Sotek vs, Tyranid Swarms! Exploring Space Marine 2 in Early Access

Sotek vs, Tyranid Swarms! Exploring Space Marine 2 in Early Access

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Excited to dive into Space Marine 2 with early access, thanks to 2 Game!

Hello everyone, welcome to the stream! We're in it today, and we are in it to win it. Raldo, thank you very much for the 37 months of Prime—good lord, that's a long time. I hope you're all excited. We're going to be jumping in here in just a minute.

Double wall—that should not be possible. What is the cooldown on that? Huh, weird. Alright, strange. Welcome, welcome, welcome everyone to the stream. This should be a fun time. I do want to take a quick moment to thank 2 Game for sending me some keys for Space Marine 2. I really appreciate them doing that so I can get some early access and enjoy playing the game and all that stuff. For anyone that wants to, you can consider picking up the game for 133% off and also help support the channel. If you're on Twitch, you can do exclamation mark 2 Game, like the number two game. If you're on YouTube, it's the first link in the description.

We are going to be heading into the story of this game. Oh, that should not be there, ha. I'm excited to play this. I love Tyranids a lot, so I'm really excited to see them super well animated and fight loads and loads of them. This will be interesting. Obviously, my opinions on 40K are myriad and vast, so it's going to be interesting to get into this.

Real quick, I do want to thank you all so much for joining me. Also, welcome to the stream Big Ay 72, Casted G Man, Ser CEO of Necromancy, Redwood 19, Raldo 88, Mor Crested Tech 27, SS Raldo for The Peasant. Good to see you all, hope you're all doing well.

Okay, so we're going to start a new game. Helmet on or off on story characters—that's interesting. I guess we'll do it so we can see the facial expressions. I would like subtitles on. Joins the red host, cursed soex, subtitles on all the places. Yeah, that's fine. Cool, cool, cool, cool. Thank you so much for the five gift subs, really appreciate that.

Alright, this should be fun. What's my favorite Tyranid bug? I mean, Hive Tyrant, though the Tyranid Warriors is a close second. They just have a really, really nice design. Hive Tyrant is good, though I like special characters, so the Swarm Lord is my favorite. But I mean, Carnifexes are also pretty awesome.

Motion blur—I think I'll turn motion blur off. All this stuff looks fine. Who's my favorite chapter? Of the big chapters, the one that I think I would like the most would probably be the Salamanders. A lot of flame weapons and the fact that their home world has giant lizard monsters. I don't understand why the giant lizard monsters aren't a part of their range. They'd be a lot cooler if they actually had rideable giant lizard monsters or had some of them as beasts that join them on the battlefields. That'd be neat.

Space Wolves are also a very big one for me just because they actually feel different. They don't just feel like a color change; they feel like a genuinely different chapter because they have the giant wolves with them, like the big wolf cavalry and all that stuff. Though I am fond of a minor chapter named the Black Dragons just because I love black dragons. They're awesome and they apparently have really bizarre mutations, even for Space Marines, like horns or scaly skin or something like that.

If someone ever held a gun to my head and was like, "Make and paint some Space Marines for tabletop," I would probably do the trick I've seen a lot of people do where I would take Lizardman models and kitbash them onto the Space Marines so that it's really just Lizardmen in power armor.

=> 00:07:37

If I had to paint Space Marines for tabletop, I'd kitbash Lizardmen into power armor for a unique twist.

In a different chapter, they have giant wolves with them, including the big wolf Calary and all that stuff. Though I am fond of a minor chapter named the Black Dragons, just because I love black dragons—they're awesome. They apparently have really bizarre mutations, even for space marines. I think they have horns or scaly skin or something like that. If someone ever held a gun to my head and asked me to paint and make some space marines for tabletop, I would probably do the trick I've seen a lot of people do. I would take Lizardman models and kitbash them onto the space marines so that it's really just Lizardmen in power armor.

Almost two years, thank you C necr, I appreciate it. Alright, without further ado, let us begin. Oh, what difficulty? Let's see, you got Angel of Death, veteran, normal, or easy. I think we'll do veteran; veteran sounds good.

In the 41st Millennium, Humanity stands on the brink of annihilation. The Galaxy-spanning Imperium of Man is beset on all sides by hostile aliens and threatened from within by traitors and heretics. It is an age of constant war, a new Dark Age in which Enlightenment is replaced by superstition, rhetoric, and blind prayer. To live in such times is to be one amongst untold billions existing in the crueler. Defenders are the Space Marines, bioengineered superhuman warriors. They are humanity's last bastion against the terror. There is no time for peace, no rest, no forgiveness. I'm curious how grimdark this game's going to be; this should be interesting. In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war.

Kaku Imperial held residus, good old Tyranid ships. It's a bit more sudden than how they usually invade a planet; normally they have a little bit more buildup. By authority of Arc Mjes Nozik, Planet Kataku Ricus System is under attack. Very alien-like, original alien movie-style tech, which is cool. Tyranid early invasion sees any bombardment preparation. Project Aurora present access denied. Strategic value absolute, urgent assistance required from nearby forces. Submit encrypted message. Okay, so they're not willing to sacrifice the planet because there's something there, but we're not allowed to know what it is. Submitted to astropath relay. Hail the Omnissiah, hail the machine god. I like how old the tech looks; it's nice. Yeti, let the first nid you see eat you as his proper. I'll think about it.

Approaching Dr cinematic quality is excellent. I love you can hear the tide slamming into it, gargoyles. Here they come. So is this Titus or is this just some other guy? Now the game looks fantastic. Outskirts of orbital launcher facility, Tyranid Invasion, it's been two days. Kill team leader to squad, confirm contact. This looks incredible. We have crashed from your position. Do you have the virus bomb? Oh, virus bomb. Classic virus bomb is a classic way to deal with the Tyranids. Wow, this game is gorgeous. I like this. I like that it's been two days since the invasion started and it's already this bad.

Tab L, contact with brother approaching orbital launcher facility. We secure ala, I'm moving to the crash site. Do you read? Side of the commander, negative, no contact since the crash. I'm here, damn it. C, you have command. What are your orders? We proceed as planned. Launch the virus bomb into the stratosphere, detonate it, and watch the Tyranids die. Oh my god, look at that sight. I will greatly enjoy it. Grand's missile must be broken. T is just swarming the guard. See, the high fleet has invaded the planet of Kataku, placing an alpha-level project known as Aurora at risk. Advance the orbital launcher facility and fire a viral bomb into the atmosphere to combat.

=> 00:14:35

Just launched a virus bomb to save the planet from the tyranid swarm—epic victory for humanity!

Tab L: Contact with brother approaching orbital launcher facility. We secure ala. I'm moving to the crash site. Do you read?

Commander: Negative, no contact since the crash.

C: I'm here. Damn it. You have command. What are your orders?

Commander: We proceed as planned. Launch the virus bomb into the stratosphere, detonate it, and watch the Teran die.

C: Oh my God, look at that sight. I will greatly enjoy this. Grand's missile must be broken. T is just swarming the guard.

Ted: High fleet has invaded the planet of Kataku, placing an alpha level project known as Aurora at risk. Advance to the orbital launcher facility and fire a viral bomb into the atmosphere to combat the Tyranid threat.

C: That is incredible looking. You got the Tyranids swarming over each other like ants. Nice, well, I guess we're going that way. Saigh, if only I could play as the Tyranids, that would make me so, so happy. It's all right, we'll just have to deal with sharing a game with them.

Ted: You got all the goofy little laser beams. Is that a blown-up Baneblade or just like a Rogal Dorn tank? Kind of looks like a Baneblade.

C: I know you're a fantasy guy, but do you have a chapter you favor?

Ted: I like that the Salamanders tend to be portrayed as kind. I really like fire-type weapons, so that's cool. Flamethrowers are neat. I also like the fact that they're often portrayed as caring more about civilian lives and such. But my favorite chapter, name, and aesthetic-wise, is probably the Black Dragons. I don't know a lot about their lore, but the fact that they have extra mutations that make them more lizard-like or draconic in appearance is pretty cool. If you ever look on my Twitter, there's a kit basher who makes all of his Space Marines with lizard men, so they're all like lizard men in power armor. If I was going to do Space Marine models, I'd do it that way.

C: Trust me, if this game let me play as the Tyranids, I would be on Team Tyranid all day. But yeah, Space Wolves are also quite cool because they have big wolves. What's not to love about big wolves?

Ted: Good, good, good. All right, great job, guys. Awesome, the good guys won. We got the heroic ending. We did it. I'm really proud of how well all of my Tyranid brothers handled that. The Space Marines were defeated. We got the good ending.

C: In the interest of being a fair streamer, we'll explore the bad endings.

Tab L: Approaching orbital launcher facility. We're secure. I'm moving to the site. Do you read?

Commander: Negative, no contact since the crash.

C: TDS are adorable. You have command. What are your orders?

Commander: We proceed as planned. Launch the virus bomb into the stratosphere, detonate it, and watch the Tyranids die.

C: I will enjoy this. You'd love to see Orcs in this game.

Ted: I can't tell if that's a joke. You do know Space Marine One is all about Orcs, right? That is a hilarious amount of blood for the size of those gaunts.

C: Damage depletes armor. Armor regenerates after a small delay. Lost health can be restored by dealing damage. Interesting. Okay, cool. So armor regenerates, health regenerates Bloodborne style.

Ted: Oh, you never played it, so it is ignorance. That's hilarious though. Maybe check out Warhammer or Space Marine One. It has a very famous group of Orcs in it.

C: Heavy attacks hold right-click to finish a chain. Finish a combo. The longer the combo, the more powerful the attack will be. Use attacks against heavy groups of enemies.

Ted: I'm up to my elbows in these wretched gaunts.

C: Brotherus Commander, nothing. It is left to us to share the glory now.

Ted: Oh, the big stomps, just boot to the face. Press C to...

=> 00:19:49

Combat in this game feels heavy but satisfying, with parries and combos adding depth to the action.

Health can be restored by dealing damage. Recently lost health can be regained through this method, which is quite interesting. Armor regenerates, and health regenerates in a style similar to Bloodborne. If you haven't played it, you might not be familiar with this concept, but it's quite fascinating. You should check out Warhammer or Space Marine One; it features a very famous group of Orcs.

Heavy attacks can be executed by holding the right click to finish a chain or combo. The longer the combo, the more powerful the attack will be, making it effective against heavy groups of enemies. As I engage in combat, I'm up to my elbows with these wretched Gods, and it seems like it's left to us to share the glory now. The big stomps, just a boot to the face, are quite satisfying. Press C to parry common attacks; attacks with a blue indicator can be parried perfectly. Perfectly timed parries will instantly kill smaller enemies and stagger larger ones. The parry mechanic is pretty cool.

