Are Men More Shallow Than Women? | Asmongold Reacts

Are Men More Shallow Than Women? | Asmongold Reacts

Men and women are equally shallow, but women have more options and can be pickier.

We've been very busy here on the Shoe On Head program in the past year. We discussed male loneliness, female loneliness, and the male dating strategy. We also tackled the pressing question on everyone's mind: Are women okay? Additionally, we even judged male bedrooms. However, I regret to inform you that my research into the male and female question is far from over. Today, we will be looking at one of the most classic and annoying gender war debates: Who is more shallow, men or women?

Despite popular belief, men and women are very different beings. For example, men eat cheeseburgers, and women eat salad. Men play video games, and women pick flowers. Men poop, and women cry. No, but seriously, we do have differences, especially when choosing a mate. Women typically look for strong, tall, protective men who can provide for them. On the other hand, men often look for anime girls and muscle mommies who can crush their skulls with their thighs. This doesn't make either gender shallow; however, there is a line, and that line is often crossed. I've seen things you couldn't believe: 120 lb women being called fat, 5'1 men being called short, and the hottest men and women in the world being called mid.

For today's video, we are going to quickly look at some studies about the shallowness of men and women and then have some fun. I will conduct some research of my own using the YouTube dating show, The Button. Welcome to The Button! Oh my God, I love this show. Do you remember that one Asian guy who would hug girls to measure their girth and then hit the red button if they were fat? That was so [__] good. It's a speed dating show where, when the button lights up red, either player may press it and swap out their date for a new person. It's been said that men are the more visual creatures, judging women harshly on their looks, while men are judged more for their wallets.

=> 00:04:58

Men and women are both shallow, but women have more options and can be pickier.

My personal theory is that men and women are equally shallow. Women just have way more options, so they're way more picky. Women can exercise being shallow more than men, but men are also very shallow as well. The difference is that men and women are both shallow, but women have the ability to exercise that way more than men do. People are different and care about different things, so you can't really shove men and women into boxes. However, for the sake of this video, like all the other videos we've done on the male and female question, we're going to do it.

Hey, I'm non-binary. What about me? What about you, Ash? Not everything is about you, Quinn. Settle down, Sage. I think I just called out like every non-binary person. Oh, aren't like two or three of those Valorant agents? Forget about you, Onyx.

So that's personally my view, but what does science say? Who is more superficial, men or women? Men's judgments of women's attractiveness were based primarily around physical features, and they rated highly those who looked thin and seductive. Men in the study also rated photographs of women who looked confident as more attractive. The women rating men showed some preference for thin, muscular subjects but disagreed on how attractive many men in the study were. Some women gave high attractiveness ratings to men that other women said were not attractive at all. So men tend to like the same things in women, while women tend to disagree.

I don't know how true that really is. I think it's probably more true, but there are plenty of guys that like fat chicks, for example. I see it all the time. But yeah, most guys like big boobs or a big ass. That checks out. When you ask a guy what their wildest "hear me out" is, it's usually some conventionally attractive woman. Meanwhile, when women say "hear me out," it's like Venom or a dragon, or Pyramid Head from Silent Hill.

One social experiment was done in France where they had a guy stand next to three different cars: one was an expensive luxury car, one was a mid-level car, and the other was a poor people's car. When he stood next to the poor people's car, he only got 7% of numbers from the women passing by. When he stood next to the mid-level car, he got 12%. Out of all the women that passed the man when he was standing next to the luxury expensive car, 23% of them gave him their number. That's crazy—a 3X multiplier. These findings indicated that women are inclined to give high-status men more of a chance. Wow, who would have thought? Somebody did a study on this, huh? Well, that's good. I don't think anybody knew that. Wow, water is wet.

Honestly, the car thing wouldn't work on me. I do not like cars. I hate cars, hate driving. I like trains. I am spiritually autistic. Men pretend they like cars as a hobby, but I don't buy it. Men don't have hobbies; they do everything for female attention. Yeah, nice hand-painted Warhammer figurines, you [__] SL.

=> 00:09:17

Men are always attracted to women in their early 20s, no matter their own age.

