Mario Odyssey's New Kaizo Mode is Insane

Mario Odyssey's New Kaizo Mode is Insane

Even when I'm sick, nothing can stop me from conquering Kaizo Mario Odyssey!

I'm sick, but that's not stopping me from playing kaiso Mario Odyssey. Apparently, they made every single moon in the game, all 880 moons, significantly more difficult to get. I don't know if I'm getting every moon, but if it's fun, we'll get to at least darker side. They changed the sky, and I assume there's no moons here to start. Of course, there's no bridge, and you need to jump across the signs. Easy start, easy start. I'm not even scared, chat. I ain't even scared. This is like so free. We do this every day; it's not even hard. We do parkour harder than that every day in hide-and-seek, man.

Alright, they removed the frogs, as I figured. I haven't done this jump in a while, but it's still easy. They added a million of these dudes. It's so funny. They do have a door here, but why is that there? Okay, so I guess you just have to make this fast. One, two, three. Okay, one, no, just keep jumping. Don't let it fall. Oh, don't let it fall down. Oh my god. We're going to be rich—800 coins.

They put the checkpoint up there. Wait, can I not just warp to the checkpoint? I can just ignore the obstacle. I assume there's some very difficult obstacle to get up there now, right? Because why would they put the checkpoint on the wall? No, no obstacles. I'm pretty sure I can just knock these off before the fight starts, and then I don't have to deal with them during the fight. Still an easy topper fight. Surprisingly easy to start. That's Kingdom one done, zero deaths.

I'm seeing some changes here. Wait, did they remove the dam? How do you get the first moon if there's no dam? Oh, I'm stupid. You just use the chain chomp. Wait, is there no chain chomp? They removed the chain chomp. There's got to be a dino somewhere or some way that we can do it, right? So we're just going to skip the first moon for now. Ah, this is how you do it. Does he just—he does. Okay, these hammers are more powerful than they look. Alright, different way to get the first moon. I assume there's just no way to break this open. I could use the hammer bro, actually. Chat, I don't need the hammer bro. Let's all be honest here.

Chat, they call me the Tyrone of Mario Odyssey. No, I didn't mean it. Do they? Okay, they call me the Monkey King of Super Mario Odyssey. That's a really deep cut that probably like two people got the reference of. He was the first person to beat Mario Odyssey. Where's the checkpoint? Oh, I have to dig it out, I bet. Let's go find it. Is it here? I think that may be the first time anyone has ever broken that from the top. I see the checkpoint. I found the checkpoint. It's right there. You can see it. It's waving right there. I just got to hit that checkpoint. Got it, got it. Fossil Fall Heights.

I see. Stupid. Wait, oh, he doesn't destroy them. I mean, it doesn't really matter if I just stand here. Can I just choose the fight? Now, I'm at the perfect trajectory. Oh my goodness, I have unlocked the easiest win of my life. Why do I speak? I mean, it's still the easiest win of my life. It's just with one more hit. You got a moon. We've done it. I'm pretty sure I just have enough moons to leave. How many moons do you need to get to dark side? 250 moons. So in every kingdom, we need to get double the amount you need to leave. So we're not leaving this kingdom till we have 10. Alright, let's get some moons.

=> 00:05:09

Conquering challenges one moon at a time!

Okay, they removed this one or moved this one. The fun part about this is going to be finding where they moved all the moons to. Ooh, a timer challenge! Aion, okay, but what about this timer challenge? Oh well, that's just evil, isn't it? Okay, I'm analyzing. No, okay, wait until it stops moving. Then, you cannot wait until it stops moving. No, washed, washed. Just because I didn't die for the first little bit, now I'm dying. Now I'll show you. Washed, I mean I showed you wash, did I not? Look at this, Chad. Huh, I bet you didn't see this. There, I got a moon. All right, my Eagle Eye is not washed. I was standing on it. I got it, we're good, chat. Now I need to not die. Okay, eight deaths for that Moon.

I guess I didn't get the moon in the eight-bit area. It looks like they didn't change it at all either. Ah, okay, no, they changed a little bit it seems. Oh my, you have to be short to get through here. No, no, I think if I just rush through this one, it'll be so much easier. Also, I can be a little baby and I can just grab this, and now we're guaranteed to get it. I didn't even need the life apart, dude. I did not even need it. I'm surprised there were no kaiso blocks. Can you try the chain chomp pipe? Okay, I will get one moon from the chain chomp pipe, but chat, this one is just too easy not to get. Yeah, this one is just the other one but easier now that I actually have Cappy. I can save myself. Hey, where's the chain chomp pipe? There's supposed to be a pipe here. It's under there. I don't think it is under, under where? I think that's in a different area of the Kingdom now.

How is that possible? I know how to get that. I know how to get that. How do you get the Gushen up there while keeping the waterfall? It does not refill. I'm just going to have to be very deliberate in all of my motions, like walking with the Gushen, I believe, does not use water. So then we'll go up forwards. Okay, now we'll get on top of the pipe and this might refill my water. It does. Then we go up with the Gushen and we made it up to the ledge. Okay, there you go. We have five, we can leave. Okay, on to Sand Kingdom. Is that moon like half out of bounds? Buy a moon, they said. Every moon is more difficult. Does it just cost a thousand coins? I guess it's harder in a way. It's too expensive for me, chat.

Wait, what is this? Lost in the Cauliflower? I don't think that is that. There's some easy moons here, nothing too bad. Like I'm pretty sure I can just grab this, right? Yeah, all right. First order of business, getting up to the top of that tower. You need to climb the tower from the outside. I've never done this before. I don't even know how to do this. I'm pretty sure you need to like jump up on tiny slivers to get up. Yeah, all we need to do is make it that high. Oh, if it just grabbed the wall there, we had that. That was perfect. I'm not, chat, stop saying CRC. I'm not using two-player mode. Wait, I might be able to grab the checkpoint. The checkpoint is right there. If I can get Cappy onto that, we have a chance. All I need is a really good up throw. They may have put it just out of reach, but I have longer arms than them. Okay, no, I think they have really long arms. They have like big monkey arms. Gosh, that was close.

