Mengamuk || Kontrakan Rempong Episode 863

Sometimes, the people we connect with the most are the ones who challenge us the least.

Actually, I am very lazy. I passed by here, ah, there is Sondang too. Will her house be open later? I'm too lazy if she's there. Splash the road first, it's so dusty. Oh, she came out too.

"Hey, friend, where are you going? Don't greet me!" Ah, I'm always so lazy. "Yes, you're always like that, but are we going to be like this until the end of the world? What's wrong with you?"

Ah, trying to be friendly. "Wait a minute, pulling me, ow!" Ah, let go, let go! "You must miss me, that's why you passed by here." You're so full of yourself! "Who misses you? I'm just lazy to take a detour, that's why I passed by here."

"Well, you could walk from the front. Why go through here? It's closer to your house." You do miss me, don't you? "I'm lazy. Over there, there's a fierce dog."

"I'm lazy. I sat here. Why are you inviting me to sit here? We're not on the same wavelength."

"Where from? Let's see if we're not on the same frequency. Our powder is the same, our eyebrows are the same, even our lipstick is the same. What makes us different?"

"The landlord is the same, the richness is the same too. There's only one thing that makes us different. How come you're almost a widow? I'm not, how dare you say I'm almost a widow. No, I'm still single."

"Right, we're actually on the same wavelength. We should often exchange thoughts. We want to build a business together, right? Let's participate and brainstorm together."

"Yes, but you think? It doesn't have to be the same, I can be with your friends over there."

"Who are your friends? It's Lambri. I don't want to be with Lambri. Lambri's brain is slow. It doesn't develop, just the same. I want to be with you."

"I'm too lazy to talk to you. It's useless. Don't talk to me, I'm lazy."

"Alright then, don't be angry. If you're angry, your powder will fall. What color is this?"

"Yes, this ice. What ice? This ice, what ice? This ice, what ice? Your question is like ice water. Don't take this, it's not for you."

"Well, because you know, I'm alone here, that's why you gave it to me, right? Why are you drinking it? I already said it's not yours. Ah, don't be like that."


"Wow, it's rare for Sondang to ask for food. M, the soup is packed. But it's okay, I'll take a walk there. Since it's soup, one soup."

"Hey, sis, wait a moment. Sis, I'm packing the soup."

"Sondang, aren't you cooking?"

"Sis, I'm too lazy to cook. Maybe I'll just have your fried stuff. L, I'm very hungry."

"Oh, sis, haven't cooked yet. My fried stuff is still in the back. Just need to fry it. Do you want to wait?"

"But wait for this first. Deliver to Sondang's place. Why doesn't Sondang come here herself? Always need to be packed and delivered there."

"I don't know, sis. She asked to pack, it's unusual. So how's your shop? Will you close it when you deliver?"

"That's it, sis, because you're here. Please watch it. Wait, do I really want to stop? What if someone comes to buy, how can I ask them to wait, it's impossible."

"Just come with me to deliver. That's Sondang's place. You'll get tired, sis. But if you want, then let's go. Better than being here alone, like a crazy person waiting for you."

"Come on, now I remember. Sis, how's your rental business?"

"Smoothly running. It's good if it runs smoothly, so there's a plan to add more rentals."

"No, often. Last night, Julia came here. She offered her house to me. She said she wanted to sell it to you too."

"Why didn't you take it?"

"I don't have money."

"Why don't you have money? If you don't have it, borrow from me. I can lend you a lot of money."

"My money, why are you talking like that? Hah, unclear.

Kadang, lebih baik berbagi beban dan membangun bersama daripada berjuang sendirian.

Kakmu, tapi kalau misalnya kau mau, ya ayokah. Daripada di sini aku sendirian, kayak orang gila nungguin kau. Ayolah, teringatnya Kak, mana cerita kontrakanmu?
/ Your sister, but if you want to, let's go. Rather than being here alone, like a crazy person waiting for you. Come on, what's your story about the rental?

