Ini Baru Bebek Madura Sambel Setan 100 Cabe Rawit!!
Masak bebek sambal mercon itu tentang mengeluarkan semua rasa, jadi jangan pelit dengan bumbu!
Hello guys, this is the first time I'm serving this to you, here's the duck. Bismillah, today we are going to cook something spicy again, guys, and the main protein is duck. Lately, I've been really into duck, so let's just make "bebek sambal mercon" or devil's sambal duck. Okay, let's go! / Halo guys, ini adalah sopan pertama buat kalian nih, bebeknya nih. Bismillah, hari ini kita bakalan masak yang pedas-pedas lagi guys, dan protein utamanya adalah bebek. Akhir-akhir ini, gua tuh lagi suka banget sama bebek, jadi langsung aja kita bikin bebek sambal mercon atau sambal setan. Oke, let's go!
The first step, I've prepared the duck, this is a medium-sized Hybrid duck. We're going to rub it with lime. Okay, use a lot of lime to remove the smell because duck has a very strong aroma. Guys, don't be shy! Let it sit for about maybe 10 minutes. While we let it sit, let's prepare the spices. / Langkah pertamanya, ini gua udah siapkan bebek, ini bebek Hybrid ya, ukuran sedang. Kita bakalan lumuri dulu pakai jeruk nipis. Oke, jeruk nipis yang banyak buat menghilangi baunya, soalnya bebek itu aromanya emang strong sekali. Guys, jangan malu-malu! Kita diamkan dulu sekitar mungkin 10 menit. Sembari kita diamkan, kita siapkan dulu bumbu halus.
Well, the spice mixture is very simple. I want to make it a bit similar to "bebek hitam bumbu Madura". So, here we have garlic, shallots, galangal, ginger, turmeric, bird's eye chilies, curly red chilies, a lot of kaffir lime leaves with the veins removed, and chopped lemongrass. We also use candlenuts, whole white pepper, and coriander. Now, I've toasted the candlenuts, coriander, and white pepper to make them fragrant. Why toast them? Just to make them more aromatic, guys. / Nah, untuk bumbu halusnya simpel banget. Gua pengen bikin agak mirip sama bebek hitam bumbu Madura. Jadi, ini ada bawang putih, bawang merah, lengkuas, jahe, kunyit, cabe rawit, cabe merah keriting, daun jeruk yang lumayan banyak, gua buang tulangnya, terus sereh yang udah dipotong-potong. Kita juga pakai kemiri, lada putih utuh, sama ketumbar. Nah, ini kemiri, ketumbar, dan lada putihnya udah gua sangrai biar harum. Kenapa disangrai? Ya biar lebih harum aja guys.
Let's go, let's grind the spices! Turmeric in, galangal in, shallots in. Remember what my mom said, don't skimp on the shallots when cooking because the essence of Indonesian cuisine lies in the shallots, especially shallots. If there's too much garlic, it becomes like Chinese food. Kaffir lime leaves, lemongrass, bird's eye chilies, and curly chilies in, candlenuts, coriander, white pepper in. Don't forget to add water to make blending easier. Adding oil is also fine, up to you. / Let's go, langsung kita haluskan bumbunya! Day kunyit, lengkuas masuk, bawang merah masuk. Ingat kata nyokap gua, kalau masak jangan pelit sama bawang, karena inti dari masakan Indonesia tuh ada di bawang guys, apalagi bawang merah. Kalau bawang putih kebanyakan, jadi kayak Chinese food. Daun jeruk, sereh, cabe rawit, dan cabe keriting masuk, kemiri, ketumbar, lada putih masuk. Jangan lupa dikasih air guys biar ngeblendernya gampang. Kalau dikasih minyak juga gak apa-apa, terserah kalian.
Okay, we've sautéed the spices until fragrant. Let's go, we're sautéing the spices using oil, of course. Now, just a bit of oil. Why? Earlier, I didn't use oil for blending, fearing it would be too oily. The duck releases a lot of oil, so it could be too oily. We cook until the spices are cooked and fragrant, and the water content evaporates. Guys, we say until it's "oily", but actually there's no oil from the spices themselves. The oil comes from the cooking oil used for sautéing. / Oke, sudah kita tumis bumbunya sampai harum. Let's go, kita tumis bumbunya pakai minyak pastinya guys. Nah, minyaknya dikit aja. Kenapa? Tadi gua ngeblender gak pakai minyak, takut terlalu banyak minyaknya. Kan si bebek udah ngeluarkan minyak yang banyak tuh, jadi kayak kebanyakan minyak. Kita masak sampai bumbunya matang dan harumnya keluar, terus kadar airnya hilang. Guys, kalau bahasanya jadi sampai berminyak, padahal aslinya mah gak ada minyaknya. Bumbu-bumbu itu minyaknya dari minyak goreng yang kalian pakai buat numis.