What else does science say? Besides Warhammer breaking study concludes men are shallow AF. Well, you have to remember, this is from Cosmopolitan magazine. Do you know who the people that read this are? Fat women. That's who reads this magazine, and everybody knows it. So yeah, that's exactly what they want to hear. Fat teen girls read this magazine and they're like, "I knew it, I knew it. See, this is what I've been saying." Yep, there you go. Cool, thanks, Cosmo.

Christian Rudder, the co-founder of OK Cupid, used data from OK Cupid users and discovered a bleak and yet somehow unsurprising truth: no matter how old men get, they still find women in their early 20s to be the most attractive. This finding is reported by Jezebel, a publication that many believe fat women from Cosmopolitan graduate to reading. It's seen as a progression, similar to the alt-right pipeline, but instead, it's a toxic fem cell pipeline.

The discourse around age gaps in relationships is often contentious. Some argue that men prefer younger women because they are more likely to be fertile, which is a fundamental aspect of human evolution. This preference is seen as a natural outcome of the entirety of human evolution. The idea is that men and women are attracted to each other primarily for procreation, and as women age, it becomes more challenging to have children.

Leonardo DiCaprio dating a 25-year-old is often criticized, but the same critics are okay with an 18-year-old starting an OnlyFans. This double standard is puzzling, as it suggests either they are adults or they aren't. Interestingly, at age 40, women start to look for men who are exclusively younger than they are. This double standard is often highlighted in Cosmo moments, where older women, who are upset about their ex-husbands dating younger women, write these articles.

=> 00:14:07

Never date someone who hates the opposite gender.

The problem is absolutely the last two, yes, the last two have been no problem. Why would you contact them after? Because we were friends, and that's why I dated them. I like them, and so I support him, still want to see him be happy and everything. Yeah, it's not a big deal. Well, I don't know, maybe that's just me, maybe I'm weird.

Break up over text: Want to explore your back door? You need an anal Vibe. What? Hello, everything to know about 5 in penises. What? I'm so tempted to click that one because, oh God, what is there to know? Study shows both men and women are shallow. What they found was that men and women prioritize different qualities when screening each other in online chats and speed dates. Women want men who are at least average in Social Status, while men want women who are at least moderately physically attractive. Modern Men are creating HL stop sing for every mid and sticking your wiener in anything that gives you attention, and women stop giving it away so easy. Never forget that men built Society to impress us: fire, the wheel, the pyramids, space exploration. Without the motivation for [__], men would still be in caves eating dirt.

This is why she's not really that wrong. When I think back in WoW to some of the best, like, have I tried to do a lot of damage in a raid before to impress a girl in The Raid? Absolutely, and those were 99% parses. True, planes are falling out of the sky now because Society was better when it was harder to get P. Yep, I should be the female Andrew Tate. Anyway, science is gay and a liar sometimes, so let's do our own research, shall we? Let's watch this stupid ass dating show and come to our own conclusions.

Okay, um, what is your name? Payton. Gabe, what is your type? Pete Davidson. What's your type? Pete Davidson. I feel like girls don't really like the way Pete Davidson looks; they just like his energy, his Charisma. Like, he's really not that good-looking of a guy, but like, he's obviously a funny guy. Yeah, I know, he's tall. Is he tall? Yeah, I don't even know. He's a drug addict, and he's funny. Yeah, exactly, look absolutely nothing like you. Off to a great start. Also, I never really thought about what my type is. Do I have a type? I don't think I have a type. Just be funny and think the world is also run by satanic pedophiles. That is my type.

Lizards, Payton, when we asked why are you single, you wrote guys suck. Yeah, guys suck. Oh God, code red, code red. Every guy, like anytime I hear a girl say women are trash or men are trash, you know what I hear? I hear my dad is trash. That's what I hear. Or my ex-boyfriend is trash. Yep, my type has always been girls that don't like me back. Oh, look at that, you like women who don't like you, and she doesn't like men. A perfect match. Yeah, this is great. I'm sorry, not shallow. Oh, you know, to be honest, I actually thought that the Asian guy, I thought that was kind of a funny response. I only like girls that don't like me back. I thought that was clever.

Yeah, I need like a mallet, like a judge. Hold on, this is what I'm hitting the mallet on, by the way. Okay, where were we? Oh yes, somebody gave one shallow. Don't ever date a woman who hates men and vice versa. Don't date a man who hates women. Avoid mommy and daddy issues. Nice to meet you, my name's Enrique. Enrique, cool. Are you from Tennessee? Because you're the only 10 I see.

