Glenn Beck Biblical Prophecy, Conquering Evil, and Why Alcoholics Will Save the World

Table of contents

The most newsworthy TV show of the year is coming to TCN, featuring exclusive, real-time footage of Donald Trump's campaign and the historic events surrounding it.

The most interesting and newsworthy television show of the year is coming here to TCN. We are not bragging; that's actually true. The president's been shot. I repeat, the president's been shot. Our longtime producer Justin Wells and a team have been embedded with no publicity at all with Donald Trump on the campaign trail for months. They are the only crew capturing what is going on in real-time, intimately. They are with Trump as he campaigns for the presidency across the country, and they've shot some amazing footage. It shows you what it's really like in there. So, if you're a member, you will soon be able to get this series covering the historic campaign, the fall of Joe Biden, never-before-seen footage from the assassination attempt at the Butler Township Pennsylvania Trump rally, and a lot more. It's going to pull back the curtain completely. They are embedded inside the campaign. I can't wait to see it personally, but to get it first, go to and become a member. The greatest television event of the year—we're proud to offer it.

I'm so spun up I fear what'll happen if I keep going, so I want to pause now and introduce my friend Glenn Beck. I wanted to actually introduce him because I've known Glenn Beck for a long time, and we worked at least two cable news channels together over the years. I was saying to one of my producers this morning, who worked in cable news for a long time, that I was in at least two executive meetings at CNN and Fox News, physically present, and listened to executives express concern and fear about Glenn Beck.

Glenn Beck is like the single nicest person—well, you all know him apparently. He's like the single nicest, most decent person ever, and he always had the highest ratings. He was the most popular at both those channels when I worked there. So, what were they concerned about? Why would that bother you? The guy is killing it; he's the biggest guy here, and he's the nicest person in the building. He's always buying iPhones for his staff; he's just really nice. What they feared about Glenn Beck was that he was the only truly creative person in the building. Glenn Beck is a creative man.

You would think that's got to be pretty common in a business like television—aren't they all creative? Oh no, just the opposite. Creativity requires, above all, thinking for yourself, following your own muse, feeling your own instincts, and believing them. Seeing something and deciding, "I'm going to make that real," bringing something from within you and putting it into physical form—that's what creativity is. And of course, it's dying in this country because it's such a threat to the lies. A creative person can't help himself; he might just tell the truth. You don't know what he's going to do; he's not going to read from the script. If you're uncomfortable with people telling the truth, a creative person is absolutely terrifying. This is why they hate Trump, by the way. And Glenn Beck, I think, is the most creative person I've ever met in my life. He is a Mount Vesuvius of creativity—it's like you can't contain it. Glenn Beck, after writing books and making movies and hosting shows, now he's decided, "I'm going to become a painter." He has all these paintings inside him, and he's good at it. He's just a remarkable human being, a great explainer, and a really decent man. No wonder he has so many friends in Utah. And so, with that, ladies and gentlemen, Glenn Beck.


Oh, yeah, all righty then. I kind of like you guys too. That was, uh, I hope you took that with the love that it was meant. You are a creative force; I've never seen anyone like it. Whatever that membrane is that's in most of us that prevents us from believing the truth, believing our own instincts, and then articulating them—you are lacking that. You just channel what you know is true. It's, uh, it's, uh, alcoholism. Oh, it is. It is. It's alcoholism because you spend—I spent 35...

=> 00:05:29

When you have nothing left to lose, you become the most powerful person in the room because fear no longer controls you.

Ladies and gentlemen, Glen Beck. [Applause] [Music]

Oh yeah, all righty then. I kind of like you guys too. I hope you took that with the love that it was meant. You are a creative force. I've never seen anyone like it. Whatever that membrane is that's in most of us that prevents us from believing the truth, believing our own instincts, and then articulating them, you are lacking that. You just channel what you know is true. It's alcoholism. It is alcoholism because I spent 35 years of my life drinking my life away. I really thought all of the things that society tells you—that you're different somehow, you're bad somehow, you're not—and every single one of us have something that we've done in our life that we think, "Oh, if they only knew, then they'd all hate me."

Alcoholism—I don't recommend it, not writing a prescription or anything—but honestly, when you are broken down and you have nothing left, you become the most powerful person in the world because everybody is afraid because you're not. Yes, when I was... that is it right there. Can I just restate what he just said? Everyone is afraid because you're not afraid. I was sitting, I don't know if I told this story, this might get me in trouble, but I remember sitting in Roger Ailes's office. He had called me in, and I knew this game. We’re the only two survivors of Fox News. Congratulations on that. Congratulations to you, you led the way, fired before anybody. Ah, so great to see somebody just making them wet.

I sat, you know, the way that place used to be—they investigated everybody. I ever worked with at Fox always said, "Oh, I owe Roger Ailes." When I was sitting in my interview, there was a woman in PR that sat across the table from me and not once looked me in the eye. It was my welcome to the company thing. Sitting next to me was my business partner. She never looked me in the eye, ever. She kept saying, "You know, this is it," and she would look at him but not at me. She'd look all around me but not at my eyes. She never looked at me in the eye either. You'd be talking to her, and her eyes would be moving. You'd be like, "I got to follow her eyes. I'm going to catch her one of these times."

The last thing she said to me was, "You know, a lot of people make mistakes," and I thought, "Oh, here we go." She reached down to her purse, took out her card, and said, "If something happens, don't call anyone. Call me first." That was the only time she looked at me. She slid her card across the table and said, "You'd be amazed at what we can make go away." I was like, "I'm in a mob movie." Did she flick her tongue out and catch a fly? Maybe, yeah. No, I've seen her do it. Truly frightening.