Lancar-lancar. Baguslah kalau lancar, kan jadi enggak ada niat-niat menambah kontrakan lagi. Enggak ada seringja, kan semalam itu Juli a datang kemari. Dia ditawarkannya rumahnya sama aku. Katanya mau dijolnya juga samamu, cuman kenapa enggak kau ambil?
/ Smooth-smooth. It's good if it's smooth, so there's no intention to add more rentals. Not often, because last night Juli came here. She offered her house to me. She said she wanted to sell it to you too, but why didn't you take it?

Enggak ada duitku. Kenapa enggak ada uangmu? Kalau enggak ada, knya wangu, kau pinjam sama aku. Bisa, aku pinjamkan dengan uang banyak-banyak. Kenapa kau ngomongin kayak gitu? Hah, enggak jelas kau ngomongnya. Aku bukan karena enggak ada uangnya mau beli itu, cuman memang enggak mau aja.
/ I don't have money. Why don't you have money? If not, I can lend you some. I can lend you a lot of money. Why are you talking like that? Hah, you're not clear in your speech. It's not that I don't have money to buy it, I just don't want to.

Kenapa enggak mau? Sayang kali, murah itu dijualnya. Kalau aku, enggak sainganku, kau udah kuambil itu. Karena katanya kan si Bard sudah kawarkan ini, enggak katanya, enggak mau. Aku takut, kita berantam. Rum itu banyak kali yang harus diovasi, malas aku nanti. Banyak kali biaya kau.
/ Why don't you want to? It's a shame, it's being sold cheaply. If it were me, and not my rival, I would've taken it. Because Bard has already offered it, he doesn't want it. I'm afraid we'll fight. That house needs a lot of renovation, I'm lazy. It'll cost a lot.

Adah k yang ngambil. Ha, biaya kau ngambil itu, mal aku. Banyak pasti k sana, iya kan? Sama l pemikiran kita, kenapa kita sama gitu ya? Kupikir-pikir kan, kalau misalnya beli itu, banyak kali biaya aku merenovasinya. Menimbunnya lagi, kan gede kali biayanya.
/ Someone else will take it. Ha, the cost for you to take it, I'm lazy. There must be a lot there, right? Our thoughts are the same, why are we like that? I thought about it, if I bought it, there would be a lot of costs for renovation. Filling it again would cost a lot.

Apa gini aja, ya? Kita bagi-bagi dua, kita bangun, kan kita buat rumahnya itu jadi tiga-tiga rumah gitu. Kan habis itu hasil rumah sewanya bagi dua. Kita betul juga sih, kayak yang kau bilang, tapi jangan sekarang lah, tahun depan aja. Kalau enggak, aku masih mau fokus sama kaanku yang lama-lama. Ada juga yang mau k renovasi soalnya.
/ How about this? We split it in two, we build it, and make the house into three houses. Then the rental income is split in two. That's right too, like you said, but not now, next year. Otherwise, I still want to focus on my old ones. There's also one that needs renovation.

Ya udahlah, kalau kayak gitu, kan kayak mana lagi dibilang? Enggak usahlah ku ambil dulu rumahnya itu, kan nanti sampai kau siap aja dulu. Eh, Kak, sama siapa ya? Sang itu sama si Bordir. Ah, enggak mungkin orang itu berdua-dua situ. Ti, kita tengok yuk. Aku pun kan ada kontrakanku di belakang sana, udah mulai rusak bangunannya. Udah-udah mulai harus di renovasi.
/ Well, if that's the case, how else can it be said? I won't take the house yet, until you're ready. Hey, who is that with? That's with Bordir. Ah, they wouldn't be together there. Ti, let's take a look. I also have a rental at the back, the building is starting to deteriorate. It really needs renovation.

Minummu ini apa ya? Kok agak pusing aku buatnya. Hah, betul kan Kak sama si Bordir kan? Ih, akrab kalian ya? Apa ini aja? N Hadah yang sok akrab. Aku mana ada akrab-akrab sama dia. Kayak gini kan kalian enak, adem, enggak berantam-berantam. Nyaman dunia ini rasanya.
/ What is this drink of yours? It makes me a bit dizzy making it. Hah, it's true Kak and Bordir, right? You guys are close, huh? Is this it? N Hadah is pretending to be close. I'm not close to him. Like this, you guys are good, calm, no fights. The world feels comfortable.

