Table of contents
- Discover the power within you and transform your life—Mike Dooley's journey from accountant to inspirational author shows it's possible.
- Embrace your power, follow your truth, and witness the Great Awakening happening now.
- The Great Awakening is here, and it's transforming our world person by person, ushering in a new era of consciousness and rapid change.
- The tide of love, clarity, and truth is unstoppable, and we're creating a new world together.
- Our thoughts shape our reality—choose wisely and embrace your divine power.
- The world is waking up to love and cooperation, even amidst chaos and fear.
- Life is a dream-like journey where every challenge is a lesson designed to help us grow.
- Focus on love and joy, and watch your life transform.
- Choose love and positivity, even when things seem bleak—your outlook shapes your reality.
- Life's challenges are hidden gifts; embrace them and watch your world transform.
- Never judge a book by its cover; sometimes the most unexpected sources can blow your mind wide open.
- Your thoughts shape your reality, so even a few minutes of positive thinking can outweigh hours of fear.
- Stop waiting for the perfect moment; start moving and the path will reveal itself.
- Stop waiting for perfect conditions to pursue your dreams; start with what you have and the path will unfold.
- Change yourself, love your life, and watch the world transform.
Discover the power within you and transform your life—Mike Dooley's journey from accountant to inspirational author shows it's possible.
Ladies and gentlemen, in just a moment, you are going to hear the voice of a man who will tell you some tremendously important facts, some amazing facts. This is the voice of a man who has made a discovery that is revolutionizing human thoughts. Welcome to the Reality Revolution. Today is a glorious day for the Reality Revolution as I have one of the most incredible guests I've ever had, the one and only Mike Dooley.
Mike Dooley, whom you may know from the movie The Secret, is a prolific writer who has penned some of my very favorite books. More importantly, his writing style is amazing. He talks about the law of attraction and is continuously discussing the Great Awakening. He has a book coming out with a number of authors called The Great Awakening that discusses our current shift and what's happening in the world. Honestly, if I were to have a Mount Rushmore of the law of attraction, I think Mike would probably be on it. I have learned so much from what Mike has taught, and I am just super honored and starstruck to have the one and only Mike Dooley. You may know him from his Notes from the Universe and his incredible books like Infinite Possibilities: The Art of Living Your Dreams. There are just so many things to mention, but it is just glorious to have you. So, welcome to the Reality Revolution, Mike.
Brian, I'm honored by your kind and generous words and I'm inspired by your own life's work. I think we're both getting a kick out of this. Thank you so much for having me.
You've talked about it quite a bit, and when I look at your background, you were an accountant in an entirely different world. Something obviously inspired you more than just to talk about it with your friends but to literally change your entire life and make this the focus of your life. Can you talk a little bit about that turning point, that point where you decided you wanted to focus your life on this?
My background is pretty conventional. Back when I was a teenager and in my 20s, picking college degrees, I attended the University of Florida and became a certified public accountant at Price Waterhouse. I've always wanted to live the most rocking life possible. My mom was really good at helping me believe that anybody can do anything. I wanted abundance, friends, and international travel. But on the side, almost back to my first teenage memories, I was totally into questions like why the hell are we here and what's going on. Everybody dies, like everybody, and they're gone forever. What's the point, really? It was to the point where I was sometimes doubled over on the college campus, pondering the meaning of life.
Unbeknownst to me at the time, when you mull over any question, including deep profound questions, The Law of Attraction suggests that a question presupposes an answer does exist. Amongst the beauty and splendor of these sacred jungles of time and space, with 100 million species on this planet and 10 sextillion stars, there's got to be a point. Asking those kinds of questions or smaller questions like how can I move towards abundance, how can I find the love of my life, or how can I improve my circumstances, precipitates twings or hits of intuition that are your connection to your higher self. This will lead you to the answers you're looking for. Every question has an answer, absolutely every question.
I'm not one of those people who think everybody has their own truth. That sounds kind of nice on the surface, but that's when people throw away their power. There is a truth, it's absolute, and everyone has their own path to that truth. There are a lot of roads to Rome, but none of those roads change Rome. The truths I'm talking about are that we are of the Divine, by the Divine, for the Divine, that we're here by choice, that we knew what we were doing from the zenith of our magnificence, that our thoughts would unfailingly become the things and events of our lives, that we are creators, that love is the glue, and that everything plays to our greater good whether we can see that as it plays out or not. These are the truths that I was looking for, and from them, we can find our power and get traction.
Embrace your power, follow your truth, and witness the Great Awakening happening now.
On the surface, that sounds kind of nice, but that's when people throw away their power. There is a truth—it's absolute—and everyone has their own path to that truth. There are a lot of roads to Rome, but none of those roads change Rome. The truths I'm talking about are that we are of the Divine, by the Divine, for the Divine; that we're here by choice; that we knew what we were doing from the Zenith of our magnificence; that our thoughts would unfailingly become the things and events of our lives; that we are creators; that love is the glue; and that everything plays to our greater good, whether we can see that as it plays out or not. These are the truths that I was looking for, and from them, we can find our power and get traction.
I set out to live a conventional, rocking life, wanting to move towards abundance, freedom, and joy, and achieve that. But in the back of my mind was always the desire to know more about the nature of reality and how I could leverage my power. I certainly wasn't challenge or problem-free at any point in my life, so when those things cropped up, I wondered how I was going to deal with them and what I was going to do. I knew I had the power, and that alone was enough to bring me the kind of answers that would bridge chasms and ultimately make my life take off.