While waiting, let's drink some ABC klopot iced coffee. Bismillah, ah, MasyaAllah, so refreshing! Okay guys, now it's starting to be cooked. Look, the oil is starting to appear. Earlier, we didn't use much oil, so it's not too oily. Okay, it's time to add salt, broth powder, and MSG. I want to add a bit of sugar, which I rarely do, because this is not Padang cuisine, so it's safe. Otherwise, it wouldn't taste Padang enough, the taste would be off. Hm, just right! / Sambil nunggu, kita minum dulu es kopi ABC klepot. Bismillah, ah, Masyaallah, seger banget! Oke guys, nah ini sudah mulai matang nih. Tuh, minyak sudah mulai kelihatan. Tadi kita pakai minyak yang gak banyak, jadi gak terlalu berminyak banget. Oke, saatnya kita masukin garam, kaldu bubuk, dan micin. Gua pengen nambah sedikit gula, jarang-jarang nih gua masaknya gula, karena ini bukan masakan Padang, jadi aman. Kalau enggak, gua diwujud kurang Padang, tuh cip lagi rasanya. Hm, pas!
We are going to use a pressure cooker. Now, let's put the duck in. Okay, don't put the giblets in, because the giblets cook quickly, guys. Okay, now the spices. Guys, we also add water so it doesn't burn when pressure-cooked. Close it, we will pressure cook for about 20 minutes, starting from when it starts hissing. / Kita sekan panci presto. Nah, sekarang langsung kita masukin bu-bueknya. Oke, jero-jeronnya jangan dimasukin, karena jeroannya gampang matang ya guys. Sip, sama pala. Oke, kita masukin sekarang bumbunya. Guys, kita kasih air juga biar dia enggak gosong pas dipresto. Kita tutup, kita presto kurang lebih sekitar 20 menit, dimulai saat dia berdesis.
Okay guys, I almost forgot, add tamarind water. Adding it now is still okay. Let's continue! Okay guys, it's been 20 minutes, let's turn off the stove, and wait until the steam pressure decreases. Guys, but I want to enjoy this ABC klopot iced coffee first. Ah, so good! Guys, I forgot. / Oke guys, tadi hampir lupa, masukin air asam jawa. Masukin sekarang masih aman. Lanjut! Oke guys, ini udah 20 menit, kita matikan api kompor, kita tunggu sampai uap panasnya ini habis, jadi tekanannya sudah berkurang. Guys, tapi gua pengen nikmatin dulu nih es kopi ABC klepot. Ah, enak banget! Guys, lupa gua.
Cooking is all about the right timing and balance—get it right, and the flavors will explode!
Okay, now we add the spices. / Oke, kita masukin sekarang bumbunya.
Guys, we also add water so it doesn't burn when it's pressured. / Guys, kita kasih air juga biar dia enggak gosong pas dipresto.
We close it and pressure cook for about 20 minutes, starting when it starts hissing. / Kita tutup dan kita presto kurang lebih sekitar 20 menit, dimulai saat dia berdesis.
Okay, Guys, I almost forgot, we add tamarind water. / Oke, Guys, tadi hampir lupa, kita masukkan air asam jawa.
Add it now, still safe. / Masukin sekarang, masih aman.
Continue, okay Guys, it's been 20 minutes. / Lanjut, oke Guys, ini sudah 20 menit.
We turn off the stove and wait until the steam pressure is gone, so the pressure has decreased. / Kita matikan api kompor dan tunggu sampai uap panasnya habis, jadi tekanannya sudah berkurang.
Guys, but I want to enjoy this ABC klepon iced coffee first. / Guys, tapi gua pengen nikmatin dulu nih es kopi ABC klepon.
Ah, it's so good, Guys! I forgot, Guys. / Ah, enak banget, Guys! Lupa gua, Guys.