=> 00:18:34

Being cringe on purpose for views takes more confidence than you think.

I feel like if you do that at a show like this and you know that it's on camera, I bet this guy has great confidence and great Charisma, and he knows that he's putting on a show and being cringe on purpose just to entertain the audience. I do like it, but you know he's not doing this on purpose, right? That hurts. Yeah, I bet this guy probably has more confidence than almost any of the other guys on there for the views. It's ridiculous. Enrique, why? For content, I'm sorry, I'm just not really attracted to you. You could tell she's so taking it. He's obviously farming, obviously 100%.

Dan, nice to meet you. Tony, is Dan your type? I don't really have a type. As long as you're tall, because I'm tall. I don't know if you saw that, but I'm very tall. How tall are you? I'm like 5'10. Oh, I'm 5'9. Oh, I am not your type. Not shallow, she's 5'10, perfectly acceptable. It's the 5 foot. I mean, I think that if a girl doesn't want to date a guy shorter than her, you have to understand that this is like, if you refer back to the evolutionary chart that I had looked at, that's just the way it is. 5'10 is tall. Yeah, I mean, I'm pretty tall for a guy, so it's like I have 99 problems, but that is probably the one problem that I don't have. But yeah, 5'10 is tall for a girl, it absolutely is. I would say 5'8 and above for a girl is pretty tall. Nothing is wanting the 6 foot 5 men that are the problem.

Hey, what's going on? I'm Sam. Hi, Pester, it's nice to meet you. Who's that? What is that? I couldn't find anyone to babysit, so I decided to bring them along. Are you ventral? No. What do you do for work? A professional cuddler. Nice, seems like a good line of work. What the is happening? This looks like two people that got their personality from watching every quirky Millennial writing show. Like, this is like both of their personalities come straight out of that. You know, it's like the most like redditors. Yeah, basically like low energy. Exactly. Ah, jeez, this is bad. Seems hesitant about the puppet, so kind of a deal breaker for me. Shallow, you know he has banged that puppet. You know he has made sweet love to that puppet. But I got to ask, what the is a professional cuddler? I know what it means. It means she's unemployed, that's what it means. She doesn't have a job. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. How are you today? I'm awesome. Oh, me, I'm so sorry. It was nice to meet you too. Why did you give him the boot? His handshake wasn't firm. I'm calling shallow. Like, your face, honestly, every time that a girl does something like that, I feel like they're doing you a favor because if this is some sort of problem for you, the odds are this person has got like seven other quirks that's going to make them annoying or obnoxious in all kinds of other ways too. So it's like, thank God that that's happening.

The guy was lush. What's your name? I'm Alvin. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. I like your tattoos. Thank you. Do you have any tattoos? No, no tattoos. I want some though. What do you want? I don't know, that's why I haven't gotten one yet. Ooh, why did she say no? Was it the tattoos? The indecisiveness? I want somebody who knows what they want.

=> 00:23:28

Think before you ink, or you'll end up with decor on your skin.

=> 00:29:29

Astrology is just an excuse for hot people to be confidently stupid.

For that's her right there, she was the target audience. Got him. Oh my God, we found her. Yeah, idiot. I am a furry. What is a furry? The way that I describe it is a fascination with animals doing human things. Is it a sex thing? It is definitely not just a sex thing.

What a master of language, what an absolute master of the English language. It's not just a sex thing. Oh man, that was so clean. He's good. Yeah, just a sex thing, not just. Not shallow. Dude showed up in a whole ass fursuit on the first date. I do not break out the Vaporeon onesie until at least the third date.

Maven Izzy, what's your sign? I'm a Capricorn. Oh no, oh no. Please skip her, please skip her, please, please skip her. What have I said? What have I said? I need the sign, I need to get the sign. Astrology is racism for white women. No, no, see it's not. It's actually racism for hot women and here's the reason why. If you're not hot, guys won't let you get away with being so confidently stupid about something like astrology. But if you're at least an eight out of ten, guys will put up with this. They'll be like, "Yeah, this is my sign and like my horoscope says this." Really? Okay, yeah, well I guess that makes sense because I have a meeting later on today, right? But like if the girl's a four, you're not going to listen to that. No, that's why all these hot girls are into crystals and all this other crazy stuff. It's because no guy wants to ruin his chances by telling them that they're crazy. Duh.

