. Oh, we have an authority badge. Let Express gate to Medusa. We don't need Medusa. What we need is to see if we could buy any upgrades or anything now that I don't have any freaking money. Goodman Tower, we need some fuel as well. I need to buy some batteries because all my power cells are going down the drain. Star break supplies, that sounds good. Oh, it's down there.

Okay, let's go in the third person. Let's see if we can do this in third person and line up with it. Woo, it feels like I could do this way faster. I definitely can't tell where I am, though. What the hell, did I just lose everything? Wait a minute, I just lost all power. Oh shoot. Oh no, I can't do anything. I lost all power. I'm just floating. Son of a... I got to do that power quick. Oh yeah, look at that. I lost the suit charger, climate regulator, core systems. Wait a minute, oh God. Alright, we definitely need a battery here. What are we going to switch out? I need a new battery quickly. Oxygen generator, maglock controls, let's turn that off. Core systems, let's see what we got. I got a battery with zero in it. That's great.

=> 01:54:51

Surviving in space without power is a nightmare—always keep your batteries charged!

It feels like I could do this way faster, but I definitely can't tell where I am. What the hell? Did I just lose everything? Wait a minute, I just lost all power. Oh shoot, I can't do anything. I lost all power, and now I'm just floating. Son of a... I got to restore power quickly. I lost the suit charger, climate regulator, and core systems. Wait a minute, oh God, I definitely need a battery here. What are we going to switch out? I need a new battery quickly. Oxygen generator, maglock controls, let's turn that off. Core systems, let's see what we got. I have a battery with zero in it, that's great. Another is at 4%, and another at zero. Oh my God, I got nothing. Where's my other battery? Oh my God, I'm just floating here.

Thank God, I managed to split the batteries. We definitely need to get some batteries. Oh my God, where am I? I was trying to get in there. Holy cow, I definitely need some batteries for sure. Hopefully, Star Break supplies will have my batteries and stuff. Let's get closer in here.

Alright, go to third person. Oh my God, I can't see a damn thing. I can't tell how far I am from it. It doesn't give me a green light, does it? Yeah, there's no indication in third person. Maglock is offline, son of a... I unplugged my maglock. Great, okay, so I'm assuming that's my maglock right there. Well, you're trash, so we're going to have to take out our suit. Oh no, we already took that one out. That's at zero too. Oh my God, all my batteries are drained. I definitely need to get some more batteries. Holy hell, do I have anything that has like 2%? Nothing, nothing, nothing. Son of a... nothing. I got no batteries.

Okay, I'm going to have to take out this, that way I can at least use my maglock. Hopefully, this place will sell me some freaking batteries. Wait a minute, how's my maglock offline? Whole integrity is critical. Oh my God, not my maglock. Oxygen levels in your cabin seem low. No kidding. Make sure your oxygen generator is operational, air filters are in good working condition, and that any hull breaches have been patched. Maglock power hatch, this is maglock. I mean, we're good, right? What the hell else do I need in here? Oh wait a minute, did I turn it off? There we go. I forgot I turned it off, or maybe it turned off on its own. I don't know. Oh, it's getting fuzzy in here.

Whoa, they spun me around. Just inches away from death, from home. Hopefully, this powers me up and I don't have to worry about it. I'm on auxiliary power, I hope. Let's sell all these dead batteries, I don't need this junk. Do they not have... they have one battery? What? One battery? I need more than that. Oh my God, I need more than one battery. I need to get my oxygen going. Alright, oxygen, everything's good.

Am I still dying? Oxygen at 4%. Where's my hull at? Hull integrity critical. Dang it, I can't do it while I'm in the airlock. Hull integrity is critical. Why do I have holes? Do I have any holes? Suit gravity, oxygen error. Why is there an error on my... oh my God.

Alright, exit my seat here. This is when it gets fun. Restart? No, we got to keep going. Gravity compensator is done, suit charger is done. Everything else should be fine. What the hell? Let me jump in my suit. Am I leaking something?

=> 02:02:37

Running out of batteries in space is a nightmare; always double-check your power sources!

Am I still dying? Oxygen is at 4%. Where's my hole at? Hull Integrity critical. Oh dang it, I can't do it while I'm in the airlock. Okay, Hull Integrity is critical. Why do I have holes? Do I have any holes in my suit? Gravity, oxygen error—why is there an error on my... oh my God.

Alright, exit my seat here. This is when it gets fun. Restart? No, we got to keep going. Alright, gravity compensator is done, suit charger is done. Everything else should be fine. What the hell? Let me grab and jump in my suit. Am I leaking something really hard? I can't understand where the heck the leak is at. I don't see any leaks. Usually, they tell you. Oh, I probably need another battery. Okay, so I just need to probably replace all my batteries. Alright, I'll stay in my suit for a little while because I have oxygen in my suit.

We need to find another Tiger Rock Station. Maybe the Tiger Rock Station has more batteries. Oh my God. Oh, with that CH Jason looks like a trucker. I am a trucker. Oh yeah, I'm just freaking out now because I'm like, oh my God, I have no batteries. I have to wear my suit in my ship because I'm not making any oxygen. I'm assuming because I don't have all my batteries plugged in and that's why. So, let's see if I can plug in over here and get some more batteries. I need some batteries. I don't need a job board; I need a freaking store.

Do we not have any stores around here? They tell you what's here. Zoom in—nope, can't do anything there. I can see it, but I just don't—okay, they don't tell you what it is. I just need a store. Is that the only one? Battery purchase, merch simulator. So, we have Goodman Tower. We were just there; they don't have any more batteries for us. I came over here to the—uh, what's it called—whatever this asteroid is, and it's just a job board. I literally need to buy more batteries. Warning: debris proximity. I'll be okay. The symbols—fuel store and food—looks like kind of. I mean, I'm looking over here. What was that noise? I just came from Goodman Tower. I don't need a fuel pump. Star Break Supplies is listed. We can double-check, but I don't think they're going to have another battery in here for me.

I don't think they're going to have a battery for me. Oh, my brakes don't work so good. Brakes aren't working so good. My God, guys, I am terrible. Come on, have a battery for me. Please have a couple of batteries in here. Alright, hitch up. At least now you have air conditioning. That's true, that is very true. At least now I have air conditioning. Yeah, see, they don't have any batteries. Stim pack, orange juice—I need a battery.

Alright, so I have a couple of boxes here. I don't know what they are for. Data cable—I don't know what that's for. Can I sell that? Workwear carton—let's go see what the heck these things are. I know this is where I die. That's dead. It says it's charging, but I don't know if that's true. Alright, air filters there. Let's open this. What is it? Oh, duh. Open it. What is in here? Oh, air filter. That's great. What is an air—what do we have? Our air filters there. Oh, this is not the same one. Why did that kill the power? How did that kill the power? Oh really? Of course, it just doesn't have any. Okay, how am I losing power? Oh my God, is it drained? It finally drained out, didn't it? No, I tripped.

=> 02:09:45

Just found out the hard way: always keep an eye on your air filters and batteries, or you'll end up stranded and in debt!

The transcript begins with the speaker expressing uncertainty about the charging status of a device, saying, "it says it's charging but I don't know if that's true." They then proceed to discuss air filters, opening a box and discovering an air filter inside, exclaiming, "oh air filter, that's great." However, they notice that the air filter is not the same as the one they had before, which leads to a power issue, questioning, "why did that kill the power?"

The speaker continues to grapple with the power problem, wondering, "how am I losing power?" and realizing that the power might have drained out. They then mention tripping something and express frustration over the number of air filters needed, stating, "oh my God, how many air filters do we need?"

The conversation shifts to other items, with the speaker noting, "that's close, that's empty," and identifying various objects like "worker workware carton" and "wipes," which they deem unnecessary. They also mention a "pack of beer is at 0%," indicating a lack of supplies. The speaker finds a box full of something and labels other items as trash, including their broken beard, saying, "my Beard's all broken see I can't grow anything."