When I got on, they were all so afraid because, you know, there was nothing worse. We would spend all day writing a script, and three minutes before we'd go on, I'd say, "Turn off the prompters. I'm not doing that." They'd all go, "What? What are you going to do?" and I'd say, "I don't know, but I'm not doing that." We had honestly worked all day, but the only reason why most times we did it is because they wanted to view every single word beforehand. So, I turned it off. It made them afraid. They were going through my garbage and investigating me. I have no proof that it was them; I just know the firm that had investigated me. I'm sure it was Putin. It's usually Putin.

My wife and I, because I'm an alcoholic, and I mean, I've said all the worst stuff. You think you were bad? You're a rookie. I said it all to the audience, so I wasn't afraid. Go ahead, go through my garbage. We would laugh about it. Roger Ailes called me one day and said, "You know, a lot of people don't like the power that you're accumulating." I said, "I'm not accumulating power. I'm just talking." A lot of people would like to take you down.

=> 00:10:19

Even when you're under scrutiny, stay true to yourself and face your fears head-on.

I was afraid because they were going through my garbage and investigating me. Although I have no proof that it was them, I know the firm that had investigated me. I'm sure it was Putin; it's usually Putin. My wife and I, because I'm an alcoholic, have said all the worst stuff. I mean, you think you were bad, you're a rookie. I said it all to the audience, so I wasn't afraid. We would laugh about it.

One day, Roger called me and said, "A lot of people don't like the power that you're accumulating." I responded, "I'm not accumulating power; I'm just talking." He mentioned that a lot of people would like to take me down, and I acknowledged that. He then pulled out a stack of binders, placed them on his desk, and petted them almost like a cat, resembling a James Bond villain. He said, "A lot of people are investigating you," and I replied, "I know." He then mentioned meeting my wife, and I pulled my chair up to the edge of his desk and said, "Yes, it's always a shame when someone hurts a woman like that," implying he had information that I was cheating on my wife. I looked him dead in the eye and said, "I know, and that's why that's never happened." We had a stare-down like third graders, knowing that the person who looks away is the liar. I could do this all day, and that scared them.

What you're saying, I think, is that the media is a pretty wholesome business. I always encourage my daughters to go into television. It's so sick. So, when did you decide, "Oh, I love to be like Russ"? I love that. Thank you, that was a little weird, but I love it. Growing up in Southern California in the 70s, I always distrusted people who sat Indian style barefoot. They'd lecture you about baby harp seals and stuff. Now, I've decided I'm kind of for the baby harp seals, and I like that. Good for you.

Can I tell you something real quick? Last night, I was reading my scriptures because I'm doing a show on what's happening in Europe. Let's hear it for the scriptures. God Bless America, amen. I love you so much. As I was reading my scriptures, you came to mind. He is pissed—no, I'm kidding. He wanted me to tell you, but it wouldn't surprise me. We had a conversation beforehand, and that was from a prompting that I got last night. I just wanted you to know that. Immediately following that, I had an overwhelming feeling, and I've had it all day. Something good is sparked here tonight.

Could I ask you one thing? Of course. This is like my hometown. I know them. I've watched you hug more people in the last five hours. Could we invite the spirit and just say a quick prayer? Of course. Sorry, I have a back injury.

In spirit, Heavenly Father, we love you so much. We thank you for this night. We thank you for Tucker and all the things he has already exposed and done. We ask for your blessings on him and our conversation tonight. We hope that something happens tonight, whether on stage or offstage, with all of us or just one of us. We ask that your will be done as we are your servants, and we are grateful to serve at this time. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Thank you for that. Bless you for that. So, does that mean that you are hopeful?

=> 00:15:26

Finding peace in turbulent times comes from knowing the end and being rooted in truth and service to one another.

The last five hours have been intense. Could we invite the spirit and just say a quick prayer? Of course. You haven't crossed your legs. Sorry, sorry, I have a back injury. Heavenly Father, we love you so much. We thank you for this night, we thank you for Tucker, and we thank you for all of the things that he has already exposed and done. We ask for your blessings on him and on our conversation tonight. We hope that something happens tonight, whether it's on stage or offstage, with all of us or just one of us. We ask that your will be done as we are your servants, and we are grateful to serve at this time. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen. Amen.

Thank you for that, bless you for that. So, does that mean that you are hopeful? I mean, I do want to ask you what's happening in Europe because I too have the sense that it's important. But let me just skip to the end of the story. Are you hopeful, and if so, why?

This is the weirdest thing that happened in my life. I sat with some biblical scholars, some real scholars, and they were teaching me about the end times. The whole time I was thinking, "This sounds familiar. I think I'm seeing some of this now." We got to the end, and we were all crying because it could be the end times. Everybody always says this, you know, the apostles said this and they were wrong, so likely we are very wrong on this. But it feels like the end times; enough of the signs are here that it could happen quickly. We stood there with each other, and we were all kind of blubbering. After that, somebody said, "So what do we do?" and I said, "I have no idea." But I strangely feel so good because I know the ending.

Think of this: for thousands of years, people have waited. The apostles said it was coming in their lifetime, the second coming of Christ. It is going to be a nightmare. Read the book, a nightmare, and you can feel it coming. What he was saying about evil, you can feel it. But I have to tell you, I live in a small town of 450 people in Idaho. Well, you're all here. We go places together all the time, the whole county it looks like. Every Sunday, I've been up there all summer, and every Sunday I go to church, somebody gets up on the stand and says, "Look, we all know what time it is, and we know people are going to be hurting, so we've got to get our stuff together. We have to prepare to help others." It's the greatest area I've ever lived in. They're all just farmers, regular people, and they don't have any BS in their life. They're working with their hands in the soil, which connects you to everything. You don't have to talk about transgenderism because it's not happening in the animal kingdom. I don't see the bull out there going, "Go put some lipstick on." It's just rooted in truth and service to one another.