I have been here for 20 minutes trying to get up this freaking tower. Oh, it was close. I got it. Oh my God, I got it. Okay, oh, that was the tech. You have to dive into that random spot. Finally, man. Okay, Moon shards in the sand. Let's go grab some Moon shards, baby. Let's go. They just removed all the invisible bridges. You just have to do stuff like this. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. The moon shards over there, I see. You got to hit all these instead, get that little secret. They removed the elevator, I see. I didn't need it anyways.

=> 00:10:03

Finally figured out the secret to getting those Moon shards—dive into that random spot!

This is what we're going to do. We're going to go—that's the wrong way. All right, we're getting another Moon. There's clearly a moon in here still, right? You guys didn't make this one much harder, did you? That was close. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. This is insane. I have been here for 20 minutes trying to get up this freaking tower. It was close, but I finally got it. You have to dive into that random spot. Finally, man! Moon shards in the sand—let's go grab some Moon shards, baby. They just removed all the invisible bridges, so you have to do stuff like this. Yeah, yeah, yeah, the moon shards are over there. I see you got to hit all these instead to get that little secret. They removed the elevator, but I didn't need it anyway.

Then, do this and then that, and I get the shard on the first try. Oh wait, these coins suggest that there is a shard down there. Got it! One more now. Do you think I hit the cactuses to make it appear? It's pointing to the cactus. Do I think that's correct? No. Will I do it? Okay, it was in the cactus. Fair enough, that's exactly where it was. To the inverted pyramid—let's go.

You know what these blocks are here for, chat? It's so you can't clip into the door. They make you Bullet Bill jump and actually do some 2D platforming for once. I am so certainly dead, man. I am not this good at it. Oh, okay, I think all we need to do is just have more horizontal momentum. Seriously, what is this? Just guaranteed damage? No, it's not. Wow, okay, look at that thing go. Oh my God, just let me in. You can't wall jump again. Okay, I'm doing it with a Bullet Bill. Who cares? They removed the moon. I did all that for nothing. There's no way it's on the other side. It's probably up. It's there, I see it. It is up in that corner. All we got to do is jump up here and then there's the moon.

They forgot to change the camera for that one. I see what's going on here. Okay, let's make sure she doesn't hit any of these things and bop—new boss fight. As long as you don't mess up, this fight is exactly the same as the normal game. But if I hit even one of those, this fight is a constant mess of lasers. Do we think the tech fight will be that much more difficult? They spread out the Goombas a lot more. I don't need no freaking Goombas. I said I don't need you, get out of here.

Alright, here's what's going to happen. I'm going to vault, we're going to go here, and land on... I'm not going to kill these guys. Maybe it was bad karma. Alright, this is what I was trying to do and now I can just jump over to the moon. Okay, yeah, yeah, you know where they moved the moon to? Yeah, you see that chest over there? That's where the moon is. Can I get it first try? Apparently not. Oh, first try. This is my first real try, by the way. There we go, got the moon.

This fight seems okay. Wait, did a Bullet Bill just activate one? Oh gosh, they had a Bullet Bill auto-activate them. Okay, this is not going to be alright. So I guess the entirety of the fight will be fought on this edge because I ain't dealing with that. Okay, good, because I might just get hit right now. No? Okay, yep, that's cool. Here we go. Now, as long as these explosions don't kill me right at the end of the fight, we're fine. I got it. I feel like I should have got hit there, but I'm not going to question it.

=> 00:15:24

Mastering Mario's toughest challenges, one trick jump at a time!

I said we need 32 moons to leave. We have 18 now. Timer's probably just insanely short. Yeah, okay, timer's just really short. No problem. Is it hard yet? I know I'm excited to play. Got it. What? It's that last not... Dude, it stole my jump. I'm getting it anyways. Yes! Huh, okay, there it is. It spawns in the middle even though the tree took my jump. This guy, do you have him? Escape. Oh, I bet they moved the fish over here, didn't they? Yeah, there they are. There we go, we got the moon. You know what, let's go into the Jaxi sub-area. Really? Wait, that works? You can use Latu to break that crate? Yo, what is this? Why do you need to go back with Jaxi? Does the notes moon spawn at the start? I'm almost certain you get to the end and then you have to go all the way back. There are so many notes. You know I'm going to run out of time too, right? No, no, really, this feels like good pace. That's so strict. Good, I'm just going to go back. Oh, we got to be a freaking Jaxi pro, dude. Good, clean turn. Turn harder. Okay, we're good. Shar, right. Oh, it's fine. We make these, we make these. Come on. Oh, with like 10 minutes left. Okay, no, they spawn the moon here. I thought they made us go back, but we got it. Jaxi sun driving is done.

Alright, I'm going to gra on this and it's going to give me a single coin, I bet. I read you like a book. Like a damn... Wait, what the heck is a cage doing here? Chat, I'm not going to gay clip. They said no glitches. What's gay clip? I think you already know. I have a better idea. This Bullet Bill might reach. Let's find out. Yeah, I think that's what we're supposed to do. I guess this one is a little higher. I bet this works. We have it go up over this bump. Oh my God, wait, did that work? That was it. You know what, let's do this Moon cave. The ice cave, isn't that only possible in two-player mode with like insane trick jump tech? Oh no, they, oh my God, they made it slightly higher. I guess I could just long jump. That would probably be faster, right? Oh, I got it. You want me to do SN. Ah, that is so mean. That is, you are so mean. Fortunately, I know everything about the game, so this will be very easy.