Why did you reject Izzy? If you're going to cut me off just because of my sign, it's not someone who I necessarily want to date. Dodged a bullet for woman. What a G. I ask you what time of day you were born, run. Helies, yeah. What are helies? They are shoes that have wheels in them. Do you remember? Actually, you guys don't remember? I don't know if you had this in your high school. In my high school, we had some real degenerate stuff. We had people that would put on tails, right, like furries. Then they would have the helies on and then they would have a collar around their neck. It would be like a boy or a girl and then their boyfriend or girlfriend would pull them around while they're rolling in the hallway in high school.

Like, and this is some straight emo stuff. Absolutely, yeah, totally normal. Yeah, we did this and I would see this and it was like watching a street performance or something like that. We had that too. Yeah, this was in like 2006, 2007. They were like the My Chemical Romance, Simple Plan, you know, that type of music. Peak emo. Yeah, scene kids. These are the ones that in middle school had Invader Zim book bags and now they've evolved to having collars where they're being pulled around by their boyfriend. Jesus Christ, emo days. It was so bad, bro, but it was really funny. Looking back on it, I look back on the idea of it very fondly.

Do you consider yourself a skater? You know what, you can. I wasn't saying that. Oh my God, what did she do wrong? How dare you ask if I am a skater because I have wheels built into my sneakers like a 12-year-old. She was interested in asking about you. Yeah, she looked like this one girl who looks like the kind of girl who's willing to put up with really dumb, stupid stuff. Like you should have her talk to the furry. Yeah, absolutely. You can tell because it's the hair. It is, it's the hair. Any girl with a hairstyle like this, look at all this. If you tell her that you're into something weird, she'll like that.

=> 00:34:11

People often reject others based on superficial reasons rather than genuine connection.

Absolutely, you can tell it's the hair. Any girl with a hairstyle like this, look at all this. If you tell her that you're into something weird, she'll like that. Carlos, how old are you? I'm 36. How old are you? 35. I don't believe you. Now you don't because I look younger? You look older. Holy [ ]. No, no, no, the audacity. Hello, how are you? To be honest, I think she looks great for 35. Am I crazy? I think she looks totally fine for 35. She looks 40, really? I know a lot of girls that are younger than 35 and look worse than that. Yeah, she got makeup on. Well, so do they. Well, let's be honest, maybe that's just me. Holy [ ]. No, no, no, the audacity. Hello, how are you? Good, good. Like the pants, I love the hair.

About your last relationship, my last relationship ended terribly. I was out for work, I came back home, turns out she cheated on me and also got pregnant with that guy's child. Do you think there's anything that you could have recognized earlier on? Definitely, I think I noticed some red flags and stuff like that. Her personality just did a whole 180, but I didn't want to believe it, so I was trying to drown myself in work. No shot this guy is not really good at Super Smash Brothers. He's got the anime beanie, all these tattoos, and some shirt that's probably about weed. Yeah, bro, this guy is probably a god at Super Smash Brothers. 20120 was not my best year.

So why did you reject him? How many times did he ask me about myself? Wait, so the button asked the dude a personal question, the dude answered, then the girl follows up with another question, the dude answers her question, and then the girl rejects him because he talked about himself too much? Yeah, this is actually a really easy strat. If you want to get girls to talk to you, just get them to tell you about themselves. They'll never stop talking to you. That's the secret. Yeah, be like, "Yeah, this really happened to me. I had a really bad experience." "Really, what happened?" "Wow, that sucks. Well, did you talk to anybody about it?" Yep, there it is. Easy, easy, easy. It's a job interview.

Yep, Society. April, nice to meet you. Danny says he has a good sense of humor. Tell her a joke. A joke? Oh, you got to do me a joke like this? You can't just go out and tell a joke like that. Look at the nails, bro. Look at those nails. She got a bird beak on her fingers. Oh my God, those are talons, bro. Those are talons. I love it. Oh, you're funny? Tell a joke. Anyone could read a popsicle stick. Anyone could tell a joke. Being funny is not just about jokes or stand-up. It's about wit, banter, timing, and observational humor. I'm getting flashbacks to when my coworker introduced me to one of her friends. She was like, "This is June, she's funny," and the dude was like, "Oh, you're funny? Tell a joke." I am not your personal clown. I will not dance on command.