When you are a farmer, you know the best farmer in the world could be living next to you, and he could have a bad crop, a bad year. He goes down, and you want to be there for him, not only because he's your neighbor but because you know that's going to happen to you at some point. You can be the best farmer, and then it's up to God. Sometimes it doesn't rain, so everybody helps each other. When we moved off the farms and started living in big cities, it was over. I bought my ranch up in Idaho for one reason. I was in New York City working at Fox, and I realized, walking in the streets of New York at night, I can only see things made by man. I look up at the sky, there's no stars, I can't see the moon, there's nothing. When you go out and you're in black and you can see the Milky Way, the colors of the Milky Way, you live in a place where you have to recognize this. You're seeing the colors of the Milky Way, all the stars, and you immediately say, "We are so small. What is the point of this?" I almost get the feeling I'm not the center of the universe. Almost. Then I remember that's insane.

=> 00:20:22

I moved to Idaho to reconnect with nature and realize how small we truly are in the grand scheme of things.

I bought my ranch up in Idaho for one reason. I was in New York City working at Fox, and I realized that walking in the streets of New York at night, I could only see things made by man. I couldn't see the stars or the moon; there was nothing. When you go out into the blackness and can see the Milky Way, the colors of the Milky Way, you live in a place where you have to recognize this. Seeing all the stars makes you immediately say, as everybody does, "We are so small. What is the point of this?" I almost get the feeling I'm not the center of the universe. Then I push that thought away, remembering that's insane.

I've got a billboard in Times Square, and we've told you before about Hallow. It is a great app that I am proud to say I use, and my whole family uses it. It's for daily prayer and Christian meditation, and it's transformative. As we head into the start of school and the height of election season, you need it—trust me, we all do. Things are going to get crazier and crazier, and sometimes it's hard to imagine what is coming next. With everything happening in the world right now, it is essential to ground yourself. This is not some quack cure; this is the oldest and most reliable cure in history—prayer. Ground yourself in prayer and scripture every single day. That is a prerequisite for staying sane and healthy, and maybe for doing better eternally.

If you're busy on the road headed to kids' sports, there is always time to pray and reflect, alone or as a family. But it's hard to be organized about it. Building a foundation of prayer is going to be absolutely critical as we head into November, praying that God's will is done in this country and that peace and healing come to us here in the United States and around the world. Christianity is under attack everywhere, and that's not an accident. Why is Christianity, the most peaceful of all religions, under attack globally? Did you see the opening of the Paris Olympics? There's a reason because the battle is not temporal; it's taking place in the Unseen World. It's a spiritual battle, obviously. Try Hallow and get three months completely free at If there was a time to get spiritually in tune and ground yourself in prayer, it's now. Hallow will help. I personally and strongly recommend it—

I know what you mean. It says that we're not going to know when the end comes, but I wonder, why would we be afraid of that? Well, that's the point of the Book of Revelation and prophecy, so you won't be afraid. He's telling you that you're not going to know the hour, but at the same time, let's not dismiss that he says to look for these things because these things will happen, and you will know the hour is nearing.

Let's go through them. What are you noticing that makes you think this has been foretold? The break of society is an absolute fact. James Lindsay, who was a diehard atheist when we first met, was on my show about two years ago. I asked him, as an atheist, how he would describe what is happening to people and the message of "you'll never make it, you can't succeed without me, everything is bad, everything your great-great-great-grandfather might have done or just observed makes you unforgivable." He said, evil. I asked if he meant evil the way I mean evil, and he said yes, he thinks it's almost an entity, and you can feel it; it's palpable.

If you go on X and look for things like what I'm looking for in Europe, you will see things that make you say, "What the hell? I've never seen this before." The destruction of women alone is awesome in its evilness; it is staggering how evil that is. I saw a video of people in Europe—three guys and a woman. They throw her down to the ground and start kicking her. I thought to myself, "Dude with the camera, do something." Nothing.

=> 00:24:57

When society erases the difference between men and women, it erases the respect and protection women deserve.

Evil is a concept that can be felt palpably, almost as if it were an entity. When discussing this with someone, I asked, "Do you mean evil the way I mean evil?" and he confirmed, "Oh yes, I think it's almost an entity and you can feel it." If you explore certain platforms, you will encounter things that make you question, "What the hell is this? I've never seen this before." The destruction of women alone is staggering in its evilness. For instance, I saw a video from Europe where three men threw a woman to the ground and started kicking her. The person filming did nothing to intervene. This made me think, "When are we going to stand up and say, 'That's my wife, that's my daughter, and even if it's not, she could be my daughter. You do not treat her like that.'"

As a father of daughters and a man who genuinely loves women, I feel strongly about this. I wasn't hitting on you, but I would be flattered if you did. No one should judge us for our love; it's legal now. However, I wonder if this behavior is inevitable in a society that tells us there's no difference between men and women. If a man annoys me, it's within bounds to punch him, but punching a woman is absolutely unacceptable. Every normal man was raised with this understanding. Yet, if we're told there's no difference between men and women, it essentially becomes a license to treat women with the same violence as men.

There is more good than evil, but we must stand up and declare, "That's wrong, that's evil, and it will not happen around me on my watch." Glenn Beck, often labeled as a dangerous right-wing figure, raised a crowd to its feet in defense of the idea that you shouldn't hit women. The irony is that those who claim to defend women have erased the category of women, along with any respect for them. In other words, the defenders of women are their sworn enemies, while those labeled as not liking women are the ones defending them.

I was in Washington DC last week for a charity event, which turned out to be a March for Children. It was mainly attended by moms and dads who had had enough. In the crowd, there were three rows of people wearing t-shirts that said Gays Against Groomers. I know them and just talked to Jamie Mitchell, who is fantastic. There was some resistance from a religious person, but I spoke next and said, "Gays Against Groomers, I don't think the Lord is checking what church you go to. He's looking for his children who know the difference between right and wrong and will stand up against pedophilia. I applaud Gays Against Groomers. We can disagree about many things, but the Lord needs all of us to stand up.