Ih, pandai kali Kak Bibir ini, ya. Bijak kali dia kalau ngomong. Udahlah, besok-besok kayak gini aja, jadi enggak heboh-heboh. Kalian berantam, enggak apa-apa. Tahu dunia kalau kalian itu enggak akrab. Iya kan, Mumu? Cuman ini aja, susah kali diajak akrab ini.
/ Ih, Kak Bibir is really smart, huh. He's very wise when he talks. Well, in the future, like this, so it's not noisy. You guys fight, it's okay. The world knows you're not close. Right, Mumu? It's just this, it's hard to be close to him.

Eh, itu mnya dua kan Kak Bibir? Apa gini aja, L? Kalau enggak, kan bagi-bagi dua aja kita. Itu kan can dua, aku sama kakakku, kalian bagi dua. Mau enggak? Lah, k aja lada. Aku enggak bisa lama-lama. Warungkutinggal itu, dengar dia, warnya tinggal.
/ Eh, that's two m's, right Kak Bibir? How about this, L? If not, let's split it in two. That's two cans, my sister and I, you guys split it. Want it? Well, I can't stay long. The warung is left, hear it, the color is left.

Ya udahlah, Ti, bukawanin kau yuk. Ih, janganlah gitu, kelen. Orang jarang-jarang pun kita ngumpul gini. Seedak kan nawarin, enggak enak l gitu. Nah, kalian, dengar yang dibilang si Mumu itu, enggak boleh kalian kayak gitu. Menorak rezeki namanya. Bentar, biar k ambil mangkok ke dalam, ya.
/ Well, Ti, let's accompany you. Ih, don't be like that, guys. We rarely gather like this. At least offer, it's not nice like that. Hey, you guys, listen to what Mumu said, don't be like that. It's called rejecting fortune. Hold on, let me get a bowl inside, okay.

Kak, apa kayak gitu? Sisang kayak gini enak, kaliah. Kalau makan, loh, kok sunyi? Kok enggak ada orangnya? Mana si Tati? Ti, ti. Oh, Ti, tempat Kak Tati lah. Minum es ada Kak Isay. Kak Isay, eh, sum, habis dari mana? Kau mau ke mana? Dari rumah mauerebek orang. Aku lama kali enggak bayar dia.
/ Sis, is it like that? It's nice like this, you guys. When eating, oh, why is it quiet? Why is there no one? Where is Tati? Ti, ti. Oh, Ti, at Kak Tati's place. There's iced drink with Kak Isay. Kak Isay, eh, sum, where have you been? Where are you going? From home, going to surprise someone. I haven't paid him in a long time.

Tati mana? Kak, enggak tahu aku. Entah ke mana dia. Si ditinggal-tinggalnya aja jualannya. Aku pun baru datang. Apa, dibakang dia? Katatii, udah kupanggilin juga, enggak nyaut. Dia yang kalau di belakang, enggak mungkin dia enggak nyaut. Entah ke mana anak ini. Piki, Iya Kak, itu kayak mana? L ini jualan dia, ini suka kali dia ninggal-ninggalin jualannya. Is ke mana lah si Tati nih?
/ Where's Tati? Sis, I don't know. I don't know where she is. She just leaves her stall. I just arrived too. What, behind her? I've called Tati, but she didn't respond. If she's in the back, it's unlikely she won't respond. Where could this child be? Piki, Yes Sis, how is that? L is her stall, she likes to leave her stall. Where did Tati go?

Udah kepengin kali loh aku makan mop. Eh, kok bisa buatin mop? Soalnya aku enggak pandai naruh-naruhnya. Pandai sih, Kak, aku pernah dulu bantuin dia jualan. Isum, buatinlah aku satu, enggak apa-apa lah kau.
/ I really want to eat mop. Eh, can you make mop? Because I'm not good at arranging it. I'm good, Sis, I used to help her sell. Isum, make me one, it's okay.

