Gara -gara Gendak || Kontrakan Rempong Episode 864

Kadang, berbagi itu lebih baik, tapi ada kalanya lebih nyaman sendiri.

Yeah, but what can you do. This is TTI, uh one lag. Turns out, actually I'm too... [Music] TTI. Him. Heh, what's up bro, disturbing people who are happy. You guys have been calling me with a handset, bro I'm listening to music. Why do you deserve so many Ting you wear like that, later your ears will be sensitive, you're done for! Here's the thing bro, I'm listening to music, entertaining myself when selling alone like this. If it's like this... [Music] it's like this, what are you talking about hanging around? Don't turn up the music too loud, you'll go deaf!

Do you want to buy misop kobor? Okay, wait a minute, I'll make it for you. Heh, I didn't order misop, someone ordered ice instead. That's why don't turn up the music too loud. Oh, lots of chicken, isn't spicy? That's easy, Ba, I'll make a special one for you. Oh, your ears went numb earlier. Eh, don't make misop, I didn't order misop, TTI! I ordered ice. Oh, Kak Momo is not here, earlier bro at home. Bro, I went there earlier to ask her to go shopping, she wasn't home.

Astaghfirullahalazim. Hey, I didn't say p. Oh, really, I'll make the ice later. This person's eardrums are damaged from shouting all the time, but he answers calmly. Oh, Neneng hasn't arrived yet, she's coming here bro. Bro, why is my ear buzzing like this? Bro, ah, I said your eardrums are damaged! That person isn't there, asking Nining even though she's been asked, she said that too. Oh, given water bro, washed like that, my ears were put in water like this. Yes, wait a minute bro, I'll try it first. Crazy, this turkey can't do that.

It's really hot. Ah, even though the sun isn't shining like this, why is it moving like this? Really hot. Hey, you want to sleep, but you can't because it's too hot, right? Yes, oh my, it's so hot I feel like wearing a bikini. Want to wear a bikini? Oh my, oh Allah, this is crazy!

If you want to wear a bikini, there's that. But if I actually want to, let's share it. You're crazy, how can we share wearing that bikini, one side of your chest, one side of mine like that. Just kidding, I'm just joking. No way I'll give you my bikini? It won't fit either, that's why it won't fit. But it's so weird, it's already the 'ber ber ber' month, but why is it still hot like this? It's like a bucket, ehh.

If not like this, buy an AC, it's quite half and half. Later I'll just hang out at your place like that. Actually, I want it too, is. But you know, the electricity hasn't been bought yet, the AC is expensive. Surely if we don't just share, sis, buy the AC, then we divide it in half. There's a warehouse here, you're next to it, just give a pipe, put it in the middle, the AC will be okay, you half, I half.

That's a good idea, is. If it's like that, but the electricity will be split in half too. If so, yes, I'll tell Bordir. Oh, don't be like that, sis. We've already bought the AC, split it in half, the electricity is still plugged in at your place. There you start manipulating. Why are you like that, it's a hassle, I better buy my own, my own AC, plug it in my own house, why bother sharing? Let's just endure the heat like this, is.

=> 00:06:07

Kadang, berbagi itu lebih merepotkan daripada menikmati sendiri.

Pasti kalau enggak, kita konsien aja, Kak. / If not, we'll just be considerate, Sis.

Kita bisa beli AC-nya terus kan kita bagi dua. / We can buy the AC and then split it in half.

Ini kan ada gudang, kau kan di samping, kasih aja pipa taruh di tengah-tengahnya. / There's a warehouse here, you're next to it, just put a pipe in the middle.

Itu asinya kan lumayan, kau setengah, aku setengah. / The AC is quite decent, you get half, I get half.

Boleh juga, lu kalau kayak gitu, tapi listriknya kan bagi dua juga. / You can do that, but the electricity should be split too.

Kita kalau memang iya, biar kubilang sama si Bordir, loh. / If we agree, I'll tell Bordir.

Jangan kayak gitulah, Kak. / Don't be like that, Sis.

Kita kan AC-nya udah beli, bagi dua, listriknya tetap colok di tempat kau lah. / We've already bought the AC, split it in half, but the electricity should still be plugged at your place.

Itulah, kau mulai mengakali. / That's it, you're starting to scheme.

Kau kok kayak gitu? / Why are you like that?