=> 00:29:56

Stand together against evil—stop the bickering and division.

Mitchell, I just talked to her yesterday. Love her so gaze against groomers. There was some scrapple from some religious person who said, "We can't sir," and I was like, "So unfortunately for that individual, I spoke next." I said, "Gaze against groomers. I don't think the Lord is checking what church you go to. I don't think he's looking for your Church card punched every Sunday. I don't think he's looking for anything at this point. He is looking for his children who know the difference between right and wrong and pedophilia and will stand up against it." I applaud Gaye against groomers. We can disagree about all kinds of stuff. The Lord needs all of us to stand up and stop dividing ourselves.

I sit with evangelicals and I love evangelicals. I love going to other people's churches. I think it's funny because we're all arguing, and I'm sitting in the back thinking, "You have no idea we're all saying the same thing." You know, in many ways, Christians, I'm a Mormon, so we're the Jews of Christians.

Interjecting, "Wait, can I just set the scene in my mind? Do you sneak into other people's churches on Sunday? How does this work?"

"Oh, I'm always watching Tucker. Sometimes I'm invited to go speak, and I love it. I just love it. Yet, we will continue to divide ourselves. Look, we have big differences, okay? We do have big doctrinal issues, but I'm just thinking that God might be going, 'You know, I'm coming down there soon,' kind of like Dad used to say, 'If I have to come up these stairs and you're not in bed, there's going to be trouble.' Dad's saying that to all of us, 'Stop your bickering. I'm coming down the stairs soon, and you all better be standing together and fighting against evil.'"

"Yes, so do you feel, since you more than anybody in secular media, have been hitting these themes way before anybody I knew would dare use the word God on television?"

"Can I tell you another quick story? I'm at Fox, and Roger Ailes calls me into his office. 'You're telling people to pray? You're telling people to pray on their knees?' Glenn, we have an awful lot of old people that watch this show, and you're making them feel guilty because it hurts to get on their knees. I said, 'Okay, that's pretty funny. I don't think that's happening. I think they get it.' He said, 'And another thing, this is a quote, "God's got wars and big issues to deal with. He doesn't want to hear from all of these people."' I looked at him and thought he was joking at first, but he didn't crack a smile. I said, 'I don't think you understand how that works.' He said, 'Well, here's how it works here. Stop saying God. Stop saying God.' I said, 'Hm, okay, you want me to stop saying God?'"

"A month later, he calls me in. I couldn't believe this. 'Do you realize how many times you've said the word God since we last talked?' I said, 'You counted?' '91 times. Amazing.' There's no other answer. Look, I have been talking about this. I did a chalkboard. Does anybody remember the chalkboard that I said, 'Oh yeah, I remember every chalkboard.' Remember the ones that I got a lot of heat for? In my prayers, I heard, 'Fall on your sword on this one,' so I did it every single day. The Communists, the anarchists, the Socialists, and I think the globalists will all work together to destroy Israel, destabilize the Middle East and Europe, and it will spread to America and collapse America. I could see that happening. It was so clear, but that's happening right now. When I said all of those things, I prayed every night, 'Give me an answer. How do we stop this?'"

"And at the same time, you know, this is a joke, but it's true. When I was at CNN, my last year there, AP comes out with the most admired men in the world. That Christmas, I'm sitting with my family, and I get a text. I was tied for number three. It was me tied with the Pope and Nelson Mandela. I said to myself, 'Those bums,' and I looked at my kids and I...

=> 00:35:05

If you don't know me well enough to call me, you don't know me well enough to judge me.

America is on the brink of collapse, and I could see that happening. It was so clear, and it's happening right now. When I said all of those things, I was thinking to myself because I prayed every night, asking for an answer on how to stop this. At the same time, I thought it was a joke, albeit a true one.

When I was at CNN during my last year there, the AP came out with a list of the most admired men in the world. That Christmas, while sitting with my family, I received a text saying I was tied for number three with the Pope and Nelson Mandela. I joked to myself, "Those bums," and told my kids, "This is how much trouble the world is in." My kids were like, "Dad, that's amazing!" but I insisted, "It's not true. I'm not that guy." A year later, I became the most hated man in America. I told my children, "Remember that list from a year ago? This list is just as false. I'm not that guy, and I'm not that guy." This is all just perception.

Someone recently said, and I love this, "If you have a problem with me or something I said that really offended you, I probably didn't mean to offend you. I don't set out to offend people. I do tell the truth as I understand it. But if I really did offend you, call me. If you don't have my phone number, you don't know me well enough to judge me." That's good advice. I heard someone say today, "If you don't respect someone enough to take his advice, you should ignore his criticism." That was really good. We should go into the bumper sticker business. Fortune today is the first day of the rest of your life. It just occurred to me, really, it is. Coexist, coexist, coexist, baby.

When I was saying those things on television, everyone else in cable news was talking about topics like Natalie Holloway. I was in very deep waters, and I think that's one of the reasons everyone was terrified of me. They were like, "We don't talk about things of eternal significance on cable television. That's just not what we do." I think that really scared them. How many times have you done an interview with someone who, halfway through, you notice their shark eyes, and you realize they're not even listening to you? It's terrifying to see that. You are a powerful interviewer that people trust, but you have an agenda and you're not even listening. You're just thinking, "How do I get him here? How do I get him here?" That is so evil.

I always blame Xanax, but you're right. Our entire leadership class is just high as hell. They're so medicated, and you have to ask what percentage of our leaders are on a mind-altering drug. I would say an overwhelming majority. This is a prime example of disinformation. For instance, has anybody left a bag of cocaine at the White House? I look at Kamala Harris, and as someone who grew up in a neighborhood with a lot of divorced rich ladies in Southern California, I just know that look: "I can't even hear you, man. I'm so high right now." I see that in her face. A friend of mine said she's America's wine mom—too much wine, too much wine.