The combat feels good, albeit a bit heavy. It’s not necessarily a bad thing, but it’s heavier than one might expect. It feels right, though the reaction could be a little funny. Exploring the environment, I notice some tanks that look like they've been claimed by the environment rather than the nids. The situation here in the launcher is becoming severe. Have you secured the virus? For every enemy we smash, ten more come raining down. If we fail to launch that bomb, there will be nothing to stop the Tyranids.

Hold right click to knock back small enemies and mark them for a gun strike. A gun strike instantly kills small enemies and deals significant damage to large ones. That’s quite sick. I want to work on my parry more. The window for parrying is reasonably generous, which is interesting. It’s going to take me a minute to get used to the controls, where left click is shoot and right click is stab.

Thank you, Tyler, for the nice words, and thank you, Tangent, for the raid. Hello there! We just started playing Space Marine 2. If you don't know me, I’m L, master of lore, considered one of the premier authorities on Warhammer fantasy lore and literature. I do a lot of stuff with Warhammer Fantasy and Age of Sigmar, so this is a bit out of my usual wheelhouse, but I do know a fair bit about 40K and I do love it. When I used to play 40K a long time ago, I played Tyranids.

=> 00:26:53

Getting used to new game controls can be a challenge, but mastering them is part of the fun!

Getting used to the controls is going to take me a minute. The left click is for shooting, but the right click is for stabbing. Hey Tyler, thanks for the nice words, I appreciate it. Tangent, thank you very much for the raid. Hello there, we literally just started playing. Welcome, welcome. We just started playing Space 32. If you don't know me, hi there, I'm L, master of Soch, considered one of the premier lore authorities on Warhammer fantasy lore and literature. I do a lot of stuff with Warhammer Fantasy and Age of Sigmar, so this is a little bit out of my usual wheelhouse. However, I do know a fair bit about 40K and I do love Tyranids. When I used to play 40K a long time ago, I played Tyranids in tabletop. Good times, love me some Tyranids, they're great. I think they're the heroes of the 41st Millennium.

We just got into it, but thank you very much for the raid. Also, congratulations Castr, you just got a promotion. If you have any questions, feel free to join us. Yes, I still have my Tyranid army. I have a bunch of Tyranids in a closet way back there, and I also have a whole bunch of unopened Tyranid boxes. Your death will not go unpunished. Execute! The Warriors are fun. It's weird when you parry the first attack on that. Hey Fade Alpha, thank you so much for the nice words, appreciate it.

The perimeter is on route. Excuse you, the tag gods are extremely annoying. Are you with me? I have the bomb. I'll try and learn it for now, but there might be some things we have to change at some point. Ripper swarm, you served your Emperor well, brother. Rifle record log: my team landed off course and these guys got massacred. My brothers are all dead, slain by Tyranids. I have the virus bomb, moving to the orbital launcher. We'll fire into the stratosphere.

Wow, this gun's got some heft and excellent feedback. Hold, hold, and oh, interesting way they're coming. Combat feels great. This definitely feels like a game that would be very fun to play with a group of people. By yourself, it can get a little intense when you're surrounded. Very much like how dangerous Tyranids feel. They will adapt, but it will slow them down. The virus must be launched into the stratosphere. This feels like a boss arena. Hello big boy. It's interesting, the temptation is to take out the smaller Hormagaunts first and then deal with the warrior, but it's almost better to just focus on waiting for that opening to really slam into the warrior as best you can.

Open the gates, shift chomer reset. You registered as duty, you're late. Time to launch, time to launch, time to launch. Inserting payload. That looks heavy. God forbid somebody had greased the wheels before this had to happen. Just like a giant gun over author set. Detonation, the rite of safeguard must be performed. Seek an authorized magos at the command console. Yeah, I don't think they're around, bro. Grenades, G for grenade, guess that makes sense. Machine Spirit, where is the command console? On the observation platform above. Theos on duty does not respond. Nice, more goodies. I have to hold it down. I think I got everything. Oh my God, the little ones are nasty.

=> 00:39:05

When in doubt, just keep shooting and hope for the best!

The launch of inserting the payload looks heavy. God forbid somebody had greased the wheels before this had to happen. It's just like a giant gun over author set for detonation. The right of Safeguard must be performed, so seek an authorized magos at the command console. However, it seems they aren't around.

"Bro, oo grenades. G for grenade, guess that makes sense. Machine Spirit, where is the command console?" The observation platform above Theos on duty does not respond. "Nice, more goodies. Oh, I have to hold it down. All right, I think I got everything. Oh my God, the little ones are nasty. Hello, no thank you, I'm working."

Right, the Familia shout Tech heresy and think help will come. Just shout things that'll make the Mechanicus angry, and they'll show up to yell at you. It's like on the internet, where the best way to get help isn't to ask for help but to say you know the answer and deliberately put the wrong answer.

"Machine Spirit, what is the status of the orbital launcher?" Hibernation console in for 22 hours. The system has been locked. The right of initialization must be performed, so seek an authorized command. The technology is frustrating. "Theos will help you, sure he will. Doubtful. Good, the AI is just as useless in this world as you would expect it to be. Nice and proper. Do you know the password? No? Well, sounds like a you problem."

Complete Awakening system formation of capacitors initialized. Personnel may begin prayers of charging. "That's not a good sound. Can you not hasten the damn process?"

"Oh my God, oh my holy emperor, just keep shooting. You can't miss. Oh, more grenades, more grenades. Oh jeez, oh wow, you think? Oh great, they got a warrior too. Oh boy, this is bad. No, hold the line. Seriously, bro, hold the line. He walked over there much more casually than I was planning to. Baby heads, thanks so much for the two gift subs. I really appreciate it, thank you so much."

"Hey, we did it. It is done. Our man's about to get merked hard. Was it going to be elor or just the Swarm that gets him? He's much more efficient than I was. Oh, was that a terot that shot him off? Wait, isn't that Titus? I will take you all with me. Interesting development. I like that the Rippers are just waiting. Oh wow, this is ominous as [__]. Ripper swarms are nasty. Oh, come and get it. Yeah, I figured you out. Ah, I got your pattern down, don't I? Good old Titus. Oh, there's two. I take back what I said earlier. Never mind, I still got it. We will eradicate your W."

"My God, shoot faster, shoot faster. [] [] [__]. Come on, Big Boy. Oh yeah, know yeah, know yeah. Oh, that card effects looks amazing. Help us, arve. Hey gri Clips, thanks so much for the two gift subs, really appreciate that. Thank you all so much. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Thanks for all the follows, by the way. There's a ton of y'all, thank you. I really appreciate it, thank you so much for joining me."

"Oh my good lord, well that was fun. The combat is very enjoyable so far. It's not... the heaviness aspect of it is interesting, which I think is a good thing. It makes it where being able to effectively counter can become a bit problematic. Honestly, it feels better to probably just counter, counter, counter, counter, counter. Another Dr bloody, thank you very much for the two gift subs, thank you, appreciate it. Cursed soex SP. So I'm guessing Titus just...

=> 00:48:00

Thank you all for the support! The combat in this game is intense and rewarding, and the lore is fascinating.

Thank you all so much for the two gift subs, I really appreciate it. Thanks for all the follows, by the way. There's a ton of y'all, and I really appreciate it. Thank you so much for joining me. Oh my good lord, well that was fun. The combat is very enjoyable so far. The heaviness aspect of it is interesting, which I think is a good thing. It makes effectively countering a bit problematic. Honestly, it feels better to probably just counter repeatedly.

Another Dr. Bloody, thank you very much for the two gift subs, I appreciate it. Cursed Soex SP. So, I'm guessing Titus just went through the Rubicon Primaris to prevent him from dying. Got an apothecary, praise the emperor, chaplain. My bad, apothecaries are white, chaplains have the death mask. His body had a fatal wound, but he survived only through the Rubicon surgery. They remade him. Congrats, you're 10th edition down Maris now. Lord Calgar issued the command himself. Is he here? Gone, summoned by the Primark. Calgar was here, that's cool. I must get back to the watch Fortress. You have been reassigned. My place is with the death watch. The Inquisition can find no stain on you, Titus, accused of heresy. You have served penance in the death watch for almost a century. Tech 27 SS, you will never know redemption until you have faced the judgment of your brothers. Prove yourself to us and know true absolution.

I like the chaplain. The chaplain's cool, got a nice voice. What is your life? My honor is my life. What is your fate? I love how gross his body is, that's good. I like that his body is nasty. What is your fear? My fear is to fail. What is your reward? My salvation is my reward. What is your craft? My craft is death. What is your pledge? My pledge is eternal service. That was a great intro. The intro is awesome. The Rubicon surgery has remade you as a primaris marine. You are now stronger, faster, and more resilient. You will take your place as an ultramarine once more. Your brothers will know that you served in the death watch, but your dishonorable status as a black shield has been redacted from the archives. Should it be discovered, there would be questions. Lord Kelgar has offered you a second chance, do not taint it.

Oh God, they got the little cherub baby things. So, real quick, just to get caught up with some quick things in chat. What is the Ted W? I think it's just Ted swarm is what a W essentially is. They don't have really the exact same thing. But yeah, okay, this is very nice. Cool so far. Random lore fact about the Skaven: their writing system. Who would know the right of the under Empire? Not a lot. Writing is not taught to a lot of Skaven. They communicate mainly through symbols, though there is a form of quish writing, but it's mostly for elites or Skaven that are educated for particular roles.

Yes, brother, this is fun. It's funny, the chaplain really should have gone into a speech when you become primaris. It was very controversial when it first came out. People were very angry about it, but they kind of got over it more. Everything looks nice and dirty and grimy, digging it so far. We got some human servitors, nightmarish, very cool. See of Necaz, thanks so much for the two gift subs, I really appreciate it. Thank you, very nice. Appreciate the support, guys. I feel like I should have played the first game like last week, but whatever, it's fine. I think I know the broad strokes. Servo skulls support, thank you, Lord. We shall ready a counter offensive. The fight, all right, let's see what the situation is. My Lord, Lieutenant Titus reporting for duty. Lieutenant Sergeant, report to the bridge.

=> 00:53:48

Loving the gritty, grimy vibes and intense action—this game is a visual and tactical feast!