Itu tumpurlah, aku bagus, aku beli sendiri, AC-ku sendiri, kucolok sendiri di rumahku. / That's nonsense, I buy my own, my own AC, I plug it in my own house.

Ngapain mesti bagi-bagi? / Why should we share?

Udahlah, tahan-tahan aja lah panas kayak gini. / Just endure the heat like this.

Biar keluar juga apa? / What will come out?

Keringat mana sih, Tati? / Sweat, Tati?

Ini esku enggak dibikin-bikin, Tati bandal, kasih TTI ini. / This ice isn't made, Tati is stubborn, give this TTI.

Udah bisa dengar kau? / Can you hear now?

Hah, apa, bor? / Huh, what, bor?

Guwa diikin apa suaramu? / What's with your voice?

Ah, in denger ya, udah bisa dengar kau tadi. / Ah, you can hear me now.

Hah, apa sih bor? / What is it, bor?

Kau ngomong itu jangan gini-gini aja, mulut kau. / Don't just say this and that, your mouth.

Apa kau bilang? / What did you say?

Ah, ih mampus, betul-betul pekat dia. / Ah, damn, it's really too loud.

Ini kok harus dibawa ke hati ini, Ti. / This has to be taken to heart, Ti.

Aduh, bor, kok sakit kali telingaku ini? / Oh, bor, why does my ear hurt so much?

Ya ampun, macamnya gendang telingaku ini ada yang mainkan. / Oh my, it's like my eardrum is being played with.

Makanya kau jangan sok kecantikan pakai-pakai headset kayak gitu. / That's why you shouldn't pretend to be stylish with headsets like that.

Pekak kan janjinya kupingmu kan enggak bagus itu. / Your ears aren't good if they're deaf.

Aduh, bor, udah sakit l kupingku, bor. / Oh, bor, my ear already hurts, bor.

Nyanyi pula kau di situ, gak ada bagus-bagusnya suaramu. / You're singing there, your voice isn't good at all.

Aduh, sakit kali kupingku. / Oh, my ear hurts so much.

Ah, siapa pula yang nanya? / Ah, who's asking?

Orang dadadi ngomong sama dia pun ini harus cari solusi ni, Ti. / Even when talking to him, we need to find a solution, Ti.

Aku gak tahulah kalau kayak gini, harus tanya sama ayolah. / I don't know about this, better ask dad.

Ayolah, ayo sini ku bawa kau. / Come on, let me take you.

Ayo, ayo, mana ya enaknya ya? / Let's go, where's the best way?

Aku pula hari ini ngajar apa, orang ini aja. / What am I teaching today, just these people.

Aku aja senam, liat pand dia orang ini. / I'm just doing gymnastics, look at them.

Senam mau ke mana pun enggak tahu lagi. / I don't know where the gymnastics will go.

Aku udahlah, ke sini aja. / I'll just go here.

Aku inilah ada sisa-sisa jajanku. / I have some leftover snacks.

Hah, untuk ngawanin kita sambil cerita-cerita. / To accompany us while chatting.

Enggak apa-apalah, Kak, yang penting ada ya cemilan kita sambil cerita-cerita. / It's okay, Sis, the important thing is we have snacks while chatting.

Hah, pask ada orang ini nih. / Ah, there's this person.

Hah, ada apa? / Ah, what's wrong?

Iya, kok kayak panik gitu? / Yes, why do you look so panicked?

Kelen apa sih, bor? / What's up with you, bor?

Kau suruh pula ini makan misop di tempatku gratis, kau yang bayarin. / You told them to eat misop at my place for free, you're paying.

Enggak apa-ap lah, ini gratis pula. / It's okay, it's free too.

Hah, kau kenapa, Ti? / Ah, what's wrong with you, Ti?

Kau enggak nyambung, kau kayak nambung kan rusak gendang telinganya ini. / You're not connected, like the eardrum is damaged.

Lo kok bisa kayak mana ceritanya? / How did it happen?

Kemasukan air, kemasukan binatang, atau apa? / Got water in, an animal, or what?

Inilah tadi dia pakai-pakai headset, kuat kali musiknya. / Earlier he was wearing a headset, the music was so loud.

Kurasakan, panggilin pun gak dengar-dengar. / I felt it, calling him doesn't make him hear.

Inilah jadinya. / This is what happens.

Hah, tungkian, apa sih kalian ngomongi? / Ah, what's going on with you all?

Berdengung-dengung di kupingku. / It's buzzing in my ear.