The speaker then discusses the impact of pulling UCCS on circuit breakers, noting, "pull the UCCS will cause the circuit breakers to trip." They humorously comment on the number of air filters needed, linking it to the amount of air and farts, and joke about the quality of their farts, especially after Taco Bell.

As the speaker's oxygen levels drop, they decide to sell everything, stating, "let's sell all this," and lament the broken items, "look at it's all 0%." They mention buying stem packs and micro stabilizers, and as they start to feel sleepy, they recount a near-death experience due to running out of oxygen. They explain, "you ran your truck ran out of oxygen and you almost died of expiation," but thankfully, Recovery Services rescued them.

The speaker expresses frustration that the recovery did not include new batteries for their truck, saying, "they didn't even put new batteries in my freaking truck." They then discuss the need to turn everything back on and check the shop for batteries, discovering that batteries cost $2,000, which is beyond their budget of $900. They reluctantly decide to go into debt, noting, "we're going to have to go into debt cuz we need a lot of batteries."

The transcript concludes with a warning about exceeding credit limits and the risks of bankruptcy, as well as a recommendation for a truck simulator game available on Game Pass Ultimate. The speaker emphasizes the intensity of the game, saying, "it gets intense obviously as you can see," and mentions the need to plug in various items while receiving an automated banking alert about exceeding their credit limit.

=> 02:15:45

If you're into truck simulators, this one gets intense—just make sure to manage your in-game debt or risk losing your truck!

The bank will issue a deadline for repayment, and purchases will be restricted to essential items. Failing to clear your debt in the allotted time will result in the bank declaring you bankrupt, and your truck will be marked for repossession. So be careful. If you have Game Pass Ultimate, don't buy it because it's available there. I would say if you're into truck simulators, this is a really, really good one. It gets intense, as you can see.

Automated banking alert: You are currently exceeding your credit limit. Essential transactions are permitted, but your truck is at risk of forfeit until outstanding debts are paid. Thank you.

I think that's going to definitely be in here. There we go, put you down here. But yeah, I like it a lot. It depends on if you're into the truck simulator kind of thing. I'm really digging it. Let's pop a battery in here so we can recharge our thing. Now, we got to make sure we have batteries everywhere.

Why do we have this UCC? Need one of those? I don't think we bought one of those though. You would think you'd be able to just recharge your batteries like lithium, but nope, as far as I know. Shock P pod? I guess we don't have a shock pod yet.

Everything is good; everything has a battery. Our gravity has a battery. These guys are all good, so we go over here and check. Let's get in here and check. I wonder if you can still hide in the truck. That'd be awesome. Anytime a tow truck comes along, you just drive off.

Emergency air bra? Nope. Actually, you know what, we have two good batteries here, so let's do this. We'll take that out and put this one in. There we go. Now I'm feeling good, now I'm feeling confident.

As far as I know, do we have any whole integrity? Let's look in here and see if we have any problems with our freaking truck. Truck status: whole integrity is critical. How do I service this thing? How do I fix this thing? It says it's critical.

Life support status efficiency is 73%. That's literally the first thing they taught you in the tutorial. Did they? I was out there; I didn't see any leaks. We went out there; I went looking for it. We are not making enough oxygen to stay in the cab.

When we looked last time, I didn't see any whole problems. Let's double-check. Get down there; let's go check it. Look in the glove box; there are menus. I got three days to clear my debt, or I get repossessed. I don't see any problems.

It says whole integrity is critical, but there's nothing here. That has my last patch right there; I kept that one. There's nothing; I can't see anything. Maybe I need actual repairs. Maybe I need to go to a shop. I don't have any money, though.

Let's go see. You're pretty good, middle fatch. Is that really what it's called? Fatigue? I guess Streamlet doesn't know what fatigue means. Yeah, metal fatigue, it could be. We have Auto Essentials. Is there a mechanic? I don't think we have an actual mechanic; we just have Auto Essentials, which is like the shop.

Let's go to the upgrade shop. Maybe the upgrade shop is also where you can fix up as well. Let's go over here. Here we go.

=> 02:21:31

When you're broke and desperate, even sketchy jobs start looking like opportunities.

Maybe I need to go to a real shop for repairs, but I don't have any money. Let's see if we can find a shop. Middle fatch, or rather metal fatigue, could be an issue. We have Auto Essentials, but I don't think we have an actual mechanic. There's an upgrade shop, which might also handle repairs. Let's head over there.

Upon arriving, I checked for repairs. My whole damage was at zero, so I couldn't purchase any upgrades since I had no money. Despite this, I managed to repair my hull. My ship looks beautiful now, not all wrecked. It's cool that the appearance of your truck reflects the condition of your hull.

Now, I need to take on some jobs to avoid getting repoed. I have three days to pay off my debt. Let's find some jobs quickly. I have three days and 23 hours left. There must be a job here, right? San Diego's paint and ride is locked, so I can't do anything there. With no money, I doubt they'd allow me anyway. Let's head to Palm View station to look for jobs.

I'm hesitant about sour candy jobs. Last time, it wasn't too good. But it seems we have to work for sour candy. I have a feeling I'm going to get messed up. Let's go to Medusa 6 and have sour candy put us on another illegal job. I need to avoid damaging my truck by flying straight there. The debris and asteroids are a concern, but we're about to hit the highway.

I prefer the third-person view, but it doesn't provide much info. It's cooler, but not practical. I need to slow down and be careful. Jason, you're awesome! Thanks for being a member for eight months. I'm playing Star Trucker and loving it. It's intense since I'm in debt and need to run some jobs to avoid repossession in three days.

We should be able to get other jobs at different boards. I could have taken a job earlier, but I want to progress the story a bit. So, I'm working for sour candy. Maybe I'll find another job at Medusa.

Upon arrival, I need to line up correctly at the gates. Welcome to Medusa 6, an automated inspection checkpoint. Please be patient while they check for compliance with local regulations.

=> 02:27:04

Struggling to make ends meet, but still finding joy in the little things.

My truck gets repossessed in three days, so I got to get going. You should be able to get other jobs at other boards. Yeah, we can find more pineapple. No, no pineapple. I'm sure I could have taken a job back there, but I want to progress the story a little bit. So, I'm going to work for sour candy. She's got a job for me, and also, maybe I'll get a job over here too at Medusa.

Welcome to Medusa 6. This is an automated inspection checkpoint. Please be patient while we check for compliance with local regulations. All right, I'm waiting. Thank you for your time. You are clear to proceed. Azra says, "Hey, is this hot house compatible?" I don't think so. We went through the options earlier, the controls. It does not look like you can manually rekey everything, so it's probably going to be really difficult. You might be able to; I don't know for sure. But the fact that you cannot rebind any of the keys means I don't know if it's going to work with hotas. So, I am playing on a controller, if that means anything. But there's no redoing keybinds at all, so it might not work with a hotas.

Let's go meet sour candy, and then we have the Medusa 6 Business Hub over there. I'm really digging it. Oh, we're going to need some fuel. I only got 24 miles left. We probably need to get money. I'm already in debt, so I need to make some money first and then get fuel. I'm at about half or maybe two-thirds or a little under half a tank. I don't want to run out of fuel on a job, but I also can't afford any fuel right now. The developer interview said he was using a hotas and was fixing it. Oh, really? Nice. Well, if it works, then heck yeah. And it is on Game Pass. Remember, if you have Game Pass Ultimate, you can just download this game right now and play it. I believe on Steam it is $25. Let me look. It should be $25. It is $25 normally, but it's on sale right now for $22.50 USD. It's going to change depending on your zone, whether you're in Europe, Canadian dollars, or Australian dollars, but it's about $25 USD. I like it. I really do like the game. It is insanely fun.