After six years with Price Waterhouse, I had a moment where I realized that if I didn't leave, I would never leave. I didn't want to stay there forever, so I quit cold turkey upon the announcement of my promotion to manager. I never looked back and did not know what I was going to do next. I sold my condo, moved to Orlando, Florida, and teamed up with my mother and brother. Since we were all into the Seth material, Richard Bach, Ramtha, and Emmanuel channeled works, we spoke the same language and decided to start a t-shirt company that went gangbusters for 10 years. Then came the Dark Night of My Soul; we liquidated, but I was still ahead financially. That was the year 2000, pretty auspicious, and I started sending out the kind of emails I wanted to receive on this new thing called the internet.
Those emails turned into Notes from the Universe, which still go out to this day as a free service. It created a platform upon which I've written books, delivered talks in about 40 countries and 180 cities (most of which multiple times), hosted world tours, and run everything I do now at Literally, I am living the life of my dreams, immersed in teaching and learning about the truths of reality. Not only can I get my groove further on, but I can help other people do the same. Ironically, when your cup starts overflowing and life is just so blessed, you start viewing yourself as more than just yourself. Your definition of self expands, and one of the things I'm driven by, as significantly as my own joy (which I've never lost sight of), is wanting to enhance the happiness of other people. So, we have charity work, reach-out programs, training trainers, and I continue to learn and teach the things that I'm learning.
Of late, the last five years, it's been all about the Great Awakening, putting into context what the ancient prophecy makers have been whispering since recorded time began. The Great Awakening is upon us. From the very beginning of my writings, there was a palpable excitement about what was happening in the moment. I could feel the difference and see the difference. When my thoughts were creating things before, now they are creating things much faster. I'm seeing these differences in the world. One of the callings to the Great Awakening is that people are seeing the shift. With hundreds of people I've interviewed and thousands more that I've talked to, it's not just a theoretical or philosophical thing that there's this Great Awakening. It is person by person saying something incredible is happening right now. That's what's so amazing about this: the Great Awakening is firsthand witnessed by thousands of people across the world, not just the utterings of philosophers or even channelers. This is the arc and the evolution of consciousness, and I know that might sound like a mouthful, but we'll dissect it in a minute.
The Great Awakening is here, and it's transforming our world person by person, ushering in a new era of consciousness and rapid change.
The differences in the world today are becoming more apparent, and this is one of the callings to the Great Awakening. People are witnessing a significant shift, as evidenced by the hundreds of interviews and thousands of conversations I've had. This Great Awakening is not just a theoretical or philosophical concept; it is a person-by-person realization that something incredible is happening right now. What makes this so amazing is that the Great Awakening is being firsthand witnessed by thousands of people across the world, not just discussed by philosophers or channelers.
This phenomenon represents the arc and evolution of Consciousness, which has been prophesized and long anticipated. As you mentioned, Brian, things that were not possible with regard to personal manifestations six years ago, or even six months ago, are now possible. The energy is shifting and changing, meaning our dreams and fears can come to pass much quicker. This underscores the importance of having a strong underpinning, realizing our power, and exercising it through daily choices to the best and highest of our ability. Accepting responsibility and asking the right questions will yield answers and unveil our power.
Those listening and tuning in right now are not here by accident; they heard a calling. I hope to provide some answers and bring clarity on how to harness these shifting winds of change. These changes were prophesized as the apocalypse, not in the sense of the destruction of humanity, but rather the deconstruction of our civilization to make way for a brand new construction. We are literally living through Armageddon, which was prophesized as the final battle—not the end of our civilization, but the final conflict in our conscious awakening and the evolution of Consciousness. We are witnessing the last fights between truth and ignorance, truth and naivety. The light is dawning unmistakably, and people are finally talking about things they never discussed before, which means things can be healed, whether it's racism, sexual identification, gender discussions, and more.
Rapid-fire changes and thoughts becoming things quicker than ever before have sparked these discussions. We have come a long way from being hunters and gatherers, living by daylight alone. Now, we all have the ability to be armchair philosophers, and we should celebrate our progress. So much good is now at our fingertips, coursing through our lives and veins. We are asking questions and insisting on answers, cleaning out the house. Ignorance is on its last legs, and a generation from now, or even sooner, we will be moving with the light and love that will usher in a heaven on Earth.
We are about to see change at such a pace and speed that it would have seemed impossible, even unbelievable for a Hollywood movie. Although there will be bumps in the road, and some people will resist and try to shut us up, this tide of love, clarity, truth, and magnificence cannot be turned back. The noise we hear is just the tension between those in resistance and those timidly coming on board. The final battle is at hand, and while there will be challenges, I fully expect that most of our systems—government, commerce, monetary—will adapt and evolve.
The tide of love, clarity, and truth is unstoppable, and we're creating a new world together.
There are those who desire to return to the way things used to be, resisting change. However, you cannot turn back this tide—this tide of love, clarity, truth, and magnificence. When it surfaces, it may seem chaotic, but that’s just the noise between those resisting and those timidly embracing new perspectives. The final battle is at hand, and while there will be bumps in the road, the extent of their impact is uncertain. It is expected that many of our systems—government, commerce, and monetary—will start showing cracks, with some collapsing to make way for better systems that will serve everyone. This doesn’t mean anyone will have to give up their piece of the pie; rather, it means more people can share in it. These are the single most exciting times to be alive, and we have earned our place here through our incarnations and experiences, being of the character that can carry forth these changes.
