Riven Full Walkthrough! (2024 Remake)

Riven Full Walkthrough! (2024 Remake)

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Just finished a marathon live stream of the Riven remake—now dive into my full walkthrough for all the puzzle-solving goodness!

Hello everybody and welcome back to Crossplay Gaming. My name is Eric. If you're new, welcome! If you've been watching the channel recently, you'll know that yesterday I did a couple of very long live streams where we played through the entirety of Cyan's Riven remake, which is a sequel to the classic game Myst. This sequel originally came out in 1997, and they remade the entire game in Unreal Engine 5. It was great, and we finished it. I've basically got the puzzles in my mind, so I figured I'd go ahead and sit and record an entire walkthrough of the game. If you're stuck or you're looking to just enjoy the experience by watching instead of playing, then make sure you stick around because we're going to get started. Let's go ahead!

Alrighty, so here we are in the main menu. Let's see here, we're going to hit new game. It's talking about erasing my auto saves, but that's okay. I will try to keep quiet during dialogue, and when it comes to journals, I'm going to take myself off the screen and we're going to page through them so that you can pause and read them if you want. That'll be the plan.

"God, you've returned. I need your help. There's a great deal of history that you should know, but I'm afraid there's no time to explain. Most of what you'll need to know is in here, and for reasons you will discover, I can't send you to Riven with a way out. But I can give you this. It appears to be a linking book back here to D'ni, but it's actually a one-person prison. It's the only way to capture Gehn. Once you've freed Catherine, I'll come with a linking book. She'll know how to signal me. There's a very good chance if all this goes well that you'll be returned to the place that you came from. Until we meet again, take care, my friend."

There he goes. Okay, so I'm going to make this a pretty straightforward walkthrough where we get to the good ending. There are multiple endings, but we'll do the main quest, solve all the puzzles, get the information, and I'll explain as I go. Here we go, Riven.

One thing I'm thinking I might do is take myself off the screen during dialogue sequences as well, just so you guys can focus. Alrighty, we have returned, so let's move along here and get a little look around. We're going to notice this thingamabob and look through here. I'm not sure whether I should talk as though y'all are familiar with the original Riven or not. Some of you might be watching to get unstuck from certain puzzles, so I won't explain what I'm seeing meticulously, but I'll try to get a good view of the place for those of you who are taking it in and want to see the scenery. We'll move steadily along.

Alright, the guy broke the lever. There he is, and then we see the other guy taken off. It would appear to the jungly island over there. So here we go. We'll come up on this room right here. Some beetles on the walls and some text. A little bit of storytelling with these pictures. I'll let you all piece it together as you see the game unfold. We'll at least look at all of them.

We just recently did the full walkthrough of the original Riven. I did one a while back, and I just did it live not long ago before this version came out. Very quickly, you're going to start seeing some serious differences, but so far it's very similar. Alright, did I do this one first? Yeah, alright, so there you go. There's all those. One little change is that you can look around.

=> 00:08:50

Exploring the new Riven remake reveals exciting changes and immersive VR features!

A little bit of storytelling with these pictures will let you all piece it together as you see the game unfold. We'll at least look at all of them. We recently did the full walkthrough of the original Riven. I did one a while back and just did it live not long ago before this version came out. Very quickly, you're going to start seeing some serious differences, but so far it's very similar.

Alright, did I do this one first? Yes, there you go, there's all those. One little change is that you can look through these holes in the side here, which I imagine would be pretty cool in VR. Closed gate, yep. Alrighty, so there you go. Then we can go down here and see the rotating Dome up there. In the old one, you had to crawl under it. Little change there.

Alright, so that's closed on us. What we got to do is start doing the rotation with this button here. Here it goes. I believe for this first rotation, we have to go around until we get to the next opening and then go again. I think once, and that will open things up on the other side. Alright, now it should open up. Here we are, but we need to go one more time. That should work. One nice thing about this version is you can walk while it's rotating. That should open things up over here. Yes, now we can walk through this side, and that changes up what we can see through here a little bit. There you go.

Now there's a lever here. This will open up one of the gates which is behind here. Was it this gate? Not that one. Ah, it's this one. Yes, that opened up the rotating Dome gate. Then we can also go over here and move some steam power over. Is there a sign on it? Don't remember which thing this might power. The telescope? I'm not sure, but yeah, it must be turned on. Now we can actually stay in here and keep rotating. I think we'll just go to the next opening.

Now it goes through to the rotating Dome, and we'll lift up this gate. That should lift up the gate to the very large Dome outside. There you go. What's over here? Yeah, okay, so we'll keep it rotating again while we're at it. We can take a peek out here. One little overarching solution that I'll share right now: we got these symbols that go around the domes. If you want to know, let's see. So yeah, we have the... let me hit the button again as that's rotating. As we look over here, you need to know which shape to hit the button on. The solution, there's actually a few ways throughout the game to figure this out. The first one is if you look at the window from the Dome that's looking over here, the window is shaped like the symbol you're supposed to hit it on. This one is a DOT. Let me just look out the... okay, where does this leave us? Okay, good, there's that. Something we can do here. Got it.

Now, if you're familiar with old school Riven, this part of the game they massively changed. It's kind of mind-blowing, honestly. We can step right in here, it'll close us in. I'm just going to sort of introduce you to this section, but then we're going to go back and continue on this island. Basically, in the original, you could not open up these domes until you powered the massive fire marble Dome. The massive Dome we just saw, and then it would power books that were in here. You'd use the books to go to the hub at Gen's place, and then you'd go to other domes through there. But now you go in here, and it's just open space inside.

=> 00:14:49

Old school gamers, prepare to be mind-blown: the new game update lets you navigate domes without powering the central hub first!

Okay, now, if you're familiar with the old-school Ribbon, this part of the game has been massively changed—kind of mind-blowing, honestly. We can step right in here, and it'll close us in. I'm just going to introduce you to this section, but then we're going to go back and continue on this island.

In the original, you could not open up these domes until you powered the massive fire marble dome we just saw. It would power books that were in here, and you'd use the books to go to the hub at Gen's place and then to other domes from there. But now, you go in here, and it's just open space inside of the Fisher. Very crazy, but you can see the other domes floating around this centerpiece. It's pretty straightforward how to get things rolling in here. Each time you come into one, you're going to want to look over at this device. Rotate it to the left, drop a fire marble in it, load it, and then go to the right. Now it's ready, but we can't do anything until it has somewhere to aim.

You're going to come over here to the beckan button, which will take that center hub and bring the bridge over here. We extend our part of the bridge like this, and there you have it. Now we can come to the center, and you come over to this ball. You can navigate this thing to any of these other domes. That's how you navigate them. You don't have to wait until you've powered the center dome to navigate these. What you need to do is wait to get to Gen's place until we solve the giant dome, which comes later. Right off the bat, we can navigate these, but we're not going to start right now. I'm just pointing it out. I'll show you that little navigation system more specifically later, but for now, we're just going to go ahead and hit this.

Once each of these is in place, you can shoot a laser that basically shoots the fire marble over there, powering it. We have now activated this dome's power, and we have to do it with each one. I think I implied before that right now we could go to any of the other ones, but we can't. Sorry, I didn't mean that. Each one of them requires you to extend the bridge from that dome to the center, and then you can go back to it over the bridge in here. Right now, we could take that navigation system and aim towards any one of these domes, but we have to reach the dome first.

So, we have to get to the island with the dome, go in the dome, and then connect it to the hub. Then we can use it whenever we want. If that makes sense. Here we go. Alrighty, so now we have seen that, and we can go back inside. Now we can go out to this part here, and we're going to rotate over to the giant dome again. In we go. We'll keep it this way for now, but yes, we can go in here now. Tada! You'll notice now you get an idea of the progression system a little bit. As we come in here, we have lit up this light when we activated that fire marble down in the Fisher. There it is, and there are five of them altogether. We've done one. This book is not powered.