Let's meet sour candy. She's going to get me screwed doing all these illegal jobs, I bet. This is sour candy. "Looking to kill some time? Gotten the Apple ears out there? What about you, LJ? Want to play a little game?" "Sure, I'll play." "Yes, I am so excited. I wanted to try this for so long. Anyone else around me? Baby back at you, candy. Moon baby, strange you to be killing time when you're always running out of it. This is red Edie pitching in. Candy's always got too much time or too little if you ask me." "Haha, I'm excellent with my time, thank you very much. Just stuck at the bank a while because I missed my dumb loan appointment. But anyway, enough of that boring stuff. Everyone, welcome to Sour Candy's Amazing Fantastic Galaxy Trivia Game. That might be too many adjectives."

"Here's how it works. I'll ask a few questions, and the first person to radio the right answer gets a point. Oh, I didn't think that far. The winner gets bragging rights, and bragging rights are like gold around here. All right, players, I think it's time. Let's get started. Okay, question number one: Starbreak has what type of animal as their adorable mascot?" "Lucky Jay's got it. Pig is on every other billboard around here." "Yes, one point for lucky. Okay, on to the next round. Now, you all know me and how I've made volatile chemicals a hobby." "You say that like it's a good thing, sis." "I know, it's a fun thing, which makes it a good thing. This bit of trivia is something everyone should know. Question two: What does TNT stand for?" "Close, but not quite it, candy. You're out of your Dynamite 11 mind if you think any of us knows that." "Hey, Dynamite is totally different, but yeah, maybe that wasn't as easy as I thought."

"This is GB broadcasting. Mind telling me what you're all up to?" "We are in the middle of a nail-biting episode of Sour Candy's Marvelous Amazing Galaxy Trivia Game. Okay, at least I think that's what it was called. Listen, candy, I don't want to be the fun police, but you're being a bunch of Wind Jammers. You got to wrap it up." "We're almost done, I promise. Two more minutes, please.

=> 02:31:49

Turning volatile chemicals into a hobby might sound crazy, but it's all about the thrill!

"Know me and how I've made volatile chemicals a hobby."

"You say that like it's a good thing, sis."

"I know it's a fun thing, which makes it a good thing. This bit of trivia is something everyone should know. Question two: What does TNT stand for?"

"Close, but not quite. Candy, you're out of your Dynamite 11 mind if you think any of us knows that."

"Hey, Dynamite is totally different, but yeah, maybe that wasn't as easy as I thought."

"This is GB broadcasting. Mind telling me what you're all up to?"

"We're in the middle of a nail-biting episode of Sour Candy's Marvelous Amazing Galaxy Trivia Game. Okay, at least I think that's what it was called."

"Listen, Candy, I don't want to be the fun police, but you're being a bunch of Wind Jammers. You got to wrap it up."

"We're almost done, I promise. Two more minutes, please."

"Alright, alright, lucky I like you bunch. Wrap it up soon, okay?"

"Thanks, we will. Right, I've got one last question for you."


"Obviously, that was the incredibly talented Velvet Bandwagon. But for the final point, what was the name of that award-winning track?"

"Open Rogue."

"I'm pretty sure it's R Gold."

"Correct, Moon Baby! It’s Moony! Final point. Now let me tally the score. We have a tie: one point here, another there, and uh-oh, looks like we've got a tie. Time for a lightning round."

"More rounds? No, your luck here, Candy. And don't y'all have something else to be doing, something a little more productive?"

"Now you're really being the fun police. Okay, well, thanks for helping me pass the time, everyone. I'll catch y'all again soon. Catch you around, sis. Alright, bye everyone, see you."

"Alright, well, let's go get a job from Medusa 6 Business Hub. I guess we had to waste some time with Candy Star Break supplies. We bought all the batteries from them; we don't need any more, but they have a job board there. Beautiful Cosmos Cash and Carry—that sounds good, but let's get a job first. We have no money, so we need a job. Let's get in here. I'm really digging this game, you guys. I really do. I really like it."

"So we're going to turn—oh yeah, where's my—oh God, where's my backup camera? There you are, and right there. Oh wait, can I get in there? I don't know, I'm at a weird angle. I might not work. Not aligned. Oh dang it. Let's try lining this up again. Oh, what, he just swung in there? You—ah, he just swung into my lane. Oh, never mind, sorry, I take it back. Never mind, I take it back. I thought you were in my dock. Alright, that should be lined up, so all we got to do is turn around and then just reverse in there. Come on, maglock ready. It's hit in there. I knocked at a sharper angle than that."

"So this is essentially American European Trucker in space?"

"Yes, yes it is. I have not played any of those, so I can't 100% confirm it, but yes, it seems like it. It feels like you're just taking on jobs and you're like, okay, expires in 23 minutes. We're probably not going to take that one. So I need to get over there, yeah, and grab it. So we'll do this one, which expires in two hours. So we got that one, pays out 1,900 bucks. We have 5,000 in debt, so yeah, we probably need to do that. And then penalty is 3,000 if we have a lot of problems, so we can't have any problems. Alright, and we only have one job at a time, so let's go unhitch. Let's go get our cargo."

"One more cash and Jason gets a pineapp—no, no, no, we're not doing any pineapple for crashing and then patch the holes again. I don't have any holes. I'm good. I got no holes. Look at that. Look at that. I'm going to need more batteries though. Good lord, your batteries drain so fast. There has to be an upgrade to make you more fuel or energy efficient because God, my batteries drain so quickly. It's insane. Get our cargo up here. We don't have any—wait a minute, what's going on here? Why do I not have any gravity here? Why are you turned off? Why is the gravity turned off? Oh, of course, because my freaking UCC is—oh my God. So you need both UCC and a battery? Mother—oh, that's great. Awesome. Well, we're not going to have any gravity for a while. Get out of here, air filter. Are you serious, air filter? Can I strap stuff down? Do I not have any straps in this?

=> 02:38:04

Running out of batteries and fuel while navigating space is a constant struggle!

Good lord, your batteries drain so fast! I'm going to need more batteries though. There has to be an upgrade to make you more fuel or energy efficient because my batteries drain so quickly, it's insane. Get our car up here. Wait a minute, what's going on here? Why do I not have any gravity here? Why is it turned off? Oh, of course, because my freaking UCC is off. Oh my God, so you need both UCC and a battery. Awesome. Well, we're not going to have any gravity for a while.

Get out of here, air filter. Are you serious? Can I strap stuff down? Do I not have any straps in this thing? No, it's behind the chair, and I can't even get to it. Oh my God, I need to sell this junk. Can I not strap anything down for real? We've got batteries flying all over. Drop it here. Seriously, put the air lock in close to... Oh, that's a good idea. Just shove all this stuff in the air lock and then close the door on it. Now, it will be a pain when I go out because I'll forget, and everything will go out in the air lock with me. That would be a pain.

I don't want to keep wasting my energy because my batteries are probably draining as we speak. Turn around and hook up. Get in there. Now, we need to go to Purity, so we need to go to Atlas Prime and then jump to Purity. Where am I going? Of course, it's way up to the right. I'm guessing this road over here will get me there. I'm hoping it looks like it will get me there. All the debris, yep, Atlas Prime, that's where we need to go.

God, I'm sure he was like, "What the... you're the one who drove crazy, you dummy." All right, I know, I know, it's me, it's my fault. Let's just keep going, smooth sailing, please, for the love of God. 50 credits is 50 credits. Exactly, empty power cells sell for like 50 credits. I wish there was a way to just recharge my batteries on board, like maybe I can hook up a solar panel or something. I don't know, but I need something so I don't have to keep stopping at a freaking shop and buying a whole bunch of stuff. Man, I'm already in debt, and I'm only on my third haul.