Everything looks nice and dirty and grimy. I'm digging it so far. We got some human servitors, nightmarish, very cool. See of Necaz, thanks so much for the two gift subs. I really appreciate it. Thank you, very nice. Appreciate the support, guys.

I feel like I should have played the first game like last week, but whatever, it's fine. I think I know the broad strokes. Servo skulls support, thank you. Lord, we shall ready a counter-offensive. The fight is on. Let's see what the situation is, my Lord. Lieutenant Titus reporting for duty. Lieutenant, Sergeant, report to the bridge. Aaran, how are your winds? Good enough. I'll be straight with you, Titus. I have my reservations about your reinstatement. There could be questions, suspicions. I cannot afford discord among the men, not now.

The animations look fantastic. You're a lieutenant now. Will that be a problem? No, Captain. Very well. We're facing a Tyranid splinter fleet. They engaged us on two planets, a high world and Kaku, which you already know. We're abandoning the latter. It's mostly Adept as Mechanic's research facilities. We're evacuating critical assets and personnel. These defense guns are keeping the skies clear for our ships. The Tyranids have taken note. Get down there and protect those guns.

Captain, you wish to see me? Sergeant, this is Lieutenant Titus. He'll be taking over command of your squad. Sir, I expect you on the ground within 30 minutes. Dismissed. Can I turn up the volume a little bit? Yes, let me know if that's better. Lieutenant, forgive my hesitation. I am merely surprised by this development. As am I, Sergeant. Gadriel, the absorber is ready to depart. Oh, look at his hands, awesome. This is Lieutenant Titus. He will be leading our squad. Chiron, is that so? Well, I shall be glad to have a commander of such experience. Is the rest of the squad ready? Already assembled on the flight deck. Good, we leave immediately.

I've made a decision. Ooh, I don't know if I can change it in here. Helmet, I like your helmet on. I think it looks cool. Ah yes, much better. Online play is now available. Invite your friends together to play as a squad. Use the battle map and the strategy launch bay to change the current game mode. We'll definitely have to try out some of the multiplayer, but I want to do some story today. How's the game? It's pretty fun so far. What is our gorgeous? Absolutely gorgeous. Cadians have lost control of the orbital guns. We are to recapture them. Lost them already? The Tyranids are hurling scores with those guns in great waves. I'm impressed they held this long.

Alarus and Ellen make up the rest of our squad. Have any of you faced Tyranids before? Only these past two days. Then there is much to learn. I look forward to it. It's interesting that it's just Cadians, Cadians everywhere. If those warheads are not properly secured, do you know what will happen if one comes loose? That would be hilarious. I'll do it myself. Go and find a tech place to tighten the screws in that half-brain of yours. Tasked seeking blessings of citation. May else G will hear of this.

Why wouldn't they hold out? No, no, I'm not saying they wouldn't hold out against the Tyranids. I'm saying that the Cadians must have had a very impressive breeding program because they're everywhere, considering they're supposed to be from like one system or one planet. The effects of the virus, they are everywhere. Sergeant Brothers, we are joined by Lieutenant Titus. Welcome, brother. We are yours to command. We leave immediately. Yes, Lieutenant. Got that. Rendezvous with the Astra Militarum. Defend the anti-air placements. The withdrawal of assets and personnel off Kaku is at risk. The anti-air defenses keep the sky clear for the Tyranid assault. Protect them.

Yeah, the loading screen's nice. It's nice when the loading screens are implemented in the actual game instead of just being like a regular screen. I like how different they all look. It's nice. Sir, you served in the Death Watch.

=> 00:59:32

In the chaos of battle, unity and resilience are our greatest strengths.

To be from one system or one planet, the effects of the virus are everywhere. Sergeant Brothers, we are joined by Lieutenant Titus. "Welcome, brother. We are yours to command." "We leave immediately." "Yes, Lieutenant."

We have a rendezvous with the Astra Militarum to defend the anti-air placements. The withdrawal of assets and personnel off Kaku is at risk. The anti-air defenses keep the sky clear for the assault; we must protect them.

The loading screen's nice. It's nice when the loading screens are implemented in the actual game instead of just being a regular screen. They all look different, which is nice.

"Sir, you served in the Death Watch?" "Yes, that must have been a great honor." "It's a privilege to serve with you." "Alright, approaching drop zone. Let's go." "He's trying. You see those service studs? Our lieutenant is over 200 years old. He couldn't have been born of Primaris." "You're right, and now he has your command. On your feet, Soldier. Move to defend our best flank and get those heavy weapons ready."

I like how ugly everybody looks—covered in scars, just nasty looking, as they should be. "My Lord, Major S.A. Kad in regiment." "Major, give me an update." "The Wretched beasts have taken the orbital gun. They pushed us back to this encampment and are staging a heavy assault." "Lio, take Alarius and Elon, remain here to secure the encampment." "Yes, brother." "Major, we must reach the defense guns." "Yes, my Lord, follow me."

The situation here has deteriorated. Those power pollutants in the sky—the Tyranids have the orbital guns. These unrelenting attacks make a counter-offensive difficult. "We shall take care of that. They're bringing out the tanks. Forward into this!" "We've got more incoming from the East. Move to reinforce the Eastern flank." "You go with him, assist in the defense." "Very good, my Lord."

Tiny little Guardsman, hey 7505 or 5,5, 16 months, yeah, game's fun so far. The numbers are endless. Love the Gargoyle Swarms. Fury mode increases damage and restores health. Oh, neat. Here they come. Glory of Tim. "Ah, my hand was in the right place, my Lord. Intelligence reports multiple swarms closing in." "Direct us to them." "Sending coordinates to your aspect display. Got to really have your hand on the parry button."

"My Lord, we are preparing an air strike. Can you hold the enemy in place until it hits?" "Consider it done." "Reload. Send us forward. Leave not one of them standing." "Oh, I like the heat visor." "I got your attention now, huh?" "Okay, we lost our chainsword, but we got a sexy giant dagger. Resupply."

Another one dead. Need to reload. A strike incoming. "Oh, that's lovely. A direct hit, Major. The Emperor never misses." "Everyone at this base owes you their life, my Lords. The Emperor protects." "We must proceed through the jungle to reach the orbital defense guns. Brother Lio, assist the cad while they establish new defensive lines."

So, for those who are 40K fans in the chat, is it nice for y'all to have a major game with pretty positive reviews? Be alert, the Tyranid will be lying in wait. "Hey, chainsword. This must be where the swarm originated. These abhorrent husks are everywhere—living organic machines." "Indeed, their ships, these pods, all of it. Their very existence is heresy. We shall thin their numbers today, brother."

"Oh, they're like big eyeballs. So those explode, good to know. Reload." "Um, yeah, we've learned—oh, Ravener, stop moving. Where'd you go?" "Magazine, I like how fast that reloads. I [__] love Raveners."

I had a friend who was building a Slaanesh Warriors of Chaos Army. What we ended up doing for that Army—he wanted to run some Juggernauts of Khorne, but we didn't want them to just be like Juggernauts of Khorne, right? We wanted to, because he was doing a Slaanesh army, so we were like...

=> 01:08:17

Kitbashing Tyranid Raveners into Slaanesh steeds is a game-changer for a unique Chaos army!

Everywhere, living organic machines indeed, their ships, these pods, all of it. Their very existence is heresy. We should thin their numbers today, brother. Oh, they're like big eyeballs, so those explode. Good to know. Reload.

We've learned... Oh, Ravener, stop moving! Where'd you go? Magazine. I like how fast that reloads. I love raveners. I had a friend who was building a Slanesh Warriors of Chaos Army. What we ended up doing for that army was he wanted to run some juggernauts of Khorne, but we didn't want them to just be like juggernauts of Khorne, right? We wanted to, because he was doing a Slanesh army, so we were like, well, what can we do to make Slanesh heavy cavalry instead of just doing juggernauts? Obviously, you don't want to have Khorne boys in your all-Slanesh army.

What we ended up doing was we took some Tyranid raveners and kit-bashed the Chaos Knights on top of them and made them into steeds of Slanesh. We just added some long little tongues to them, but they work really well as demonic steeds of Slanesh. Reloading. I expect better of the Cadians. Losing the orbital guns was costly. Being paid for a defeat, their numbers are not insignificant. The Cadian E will have to do better. I feel like the Cadians just surviving as long as they have is kind of surprising.

Are you familiar with this, brother? I am. How do the Tyranids compare to other xenos? They are an unrelenting plague, but they are cunning. The controlling influence of their hive mind makes them act as one. Be careful, the spores detonate when threats draw near. Then let us take the advantage and destroy them. Oh, they have spore mines in this game? Oh my Lord, they come flying towards you when they're mad. Fun. Reloading. Ammunition. Your combat doctrines are unorthodox. Shut up. Which company did you serve with before this one? Oh, I thought he was making fun of me. The Emperor elsewhere. Yes, I hope I too will. I'm out of ammo. That's not good. I need to be a little more conservative with that. Any ammo? No. Oh yes, munition secured.

Man, freaking Terot are super annoying. Magazine. See some rest, more ammo. We got grenades. What was that? Eliminate them, then proceed. Special tactics ready. Oh, I didn't do that very well. Okay, the ravagers are fun. I like that they run away before they come back. Yeah, I saw you coming, xenos. Toxins. You can get poisoned. Oh no. Oh lovely, there's poisons. Oh, this is weird. Alright, I dig it. I'm digging a lot. The most direct route is through the swamp. Let us proceed. No, the swamp will be infested with xenos. There's a bunker straddling the riverbed. We will cut through there. But that will add considerable time. Surely, we will not trade strategy for expediency. As you command. Do the ravers leave poison trails? They might. Well, they have stingers, don't they?

Maybe. Lieutenant Captain Aaran has given us new orders. You must proceed alone. Understood. Thank you, Lio. See you on the resilience. Oh, I already have a bolt pistol. I guess that just gives you more bolt pistol ammo. Resupplying. There we go, that's a little better. Is chaos going to be the secret bad? In the promotional material, there's a lot of Tzeentch stuff going on, so presumably they show up at some point.

The guns. I like how it's like, oh, do you need attention drawn to where those are? Oh, he's got a gun. He's got a gun. Oh, shoot you in the butt. The kills are fun. Another one. Another one. Come on, come to the edge. I can see you. There we go. Reloading. Honestly, I think the Terot are probably the nastiest enemy in the game. Terot are nasty. Sir, I can hear reinforcements. Oh, I like you can see the...

=> 01:16:13

This game nails the chaos of a true swarm, making every battle feel intense and relentless.