Something we haven't done yet is paged through At's Journal. I'll do that right now for those of you who want to read it, and I will be back momentarily. You hit Tab, and you can access it. Here we go. I'll page through it and be right back. Alrighty, here we be. Let's take a little bit of a look around here so you can see what I was talking about before. We have the dot aligned with this one, as we saw. What you can do to prepare ahead of time is go through each of these. If you look out the window, you can see which island it's aiming towards. This one's missing because this is the prison island, so it's more isolated.

=> 00:21:00

Explore every corner and uncover hidden secrets—sometimes the smallest details lead to the biggest discoveries.

So now, something we haven't done yet is paged through At's Journal. I'll do that right now, actually, for those of you who want to read it. I will be back momentarily. You hit Tab, and you can access it. Here we go, I'll page through it and be right back.

Alrighty, here we be. Let's take a little bit of a look around here so you can see what I was talking about before. We have the dot aligned with this one, as we saw. What you can do to prepare ahead of time is go through each of these, and if you look out the window, you can see which island it's aiming towards. Now, this one's missing, and that's because this is the Prison Island, so it's more isolated. But it's basically a process of elimination; this aims towards Prison Island, and the rest you'll actually see the island that's behind the window. You can line them up as you jot them down or take a picture. That's right, X is your camera.

If you look at this one, it aims towards Gen's experimentation Island, and there's your symbol for that. Over here, this is the Survey Island, and there's your symbol. Then we have over here, this is the Jungle Island, and there's your symbol. You can take pictures of that or write them down, whatever works for you. I think I've got them in my head at this point, more or less. Now, we can take a look downstairs.

We'll see out here underneath the Dome. Also, you can go this way; I missed this the first time I tried the demo. The path is kind of concealed, but there it is. This is a change from the original; they moved this down here. We can see these, let's step on in. One thing you can do is put this Bridge up, which I don't remember finding a use for during my playthrough, but that is a possibility with this lever. Over here, we have the Temple door, so we got that open and can move right along.

With that done, we can head over here. I'll try to jog when I can to keep this thing moving. Now, we have this bridge up, and we can hit the power on it and see what happens. There you go. I guess you could go the whole game without doing that because you don't end up using the bridge since it's broken, but it's just a little Easter egg or whatever.

That's all there is to that. Now, we can head over to the temple, and we're done with this island for now, I believe. Let's head right over here. Boom, boom, boom. Take a nice look around. That brings us out here, nice view, and we can beckon the tram back here.

A little thing that's good to learn right off the bat in this remake is that you can turn the tram around and get out the other side to look around. Sometimes that's relevant, and sometimes it's not. In this case, there's just a little Easter egg, but it's good to keep it in mind across the board. With this one, you can walk over here and sneak through a very narrow, deceptively narrow spot, and you can see the broken tram that used to go to Prison Island. Bingo, check it out. There you go. I don't think you can see Prison Island in the distance at all; I think it's basically totally obscured. It might be a different island you can see it from, but there it is.

Now, we can come back and go for a ride. This game is designed so that you can do different sections of it in different orders, and it won't really matter. I'll just move in the order that I think is best, but you might prioritize things differently. So, you could turn around and go on that.

=> 00:27:47

Explore each island in your own order and uncover hidden secrets along the way.

Island Bingo: Check it out, and there you go. I don't think you can see Prison Island in the distance at all; I think it's basically totally obscured. It might be a different island you can see it from, but there it is.

So now we can come back and go for a ride. This game is designed so that you can do different sections of it in different orders, and it won't really matter. I'll just move in the order that I think is best, but you might prioritize things differently. You could turn around and go on that side, but you can do that with or without turning the tram around, so it doesn't really matter on this island.

There you go. Ah, I was right. If you look here, you can see Prison Island from this island, but not from this island. The clouds are in the way, so there you go. You'll probably remember from the original, there was a little device sort of sticking out of the wall here, but it's not in this game. They have completely changed the puzzle system that used to start there, and it starts here.

You're going to see this water thing here without clear relevance, and you're going to see this statue here. You can look inside of this eye and rotate it, but there's no effect that it has, so there's no information we can glean from it yet. Keep it in mind, and we will move along.

I think what I'll do is try to complete as much of each island as I can before I go to the next island. I didn't do that in my walkthrough of this game because the puzzles were so different, but if I recall, you can accomplish a lot before you move on. We'll just keep rolling here. We'll start by going downwards. Got these boys here, and off they go.

The first thing we can do is go over here. This will begin to help us. I did not find this until very far into my playthrough because if you're familiar with the original Ribbon, this section is not here. The reason it's here is so you can pick up this, and you'll notice you can see paint of some kind when you go over it like that. That is now accessible along with your book. There you go. Nothing else in here, and that just sort of cuts you off. You can take a peek through.

Alright, let's head on over. The first thing we're going to do is go back up the stairs and into that water cave. I'll show you something. We can start getting some really important information right away. Let me just see if my notebook is refreshed with the new save. No, we have pictures from our last playthrough, but that's okay. We don't really need the pictures.

Here's what you want to do: take out your device, and you'll notice you can now see markings. As we look in here, we want to line up these markings like this, and now these sort of metal pieces inside come together to make a shape. We'll find out the significance of that shape later, but that's the shape. You can take a picture of that, write it down, whatever.

Then we have another thing here. You're going to notice white with the rocks here. The significance of that is you drain the water and then let go, and the still water reveals the shape of the war creature. We now know that the war creature is associated with this symbol in here in this location. I don't know how much the location matters, but yes, there you go.

So there's the first chunk of information you want. We'll go back down, just relax and enjoy the scenery as we go. Here we go. We'll come up here, and we now have a tree that was not in the original, and we have the next totem. Take it out here, and there's your next number right there. There you go.

I will point out right now that there is a little bit of a hint of something. If you go like this, you see the flowers in the tree.

=> 00:33:02

Explore, observe, and enjoy the journey—every detail will matter later.

In this location, I don't know how much the location matters, but there you go. So, there's a first chunk of information you want. We'll go back down, just relax and enjoy the scenery as we go. Here we go. We'll come up here, and we now have a tree that was not in the original, and we have the next totem. We'll take it out here, and there's your next number right there. There you go.

I will point out right now that there is a little bit of a hint. If you go like this, you see that the flowers in the tree glow. However, there's nothing we can glean from it yet; it's just some random markings. It will become relevant later, but you should take a look at the tree anyways. Moving out now, we are here. You can get a look at this old oven, and we have a bridge that is up, which we can't get past. You can hear some steam engine noises coming from over here. I think it's that right there. We will get to that, but right now we can go down. Unlike the original, we can access the schoolhouse early, but there is no submarine yet. Let's head in.

This is mostly just an educational location. You can see people working on their letters over here. You don't really need to memorize the Library System, but you get some clues to it if you're curious. Then we have this little game you can play, which teaches you the basic 1 through 10 number system in D'ni numbers. In order to see what happens if you finish a game, you have to play the game yourself. But if you're just watching to see the whole game, here you go. If you're unfamiliar with the D'ni number system, it's a base-five number system. If you rotate once, it multiplies by five. For instance, this is a two, but if this marking were on the bottom of the box, it would be a ten. This is a five combined with a four, so that's a nine. And that's how you lose the game.

We also have this combination of Riven numbers and what would be like Moyy numbers, I think they're called. I'll explain more of this number system as it becomes relevant, but I'll just give you the Riven number system basics. This one is a number one. If this were on the bottom, it would be a two. As you can see, if it's over here, it's a three, so it goes 1, 2, 3 around the circle. Then, if you have one here and here, it's a four, then five, and on top, it's six. That's about as much as you need to know now. This is a ten. If you know what I just explained to you, you can basically brute force the puzzle it eventually applies to. That's what I ultimately did, but we'll be able to explain a little more as we go. We can check this out. Thank you, Rob.