Ah, yang jelas, kenapa ngomongnya? / Ah, clearly, why are you talking?

Ih, udah gawat, itu udah rusak, itu kupingnya. / Ah, it's bad, the ear is damaged.

Dibawa KPA ke dokter bidan itu loh yang di depan. / Take her to the midwife doctor in front.

Dokter ya, dokter bidan? / Doctor, a midwife doctor?

Ya bidan mana ada dokter bidan? / Where is there a midwife doctor?

Is saya harusnya dibawa ke THT. / Should be taken to the ENT.

Cak sini dulu kau, kupingmu, biar ku tengok, jangan kalian kecil-kecil kan gitu. / Come here first, your ear, let me see, don't make it small like that.

Kapan suara kelen-kelen kerja? / When does your voice work?

Ya aku yaah, itu panggilmu, kau sana, sana, sana, sini, sini, biar ku tengok dulu. / Yes, I call you, there, there, here, let me see first.

Kak, ini l dia. / Sis, here it is.

Ah, ku tengok dulu kupingmu. / Ah, let me see your ear first.

Ih, jorok kali kuping kau, ti. / Ah, your ear is so dirty, Ti.

Apa sih? / What is it?

Eh, jorok kali, tainya kok belerer-beleler gitu ya? / Eh, it's so dirty, why is the wax so spread out?

Ya, ya, ih, ih, jorok kali. / Yes, yes, ih, ih, so dirty.

Kok colekanlah ke bawang itu ke tempat dia. / Why not poke the onion to his place?

Kak, eh pun aku udah habis jok k si saya. / Sis, I'm already out of this.

Ini mana suruh conkel-congkel kayak gitu? / Where did you ask to pick like that?

Kopi k cokelat, coba mana tengok, bor. / Chocolate coffee, let's see, bor.

Tengok bor, coba sebelah sini. / Look, bor, try this side.

Hah, ih ada, ada. / Ah, there's something, there's something.

Kayak ada, ya ini apa ini seteling jualanmu? / It's like there's something, what is this on sale?

Ini awas dulu tanganmu, biar ditengok dia bagus-bagus. / Watch your hand first, let it be seen properly.

Iya, apa? / Yes, what?

Musik / Music

Sih, ada-ada aja lah, Ken. / Ah, there are such things, Ken.

Ini kok lagi bir, mana mungkin ada steling di kupingnya si Tati. / There's beer now, how could there be a sale in Tati's ear.

Kok sakit kali aku pengku, ya? / Why does my hip hurt so much?

Woy, kalian ngomong enggak ada loh suaranya. / Hey, you guys are talking without a sound.

Aku berobat, kenapa? / I went for treatment, why?

Aduh, aduh, tapi kan berobat ke THT itu mahal. / Oh, but going to the ENT is expensive.

Kadang, solusi sederhana bisa mengubah segalanya, bahkan saat kuping terasa pekak.

Colekanlah ke bawang itu ke tempat dia. / Move that onion to its place. Kak, eh, pun aku udah habis jok ke si saya. / Sis, uh, I've already finished the joke with him. Ini mana? Suruh conkel-congkel kayak gitu. / Where is it? Told to poke around like that. Kopi ke cokelat, coba mana? / Coffee to chocolate, try where? Tengok bor, tengok bor, coba sebelah sini. / Look, friend, look, friend, try this side. Hah, ih, ada kayak ada. / Huh, wow, there's something like that. Ya, ini apa? / Yes, what is this? Ini seteling jualanmu. / This is your selling display. Ini awas dulu tanganmu, biar ditengok dia bagus-bagus. / Watch your hands first, so he sees it's nice. Iya, apa? / Yes, what?


Sih, ada-ada aja lah. / Gosh, always something. Ken, ini kok lagi bir? / Why is this beer here, Ken? Mana mungkin ada stelling di kupingnya si Tati. / How could there be a display in Tati's ear. Kok sakit kali aku pengku, ya? / Why does it hurt so much, my jaw? Woy, kalian ngomong enggak ada loh suaranya. / Hey, you guys are talking but there's no sound. Kak, aku berobat. Kenapa? / Sis, I'm getting treatment. Why? Aduh, aduh, tapi kan berobat ke THT itu mahal, loh. / Oh, oh, but ENT treatment is expensive, you know. Ti, mahal, biarin aja lah. / Ti, it's expensive, just leave it. Bawa THT kan dia juga, ini biar sehat lagi. / Bring it to the ENT so he can be healthy again. Nih, banyak tingkas sih pakai-pakai headset kayak gitu. / See, often using headsets like that. Alah bor, aku yakin pasti dia enggak mau dibawa berobat ini ke THT. / Oh friend, I'm sure he doesn't want to be taken to the ENT. Dia kan orangnya bedangki pelit. / He's a stingy person. Ya udahlah, woi, kalau kayak gitu, kalau misalnya mau dibawa ke bidan, enggak apa-apa sih. / Well, if that's the case, if you want to take him to the midwife, it's okay.