Let's get up in here. Remember, we got to be high enough that it registers us and also close enough. Let's go. I'm back, Dr. Pong. Thank you for coming back. Hopefully, Jason, because they get pricey. Oh yeah, dude, I'm telling you, we were spending $1,000 on a battery, and we had to buy multiple batteries. That's crazy. See, this is how they get you. You want to go straight over there because it's faster; however, you're going to get debris and damage. So instead of going straight over there, we're just going to follow the highway to New Liberty Terminal. We're just going to follow the highway and go over there. Get my cruise control at 125, that seems good.

They got some music playing. I think we have a radio. That sounds like a copyright claim, so we're not going to do that. There is a radio, and I have a feeling it's going to play some good music, but YouTube doesn't like good music, so we're not going to be doing good music on this stream. My fuel is getting kind of low. After this haul, we're definitely going to have to get some fuel.

You need some... oh, they don't even let you turn it. Okay, they don't even let you. Son of a... don't look at the radio, you dummy. There's my penalty. I'm probably going to lose all my money on this run now. I just crashed because I was looking at the radio, playing with my phone. Whatever.

=> 02:44:46

Distracted driving can cost you big time, stay focused!

We think we have a radio that sounds like a copyright claim, so we're not going to do that. Although there is a radio, and I have a feeling it's going to play some good music, YouTube doesn't like good music, so we're not going to be doing good music on this stream. My fuel is getting kind of low, and we're definitely going to have to get some fuel after this haul.

Distracted driving is a real issue. I was looking at the radio and playing with my phone, which led to me crashing. I was hoping maybe you could change the channel, but I don't think you can while driving. I tried to drink beer, but it won't let you drink beer while you're driving. Come on! This distracted driving will probably result in a penalty.

Star Trucker is 29 Canadian dollars, which is around 30 Canadian dollars. It is on sale right now, but I don't know how long the sale lasts—probably this week. If you're interested, remember it is on Game Pass. You need to have Game Pass Ultimate or PC Game Pass to get it on Game Pass.

We need to get up to Purity. I have never lived in another country, and neither have I, unless you count different states as different countries. We have the Atlas Prime audio essentials, but we don't have any money for upgrades yet, so we're still in debt. We're only doing 125, and the speed limit is 150, but I'm being extra careful because I'm a terrible driver. My power cores are draining, and my oxygen is draining a lot.

I need to avoid hitting the sign for Harmony Link and get up to Purity. Here we go, coming in slow. Remember to stop at gas stations and fuel pumps regularly to avoid being stranded and forfeiting jobs. The old canisters can also keep you out of trouble; use these to top up the fuel tank underneath the truck to keep it running a little longer. I have a fuel tank, so I have to use that next time we drop off.

Welcome to Purity. This is an automated inspection checkpoint. Please be patient while we check for compliance with local regulations. Thank you for your time; you are clear to proceed. Every time I come in, they check me. I know I'm low on fuel; I have 11 miles to go and only 3.2 miles till my drop zone, so we should be okay.

Let's drop off our load and then refuel the truck. I have a canister, and I can get rid of the canister too, thank God. I assume there's no debris around a big city hub like this. Maybe I should drive around a little bit and grab some salvage. They keep giving you the beeps for your fuel.

How do I still lose money? Careless driving, damage to client property, and unprofessional conduct. But at least we got 2,000 for that, which kind of lowers our debt. We ranked up to level three.

=> 02:52:23

Running out of fuel in the middle of nowhere is a nightmare, always double-check your supplies!

Whoa, I assume there's no debris around a big city hub like this, right? I hope there's a lot of salvage out here. Maybe I should just drive around a little bit and grab it. They keep giving you the beeps for your fuel, dang it. Thank you, all these filters. Thank you, I should have put you back in the freaking thing.

How do I still lose money? Careless driving, I mean I did smash into that thing. Damage to client property, unprofessional conduct. Wait a minute, unprofessional conduct? Oh, you're killing me. But at least we got 2,000 for that, so that kind of lowers our debt. We're ranked up to level three. I should throw that thing out; it looks really trash. Calvin, I probably should just chuck it, but it might be worth 20 bucks, so I need to sell it.

Alright, let's get out of here. Oh my God, yeah, that thing does look bad. Look at that, it's all rusted and burnt out. Thank you. Let's get off to the side real quick. Oh, I'm still in the way of the cargo drops. Alright, this looks like a nice place. There we are, efficiency. My filter here, service air filters. Alright, well let's grab our... yep, look, it's right here, so we should be okay. 150 gallons, I don't know how they measure out gallons. Oh yeah, put that down because I need to get these out of here. I don't want them to go outside because these are all good. Alright, now we should be okay. Let's go. Where do I put my fuel at? Where's my fuel cap? I like the music.

I don't see a fuel cap. Is it underneath my truck? Oh, this big red cap right here. Oh God, this big red cap. Remove slowly, fuel spray may cause injury and equipment malfunction. Methylene only. Oh my God, you have to just drop it, don't I? I'm going to lose my cap, I know it. Where's my cap at? Cap back on. Alright, grab that. They didn't mark it for you; you have to get close enough to actually use it. That's interesting. Like in most games, they would mark it for you and tell you exactly where it is. They didn't tell you where the fuel was. Actually, keep that open. That's a 15% air filter; this is basically dead, so we don't need it. Battery 39%, that's pretty good. I think we're okay.

So one of these air filters is low. That's 99, 99. Where's my low air filter at? 44, that's probably my low one. Where's my other air filter? 15, okay, never mind, you're not as good. There we go. Alright, we need to definitely get some more fuel. Close the airlock. I did, I did. Let's go get some fuel. I'm assuming that's my fuel place right there, H9 Pharmaceutical. I don't know about that. Jefferson Place, Atlas Prime, is that not where you get fuel? I don't see any markers on it. Do I have to go to Jefferson Place? Where's my refuel? Cosmo Cash and Carry, jobs board. Yeah, no fuel, huh? I don't have any fuel in this place. Oh yeah, there's no fuel here. Son of a gun, there's no fuel. Well, that's great. So I got no fuel. I'm at 19 miles. Okay, I can go 19 miles, that's fine. Let's get a job real fast and get the heck out of here.

Where's my job board? Oh, board's over there. Oh my God, I went the wrong way. Alright, that's alright, we'll get it. We'll get there. I'm just wasting fuel. Oh my God, and I have no fuel. Got to bounce. Later everyone, happy streaming. Legendaries, thank you so very much. Man, did you already use the fuel in the can? I did, so the can's just sitting in my truck. I didn't want to leave it out in space.

=> 02:59:45

When you're running on fumes, every mile counts—plan ahead or get stranded!

Oh yeah, there's no fuel here. Son of a gun, there's no fuel. Well, that's great, so I got no fuel. I'm at 19 miles. Okay, I can go 19 miles, that's fine. Let's get a job real fast and get the heck out of here. Where's my job board? Where are my jobs? Oh, the board's over there. Oh my God, I went the wrong way. All right, that's all right, we'll get it. We'll get there. I'm just wasting fuel. Oh my God, and I have no fuel. Got to bounce later, everyone. Happy streaming. Legendaries, thank you so very much. Man, did you already use the fuel in the can? I did, so the can's just sitting in my truck. I didn't want to leave it out in space; I don't want to be that kind of a jerk. Warning: Collision detected. With what? I didn't hit anything. Come on, maglock, ready. Fical, thank you so very much. Enjoy all night. Thank you so much for hanging out and 07 for the Super Chat."