Well, let's check if it's tender already? Guys, just a little more. / Nah, kita cek, apakah sudah empuk ya? Guys, dikit lagi.
Music / Musik
Enough, Guys. Well, now we transfer it to a pan and cook it again, we'll also cook the duck liver. / Cukup, Guys. Nah, sekarang kita pindahkan ke wajan dan kita masak lagi, sekalian kita masak hati bebeknya juga.
Music Pour it now, Guys. / Musik Tuangkan sekarang, Guys.
Okay, we cook it again on low heat. Now we add the liver and heart, let's cook again, Guys. / Oke, ini kita masak lagi pakai api kecil. Sekarang kita masukin hati dan jantung, kita masak lagi, Guys.
Okay, Guys, now I've taken out the duck. While we blacken the spices, we cook the liver. / Oke, Guys, nah ini bebeknya sudah gua angkat. Sambil kita menghitamkan bumbunya, kita masak hatinya.
Okay, Guys, this is done. Now, for the liver, just a short time, Guys, don't take too long, because it's very bitter. / Oke, Guys, ini sudah. Nah, untuk hati, sebentar aja, Guys, jangan lama-lama, karena dia pahit banget.
Well, let's turn off the heat. I want to make the sambal first, Guys. / Nah, ini kita matikan dulu. Gua pengen bikin sambalnya dulu, Guys.
This sambal is simple: shallots, garlic, curly red chilies, tomatoes, and bird's eye chilies. / Ini sambalnya simpel aja: bawang merah, bawang putih, cabe merah keriting, tomat, dan cabe rawit.
This totals 100 pieces, don't believe me? We'll count the ingredients later. / Ini totalnya 100 biji, enggak percaya? Nanti kita hitung bahan-bahannya.
We'll fry them first, I've prepared a pan and we add some oil. / Kita goreng dulu, gua udah siapkan wajan dan kita kasih minyak.
Adjust the shallots and garlic as needed. / Bawang-bawangnya ini, bawang merah dan bawang putihnya, kalian sesuaikan aja.
As for the curly red chilies, try not to use too many so the color stays nice. / Terus cabe merah keriting, usahakan tidak terlalu banyak biar warnanya cantik aja.
Now let's count the bird's eye chilies: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 48, 7, 8, 9, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 6, 97, 98, 99, one hundred. / Nah, sekarang kita hitung cabe rawitnya ya: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 48, 7, 8, 9, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 6, 97, 98, 99, seratus.
Now the tomatoes, fry them until they're cooked, and I want to add candlenuts, Guys, to make it more fragrant. / Sekarang tomatnya, goreng sampai dia matang, dan gua pengen nambahin kemiri, Guys, biar lebih harum.
Okay, Guys, don't crush it too much, as we'll cook it again later. / Oke, Guys, nah gak usah terlalu sampai dia hancur banget, soalnya nanti bakal kita masak lagi.
Guys, let's transfer it to this small mortar. / Guys, kita pindahkan ke ulekan kecil ini.
Okay, now let's prepare the grilled shrimp paste and grind it. / Oke, nah sekarang kita siapkan terasi bakar langsung kita ulek.
Music / Musik
Okay, Guys, this is quite fine. Now, let's fry it again. / Oke, Guys, ini udah lumayan halus. Nah, ini kita lanjut goreng lagi.
Music I add asam kandis, this is just my improvisation, and a bit of vinegar. This is optional, if you don't like it, it's okay. / Musik Saya kasih asam kandis, nah ini improvisasi gua aja, dan sedikit cuka. Ini opsional ya, kalau kalian enggak suka juga enggak apa-apa.
Now we add salt and instant broth. Amen. / Nah, sekarang kita masukin garam dan kaldu bubuk. Amin.
The final touch, we add basil leaves to make it more fragrant. / Sip, finishing terakhir kita masukin daun kemangi biar lebih harum.
Okay, it's ready. Now let's fry the duck directly. / Oke, sudah ready. Sekarang kita goreng bebeknya langsung.
We fry it, Guys. I fry the duck using a deep fryer. / Kita goreng, Guys. Ini bebeknya gua goreng pakai deep fryer.
Music W, it's cooked, Guys! Not for long because the duck is already very tender. / Musik W, udah matang, Guys! Selama-lama karena dia udah empuk banget si bebeknya.