We have passed tipping points where earlier prophecies and channeled works predicted doom at the turn of the millennium. We have made better choices and are on our way, though there will still be challenges ahead. No one can take from you your happiness, joy, or freedom to choose your thoughts, words, and behavior wisely. There is a connection between creating your reality through the Law of Attraction and the great awakening. People interested in one are often drawn to the other. As we create our reality faster, the question becomes: what are we creating? Are we creating around our fears or our loves and joys? Are we creating for ourselves or for others? This is the choice we are making—the kind of world we are choosing.
The Law of Attraction, as showcased in "The Secret," struck a nerve because it resonates with the truth in every breath we take, every beat of our heart, and in our DNA. The truth will set us free, revealing that we are powerful beings here by choice, capable of writing our own script. There is a little bit of everyone in each of us. I tell my audiences that there is really only you and more you, and this self-definition is expanding. We naturally have more empathy and compassion because that is who we truly are.
One thing that vexed me after "The Secret" came out was that many people saw it as merely a positive way to look at life, without understanding the deeper truth of our reality as spiritual beings and creators. All thoughts have power, not just positive ones, and it is our nature to choose wisely when we rid ourselves of fear born of ignorance. There are immovable pillars of truth: there is only love, we are all one, everything plays to a greater good, and our thoughts become things. When you see these pillars, you understand that there is only love, even when love is scared.
Our thoughts shape our reality—choose wisely and embrace your divine power.
There was a power to positive thinking. There are legs under the table, Brian, and that is stemming from the nature of reality and who we really are as Spiritual Beings and creators. It's not just our positive thoughts that have power; all thoughts have power. It's our choice, as you were saying, to Choose Wisely, but it is also our nature to choose wisely when we rid ourselves of the fear born of ignorance.
So, there are legs under the table; they are these truths that I've already enumerated: there's only love, we're all one, there's only the Divine, everything plays to a greater good, and our thoughts become things. It's as simple as that. When you see these pillars, these immovable pillars that I just named, you realize that there is only love. Sometimes love, when scared, does some crazy stuff, some ugly hideous stuff, but there's only love. That person felt vulnerable, that person was lost, that person thought they were making the world a better place in whatever warped way their logic performed, based on perhaps an extremely difficult upbringing. But that person can be rehabilitated, as all of us can be rehabilitated. In a moment, we can change the direction of our lives; there's that much grace. This is part of our divine heritage. You don't even have to ask for forgiveness; once you are aware, it is done. You realize the folly of your ways and the harm it caused. Now, you'll never have to learn that lesson again, and neither will the rest of humanity have to learn it in exactly the way you did because you learned it for us.
Our mistakes are shared by all, and our triumphs, which far outnumber our mistakes, are shared by all. When people get a view of the truth, they become supernatural. Miracles are an automatic byproduct. I mean Jesus-like miracles, not just serendipities. I mean, you want it, you get it before you even ask kind of miracles. If you want to bilocate, work on your clairvoyant abilities, or teleport, you can. Jesus said, and I'm not a Bible scholar or of a religion, but "the things I've done you can do, and more you will do." This was the prophecy of the Second Coming, totally misunderstood like those other key ideas such as apocalypse and Armageddon.
The Second Coming is the second coming of Christ Consciousness. Jesus had awoken through revelations of the truth, through being sincere, humble, and going within and asking the big questions, which any of us can do. "Be like me," he said, "you can do whatever you want to do." That has been turned into a religion, and he is your savior, and you must renounce all others and not listen to the devil. All that stuff got mistranslated. The Second Coming was long prophesied when Christ Consciousness, not Jesus Christ, would return. Christ is not a name; Christ is a designation, a title. The awakened one, the anointed one. He was saying we're all the anointed ones.
That kind of thinking, rather than being held and possessed by one person or very isolated characters on the stage of our past like Buddha and Babaji and some of the others, including female awakened Masters, will be embraced and accepted as our natural state amongst the population. That's the Second Coming of Christ that was prophesied: the end of ignorance. Therefore, the final battle, Armageddon, is at hand, and the payoff is out of this world. We're going to know who we are, that we are divine beings, that we are creators, that our thoughts become things, and whatever we want to do, be, or have, we can, particularly when we do it in service to others.
Not selflessly—that always riled me going to Catholic school. Nothing needs to be selfless, but when you start defining yourself as those you love, those in your community, you want them to prosper as you're prospering. As I have experienced in these past couple of decades, it's like, man, everybody should have it this good. Everyone should have health, be in love, travel the world, experience different cultures, and see the smiles on the faces of those in Cape Town or Zambia. I was just there last week, and I saw the goodness and the beauty that's everywhere. We've always lived in heaven on Earth; it's just our fear has been so great we didn't notice, and we're starting to.
The world is waking up to love and cooperation, even amidst chaos and fear.
Particularly when we do it in service to others, not selflessly, it can be quite impactful. I always found the concept of selflessness riling, especially during my time in Catholic School. Nothing needs to be selfless. When you start defining yourself by those you love and those in your community, you want them to prosper as you are prospering. As I have experienced in these past couple of decades, it's like, man, everybody should have it this good. Everyone should have health, be in love, travel the world, and experience different cultures. Seeing the smiles on the faces of those in Cape Town or Zambia, where I was just last week, reveals the goodness and beauty that's everywhere.