In the promotional material, there's a lot of zinccx stuff going on, so presumably Boy shows up at some point. The guns are highlighted in a way that draws attention to them, with phrases like "oh he's got a gun, he's got a gun." The kills are fun, with phrases like "another one, another one" and "come on, come to the edge, I can see you, there we go." The terot are probably the nastiest enemy in the game, with the ter gods being particularly nasty. You can hear reinforcements and see the psychic scream when the warrior dies, which adds to the intensity.

The developers have done a good job on the Swarm Tech. When there are a lot of enemies, it feels like they are genuinely swarming you, unlike in some games where enemies attack one at a time. The command to "open the gate" is repeated multiple times, showing the urgency of the situation. The drops command is very old, but it should be enabled if you're watching on Twitch. The game does a great job of making you feel like you're in the midst of a chaotic battle, with phrases like "serve your Emperor, Soldier" and "stand behind me, guard."

The narrative continues with commands to take down enemies and reload, emphasizing the relentless nature of the combat. There's a sense of camaraderie and duty among the soldiers, with phrases like "we must focus on taking down the good grief" and "do them EAS." The drops are working, and there's a sense of achievement if even one Guardsman lives. The way is clear, and the soldiers proceed with phrases like "holy Terra" and "we've been blessed by his Divine will."

Side conversations add depth to the story, with mentions of deserters and the need for swift retribution. The game features a variety of weapons, and there's a strong emphasis on fighting to the end for the Emperor. The presence of aquatic types of tyranids adds to the diversity of enemies. The narrative ends with a call for orders to attack, showing the ongoing struggle and determination of the soldiers.

=> 01:25:46

Fight to the end, honor the Emperor, and never abandon your kin.

In the game, there are aquatic types of Tyranids, which might make them seem almost like fishmen. However, they are not. The Tyranids are xenos monstrosities. When the deserters took off, we hoped the Emperor would deliver swift retribution to those who abandoned their kin. We formed up and resisted as best we could, pulling back and using weapons from the fallen. We will fight to the end with a lot of different weapons here for the Emperor.

Regarding the game's compatibility, someone asked if it is able to play with the PlayStation Commando, but there was confusion about what a PlayStation Commando is. Amidst the chaos, there were calls for orders to attack. Lieutenant Titus identified himself and communicated with Captain Iden, whose long-range comms were damaged in battle. They must be close, and Captain Iden was instructed to hold fast as reinforcements were coming.

Weapons are scattered around, allowing players to try new stuff, but some players were already full on grenades. The facility is just beyond the gates that must be opened. The ranged Warriors are particularly nasty, hitting hard with scattershot type attacks. Players were advised to use grenades more actively since the game provides plenty of them.

Space Marines, being too chunky to climb over walls, had to find alternative routes. They made contact with Captain Iden, who was thought to be lost but was still alive. The mission was to take back the orbital guns, and Captain Iden was ready to roll. Fighting alongside the guard was excellent, allowing the Tyranids to be even more swarmy as they could take out many little people.

The pillar structures that the Tyranids build are awesome. The Parry window in the game is generous once started, but initiating a Parry can be difficult due to the slow melee attacks. If a melee attack has started, getting a Parry up is challenging.

=> 01:33:56

Parrying in games can be tough, but once you nail the timing, it’s a game-changer!

Remove soldiers and do your work. The soldiers are in the tower, ready to deploy special units. Oh, I love the pillar structures that the nids build; pillar structures are awesome. Oh, double Warrior Man! It's interesting that the parry window is actually pretty generous once you've started a parry, but if you need to start a parry, the cast time onward, like the activation time for a parry, is surprisingly difficult to pop. A lot of your melee attacks can be so slow that if you've started a melee attack, you are just not going to get a parry up.

Dynam 95 X100. I will say it's very smart that the AI leaves executable targets for you. That way, you can get on them and heal a bit. Reload. It's spooky when a warrior is in one of those hordes because you will not see them until they give you a little slap on the butt. They give you the good game champ, and it hurts. Rifles and Bol, a fine gift from the forge. What is a bolt carbine? Give this a try. Hey, on SK, thanks so much, appreciate it. Squad, move your reckoning backsides through that gate now. Move to link up with the cad as you command, leftenant. Open, open, there we go. Oh wow, that is a magazine. Very inaccurate but a lot of shots very quickly. Need to reload. Grenades out of grenades.

Another bro, the Whip Warrior is sick. I love that thing; it gives me that Balrog vibe. Watch each other's back. Navigating through this facility takes time; a little redecorating will speed things up. My Lord, there's got to be more grenades around here. Yeah, I think I like the bolt rifle more than the bolt carbine. The bolt carbine is neat but a little too fast. There we go, grenades, nice. Good job on the tank. More of them. Oh no, they got a Zone Thro, and he's got my number. Oh boy, come here, you big... my God, he just ripped his face off. Yeah, you don't need that head.

Rest, Major. We have retaken the facility. Let's keep it moving. Praise the emperor. Boarding a Valkyrie now, heading to you. He's so fleshy looking. Zone Thro took out the tank. Yeah, it looks like it did. Zone Thro, I love Zone Thros on tabletop. Zone Thros were so fun to use. We punch a hole in those Hive ships so big you can fly a FR through it. It won't let that happen without a fight. The hive mind, the tyranid, powerful collective intelligence, not to be underestimated.

Major, the guns are in a zero state of charge. It will take time to wake the machine spirit. Hurry, the tyranids will throw everything they have at this facility. This is Major Saron. Divert second and third platoon to the orbital guns immediately. Copy that. Let's show these bastards what they made. Fighting tyranids would be so nightmarish. Dude, I'm not fighting an apex predator, forget that noise. Oh boy, that is a lot of reptile bugs.

Major, we need to establish a perimeter. My tro mechan here now. The enemy will try to scale these walls; do not let them. I have no plans to defend the facility. That jump down here, nope, so those guys are just doomed. Okay, war. Fire. No, got the B, get them off that wall. A well-placed grenade will fix that. Oh, he fell off. The tyranids fall off the walls like me; they too suffer from gravity. The orbital guns are functional, but the targeting system is jammed. It needs to be reset manually. Understood.

=> 01:42:19

The Horus Heresy would have been more impactful if all the Primarchs had died, not just Ferrus.

Perimeter my tro mechan here now HT. The enemy will try to scale these walls; do not let them. I have no plans to defend the facility. Jump down here NOP. Those guys are just doomed. Oh, okay, war ised fire. No, got the B, get them off that wall. A well-placed grenade will fix that.

Oh, he fell off. The T falls off the walls like me; they too suffer from gravity. No liant. The orbital guns are functional, but the targeting system is jammed. It needs to be reset manually. Understood, Brothers, let us make haste. Quickly now, quickly now. Good luck, y'all.

D5 100 thatan warri the par. Honestly, controversial opinion: does anyone else feel like the Horus Heresy really should have had all of the Primarchs die? Because Ferrus kind of got screwed by being the only one that sort of just dies normally. Like, you know, it's like, "Oh, he gets decapitated, whatever," and stuff. But it's like, oh, crack grenades stick to enemies and deal significant damage. Oh, but I can only have one. Oh, I don't like that. Well, let's try the crack grenades and see possible, but do not linger. Presumably, they will be needed for something. Yes, my Lord. They never learn.

Like, I don't know, it feels like they killed Ferrus to be like, "Look how scary the story is; Primarchs can die now," and then just like none of them ever really die again to that moment. Granted, I don't know the Horus Heresy that well. I only know bits and pieces of it. It just seems like it would have been a more effective tragedy if all of them had died. This elevator will take you up to the controls. We'll keep the xenos off your back. Emperor protect.

Sanguinius. Oh yeah, I forgot about Sanguinius. My point still stands though; that's only two. They will not get a heavy bolt pistol. Let's try the combat knife again for a little bit just to see if it feels better. Like, it's a lot faster, so that might make parrying easier. And I'm not even convinced Sanguinius is going to stay dead. Games Workshop seems like they're just struggling not to push the bring the of the satellite dis. We will see it done, even though I feel like it would ruin a lot of the point of that story. It'd be like when they resurrected Tyrion in the End Times and it was like, why? Why were we resurrecting Tyranid or Tyrian?

Let them come. Wow, this thing takes forever to charge. A little faster, a little faster. Okay, there we go, one down. I need to ask Aurelia if she wants to play this. I think this would be a fun game to play with Aurelia and maybe like Kami.

Okay, yeah, like see that? I parried because it was like, "Oh, you're about to get attacked," and then it ended up being that all the gaunts got in his way, so he didn't actually attack me. I assume you two can handle that, hopefully. Oh no, I saw that spore mine coming in a little too late. Oh, it saves your charge though, okay, so you don't have to do it in one go. Go for the next one.

Yeah, the combat knife is really nice because you can actually react to the enemy a little more efficiently. Luckily, those guys are actually pretty bad shots if I'm holding still. Oh, quick, quick, quick, quick, quick. Expletives. Hold on, I'm in the middle of something. I'll read that message out in just a second. Aesthetically, I like the chainsword more, but I think gameplay-wise, the combat knife feels a bit better.

Quick, quick, quick, quick, quick. Space Marine power generator. We are done, my Lord. The gargo are heading for the antenna they need to destroy. See that they fail. I can't tell, but it seems like the combat knife has a smaller parry window than the chainsword did. I could be crazy though. Does anyone know if the weapons have different parry?

=> 01:48:47

Intense gaming session defending antennas and battling enemies—pure adrenaline rush!

Still oh quick quick quick quick quick quick. Hold on, I'm in the middle of something. I'll read that message out in just a second. Aesthetically, I like the chain sword more, but I think gameplay-wise, the combat knife feels a bit better. Quick quick quick quick quick quick quick. Space Marine power generator, we are done my Lord. The gargo are heading for the antenna they need to destroy; see that they fail.

I can't tell, but it seems like the combat knife has a smaller Parry window than the chainsaw did. I could be crazy though. Does anyone know if the weapons have different Parry Windows? Is this the game that just came out? Yes, and if you want to buy it, feel free to do so by typing exclamation mark 2 game in on Twitch chat, and you can get it for 133% off. I think it's 13 or 15% off, which helps support what I do here as well as getting you the game cheaper. If you're on YouTube chat, it's in the top line of the description. You don't have to; it's just there if you want to.

Munition secure, reload, protect the antenna, reloading. Another one dead. Still trying to get our game to work. Any tips? What game are you trying to get to work? The enemy are going for the antenna. Restocking. Oh my God, spores are scary. The enemy have damaged the antenna. I think that's all of them. Oh my God, there's another one. Reloading. Oh, that didn't go the right way. Grenade works well. Let us get to work. This looks fun. The enemy have damaged the antenna. Oh no, I can't keep it; I have to use it or lose it.