=> 00:39:23

Exploring the game reveals new surprises every time, even in familiar places!

Here, we will move on and start heading to the other side. We want to go this way. Hey, they're back! How's it going, guys? How are we doing? What's up?

So, we've done two totems, and there's a third one coming up right over there. This is something right here—look at that! That was not there when I first played the game, or I missed it and saw it in a different form. Very interesting. It's weird; I wonder if the order in which I played everything changed what I experienced there. I saw a metal encasing over there. There's the cart to get us to Gen's Island, but we'll wait on that. I'm going to get everything done that I can.

So, we need our item here. You'll notice there's the next number right there, so we know that that's a three. If you look over here, you see another shape. I like to call it a frog, but I think there's another name for it. Looks like they put something there to attract all of them and make the shape.

We can go straight over to here. Look, it's a beetle—there he goes! We can get a good look at everything now. Coming up here, we have a path down. This is where the original device was able to be found, but now it's a totem. This one you'll see is missing, and we'll find out what it is in due time. But we can still get the animal associated with it by doing this. There you go, it's one of those sunning creatures—it glows.

I call this the lower jungle section, and the one that's way up with all the mods, I call that the upper jungle section, just to keep it straight in my head. The lower one has the sun creature. Let me check one thing really quick; I just want to see if this number is different than when I first played it and if it randomizes because I don't want to go off my old numbers. Oh, there was no number—silly me, silly me. Can't find out either way.

We can go this way, and there's this thing which we won't access yet. We can go up here. If we go to the left, that will take us back to the upper jungle. Look up here, this guy's going to sound the alarm. Down we go. There's a little Easter egg here—looky lookie. You don't really see the people running away like you do in the old one; at least I didn't see it. This place is also blocked off with this bridge.

That may be where we're cornered at the moment, so we'll start working our way back. Oops, that was the way down into the jungle again. Boils over here. The tree was already lined up, right? Let me just confirm—yes, and that's a one. So, number one is the tree. I already know what animal the tree is, but I'll show you how to actually see it later and I'll tell you what it is. Tree is number one.

Moving on, we'll go back through the frog cave real quick and confirm that one. Yes, because we do have that number system down now. So, this one we lined up, and it goes one, two, three, four, five—I think that's six.

=> 00:46:23

Navigating through the jungle and solving puzzles to power up the sawmill—adventure awaits!

Back, oops. That was the way down into the jungle again, boils over here. Okay, so the tree was all right. We already lined it up, right? Let me just confirm. Yes, and that's a one. So number one is the tree. Now, I already know what animal the tree is, but I'll show you how to actually see it later and I'll tell you what it is. But the tree is number one. So there you go.

Moving on, we'll go back through the frog cave real quick and confirm that one. Yes, because we do have that number system down now. All right, so this one we lined up, and it goes one, two, three, four, five, and I think that's six. Let me confirm. Yeah, because the number system is not randomized. Let's go to the notebook. I have a picture of this one. Yeah, that's a six, you see. So there's six. The work in the water cave is number six. So, work Arc cave six. There we go.

Moving on, yes. So now I think we have all the information we can glean from this island, and so we have to go to Gen's Island to progress. Here we go. Nice. This will be fun.

Okay, we can sort of take a little bit of a look around at things. Got the sawmill here, very nice. All right, so we can go over here and we're going to shift some steam power around. Right now, it's going towards the office over here, but we want to shift it this way for now. That way, it powers the sawmill. I might test that out before we leave; I didn't really test it out last time.

All right, this one's got power now, so we can move some stuff around. I believe what happens when we do this is that it stops the boiling. Then we need to do this. Ah, that drains the water. Then let's shift it back because I think that powers this. Yes, I think that might be all we need to do. Let me just test the door. Yep, well, we won't go in. I want to go see what happens when we power the sawmill, and then we got to send the power back there. Let's go this way.

I think something here is going to activate. I just got to be careful not to go back on this cart again. Go like this. Is there a button or something? Oh, there we go. Interesting. All right, well, anyways, I'm not going to mess around with it because it's just a little bit of a set piece.

Is this okay? Will that door still work without the power? That's the question, or can I just go ahead and send it? Let's see here. I might have to shift the power after I go through here. Let's try it out. Nope, door lock is in need of power, so there's your answer. So that's where we want it, and we will come back in a moment to switch the power again once we use this passageway.

Moving on down now, here's something they switched around a bit. Well, this part not as much, but some of the ways of navigating coming up are pretty crazy different. All right, so it goes two ways. This way is a dead end. This way takes us all the way around to the back of the mountain, basically very conveniently hum-sized, I will say. But here we are. We can work our way up.

=> 00:53:47

Navigating this game is like solving a real-life maze with hidden shortcuts and secret passages!

Now here's something they switched around a bit. Well, this part not as much, but some of the ways of navigating coming up are pretty crazy different. Take goes two ways: this way is a dead end, and this way takes us all the way around to the back of the mountain, basically very conveniently hum-sized, I will say. But here we are, we can work our way up.

Alright, and there's the Dome. We have this lovely shortcut where we don't have to take the boiler passage and we can shift the power and come right back. Oh look, there's that. So we'll take this and go this way, moving on up the ladder. In we go.

Now, yes, this is very different. However, there's something we can do really quick to speed things up later. We can go that way and we can go this way. So real quick, what I'll do is we're going to go down here and deal with the rotating Dome. Hello, and I believe Gen's symbol. Yes, there is a secret passage behind that door in case you didn't know. Nailed it.

Alright, so now we can do another one of these activations and that'll be two out of five. Here we go, we will get it loaded. There we go, and then we can back. It's pretty cool watching it move and then extend the bridge. Alrighty, so now we can easily get back and forth between here and Dome Island without trams, although there are times when the trams might be faster, but we're good for now. Okie dokie, activated, wonderful.

We can go right. Let's see here, we can find out some information over here before we go. Oh, actually no, so we can't get in there yet. That's right, there are a couple of things we can do, but we can't go that way. I just remembered something. I'm just going to take a look. We collapsed the bridge and I believe this leads to the bridge, right? So what if I had come here? Oh, it would have been up, that's right. So we would have had a chance to cross the bridge once if we hadn't collapsed it first. I'll have to try that next time, but we wouldn't be able to get completely to the other side because the ramp was up, so it would have just been sort of a little peek. But this is locked for now, so we need to go this way.

Here is a real overhaul of something in the game. I believe we got the power routed, but look here, it's lovely. This is a fire marble mine from what I can see. There goes the water. Got a new song for this area and everything. This is something I didn't discover till later in my playthrough, but you can come over here, grab this, and get yourself a nice rock. You can bring it with you, plop it right here, and we can go ahead and get rolling on this thing. I believe we need to bring down an elevator. There you have it, that'll slide in there.

In we go, and then you're going to want to activate this lever and then go up. Yes, we make it. There we go. Here we are, we'll bring this with us and we have a bunch of tools and whatnot. Let's put this right here. Looky lookie, it's a frog. Hello, there it goes, bye. Real quick here, I will page through the journal, and if you want to, you can pause and read. I'll go away for a moment and go through it. Here we go. Alrighty, so there's that and hope you found it.

=> 01:02:54

Unlocking the secrets of fire marbles: it's all about finding the right balance!

There you have it, the elevator will slide in there. Okay, in we go, and then you can bring your... oops, now you're going to want to activate this lever and then go up. Yes, we made it. There we go. Here we are, we'll bring this with us, and we have a bunch of tools and whatnot. Let's put this right here. Looky lookie, it's a frog. Hello, there it goes, bye.