What do the digits in the ID of Super Mario Maker 2 level Super Tony World add up to? I said I know everything about this game. Okay, nine was easy. If you're flying through the desert and your boat gets a flat tire, what should you have in your pockets? I'm not doing a random question. Oh my God, there is so much going on in here. I'm out of here, man. Let's leave. On to Lake Kingdom. You know there's a moon up there, right? There's no moon up there. You added notes, you psycho. What? Oh, you don't need to go up. They're all in the zippers. They are hidden in the zippers almost certainly, but you don't need to wall jump all the way up. This is actually a lot easier because there's nothing in here. So what is the reason to have that there? Just for the notes? Well, let's check behind here, actually. Yeah, yeah, look at that. Look at that. Did I call it or did I call it? That's all of them. There we go, there we go. I had to be dead silent to get that notes moon. Man, let's go fight the boss.

=> 00:20:46

Trick jumps and secret moons make gaming a wild ride!

This is evil. I'm just like, what? What the hell is this? This is evil. This is evil. I mean, I can do it. It should be free though. Check it out. Okay, I just got him right in the perfect spot. I landed on his head. Got him. Easy fight. This is hard enough that I just got to go fully silent to focus. Yeah, okay, fair enough. Why is the painting on the wall? The painting's on the wall because you got to go up the hard way. Oh, you have to go up the really hard way. Okay, you have to go up like this, like jump up like that. I can't remember the way to do this, I'm going to be honest. It's definitely not like that. The timer challenge is up there. It's trick jumping time. Alright, I'm actually going to go into trick jump mode. You didn't see anything. I'm going into trick jump mode. I suck at trick jumping. That was yesterday. Oh, I got it. I was too busy thinking about how I needed to call my grandpa. I bet this P switch unlocks a moon. In a way, it unlocked a fifth of a moon.

Let's do a sub area though. A lot of people want the zipper room. Yes, oh my God, is it only zippers? This actually doesn't seem so bad now that I'm in it. Does this go in or out? Wait, this might kill me. Yeah, where are we going from the end of this zipper? I think I do need to knock that one down at the very least. Okay, and then with this one, I never actually need to zip it. Jump across here. Oh wait, have I screwed myself? No, because all you need to do now is just go along the wall. Yeah, and then you go up to this corner, you pop off at the top, and then you get the moon. Wait, where's the hidden Moon though? No, my input just dropped. I swear I just did all that crazy movement and then it killed me.

How did I miss that dive? That was like the most turn-your-brain-off-get-the-moon situation and it just didn't do anything. I'm pretty sure what I have to do is get to that zipper over there. Okay, okay, well I see the moon and I see the pipe, so all I need to do is just line myself up. I think I'm above it. Yeah, cool. Alright, now we jump to the right and honestly, I got both moons. I don't even need to go into the pipe; I can just warp out. Three more moons before I can leave now, so let's get two in here. I already know where the secret moon is going to be. They've removed one of the flowers. I'm going to deliberately damage boost here. Too much damage. Okay, cool. So now that I took damage, I can just skip right to the end. Yay!

Alright, so I don't see a moon here exactly as expected. Because, okay, this never goes up. I actually needed to do that skip. Wait, that was necessary? That's crazy. Anyways, the first moon's going to be here, easy as can be. Oh, and then the second moon's over there. Okay, okay, I got it. This is the way. Oh wow, that's really not so bad. One more moon left. I'm only missing a few shards. Let's go find the rest of them. I think one of them is still just in the original spot and there's just an insane amount of obstacles now. Oh well, I guess we're not getting the moonshard. See you idiots, I'm out of here. On to Wooded Kingdom.

Okay, what's different in Wooded? Is there anything obvious immediately? The piranha plant isn't there. How many do we need? 32 again. Okay, wait, wait, wait, chat. There's something that's very important that I need to do right now: my cool hat. Okay, okay, oh my God, there are Fire Bros in The Odyssey. Let me out of here. Okay, what are we doing with this little guy? There is a huge elevator here for some reason. Why?

=> 00:25:16

Mastering the game is all about knowing the tricks and patterns, not just brute force.

Oh wait, is that the piranha plant down there that I needed to kill? I don't know why I brought an uproot though. I guess I'll jump on him. How much you want to bet the cage does not get destroyed? Oh, it does get destroyed! Oh, but there's no P switch. Yeah, you have to do Flower Road Skip of course. One, two, three. I am so washed up, man. It's not a difficult jump. If you guys don't know what that's for, you haven't played the game as much as me. After you beat the boss in this Kingdom, there's a cap person that's like, 'Hey, come bring me an uproot.' That's to bring an uproot through. That's so evil. I'm going to love this boss fight. Spirit is always free in every version of this game. Yeah, I just clear one away and now the boss fight's done. There is no way to make the spew fight difficult.

I'm doing the sub area now. Now, the great thing about fog is that I can get rid of it. Okay, so there's a nut right there. They removed all the paradas, fun, but I can just down throw and home in on this, can't I? My camera centered and it changed the angle and I died. Why, hello, I'm going to have to explore a little more here clearly because Cappy just does not want to reach. I genuinely have no idea how I'm supposed to hit that. Okay, there's a Shard there. How do I get out of here now, man? You don't get out of here. I will. Okay, so I didn't get out of there, but I'm going to just take a look around. Okay, there's one there. I think in the normal game what you do is you down throw here and then you walk forwards, but it seems like that's not going to be the case. It's right here, what the heck? There we go, okay, I got it. I have no idea how you're supposed to get the nut Moon and then like get out because like I have tried to. Okay, Cappy, go off. I guess you feel like hitting it now, sure. Oh, Cappy came out. I'm dead. Oh my God, it's just right here. It's so easy, it's just here.

I guess it's boss fight time. Is this going to be the first boss fight that's difficult? I guess not. Maybe I'll give it one chance. Wait, are these shapes different than what they're supposed to be? Wait, you made some of them asymmetrical so it's harder to see the bulb. I just noticed. Yeah. Ah, they got me. Chat, wait, what? This is so low to the ground that I can't hit it. The block is so low that I have to manually get out, destroy that block, and then get back in. Oh, fight's done. I beat it. So now we got to go find some moons. This one might be a little bit difficult, maybe not. They removed Cappy and there's moon gravity. What? I think it's just to mess with your muscle memory. That has to be it, right? This is so silly. All right, this maze is going to be more difficult, I assume. Right, they put the nut on the outside of the maze. They made this one a little, a little bit longer than not out of the red. Ooh, you know what? Let's go get the rest of them in Deep Woods. I'll have to bring something back here.