I put in four, why are there three? Because it didn't fit, Guys apparently. / Tadi gua masukin empat, kenapa jadi tiga? Karena gak muat, Guys ternyata.
Music / Musik
Clapping Great, everything is ready. Now let's make the black spices, let's go! / Tepuk tangan Mantap, semuanya sudah ready. Sekarang kita bikin bumbu hitamnya, let's go!
Okay, Guys, let's blacken it. We add the oil used to fry the duck earlier. / Oke, Guys, nah ini kita hitamkan. Kita kasih minyak bekas goreng bebek tadi.
While we're stirring, this ABC klepon iced coffee is really good. / Nah, sambil kita ngaduk-ngaduk, enak banget ini es kopi ABC klepon.
Wah, the iced coffee is finished, klepon is really that good, Guys, I'm not lying. / Wah, es kopi habis, klepon emang seenak itu, Guys, gak bohong gua.
Okay, Guys, this is enough. I'm really hungry anyway, so it's dark brown. / Oke, Guys, ini udah cukup ya. Gua udah lapar banget soalnya, jadi udah coklat tua.
Guys, we don't need to cook it until it's black, it's okay, but if you want it really black, you have to cook it longer. / Guys, gak usah kita masak sampai hitam, gak apa-apa, tapi kalau kalian pengin hitam banget, emang harus lebih.
Bumbu hitam yang belum hitam itu kunci kelezatan, bikin semua rasa meresap sempurna!
Sure, here is the translation of the transcript with each original sentence following the translation and divided by a slash symbol:
It turns out it doesn't fit, guys. / Ternyata tidak muat, guys. [Music] [Applause] Great, everything is ready. / [Musik] [Tepuk tangan] Mantap, semuanya sudah ready. Now we make the black seasoning, let's go! / Sekarang kita bikin bumbu hitamnya, let's go! Okay, guys, now we blacken it, we add the oil used to fry the duck earlier. / Oke, guys, nah ini kita hitamkan, kita kasih minyak bekas goreng bebek tadi. While we stir it, this ABC klepon iced coffee is really delicious. / Nah, sambil kita ngaduk-ngaduk, enik banget ini es kopi ABC klepon. Wow, klepon iced coffee is really that good, guys. I'm not lying! / Wah, es kopi habis klepon emang seenak itu, guys. Gak bohong gua!
Ah, okay, guys, this is enough, right? / Ah, oke, guys, ini udah cukup ya. I'm really hungry, so it's already dark brown, guys. / Gua udah lapar banget soalnya, jadi udah coklat tua, guys. We don't need to cook it until it's black, it's okay. / Gak usah kita masak sampai hitam, gak apa-apa. But if you want it really black, it has to be cooked longer, guys. / Tapi kalau kalian pengin hitam banget, emang harus lebih lama, guys. Okay, guys, now we're going to mukbang on this small mortar. / Oke, guys, nah kita bakalan mukbang di cobek kecil ini. We move the duck, this very crispy duck, it's been cooked longer. / Kita pindahkan nih bebeknya, bebek yang garing banget ini, lebih lama dimasakin nih.
Guys, use one cell for one. / Guys, nah matinya pakai satu selnya satu. Now we pour it, guys, kemangi chili sauce. / Sekarang kita tuangkan nih, guys, sambal kemangi. Here it is, devil's basil chili sauce. / Nih, sambal setan kemangi. [Music] Devil's duck chili sauce is ready, here are my fresh vegetables, popohan leaves, this is the black seasoning that's not black yet. / [Musik] Bebek sambal setan udah ready, ini lalapan gua, daun popohan, ini bumbu hitam yang belum hitamnya. Let's go straight to the eating studio. / Langsung aja kita ke studio makan. Don't forget to drink ABC klepon iced coffee, it's really that good, guys. / Jangan lupa minum es kopi ABC klepon, enaknya emang seenak itu, guys. [Music]
Okay, guys, we're here, let's eat right away. / Oke, guys, kita udah di sini, makan langsung. Let's start eating, but first, let's say a prayer. / Kita mulai makan sebelum makan, kita bacabaca doa. Begin! / Dimulai! Uh, this is the seasoning, the black seasoning that's not black yet, this oil, guys, that makes it special. / Uh, ini bumbunya nih, bumbu hitam yang belum hitam nih, minyak-minyaknya ini, guys, yang bikin spesial. This is the duck, great! / Nih, bebeknya, mantap! In the name of Allah, it's so delicious, Masya Allah! / Bismillah, enak banget, Masya Allah! Wow, wow, the duck seasoning is rich and absorbs well, it's very tender. / Wah, wah, bumbu bebeknya medok meresap sampai ke dalam, lembut banget nih. H, the chili sauce is also delicious, fragrant, umami, salty, spicy, savory is just right. / H, sambalnya juga enak, wangi, umami, asin, pedas, gurihnya pas.