Hello. Hi. Oh God, they're blindfolded for this one. So what do you do for work? I'm a school bus driver. Oh damn, that was quick. Take your blindfolds off, look at each other. Hi. Hi. Ask her why did you—I'll be nice. I'm not going to be mean. Why did you reject me? I just wasn't feeling the spark. Didn't feel like the conversation was flowing, that's all. You didn't feel it? No, no, bro. She declined him because he didn't have a high-status job. That's absolutely what it was. Being a school bus driver is not something that a girl can brag to her other friends about that she's dating. That's the reason why, absolutely. It's not even a question. Conversation was flowing. You initiated the conversation. He literally just answered your question. Yeah, but she's just embarrassed about it. Everybody knows that's the real reason why she rejected him. Shallow, shallow and stupid.

Hi. Hi. Can I get a hug? Where are you? Put your hands up. Oh, okay, there we go. Okay, hello. Hi, nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. Oh no, sorry. What a [ __ ] G. Oh my God, bro, this guy is a geometry master. This guy just measured the circumference of a circle. Oh man, that was an aggressive slam. Hi, I'm Nathan. Nice to meet you.

=> 00:39:06

People often hide their true feelings out of embarrassment, but everyone can see right through it.

The conversation revolves around a woman who is embarrassed about dating someone, which is why she rejected him. Shallow and stupid were the words used to describe her actions. The scene transitions to a series of interactions where people are meeting for the first time.

One interaction involves a person named Nathan who introduces himself and engages in a conversation about guilty pleasures. The topic shifts to a girl with hair resembling a character from Demon Slayer, leading to a discussion about her fixation on Asian men. Nathan, who is Asian, asks for a hug, which seems to be part of his strategy to gauge compatibility.

Another interaction involves Nathan meeting Amy. He cleverly asks about her height and weight before revealing his own height, showcasing his smart approach. Despite the seemingly superficial nature of these interactions, Nathan's tactics are highlighted as smart and systematic.

The conversation also touches on fashion, where a critique about a Kraken hat not matching a sweater is made. This leads to a humorous exchange about fashion sense and the importance of matching attire. The critique is dismissed as ridiculous, emphasizing the superficiality of such judgments.

A daring moment occurs when both parties are asked to kiss each other, leading to an awkward yet honest revelation about dating preferences. The conversation then shifts to astrology, where a humorous critique of star sign stereotypes is made, highlighting the absurdity of judging people based on their zodiac signs.

The final part of the conversation questions why someone doesn't have a boyfriend, pondering whether it's due to personal reasons or lack of pursuit from others. This introspective moment wraps up the series of interactions, leaving the audience to reflect on the complexities of dating and personal preferences.

=> 00:44:39

People act like they're not shallow, but everyone filters others out based on looks and first impressions.

"Supposed to, I mean like, you know, jeez. This is so mean. It's not mean like it, it's just the way it is. My name is N. What's your name? I'm Megan. What's your sign? I'm an Aries. Oh, shallow. What's up with this star racism? Read my astrology and it's like, you're a Cancer, you like staying home and being cozy. Like, who the hell doesn't? To be fair, I'm a Gemini and they say Geminis are manipulative, lazy, and malevolent. And like, to be fair, I read that and I was like, that's weird. Wow, it's interesting."

"Why are you away from not having a boyfriend? Is it yourself or nobody's pursued you? It's kind of like it's never lined up with the right person. That was way too aggressive. What are you looking for in a partner? I'm looking for someone who can talk to me. Oh, I'm out. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. What's your dating age range? Well, I'm 36. Am I an old lady? I'm an old lady. Yes. He just goes, yes. Man, sorry. God damn, this guy is just flying through them. Too fat, too old. I'm Anna. I'm Alfred. Nice to meet you, Anna. Me too. Not, I'm so sorry, just not my type. What is your type? Ass, not brown enough."