Real quick here, I will page through the journal. If you want to, you can pause and read, but I'll go away for a moment and go through it. Here we go. Alrighty, so there's that. Hope you found it helpful. Let's take a look around a little more. Yeah, here's his rock system. We'll take another look at that in a second. Got his garbage can, how nice.

Here's some information we're going to need. This says right, I'm going to take a picture of that because I think this numbering might be a little different. What this is going to give us is the symbols for each island and a negative or positive number associated with each one. This is Strike Force compensation. He says over here, "The counterintuitive aspect of fire marbles that a greater Strike Force does not always yield the maximum energy output never ceases to amaze me. Optimal Strike Force based value blah blah blah." We have to compensate for the different outputs, starting at a base value for fire marbles. The different colors have to be adjusted for each color, and there is a color associated with each island. We will find that out soon.

Now we have this, we can put it in here and see what happens. Whoa, we came close. The base number is okay, so it's touching the green. You want it in the middle of the green and it glows its brightest, so we'll go to nine and see what happens. There you go, right in the middle, it's nine. Alright, I will go ahead and jot this down and we'll figure out each island's values.

Where's my pen? If we can find it, I know I had one. I was just writing stuff before. One second. Okay, we have a pen. We know that the top symbol is Jungle Island. As I explained, the numbers might be randomized, so you might need to interpret them. We have a five combined with a three, that's going to be minus 8. Jungle, whatever color is associated with the jungle, is going to be minus 8. The horizontal line, I believe, is the Survey Island. Survey Island, whatever color is associated with that, is going to be minus 5. The single dot is the Dome Island, that's going to be plus 4. Dome, whatever color is associated with Dome Island, is going to be plus 4.

Next is the Prison Island, which is going to be plus 11. Then, Gen's Island, the one we're on now, is going to be plus 14. There we go. We'll soon find out the color associations, but there you go. We have our base numbers and the changes we have to make. Let me just check something. Remember, we discovered that it was nine, so we can already figure that out. Let me run through this again and explain what I'm talking about here. The base number is nine, so minus 8...

=> 01:08:12

Unlocking the secrets of the game, step by step, and making excellent progress!

Be plus 11 and then Gen's Island symbol, the one we're on now, that is going to be plus 14. Okay, so there we go. Oops, sorry. There we go, all right. We'll soon find out the color associations, but there you go. We have our base numbers and the changes we have to make. Let me just check something. Remember, we did discover that it was nine, so we can already figure that out. Let me run through this again. The base number is nine, so minus 8 is one. Then, 9 - 5 is 4, 9 + 4 is 13, 9 + 11 is 20, and 9 + 14 is 23. Those are the actual numbers. I hope that made sense. Ask in the comments if anything doesn't make sense, I can probably explain better. This is just an example of polishing; we can mess with this here.

There's some other stuff in his office you can check out. He's got the water movement experiment here where water moves away from heat. He's got some cool stuff in here. Oh, we know these butterflies. What the... Yeah, I wanted this. Oh, it's not working; maybe that means they're dead. Never looked through these drawers this time. Cool, very nice. We then have a note where he talks about this eyepiece. You can read that, pause and read if you want, but we'll leave that there.

We can see here, well, we got to take out our thing here. Oops, take it out, there we go. Now we can look at it, and so this is upwards because we know it lines up with the top. We know that this was in the lower jungle, right? Because it was missing lower jungle. Let's see here, goes one, so one, two, three, and then four, five. I believe this is five, so lower jungle Sunny is, I believe, five. Yes, that would make sense. This four would be rotated up a bit more. Yep, okay, got it.

We are only missing two, I believe. He says something about five and six, but you can read it. I just spoiled it, I suppose, but there are six altogether. I thought there were five, so that delayed me getting past that part of the game a little bit yesterday. There you go, we can now unlock this as well as this. This one will take us out to the broken bridge, but we want to go this way. It looks like the fire marble puzzle does not vary; I think that's the same set of numbers and the base number and all that I had last playthrough. We can beckon the tram. We are making excellent progress.

Flip it around. This one, again, you can get out and look around out there, but there's nothing interesting. So let's move to Survey Island. This here, I will tell you, threw me off. Well, no, it didn't. This didn't throw me off; something coming up threw me off that's very similar to this. There's a door over there, you can see it, but to start, you can go up here and see a few things. Very pretty indeed. They nailed the atmosphere and everything when the environments are exactly the same, and the new stuff is beautiful too. They changed up this puzzle a bit if you're familiar with the original. Here we go.

=> 01:14:14

They simplified the puzzle but added new elements to keep it balanced and engaging.

The environment in this area is very similar to another one, but there's a door over there you can see. To start, you can go up here and see a few things. The atmosphere and everything are nailed perfectly, and the new stuff is beautiful too. They changed up this puzzle a bit if you're familiar with the original.

You'll notice there's a keypad here we don't have a solution to yet. Let's go this way first, and we have a little sliding puzzle if I recall. You get the pieces right here, and we have to do a little work to move them around. This one goes here, and let's see how we want to manage this. We can get this all the way up, and move it back. It's probably going to be different for you, as I feel this is a little bit randomized.

We basically got it. There's the square, and this one has to go back to the top. Once it's all the way over, we can move it back down. That goes there, there, and there. This gives us a little combo and here's the clue. These dots represent which section of the island the spinning Dome is on. If we hit this, it activates Prison Island.

In the original, this was much more complicated because each of these squares was broken down into smaller squares, and one of those smaller squares had the Dome. You had to be very precise. This time, you don't have to be that precise, but they've added a few elements to complicate it a bit. It's more balanced now.

The layout is basically there. If you have the associated color with each island, you know which color these shapes are supposed to be. You can see with each one, some of them you can kind of see the dome. This also gives away which button to push here, but we're going to wait to hit that and hit this over here because that way is blocked.

We already know the symbol here was a horizontal line in the circle. This one's broken, so you can't really see it, but you can watch from afar and see when the line is coming. You can line it up pretty well; it's not hyper precise. We can hear the work moving, and there it goes. You can see the work coming towards the noise. This is where he keeps his work.

We'll go in here, activate this one, and this will be number three. When we go back to Jungle Island, we'll be able to do that one because of the way we go back. Let's beckon it and extend the bridge, then we can shoot the laser beam thing. Beautiful. We haven't even had to really use the navigation system yet, but we will get to that.

=> 01:20:18

Exploring Jungle Island and discovering hidden secrets is always an adventure!

When we go back to Jungle Island, we'll be able to do that one because of the way we go back. Let's beckon it and extend the bridge, and then we can shoot the laser beam thing on my Bob. Beautiful. We haven't even had to really use the navigation system yet, but we will get to that.

So, I believe that's three, or is it two? No, I think that's two because we got Dome Jungle Island, we had to skip. Wait, we did gen so that was two, this was three, right? Well, we'll know shortly. Back we go, and now we can go in the lower section of the elevator. Look at that big old knife blade thing, it's cool beans. If you recall, it was one, two here, two here. Down we go, right through the floor. That's cool, nice.

This is where we find out the color system. This one here, you can look in it, but it's mostly just to get an idea of Gena creepy stocking. There we go. All right, so there you go, that's the one. Close it up. Oh my gosh, I just saw a guy walking around there. I never saw that last time. Let me just take one more look. There was a dude walking here. Is he going to come back? He looks like he just sort of hangs around here. It's just what he does. Oh, that's a funny little joke right there. That's great, that is funny. He's like reliving the situation and pretending to fight back. Oh, that's a funny little Easter egg. Y'all saw that for the first time with me.

Now, here's Prison Island color blue. Then here's gen's Island, that's broken. Here is the work, that's the Jungle Island symbol, that's red up work. Hey, you cool. I think he has multiple animations each time you do it. That was the Jungle Island symbol up next. That's orange, yellowish-orange I guess, but that is horizontal, so that's Survey Island, that's where we are. Then we have yellow, but we don't have one associated with yellow. Dot is the Dome Island, that's green, and back to Blue. That's all the information we really need. There you go, we can move along.