"I lowered some of the difficulty to make it more casual. Chris, I might do that if I wanted to. I'm probably going to start a brand new playthrough that's not on stream, and I might do that just to make it more enjoyable and more fun. 13.8 light years, expires in an hour. So I'm going for ones that have a high time limit on them because I don't want to be like 23 minutes; I'm not going to be able to do that one. Three hours, hour and 35 minutes. Let's go with this one: three hours, 22 minutes, two hops. You're pretty good. Enjoy the trucking, enjoy the trucking. Thank you. Fast go, 3,000 penalty if I really mess up. So let's do this hop to the junk fields. I need to go to Emerald Junction and then to the junk fields, it looks like. All right, so we're going to go to Emerald Junction and then junk fields to grab our stuff. Hopefully, there is some fuel at Emerald Junction. I think I saw fuel there, so we should be able to pop in, grab some fuel, and then just keep going. But we shall see. Remember, the longer it takes, the more stuff you can run into. That is true, but also if you do like a shortcut like this, this is where all the debris field is, I'm sure. Oh, actually, you know what? I'm really close to Emerald Junction. Okay, I'm really close to the warp. Going to slow down, and you can't be doing 140. All right, get in."

"Nice hat, Low Down Gaming. They sent over a care package. Pretty awesome stuff, so they sent over a care package for in the game early. Emerald Junction, this is an automated inspection checkpoint. Please be patient while we check for compliance with loc I it. So everyone is telling me it looks good. I don't wear hats normally, so I guess thank you for your time. You are clear to proceed. Thank you, have a safe trip. So we needed some fuel on the way because we have 16 miles left. I don't think we'll make it. Air filter is needing some help. Oh, my batteries are running low. I'm going to need to get some more batteries. Express gates to Medusa, nope, locked. Should be okay on that. See, you don't want to go through all this debris field. I don't want to run into anything. Let's just go a little bit lower over here."

"Goodman Tower, is there any fuel? I think there's a fuel, yeah, I think these are fuels over here. Yeah, fuel pump, beautiful. I don't know if I can spend any money on fuel because I'm in debt, but let's see. We need some fuel. There we are, begin refueling. 21 per gallon, that's still crazy. That's so crazy. It's almost like a real pump. Oh, I almost stopped it at a thousand. I was trying to stop it at exactly a thousand. Dang it. Look at that guy, you see him swing? He must have some upgrades on his truck because, damn, he swung in really good. Your ad here, I love it. I will take a 2.1. I know, seriously, when I saw that, I was like, dang, future fuel is really cheap now. It is methylene, so it's not actually like gasoline, it's methylene, but still, I'll take 21. Let's get in here."

"GG, you good man. Dude, I'm getting better at it. So now I want to stop. How's the grind and free of bureaucracy?

=> 03:06:30

Future fuel is here and it's dirt cheap!

We are beginning to refuel at 21 per gallon. That's still crazy, almost like a real pump. I almost stopped it at exactly a thousand, but dang it, I missed. Look at that guy swing! He must have some upgrades on his truck because he swung in really well. I love it. Seriously, when I saw that, I was like, "Dang, future fuel is really cheap now." It is methylene, so it's not actually gasoline, but still, I'll take 21.

Let's get in here. GG, you good man? Dude, I'm getting better at it. Now, I want to stop. How's the grind? Free of bureaucracy? Heading back to my workshop. I told you I had a workshop, right? No? Well, either way, you should absolutely swing by next time you pass through Tank Town. This is sour candy with the eights and threes. Later, LJ.

Alright, so am I in Tank Town? No, I'm not in Tank Town. There is a lot of debris here. Oh my God, there's a lot of debris. Got to go slow through here. Good Lord. Oh, get out of here. I forgot to pick you up. What did I hit? Oh, I probably hit that ring back there. Son of a gun. Let's turn around. Remember, we got to line up with it. I feel like I'm better in first person when you're in the actual bay here because I can line up like this and then just turn it around. I should be able to go right in there. Woo, that was close. Oh my God, that was like the closest I've ever been just on a swing. Holy macaroni.

Wait a minute, why did it switch out my missions? I don't need my missions here. I'm not going to Tank Town to do my job. There we go. I need to pay off my debt because of sour candy. Head to Purity. Alright, we need to go back to Purity. So, we need to head right back to Purity, then to Emerald Junction, and then over to Purity. After we drop this off, maybe we'll go to Junk Town. Oh my God, look at this debris field. Oh my God, can't mess around here.

A good beanie hat in the cold as well. Dude, I probably should wear a beanie. I am starting to get thinner hair up there, so a beanie might not be a bad idea. I do have my No Man's Sky beanie. Maybe I'll wear that tomorrow. Ah, it's going to be hot tomorrow, and I don't want to wear a beanie when it's freaking hot. It's 90 degrees or 85. Let's see. I think I made it through the debris field without hitting anything, thank God.

Line up with the thing here at Emerald Junction. Watch the clock on my dash. It fast-forwards time when you warp. That's been one hour, two hours for that jump. Good Lord, so that's where your time catches up with you. Need to go to Purity, which is over there. Let's go all route Emerald Junction. I'm really digging it though. I really like this game. If you're interested, it's on Xbox and on PC. It's on Steam right now, and Xbox is on Game Pass. So, if you have Game Pass for PC, you can get it. You have to have Game Pass Ultimate though because it's a day one release, and so you need the ultimate edition, the ultimate version, the ultimate tier on Game Pass in order to get day one releases.

Oh God, that was fun. It looks good. I was on the fence, and watching you play it here makes me want to buy it. Dude, low down gaming, it is really fun. You are for a mandatory weight check. Please proceed to the designated waypoint and stop at the market bay. Are you serious? Let's go weigh in. Not like I had anything better to do. I have a time limit, trying to pay off my debt, but let's weigh in.

Alright, they just catch me every time, right? We'll begin the scan the moment your rig comes to a stop. Sit back and stay still. We'll finish this up in no time. Hopefully, I got a battery. Thank you for your patience. Everything looks A-OK on my side, so you're clear to go. Thank you. I'm really liking it.

=> 03:12:23

Star Trucker: The ultimate blend of space adventure and trucker life—pay off debts, upgrade your rig, and conquer the virtual highway!

Buy Dude Low Down Gaming is really fun. Your R for a mandatory weight check, please proceed to the designated waypoint and stop at the market bay. Are you serious? Let's go weigh in. Not like I had anything better to do. I have a time limit up trying to pay off my debt, but let's weigh in.

All right, they just catch me every time. Right, we'll begin the scan the moment your rig comes to a stop. Sit back and stay still, we'll finish this up in no time. Hopefully, I got a battery. Thank you for your patience. Everything looks a-okay on my side, so you're clear to go. Thank you. I'm really liking it, I'm really liking this a lot. Don't crash into the weigh station as we leave. Thank you.

Hey, weigh station, wait space dot. With a name like Star Trucker, how could this be bad? I mean, it's fun. I'm loving it, I'm loving it, and there's a lot to do. It's more intense on the driving aspect, but I mean the time limits, it's very, very cool and relaxing. There's a lot of "oh my God" moments. There's that kind of stuff I need to go get that debris one of these days, but I got to pay off my debts. I got to do some jobs. But yeah, I just love the whole aspect of being a trucker, trying to make some money, buy some upgrades, and upgrade your rig. Once I get out of debt, I can probably upgrade my freaking rig so I can go faster or upgrade the whole integrity.

Jump, there we go. Love your videos, Man Flu, thank you so very much. Texer, don't spam the chat with the same message, yeah don't do that, don't get in trouble for that. Man, all right, where's my drop? Some's over there. Looking sharp with that plaid shirt and the trucker hat combo. I don't know about the plaid shirt, but put on those work boots and let's conquer the virtual highway. All right, Tech Center, thank you. Let's go to our drop zone. Hopefully, I don't crash into a wall or anything. Looks like we're going to be in the center. I don't know if it matters if you go into any particular one or if you just have to go to this area. I don't know. I would imagine, oh no, maybe it is that center one. Yeah, because none of the other ones are highlighted, so you need to go through that center one.

Let's go to PR2. Going to line up, wait till I'm green. Here we go. Then we unhitch. Ah, I still got a late delivery. How is it late other than the weigh-in? Son of a careless driving, $48 lost on that. I still made $1,500. Our debt is getting low, getting experience. Oh yeah, we didn't do our skill point yet. What else do we have to get in here? Increase spacewalk efficiency, power drain, and air consumption. Just in time jobs level two, and we're still in debt, $2,500. Good Lord, let's do our spacewalk efficiency.