"Hi, I'm good. Alfred, nice to meet you. Hi, nice to meet you. What's your type, Alfred? Latina. Okay, are you? I mean, I'm Latina. Waiting for his Latina waifu. When she rejects him, that's what happens. Sad. Nice to meet you. You too. Sorry. Oh, it didn't turn red yet. No, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. Oh my God, she's trying to press the button and it's not even red yet. She didn't even give him a chance to speak. God damn, shallow, shallow, shallow. I mean, to be fair, I feel like this happens all the time. Like, everybody acts like this is shallow, but yeah, everybody does this. You just automatically filter him the [__] out. It's not even a question. He ugly. I don't know. I think he just seems like an average guy. I mean, this guy could easily be an accountant. He could easily be. Absolutely. If you told me this guy had a CPA, I would be like, yeah, of course he does. Of course."

"Let's, let's, okay, you want to. I do see you as a friend. No, beautiful. We love to see it. White boy summer is still on. Do you two want to see each other? I do. Sure. Hi, hi. I like the haircut, pixie cut with like a different teacher. I'm so sorry. That's fine. Longer hair is kind of what I'm into right now. Hold up, I'll be right back. That's the real reason, guys. That's the reason why. Rewind. I like the haircut. Longer hair is kind of what I'm into right now. What are your deal breakers? Being racist. Well, that's like half you guys out. Yeah. Sorry, bro. It would be absolute [__] cinema if he hit the red button right now. Like being broke. That's all of you guys. Bye."

"What's your name? Vanessa. And you? Vanessa. I'm Aon. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. Wow, sorry. Oh, I'm sorry. I'm not red. But it wasn't red. She doesn't even know what he looks like. She heard him say like three words. Do you have a six-pack? No. Oh my God. Wow. I honestly, I feel like people like that are the best content. Soy voice. Yeah, no, I mean, yeah. Do you think that matters? No, I think this shit's funny. I do. Anything stupid that girls like declining for, like I think guys, let me think of examples of things that I would not talk to a girl for."

=> 00:49:52

Dating culture today is so toxic, everyone is always looking for the next best thing.

I'm trying to think about fat girls. I mean, I think there are some chubby girls who are heavier, but I still think they would be really pretty. They have massive tits, absolutely, and I'm not sorry about that. It's not a lot of them, but there are some of them, absolutely.

Regarding the future, I feel like it's so circumstantial. An annoying voice isn't really an automatic decline for me. I've dealt with a lot of people with annoying voices, and I usually don't care. I'd have to really think about it.

Currently, I work as a substitute teacher. I also do cosplay and love going to ComiCon and dressing up. However, I'm confused about the dating apps. I feel bad because I did like someone a lot, but I don't want to close off my options. This abundance culture is so toxic. I don't want to date someone just because there might be a better person out there.

The problem is that guys don't have enough girls to have sex with, and girls don't have enough guys to have relationships with. Girls might hook up with a good-looking guy with a great job, but then he might not respond for days because he's busy talking to other girls. This makes girls think they're on that level, but that's not the case. Plenty of guys will hook up with a girl who's not very attractive because it's better than nothing, but that doesn't mean a lot.

I mean, to be fair, he does have a haircut like the guy in Hey Arnold. I watched Hey Arnold every week. She was really connecting with Xavier, but she got rid of him to see who else was there. Dating is about experimenting and meeting multiple people, not just meeting one person and being done with it. This is what having 100 matches on 20 different dating sites does to people.

=> 00:55:35

Self-respect means not taking back someone who left you for greener pastures.

Do losers lose it so bad? She's a substitute teacher, and I just find it amazing, man. It really is; it feels hopeless. The thing is, as a guy, I wouldn't be offended by that. It wouldn't bother me; it's whatever to me, right? I mean, that's just the way it is.

100 matches on 20 different dating sites does to the fail. I kind of want to know who she is going to match with, though. Evan, will you go ask Xavier if he would like to come back? Of course, of course, I'll do that. All right, guess we'll see what he says. Look, we have here from the grave. I don't play Second Chances. That's fair. Self-respect absolutely. Yep, smash that button. Based King Behavior kicking her to the curb when she comes crawling back because she thought the grass would be greener on the other side, and it wasn't.

I've had girls do that to me too. At a certain point, there have been times where you guys had that happen. Sometimes I've taken them back because it was convenient for me. Usually, I don't really care because I'm already talking to another girl anyway, so who cares? Like, I don't give a [__].