Whoa, what is going on? The game is laggier than it's ever been. I'm stuck in a void of lava. Okay, let's explore a little bit then. Ooh, nice. Hey big guy, come here. Agile little fell. Can the dino walk upstairs? It can. It kind of can walk up the stairs. Let's go in here and there's going to be just a million chests. Either that or the three chest is going to be so hard to reach. Suck at loser, get freaking owned, dude. All right, number one. Then we go back here and we go two, and then we go three.

=> 00:30:36

I don't need a guide, I've memorized every hidden secret in this game!

Number one, then we go back here and we go two, and then we go three. Music plays Ten, one, two. What's the other side? All right, you know what chat, I'm going to do it without the picture. You guys keep accusing me of cheating. I'm not even going to use the picture. We're going to sit here until I don't need it. Seriously, I knew the pattern too; it opened both chests. I know the order of every single one of these chests. I don't even need to think about it. See? See? Uh-huh. See, I don't need the picture. I didn't even need to think about it.

What other moons are around here? Oh, pick a pipe. There are a million of them, but Mario always looks at the right one. It's this one. See what's over there? I really could use a life-up heart to get over there for sure. Chat, did you know if you crouch here and do nothing, then the dino will hurt itself? You were scared, weren't you? I don't know if the dino can walk on lava, so we're going to find out. Ouch. I would bet that there is a moon on the hidden block or related to the hidden block. Oh, I was totally right. Yeah, this is one of the most well-hidden blocks in all of Mario. The block is up on this tree, and there it is. I think that's all of the easy moons in Deep Woods.

How do you think this path is going to go? Did they make this any different? Oh, they hid a nut in here. This is where they moved the nut to. I mean, it's slightly more difficult, but nut in the tight passageway—that's me with your... We got to cut that out of the YouTube video. Let's do the sub-area. They got rid of the uproot. Okay, this is evil. How is that even possible? I'm just afraid of falling to my death. Okay, no, that's definitely doable. Okay, cuz I got it. They put nut around the corner on nut around the ceiling. No, they just put it further around the corner. Okay, okay. Hey, nut around the corner, and that's 32. We can leave.

On the Cloud Kingdom, the sky is so dark here. The arena doesn't seem to be changed at all. No, wait, never mind, there are clouds in the sky. Does Bowser land on those Cloud platforms? Oh, that's cool. Wait, let's start this. You are not on one of your circles, sir. Yeah, he just lands on them. I haven't done this strat in so long. I may have cheesed the fight. I think I cheesed it a little bit. This is really cool though. All I need to do is get him to jump onto the floor. Ouch. Where are you? Oh, I punched him down. Let's go. Fight's over.

Now we're stuck in Lost Kingdom. I'm pretty sure there's only 18 moons in this kingdom total, so we may have to leave and then come back, but let's look for some moons. Did they remove klepto skip? Maybe. Wait, did they remove klepto? If klepto is gone, that means there's never any music in this kingdom. Editor, put on some Lost Kingdom music. Do they still have the moon here? These platforms are spinning way faster. Okay, it seems they have removed the moon. Do these just get faster? Oh my God. It's okay, chat. I won't have any problem with this because I'm goated. Told you. All I need to do is get to the top of this. It's not so bad, right? Oh yeah, that wasn't so bad at all.

=> 00:35:41

Mastering tricky jumps and tight timers in Mario Odyssey is all about persistence and practice!

Wait, there's a moon just chilling right here. Is it just the freest moon I've ever seen? What the heck. Okay, have you checked behind the Odyssey? No. Have you checked under the Odyssey? You know what, I'll go check under the Odyssey for you because I'm in such a good mood. Oh my, there is one under the Odyssey. Fair enough. Oh, this one is a little bit trickier, isn't it? Boing, boing, boing, and then it's not over yet. Boom, how we warp out. Wait, there's a little platform over there. What do you think that's for? A ground pound Moon, you think? Maybe. Oh well, let's go get this Moon over here because this one should be pretty easy. This one, all you need to do is get a little below maybe to this first line, right? And then you jump off, you cap jump, and then you dive. There we go, chat, that's how it's done.

Who do I have to fling myself? Look at how fast that one spins. One more rotation, go. Okay, this one you do like eight rotations. Okay, there's flowers in here, I imagine. Does this not spawn a moon anymore? Oh, this is a timer challenge. There's a flower missing. You have to go out here and make it to here before they all go away, like that, and then the moon spawns. All right, that one really wasn't so bad. Okay, this is just a really tight timer, I assume.

Okay, so they're evil. You have to do this. Oh no, ah, I just want him to grab that. Oh, he was almost high enough. He was high enough, come on. There we go. I swear I saw a butterfly right here before. Yeah, yeah, that's what I thought. To be able to hit that, chat, I'm pretty sure what you need to do is you need to be standing on the Block and this needs to hit you. So you basically need to do a cage triple, which was actually the one trick that I refused to learn when I was speedrunning this game. Apparently, it's not so bad though. I kind of impressed myself a little bit there. That was a trick I think I tried for like 30-45 minutes when I was speedrunning the game. I couldn't get it once.

Hide-and-seek has 100% helped my movement for sure. Where, if I were a moonshard, where would I be hidden? Let's see, is there anything underneath this? Oh no, there's a moonshard. Okay, we found a moonshard, easy as can be. Nice. Oh, there's a moonshard. They really hid these probably just like in some... Oh wait, I see it, I see it, I see it. And a simple down throw to collect the moon. There is one Moon that I know. This Moon, you normally need a wiggler to do it. Unfortunately, they removed the wigglers, so we're going to die a lot doing this because we'll need to jump.