Hold them back. Oh, I'm at the wrong antenna. Give me armor. The antenna has sustained significant damage. I'm working on it. Magazine. Oh jeez, come on, head me up. Oh, there's a zon Thro. There are two zon throes. Get back in the fight. My armor is priest. Open the reload. This is nasty. Get up me. Oh jeez, wow, that mission's kind of a [__]. Thank you so much for the two gift Subs, I really appreciate that.

We need to be a little more Chop Chop when it comes to the Zone throes. Give me that, reload. Okay, right, it's clear. Let me execute, let me execute. Becky, let me Smash. More Gils headed for the antenna. It's over here. The enemy have damaged the antenna. I'm working on it. The enemy are going for the antenna. Eliminate them, all of them. That's all of them. More grenade. Ow ow ow ow ow. Grenade out. Medical stems, this will serve you well. Come here. They never learn.

The enemy have damaged the antenna. I know, I'm working on it, lady. We must HCK. I'm running, I'm running, I'm running. Ow ow ow ow ow. Oh my God, that hurts. Psycho, you cowardly [__]. Brother, I cannot get up. The emperor is with us. Brother, Target destroyed. Recovery. Bro, these zone thres are nasty. Can I get over here? I don't think I can. Destroy ready, use the terminal to begin targeting. Use the goddamn guns. Let us relish the sight of those fire ships burning. Oh dude, I wish the PVP mode lets you do tyranids versus Space Marines. I would play that all.

=> 01:59:45

Imagine a game where Space Marines and Tyranids clash in epic PVP battles—I'd play that all day!

"Know I'm working on it, lady. Got we must." HCK. "Okay, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running. Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow. Oh my God, that hurts." Z. "Psycho, oh you cowardly [__]. Brother, I cannot get up. The emperor is with us. Brother, target destroyed. Recovery bro, these zone thres are nasty. Can I get over here? I don't think I can."

"Destroy ready. Use the terminal to begin targeting. Use the goddamn guns. Let us relish the sight of those fire ships burning." "Oh dude, I wish the PVP mode lets you do tyranids versus Space Marines. I would play that all day. There you go, man. It would just be raining Gore for like 30 minutes killing something that big. Oh, there's a distraction car effects. They are the most famous kind. Yay, we did it."

"What I want that to be like left for dead or gears for War. I don't know the difference. I've never played Gears of War, so I don't know what that's like." "I will say that I think like the Vermin tide PVP would be a fun system, but like I don't know. They've got some big nasty tyranid life forms. I feel like you could have a tyranid versus Space Marine system and just let the tyranid players play like Warriors and stuff, and it would be relatively like Warriors, liors, rampy raveners, like that classification where they're roughly Space Marine sized."

"Oh, that was interesting. Lieutenant Captain Akaran has new orders for you." "Very well, where is Ellen?" "The enemy tried to smother us. We got separated. By the time we had slain the attackers, Ellen was dead. Damn, something put a hole clean through his helmet. I should have been with you. I only wish he had lived to see that Hive ship burn. I fought beside Ellen for two decades. He could not have been defeated by hormagaunts. There are creatures more deadly than hormagaunts down there. You should not have let our squad be divided. He is gone, Sergeant. Duty is all. I do not forget my brothers so quickly."

"Oo spies. Captain insists." "Battle map. The battle barge map serves as the center of operations. Select a plan and start a mission. The current mission is marked with a yellow directive marker. Finished missions are also available to replay. Cool. Changing the game mode allows you to switch to operations and eternal war game modes. Playing these modes before finishing the main campaign could reveal spoilers."

"Okay, operations is a PVE mode centered around the auxiliary missions of combat squads Tasa and Vidiian. Playing this mode before completing the main campaign may reveal spoilers." "As a member of the combat squad, confront the Imperium's enemies, customize your armor, and upgrade your weapons to hold back the encroaching darkness."

"Okay, so I can only do Kaku right now. How are the controls?" "They're okay. They're all right. I am getting used to them because they're a little different than what I would expect, but I'm fine kind of adjusting to it. Though I might change them a little later, but I'm not too worried about it right now."

"Okay, so that was Skyfire. Now we have operation Severance." "Severance package. Arch Megos Nazic Beta 12, a senior member of the Adeptus Mechanicus, must be evacuated from Kaku. However, he refuses to leave without data from his research facility. Retrieve the data and evacuate before the tyranids overrun the position." "Very well. Progress of the current mission will be lost. What do you mean the current mission? Is that not the mission I'm supposed to be doing? Oh no, it wants... wait, does it want me to do this? Is it wanting me to do Inferno first? Because it seems like it doesn't want me to do the campaign, or am I crazy? Oh, I need to go talk to my boss, that's what it is."

"Okay, the good old dreadnought Bas. It's a big boy Thunderhawk, I think." "Assemble, Lieutenant. I was informed of the arrival of Lord Calgar. Did you fight with him on Vigilus? I've read through those battle reports more than a hundred times. A master for defense. My duty kept me busy elsewhere.

=> 02:05:12

When in doubt, burn it all with fire.

The current mission appears to be causing some confusion. It seems unclear whether the task is to complete Inferno first or proceed with the campaign. To clarify, the protagonist needs to talk to their boss, the good old dreadnut Bas, a big boy Thunderhawk. Upon assembling, the protagonist is informed about the arrival of Lord Calga and inquires if they fought with him on Vigilus, having read the battle reports over a hundred times. The protagonist, busy with other duties, has an unusual service record, which they attribute to good fortune. They request a scout recon at a specific position and call for Captain to get over, noting that the Mechanicus is on Vox.

The Mechanicus, specifically nozac beta 12, a mechanicus arch magos, should have been aboard the ship an hour ago but refuses to leave Kaku without some data from his lab. He is currently at an Imperial Guard base, which is about to be overrun. The protagonist is tasked with retrieving the data and getting the mechanicus out. They suggest rupturing the staging tanks to direct the flow into the valley and ignite the fields around the base, effectively boiling the enemy in promethium. The protagonist is given command of a small team to hit the staging tanks, consisting of three men, and is instructed to brief them immediately. The motto is clear: "When in doubt, kill it with fire."

The mission is to retrieve mechanicus data, and the protagonist, Titus Delirio, must make ready to depart. The data must be awfully important. Meanwhile, the protagonist thanks followers and discusses why many YouTubers focus on 40K lore rather than fantasy. The reason is primarily financial, as 40K is more popular and likely to garner more views, making it a safer and more rewarding choice compared to the fantasy route.

Deus Titus is informed that his squad must recover data from a mechanicus research facility in sector 41A. A large enemy swarm threatens to overrun both the facility and an Imperial Guard base to its east. The squad is to sabotage a promethium refinery to delay the enemy's advance. The protagonist assures that they will not fail and plans to burn the zenos field. This co-op task involves briefing the squad and noting that brother May Goio wishes to see the protagonist in the Armory.

The protagonist acknowledges that while fantasy does okay, it doesn't compare to the success of 40K channels, which are a whole different beast. Some people simply prefer sci-fi. For the task, the protagonist must get equipment from the Armory immediately to burn any biohazards clinging to the fuselage before the flight crews conduct maintenance. Mechanic's personnel are noted to be all over the place.

Titus is requested to acclimate to his new status and has no complaints. Despite intriguing predictions, there is a 9% probability of complaints. The protagonist has pressing duties and engages the Armory terminal to be suitably equipped for the mission. Customizing war gear at the armoring station is essential, and despite changes, the process remains familiar. The omnis blesses with clear sightedness from the beginning, offering blessings to the machine to serve just as it serves the protagonist.

Utilizing the Armory Hall to customize Space Marine weapon loadouts and returning periodically to update the current loadout and discover new weapons is highly recommended. The protagonist can switch weapons, learn more about them, and their unlock criteria. They express interest in trying a meta rifle and look forward to burning some enemies, which sounds fun.

=> 02:10:23

I love Warhammer 40K for its epic alien races, not the human-centric Imperium.

Familiar to you, the Omnis blessed us with clear-sightedness from the beginning. We offer blessings to this machine that it may serve you just as it serves him. Utilizing the Armory Hall to customize your Space Marine weapon loadouts and returning periodically to update your current loadout and discover new weapons is highly recommended. Do primary sidearm melee weapons for information about your current Space Marine's ability here. So, Titus, switch weapons and learn more about them and their unlock criteria.

O A meta rifle, yeah, I want to try that. Let me burn some boys; that sounds fun. Thank you for the Super Chat. Do you think you ever play the Halo games on Steam? No, God no, absolutely not. I just don't really care for futuristic settings the vast majority of the time. There has to be something crazy going on in a futuristic setting for me to like it. You know, 40K, like I love the Tyranids; Tyranids are awesome. I love it, they're great. Necrons are really cool. There are some fun monsters, and obviously, it's got a lot of things I recognize from War Fantasy like demons and chaos and all this other stuff, so there are other relatable bits. But anything outside of that, no, no, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope.

I want that hammer. So, the strength is, I like how it's five plus three plus, like you're rolling dice. See, this has better cleave, which is nice. I think I'm going to go back to the chainsword because I want to see if the Parry window feels better. So let's try Plasma Pistol, Melter Rifle, and then Chainsword. Also, thanks again to Two Games for the fancy keys that they sent me so I could not only play the game but have that stuff. Neat, so I got a fancy chainsword. The war selection seems incomplete. This Armory is comprehensive, but available options are those recommended for the current mission. Very well, my thanks. Meos will suffice. We know each other. Roll one, it blows up. I wish that'd be hilarious. That's just to open that.

I do wish Xenoraces got more love. 40K sometimes is way too human-focused. That's why I don't play 40K, to be very blunt. Join us for a single night. I would like to see you tear through their ranks in a blaze of glory, a single night without equal. Alright, dude, sure. That's the big thing for me. 40K, like I love the Xenos. I don't care much for the Imperium, and the Imperium is just the main character.

Titus, leave on a mission of vital importance. The battlefield below leaves no room for the slightest error of judgment. I'm of clear mind and purpose. May the directives of our beloved Primark guide your every action. I shall follow your progress closely. I will reflect on your words, Chaplain, but for now, duty calls. He's a little suspicious, isn't he?

