I Now Own 100% Of The Film Industry

I Now Own 100% Of The Film Industry

Master the film industry by exploiting the system: manipulate stock prices, inflate real estate, and use genetically modified super actors to dominate Hollywood.

Blockbuster Inc is the spiritual successor to the 2005 classic, The Movies. The goal is simple: start with an empty plot of land and become the world's most prestigious studio by releasing hundreds of handcrafted films. Are we going to play it the way it's intended? No, of course not. That would be silly. We'll be using my secret strategy that works 100% of the time. It's, of course, financial fraud. That's right, I'll be manipulating the stock market, inflating real estate values, and importing genetically modified super actors. Who knew all it would take to make it in the film industry was a ruthless disregard for ethics and a fanatical desire to exploit the system for maximum profit?

Anyway, let's get right into it with a brand new studio. Welcome, my friends. It is January 1940, and here we are in Scam Studios in the wonderful city of Los Ricos. Now here's the thing: we start with only $100,000. This isn't very good at all; it's hardly enough money to actually start a studio and make a film. If we were to try and start hiring the necessary individuals to have a glorious company, well, it's going to cost thousands of dollars, and we just can't have that. So I'm going to see if this game has an exploit that I'm pretty sure it does, and it's one of those glorious real-world exploits that we're able to manipulate.

This is the studio shares section. As you can see, it lists all of our various competitors. We are here at the top, Scam Studios, and we own 100% of our own company. How much is our company worth? Well, it's $100,000 because that's all the money we have. But here's the interesting thing about shares: they can be manipulated. You see, I can sell 49% of my company and make $49,000. Of course, this is a terrible idea because you'll forfeit part of your profit each month, and that profit will be sent off to whoever buys up your shares. However, I don't have any profit each month, so this doesn't matter, and I'm going to sell all 49,000 of my shares. This entertainingly, of course, made us $49,000, which has raised our company's value up to $149,000.

This means if I want to try and buy back my 49,000 shares, it's actually going to cost me more money because my company is worth more money. However, this means we should be able to exploit it, and the way in which we do this is by temporarily and artificially lowering the value of our share price. The goal of this experiment is very simple: sell our shares at a higher price, lower our share price value, and then buy them back at a lower price. We will then be left over with the difference, and that difference will be profit.

So how do we lower our share price? Well, quite simply, we just need to spend money. I'm going to spend money by placing down these glorious research offices. They are worth $2,000 each, so we will place down quite a lot of them until we have basically no money remaining. A few moments later, and fantastic, I've spent all of our company's money so that we only have $260 remaining. This is basically going to put us on the verge of bankruptcy. Entertainingly, this has massively increased the prestige of our wonderful film company because, well, we've got a lot of empty box offices. Yes, that's impressive, I tell you.

=> 00:04:35

I turned $260 into $3.5 million without making a single film, then bought out Hollywood.

I've spent all of our money, and as a result, our studio shares have plummeted. Our entire company is now worth only $260, which means our share price is abysmally low. Interestingly, it only cost me $127 to buy back full control of my company. Now that I have control of all the shares, I can begin to use the bludgeon tools. The bludgeon tool allows me to sell various assets, such as a water tower for $11,000 or buildings I've constructed for $2,110, which is the exact cost of building them. By simply holding down from the corner of the map and deleting all these constructions, I have managed to accumulate $149,000 in the bank without creating a single film.

With some of our extra funds, we decided to buy more space, acquiring a huge plot of land for our film creation. I then constructed what is quite possibly the most optimal building imaginable—a room filled with expensive boxes and kitchens that can be sold for $944. By cloning this building and copying it all over the lot, I managed to materialize $3.5 million out of thin air within 30 minutes due to hyperinflation. We started on the hard difficulty with only $100,000, but times have changed dramatically. The simulation seems to be breaking down, likely due to my actions.