Yeah, chat, you cannot collect keys with Cappy. You have to touch Mario. Can you do the same trick with the globe on the Odyssey? Oh, wait a minute, you might be on to something. There is a trick. Oh no, I accidentally put it on. The Odyssey is repaired, but unfortunately, I can't leave yet because I need to. It forced me to leave. No, I'm going back. I'm getting my four more moons, chat. The second time you visit this, there's more moons to get. Oh, there's a rabbit here now. This should be easy. Literally, all you do is you stand here and you spin throw, and you close your eyes and you walk in a straight line. My eyes are definitely closed.

=> 00:40:24

Finding hidden secrets in games can be a wild ride, but sometimes the simplest tricks are the most satisfying.

This Moon might be impossible. I don't think I've ever gotten this one without a wiggler, to be for real. Yeah, I don't think hitting them actually slows it down in this. Doesn't matter, I got it anyways. Wait, what are you? Please buy something, my family depends on it. Okay, 10,000 for the maximum coin limit is 99,999. You can't even buy it. I feel like some of these moons have just been removed. Wait, yeah, there's usually a ground pound moon right around here. Oh, there it is. Did they make it impossible to get? No, okay, under the wrecked Rock block. I need one more Moon, and I mean there's only one more moon to get, I'm fairly sure, and that's this key Moon. Ask Takatu in case there's another Moon. Oh true, that's a good idea. I forgot about Takatu. Twist and Turn Up treasure, that's the key moon on the far away tree. I mean, that's the far away tree I assume, but there's nothing there. Oh no, wait, I tried to get to this tree but then I died, right? I bet it's just like a random ground pound moon. No, maybe it means a tree with leaves, but where is a far away tree? That one? Oh my go, it's just right there. Okay, uh, free. Dude, there we go, and that's all the moons I need to leave. Screw the key Moon, we'll get it another time. I'm going to Metro Kingdom. We do have to get 40 moons in Metro before I'm allowing myself to leave.

So why is your camera zoomed in? I'm trying a different camera angle. Let's go down the... wait, you have to do the jump. Real useful Wire, yeah, but uh, it's no problem. But this jump is impossible. I know, right? Look how impossible that was. You think they removed the Skip in night Metro? They just covered it in cars. Seriously, they took away the speedrun Skip and the real difficulty is just going through it normally. Oh no, I mean we have to, right? So the thing with these is that if you just stand in the middle of them, they can't hurt you because the middles don't move. So if you just always aim for the middle, you're fine. Okay, now we just need to get the moon. Mario, you're in a little bit of an awkward position here. Okay, Cappy, I need you to come back immediately. Okay, that was a little scary, what the heck. Alright, this shouldn't be bad. All you need to do is time a ground pound roll. Oh, not timed well enough. Whatever, I'll just damage boost unlike that Banjo-Kazooie level. Like every Nintendo 64 game ever, every Nintendo 64 game has a small tunnel with spinning blades in it. It's like a rule that they had.

You think these stairs are normal or you think they plugged them? Really, they didn't plug them? Oh, they did remove this wire though. They didn't remove it, they just put a block on it. In that case, I assume we're supposed to go up through there, do a silly little trick jump which I think shouldn't be too bad. I believe this jump is possible. They made it a little bit more difficult. I swear these aren't usually this tall, but I mean we made it so okay. It instantly collapses. Uh-huh, yeah, we're fine. It appears they've removed all permanent PL. Huh, okay, this area is like a pseudo 2D section where sometimes Cappy and Mario will not dive in the direction you're facing. They'll instead dive in a different direction. It's one of those weird, almost 2D areas and it's freaking me out, dude. It looks like we're going this way. Okay, please come back, please come back, please come back. Okay, one, two, three. Uh-huh, is that even possible? One, two, three. It is. Where am I going? Where am I going? Where am I going? Okay, those blocks over there, I guess. Yeah, one more jump and I'll make this. I don't know where I'm going, but I'll make it. Okay, okay, I need the platform to come back. => 00:45:14

Sometimes you have to take a leap and fail to figure out the right way forward.

Thank you. Good, nailed it. I bet I can make this jump. Oh, they force you to make it. Okay, there's just nothing there. Do you think they disconnected this wire? They should have, right? Why is there a wiggler and where is the boss? The wiggler is the boss. I mean, I could kill the wiggler, but I think I can just walk off into the street here. I highly doubt that this is what it is. Chat, that's what it was. You had to kill a regular wiggler. I don't know if that was any harder than the boss fight. New Donk City's pest problem for little explanation—the Mecha Wiggler breaks on the newer editors, so that was necessary to add. Oh, I see, a fresh start for the city. I didn't notice any major changes, oh, never mind, except for that giant post that goes into the sky.

How do you get this nut down there? Is it possible to throw it that far? Yeah, that's not even close. I think we have to jump most of the way and then toss it with a motion control jump and then still survive. Okay, we're jumping. So, the seed survived, but I did not. But I think that's the way. The seed survived, but I did not. Explains the circle of life. It's so quiet here. We need to hear the... no... oh yes, saved! I didn't die. Okay, we survived, but the nut did not. Now we just need to combine the two. Oh, okay, I made that with room. Dude, we'll come back in 20 minutes. Let's go do some... jump. You'll never hit 30 jumps. Yeah, I probably won't either because apparently it's gone. This is so funny. They didn't make this any harder; they just moved the moon into the ground so you have to use the car. Never mind, they put the door on the back now. It's intended.

Let's talk to this lady. Why is the camera like this? Find four musicians. I mean, I can do that. They didn't move them into particularly difficult places. They moved this guy like 20 feet over. All right, another easy one. There's one over there. Let's go to this building. Fortunately, they just show you on the map. What is this tiny golden... oh, is that a check? Y Trumpeter on board, one more. I assume that—no, wait—they didn't remove the wire. That surprises me. They didn't make this guy... oh, I was about to say they didn't make this guy any more difficult. I was wrong. They made him a... they added some tanks. All right, Festival time. That looks the same. Maybe there's a couple more barrels. Okay, they added more barrels. Do they come in waves? They do come in waves. All right, I can make this work then. Five, six, seven, eight, and then there's a gap. They didn't even remove the hearts. Oh, okay, this game is easy. This is way easier than Lost Kingdom. Okay, one, two... oh, they added kaizo blocks. I mean, it is a kaizo hack, so fair enough.