Now we can go flip the tram around, down we go. But we won't use it, we got to get out the other side. This part's pretty cool. Watch the chains start moving. Here we go. Oh yeah, so cool. Let's go for a little ride. Here we go. Oh look, it's a person. We can book it over here. Bye scaredy cat. Look at that, off he goes. Going to Jungle Island, are we? Yeah, yeah. When can I push the button? Got to wait for it to stop moving. Come back tram. Here it comes.

=> 01:30:03

Navigating through the game, solving puzzles, and unlocking secrets—every step counts!

All right, here we go. Oh look, it's a person. All right, so we can book it over here. Bye scaredy cat, look at that, off he goes. Going to Jungle Island, are we? Yeah, yeah. When can I push the button? Got to wait for it to stop moving. Come back tram. Okay, so now here we go, here it comes.

All right, go for another little ride here forward. You'll notice a hallway over here that I missed last time actually. So here we go, we will come back to check out the other way, but there's a few things we got to take care of first. Let's hit the button. All righty, so we'll go to the middle and this will take us inside of the monster we saw in the jungle earlier, the sort of wooden idol looking thing. Right, so we can hit this, down it goes. But we're not going to go out just yet because we're going to go up and take care of some business.

Alrighty, so we know that this one is like the line inside. Oh come on, that was it. There it is. Okay, let's go in here and activate this Dome. This will be number four and I'll tell you what, something I'm going to do. I think I'm going to go get some information from Prison Island now actually. All right, so that's set but we got to beckon it. There it goes. Now you'll get a little bit of an idea of how this navigation works. You can rotate it along these lines here, so you can rotate sideways like this, or if you pop this out, you can rotate this way. We need to find Catherine's, which is actually right there, lucky us. Pop it, rotate it this way, and there you go. It is that simple, and her bridge is already extended actually.

We'll go up here and we'll activate it. If the music plays after we activate this one, we'll know I didn't skip one, but I may have skipped a laser. Let's just find out for sure. If I did, it would probably be... well actually, I think I skipped... there we go. I think I did skip the Jungle Island side, so I just got to navigate back there really quick. That's funny, I forgot that. So now you get to see how the navigation works. I suppose it's good I forgot because you probably need to see me navigate this thing a little bit before you know how it works fully. Think we want to go like this. Yeah, there's Jungle Island. Now we'll know if I skipped one because we'll see if the music plays.

There we go. I do think I skipped one, so that gives us more reason to go back somewhere. I think the one I missed was... what's the second island that we went to? Jungle Island. Well, that was Jungle Island, so I think we forgot to activate Gans. When we opened it up, we got it connected but we didn't hit the laser. Let's do that. It is right here, I believe. Yep, all right, so this should finish things off. Here we go, it's already ready and that's the last one. There's the music, so yes, that's all done. Now we're going to go back to Prison Island. Got a little info to get and Prison Island was... let's see here. It's not that one. Well, let's go past it and see what we see. Is that it or is that the line? That's Jungle Island. What's this one we're right near? That's not it. Let's go this way. What do we got? I think that's up there. There she blows.

=> 01:38:13

Navigating Prison Island like a pro and discovering secrets along the way!

All right, so this should finish things off. Here we go, it's already ready and that's the last one. There's the music, so yes, that's all done. Now, we're going to go back to Prison Island. We've got a little info to get. Prison Island was, let's see here, it's not that one. Well, let's go past it and see what we see. Is that it, or is that the line? That's Jungle Island. What's this one we're right near? That's not it. Let's go this way. What do we got? I think that's up there. There she blows.

All righty, now we're back and we can go and see Prison Island. This will be the second to last. We're going to find out another animal here, another animal number, and this will be the second to last one we get. Oh wait, we didn't need to come up here. We're going down.

Up there's the button for that thing, and here we have the locked prison door with the combo, but we don't know. The button doesn't do anything. All right, so there you go, but you can go through this gate. Big old tree, it's pretty cool. See the busted tram over there on the other end.

Here we have the next totem. Let's see if we can remember. I already know the animal, but prison and it's, um, that is a one. I think that's four. Yeah, to find out the animal now, this is something I missed the first time. I still managed to brute force it because of my knowledge of the game, but if you look here, yeah, I just found out about this. You're seeing this for the first time. I don't know if you've seen it, but wait, wait, come back down. I think can I go around the outside? Here we are. Right, so what we need is this. No, no, come back here. We need this and then we look that way and you see a fish. So the animal is the fish and it's the number four. So we're only missing number two.

Let's head on up. Cool, cool, cool little sneaky way up. Up we go. All right, hello. Yeah, hello, you made it. Yeah, I did, but how did you get past? Again, I know what he's doing. He's watching you. He's waiting for you to make a mistake. You can't let Gen get back to D'ni. Find the Muy. They have the book. Be careful. Okay, thank you very much. So there's how you can give her a little visit before you free her. I think she says some different things depending on what you've accomplished each time you visit, so feel free to explore that. Like I said, I'm not going to do every detail, but I'm going to show you all the puzzles.

Hello, yeah. Like I said, generally, if there's longer dialogue which is coming up, I'll probably put myself out of frame temporarily so you can hear all of it. We've got to go this way first. I always forget. Got to hit the button. There we go. Up we go. All right.

=> 01:45:17

Exploring new places and solving puzzles always brings unexpected adventures!

Feel free to explore each time you visit. As I mentioned, I won't cover every detail, but I will show you all the puzzles. Generally, if there's longer dialogue coming up, I'll probably put myself out of frame temporarily so you can hear all of it.

First, we need to go this way. I always forget to hit the button. There we go, up we go. Now, the next thing to do is to go back to the Jungle age and do a few things before we power everything up. The music stopped abruptly; I thought I lost my sound for a second.

Let me think, we want to go this way. Sorry, I was getting out of some background stuff on my phone so we can focus. Up we go, back to the Dome. Now we can go up here. This gives us an Overlook of this Pond area again, and we see what are called the work Gallows. Close it up, there you go. That'll give us a little bit of options later. Just got to use the lever again.

Now we want to head back to the elevator and go all the way down this time to turn the tram around. Here we go. I missed this my first time around for a little too long; somebody had to tip me off. Here we go. Here we will find the good old submarine. To get inside, we have to take this staircase.

The first place we want to go with this thing is to the position we want to go to. I believe this is the war gallows, this is the school, this is the center of the pond, and this is the edge with the bridge still up. Here we go. This ought to go well. All right, we made it. Up we go.

From here, take a look at this. Now we can do a few new things. The first thing we'll do is put this bridge down. Good, there's that. Then, we need to start wandering around a little bit. Let's go up here. Lovely. We can go down and take a look around. The first thing I'm going to do is the steam puzzle thing here because we need to get one final totem, and it's well hidden. Here we go. We'll see it burst out down there, making a hole. Hurry on down.

Wait a minute, I guess I was wrong. That's not the first thing to be done, so I might cut that part out because I was wrong about it. What we want to do is, let's see, I think I know. We got that activated, so you're going to want to come down here and we're going to go to that.

=> 01:54:16

Navigating through the maze to unlock the final totem—sometimes mistakes lead to the right path!

Because we need to get one final totem, and it's well hidden, here we go. We'll see it burst out down there, making a hole. So here we go, hurry on down. All right, okay, here we go. All right, down we go. Wait a minute, I guess I was wrong. That's not the first thing to be done, so I might cut that part out because I was wrong about it. What we want to do is, let's see, oh, I think I know. Yeah, so we got that activated, so you're going to want to come down here, and we're going to go to that section with this thing. All right, let's go.