With all this money, instead of creating original films, I decided to buy 100% of the shares in all of my rival companies. This means that whenever they create a film, I will receive a large portion of the revenue. Now, we own the entirety of Hollywood and, much like Disney, we will exploit the IPs and talent of these studios until they are no longer viable. Despite owning Hollywood, we still have $2.3 million in the bank, so we should probably make a film.

To make a film, we need directors, producers, actors, writers, and camera people. The game typically requires you to hire and train staff from the ground up, but instead, we can use the game's features to create custom characters. Presenting Dwayne The Rock, an actor with maximum stats and all positive traits that boost every film he participates in. The developers did not counter this perfect being by charging more, nor did they fix his golden Rolex clipping through his clothes.

=> 00:08:17

Building an empire: hire the best, set the stage, and watch the magic unfold.

Next up, we need a producer, and here he is—it's Hom Tanks. Not to be confused with anyone else, he is once again a near-perfect being, and the game is going to let me create him. Finally, we need a director, and the director is going to be none other than me, exactly who you want to have running your business.

Now, what's left to do is to hire them, which I'm pretty sure I can do by just clicking this very laggy button here. Come on, please open up the window. Right, so we can import Dwayne "The Rock" down here and hire him immediately. Then, we want to import Hom Tanks and hire him immediately, and then import me, the Spiffing Brit. There we go, wonderful. This is the start of our glorious business. I've built the bare necessities of our lovely Empire: we have all of the offices set up, a little canteen where our staff can eat food, and a toilet and all of that jazz.

All we need to do now is set up some kind of work schedule for when our lovely people are on leave at home, which they need about 8 hours for, and then we can have them quite simply work themselves to death for the rest of that time. Now, we need some sets to actually do some filming in.

Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen. I've spent some of our absolutely massive quantity of wealth building and designing some truly wonderful sets. We've got three of the most cutting-edge and glorious sets the world has ever seen, which we fairly managed to build after committing financial fraud. The next step I think we should take is to improve the star quality of our land.

As you can see, there are a few ways to do this: have building maintenance be relatively high, have prestigious buildings, and increase the land and lot prestige. I think the land prestige is probably the most important one that we haven't touched, so let's do this quite quickly and fairly simply. Bushes add prestige, so using an auto-clicker, I am going to just place down a lot of bushes. Ah, perfect, I've written a lovely message. There we go, splendid, and with that, we've just maxed it out. Fantastic, we've got a full five-star lot prestige going. It's glorious.

Now, this is going to be the greatest film of our time, ladies and gentlemen, starring Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, produced by H Tanks, and of course directed by me, the greatest director of our generation. This shall be not the Pirates of the Caribbean but the Pirates of the English Channel. It's almost as good.

When it comes to actually designing these films, we can just let the entire thing play out naturally, or we can manually choose to direct the scenes. For example, in this magnificent pirate set here, we can have Pedro Rivera have a shootout with Dwayne "The Rock." Oh, this is brilliant. It's just like Pirates of the Caribbean, where Captain Jack Sparrow pulls out a Tommy Gun and has a shootout with Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson wielding an M1 Garand. It's perfect.

When it comes to costumes, we're going to want Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson dressed up as not an alien. He can be wearing some distinctly legally licensed cyberpunk attire—yes, definitely not infringing on any IPs. Splendid, and that's an entire scene directed. For this next scene, it's going to be mostly a talking one where Dwayne "The Rock" has a chat with Pedro, and for the rest, we can kind of just let the game work it out for itself. Who knows what we're going to end up with?

=> 00:11:57

From zero to hero: Scam Studios' debut film skyrockets to the top, proving even the wildest dreams can come true!

All right, let's create this product. Of course, we'll have to fast forward to the next day, and then Scam Studios can make its first film. What a great scene this one is. Actually, this one's my favorite: two dudes inside of each other. I thought this was meant to be PG. Oh well, I guess we'll have to up the age rating.