We've always lived in heaven on Earth; it's just that our fear has been so great we didn't notice. Now, we're starting to notice, and this is what the Great Awakening is all about. It need not be struggled for or be hard work. You don't even have to meditate, which is good news for a lot of people. You just need that quiet space of reflection, that desire for a better world, and a desire to be better yourself. Your intuitive nature will take over. Everyone is inherently good and means well. For the outliers who create chaos and puzzle our brains, leave that in God's hands, metaphorically speaking. Our task right now is to figure ourselves out, one person at a time, and that will reveal our power. When we move with it and act the part of our Divinity, it doesn't mean we can't have fun or have too much. You can have as much as you can think. It's the Law of Attraction: the more you get, the more you inspire the world. It really works that way. The best of times are at hand, and it's already begun.
People might say, "Look at the world; it doesn't reflect that. We have wars, problems, struggles, and conflicts." Let's talk about that aspect in relation to the Great Awakening. That was the exact question I asked one of my featured teachers in our upcoming book, The Great Awakening. I asked Sarah Landon, who channels the council, about four or five years ago when I was hot on self-realization and Enlightenment. I had just read "Autobiography of a Yogi" and was fascinated by accounts of Mystics doing miracles in India. I said to the council, "It looks like things have never been so bad on planet Earth. The divisiveness, the language, the behavior, the ignorance, the stupidity—it's heartbreaking." They replied, "It may surprise you, Mike, but at the same time as you are seeing what you just named, there has never been so much love, transparency, and cooperation among individuals, family members, and nations. There has never been a better time on Earth than there is today."
There's always been wars, divisiveness, and hatred stemming from fear, but it was bottled down. We didn't talk about it or use those words in public. We understood it at home, a home of fear. Now, we are able to see this cooperation, transparency, and these discussions. There's always been war, and it's hideous. I don't like it and wish it wasn't here, but we have to understand that each of us is on an Awakening Adventure, whether announced or unbeknownst. Everyone is on the path to finding out the truth of who they really are. It's a simple truth of the Divine by the Divine for the Divine in a reality held together by love. We are creators, made in the likeness of God, like holographic duplicates of all that is of source energy.
I've done some stupid things in my life, things I'm embarrassed about and would never mention. I've thought things I never should have thought and believed things that were absolutely ridiculous and not helping anybody, including myself. But my journey, and this is how it works—the art of life and the art of consciousness as it begins to bloom—has taken me to those people who would press my buttons and those circumstances that would bring me to my knees so that I could learn exactly what I most needed to learn.
Life is a dream-like journey where every challenge is a lesson designed to help us grow.
Drawing from ancient literature, it was said that we are made in the likeness of God, each of us like holographic duplicates of all that is of source energy. Reflecting on my own life, I acknowledge that I have done some stupid things, things I'm embarrassed about and would never mention. I've thought things I should never have thought and believed in things that were absolutely ridiculous and unhelpful to anyone, including myself. However, my journey has led me to encounter people and circumstances that pressed my buttons and brought me to my knees, teaching me exactly what I most needed to learn. This is the art of life and the Art of Consciousness as it begins to bloom.
Life in the Here and Now is very similar, if not totally identical, to life in a dream at night. When we dream, it feels real to the dreamer, with racing hearts, sweaty palms, arguments, joy, or whatever emotions arise. But upon waking, we realize it was just a dream. This is also true of our adventure into the sacred jungles of time and space. It is real, but it is also just a dream, and it cannot diminish the magnificence of Eternity, which is our Birthright. Nothing can tarnish the magnificence of love and beauty that is part of our everyday lives.
Understanding nighttime dreams, we see they provide therapy, entertainment, a good laugh, and emotional release. None of these experiences are random. For example, stubbing your toe in a dream is not just a random occurrence; it carries meaning related to your view of mobility or self-confidence. Everything that happens to us bodily is a metaphor, a poetic metaphor for the clarity or lack thereof in our mind. This relationship is well-known in metaphysical circles, where bodily ailments often reflect mental states. For instance, cancer is often the product of repressed anger, financial worries can manifest as back problems, and losing one's footing in life can result in foot pain, as I experienced with plantar fasciitis.
Lou Hay, in her book "You Can Heal Your Life," provides an index linking common ailments to corresponding issues in thoughts. Clearing up these mental issues can lead to physical healing, although it is important to continue seeing a doctor. This connection underscores the idea that the chaos in the world and personal setbacks are not random but are custom-tailored baptisms teaching us what we are most missing. When we face unintended manifestations that seem to set us back, there is always a lesson to learn. Learning the lesson ensures we never have to repeat it, allowing the upward spiral to take off.
Whatever challenges you face, no matter how seemingly random, are by design and are therefore your spiritual work. This insight, shared by my featured contributors in the book "The Great Awakening," along with techniques for contemplative thought or thoughtless meditation, can help unravel confusion. Life is a journey from confusion to the light, and until you achieve joy, peace, and prosperity on your terms, whether that means enough food or a million dollars, you get to decide.
Focus on love and joy, and watch your life transform.
The upward spiral takes off whatever you're dealing with, whatever has shown up, no matter how seemingly random, is by design and is therefore your spiritual work. This is one of the keys I got from my featured contributors in the book The Great Awakening. They provide techniques on how, through contemplative thought or thoughtless meditation, whatever suits the reader, one can find some traction and unravel their confusion. Life is this journey from confusion to the light, and until you have joy, peace, and prosperity on your terms—whether that's enough food or a million dollars—you get to decide. Until you have these cylinders firing as you now wish them to fire, you've got confusion. You're not seeing your power, the infinite possibilities, or recognizing that your positive thoughts are 10,000 times more powerful than your fearful thoughts. You're not recognizing that you are supported in the unseen by Spirit guides and Angels, or that there is a way forward—the perfect path awaits you.