So basically, this is going to get the heat activated. Is this thing taking the long way? No, we're there. Okay, here we go, so we can check it out real quick, see what we got. All right, so now it's wide open. You can see, there you go, the door's open. This thing's in the way, so now that that's activated, I guess I won't cut that out because we do have to do both steps. But now the steam's activated, the door's open, but this thing's just in the way, so I guess we just move this out of the way. We'll put it right back to here.

Oh, so I think what the deal is, I'm just figuring this out now, fortunately in real time. I think the last two you've been at remain active, so if we go right back, these two should be active, right? So there we go. Now we can get out of the way, head right back, and now that whole section is going to be opened up. All right, so yeah, you have to have put the tram into it or the submarine. You have to have put it in that spot and activated the steam with the mouth, and now the whole section is opened up for you. That's the trick. So I guess it's good I made that mistake in my mind, but it's ultimately what I had to do.

So here we go, we can go in, and we're going to see the final thing here. Woo, all right. All right, so let's get our eyepiece out. Excuse me. Yeah, okay, so this is going to be number two. So one, two, three, remember. So there's number two, and the creature we want to find, you have to look up through the hole, and there you have it. There you go. So number two is, let me just jot it down, it's like a, I don't even know what that is, it's like a moth, I guess. I think that's what it is. So yeah, we have one through six now ready.

Actually, no, we don't. We have a location we have to, I have to show you how to find the final symbol, and that's in the village. So we'll go to that. Here we go. All right, I think there's a lever here, and I don't even know what it does. I think it locks things or something. All right, so here we go. All right, so now we're going to go across the village because, yeah, there's a couple things we got to do over here. So do I have to go up that way? I don't think I do. All right, here we go.

Mhm, look at all the fish. Okay, go that way. Oh, look here, a little Easter egg. Knock five times, see what happens. This was in the original. Hola. Okay, just below us, I think I missed something. Yeah, I think right over here is the bridge. Yes, so here's this, and that will ultimately lead us back to the tree. So something we got to do higher up first. Here we go. Yes, bit of a maze up here, I will say. All right, so yes, up this way, we do finally come to this structure.

=> 02:00:34

Navigating through the maze and solving puzzles leads to the ultimate discovery—light up the tree and unlock the secrets!

I don't think I can do all of this right now, but here we go. Look at all the fish. Okay, go that way. Oh, look here, a little Easter egg. Knock five times and see what happens. This was in the original. Hola! Just below us, I think I missed something. Yeah, I think right over here is the bridge. Yes, so here's this, and that will ultimately lead us back to the tree. There's something we got to do higher up first. Here we go.

Yes, it's a bit of a maze up here, I will say. All right, so yes, up this way we do finally come to this structure here. All right, so you see the tree from here, and you'll notice—let's see, no, that's not what you're supposed to do. Here we go. You can see the glow of the tree from here. We're going to want to move this thing over and pull the water. That's going to send some water down to the tree. If only nature did work this quickly. Once you've watered it, I don't know if there's a minimum amount you got to do or whatever, but once you've watered it, you're going to notice the tree is more lit up by quite a bit. You still can't quite see what's been done, so we go back down here.

No, got to use the ladder over here. Okay, and so if we head on back through the tunnel here, we can see. We already have the number and the location here; we just need the animal. So there you have it, the shape of a beetle, and there's your answer. So I guess that's the prime spot. There you go. Now we have all of the numbers associated with all the animals, so off we go.

We want to go back to the submarine because we're going to go over to the wart gallows now. This way, I will say point and click in the original is a bit faster in these sections. Which way did we come? Yeah, the sub's over here. Okay, and so we're going to want to go to The Gallows here. Fish, good, we are ready. All right, here we go. We want to push the bottom button to bring it all the way to the bottom. It's not exactly a lift; it's sort of an execution platform if you know the context here. Okay, and so we want to hit the middle one and then hop on. Off we go.

Here we be at the prison. There's a person in there. All right, let's free him. Here we are. Where'd he go? Now, in the original, there was a drain in the floor. There is a drain in the floor still, but you don't do anything with it. So with this one, you got to take this bad boy, and there you have that which points to that. Love it. Cool, let me just give this a couple of turns. You can close the door behind you. Cool, all right. So now we do this again to find our way. Wicked.

This music is so classic. All right, so now we can start turning on some lights. All right, cool. All right, Cur snap. All right, mhm, good. And there you have it, we have lit the way. Right over here is our passage. Now you can close this behind you, which opens this, but this is just a shortcut to go back out into the cave with the blue lights in it. But if you go out there like I did, it closes behind you, and you don't have the combo for the lights to get back in. Although I think the right ones are glowing if you observe, but yeah, just a shortcut. Don't take it. You want to go this way, and we should have all of our animals and numbers ready for this puzzle.

Okay, so it's going to be—what was it again? Number one is the beetle, yeah, I think.

=> 02:08:24

Don't take the shortcut in the cave or you'll get locked out! Follow the main path and solve the puzzle with the right animal order.

Snap! All right, mhm, good. And there you have it. We have lit the way, and right over here is our passage. Now, you can close this behind you, which opens this, but this is just a shortcut to go back out into the cave with the blue lights in it. However, if you go out there like I did, it closes behind you and you don't have the combo for the lights to get back in. Although I think the right ones are glowing if you observe. But, yeah, just a shortcut. Don't take it; you want to go this way.

We should have all of our animals and numbers ready for this puzzle. Number one is the beetle. From what I can tell, all the animals are going to be the same because the environments are sort of designed to show those animals, but the order changes. So, I think, yeah, I don't think this was the order I had, but number one is Beetle, two is Moth, which is... oh wait a minute, two is Moth. I'll make sure here. Three is frog, which is... where... here. Four is fish, that one. Five is the sunny, as I call it, and the sixth is always the work. There you go, we have done it.

All right, here we go. This is kind of cool because you got the book, and like the old one, it's got this eyepiece thing, but you got to line it up like so, and then off we go. All right, and here we are. A little look at this... oh no, you're all... life. Well, there you go, I've been shot by a dart. We are sailing. Mhm, oh there he is. What's it going? All right, so we are making excellent progress. Might finish this in under 3 hours, we shall see. Oh look, cut scene. Hola, foreign fore now.

Okay, see, I think they combined there were like two cut scenes in this room in the original, but because they rearranged some things, I think they put both sets of dialogue together there. Okay, so now we can take a look. So, I will again go away for a moment and page through the journal for you if you care to read it. I will come back, I think, when there's a relevant section or two in terms of codes. But, here we go.

All righty, so here we have our combination. I'm going to grab a shot of that, do it on my phone as well. But, let's see if we can discern the numbers really quick as I understand how this works. I think I already know some of these, but okay, so this one we know is four, right? So, four and then 10 because that's literally written in the one spot. So, four, 10, 2, 10, 10, 10. Let's see here, I think this one would be six, perhaps not positive, but that's two. So, there's a two here, two here, a one here. Yeah, so we basically have the combo down. This one is, I believe, five. This goes one, two, three, four, five, might be six. I think that's six, and that's seven maybe or something like that.

Let me take a look really quick at our notebook. We can confirm this because we have that one page. This one, yeah, it goes like out, out. So, this one is eight. So, up here would have been seven. So, it's seven, yeah, because it rotates and progresses is the idea like one, two, three, four, but adding as it goes. And so, this is eight for sure.

=> 02:16:35

Cracking the code feels impossible until you finally see the pattern.

Perhaps not positive, but that's two, so there's a two here, two here, and a one here. Yeah, so we basically have the combo down. This one is, I believe, five. This goes one, two, three, four, five. Might be six. I think that's six, and that's seven maybe, or something like that. Let me take a look really quick at our notebook. We can confirm this because we have that one page. This one, yeah, it goes like out, out. So this one is eight. So up here would have been seven. So it's seven, yeah, because it rotates and progresses, is the idea, like one, two, three, four, but adding as it goes. And so this is eight for sure. So backed up would be seven. So that one, when it's up here, it's seven. So I think that's it. We have the whole combo.