The next operation requires the combined efforts of two squads. A separate combat squad of Space Marines will provide Titus with a diversion. Find out how the story evolves by playing Inferno. Neat, I'm not going to do that right now. Oh no, it wants me to do that right now. But oh, that's the secondary objective. Okay, I will do that another time because if I'm going to do that, I'd like to play with friends.

That's why I love Warhammer Fantasy so much and Age of Sigmar is that the humans are not the primary. They are the main characters, but there are plenty of campaigns and storylines that have literally nothing to do with them, like completely separate other things, which is really nice. Lay down your own life, your very soul, to preserve all that mankind is. Rough, there's not one of you worth more than the legacy you inherit. Supplication sermon to the annals of Mars. He's got a face. For the last time, we must get you off-world. Ment equals in the Tigler. We'll be overrun in minutes. Will cease interruptions. Major Aaran finally sends me what I asked for, Arch Magos. It is imperative.

=> 02:15:34

Warhammer Fantasy's depth is unmatched—humans aren't always the heroes, and that's what makes it epic.

I love Warhammer Fantasy and Age of Sigmar because the humans are not the primary focus. They are the main characters, but there are plenty of campaigns and storylines that have literally nothing to do with them. This diversity is really nice. For instance, in the game, there are moments where you must lay down your own life, your very soul, to preserve all that mankind is. The narrative emphasizes that there's not one of you worth more than the legacy you inherit.

In one scenario, a supplication sermon to the minals of Mars is interrupted. "We must get you off-world," someone insists, as the situation becomes dire. "We will be overrun in minutes," they warn. Major Aaran finally sends what was requested, but the Arch Magos insists, "It is imperative you evacuate immediately." However, the Arch Magos refuses to leave without the data and instructs, "Relocate to my facility."

The urgency continues as a second unit works on a theoretical solution to buy time. "I've lost three squads trying to reach that L," someone reports, hinting at an unknown threat. "The Emperor protects," they reassure each other. Amidst the chaos, a humorous moment arises: "Her stench out of our armor compared to your usual aura is an improvement, brother," someone quips, finding amusement in the dire situation.

The Cadians are running out of time. "How close are you to the verium facility?" someone asks. They make good time, but they are being hunted. "Look, I love lter cordonis Septimus," someone exclaims, but the situation remains tense. "Damn it, it is the work of elor," Sergeant Gadriel notes. Two brothers have fallen in battle, and an apothecary is sent to honor them. "Can you tell how exactly they died?" someone inquires. "They got holes punched in their helmets," is the grim reply.

In the midst of the action, a raid from Mercy's community brings a moment of camaraderie. "Thank you so much for the raid, really appreciate it," the host says. They introduce themselves as Lord Master Soch, a Premier Authority on Warhammer Fantasy lore and literature, though they are currently in the 40K Universe.

As the game progresses, they experiment with overcharging weapons and dealing with enemies. "What happens if I just hold on to it? Will it blow up?" they wonder. They face challenges like being poisoned and dealing with ranged warriors. "That opening offers a shortcut," someone points out, and they navigate through the game, resupplying and strategizing.

They discover a guardian relic and prepare for the next fight, appreciating the fire shotgun's effectiveness. "This famous inefficiency is unacceptable," someone critiques, as they continue to search for data. They encounter snipers and utilize a scoped high-powered machine bolt rifle with a grenade launcher. "This will serve me well," they conclude, ready to face the next challenge.

=> 02:25:24

Loving life with epic battles and early access perks!

This famous inefficiency is unacceptable. Search data, and I'm working on it, you big nerds. Give me armor. I have such low health; I need armor. No munition. Secured, ready to deploy special tactics. Stalker, this scoped high-powered machine bolt rifle with grenade launcher will serve me well. Restocking. Interesting, B rol has an under-barrel grenade launcher. Ah, interesting. Snipers, watch yourselves. Yeah, that noise.

Another one dead. Another one. Munition secured. I'm just loving living life at very little. I just got that armor back. What's the best edition? This is the Gold Edition, which I want to be very clear that I was very kindly sent a copy of the game by two game, which I really appreciate. This is essentially sponsored, so I was given a key for this, which I deeply appreciated. What edition is going to be best for you is up to you. The Gold Edition gives you an earlier start time, so if you get the Gold Edition, you can play the game right now. If you get the standard edition, it comes out in like two days. The Gold Edition also comes with some extra goodies in-game by the entrance, so it's just about what you think would be best for you.

Do I enjoy watching Taran versus Zerg Starcraft matches? I cannot say that's something I do on a regular occasion. Not to say that I don't enjoy it when I see it, but it's not something I actively look for. Small arms fire sounds close. Oh, I can't dodge while I have the sniper rifle out or the big gun. That's unfortunate. You cannot dodge while you have the sniper rifle out. Yep, I do not like that gun. Not being able to dodge sucks. Damn, dude, more fighting. I know it. Oh man, that sniper rifle makes that situation nasty. Target destroyed. Restocking.

Quick time events. My armor is PR. Man, I don't think I like the chainsword that much. If you get into an attack, you are not going to be able to dodge. That's the only really bad thing about the chainsword; the attacks are so heavy that if someone's about to attack you, you're just going to eat it. Our own duty is not yet done. Hey Frozen Falls, thanks so much for the sub. I really appreciate that. Welcome to the community; hope you're having a great day. Can you use magic in this game? You can use guns, which are kind of like magic from a certain point of view.

I try not to use the stems until I really need them, but it's probably better to be just at higher health in general. It is here. Something is off. Oh boy, watch your backs. Lior's are very scary. Your faith in the emperor is all you need. Well, good thing faith is literally just magic. It's just psychic powers; you just don't think it is, but it is. You're actually a Psy. Weapons ready. You're a heretic; you just don't realize it. Death ver. This doesn't all seem alarming where the game's like, here, take all this ammo that you're totally not going to need. Oh, cut scene, here it comes.

Oh boy, he's fast. Face me. Reloading. Shoot him in the head. Warar. Prim. Theer El B. I'm parrying and it's just not doing anything. Watch your flanks. Need to reload. Oh, you're fast. This is great. I love the Lior fight. This is awesome. See the strength. Oh, I wish I had more healing. Damn, that is unforgiving. I need help. Come on Karen, I believe in you. Y'all got way more health than I do. Thanks.

=> 02:36:07

Epic boss fight, intense action, and relentless enemies—this game is a wild ride!

Need oh cut scene here it comes. Oh boy, he's fast. Face me. Reloading, shoot him in the head. Warar. Prim. Theer El B. I'm paring and it's just not doing anything. Watch your fls. Need to reload. Oh, you're a fast []. This is great, I love the Lior fight, this is awesome. Oh [], see the strength. Oh, I wish I had more healing. Damn, that is unforgiving as [__]. I need help. Come on Karen, I believe in you. Y'all got way more health than I do, thanks buddy.

Okay, please run off for—oh, hello Sims. Stabil ow [__]. I need arm. Oh my God, he loves chaining those together. Execute. Reloading. Oh lordy, I forgot to use my grenades that entire fight. You were correct, there was aor out here. I suspect you have already dealt with it. Indeed, it will not trouble you again. Very good, my Lord. Oh, that was painful. All right, the Lior is a capable foe, a welcome challenge. Are the left tenant not with us? I fear we would have joined Cordus and Septimus. Perhaps they faced more than one. No, Lior's hunt alone, thank God for that. No, I like what I have. The facility is in ruin, let us hope research remains intact. Magos, we have arrived. Move to the low levels if lifts are functioning. Root straight, straight, straight. God, I don't have my button on it.

Special T AR Magos, the entrance is inoperative. Stand by. Oh, that poison sucks. Enemy presence. Looking around and see if there's anything of interest. Nothing of interest. All right, rally at the elevator. I like how they have the exact same password every time. DET any better? I progress for an shut up nazare me the insults. MOS insults. I engage in pure analysis. Yeah loate transmitter coordinates inbound. I have had more pleasant conversations with Orcs. Is this a Gears of War Style game? I don't know, I've never played Gears of War so I can't really answer that for you. It's fun, I can tell you that, it's a fun game. The boss fight was fantastic, the Lior fight is absolutely excellent, no notes, very good.

No real cover mechanics. God, I wish it had cover mechanics. The amount of damage I take by getting shot in the ass is ridiculous. I will fight in the th of the zenos as long as you need. Deus hold you to that. Like the damage you take from shooting is not—they got inside his armor, he deserved better. This P Blaster will serve us well against rippers to resilience. Oh, the Ripper's going to attack us now. Desus Hasen. Oh noed, location marked for Apothecary. Our brother's sacrifice will be remembered. Apothecaries seem like they just have the [] job. Riers, here they come. Only back with the Blas while we—uh-oh, the Rippers are so goofy looking. Because they move so fast, they look absolutely hilarious. They look like the []. They remind me of the goofy, stupidly fast puppet versions of the alien baby. The Rippers look silly, they look very silly.

Loading up Lo ammunition, resupplying. This is a fun change of pace though. Also, what a shameful thing to die from for a Space Marine—killed by rippers. That's just not a good way to go. Man, they just swarm inside your armor and just eat you alive. Holy thousand, that door looks like our exit. Clear a path through those vermin. Try and clear us a landing zone at least. I think they're just going to keep spawning. Yeah, munition secured. All right, power out. EX inoperative. Solution rest all power.

=> 02:43:49

Surviving a swarm of Rippers in Space Marine armor is intense, but counter-spamming is the real key to victory!

The alien baby Rippers look silly, very silly, as they load up ammunition and resupply. This change of pace is fun, but it's also a shameful way for a Space Marine to die—killed by Rippers. They swarm inside your armor and eat you alive.

Holy thousand, that door looks like our exit. We need to clear a path through those vermin and try to secure a landing zone. It seems like they just keep spawning. Ammunition secured, power out, and EX in operative solution. Rest all power. Do you see how they build up like a swarm? System controls and location restore. Are you serious, dude? Ammo quick, quick, quick!

Power restored, move to the door. Run, open the door! Come on, bros, I'm running out of ammo real quick. Close the door, close the door. Good Lord, dude, very good. Imagine, it's fun, it's fun. Got you. The key to this game is to be really good at counter-spamming. I want my pyro Blaster back now that there's ammo—a gift from the forge. If you are not counter-spamming, you're going to have a bad time.

Fractals, thank you so much for the five gift subs. Thank you very much, I really appreciate that. Humans are dissolved and collected later by feeding tubes lowered from orbit—vile. The sooner we exterminate these horrors, the better.