You want to know these truths so that you can have some confidence as you go out the front door and meet the world. Do not misinterpret everything that doesn't happen the way you want it to be as a slight, misfortune, or proof that the Law of Attraction doesn't work. You start using it deliberately and thereby get your groove on. The chaos in the world is perhaps louder now, but it was always there. Simultaneously, if you take the invitation of the council as I did and look to the beauty, hope, potential, and kindness everywhere, it starts replicating. This is what our focus does—you get more of whatever you focus upon. If you choose to see pain and suffering, it's going to take you down. I know it's bad, and they deserve your love, and do what you can to help. It's just another part of you that's tripped and stumbled. Follow your heart, move with love, be led by joy, and be of service in a way that thrills you—not in a selfless way, but in a self-full way. Then, it gets easier. You see more joy, more harmony, and find more synchronicities lining up in your favor. You might think, "I was just thinking about that," or "I was just thinking about them," or "I was wondering about how I might write a book, and now here's the perfect example." All that you need is constantly being delivered to you. When you get to a place of understanding this is the nature of reality, you start expecting answers, solutions, and a way forward. You start gaining clarity, and your load is lightened. It gets easier and easier. This is where we are.
What I love about the different channelers that you've talked to is that a lot of them are very specific. One ongoing discussion we've had with our channels is about the law of one channelings, the quo. I've read those books, and they paint a picture of what happens on a planet when it goes through this third density shift. There's a group of people that are sort of indifferent, stuck in a vacuum of indifference. Then there are the people all about serving themselves—a very small group, but they seem like there's more. And then there's the rest who have said, "I make this choice. I choose love. I choose to serve others." They're being given catalysts and opportunities in their awakening experience to learn how to serve and love in that process.
I see the world through that lens from the way these channels have described it. I see this mind war going on—a very small, selective group of people who are deluded or ignorant have chosen to serve themselves and want everybody else to take their side of the view. Some of these people have power. One thing you mentioned is that it can also be a catalyst that leads me more to love when I see those different elements. When I look out at the world, I see this movement toward an awakening happening. I can create, but I'm going to create for myself this little mind.
Choose love and positivity, even when things seem bleak—your outlook shapes your reality.
To serve and love in that process, I see the world through the lens described by these channels. I observe a mind war involving a very small, selective group of people who are either deluded or ignorant. These individuals have chosen to serve themselves and want everyone else to adopt their viewpoint. Some of these people hold power. This situation, as you mentioned, can also be a catalyst that leads me more towards love when I see those different elements.
When I look out at the world, I notice a movement towards an Awakening. People are realizing they can create, but some choose to create solely for themselves, leading to a mind battle on a larger scale. This is indeed happening, and as you rightly said, it's a minority, but a really loud and distracting one. This ties into the concept from the law of one, where there's a kind of purgatory or stagnation, all speaking to free will. We have total free will, but we can ask for help, which is one of the biggest messages in this book.
I suggest to anyone to realize that their happiness, path, and joy are truly dependent upon their choices and focuses now. Drawing from Bashar's spiritual toolkit, he advises to follow your highest excitement. Do everything you can in the direction of your highest excitement without judging what shows up. The next thing that happens might facilitate your dream coming true, but it might be different from what you expected. Jumping to the conclusion that it's not working can lead to a tailspin, deflating you entirely and causing you to lose all momentum.
Bashar also emphasizes maintaining a positive outlook. Whatever shows up, even if it's not what you wanted, have a sense that it will work out for the greater good. I was rereading some of Bashar's words about maintaining a positive outlook when I entered into a business contract. Initially, I felt I had made a huge mistake and experienced buyer's remorse. However, remembering Bashar's advice, I considered how this situation could serve me and be tweaked for better opportunities.
Surprisingly, these thoughts led to possibilities better than I had expected. When I shared my ideas, they were well-received, leading to a positive trajectory and greater returns than anticipated. This turn of events would not have occurred if I had gone into a downward spin. Instead, I focused on making the best of the situation, believing it would serve me. This experience taught me that even when things seem dire, there is meaning and a gift in every situation.
Whether it's stubbing your toe in a dream or facing a serious diagnosis in life, there is meaning and potential for things to get better, even if it's not in a way we can currently conceive.
Life's challenges are hidden gifts; embrace them and watch your world transform.
notes and that's the book. I was like, "Mom, you have gone off the deep end." But she was so excited about it, and it was so intriguing that I read the book. It was Seth Speaks by Jane Roberts, and it blew my mind. It was so clear, so logical, so loving, and so empowering.
From that point on, I was hooked. I started reading more and more channeled material. Over the years, I developed a framework to evaluate channels. When I hear a channel, if it doesn't feel authentic to me, if it doesn't vibe with me, I just ignore it. But when I come across one that feels right, I pay attention. It's always a very personal choice.
Life's not hard; it's simple. You're powerful, you're God, and all things are possible. When stuff shows up, don't judge it critically. Look for the best, look for the silver lining that's awakening. Then your vibrations rise.
To clarify, as mentioned in my book and many others, Earth has pretty much been a third vibrational school, third density. Since December 20, 2012, the solstice, the end of the Mayan calendar heralded the beginning of a brand new Mayan calendar. It wasn't supposed to be the end of the world; it was the end of those times. Now we're in new times that signified a shift into fourth density vibrations, which is much higher. Within each density, there's potentially room for many millennia. We are now in fourth density as a planet and the majority of the citizenry. Some are in fifth density.