Let me see here. Yeah, okay, so that would be seven. So it's 4, 10, 2, 10, 10, 10, 6, 7, 2, 1. That's it. We got it. All right, so again, you kind of got to learn the number system a little bit. It's kind of hard to explain. All right, they let us out. I think I've been up. Okay, it does kind of force you along one path, which is kind of cool. This is awesome. They built out this whole tree-like beehive kind of thing for this version. It's really awesome. It's really just a little bit of a bonus area to give you to fill out the world a little bit. It's cool.

Nice. Hello, sir. All right, back we go. So we have finished the Moy age, and we're heading straight to Seen. Now that's cool. This time we can take the shortcut. By the way, did I finish her journey journal? Let me just check. I didn't, so I'll page through the rest of this real quick. Sorry, and there is, well, I'll stay here because I believe there's another combo here. I got to point it out. We might have passed it already. Mhm. Okay, so we did pass it, but there's the rest of the journal if you wanted to read it. But if you flip back here, let's see, um, here. Yeah, so this shows you which things you got to light up. So it closed behind us. So I guess if we go this one, this one, what was it again? Boom, boom, and then the far one over here. Did that not work? H, interesting. Oh no, it's like the second one. It's this one. There it is. Oo, that's an achievement. Cool. So that's how you do that. Good to know for sure.

But now, yes, we are heading back to Seen. Which way do we want to go? Do we want to take the Dome? I think we probably do, so let's stay. Well, no, we do have to go this way, I think. Yeah, go this way, and we will go back to the large Dome Island. I'm not going the right way, am I? Yeah, no, this way. Right, and down we go. All right, got to hit the button coming up. Or which way, which way was I last? I don't even remember. Okay, so yes, we shall go downward. Okay, this way. Button, flip on around for me. Actually, I don't need to go in there. What am I doing? We want to go up. Ha, silly me. We're taking the Dome. You know, it probably would have been faster to take the tram, but whatever. The domes are just cooler, you know. Yeah, like I said, sometimes it's faster just to take the tram. I think this would have been one of those cases, but we're already here.

=> 02:24:17

Sometimes the scenic route is worth the extra time.

Okay, so yes, we shall go downward. Actually, I don't need to go in there. What am I doing? We want to go up. Ha, silly me. We're taking the Dome. You know, it probably would have been faster to take the tram, but whatever. The domes are just cooler, you know? Like I said, sometimes it's faster just to take the tram. I think this would have been one of those cases, but we're already here.

Alright, just down the ladder again. These scaffoldings or whatever you call them are all laid out a little differently. So, we want to head to the dot. Basically, it's right there. Nice, here we go. We're back, baby. This should put us right by—well, no, I think I'll have to do some rotation. Yet another reason why we should have taken the tram.

Alright, we got to rotate it. Shucks, and again. I think what we want is to rotate it until we get to the front door over there. Then we can rotate it to the Dome. Okay, yeah, so now we're here and we just want to rotate it to get over there, right? Yes, alright, here we be.

We now have all the information we need, I believe, to solve this puzzle. All these should be lit up. What I missed first was this little button here. Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, here they come. Pretty sure that's legit Ray tracing going on. Oh yeah, fire marbles, they're so pretty. Let you pull this lever up. Let's see our layout.

You should have that little grid. You should be able to remember that little grid layout we had before. Basically, Jungle is red. Jungle Island is this big one here, and that one goes right there because it takes up this amount of space right here. Underneath it is Observation, which was Orange, right there. These are the two. You'll notice this is the same layout as that combo on the door back at Servey Island. Gen is the square, and his goes there. Prison Island is the one, and then Jungle, and that should be it.

Then you've got to get this combo here. Jungle is one. We got to spread them. Gen is 14 or no, 23, sorry, which should be there. So it's 5, 10, 15, 23. The Prison green is the dome, which is 13 right there because it's 5, 10, 13. Orange is going to be 4 right there. What screwed me up the first time I did this was that I counted the first one as one. The first one is 0, one because you're going 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. But there you go, that's it.

Alrighty, now I had a little glitch in the system where my game paused. But basically, once you finish up putting in those combinations and pull the lever back down, the white light button should pop out. You push it, and it will activate the power up, and the book will be powered, which it now is. We are here. All we missed was an animation, so don't worry about it. Here we go, we now have the book activated. Let's go, and there he be.

=> 02:31:42

Redemption isn't easy, but it's never too late to change.

The power-up will activate, and the book will be powered, which it now is. We are here; all we missed was an animation, so don't worry about it. Now, we have the book activated. Let's go, and there he be.

We are about to have some extended dialogue here, so I'm going to go ahead and get out of the way. "I apologize for the cage. I'm afraid this situation has often required of me a more primitive code of conduct than I might otherwise have chosen. I am G. I assume you've heard of me, yes? Well, I suspect you have acquired some false information about who I am. Not that my son would have lied to you about me, no, not Atrus. It's just that, well, I'm sure he believes me to still be the depraved father I once was. Yes, I even tried to kill him once. God, if I had accomplished that, who knows what I would have become? A great father indeed who tries to murder his own son. Thankfully, he trapped me on Age Five, a prison of my own creation. No books, no precious inks, no ages to link to, nothing but my own foolish ambitions. That was 30 years ago. Thirty years, thirty lifetimes, what does it matter? No sentence could be too harsh for the man I was. But I have changed. Be sure, the deeds of my past can never be completely atoned for, but my mission was an honorable one."

"I'm sorry, this is all a bit awkward. It's been a long time since I've attempted to persuade anyone of my intentions. Most of the people here have already made their minds up about me one way or another. I myself do not trust the words of most men, so I don't expect you to believe me. In the end, though, you may discover that I do have more than mere words to offer. Atrus' choice of punishment has been hard on the people of Riven, and many have suffered because of it. The island has been steadily decaying for years, but according to my most recent measurements, it appears that the Fifth Age has entered its final days. Unless the villagers can be relocated soon, the island will collapse entirely, and everyone will perish. It has taken me a long time to do it, but it appears that finally, I'll be able to make some substantial amends to my past transgressions."

"Well, I'm afraid I've had some trouble with Catherine and the Moiety. In any society, there will always be a small percentage of the population with rebellious tendencies. Before Catherine appeared, the Moiety, as they call themselves, had been relatively harmless. I mean, the natives here are a fairly violent people by nature, but I'd almost come to accept their presence. Upon Catherine's return, however, their violence intensified considerably. It seems she's become some sort of religious savior to them. As far as I can tell, she's come to believe this herself, so I've had no alternative. I had to separate her from her people. The actions of Catherine and the Moiety have put my own life at risk on numerous occasions, consequently the lives of all the people here. Therefore, I must ask you to refrain from any attempt to free her. Although I'm sure Atrus desires it, indeed he must desire it with all his heart, he is completely unaware of her recent state."

"Which brings me to the point of all of this: the linking book you brought with you. You're very fortunate to have recovered it."

If I may, right, so you can come here before getting it back, which is what I did last time I played, and it has a bit of a different cut scene where he sends you off to find it. But we got it, so here we be. Think it through, buddy boy. [Laughter] Perhaps it would be best if you went through first.

Yep, so you can refuse and come and go after you've thought about it or whatever, but eventually, he kills you if you take too long. Spoiler alert: we made it, and we have trapped the man.

Alright, so a few things we can do here. I think this will open the cage.

=> 02:38:14

Navigating the game’s puzzles and discovering hidden details is both thrilling and frustrating, but the journey is worth it!

In a different cut scene, he sends you off to find it, but we got it, so here we be. Think it through, buddy boy. Perhaps it would be best if you went through first. You can refuse and come and go after you've thought about it or whatever, but eventually, he kills you if you take too long. Spoiler alert, what Su dude?