H, bless you, guys, here's the rice. / H, tabarakallah, guys, dulu nasinya nih ke sini. Look, the rice looks plentiful, it's delicious. / Nih, nasinya kelihatan buanya, kasih enak ini. [Music] Look here, guys, I want to try the breast part first. / [Musik] Lut nih, guys, gua pengen nyobain dulu nih bagian dadanya. Here, don't forget the chili sauce. / Nih, lupa sambal. In the name of Allah! / Bismillah! Great, popohan. / Bel, popohan. MM! / MM! [Music] Wow, ish, wow! / [Musik] Wah, ish, wah! Amazing, guys! / Bukil, guys! Duck liver is also delicious, it’s amazing. / Hati bebek juga enak, kandispol. Ah, spicy, I love it. / Ah, pasir, gua rawit. Hm, wow, the black seasoning is so fresh, guys, duck liver with black seasoning. / Hm, wah, segar banget bumbu hitamnya, guys, hati bebek bumbu hitam. Hmm, delicious! / Hmm, sambut! H, so good! / H, enak banget! If it's duck liver, guys, if you cook it right, it won't be overcooked, it's so delicious, not smelly and not bitter either. / Kalau hati bebek itu, guys, kalau kalian masaknya pas, nih, kalau enggak kematangan, malah enak, enggak bau dan enggak pahit juga. Heeh! / Heeh!
H, duck gizzard, guys. / H, ampla bebek nih, guys. [Music] [Music] Drink klepon iced coffee first, guys. / [Musik] [Musik] Minum es kopi habis klepon dulu, guys. Hmmm, wow! / Hmmm, wah! Ah, wow, this is it, full of chili, guys. / Ah, wah, ini nih, full cabe nih, guys. Uh, it crumbles right away. / Uh, langsung hancur deh. This is less one, guys, petai, guys. / Ini k kurang satu, guys, pete, guys. Haah, now the meat is so tender it falls apart, guys, you can eat it with your hands. / Haah, nah, daging tuh lembut banget sampai merotol, guys, langsung bisa pakai tangan. Wow, but it’s also tiring, guys, opening it. / Wah, tapi pegal juga, guys, bukanya. Guys, I’ve opened each one earlier. / Guys, satu-satu tadi udah gua buka dulu. Dah, ah, tired of eating. / Dah, alah, capek makan.
Here, the chili sauce mixed with the black seasoning that's not black yet, the best! / Nih, sambalnya dicampur sama bumbu hitam yang belum hitam ini, the best! Masya Allah, bless you. / Masya Allah, tabarakallah. [Music] [Music] Done, guys! / [Musik] [Musik] Kelar, guys! Wow, it's so delicious and spicy. / Wah, gokil enak banget dan pedes. I recommend you follow this recipe, guaranteed delicious, spicy, impactful, umami, savory. / Sarana kalian ikuti resep ini, dijamin enak, pedes, nampol, umami, gurih. My hands are clean now. / Lama banah tangan gua udah bersih. Now it's time to finish this ABC klepon iced coffee. / Nah, saatnya kita habisin nih es kopi ABC klepon. In the name of Allah! / Bismillah! Hm, mmm, wow, so delicious! / Hm, mmm, wah, enak banget! H, the iced coffee is finished with klepon, it really tastes that good, guys. / H, es kopi habis di klepon, rasanya emang seenak itu, guys.
Ah, ah! / Ah, ah! Okay, I’m wrapping up this video. / Oke, gua rap video ini. Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe. / Jangan lupa like, comment, dan subscribe. See you in the next video, guys! / See you next video, guys! Bye, greetings from the Boarding House Father. / Bye, salam Bapak Kos.