Fourth density is Unity Consciousness, where you start seeing yourself in everyone. Fifth density is the density of Love. Sixth density is Christ Consciousness, which undoubtedly has a few trailblazers there now and higher. The higher the density, the easier you're living, the more love there is, and the greater the clarity of truth. It never ends, although seventh density is non-physical. The vibrations are so fast that you don't play in the soup we're now in.
However, you have to give up some perks like the incredible taste of coffee in the morning or the view of a sunrise or a rainbow. They don't have the sharpest delineation for the senses; they don't have the senses. But we've got these senses, and they can make for such a delightful experience. It's awesome to be where we now are. Although when our lives are riddled with fear, it can be quite painful. That's all subsiding. That's what the Great Awakening is all about.
There are things we can do, namely moving with joy and understanding these simple truths to hasten the acceleration of our own ascension. Ascension just means raising of vibrations; it means nothing else. You don't have to buzz off; you don't leave planet Earth. Ascension is just the natural course of our awakening, and it's happening right now. We can accelerate it.
I'm so excited about the amazing channelers in the book, some of the very best. It's always a personal choice to evaluate a channel and decide whether it's authentic for you.
Never judge a book by its cover; sometimes the most unexpected sources can blow your mind wide open.
The process of analyzing a channel and deciding whether it's authentic for you reminds me of an experience I had 43 years ago when I was about 20 years old at the University of Florida. My mother, a big reader, had stumbled upon some books like "Psycho-Cybernetics" and "The Inner Game of Tennis" that discussed creative visualization. She was on the edge of woowoo back then and during one of our weekly phone calls on a landline, she told me about an unbelievable book. The author was Seth, a disincarnate being channeled by Jane Roberts. Jane would go into a trance, channel Seth, and her husband would take dictation, churning out book after book for Prentice Hall.
Initially, I thought my mother had lost it and that this was not a healthy conversation. However, she insisted I read the book and judge for myself. Being the guiding wisdom in my life, I did as she said. As I read the book, I found that every speculation I ever had about the nature of reality was addressed. I had always speculated that time was illusionary, that everyone must be of God, and that there couldn't be a devil or a hell. It made no sense to me that a mind capable of creating such order in the cosmos would be so petty as to send its own creations to hell for eternity.
Seth not only echoed my thoughts but also expanded them in ways I couldn't have imagined, even touching on scientific aspects of the cosmos and species development, all wrapped in a message of love aimed at empowering people. This experience taught me never to judge a book by its cover or an author by her methods. My mother was right; it blew my mind wide open. Since then, I've encountered many awesome channeled books.
Here's my little test for evaluating ideas, whether they come from a channel, my dog, or my brain: if an idea speaks of life's beauty or our power and leaves no one behind, it's probably truth. If I can resonate with it and see immediate value for my life, helping me live deliberately, create consciously, and experience more joy, prosperity, and love, then I'm inclined to read more and perhaps practice some of the techniques offered.
The truth resides in all of us. We are eternal beings who have temporarily forgotten our choice to be here, embarking on an adventure of unimaginable proportions. Living in these illusions without knowing our power is part of this adventure. We are creators, metaphorically playing out our lives in the palm of God's hand. We will live beyond this and wake up, realizing it was one incredible dream. The ultimate truth is that we are of the Divine and wired into it. When we are exposed to absolute truth, we light up, recognizing our inherent power.
Your thoughts shape your reality, so even a few minutes of positive thinking can outweigh hours of fear.
To live in this complex world scientifically and not know of your power is unreal. Without realizing that you're a creator, you miss the essence of our adventure and why we're here, metaphorically playing out our lives in the palm of God's hand. We're going to live beyond this, and we will wake up and realize it was one hell of a dream. There are these truths, and the ultimate truth is that we are of the Divine, wired into it. When we are exposed to truth, it is absolute, with no gray areas. We light up, thinking, "I knew it all along. I knew I was powerful. I knew I wasn't being judged. I knew there are still infinite possibilities. I knew I don't have to prostrate myself and give up all my possessions. Those things were just bad translations of ancient texts."
When people saw "The Secret," for the most part, it was like, "I knew it. I knew it." Yes, there's a power to positive thinking, but it goes deeper than that; there's a power to all thinking. I discovered a long time ago that you don't need to worry that you worry because that's part and parcel of living in the darkness, which is where we still are for the most part. We are so inclined to succeed, to meet with success, to live in prosperity, health, friendship, cooperation, joy, and laughter. Your negativity, as long as there is some entertainment, creative visualization, or at least positive thinking in the other direction, won't hold you back.
I've been through several episodes in my life where I was terrified of losing my job, being fired, running out of money, or going bankrupt. I could not stop the runaway train of fear. By the time some of these crises were upon me, I already knew that my thoughts become things. I thought, "I can't stop worrying. I'm doomed. Oh my God, what if the pink slip really is pink? No, don't think that. I wonder what it's going to be like if I have to sell my home. What if nobody buys it? Oh my God, my life is over. The best is behind me." I couldn't stop, but I learned I could always start a new train running.
There's this runaway train of fear, but I've learned to let it run. Go ahead, worry yourself sick, but simultaneously start a new train running. Start entertaining thoughts of grandeur. Even during fits of fear, during my creative visualization sessions, I would start worrying again. In the middle of my five-minute timer to think good thoughts, I would wonder if there's a shelter that will take me. But I still prevailed. Every single time, I still prevailed because I let the negativity run on. I tried to curb it to the best of my ability, which was pretty bad, but I always started another train. I did my best to visualize things turning around, my name on a book cover, a bank account with six, seven, or eight figures in it. It seemed pathetic for what I was facing at the time, but just a few minutes a day of positivity will offset 18 hours of waking fear. Follow that up with a couple of baby steps in the direction you think you ought to go to shift your circumstances, and you cannot fail.