Here we be, we made it, and we have trapped the man. There are a few things we can do here. I think this will open the cage. This over here will power the book. Very nice, very nice. That one doesn't work. One great thing here is that they've added a section in this new one where you can actually check out his new age a little bit. It's pretty crazy. You can see these creatures flying around. Yes, that scenery is really something. Using sunlight to cook these guys, we can rotate them. Nice. Here we are burning books already. Oh, I never took this one out last time. Oh snap, defective. I didn't look at that last time. That's cool. That's locked. All right, get to see the water, get to see everything. Pretty cool, pretty cool, pretty cool. All right, can now move on back inside.

He has a little radio thing here which is kind of cool. I think you got to wind it. Basically, you got to do it right. A little confused about it. I can't twist the thing; I don't know why. Oh, so I think you pump it or something. Quite confusing, honestly. Yeah, it plays music. Let me know if you figure it out. I think you got to get a grip on it enough to rotate it multiple times and wind it, but I think it's something they got to patch because my mouse won't turn it more than a few inches.

In any case, we can now come down here and see some stuff. Here's another journal. I will go away and flip the pages if you care to read it. Now you can see at the end here we have numbers for his projector. So we have five, then two, three, then 235. We can check those out. I'll go away as you watch the dialogue.

Now my turn. Want to record something so always you will remember. What is English for scr scum from above? Your appearance should have inspired us to a better future. What does it mean for us as a people if we cannot embrace worlds outside our own? You were an angel from above. Always you will be my angel from above. An angel, your angel, an angel of death. The den Council knew it. They knew if I hadn't tried to force my own ideals on your world, you would still be alive. You would still be alive. I wanted a life full of magic, full of books that bridged worlds, that lit up the darkness like stars. The possibilities were endless. It's just us now. You'll never have the life you should have had somehow. My love and compassion, it took that. I don't know how. I'm sorry.

=> 02:47:41

I dreamed of a life full of magic and endless possibilities, but now you'll never have the life you deserved.

To force my own ideals on your world, you would still be alive. You would still be alive. I wanted a life full of magic, full of books that bridged worlds, that lit up the darkness like stars. The possibilities were endless. It's just us now. You'll never have the life you should have had. Somehow, my love and compassion took that. I don't know how. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

Now, there you go, there's all of the projector scenes. All right, so now we can open up. Got to remember that. Yep, all right, we got it. We got it. So now we're ready to head towards the grand finale here. Let's move. Where does this take us? Interesting. Why here? Okay, so we want to go to Prison Island, so we need to use a dome, I believe. Yes, not this Prison Island, so it's going to be over here. Do's underground here, that's right. Bum Bo boom boom bo boom. Hello. Yes, nailed it. Beautiful. In we go.

I feel like I'll be trimming out these transition sequences later but here we are. Okay, got a beckon. It sure would be cool if we could look in here and see him somewhere. All right, here it is. So we want to go back to Prison Island. Here we go. All right, we made it. Here we go. Okay, we have made it and here it is. Let's get these sounds right. That's the Ping. All right, so it's going to be like there we go. Success. Up we go.

We have to move quickly. Gen's people may already know what's happening. Once we're back with the Muy, we'll have time to regroup. Can I see the book? Mhm, you did it. You captured it again. We're all free, but there are still his followers. I'm not sure what they'll do once they realize he's gone. I have to get the villagers to safety as soon as possible. And you, you go back to where you first arrived and reopen the Fisher. I know it's risky, but it's the only way to signal Atus. I'll try to make it back there as soon as possible, but don't wait for me. Oh, and don't forget the combination in my journal. You'll need it. I do have that, don't I? All right, okay, there she goes. Let me get my pictures out. Okay, so we have the combo right there.

Let's take a look around this prison, unlike in the original. Creepy cam. All right, cool. All right, come on back here. Busted. Come on, elevator. Okay, here we go. All right, so now it's time to head. Oh, don't forget, got to hit the button from over here. Okay, thought I got it. There we go. Okay, onward and upward. Okay, so we want to go back to the dot. Which way now? Stay this way. There it is.

=> 02:56:56

Endings and beginnings are intertwined, and the journey is what truly matters.

Right, come on back here. Busted, come on. Elevator. Okay, here we go.

Now it's time to head—oh, don't forget, got to hit the button from over here. Thought I got it, there we go. Okay, onward and upward.

We want to go back to the dot. Which way now? Stay this way. There, there it is, just like that. All right, here we go. Got to go reopen the feature. Let's go open. All righty, got to do a little rotation.

I think we want to stay right here actually and rotate right to the front door. All right, here we go. Okay, so we're at the combo right here. Here we go. I'll show you the combo again. I'll try my best to explain the number system again. I haven't explained it great. Most of these numbers, like I said, you can just match them to the numbers you see on the page from the school. For instance, the 10. But some of the others, you need to have a little understanding. This is one that randomizes and is different every time, so you might get a tougher one where you need to sort out a couple of the other numbers.

Ultimately, what we have here—all these big ones here that repeat—those are 10. There's a 10, a 10, 10, 10. We know that from matching this one here. Now remember, if there was only one marking around the circle, like one of these, like this one right here is a one. It starts up here. If it's on the bottom, it's a two, so it's 2 one to end it. If it was up here, it would be three, and there's another two right there. Once you hit four, you add one, and that starts rotating. Here's one, but because there's two, it's four. So if it rotates so that there's two on the bottom, then that would be five. If they're both up here, then it's a six, which I believe is this one right here.

Let's try it out. I think I've got it down. I've got it on my phone here as well. Let's see here. Done. Resume. Okay, so I believe that this would be, if you're holding it up next to you, which I am, this would be a four. I believe 2, 3, 4, and then we have a 10 right there. Then we have a two, and then we have 10, 10, 10. Then we have, I believe, a six, 7, six. Then we have, it's not a 10, it's a six. So I believe it's a seven, 8, 7. We have a two and a one. Oh no, wait, 7, six. There it is. Here we go.

You don't even have to hit it. Okay, yep. This one we can switch what we're moving. Here we go. Then you can lower it, pull this over, and then you can go down. Too far. Think we got to go up a little bit. Interesting. Oh no, no, get back in there. Then we're going to switch it and pull. Good. Let's switch it. Can we push down? Nope, you're going to pull it up, and that is our last action.

Oh dear. Whoa, of course, we're able to resist the pull. Hell, there isn't much time. Where's Catherine? Where's the book? I don't understand, Atus.

The villagers are safely in the rebel age. I thank you, as do I. You've accomplished more than I could have hoped for. You've given me back my life. The path home is now clear for all of us. This is where our paths must part. Perhaps we'll meet again someday. You know where to find me. Goodbye, my friend.

Now I understand endings and beginnings are within the fissure, that Riven clift of stars that acts as both a wall and a bridge. Though I'm unable to understand how the very flow of stars that brought my Mist book into worthy hands, I am sure it served as a safe passage home for my friend. The age of Riven has come to a close, but the people of Riven are free, and now I am at rest, understanding that in books and ages and life, the ending can never truly be written.

All righty, so there you have it. There is Riven. I hope you enjoyed the playthrough. Make sure that you like and subscribe and all that stuff if you enjoy things like this. I also have the walkthrough of the first remake. I actually did a multi-part walkthrough of the remake of the first game of Myst. I have some old archived walkthroughs of some of the other ones. Trying to remember which ones I finished. I think I have a Myst III in there. Myst IV, I think I stopped part of the way through but may get back to it at some point.

Again, I hope you enjoyed it. I will try to trim out some of the boring parts, some of the slow transitions or whatever that are unnecessary, at least as far as loading screens go and things like that. That should be good. Outside of that, thank you so much for watching. Make sure you like and subscribe, and we'll see you all around in the next video. Talk to you later.