Okay, a little bit of... seriously? Seriously, this is going to be... you just get even slightly close to those barrels, and they hurt you. Two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Come on, give me a break. Give me a break. Okay, we're fine. That barrel is probably fairly hot. I guess it is flaming oil, but like, I could touch a flaming oil barrel for a fraction of a second and not burn my hand. Okay, all right, I'm just going to damage boost through this. Yeah, I'm almost certainly going to take damage immediately on the barrel, so we're just going to use that to get out. Cool. Now, now, now, now, damage boosting. No, no, I feel like I just have to damage boost. Yeah, I guess we're just going to have to wing it. I know I need to go to the right here and then I assume to the left and I assume back to the right. Okay, these barrels are a lot faster. I think that honestly might make them easier to dodge because you don't need to jump for as long with precise timing. Oh, come on, dude. Nice. I think that ending sequence might have been easier. What do I have to physically get over there? Can you make it up to the top of that building in this sequence? Oh, you totally can. Yeah, they added all of those little things. Let's go. There it is. I never even considered that. That's so funny.

Okay, we need to get higher up. How do we get higher up? Do you think I can jump on... I really don't trust these beams. Yep, but I saved it. It's time to go up, baby. Boom! Okay, there's one jump. Backflip.

=> 00:50:20

Mastering parkour in games is all about precise timing and never giving up!

=> 00:55:45

Nailing that moon jump on the first try feels like conquering the world!

Hear it, and that's a moon timer challenge. Whoa, okay, this one's easy. Oh, he keeps going. Oh, okay, never mind. Oh, oh, I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm so dead. H. Okay, we'll do this, and we got it. Okay, oh, well, there's a moon by the cafe. If this Moon kills me, it's because the... Oh, hey, Captain Toad. I mean, I'm fine with that. How you doing, Captain Toad? Oh my God, they killed the manhole cover. Oh, that's brutal. Let's do the sub area. Did they just make the timer insanely short? They just made the timer insanely short. Okay, I mean, I can do that. Leave Cappy behind a little bit and shake while you're halfway down. It's no problem. Chad, look at this. There we go. Yeah, look at that. Look at that. I was locked in, and we got the moon.

Let's do another sub area. Okay, well, there is a moon over there. Did they forget this sub area, or maybe they force you to do this jump? But I just do that jump so often that it doesn't matter. Oh yeah, they just force you to do that jump, don't they? The pole is just sitting... No, oh no. Oh, you have to go all the way up. Okay, it does go down and up, but you get like a fraction of a second cap jump up it. I think it only moves when you're looking at it. Can you try stalling on the wall? No, since it's like a pseudo 2D area, it doesn't let you grab the wall. There we go, there we go, we got it. Okay, I mean, I know where the Moon is. It's right there. You have to go to that platform that's lower over there. This is evil. I guess I got to get trick jumping mode out, and now guess what? We have to go all the way back around.

I think we were close. We were close. We were close. Now that I know what sequence needs to be pressed, I got it. Dude, I was close. He says 2 hours before getting the moon. I'll have you know this will not take 2 hours. YouTube viewers, take note of the timer and look at it when I get the moon. Alright, you'll see that it was like barely a couple of minutes maybe. Check this out. Look at that. It was the next attempt, not even a minute, not even 60 seconds. Vaulting up a highrise. This is kind of a fun one. They moved the trash up a little bit, so you have to, I assume, do a vault here. Oh, almost first try. How did they take out that trash? They got skills. Alright, there's a reason why garbage men are paid so well, 'cause sometimes they got to deal with this kind of stuff. Oh yeah, second try.

Slots, love slots. Let's go do slots. Oh, that's evil. They made their own randomizer. Oh wait, never mind. I got lucky, baby. This game is so free. Ooh, okay, I did it. That's a miracle that that made it through there. I'm going to try the dino sub area. I want to try it. Oh, they just removed the scooter. You start on the side, wait until the dino tracks you, and you go to the middle, and then you lose. Okay, okay, I got one moon at least. I got one Moon. That was a miracle that I got that Moon. I was just winging it. Let's go get another moon for now. What is over there that's new? You think I fly Lakitu over there? There's no way. I'll try it. Use the bike? You think the bike would 100% just die. Oh, there's a key. Oh, that's a tough one actually. Wait, wait a minute. Okay, I need to somehow make it back after grabbing the key.

=> 01:01:12

Master the glitches and soar to the Moon!

Sacrifice the bike and you do a cap jump. You want to Yoshi the bike? Yeah, we're Yoshi the bike. It's a weird verb. I'm going to try and start with the bike higher up. We'll start with the bike up here. Yeah, I don't think that gets far enough. Use the wiggler. The wiggler isn't there; it doesn't respawn. Chat, it's dead. It's back. Okay, I don't think the wiggler works. The city's pest problem for what? You just need to despawn it. You can just uncapture it, and it dies. I didn't need to jump it off the edge of the Kingdom. I don't know if I would be able to capture the wiggler like that. Ah, and now the wiggler dies, and we have to warp to reset that all up again. I'll try recapturing the wiggler. The what? The wiggler. I said the wiggler. I don't know what you guys are talking about. I'm sticking out my cap for the wiggler, ripping my eyes out, chat. I'm sticking out my cap for the wiggler. It's so Wiggly, it's so OD to see. I have got to get out of here.