Do you know what my theory is about Tyranids? I think unironically that Tyranids are the good guys. I believe the old ones created the Tyranids as a contingency plan. The Tyranids have been sent to the galaxy to wipe the slate clean because what better way to get rid of Chaos than to wipe out life in the galaxy and replace it with nids that won't feed the chaos powers? It's the good ending, the one way to save the galaxy. Clearly part of the Old One's plan, at least a surviving old one.

Did you see him teleport through that table? I call shenanigans, big shenanigans. Grenade out, no thanks, you have a good one.

Now, what do I have to substantiate my theory? Nothing, I just like it. Do I have any evidence? No, of course not. It's a crackpot theory, the best kind. For all you know, I'm a plant from the Genestealer Cults to try and convince you that Tyranids are the good guys because obviously, they're the good guys. You should trust me.

Resupply. I don't know which way is the right way. That's the right way, so I want to go the wrong way. Maybe we'll find a goodie. No, it's not two gaming, it's just two game. 2GA, after an exclamation point, should do it.

It's amusing how much the writer is trying to make the Tau as evil as the Imperium. Well, I'm going to say something a little controversial now. Games Workshop has an interesting dilemma where they want the 40K Universe to be a very grim, dark, nasty setting where there are no heroes and everybody's the bad guy. But the problem they keep running into is that individual writers will come up and be like, "Well, that's a cool idea and all, but no, I'm going to make the Space Marines the good guys.

=> 02:51:29

Warhammer 40K's struggle: balancing Grimdark with heroic narratives.

Gain's Workshop has an interesting dilemma where they want the 40K Universe to be a very Grim dark nasty setting where there are no heroes and everybody's the bad guy. However, the problem they encounter is that individual writers will come up and be like, "Well, that's a cool idea and all, but no, I'm going to make the Space Marines the good guys. I'm going to make them really honorable and awesome and cool and great." Then another writer comes along and says, "Well no, I'm going to..."

Foul xenos invaded in wave upon wave of claws and mandibles. Sacred machines drip oil and war cries and gears split. How wasteful, they waste all that could bear the fruit of knowledge. What work is lost in a broken secretary, I salvage what I can but the mindless hordes, knowing nothing, are ravenously unsatiated. This war has done too much damage to our sacred machines, too much knowledge has been lost.

I like that you can find goodies if you explore; that makes me happy. But anyway, the setting wants to be super Grim dark where there are no good guys, everybody's bad, and everybody's evil. Then you have individuals who keep coming in and understandably want to tell a story where there's heroism, where there are good guys, and where there are happy and cool things happening. This clashes with the Grim dark theme.

For example, someone might come in and tell stories about the Tau as an interesting alien empire that's willing to work with other aliens and offer situations that could allow them to be the good guys for many people. Then someone else might argue, "Oh, well that's stupid because the setting's supposed to be Grim dark. No, no, no, we can't have that. They need to be evil, they need to be bad. Make it where they brainwash people and chemically castrate them without them knowing."

If you're someone who has been reading the previous lore, you'll look at that and think, "Well, that's stupid because the Tau lore I read depicted them as kind of noble and having some good guy elements to them. They were cool." Then they might say, "Oh yeah, well they're bad now. The greater good is this horrible villainous thing." This creates a weird conflict that's constantly spinning around itself.

You see this with many factions, particularly with the Space Marines and Tau. Depending on which version you read, the portrayal can be very different. Are the Space Marines horrifying super soldier monster mutant men that are brainwashed child soldiers, deeply messed up monstrous creations that humanity should avoid? Or are they a noble brotherhood of heroes who will sacrifice everything to protect what's left of humanity? The answer varies wildly depending on where you look.

Fire Blaster - make good use of it. More scaring. "Foul xenos, hello boys. Let's go left. Stay back, brother. Ready to deploy special tactics. Go away, go away, go away, go away, go away, go away, go away, go away, go away, go away. Magazines, thanks. I hate it. I don't want to be in here anymore. I don't know what just happened to me. Oh God, oh God, oh []. Ah, there's a [] that thing. PS, oh my [] God, can you chill for like a second? Oh, come here you big []."

Zone thrope in the middle of...

=> 02:57:21

Gaming chaos is real, but teamwork makes the dream work.

Hello boys, let's go left. Stay back, brother, ready to deploy special tactics. Go away, go away, go away. Magazines, thanks. I hate it. I don't want to be in here anymore. Oh, I don't know what just happened to me. Oh God, oh God. Ah, there's a [expletive] that thing. PS, oh my [expletive] God, can you chill for like a second? Oh, come here, you big [expletive]. Go and throw eliminated. Putting a Zone thrope in the middle of that is super [expletive] rude. Wish you could see these dead bastards by the Primark. We have set a mighty fire this day. I hit the wrong button. Ty bio signs down 90% and falling. Swarm Annihilation confirmed. Excellent work, move to extract.

Alright, they did their job. Whoa, what? Huh? Hold on. Oh no, turn back on. Oh my God, I don't know what the [expletive] my headphones just did. That was weird. They will not get past this. My headphones are just like, we're going to do a thing now. Can y'all hear now? Right, I think it's because the battery's not that low. Oh, nice Guardian Relic, hell yeah. For this, we shall defy death's cross. How many times have I died? I've only died once, maybe twice. I think once.

Restocking, this will serve me well. Incept armor with jump packs, it has been some time since I brought death from above. The day is not yet done, brother. Shiny, open the door. Yeah, didn't this game reveal jump pack primaris before they were even a thing in tabletop? Twice if you include the speedrun at the start. Well, that shouldn't count. Is efficiency level below expectations? Here we go, transmitter at zero state of charge. Move to generators. I can make the repairs myself. Firework system is in your armor. Will that interfere with operation? Negative, keep close proximity to the terminal when I work. Connectivity range limited.

Good grief, alright, here we go. Begin your mission. Connection tyan incoming. Back the [expletive] up, back the [expletive] up. Mission secure. Oh come on, come on, come on, come on, come on. I'm a little busy. You're breaking the connection. Generator equal to state charge. I'm getting the [expletive] out of here to the subsequent generator. Come on, nerds. They area themselves. Beepop beep boos. Proceeding to ssts. Emphasization, in other words, do not move. Come on, get me [expletive]. Return immediately. Why? There is a Zone thrope moving. [Expletive] dude, Zone thropes are a nightmare. Come here, you big [expletive]. Zone, give me that [expletive] nerd face. Those definitely make me wish I was playing with two people. Resupplying, because like, oh man, trying to hold off the swarms and let the AI deal with the Zone thropes is painful. It's very painful. I forgot to use a grenade skin, damn it.

You know what, I want those crack grenades. Those crack grenades are going to be really good against the Zone thrope if I can hit him with it. Oh, that sucked. You just have to manage a lot of different resources. More goodies. I bet this game is fun as [expletive] with friends. Extension initiated, activate the TR to commence transmission. Hi there, I've been enjoying your streaming content and I am excited to support you as a dedicated fan. Well hey, I appreciate that. It's very nice of you to say. Glad to have you around. I hope you are having a great day and thank you for the kind words. It means a lot.

=> 03:06:23

This game makes me want to play Vermintide so bad right now.

Damn it. You know what? I want those crack grenades. Those crack grenades are going to be really good against the Zone Thro if I can hit him with it. Oh, that sucked. You just have to manage a lot of different resources. More goodies. I bet this game is fun as [__] with free people. Extension initiated. Activate the TR to commence transmission.

Hi there. I've been enjoying your streaming content, and I am excited to support you as a dedicated fan. Well hey, I appreciate that. It's very nice of you to say. Glad to have you around. I hope you are having a great day, and thank you for the kind words. Means a lot, thank you. Analysis transition active. Data incoming. L us Den classified believe such ma he he give your mat hands. No, I don't think so. Transmission complete. Your assistance is no longer required. Maybe if I use the target, please escort Noik to the Thunderhawk and get him off-world. Yes, my Lord, with pleasure. Yeah, get that [__] off this planet. Be glad to be rid of these trivial duties as I will be glad to cease the flapping of this repugnant flesh voice. Time to go. This elevator goes to the rooftop. These stairs go up.

Honestly, the funny thing about playing this game is it really makes me want to play Vermintide. Playing this game, I'm like, man, I really want to play Vermintide so bad right now. What is our Primarius compared to other Space Marines? They're bigger. The Primaris process makes them bigger, faster, stronger. They're just Space Marines, point out major. What's your status? We've lost a lot of men, a lot of us, but we're still in the fight. We're coming to you now. They hit Lio. Do you read me? Pull up, pull up. Nature, did you see what happened? No idea. We shall not impact. That is territory claimed by the Swarms. We need to reach him fast. There was an armoring chamber. Hello, jump.

Sir, the Guardsman with respect. My lords, we're Cadians. We can take care of ourselves. Oh my God, this mission's still going. Will swarm the... Ah, oh that's nice. Hold Q to jump. Press Q to perform a long dash. Hold right-click while airborne to do a ground slam. Press L shift to briefly hover during your... Oh my God, there's so many buttons. Knows it is still alive. His time is limited. Our brothers aboard that Thunderhawk will make quick work of the Tyr... Oh, it replaced my... Do not admit such a thought. Too many of us have fallen today. We are War.

Interesting. God damn it. So it recharges really fast, but I don't have my old Q, which was like the only reliable form of healing I had. Are y'all fighting or y'all just [] around? What are you doing? Let us get to work. How do I... Can I go up this way? No, great. Now the game's going to be like you're going to need to start thinking vertical. Engaging thrust. Interesting. Rey, oh okay, interesting. All right, bolt pistol. What do I have? A fine gift from the forge. I like that one. Repositioning a melter rifle. Very good. I do like this thing actually. It's good for incinerating large groups. Hold on, I want to try that again. J engage. Doesn't... Is that the only dash? Yeah, I guess that's all you get from the dash because if you hold it any longer, you jump. All right, okay, moving. No thank you, I'm not going down that []. Zenos Vermin, take full advantage of the jump packs. Calm down upon them. Can I go in here? No, I can't. T your magazine. Redeploy munition. Secure target destroyed. The jump pack feels pretty nice, not going to lie. Like the fact that you can just kind of like get out of a bad situation, reposition. Yeah, jump pack's kind of goated.

=> 03:14:52

Jump packs make it so much easier to get out of a bad spot—game changer!

The engagement doesn't seem to be the only thing Dash offers. If you hold it any longer, you jump. Moving on, I'm not going down that path. The zenos Vermin take full advantage of the jump packs, coming down upon them. Unfortunately, I can't go in here.