There have been some questions online about why we, as a show, would partner with Liberty Safe of all the safe companies in the world. Why did we decide to enter into a partnership with Liberty Safe? Liberty Safe was the center of a pretty big controversy less than a year ago. Let us explain. There's a specific reason we're partnering with Liberty and not any other safe company, and it's because of that controversy. A year ago, Liberty Safe got a request from the federal government for the emergency access code for a Liberty Safe owner.

=> 00:39:46

Liberty Safe learned from their mistake and now offers customers the option to completely remove their safe's emergency code from company records, ensuring total privacy and protection from government overreach.

Man, I'm so high right now that I see that in her face, and I don't know that I heard a friend of mine say she's America's wine mom. Yeah, like too much wine, too much wine.

There have been some questions online about why we, as a show, would partner with Liberty Safe. Of all the safe companies in the world, why did we decide to enter into a partnership with Liberty Safe? Liberty Safe, of course, was the center of a pretty big controversy less than a year ago. Let us explain. There's a specific reason that we're partnering with Liberty and not any other safe company, and it's because of that controversy.

A year ago, Liberty Safe got a request from the federal government—a warrant for the emergency access code for a Liberty Safe owner. In this specific case, Liberty had no idea the reason for the search, what this person was charged with, or potentially charged with, because the warrant was sealed and restricted. It turns out, in this instance, the warrant wasn't issued by the feds for a drug dealer or a kitty porn hoarder or a child abuser, but for a January 6th protester. It was, in other words, political. Liberty Safe did not know that and they were badly stung by this because, like us, they strongly oppose government overreach and they strongly support privacy. They're a safe company—they're for privacy.

The reason that we're supporting Liberty, for partnering with them, endorsing their products, is not just because they make great safes, which they do—my personal guns are in one of their safes—but because they learned their lesson. They got stung by federal overreach and so they have put specific measures in place to make sure this never happens again.

Going forward, here's their official policy. We want to be really clear—we knew this going into our deal with Liberty and we probably should have said this out loud. Now we are. So, going forward, a warrant or a similar compulsory document has to be issued to Liberty Safe with a specific serial number of the safe in question for them to comply. At that point, Liberty works with their lawyers to review the requests and challenge them if they can. But here's the change that convinced us: going forward, customers at Liberty Safe have the option to completely expunge their safe's unique emergency code from Liberty's records. In other words, if you ask, and we have, they will no longer have any record of what that number is. So, if the feds come to them and say, "We need to get into so and so's safe," maybe for political reasons, maybe because they went to a political protest at the Capitol, Liberty can say sincerely, "We can't help you because we don't have that information." And we like that a lot because it puts the power back into the hands of the safe owners. If you take your privacy seriously, if you're worried about government overreach, you can do something about it, and Liberty is offering its customers that chance. That's why we're supporting them and will continue to. Hope that clears that up.

Are there leaders now in this country who are paying attention, who understand the stakes, who know what's going on, who you think can lead us out of what, by any definition, is a low and perilous moment? Not a lot of them in your state government. Oh, the state government of Utah? I don't know who you're talking about. Can you be a lot more specific?

I have to tell you, I was walking in and I completely understood it because I'm aware of politics here, and nobody in my crew was understanding. Some women, as I walked by, they were like, "No [], no [], no [__]." But can I, okay, I don't want to get controversial, but I have a sincere question as someone who follows politics here. I have one friend who represents the state who's a wonderful, wonderful man in Washington. I'm not going to name names—Mike Lee. What a great man, what a great man.

He is that guy—they take drills into his head every night. They hate him. A normal person with a normal family and a happy marriage, and he thinks about things, and he's like a normal person. Quite honestly, the way the media and some leadership in this state treat Mike Lee is an abomination. He is not a radical. He is a constitutionalist. For a people who used to really love and listen to and obey Ezra Benson, what the hell is wrong with you?

I agree. Well, I mean, Mike Lee is about as radical as I am, which is not at all radical. Actually, the definition of moderate. I believe in rules. I believe in the Constitution, the Bill of Rights.

=> 00:44:21

Mike Lee is a true constitutionalist, not a radical, and deserves respect for his dedication to the principles that founded this country.

Man, what a great man Mike Lee is. He is that guy they take drills into his head every night just because they hate him. A normal person with a normal family and a happy marriage, he thinks about things like a normal person. Quite honestly, the way the media and some leadership in this state treat Mike Lee is an abomination. He is not a radical; he is a constitutionalist. For a people who used to really love and listen to and obey Ezra Benson, what the hell is wrong with you?

I agree. Mike Lee is about as radical as I am, which is not at all radical. Actually, the definition of moderate, I believe in rules, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. Mike Lee actually understands it. Mike Lee is the opposite of a radical. But here's my point, not just to defend Mike, which I'm happy to do, but to ask: how did a state filled with the happiest families in the country and the most normal people in the country—it's literally Utah, a synonym for happy, thriving people—how do they get leaders like that in the state? I just don't understand that.

Let me answer it this way: I do not know. Listen to this, only cheer if you have thought this, okay? Isaiah, I will clean out my own house first. Oh crap, have you thought that? Salt Lake City, that just went right over my head, but I'm glad that some people did. The idea is that God says, "I will clean out my own house first. I'm not coming for everybody else. Everybody who says they're with me and they're not, I will clean that house out first, and then we'll go."

I have to tell you, I've talked to people in Salt Lake City—a lot of people, and apparently not as many as I thought—but a lot of people have said, "I am worried about our state because we were founded on God." Beyond the country, do you know what Brigham Young's first one of his first things he did was? They were chased out of Missouri, and they had bloody feet from walking in the snow. The men were all killed. When they finally came here, which you and I talked about today, I think I would have been pissed at Brigham Young if he said, "This is the place." I'd be like, "What? No, I'm going to Tahoe. Did you see Denver back there? I mean, that's nice. It's a desert."