Your greatest contribution to me and my learning from you as a student has been to just forget about the how. Like you always say, there's a natural part of my brain that wonders, "How does this work? How is this happening?" But who cares? It does not matter. The cursed "hows," as I have called them in almost all of my books, are irrelevant. We have been erroneously taught that we better figure it out because no one's going to do it for us. We carry the weight of the world on our shoulders, thinking we are merely mortal, that we need to be in the right place at the right time, and that only the early bird gets the worm.
Stop waiting for the perfect moment; start moving and the path will reveal itself.
As a student, it's easy to get caught up in the "how" of things, as you always say. There's a natural part of my brain that wonders, "How does this work? How is this happening?" I have some knowledge of Physics or other subjects, but in the grand scheme of things, who cares? It does not matter. The "cursed house," as I have called them in almost all of my books, are irrelevant. Thank you for the nod there; I appreciate that very much, especially coming from you.
We have been erroneously taught that we must figure everything out on our own because no one else will do it for us. We carry the weight of the world on our shoulders, thinking that we are merely mortal and need to be in the right place at the right time. We believe that only the early bird gets the worm and that opportunity only knocks once, so we must batten down the hatches and give it our all—blood, sweat, and tears—because otherwise, it won't happen. But that is a load of garbage. It does not work that way. The brain was not designed to calculate the trajectory of 8 billion other co-creators on planet Earth to find you at the right place at the right time. You cannot do that with your brain; it wasn't designed for that.
The brain and our conscious operating system, the ego, are designed to help us assess what we like and focus on that. If you like something, focus on it more. If you don't like something, change the picture—meaning the picture of what you want, your desired end results, not your idea of the best path there. Forget the path; focus on the new picture. This is why vision boards are so powerful. A vision board is a collection of pictures that are emblematic of the life you'd like to live. It's a representation of who you really are, the places you want to go, the car you want to drive, the style you want to travel in, and the friends you want to have. Put some pictures of yourself up there in happier times.
By taking your thinking to your desired destination, just like GPS navigation, you get in your car, put on your seatbelt, turn on the engine, and program the system—not with how you're going to get there because you don't know; you've never been there before. Metaphorically, for living the life of your dreams, you've never been there before. You program the destination. For example, I live in Orlando, and I program South Beach, Miami. I don't know how to get there; I've never been there before. But in the instant you program the destination, it calculates every "how," every "who," every "when," including traffic detours, construction, and traffic jams. It knows the shortest, quickest, happiest way for you to get there, but it remains silent until you put your car in gear.
If your car is in park, you're contradicting yourself. You say you want to go to South Beach, but nothing happens if you don't move. Your life goes nowhere; nothing changes if you're sitting on the couch waiting for Oprah to call. You've got to put your car in gear. Even if you don't know how to get there, there's no wrong road. Whatever direction you go, you can always change course. Guidance will be forthcoming based on your programmed destination. You might make a legal U-turn, but you can go in any direction as long as the wheels are moving. Only then will the direction be forthcoming. The speakers will talk to you, telling you to go straight on A1A, go south 12 miles, make a right on Alligator Alley, or whatever the route may be.
There is no guidance if the contradiction exists and your life is in park because you're saying, "Not yet. I don't know how to get there. Not yet. My ducks are not in a row." The mama duck never waits for her baby ducks to line up before crossing the road or going for a swim. Mama duck just goes, and then the babies see it and line up to follow. It's the same with our ducks in life. They don't line up if you're waiting for them before pursuing that big dream. They won't line up; it's not going to happen. But if you do what you can with what you've got, no matter how seemingly insufficient or embarrassing it may be, those little baby steps are crucial. There was a time in my life when it was embarrassing to be me. Everything unraveled; my girlfriend ran off with another guy, and I had to liquidate the business.
Stop waiting for perfect conditions to pursue your dreams; start with what you have and the path will unfold.
The tool chest is here, and I'm pulling out my old stories. The mama duck never waits for her baby ducks to line up, whether she's crossing the road or going for a swim. Mama duck just goes, and then the babies see it and they all line up and follow her. It's the same with our ducks in life—they don't line up. If you're waiting for your ducks to line up before you pursue that big dream, they're not going to line up. It's not going to happen. But if you do what you can with what you've got, no matter how seemingly insufficient or embarrassing it may be, just take those little baby steps.
There was a time in my life when it was embarrassing to be me. Everything unraveled—my girlfriend ran off with another guy, I liquidated the business, and didn't have enough money to coast through life. I had enough money to coast for a year or two, but I had no job. I didn't want my neighbors to see me out there; I was like, what do I do? But if your car is rolling, the guidance is forthcoming, and your ducks line up. Just do the best you can with what you've got.
I tell people who are in the place that I once was, where things were really dire, and I didn't know what my dream was anymore. I did Corporate America and left, I did the entrepreneurial track, and it seemingly wasn't working anymore. I was at the end of my micromanaging rope. This was the embarrassing part of my life; I didn't know what to do. If anybody listening is in such a quandary, you simply assess your sucky options. They're only all sucky if you're in the boat that I was in. Hopefully, that's not true for folks, but if necessary, at least do something because that's incumbent upon you now.