How are the competition doing? And by that, I mean the other companies we own shares in. Geez, they've gone up a lot in value. Wow, I bought all of these shares for like 200,000 each, and I can sell them for 900,000. Well, I guess we're not going to have problems with money for quite a while. We can click finish the filming, and now the post-production begins. Fantastic! After we've completed all of the post-production, we are now ready to release this product to the world. It's releasing tomorrow. My goodness, this is very exciting indeed. First ever film from Scam Studios; hopefully, this makes a little bit of money.

A little later, here come the reviews for The Pirates of the English Channel. Here we go. "Stop casting Dwayne Rock in everything. He's done some decent jobs in the past, but I feel like they're out for their money." What do you mean? This is his first ever film. Anyway, this is actually pretty good: tear-jerking and jaw-dropping, a must-watch. We did it, and most importantly, Spiff Brit starts to find his style—a visible, much-welcome change. Oh my goodness, and on the first day of release, this was good. Hype is high, fans are high. We made $500,000, meaning we've already turned a $130,000 profit. That's incredible. In fact, this might currently be the best film on the market. If we see the product charts, yes, we are the highest-rated film ever created. Wow, we can even watch this film. That's one of the best things. Here we go, Scam Studio presents The Pirates of the English Channel, starring Dwayne Rock and Pedro. It all starts with this scene where one of the characters is out of shot. God, forgot to position the camera on the talking scene. Yep, here we go, here's the next gunfight. Yeah, look at that. Oh, look at that scene. Have we got two dudes together? Yep, this is two dudes inside of each other, my favorite scene. Then there they are, back to shooting. Wow, this is incredible. And then this sequence where we get the stunt. Wow, wow, amazing. One of the greatest films of our time. At the end, poof, jeez. I mean, if that isn't worth a like on this video, I don't know what is. That's some of the greatest cinema I've ever seen.

Okay, our next film is going to be another big-budget pirate film, but this time a comedy. The product wants to be called The Humor and the Jolly Roger. We're just going to rename this to The Jolly Todger. If you don't understand the joke here, don't worry about it; it's fine. Right, I think we've got another brilliant film ahead of us. Let's go and create this product. What a great scene this is going to be. Definitely not vomit-inducing in the cinema.

=> 00:15:45

Money can solve ego problems, and winning all the awards proves it!

Johnson is punching out with Randall. He just does the jump, goes through the terrain, and then he's around about here somewhere because I can see the camera move. Alright, filming is now beginning. Lovely! All of these wonderful scenes that we've constructed are soon going to be hitting the world. Oh no, we've got the "let them eat bread" scenario. One of our leading stars, Pedro Riviera, has started to become more famous, and it's kind of gotten to his head. Now, we can either force him to try and cooperate or simply pay him off with money. If there's anything I know, it's that if someone has a bit of an ego problem, the best way to solve it is to just give them more money, and it worked completely. Who knew money was such a strong incentive? It truly is. That was actually a great scene; the scene rating of 80 is fantastic.

I've just been doing some financial calculations here. The Pirates of the English Channel has been viewed 75,000 times—that's how many tickets we've sold. To work out how much one ticket is worth, we need the revenue: 315,000 plus 396,000 and finally plus 499,000. This comes out to 1.2 million gross revenue generated. Now, of course, our film has been viewed this many times, so how much does a ticket cost in this universe? We take 1.2 million and divide it by 75,000. This means that people, in order to watch our film, have to pay basically $16. That does seem pretty steep for back in 1940, but oh well, there we go.

Oh no, a rival studio is trying to poach Dwayne Johnson from us. No, we can't have that; he's too important here. I'll match their offer. Who was trying to buy out Mastermind Studios? I own their entire company, goddamn it! How dare they try and poach my talent? Also, it says owning shares of another studio lets you receive part of its monthly profit proportional to the amount of shares you own. Well, I own 100%, and where is my share revenue? I'm not getting any of it. Game, give me my dividends. I was promised wealth beyond imagination.