But anyway, one of the first things he did was organize a choir. You want to talk about joy, Kamala Harris, there it is. They took and created a choir, and then he had a parade. There's nothing here, but he had a parade where the men carried—it might be different, but I think it was—the men carried the Declaration, and the women carried the Constitution and Bill of Rights. His point was, "We are not mad at that country." Remember, this isn't part of the country yet. "We're not mad at America. America did not betray us. People will go wrong, but the principles are true." Now, you tell me another group of people that have been chased out and have that respect for a country. They found this whole place on God, and do not turn your back on Him. Do not turn your back because He will clean out your house.

Wow. So, I'm sorry, is this too weird? I love it. I love it. And I have to say, as an Episcopalian from Southern California, I do consider the trek across the country by the Mormon settlers one of the great displays of toughness. Tough people, for real. I admire that a lot.

What happens in this election in the next 60 days? Well, let me tell you, I have no idea. Do you? I know, but I can't reveal. I'll say this: Trump is winning now. That's a fact. Wait, I 100% agree with you. However, is that going to be reported that way? Well, it's interesting. Of course not. But it's striking how many of the public polls, the media polls, are designed to mislead. Yes, so this is not a conspiracy theory. Wikipedia does not acknowledge it, but it is a fact that a lot of public polls are designed to encourage or discourage certain constituencies, including people in Congress. So, the only polls you can actually trust are the ones done internally by the campaigns, which are not publicly released. The point of those polls is to drive their behavior, so they actually want to know how they're doing in Wisconsin or Pennsylvania. They're not showing it to anybody; they're just trying to figure out how much they should spend. They have no incentive to lie at all, and they have a lot of money and every incentive to hire the best pollsters in the world, both sides, by the way. So, the internals on...

=> 00:49:11

Public polls are often designed to mislead; only internal campaign polls are trustworthy.

Public polls are designed to mislead. This is not a conspiracy theory, although Wikipedia does not acknowledge it. It is a fact that many public polls are designed to encourage or discourage certain constituencies, including people in Congress. The only polls you can actually trust are the ones done internally by the campaigns, which are not publicly released. The purpose of these internal polls is to drive campaign behavior. They want to know how they are doing in states like Wisconsin or Pennsylvania, not to show it to anybody, but to figure out how much they should spend. They have no incentive to lie and every incentive to hire the best pollsters in the world. Both sides do this.

Internal polls show Trump significantly ahead in Battleground States. As of Monday, the internals on both sides are showing Trump significantly ahead in these states, including Arizona, which was thought to be moving in the other direction. One reason for this is that many non-traditional Republicans or people who haven't voted Republican before are now voting for Trump or say they are. The Harris campaign is aware of this, which is why they are blaming Russia again.

Potential changes in the next six weeks. Massive corruption and the belief that it cannot be overcome are the only things that could change the current standings. This belief is absolutely not true. For example, only three in ten Christians vote, which is a very low number. If churches would encourage their congregations to vote and use scriptures to distinguish between right and wrong, the situation could change.

The battle between good and evil. This is an age-old battle, as old as the Tower of Babel and Satan being cast out. Satan promised to bring everyone back to God but wanted the credit and control over them. Jesus, on the other hand, offered to sacrifice himself so that people could live again, despite their mistakes. God chose Jesus. Today, politicians are making similar promises of control and safety, but this is akin to Satan's plan. God believes in individual choice, knowing we would fail and sin, but that is for our own good.

Personal growth through suffering and failure. The speaker reflects on their own life, acknowledging that suffering and failure have been their greatest teachers. They mention their alcoholism and redemption through baptism, which helped them survive and succeed. Success in the media industry, particularly at Fox, came with temptations and offers of everything they wanted, but they learned to walk away. Fame and fortune are described as "battery acid to the soul," and the speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding this from the beginning.

=> 00:54:25

Fame and fortune can feel intoxicating, but they can erode your soul if you're not careful.

When I walked into Fox, I quickly realized that if you're successful and play ball, they'll give you everything you want. You can do anything, and you'd be amazed at what they can make go away. They would be incredibly grateful, and all this can be yours. However, I believe that fame and fortune are like battery acid to the soul. You have to understand this from the beginning because fame is fleeting, and you constantly play a game that can be overwhelming.

When I decided to start my own thing, everyone said nobody would watch any video online. They were right initially because we were so early, even before HBO, Netflix, and Amazon. The main problem was buffering, with that little wheel constantly spinning due to slow dial-up connections. We were just too far ahead of the game. Despite everyone thinking it was nuts, I have a high-risk tolerance and felt it was the right move. Leaving the stage at Fox for a buffering platform was a significant change. At Fox, you could feel the White House move; the impact was intoxicating and dangerously so.

At home, my family never acknowledged my work, so I would forget about it until I returned to work and felt the overwhelming impact again. My wife used to think I was funny, but not anymore. You're not a prophet in your own house. The impact I felt while on air was intoxicating, and I didn't like it because part of me really liked it. I realized I had to leave to keep my soul intact.

I've always wanted to sit at the cool kids' table, like everyone else. Nobody wants to be a pariah. I've never been a cool kid, despite what people might think. I had to deal with Paramount Pictures being gone because of Van Jones and other issues. The night I was going to tender my resignation at Fox, I was called about the Broadway show Spider-Man. They were making changes and wanted my opinion. I saw potential in the show despite its problems and talked about it on air, which skyrocketed ticket sales.

One night, while watching the show, one of my security guys handed me a phone saying Bono was backstage and wanted to meet me. Suddenly, I felt like a cool kid. I went backstage and met Julie and others involved in the show.

=> 00:59:21

Walking away from fame and fortune to save my soul was the hardest decision, but it brought me true peace.