If you want transformation, you have to be physically congruent with that, meaning do something about it in alignment with your destination. Then you assess your sucky options and choose the least sucky. Like you got 12 options—flipping burgers, digging ditches, whatever. None of those are the life of your dreams, but you know you have to do something. Narrow that list of 12 sucky options down to the three least sucky. Give yourself a deadline—48 hours, 36 hours, 60 hours, five days. Give yourself a deadline, I'm serious. You start out on those sucky dirt paths; it's the dirt path that leads to the diamond mine.
Invariably, you will start out on the wrong road. You always have to start out on the wrong road. GPS navigation—Sunset Avenue is not going to take you to A1A; there is no connection. But if you live on Sunset Avenue, you have to go down Sunset Avenue. Sunset Avenue will lead to I4, I4 will lead to the turnpike, and the turnpike will lead to your destination. You're going to be taking a bunch of roads that are not the right road. Take them if they're your least sucky option, if they make the most sense compared to the other ones and are the most palatable. Take them, not to learn to love them, but so that they can take you to a better road, and a better road, and a better one.
When you start realizing through serendipities and the way the magic of the universe works, you can enjoy the journey that people have been saying to enjoy without sweating it, without thinking you have to figure out the next how, the next how, the next how. Those are the cursed hows; they're not your job. You just need to knock on some doors, turn over stones. They ought to make some sense, they ought to feel right. Do your best; they might not be your ticket, but they'll lead you to your ticket.
The great thing about everything that you said is that we can apply this on a global scale towards our awakening. We don't have to worry about how it's going to happen. We take responsibility and make those choices, and together, when we make those choices, we can move the entire planet to a planet of love. We can see it, we can work towards it, we can take action towards it, and it is possible for us to do it, I promise. It doesn't matter if there's a part of you that says, oh, this is impossible, this is science fiction—forget about it. We know our power. If we can embrace what you're teaching, forget about how it's going to happen. It doesn't even matter. You make the choice right now, today, to be a part of this global awakening. You are a part of it, and all of us listening are a part of it. If we make that choice, your advice just now, just for creating and achieving your dreams, is also for us achieving the dream of that new Earth, that global awakening.
Change yourself, love your life, and watch the world transform.
When we make choices together, we can move the entire planet towards a planet of love. We can see it, work towards it, and take action to achieve it. It is possible for us to do it, I promise. It doesn't matter if a part of you thinks this is impossible or science fiction—forget about that. We know our power. If we can embrace what you're teaching, forget about how it's going to happen. It doesn't even matter. Make the choice right now, today, to be a part of this Global Awakening. You are a part of it, and all of us listening are a part of it. If we make that choice, it will be as simple as each of us making that choice, moving along this bridge of incidents to this new world. It will happen exactly one person at a time.
No one needs to think, "I'm going to go out and change the world." Change yourself, love your life—that's the biggest contribution you can make. When it comes to voting, go vote. Have your preferences, honor them, and celebrate the candidate you love without rejecting or resisting the other one. Without adding to the chaos out there, find your candidate, celebrate them, and do what you can as you're called to. If you're called to get more politically involved, do so. If not, you don't have to. Just find your light and start shining it. This will be the beginning of your happily ever after, even in the chaos we now see in the world.
I'll tell you what's going to happen in the election: the right candidate is going to win. When I say the right candidate, I'm not necessarily talking about the candidate you think is right. I have my own choice as well, and I hope my candidate wins. However, it might be the best thing for our civilization if the other candidate wins, which might bring about a greater acceleration in ways we can't fathom today to bring about that golden age. Celebrate your preference in terms of candidates. Go there, celebrate, be the light, live your life, and don't attach if your candidate doesn't get elected. That doesn't mean the best candidate got elected, but it will mean that the right candidate got elected for the learning, growth, and glory of the masses. Trust that the Universe isn't going to flub this one—it never has. Everything plays to a greater good, and this is how we can find peace in the political system as fraught with diversity as ours is today.
Don't take sides; just choose your candidate. Just like I taught an audience this morning: what's your favorite color? Is it orange? Does that mean green is bad? Are you all upset about green? The more you do that, the more you're going to get green. Celebrate your choice, and if green gets elected, so be it. I'm going to do my house in orange, live my life in orange, do things my way in orange, follow the love, be the light, and live my bliss. This way, you leave room for avoiding that spiral downwards into doom and gloom. Everything is happening for our greater good in ways we can't see. Just do the best you can, detach from what unfolds, and continue to do the best you can. You will be assured of your own heaven on Earth and will join those who move to the land of Good and Plenty.
Mike, thank you. Everybody needs to check out The Great Awakening, coming out on October 1st. There will be a link in the description and comments. We're going to have another interview where I'll get to talk to Mike and some of the channelers who were part of the book. I'm really excited about that. I've had the wonderful opportunity to interview S. Relle and Daniel Scranton, and I've read some of Daniel's amazing channelings which are in the book. This is something we all have to check out. It's important because when I type in The Great Awakening, I get political discussions that have tried to hijack this Great Awakening. We need to have this book to take back what The Great Awakening truly is.
The book releases on October 1st, which is about three and a half weeks away, but it can be pre-ordered at Amazon or pretty much any bookstore. Leave feedback when you buy it because it helps the book's visibility on Amazon. We want everybody to see this book when they're logging in. Thank you so much. We will talk again soon, Mike. Welcome to the reality revolution. Thank you so much, Brian. Keep doing your great work. Much love to everybody who attended and watched this program. We return you now to your local announcement.