Sometimes, the chaos of life just needs a little laughter and teamwork to turn it around.


Where are you going? From home, I want to meet someone. I haven't paid him for a long time. Where's Tati? Sis, I don't know, I don't know where she is. Tati just leaves her stall like this. I've just arrived too, is she at the back? I called her, but she didn't answer. If she's at the back, she would usually answer. I don't know where this girl went, Piki.

/ Mau ke mana? Dari rumah mau merebek orang. Aku lama kali gak bayar dia. Tati mana? Kak, aku gak tahu, entah ke mana dia. Si Tati ini ditinggal-tinggalnya aja jualannya. Aku pun baru datang, apa di belakang dia? Katatii, udah kupanggilin juga gak nyaut. Dia yang kalau di belakang, enggak mungkin dia enggak nyaut. Entah ke mana anak ini, Piki.

Yeah, Sis, how's this selling? She often leaves her stall. Where did Tati go? I already really want to eat a mop. Eh, can you make a mop? Because I'm not good at arranging it. Actually, I can, Sis, I used to help her sell. Isum, make one for me, it's okay, you can take it yourself. Because I don't know either, instead of waiting for Tati, my stomach acid is rising. Just make it.

/ Iya, Kak, itu kayak mana l ini jualan? Dia ini suka kali ninggal-ninggalin jualannya. Ke mana lah si Tati nih? Udah kepengin kali loh aku makan mop. Eh, kok bisa buatin mop? Soalnya aku enggak pandai naruh-naruhnya. Pandai sih, Kak, aku pernah dulu bantuin dia jualan. Isum, buatinlah aku satu, enggak apa-apa lah, kau ambilin sendiri gitu. Soalnya aku enggak tahu juga, daripada aku nungguin Tati, naik asam lambungku. Udahlah, buatkan aja.

Alright, I'll make it. But if Tati gets mad later, you take responsibility. Yeah, it's my first time, Sis, tasting it. Sis, there's no way, I know the spices myself. What? It's tasty too. You don't want it? I don't want it? No, I don't want it.

/ Ya udahlah, aku buatkan. Tapi nanti kalau Tati marah, kau yang tanggung jawab. Ya, aku baru ini, Kak, ngerasainnya. Kak, iya gak mungkin lah, aku kan tahu sendiri kan bumbu-bumbunya. Apaan, enak juga kok. Gak mau? Aku apa gak mau? Sih, aku gak mau.

I'll eat the chicken then, look, you seem to enjoy it. People are close, there's no disaster in this world. Ocok, we are on the same frequency. If we are the same, nothing can separate us. The world is calm, just unite your strengths, build your business together. Boarding house or whatever, rental house. Right?

/ Aku inilah makan ayamnya, tengok kamu kayak gitu kan enak. Akrab orang itu ya, kan gak ada bencana di dunia ini. Ocok, kami kan sefrekuensi. Kita kalau kita ah sama, gak ada yang bisa memisahkan kita. Tenang dunia ini, udahlah. Ini kalian satukan aja kekuatan kalian, kalian bangun bisnis kalian sama-sama. Kos-kosan kek, apa kek, rumah sewa kek. Iya kan?

There, in front, there's land for sale. You buy that land, build an eight-story boarding house. Wow, amazing! Ken, I already told her, Sis, mouth. But she doesn't want to. If it were me, I would want it, but she says there are many reasons. Not me, I just had one piece, and you're already eating the meatballs. Look, eating again, there's still a lot of meatballs. C, I'm lazy to eat a lot. Later you might hypnotize me and I'll obey you.

/ Itu di depan, kan ada jual tanah. Kalian beli tanah itu, kalian bangun kos-kosan tingkat delapan. Wuh, heboh! Ken, pasti udah ku bilang itu sama dia, Kak, bibir. Tapi dia gak mau. Kalau aku mau kali, tapi katanya tadi banyak kali alasannya. Gak aku, aku baru sudahah satu biji baru kau makan baksonya. Lihat, makan lagi, ni masih banyak baksonya. C, malas aku banyak-banyak makan. Nanti kau hipnotis aku jadi nurut pula aku sama kamu.