I think if I just get a really clean long jump, we just make it. Dude, come on. There we go, finally. I got the key, and then I just long jump to the Moon. There we go. Are there any other cool sub-areas worth going to? Oh, there is actually, yeah. I'm going down here. Okay, there's some Moon shards. It's up there, isn't it? I'm pretty sure you can just like... yeah, these have misaligned edges. Wait, none of these are actually rotating when I hit them. Oh, you actually have to do the glitches. You do actually have to know about it. Okay, so I got the moon. I don't think we need to get atop the bricks; there's no moon unless I'm missing something. Oh, so they're evil. Evil. I cannot remember how to get up here. I can just watch how I did it four years ago. Close. The pipe is visually a lot lower than it actually is, so the jump is harder than it looks. Yeah, we have to think of the pipe as a square box. Okay, it didn't touch the wall, and then it just killed me. All right, you're Edge tripling, which is losing some height. What is Edge tripling? Is The Edge lower in this area? It is. Oh, I'm familiar with triple edging, but what is Edge tripling?

Does anyone have like a laser that destroys the world? Because now I have to include that in the YouTube video, like just blow up the planet Earth. Does anyone have one of those? How am I going to reach this Moon? The camera also just really sucks. I genuinely have no idea what happened there. I actually have no clue why it just did that, and now I need to do the jump again. Use the Ultimate Weapon Captain Toad music, chat. You cannot change the music until you beat the game. There's no music selection. I could try whistling hum Darude Sandstorm. I'm just breathing in and out as quickly as I can. Slider theme. I got it. That worked. Thank you, Jet, and we live. All right, four more moons. Are there any sub-areas I've missed? I guess there's this one. I guess there's this one. Mario, you're embarrassing me in front of my friends. I'm trying to show off like a sick trick. Thank you, jeez. I just don't want to put on the stupid outfit. They removed the wires.

=> 01:06:12

When in doubt, trust the AI for hidden game secrets!

Every time I see the wire capture over here, I wonder if it does anything. Oh, it gives me the moon, fantastic! I see a moon shard down there, but how are you supposed to get that and then stay alive? Uh-oh, I'm dead. Or not, I could just grab this and die. So worst case, I just die. Mario touched the wall, so it took my cap jump, but I'm dead. That stole my cap jump, and I'm dead again. Actually, wow, or not, I made that with a C-turn jump instead. That's crazy, dude.

There's one shard there. I'm just going to jump over here and grab this one real quick. I assume there's one past this end platform. Yeah, there it is. So we're missing one now. Anyone have any ideas as to where it could be? I assume it's just like in the fog, right? It's directly beneath you if you fall straight down. I am almost certain that there is nothing down there. Why do I listen to you? Why did I listen at all? There is actually nothing down here. Huh, well, there is a little bit down here actually. Wait a minute, do we see any shards? It looks like it's not below us at the very least. I kind of want to get those though.

Right, did we get a coin shard over there? Actually, wait, what if it's down here? Is there anything there at all? You think it's under this platform I'm at right now? How would you ever know that it's under this platform though? It's not letting me change my camera angle. So apparently it's not there. Am I missing something up here? No, under this platform, that is not a coin. That is a random wire that they just forgot to get rid of. Same with that. We discovered. Ask Chat GPT. I am playing the hit game Super Mario Odyssey and cannot find the final Moon Shard. Do you have any ideas as to where it could be hidden?

In the starting area, when you first enter the sub-area, look around the initial platforms. There's often a shard hidden in plain sight or slightly above the starting point. Okay, I feel like I already got one here. Okay, there's a coin. I didn't even know coins spawn there. Left path: As you move forward, take the left path. There are usually shards hidden behind obstacles or near the platforms on that side. Okay, we already got the shard on the left path. The center path often has shards hidden in more obvious locations, but you need to perform some wall jumps or climb to reach them. I think we already got that shard. For some reason, it's giving me six locations for moon shards when there's only five ever, so I don't know what that's about. The right path might have some tricky platforming sections. Check behind pillars, on top of moving platforms, and in hidden alcoves. I mean, the only thing that I could check is this. I guess this could be considered a pillar potentially. I don't know, I don't see anything.

Chat GPT was freaking right, dude. How did Chat GPT help us find that shard? There was literally an arrow pointing to it. No, there wasn't. I didn't see any sign or arrow or anything, man. Okay, you know what? At this point, I think we have to get the T-Rex moon. No, we're dead. No, we're not, we're fine. If I bonk, we warp out. Okay, okay, wait, wait, this could be the one. Lock in, lock in, lock in. I made it, I made it. Okay, they hid the moon in kind of a fairly simple spot actually. I was thinking we would have to jump on the flags, but motor scooter escape? What scooter, dude? Rabbit, you are cheating. That's not how gravity works. What the heck? Alright, that's it, this rabbit's mine. There we go, 40 moons. I'm out of here.

=> 01:11:32

Nailing those jumps and dodging obstacles like a pro! Gaming skills on point!

There we go, 40 moons! I'm out of here. They added waves of poison to Snow Kingdom. Let's go do Snow Dram real quick. Yeah, they removed the painting from up here. Alright, let's go do the race so we don't have to deal with this blizzard. Uh-oh, apparently we need to find out how to get down there. Do we use like a blowy Joey? Is that a checkpoint? Why is there a checkpoint up there? Oh, I see, you have to do the jump. One, two, three. Hey, there we go, corner of the freezing sea. We're out of here and into here, leaving goodbye. No, I just came. I mean, this sub area is really easy, right? Oh, never mind, they made these uncapturable. Almost, oh come on dude. I'm pretty sure I can just cheese this whole thing by just doing this. Hey, I made it out of the force uncapture range, nice. Oh, look at that.

Shy Ly, thanks for the raid! Welcome to the stream everybody. It looks like they removed the air vents here, so I just have to jump up now. Yeah, they made that more difficult, not by much, but okay, never mind. That's how I'm going to have to long jump and then go one, two, three, and then wall jump immediately. It hesitated a bit before grabbing the wall, it being Mario. Yeah, I made it. Alright, let's go fight Rango. Oh, they added wind gusts. Oh, they didn't remove the life up part though. Honestly, this is kind of fun. Woo, yeah, this is not bad at all. Are there invisible walls? Yeah, there are, and he's dead. Okay, we got the moon. Let's go onto the next one. Oh, I see the chest shadow, that's kind of fun. I'll reach it, check this, check it, look at this, boom boom bang. Doesn't look like I could reach it, can it? But then I miss it completely. Doesn't look like I could reach it, can it? But then I get the moon.