Fantastic! The Jolly Todger is now completely finished. All of our scenes have been shot, and we can now release this product. It's coming out tomorrow, ladies and gents. I don't know how well it's going to do, but I hope it's good. Here come the reviews for the Jolly Todger. Expected way better from Spiffing Brit. It's as if they dropped the ball on this one. What do you mean? It's a bloody 95 score! It's 95! What's this? It's the first time Dwayne Rock and Pedro Riviera starred together with such good chemistry. Okay, well, I mean they've starred together before; I guess the chemistry was off, but that's fine. Is this just trying to say the reviewers are just a bunch of idiots? But hey, score breakdown, let's go. This was actually a really, really good film. I'm glad. And on the first hit day, we made 500,000 in profit and gained 2,000 fans. The fame of all of our people is up to beist. Wow, that's great. Look at this: 1.1 million off of movies this month.

It is Christmas 1940, and I think I'm in a prime position to release our next film, Devil Action Film. To not infringe upon anyone's legal copyright, I have named it Lord of the Finger Disc. That way, it is definitely not going to be confused with other ring-based IPs. Alright, so let's release this bad boy tomorrow. We've steadily been generating fans and revenue, which is very important because it keeps us in the lead in terms of importance. Oh my, can I see the reviews for this for Lord of the Finger Disc already? Yes, it's an 84. That's impressive. Oh, and this year's Film Wood Academy ceremony is about to begin. We can click on Fame Theater to attend. Glorious! Let's go; maybe we won some awards.

Look at this, wow! Welcome to the award ceremony. You ready to discover this year's winner? Let's find out. This could be great for us. Best Director: here are the nominees, and the winner is... it's me! Yes, we got 1,000 fans and 500 hype. Up next, Best Producer: H Tanks, come on, please be H Tanks. It's Tom Tanks! Yes, more fans, more hype. Let's go. Up next, Best Movie Actor: come on, please Dwayne Rock, please Dwayne Rock. It's Dwayne! Yes, my boy, that's an extra level of fame. Best Screenplay: come on, we've got two nominations here. This is incredible. Is it... it's Pirates of the English Channel! What a great plotline. That was one of the greatest. Up next, here we go, Best Movie: we've got two of the nominations, so we should win this. It's the Jolly Todger! What a great film. That's 5,000 studio fans. Amazing. Best Looking Studio: oh, it's got to be us. We've got an incredible amount of decorations. Come on, it's us. Of course, it is. We've got the best-looking studio. And then, what is this? Most Profitable Studio: oh, come on, it's got to be us. And that's a 20% ticket sales boost on all products until the next ceremony. What the heck? And finally, Best Studio, the creme de la creme: it's got to be us. Come on, it is! Oh, we just swept the awards season, ladies and gentlemen. Scout Studios wins it all. Truly the best, the best in the world. Wow, this is definitely the way the developers intended the game to be played. Look at all of these great bonuses. The Lord of the Finger Disc tomorrow might release to some of the greatest hype the universe has ever seen. We went up to 27,000 fans. Jeez, that's good, that's very good.

Here comes Lord of the Finger Disc, releasing in just a couple of hours. It's got 330 hype behind it, a $400,000 budget. This could be incredible. There we go, it's an 84. Yes, lovely, that's good for the fans of action. Lord of the Finger Disc is as good as it gets. Incredible. Here we go, on the opening day, we made, oh my goodness, 1.5 million in profit. That's good. And there we have it. I have gained infinite money, I have infinite perfect actors, unlimited prestige thanks to spamming trees, and of course, every award now belongs to me. I have ascended into the god of the film industry. I cannot be stopped, and I will continue to make endless sequels and remakes of the Jolly Todger for the rest of time. You cannot stop me. As always, thank you very much for watching, you lovely majestic sausages, especially you patrons and channel members. I'll see each and every one of you in the next one. Have a lovely day, and goodbye for now.