The jump pack feels pretty nice, not going to lie. I like the fact that you can just kind of get out of a bad situation and reposition. Jump Pack's kind of goated, making it so much easier to get out of a bad spot. Don't snipe me at point-blank range, that's rude.

Some of the enemies leave little spores on the ground that spit out acid and poison, which is gross. The game didn't warn me about that. How does a Plasma Pistol run out of ammo? Whatever, more zenos Abominations. The crash site is on the other side of that biome. We have Mel charges left; place them strategically at weak points.

Engage the xenos at their hive; stop at nothing. Damn it, I hit the wrong button. We are wasting time; get those charges in position. Redeploy, brothers, we have no time. Let us blow this damn wall. I'm working on it. Oh my God, I'm not immortal during cutscenes, that's frustrating. Blow this wall now, hurry up!

Finally, there we go. Repositioning. Grabbing a weapon. Good Lord, engage. Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up. Explosives ready. Oh, he died. Got headshot. The AI is so useless. It would be nice if they took care of that Zone Throat, but now I have to do it. The bots are so bad when there's a Zone Thrope around. There are supposed to be two bots, but only one is here. I don't even know where Kon is.

Restocking. Good grief, I need to go that way. I may try and get some friends for story mode too because the bots are driving me crazy. Where is Kon or whatever his name is? How do you get health? You have to find health packs, but you can only carry a certain amount at a time. Where's the last charge? There it is.

Engaging. Where are they shooting from? Clear the blast. I will say the AI is very impressive for the tyranids. They feel very threatening and are good at taking advantage of lots of different situations. These two dinguses, on the other hand, are not impressive. I'll be impressed if the Magus isn't dead. There he is. Well, chaos. Look at all the...

=> 03:25:24

The AI in this game makes the Tyranids feel genuinely threatening and engaging.

To gain health in the game, you have to find health packs, but you can only carry a certain amount at a time. As the gameplay progresses, you encounter various challenges, such as locating the last character and engaging enemies. The AI is very impressive, especially for the Tyranids, who feel very threatening and are adept at taking advantage of different situations. However, the performance of the two other characters is less impressive.

During the mission, you encounter chaos, marked by symbols and everything related to Zinch. Chaos appears quickly in the game, with scarab beetle symbols indicating their presence. Titus, one of the characters, is visibly affected by the situation. The conversation reveals that the Chaos Faction was present in the first game, but there is a hope that the focus will remain on the Tyranids, with chaos playing a secondary role.

The captain is withholding something, and there is a discussion about Titus's recent surgery and his return to battle. Concerns are raised about the potential risks, but Titus insists on continuing the mission. The dialogue reveals tension and uncertainty among the characters, with references to past events and the need for cleansing rites for their armor.

As the mission progresses, the characters express their dedication to their cause, invoking the name of the Emperor and their commitment to eradicating their enemies. There is speculation about Titus possibly being a psycher, which would add an interesting dynamic to the gameplay.

The death of an Arch Magos and the loss of lives in a crash are mentioned, raising questions about responsibility and potential sabotage. The squad is relieved to see one of their members recovering, and there is admiration for their efforts in delaying the Swarm. The narrative concludes with a character needing to report to Agaran, indicating ongoing developments in the mission.

=> 03:31:28

Chaos revealed in mission two? Plot twist!

Honestly, that would be pretty sick if you got to play a psycher marine. What are they called? Librarians. We haven't seen any yet. The death of an Arch Magos will not be regarded favorably by the machine cult. The fault is that their own report suggested engine failure. Yeah, no, it totally wasn't sabotage. Stand the Arch Magos Li and Alterus both lost their lives in that crash. Oh, Lios is dead. Our armorers would not have permitted such a fault, but someone is responsible.

"Is this the squad?" "Yeah, it is the squad, brother. It is a relief to see you on your feet. Heard you took a turn for the worse." "Such reports were exaggerated. I am glad to hear it. Your efforts in delaying the Swarm were admirable. It was a sight to behold, brother. I must report to Agaran. Excuse me, the emperor protects."

"Do I know what chaplains are for space marines? It's not religious besides for Black Templars. That looks pretty [__] religious to me, but you know, by all means, go off. What are those floating babies? The work of the AR enemy babies? It was not clear to you. It may have been only a handful of fanatics. A handful of cultists could not bring down a Thunderhawk." "He is right. The arch enemy is here. They chose to reveal their presence. There must have been a reason. They wanted Nosik dead."

"I'm shocked how fast chaos gets revealed. I was thinking it was going to take like five or six missions and no, mission two, chaos. What in damnation happened down there?" "Noik was assassinated. The Adeptus Mechanicus report said engine failure. That's not what I saw, Sergeant. Traitors, chaos." "You're sure?" "Pretty [__] sure, no mistaking it, sir. Clear the bridge."

"Nozik was head of a highly classified project, Aurora." "What is it, Titus?" "No, a weapon, and the minions of chaos learned of its existence. With Noik dead, there's only one man capable of continuing the work, Morus L. Noik's Apprentice. He is currently missing. His last known location was a Mechanicus facility on Avara, one that is now overrun with Tyranids. This will get you into the citator within the facility. You can access Loser's tracker from there. We are on course to Avara now. I want you ready the second we enter orbit, sir."

"What was on the ship with Noik?" "What concern is it of yours? The Mechanicus seemed eager to retrieve it, and yet the enemy left it untouched. Whatever it is, without Loser, it is useless to us." "I feel like Titus should also include that, uh, yeah, it also gave me a big headache and knocked me the [__] out."

"Lieutenant, the journey to Avax will take time enough for a brief diagnostic." "Very well, if it will put you at ease. Mega Gallo will be in the Armory." "Edit, I wish Edit Squad would allow you to, uh, mess with them a bit. On course, engines to full. Maintain all specs monitoring. Theist will likely attempt an ambush." "Aye, sir. Stand down from high alert." "Standing down from alert."

"Resal, another F. Anonymous, thank you for—man, there's been a lot of anonymous gift subs. Curs, I hate when people do that. I want to be able to thank you, and I can't [__] do that if it's anonymous. Thank you, though, I appreciate it. And another one, thank you, Anonymous. Join the red host. How did you know you're so shy? One of the drops requires get2 subs. Oh, that's clever. I would have preferred to stay, explains a lot, and hunt down the Heretics that dishonored our brothers. We will find them on Avax unless L is already dead. Whatever those Tech priests are working on is still here."

"So Tech appears to be playing on one of those expensive PCs that afford—it's called the Engine of the Gods, and it was a masterwork that took many months. Titus, I heard that you collapsed upon encountering the tainted wreckage. I am concerned." "A mere side effect of the surgery. I am fully recovered, Sergeant Gadriel. I trust that you will be close at hand should your brother suffer any further episode." "Yes, brother chaplain. If the arch enemy is indeed present, any weakness could grow into a cancer of the soul. Bind yourself to the pages of the Codex, and it will shield you from the glare of heresy." "My faith is without compromise. I will not the red.

=> 03:36:41

Taking a break now, but join me tomorrow for more Space Marine action!

The team is still working on the project, and Tech appears to be playing on one of those expensive PCs called the Engine of the Gods, a Masterwork that took many months to complete. Titus, I heard that you collapsed upon encountering the tainted wreckage, and I am concerned. However, you mentioned it was a mere side effect of the surgery and that you are fully recovered. Sergeant Gadriel, I trust you will be close at hand should your brother suffer any further episodes. Yes, Brother Chaplain, if the arch-enemy is indeed present, any weakness could grow into a cancer of the soul. Bind yourself to the pages of the Codex, and it will shield you from the glare of heresy. My faith is without compromise.

Titus, I heard of your incident on Kaku, and I am greatly concerned. It was brief, likely a result of the surgery. You suffered catastrophic damage to a number of primary organs at the hand of that carif effect. While in that state, you underwent radical surgery; your body was wrecked open from head to foot. If some error was made and remains undetected, it could cost you your life. Brother, we cannot afford another episode like that. The apothecaries may not have time for a thorough diagnostic, but they've given me their sanction to do so now. Settle in; this will take time. Poke, poke, prod, prod, poke.

Titus, your biometrics are below peak but well within the tolerances for combat. I can find no explanation for the symptoms you experienced. Then I have duties to attend to. You have the blessings of The Omnis Sire. One question: what do you know about Arch Magos Nosix's research? Such knowledge would only grace the peaks of Olympus Mons. I am not privy to the subject of his activities; I only pray there remain records of his discoveries.

We got new guns, including the Marksman Bolt Carbine and the Stalker Bolt Rifle. Oh, we got access to the Power Sword—hell yeah, nice, nice. Second Company, we have reached Arak's or Comm immediate deployment. Time to go.

Unfortunately, I think that is going to be where we need to pause for today. The game is quite fun, but I do need to get some rest and take care of some things before bed. We will definitely be playing a lot more of this. It's a pretty enjoyable game so far; I like it. It's got a fun challenge to it, and the Tyranids are great. I'm curious about how the story is going to go, so I think our goal will be to play this tomorrow morning.

Would you all prefer Space Marine 2 to be at the same time tomorrow, around 6:00 p.m. CST, or would you rather we do morning streams instead, like 9:00 to 1:00 a.m. CST? I have to think about that. I think we could do it at the same time so it's more of a regular thing. Let's do it in the evening, around 6:00 p.m. CST. We'll do Final Fantasy tomorrow morning and Space Marine in the evening. In the afternoon, we'll raid over to Andy Law's channel to watch Law Hammer. That sounds like a good time.

Thank you all very much for joining in. I am going to find somewhere for you all to go on Twitch and YouTube real quick. Let's see if I can find some more Space Marine 2 gameplay. Oh, do we want to go there? She's playing Space Marine 1. That's fine; I think she's getting herself the full story. Let's go there. Plus, I owe her a raid.

What time will tomorrow's stream be? Probably around 6:00 to 6:30 p.m. CST. This is one of the people I'm going to try and convince to maybe consider playing Space Marine 2 with me, at least some of the PVE content. She really is super awesome, a huge 40K fan, and will be able to talk shop with you all. She's not just a casual tourist like I am.

Hopefully, you all had fun today. If you like what you see and like me as a person, feel free to join me tomorrow morning for some Final Fantasy 14. We just started Heaven's Ward, the first expansion. It's been pretty fun so far; we're leveling Dark Knight at the moment. If you want more Space Marine, I'll see you tomorrow around 6:00 to 6:30 p.m. CST. Thank you all very much for watching. Hope you have a lovely day, and I will see you next time. Bye-bye.