Siapa yang mau bawa kau ke bidan THT? / Who wants to take you to the ENT midwife? TST? Kok minum TST, Kak? / TST? Why drink TST, Sis? Apa sembuh minum TST, Kak? / Can you heal by drinking TST, Sis? Hah, tengoklah, makin kayak jadinya ini. / Look, it's getting worse like this. Pekaknya nyatu ini sama otak, ini enggak sinkron. / The deafness is merging with the brain, it's not synchronized. Dahan beku di otak, ahahan budaknya nih. / Frozen branch in the brain, this is the cause. Ya Allah, kok kasihan kali aku nengok si Tati. / Oh God, I feel so sorry for Tati. Eh, teringatnya kan kata nenekku, leluhurku yang dulu-dulu, kalau misalnya kupingnya kayak budek gini, peka itu dikasih obat tradisional, dimasukin batu-batu kecil-kecil gitu loh. / Oh, it reminds me of my grandmother's words, my ancestors, if the ear is like this, sensitivity is given traditional medicine, small stones are put in like that. Ah, masa sih? Makin pekak lah banyak batu di dalam ini. / Really? More stones will make it more deaf. Kalau kata leluhurku dulu, itu disiramkan aja pakai air panas, katanya. / My ancestor said, just pour hot water on it. Eh, air panas apa pakai minyak panas gitu dimasukkan? / Eh, is it hot water or hot oil that is used?

Ya udahlah, itu kalian tak apa-apa aja. / Well, you all are just fine. Kalian bilang bukan makin sembuh, dia makin rusak gendang telinga dia. / You say it's not getting better, he's damaging his eardrum more. Leluhur, leluhur, leluhur, entah kapan kalian jumpa leluhur, Ken. / Ancestors, ancestors, ancestors, when did you meet ancestors, Ken. Iya, betul itu. Kata si bodir, harus kerubah itu misopku. / Yes, that's right. Bodir said, my soup must be changed. Itu memang. / That's true. Kok sepi kali sih? / Why is it so quiet? Gak ada orang ke mananya? / Where did everyone go? Orang ini apa ngumpul tempak si Tati? / Did people gather at Tati's place? Ya kalau ngumpul tempak si Tati, pas sekalian aja. / If they gathered at Tati's place, just go along. Udahlah, bawa aja dia berobat sana. / Come on, just take her for treatment there. Iya loh, Wa, nanti kalau dibiar-biarin makin parah. / Yes, Wa, if left alone, it will get worse. Udahlah, cukup satu aja L yang budek, si Yayu, jangan nambah-nambah lagi setati. / Just one person with hearing loss is enough, like Yayu, don't add Tati. Ah, wah, di sini kan rupanya. / Oh wow, it's here actually.

Ya, Kenapa suaramu genda? / Why is your voice so loud? Ah, sakit kali kuping, orang gak bisa kecil sikit suaramu. / Oh, my ear hurts, can't you lower your voice a bit? Entah lo genda panas-panas kayak gini. / I don't know why you're so loud in this heat. Gera suara kau itu, gak bisa dipelanin. / Your voice is so loud, it can't be softened. Hah, iya, gendak. / Yes, loud. Suaramu itu loh. / Your voice is the issue. Ah, aduh, aduh, aduh, aduh, aduh, suaramu lah genda. / Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, your voice is so loud. Hah, ih, kok delay sih? / Huh, why is there a delay? Kenapa kupingnya rusak, ya? / Why is the ear damaged? Iya, makanya kau jangan teriak-teriak kayak gitu loh. / Yes, that's why you shouldn't shout like that. Genda udah rusak tuh kupingnya si Tati gara-gara pakai headset. / Tati's ear is already damaged from using a headset. Jangan kau teriak-teriak lagi, makin sakit. / Don't shout again, it will hurt more. Ih, bahaya, ini harus cepat diobatin, Kak. / Oh, it's dangerous, this needs to be treated quickly, Sis. Kalau enggak, nanti nyampai-nyampai kesalap kepalanya. / If not, it might reach her head and worsen.