Here's the misop, there's a lot of broth. You pour it until it overflows like that. Clean it up, sum, later Tati will get mad, and I'll be blamed. Oh well, it'll dry on its own. I'll make ice later, okay? If Tati gets mad at me, I won't accept it, I'm not involved. I mean, you did this, you spilled it. You know how Tati is when she gets mad. Her lips get big and wide when she does, do you want that?

/ Ini misopnya, banyak kali kuahnya. Kau taruh sambil bertumpah-tumpah kayak gitu. Kau bersihkan itu, sum, nanti marah pula si Tati, aku yang kena tuduh. Alah, udah lah, itu kering sendiri. Itu nanti ku bikin dulu es, ya. Kalau misalnya si Tati marah sama aku, enggak terima aku, ya, enggak ikut-ikutan. Aku orang, kau yang ngerjain ini kok, kau tumpahin. Ini kau tahu sendirilah si Tati tuh kalau marah kayak mana. Bibirnya kalau udah marah, besar lebar dikokopnya pun, kau mau?

Oh well, enough, Sis. Ah, seriously! Ih, Astagfirullahalazim, Sis, I'm sorry, it was unintentional. Lu, Sis, I stumbled. That's why if you have eyes, use them, lu. Sum, even a big chair like that you can bump into. Well, it was unintentional. I don't know who put these chairs here. Ah, you're making excuses again. It's been told, this is a stall, that's where the chairs are.

/ Halah, udahlah itu, Kak. Ah, ih, masaikan ah! Ih, Astagfirullahalazim, Kak, minta maaf aku, ya, gak sengaja. Lu, aku Kak terandung. Aku, makanya kau kalau punya mata dipakai, lu. Sum, kursi sebesar kayak gitu pun bisa kau tabrak kayak gitu. Ya, namanya gak sengaja. Entah siapa naruh kursi-kursi ini pula di sini. Ah, ngeles lagi kau. Dikasih tahu, yang namanya ini warung, yang kursi di situ.

Ah, seating. Ih, I really want to look at you. Yeah, Sis, it's like I'm watering. Earlier you were smart with your mouth, you poured water on me first. Look, Ti, your stall is messed up by Sumiati. Good, just left for a moment, clean this. No, clean it. Why me, sum, clean it. Sis, I don't, no, no, it's you. You pour, blame me. I'm going there, you block. You return it to me, you throw it at me. You clean it, I don't want to.

/ Ah, tempat duduk. Ih, gue mau sekali tengok kau. Ya, Kak, ini kayak saya nyiram. Aku tadi pintar kali mulut kau, kau yang aku siram, kau yang nyiram aku duluan. Kau tengok nih, Ti, warung kau diserain, diberantakin sama Sumiati. Bagus, baru ketinggal sebentar, bersihkan ini. Enggak, bersihkan. Kok aku pula, sum, lah yang bersihin. Kak, aku enggak, enggak, enggak, kau ya kaulah. Kau yang nyer-nyerain, nyama aku. Aku ke sana, kau siam. Aku kau balas dengan aku, kau lempar-lempar aku. Kau yang bersihin, gak mau aku.

You, you slap your mouth, yes, shut up. Clean it up, kansum. When it spilled earlier, clean it up. Still talking, Kelan, clean it up. No, clean it up. No, yes, yes, Ti. Come on, let's clean up.

/ Kau, kau sampar murut kau, ya, diap. Bersihkan tuh, kansum. Tadi waktu tumpah, bersihkan. Masih ngomong aja, Kelan, bersihkan. Enggak, bersihkan. Enggak, iya, iya, Ti. Ayolah kita bersihkan.

[Music] Sis. [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter]

/ [Musik] Kak. [Musik] [Tertawa] [Musik] [Tertawa]

Wow, you have money. If you don't have money, you have it with me. [Music] Money can't ket. [Music]

/ Wih, ada uangmu. Kalau gak ada uang, kau sama aku ada. [Musik] Uang gak bisa ket. [Musik]