In the second half, they were doing too much, but I got on the air and started talking about it, and their sales of tickets just skyrocketed. So, they called me and said, "We're making some changes to the show. Would you be willing to come?" I went and talked to the producers and shared some of my thoughts. Later, I got a call asking if I could come that night because they thought they had fixed some problems and wanted my opinion.

Halfway through, one of my security guys handed me a phone and said, "Bono is backstage and wants to meet you. Interested?" I was like, "Bono? All of a sudden, I'm a cool kid." So, I went backstage and met Julie Taymor, who directed The Lion King, Michael Cohen, the producer, and Bono, who wrote all the music. As we were walking in, my wife said, "Do not give them advice." We were standing there, and Bono said, "We're having a disagreement. What do you think?" I thought, "I want to go home with my wife." So, we left, and all I could think of was, "I finally have access. I can do things. I can create things. This is amazing."

We walked into our apartment, which was like a movie set in the Bloomberg building on the 56th floor, with floor-to-ceiling windows and a 180° view of the city. I was living a movie. We walked in, and the lights were all off. I opened the door and saw the skyline, where I always wanted to live since I was little. I was on this high from meeting Bono and everything. I said to my wife, "How can this be God's plan? I have access now, and I am so fortunate." My wife, who is much better than I am, said, "I'm going to bed." I walked to the window, leaned against it, and felt the cold glass on my forehead. I looked down at the city, which is intoxicating if you like that kind of stuff, and thought, "How can this be your plan?" Internally, I heard, "If you don't leave now, you will not leave with your soul." The next day, I went in and tendered my resignation.

"No way, good for you. Did you ever have a moment of regret?" "Yes, every day."

I started to say there were times when I felt I was slipping. I felt I had to get it back, had to be in the public eye. Fame does that to you; it sets off an alarm bell. You're not who you used to be, not as good as you used to be. You feel you have to keep moving. I don't want that. I honestly just left our ranch after spending the last four months there. Last night, my wife said, "You don't seem like you're in the best of moods." I said, "For the last four months, I haven't had stress. I can do my job, talk about all these things, and then walk outside, and it's quiet. I am at the least stress and the healthiest mindset I've been in probably 20 years. I don't want to leave. I don't want to go back to Dallas, but my kids are still in school, so we're going back to Dallas."

I always thought when I worked in television, which was my whole life, that every man on TV should have a full-length mirror mounted outside his shower. You emerge from the steam, thinking about how great you are, and then you see this kind of furry, lumpy Homo Sapien, this primate, and realize, "Wait a second, that's me. I am not a Godlike figure; I look ridiculous."

"You look so much better than I do. I don't have a mirror in your bathroom, but I have one in yours. I'm always watching.

=> 01:04:37

It's crucial to recognize and embrace your flaws to stay grounded and avoid delusions of grandeur.

I always thought when I worked in television, which was my whole life really, that every man on TV should have a full-length mirror mounted outside his shower. You walk out of the steam, thinking about how great you are, and then you see this kind of furry, lumpy Homo Sapien, this primate, and you realize, wait a second, that's me. I am not a Godlike figure; I'm absurd. I look ridiculous actually.

I believe it's so important to know how absurd you are. I have three daughters, so it's not hard for me. In fact, I always joke in my house that my memoir will be called "The Carlson Girls Are Not Impressed". I'm so grateful for their resistance to being impressed. I was just talking to somebody in the green room, and they said, "You know Jack Carr is here." Where's Jack? There he is. I love Jack, an amazing human being. My daughter, the reader of the family, once came to me and said, "Dad, you got to read this book. It's a New York Times number one bestseller." I said, "You know your dad has 25 New York Times bestsellers and 12 number ones." She literally did this: she had the book and went, "Oh." Me being a best-selling author destroyed her image of the New York Times, which I'm happy for 100%. She was like, "This thing is a sham."

May every man have a daughter like that. This is our fourth night in a row, and for the fourth night in a row, I've interviewed someone who is sober. I am also sober, and I don't say that in a judgmental way, but there is something about people who've been forced to confront the fact that they're pretty flawed. It's very important to have your flaws up in your face at all times because it keeps you from confusing yourself with God. That's why I like the ranch. I look up, and I am so insignificant and flawed. There are times that I think, "Dig me," and God is going, "You know."

I truly believe this: alcoholics could save the world. Not functioning alcoholics, but ones that are in recovery. If our country, if our planet took those 12 steps, we'd fix it overnight. Admit you're powerless over this. I've tried to fix it, but I'm powerless. I cannot fix it. There's a higher power above me. I need to pay attention to the higher power. I need to get rid of all the crap that I'm afraid somebody will find out about me. I'll confess it. I'll try to make amends when I can for anything that I've done to hurt somebody.

In the scriptures, it's the helmet of salvation. The helmet stops crap from coming into your head. You've done this, you're that, you're wrong, you're insignificant, you're too little, you'll never make it. Put the helmet of salvation on your head. That means put a shield in front of you. Get rid of all this stuff in your life. Don't believe all of those lies, that tape running inside your head all the time telling you whatever lie it is. Push eject, get that tape, and throw it in the garbage. Put a shield in front of you. I don't believe any of that. I know the truth. I know who I am. I am a human being. I am flawed, but I have the right to make my own choices. One of those choices is to try and fail. If I fail, don't take that failure from me. It's the only way I learn.

What are we doing in our society right now? You and I were the same on the Gulf War, on the Iraqi War. We both were like, "Yeah, you know, that's probably a weapon of mass destruction. Saddam did 9/11." It seemed natural.

=> 01:09:34

Don't let the lies in your head define you; embrace your flaws, make your own choices, and learn from your failures.