Trailer permission clearance for jobs with multiple trailers. That's not going to work out for me. Cargo clearance, higher cab loads granted at weight stations, plus 220 lb cargo limit. Let's do spacewalk. There we are, level two. Let's go sour candy. Also, we need to stop off and get some more fuel. We need to repair, so let's go over to Jefferson Place. Wait a minute, does Jefferson Place have any refuel stations? It does not. I keep forgetting Purity does not have any refuel stations. Atlas Prime has everything we need, so we need to go back to Atlas, probably.

Junk Fields, Tank Town. You know what, let's go to Tank Town because Sour Candy has a shop, right? Let's go do that. Maybe she has a cool shop, she'll hook us up with some cool upgrades. Look at this dude with the three trailers, oh my God, dude, no way, not doing three trailers. Get in here. All right, we're lined up. Are you newbies, dude? I have not been into Bies, but I've heard the legends of Bies. I've never been in one though. Let's go by Goodman's Tower, Tiger Rock Station, that's where we get our job, so we don't need that. We're going to go hang out with Candy. Let's go to Goodman's Tower.

=> 03:18:03

Exploring space malls and upgrading gear is the ultimate space adventure!

Probably, um, junk. Fields tank town—you know what, let's go to Tank Town because she has a sour candy shop. Let's go do that; maybe she has a cool shop and she'll hook us up with some cool upgrades. Look at this dude with the three trailers—oh my god, dude, no way, not doing three trailers.

Alright, we're lined up. Are you familiar with Bies? I have not been into Bies, but I've heard the legends. I've never been in one though. Let's go by Goodman's Tower. Tiger Rock Station is where we get our job, so we don't need that. We're going to hang out with Candy. As we're going through, we'll stop by Goodman's Tower. Hopefully, we can get a new filter for our UCC for our gravity. We also need—oh my God, look at that oxygen gravity suit—yeah, we're going to need more power cells. There has to be a way to recharge them other than just selling them every time.

This is an automated warranty alert: your mileage threshold has been reached and your warranty has now expired. You are no longer eligible for free recovery and repair at 880,000 miles. Huh, okay, so now if I need repairs, I'm going to have to pay for them. Great, no warranty for Jason. Let's refuel and just keep adding to my debt. 57 miles—I assume you can extend that out by getting upgrades for your fuel and stuff.

Can you walk around in space malls and buy dashboard ornaments? Dude, they literally sent over one of those smelly things you hang from your rearview mirror in your car. I literally have one now, and it smells good. It's like a clean smell, almost like a GU deodorant. I almost want to rub it on me, it smells so good. They also sent over a package for the game, and it's really cool. It had a whole bunch of stuff in there: a hat, the smelly thing for your dashboard, and a utility flashlight with screwdriver bits in it. That's freaking awesome. They also sent over a code for the game, of course.

Alright, where's Jefferson? There it is. Let's go see if we can offload some of this stuff we don't need and buy some new stuff. Fuel pump, fuel pump—ah, screw it, let's go to Junk Fields. Actually, stop. Let's do a little bit of walking around; maybe we could find a new filter out there for free. That way, I don't have to worry about buying one because there is a junk thing out there—there's Salvage out there. So we don't need that in here. Where did my other things go? There you go, my air filter battery. We don't need that.

Alright, let's go see if we can find something good. We got our upgrade skill for doing space walks, so let's see if we can grab either a UCC or a battery. We need both. I wish I could hold on to more than one thing. Last time we came out here, I grabbed soda because that's more important. Definitely need to get this game, James. It is freaking fun, and if you have Game Pass, it's on Game Pass Ultimate, so you need the ultimate tier of Game Pass.

Let's see what this is. Oh look, we got some soda out here. I don't need that. Is it soda or what is that? A pack of energy drinks. Okay, we don't need energy drinks—not yet. Let's see what else we got. Do we have any batteries or anything? I need a filter. That looks like just a data tape. We don't need a data tape. Do we not even have a filter out here? This is just stuff I can sell. Electronic kits—sure, you know what, we'll take that. I think electronic kits sell for a good amount of money.

=> 03:23:02

Finding a full battery in-game feels like striking gold!

To access the ultimate tier of Game Pass, let's see what this entails. Oh look, we got some soda out here, but I don't need that. Is it soda or a pack of energy drinks? Okay, we don't need energy drinks just yet. Let's see what else we have. Do we have any batteries or anything? I need a filter, but that looks like just a data tape. We don't need a data tape. There's probably not a filter out here; it's just stuff I can sell. Electronic kits? Sure, you know what, we'll take that. I think electronic kits sell for a good amount of money, so whatever is out here is just stuff you can pick up and sell.

Oh, a battery! Get rid of that crap battery. I see a full battery, and I will take that. Where's my ship or my truck? Alright, I got a full battery. That's $1,000 right there. I just got a three-battery, so let's get in here. Let's get my airlock, thank you. What the... really, thank you. So what's the lowest thing I have on my battery? That would be my oxygen. Yeah, we probably should do oxygen. What do we have here? 70, 39, where's my oxygen? 182, 82, where's my oxygen at? Why is my oxygen... wait a minute, where's my oxygen power at? Do I not know where that is? Is it up here? Oxygen generator, yep, alright, there we go. Grab my other battery, there we go, there we are. So now I got oxygen, thank God for that.

Find a crate and take it with you; you can carry multiple things back with you at a time. That is Malachi, that's genius. I didn't even think about that. Let's go to the junk fields. Do we have a store? Wait a minute, did I see a store? We need to sell some stuff; I got a whole bunch of crap floating around. Yep, Star Break Supplies, let's go over here. We need to sell some stuff just to get it out of my truck. I wish that when you hooked up, like when you actually docked, it would recharge your batteries. That would be awesome because then it would make me want to dock. It would slow you down, but you'd want to dock. Don't make it like 100% as soon as you touch, but like as you sit here, it slowly recharges your batteries. That would be really cool because then it would give me a reason to kind of just sit here for a second, let me plug in and dock in.

Not aligned, of course, I'm not. Get in there. Because then, yeah, if you just sat here and every minute it would recharge like 1% of your battery, you could just sit here for a while and let it recharge your batteries. I would love that. Under the stairs, yeah, that's where the gravity is, but I need a filter for that, so I need to do that as well. But let me sell some of this junk that I have. Like this stuff is broken, broken, broken, broken, broken, broken, and this. I think that all these boxes, because it was just carrying it, I think it just has money, it's worth money, and that's it. So it's not like I can use it for anything. We need one of these UCCs. Let's get two of them and then some batteries. Dang it, we'll just do one battery.

So now it's in my airlock, so I can plug in that UCC, and my gravity should work now after I plug this baby in. So we need to unlock or open the stairs. Come on. Oh yeah, the other one in there is fried, so you're going to grab this, throw your garbage. There it is. Now I have freaking gravity, and my power is still working. Okay, good. Over that stairs near junk. Alright, what's low on the battery? Core B, okay, that one needs to be replaced, so we'll do that real fast. There we go. And suit, ah, the suit will recharge, that's good. Does the suit have any battery UCCs? Okay, the battery is low, but I mean... oh, where did my other battery go?

=> 03:29:12

Gravity is essential to keep your items safe and undamaged while traveling.

We need to unlock or open the stairs. Come on! Oh yeah, the other one in there is fried. So you're going to grab this, throw your garbage. There it is. Now I have freaking gravity and my power is still working. Okay, good. Over that stairs near junk. Alright, what's low on the battery? Core B. Okay, that one needs to be replaced, so we'll do that real fast. There we go. And suit, ah, the suit will recharge. That's good. Suit have any battery? UCC is okay. Battery is low but, I mean, oh, where did my other battery go? That one's at 36%, that one's at... oh, we're good. UCC is okay. You know what, 30% and this one's at 100, so we'll do that.