Hi, how's it going? How are you? I'm Seth. I'm Alex. Alex, great to meet you. Give her three compliments. Three compliments? I love your hair. Thanks. And your glasses. Thanks. And yeah, I like how you're matching; you got the purple and the blue. Thank you. Why did you reject him? I feel like his compliments were based just on my physical appearance.

This is unbelievable, guys. How does this happen? Where did these people come from? You've only known each other for like 3 seconds. What the hell else is he supposed to say? You're really smart? He doesn't know you. The more you watch, the more it becomes apparent why these people are single.

What was your name again? Ari. Ari, or you can call me vampire girlfriend. Vampire girlfriend. It is almost a learning experience for every young man to date a woman like this. Ariana's type is guys who look like they're one cigarette away from dying. Jesus Christ, that's me. Shut up. Kind of like that. I like someone who looks like they're dying so I can fix them.

Showing up in linger, she can fix them. Oh man, calling herself a vampire girlfriend, saying she wants someone who looks like they're dying so she can fix them. No, this sounds great. There's like a 30% chance this girl worked at Hot Topic before. Absolutely. With those three data points, I can plot out 90% of her personality.

A literal succubus. The worst part is you in the audience absolutely would, with no hesitation. The funny thing is everybody in the chat was saying that exact same [__] thing. Yep, very into the king community. So tying people up, clamps, peeing on people. Oh God, she got a piss kink. Would you ever be into someone peeing on you? Would you be interested in someone peeing on you?

I think you're just a little too shy for me. Sorry. Is that Diablo? I mean, kind of. I mean, that's kind of Diablo. Yeah, that's a little bit. I mean, I don't know what to say. I mean, she's a very interesting girl. For me, sorry, it's not going to work out. Somebody in chat said Costco lth. No, I didn't say that. That would be [] up if I said that. Like, that would be really [] up. Like, wow, bro, that's really M. Wow, bro, we don't say things like that in here. That's wrong. You should not say that.

=> 01:00:39

Rejecting someone for plastic surgery isn't shallow if it affects how you feel about them.

The conversation begins with a discussion about Diablo, which is described as "kind of Diablo." The speaker expresses uncertainty, saying, "I don't know what to say," and mentions a girl who is "very interesting." However, the relationship is not going to work out. The speaker reacts to a comment from someone in the chat about Costco, emphasizing that it would be inappropriate to say such things, stating, "That's really [__] up."

The conversation shifts to a polyamorous relationship context, with one person asking, "Do you have any partners currently?" The response is, "I don't actually; I just got broken up with." This leads to a humorous inquiry about how a poly couple breaks up, pondering if they have a meeting or council. The speaker jokes, "If you can't get an eight, get yourself two fours."

The dialogue continues with introductions, where one person jokes about non-binary names, saying, "Every non-binary person is named Quinn." The conversation then touches on age, with one person mentioning they are 29, and another humorously exaggerating, "She's really old, 29, she's only got a year left."

The topic of physical appearance and plastic surgery arises. One person expresses a dislike for "big lips," questioning their naturalness. The response is defensive, "None of your [__] business." The speaker elaborates on their views, suggesting that plastic surgery often stems from body dysmorphia and can lead to various insecurities and problems. They describe it as a "Hydra" with many heads, including feelings of self-hate and insecurity.

The conversation then debates whether it is shallow to reject someone because of plastic surgery. One opinion is that it is normal to dislike plastic surgery, while another suggests that if it makes someone look better, it is good; if worse, it is bad. They conclude, "That's really the way it is."

The discussion briefly touches on dating older women, with one person mentioning they have dated women who are 30 and even 40 years old. The speaker humorously reacts to the age difference, saying, "Wow, that's way older." They guess each other's ages, with one person accurately identifying the other as 27. The speaker concludes by asserting their expertise in recognizing such details, claiming, "I'm a professional at this.

=> 01:05:43

Dating older women isn't weird, it's just different.

The conversation begins with a strong opinion on buccal fat removal, stating that it "should be illegal" and the "criminal surgeon should be hanged in the town square." The topic then shifts to dating older women. One individual shares that they have dated older women, including someone who was 30 and even 40 years old. When asked about their age, they reveal they are 26, though guesses range from 23 to 27.