The Bound Bow Grand Prix. You guys said that you haven't even seen anyone be able to complete the Bound Bowl. This doesn't seem so bad, no obstacles or anything. I see I am in sixth place. Did one just teleport or something? Yeah, that one is moving faster than is legal. Do you just need to get near World Record Times with these? Second place, I'm going to restart. Wait, I'm in first? Oh no, I'm in second. No, no, I lost so much time for that dude, what the heck. Sometimes they just teleport in front of me. I just need to be cleaner, just clean. I think you just stay close to the ground whenever you can. Why did that blue one just teleport? What happened there man? I'm in third, it's not even going to work. Bro is clearly cheating. Why is your bow bounding so much faster? Why am I going so fast? What did I do to deserve this speed? What did I do to deserve this speed? Come on, come on, come on, yes! I think that's first, I think I got it. Oh, oh, oh, I think that was it. Wait, why is green in second? Green clearly did not get second, it was pink all the way. That was a miracle man, that was a miracle.

=> 01:17:27

Navigating the kingdom, collecting shards, and mastering tricky jumps—gaming life is all about those epic moments and unexpected challenges!

I could walk over there. There's going to be a shard in here for sure. Do I just die if I do that, you think? Chat, no, I'm just chilling. Lacer to escape, L to escape. Oh, this is the way to traverse the kingdom then. Oh, there's a shard. Oh, don't mind if I do, fished it right up, perfect. Oh, another shard. Alright, we need one more shard. I assume it's right over here. We used to ride these babies for miles back in my day. This is great. Lacu is a wonderful friend. Oh, I could trap Lacu down there forever into a permanent Lacu prison.

Lacu, what? Lacu takes damage from the poison? That is not what I expected. Cappy, I need you to come back right now. Cappy, we're just going in the sub area. We're just okay, okay, we're fine, we're fine. No, you're making me do the trick jump. You just have to like triple and get over to the other side. Oh, freak, I'm dead. Yeah, it's tough. It's the landing on that ledge.

Okay, we officially are not allowed to die. Yeah, there we go, because we're at the just the amount of deaths we're at, we're not allowed to die legally, so I had to make the jump. Four left. Oh, you know what I want to do? I want to do the flower room. I think I know what it is. They removed every flower except for the first one. You have to rocket flow refresh all the way. So you have to spin throw, ground pound, and jump. Don't run out. Good, come on, almost there. We got one of the moons, but the other one might be a little bit more difficult. Oh, wait, never mind. Oh, they added blocks. Oh, that's brilliant.

Okay, I think I found cheese. One, two, three, thank you. Yeah, easy dude, easy. I might have to jump around the side to make it up. Why is this one so much harder? Oh, wait, can I just wait a minute? Oh my God, what? You could just roll up. Yo, we need two more moons. I know of a very convenient sub area that we can get two moons from. I just need to be able to get there.

Now, why did you do a side flip? Oh my God, oh my God, these nuts. Come on, up we go, up we go. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, higher. Okay, okay, and now we need to do the entire sub area without messing up. And now we need to do it again. Is this legal? I don't think so, not me. Come on, there we go. Okay, okay, up we go. Alright, I got it this time. No problem. Yeah, is that possible? Oh yeah, totally is, because you get to dive and then it catches you. So we're going to land on this, and then what we need to do is get a full blast up here, dive, cap throw. Yep, that works. Nice, and that's all the moons we need. We're out of here.

=> 01:24:19

Never give up, even when it feels impossible—keep bouncing back!

The idea of rising lava is daunting. The fact that they give you a sense of urgency with phrases like "oh no, we need to go over there" adds to the tension. I don't see the path initially, but I made it to a platform and wondered where to go next. The sight of a little purple outline in the distance indicates our destination, and thankfully, they were a bit generous with the platform placements.

I think I may need to lava bounce at least once. It's impossible to get up that high otherwise. Back to full health, I ponder how to get up there. The first platform allows for a wall jump, but the next one doesn't. It's frustrating because I can't get up there; it's too high. There must be a small ledge I'm missing. After several attempts, I realize I might be approaching this wrong. Let's try the regular sub-area first and then restart.

They made it faster and harder without Yoshi. The goal is to get the moon, but it's challenging. I think I can just lava bounce to get that moon. After many attempts and 99 deaths, I finally get it. This room has been incredibly difficult, and I can't understand why.

Watching a video, I see where to wall jump. I need to bounce and have Mario run up. After several tries, I finally succeed. It was so hard, but I managed to get the moon. Now, let's grab the chest, which turns out to be a pot. There are many moons here that aren't too bad.

There's a new eel, but I ignore it. I need to figure out how to get up on this platform to get a story moon. After some trial and error, I realize I have to go through Lava Rising again. This is evil. I go dead silent, fully focus, and finally get it. There's our checkpoint and our moon. This has been brutal.

It seems like they swapped the Sand Kingdom and Seaside Kingdom. I see a nut and a planter, and after some attempts, I manage to do a triple jump and wall jump. It was easier than I initially thought. Now, let's get to the lighthouse. I'm just jumping along and reacting as I go, and it seems to be working despite the waves of poison.

It's boss time. I wonder how to kill the boss without a Gussion, but it turns out there is one. We stun him and finish the fight. Three more moons to go. In the next sub-area, there's fog, but I understand the gimmick. The camera pushes the fog away, which is a bit weird. I navigate through the area, dealing with buros and slopes, and finally get the moon.

After some time, I get the seed moon and move on to the next kingdom. Apparently, Luncheon Kingdom is incredibly difficult.