Of course, it would let me go hit my wire, my breaker again. I hate that it does that every time. I think we're okay. Yeah, I think we're okay. Am I not connected to a store? I thought I was connected to the store. Oh, did I disconnect? Oh no, I just connected. Oh well, screw it. Should be okay for a little while. Let's go to Junk Fields. I might try playing without gravity. I mean, it's one of those where it's not essential, but when you have stuff in your cab, it does damage your items. For example, I had a battery that was at 50%, and as it got shook around and hit the walls, it went down to zero. When items take damage, it basically ruins them, and you can't use them for anything. So you want gravity because the items that you're carrying, unless it's locked down, you can't really sell or use them because they'll be broken. So you need gravity to keep things still.

Back up, oh my God, I was right in there. Wow, and they still let me jump. That's good. Put stuff in crates then. I'm going to have to buy some crates and then put them in there. Oh yeah, junk town with all the debris. Oh, there's the body shop. Let's go to the body shop and see how much it costs to repair my hull because I'm sure I've hit a few things. I'm sure my hull is not great. Let me see, oh, I need an air filter for sure. My efficiency is at like 7%. Don't hit anything, Jason. I definitely need to check on my body, uh, now my hull. Now let's pull into the body shop.

I like how the body shop is in junk town where you're gonna get the most damage. So fix your truck and then immediately pull out and smash into something. That's great. Got to flip breakers before pulling the UCC. Yeah, I know, I'm just too lazy. 800 bucks for repairs. Oh my God, yeah, we're going to have to. So now we're back up to minus 36. We're at 3600 in debt again. We got it down to 2,000, but the last two things we did. We can take off, we can do clean drive, we can do a hood ornament. I like that. Oh, look at that, fancy. We have a dragonfly. Look at these hulls. Alright, unlock via the amped customization pack hood ornaments. Oh yeah, we already did that one. Let's go to the grill. Look, you could just change up your grill if you want. Look at all this. 20,000, okay, so you definitely need to save up some money to get some of these grills.

What about exhaust? Look at all that. Oh, look at that. Now can I get golden ones and be really terrible? No, you can't get gold, not here anyway. I would assume that different areas probably have different ones of these as well. So you'd probably have different kinds of exhaust at different cities depending on when you get in there. Look at that, boom. I like it. Is that a speaker? I like it. Oh, alright, so I can't afford any of that. That's okay. Nothing behind me? Okay, good. Let's go to Tank Town and see what, uh, what's her name, Candy, has for us. I still got 3 days to clear my debt, so we've gotten pretty close. I think maybe two or three more jobs and we'll be able to get our debt cleared so I don't have to worry about the bank coming and repossessing my truck. Don't hit any debris. I guess I got to line up with these guys. Oh my God, everyone's going to junk town, huh?

=> 03:34:49

Navigating through a game world, hustling to clear debt, and discovering new features—every step feels like a new adventure!

You probably have different kinds of exhaust at different cities depending on when you get there. Look at that, boom, I like it. Is that a speaker? I like it. Oh, all right, so I can't afford any of that, that's okay. Nothing behind me, good. Let's go to Tank Town and see what Candy has for us. I still got three days to clear my debt, so we've gotten pretty close. I think maybe two or three more jobs and we'll be able to get our debt cleared, so I don't have to worry about the bank coming and repossessing my truck.

Don't hit any debris. I guess I got to line up with these guys. Oh my God, everyone's going to Junk Town, huh? Debris proximity, I know, I know, everyone's going to Junk Town. Well, let's not cut anyone off; we'll just get in the line. Franks, okay, what is this guy doing? Yahoo, you just trying to cut in line? Guy's just trying to cut in line, you see that?

Can you paint them in a paint shop? Oh, maybe, yeah, because there is a paint shop. There's a lot of different stuff in this game: the repair shop, a regular shop where you can buy batteries and stuff like that, and it looked like there was a cafe so you can buy food if you want. I'm assuming you can't eat the food, but you can sell it for a higher price somewhere else. I think a lot of the items in the game you don't need. Like, I buy alcohol; you can't drink the alcohol, but you can buy it cheap here and then go to a different town and sell it for a higher price. So maybe you can buy a whole bunch of alcohol in Tank Town and then go to Purity Town because it's a dry town and sell it for a lot.

Alright, let's get up in our turn now. Destination: Tank Town, here we go.

Boss one and boss two, what is boss? What the heck is going on here? Whoa, look at this. It's a red district; this looks like a bad town where all the illegal activity happens. I think we have boss one and boss two. What does that mean? I don't even know. Let's go meet with Candy. Not me wondering if you can hijack other trucks via the safe space suit. I don't think so, but maybe they let you jump out and hijack trucks. That'd be amazing.

Hey LJ, couldn't help but notice your shutters are bust. If you're between jobs and got the time, I could have a look at them if you want. Yeah, okay, then swing by my workshop. I'll see if I can't get them unjammed, and if I do, well, it should open up a whole new world for you. And by a whole new world, I mean access to the solar provinces. That sounds good to me. Solar provinces, maybe. Oh, I'm hoping, Candy, please tell me you're going to unlock the ability to recharge batteries. Please, for the love of God, let me do that.

Let's see what Candy has. Oh, nice, she's going to be able to repair my stuff, thank you. The temperature in your cab is reaching an uninhabitable level. Make sure the climate control system is online and your dashboard settings are appropriate. Oh God, stop. Oh, sorry, I stopped at the candy shop. What are we doing here, Candy? Right, that should have fixed things. Give it a go. Use the shutter above your head to close the cab window shutters. Shutters provide extra insulation and are essential for preventing extreme and rapid temperature changes within your cab. Once the shutters are closed, use the monitors to navigate and stay on track.

Wait a minute, wait a minute, can I do, where do I go for my shutters? Nice, now you know what these do, right? No, now I feel like I'm a tank. Oh, wait, really? Completely foolproof, but it should stop your cab from getting too hot during a solar storm. And by too hot, I mean hot enough to emulate stuff. Well, now sounds like Lucky J got a pretty big fix today. Yeah, hey, you've been reading the mail this whole time? Most of my job is listening to you all chatter, so yep, the whole time. Anyway, Lucky J, I'm officially giving you gate permissions for the solar provinces.

Solar provinces: now jump clearance has been granted for the following sectors: Gamma, Heaven's Rest, Red Sock, Dark Side, Shatterstone, and Hell's.

=> 03:39:41

Surviving a solar storm in space? Just another day on the job!

Can I do this? Where do I go for my shutters? Nice, now you know what these do, right? No? Now I feel like I can. I'm a tank. Oh, wait, really? Completely foolproof, but it should stop your cab from getting too hot during a solar storm. And by too hot, I mean hot enough to emulate stuff. Well, now it sounds like Lucky J got a pretty big fix today. Yeah, hey, you've been reading the mail this whole time? Most of my job is listening to you all chatter, so yep, the whole time. Anyway, Lucky J, I'm officially giving you gate permissions for the solar provinces. Jump clearance has been granted for the following sectors: Gamma, Heaven's Rest, Red Sock, Dark Side, Shatterstone, and Hell's Pocket."

"Okay, so we have this SE sector up here. I assume this is like the extreme area, like the super difficulty area. Nice. Despite being deadly, those sectors are always so pretty. And Candy, while I've got you, uh-oh, this isn't about my overdue registration, right? Because I swear— No, but let's circle back to that later. Barl wanted me to pass along a message. He's got that thing you asked for. Ooh, my thing! Look, all I know is he's dropping it at Heaven's Rest. Why can't he just bring it to Tank Town? You really want me sticking my nose into you and Barl's deals? No, uh, thanks for the info, GB. Yep, no problem. GB signing off."