Coba-coba genda ceknya, apa sih genda kok komat kami sih kau mulutu ak? / Try to check, why are you mumbling like that? Eh, eh, bari kali banyak tulang-tulang kau, tulang-tulang ayam isu. / Eh, eh, so many bones, chicken bones indeed. Kalau tak S sampahnya, gendak kau jangan yang aneh-aneh. / If not, don't weird things out. Tadi bordir bilangnya di situ ada steling, kau bilang ada tulang ayam, enggak usah ngada-ngada. / Earlier the tailor said there's a display, you said there's chicken bone, don't make it up. Ah, hah, betul kan? / Ah, yes, right? Ku bilang ada seteling orang, ada tulang-tulangnya juga. / I said there's a person display, there are bones too. Kok berarti ada gua misop juga ini di dalam telinganya. / So there's a noodle cave in her ear too. Ini bentar ya, biar genda obatin. / Wait a moment, let me treat it. Ini harus ditekan ke dalam ini. / It has to be pressed inside. Tar, ya tahan. / Hold on.

Ya, gak bisa. Ini jangan kok gitu, kan putus kepala orang. / Yeah, can't. Don't do it like that, it might break a person's head. Ini gak bisa, ini gej dulu. / This can't be, let's try first. Mau ngapain? / What do you want to do? Ibiar ditidurkan ini, gini. / Let it be laid down, like this. Apa sih? / What is it? Apa ya aku gendak sini-sini? / Why am I loud here? Nanti biar gak jatuh ke kuping. / So it doesn't fall into the ear. Ada rasa apanya, genda? / Is there anything felt, loud? Ah, enak, ada rasa mau keluar. / Oh, feels good, feels like something is coming out. He, kepala orang diam dulu, biar keluar semua ini. / Hey, keep the person's head still, let it all come out. Bentar ya, H, susah ini. / Hold on, H, this is difficult. Udah mulai keluar. / It's starting to come out. Ya, keluar baunya, bu bu bu bu. / Yes, the smell is coming out. Tungki, ih. / That's intense.

Hah, ih, eh, ih loh, ini sapuku loh, kok bisa ada di situ? / Huh, oh, this is my broom, how is it there? Ih, ngeri kali. / Wow, that's scary. Ya, duduk-duduk, udah enakan. / Okay, sit down, it's better now. Udah dengar? / Can you hear? Udah, kok malah bengong pula sih Tati ini. / Yes, Tati's just staring. Heh, Tati, udah bisa dengar enggak kau? / Hey, Tati, can you hear? Apa masih ada itu barang-barang di kupingnya? / Are there still things in her ear? Apa sih isay? / What's wrong? Kok udah orang lagi sakit gini kupingnya, kau tawar-tawar di baju pula jengung l. / Why when someone's ear is in pain, you try to sell clothes to them. Ini kupingku, ah. / This is my ear, ah. Ih, belum dengar juga dia. / Ah, she still can't hear. Ini harus pakai jurus suar aku ini 144 GHz baru bisa. / This needs my voice technique at 144 GHz to work. Ini kayaknya ih mau teri. / Seems like it's about to work.

Baru siap-siap tutup kuping, tutup kuping. / Get ready to cover your ears, cover your ears. Jangan. Ngang ha, siapsapapap siapap siap-siap. / Don't. Okay, ready, ready, ready. Siapsiap, ya. Tutup. / Ready, yes. Cover. K, alah, cuma kayak gitu aja genda. / K, come on, just like that, loud. Kami pikir kau bakalan teriak. / We thought you were going to shout. Udah, udah, dia cuman ah, cum gitu aja. / Just, just, he just went ah, just like that.


Ulangnya cek-cek genda, apa bisa dengar? / Check again, can you hear? Apa sih genda pelan aja, apa suaramu? / Why so loud, just slow down your voice. Ah, udah bisa dengar, udah bisa dengar dia. / Ah, she can hear, she can hear now. Woi, woi, woi, halo. / Hey, hey, hey, hello.


Aku memang tah. Ketah, ih bahaya. Ini harus. / I'm really concerned. Gosh, it's dangerous. This has to be handled.