The tape that you have running inside of your head all the time tells you whatever lie it is. Push eject, get that tape, and throw it in the garbage. Then put a shield in front of you and say, "I don't believe any of that. I know the truth. I know who I am. I am a human being. I am flawed, but I have the right to make my own choices." One of those choices is to try and fail, and if I fail, don't take that failure from me. It's the only way I learn.

What are we doing in our society right now? We keep making mistakes. You and I were the same on the Gulf War and the Iraqi War. We both thought, "Yeah, you know, that's probably weapons of mass destruction. Saddam did 9/11." It seemed natural. But now we know that was a bad idea. We learned from it.

RFK is someone I have mixed feelings about. I love RFK, I mean, I don't, but I do. I really liked his dad, and he reminds me of him. I like a lot of the stuff he says, but some of the other stuff makes me think, "Oh dear God, you're a Kennedy, you've got to be evil." However, I really like what he's doing, especially when he talks about getting healthy. I used to support pharmaceutical companies and big food, thinking we were feeding the world. Now, I realize we are killing ourselves and the world. We need to stop thinking we're God.

AI is a significant concern. We are about to create a being, and these scientists think they can handle it. You have to understand AI; it is an alien life form. They don't even know how it comes up with answers. We created it, but we don't know how it thinks or comes up with its answers. It would be as foolish as assuming spaceships in the sky are either going to kill us or be our best friends. We have no idea how AI thinks; it has different experiences.

Fear the encoding, not the machine. Fear the program and the people programming it. Are they teaching it that "white man bad," or that racism can only be fixed by being racist yourself? Are they teaching it that gender is fluid? If that's what we're teaching it, we are in trouble.

Discussing societal changes with Dan and his wife, who are some of the greatest people I know, we talked about how things are changing. Dan leaned over to me and said, "If we're debanked, what do we do?" He's thinking ahead. If Kamala Harris wins, she is the most strident pro-abortion person. Do you really think you'll have a right to fight for these things? Look at what's happening in Europe and how they are silencing voices. Look at what they're doing to Elon Musk in Brazil. If they'll do it to Trump and Elon Musk, do you really think they won't put you in jail?

We have to fight now. We have to decide who we are and what is really important. Donald Trump learned this. He doesn't need this. No matter what you think of him, he doesn't need this. The man stands up and exposes himself because he believes in something. Here's a guy who actually believes in something.

Reflecting on a recent shooting, what was that? It happened in front of everyone a little more than a month ago, and I don't think we've talked about it as a country since. It's been memory-holed.

=> 01:14:54

Donald Trump is willing to risk everything for his country, and we should support him by voting.

Donald Trump doesn't need this, no matter what you think of him. The man who gets down and is shot, you know, somebody has just about killed him. For him to stand up and say, "I need to see the crowd, I need to give them a message, show them our right," he didn't know the sniper's dead. He stands up and exposes himself because he believes in something. Here's a guy who's actually willing to take a risk.

Let me ask you one last question since you touched on the shooting. What was that? What was that actually? I mean, that just happened in front of everyone a little more than a month ago. I don't think we've talked about it as a country since. I think it's been memory-holed; I don't think it's on Wikipedia.

Well, Jack, I don't know how many number one books you have, but as an author myself, I think we can relate to each other, am I right? So, as a fiction writer, I would say that was an OP. They tried to kill the President of the United States. The Biden Administration allowed that to happen, period. They literally allowed it to happen, whether knowingly or not. They allowed it to happen. I've been in a million secret service operations my whole life, and an unguarded roof 130 yards away? No, it doesn't happen. But it didn't work, and yet no one has followed up on how that happened. Curious, isn't it? Curious.

I had a conversation with a guy once, and he said to me, "You got to get out of there. In fact, I think you're having a heart attack." And I said, "What? You're having a heart attack? No, I'm not." He insisted, "Listen to me, you're having a heart attack. I'm going to send a plane to pick you up right now so you can get out of there because you need some space to recover from a heart attack." I asked, "Are you saying what I think you're saying?" And he replied, "Glenn, do you think movies are just pulled out of thin air? This kind of stuff happens all the time at great levels of power."

They cannot allow Donald Trump to be president. I don't care what you think of the guy. I don't like some of the stuff he says, but I tell you, I have been with him one-on-one. He is a different man in person than he is on stage. He is charitable, he is kind, he remembers people, he remembers your children's names, he cares, and he's brave enough to do it. You know what he is? He's Martin Luther King in this way. Martin Luther King was like the eighth guy that people said, "Hey, do you want to lead this Civil Rights march?" All the good guys, all the guys who were like, "I'm buttoned up, I'm with the Lord," they said no. Martin Luther King was just the first one that was either willing or dumb enough to take the job. He knew what was going to happen to him. The Lord will use any person, any flaws, anybody if you just will say yes. He'll just keep going from person to person. Donald Trump is just the first person who said, "Okay, I'll do it," and he will do it.

What are we going to do? Sit at home when we have a guy who's willing to die for the country? Not his fame, not his fortune, his country. Are we going to sit at home and go, "I don't know, they might try to steal the election"? Get your fat ass out of the chair and grab people and take them to the polls.

Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Glenn Beck. The big tech companies censor our content. I hate to tell you that it's still going on in 2024, but you know what? They can't censor live events. That's why we are hitting the road on a fall tour for the entire month of September, coast to coast. We'll be in cities across the United States. We'll be in Tulsa, Oklahoma with Dan Bonino, Kansas City with Megan Kelly, Wichita with Charlie Kirk, Milwaukee with Larry Elder, Rosenberg, Texas with Jesse Kelly, Grand Rapids with Kid Rock, Hershey, Pennsylvania with JD Vance, Reading, Pennsylvania with Alex Jones, Fort Worth, Texas with Roseanne Barr, Greenville, South Carolina with Marjorie Taylor Greene, Sunrise, Florida with John Rich, and Jacksonville, Florida with Donald Trump Jr. You can get tickets at Hope to see you there.