"So, LJ, ready to test those fancy new shutters? I'm like 87% sure they'll work as intended. See, I like you. You're such an optimist. Now just head on over to Heaven's Rest. It's not too far from here. I'm going to go get her thing around at the workshop and get things ready for the delivery. Candy out."

"So, I'm looking down here. The exterior of my ship or my truck is 289°. The inside is a nice cool 59°. So, you guys know what we have to do, right? You guys know what we have to do. Can we go outside in the middle of a 290-degree weather solar storm? Let's check it. I guess we can. Okay, so I guess it doesn't matter for the space truck. The truck is looking good. All right, man, I was hoping maybe I can get burned up or something. Dang it. I was hoping this thing needs to be thrown out. I was hoping she was going to fix this shutter right here. That's what I was hoping. I didn't realize it was going to be my shutters for my freaking cab. But, I mean, at least now I could go to bed and sleep it off and not worry about it. Just kind of sit here as everything goes. All my batteries are good. Pretty sure that was negative. Was it negative? Let me look. Let me look at the temperature. Was it negative? Oh yeah, it was negative. It's minus 289°. Oh my, I thought it was hot. No, it's cold."

"And so now we can switch off these to be our camera. What is this? Oh, we're too far. We're too close. So that's our front. If we wanted to, we can look at our behind us like that docking camera. So this is basically our hood. I mean, I can also, yeah, I assume do this. Look at that. That looks pretty good. So you can't do it this way, but you can't control anything from these cameras. So that's probably why they give you, um, on the inside as well because you need to be able to hit your buttons like your, um, your hitch and everything. But I like this. This looks really good. I love this game. Look at this game. I like how I have headlights. I have headlights in space. Yes, I like it. And I can just do this and so I can kind of—oh, oh, it doesn't show you what's on the screen though. Like I know there's Gamma Valley out there, but on the screen itself, you don't get to see it. Oh man."

"Okay, head to Heaven's Rest. Oh, don't do that. Don't do that, Jason. Oh, we got to go over here on the left. It's got to line up with the portal with the hyper jump. I definitely wish the camera would pull back a little bit more because this feels like it's just too close to my ship, my truck. I wonder, can I do it with this camera? Can I do it with this? Let's see. I really can't see a damn thing. Oh, stop. Gate status: entering warp. Why is it now purple? No, purple. Not purple. That is red. Ed here, cruising the solar provinces if any other truckers...

=> 03:45:36

Exploring space in Star Trucker is a wild ride, especially when solar flares hit and you can't see a thing!

Man: Okay, head to Heaven's Rest. Oh, don't do that, don't do that, Jason. Oh, we got to go over here on the left. It's got to line up with the portal with the hyper jump. I definitely wish the camera would pull back a little bit more because this feels like it's just too close to my ship, my truck. I wonder, can I do it with this camera? Can I do it with this? Let's see. I really can't see a damn thing.

Stop gate status entering warp. Why is it now purple? No, purple, not purple, that is red. Ed here, cruising the solar provinces. If any other truckers are coasting these parts, be sure to keep the cool packs close, your AC cranked, and those shutters down. 51° okay, so it went from minus 289 up to 51°. Good.

Lord, now that's purple. Look at that, that's purple. I like this one. It's pretty nice. I'm liking it, guys, I'm liking it. Imagine trying to do the rest of the stream with that camera. Dude, I don't know if I could. Warning: proximity debris. Oh god, what's going on here? Oh, have a solar flare. Oh great, that's fun. We have a solar flare happening here. I can't see anything. I tried to use this. My God, look at that. That is really cool. It kills your camera that way you can't be outside. You have to be in the camera. Wow.

2,000°, yeah, that is melting, dude. What is this truck made out of? 2,500° and nothing melted on the outside. Wow. Yeah, you can't see a damn thing. I like how it says proximity warning. I can't see a damn thing on that screen because they're busy giving me proximity warning on everything. Thank you. You definitely need to make proximity warning a little bit smaller so I can see what I'm doing, especially when you force me to use this damn camera. Alright, 500°, I should be okay. Yeah, there we go. So there are solar flares that cook you basically, right?

Let's head over to Longly Services. Let's see what we can do. Let's see if they have anything I can even afford. Probably not. Where's my docking supplies? Job board? I don't need a job board right now. Star break supply, so I can get a battery and stuff like that. So not like fixing up your truck or anything. Let's turn around. Oh yeah, you know I probably should do it like this. Proximity warning, no, I need my... Thank you, I can't see a damn thing. Thank you. Get lined up. Alright, come on, mag lock ready. Not available, not available. Oh, I went too far. It is 90° in your truck at least, it's not 2,000° outside of it. I mean outside, you know, get cooked out there.

Sell that, sell that. Sure, we'll sell that. So yeah, when it comes to item information, it's a grow pack. It probably is like, hey look, the price here is a little bit above, so it normally should be 500, they're selling it for 535. So if I had a whole bunch of grow packs, I could sell them for a little bit more money. That's probably what you want to do with all that stuff. So let's grab an air filter. We need one of these. Oh my God, minus 2,000 and then a battery, so it's a lower price as well. Oh my God, I'm in debt again over 5,000. Now got to put that down. Where's my bad filter? That's 96, 96. Where's my bad filter at? There you go, that's the zero. You go in here, your trash. Also have a battery. What do I need to put my battery in? Hold that. Thank you for the proximity warning. I can't see. There we go. So this one over here, 30, 48. And then my suit, I guess gravity battery, my suit battery is that low for real? 39, yeah, I guess it's 39 and this one is a 48. I'll take a 48. You need to go down here. We'll save you for later. What are you at? 88, oh we're good on that. Alright, I think we're all good. I can just sell this junk. Sell that. I mean I could sell the battery too, get 200 bucks. So I'm at minus 66,500. Good Lord. Yeah, we'll sell the battery. See the problem, the batteries are not Duracell. That is true, they're not Duracell so they just don't last as long.

Everything's all good. I wish you could sleep but you can't and you can't put anything in here to like close it off. Like if I could just shut items in here, that'd be great but instead I got to get some boxes that way I can just stack them up in here, that way nothing falls apart or gets broken. I like it. So yeah, we're all good now. Let's check with the radio since I got in trouble earlier. I crashed because I was trying to turn with it.

At Moonman Dairy, we take pride in our livestock. We keep our cows happy on micro pastures with the purest oxygen and only the finest synthetic grass. Don't settle for less, request Moonman Dairy at your local grocery store. Moonman Dairy, unwind and enjoy the ride with Gold Rock Radio. There you go. I think that might be their own music but I have a feeling that might be copyright so I don't want to get a copyright hit on my channel here.

Hopefully you guys had fun with the stream today. I had a blast. I really do like Star Trucker. Now keep in mind it is on Game Pass, so if you're on Xbox and you want to check it out, it's on Game Pass. You have to have Game Pass Ultimate, it's not on anything else so you can't have like Game Pass Core. I believe they have a Game Pass Core, it's not going to be there. But also if you have PC Game Pass, that will be there as well.

And I see, do I see Flowery Squirrel streaming? I do see Flowery Squirrel streaming, so we are going to go raid Flowery Squirrel. He is playing No Man's Sky. He's exploring space, he is getting ready for the update tomorrow. I have a feeling we're going to get the update, whatever it happens to be, the update for No Man's Sky is going to hit tomorrow so you guys make sure that you're ready. Let me get in here and I had a blast. Seriously, I really am enjoying Star Trucker. It is such a cool, cool relaxing game if you're into like Euro Trucker or US Trucker, whatever it is.

Bye, that was perfect Jason K freaking ay man. But guys, seriously, thank you so much for hanging out. I had a blast and I will probably see you guys tomorrow in the No Man's Sky update. Either way, we're going to stream tomorrow. I think we're going to be doing No Man's Sky anyway but either way, we'll be doing something in No Man's Sky. Hopefully the update and I will see you guys then.