The dialogue continues with a humorous exchange about appearances and age, with one person jokingly threatening to ban someone for lying about their youthful looks. They express dissatisfaction with their hairline, feeling it makes them look older than they are. Despite this, they note that their appearance hasn't changed much over the past 15 years.

The conversation takes a turn towards societal perceptions of age, particularly focusing on how people born in the 2000s view age and dating. There's a mix of shock and humor as they discuss the concept of "hag maxing" and the absurdity of young people considering 18-year-olds as "hags."

A fun fact about Dylan is mentioned: he loves guns. He clarifies that he is not a Republican or an NRA member, just someone who enjoys guns. This leads to a critique of someone who disqualifies another for their interest in guns, labeling them a "cuck."

The discussion then moves to hobbies and how to engage others in them. The advice given is to be passionate and detailed when talking about one's interests, such as painting Warhammer figurines. The key is to explain the significance and background of the hobby to captivate the listener's interest.

=> 01:10:40

If you're passionate about something, go all in and explain it with enthusiasm.

You can't do what he did. When you talk about it, you're not even explaining what guns they are. He's not enthusiastic about it, he's not talking about what guns they are. He's like, "Are these the guns? Are they Parabellum? What type of situation is this?" They won't care. No, no, they will. Exactly, you can't [__] out. If you paint Warhammer figurines, you need to explain why you paint the figurines in these colors, why this is going to happen. You need to go all in. You explain, "These colors are from the Imperials, right? So the Imperials..."

If they don't know anything, you start from the beginning. "Alright, so at the beginning of time..." Then you start explaining to them. If they can sit there and listen through that, everything will be fine. Preach. Exactly. I feel bad for this guy. I hope he finds a woman that he can yap to about his interests. No, he's not going to yap to any. He's a [__], he's an absolute [__]. 100% he is.

When a guy yaps about his interests, even if I don't know what he's talking about, it's adorable how into it he is. "Hi, I'm Nick." "Nick, I'm Liz." "Nice to meet you, Liz." "Nice to meet you." "Okay, tell me about yourself, Liz." "Oh yeah, I love reading. Would you like to see my chest tattoo? I don't really get to show it off that often." "Okay, I want to see." "It looks like [__]. You need to work out more. You can't get a chest tattoo without working out. You either need to lose weight to be more cut so you have more definition, or you need to work out more. I'm sorry, that's just it."

"I'll be real with you, I'm not big into reading. I don't read [__]." "Uh-huh, I ain't about that book [__]." "Hi, nice to meet you." "Nice to meet you." "Nice to meet you, my name is Walken." "Nice to meet you, my name is Amy." "Why the space suit? Why the astronaut?" "A lot of people are interested in outer space, and I'm interested in Inner Space."

If the guy is good-looking enough, let him cook. "Alright, tell me more." "People look, they see space and the stars, they see all this stuff, and they're really turned on by it. I'm kind of disgusted by the negligence of the use of money on space PR." "How's your weekend been so far?" "Pretty good, I saw..." "Wow, that was really [__] lame. Oh my God, that's the lamest [__] I've ever heard in my life. Wow, bro, what a loser. He could have gone hard, and he just flopped out, man. At least there was some [__]. That's sad. He's a soy astronaut."

"I celebrated my best friend's birthday yesterday." "Oh, Taurus." "I saw a murder last night." "Where are you?" "You shouldn't have cut it there, that was getting interesting."

Red flag? No, no, girls love that stuff. They love the excitement of it, the unpredictability. Absolutely, serial killer vibes. Charles Manson was getting all these love letters while he was in jail. Not if he's ugly. Well, obviously.

"Your political leanings?" "I was about to ask you that, actually. For me, I was raised by a very liberal family. We're from Washington, so I still have values on the left." "She hit that so fast. Not today, soy boy Nick."

"Damn, nice to meet you, Daniela. I got three questions right off the bat. Tattoos, yay or nay?" "I think tattoos are okay, I'm not against them." "Pickles, yay or nay?" "Oh, I love pickles." "[__] disgusting. Who the [__] eats a pickle? Why would I eat a pickle if I could eat a potato chip?"

"Okay, let's go. What about Minecraft?" "Tattoos, pickles, and Minecraft. Oh man, bro, this is like a seventh-grade dance." "Wow, he just went in. Three most important things to ask when finding a future wife. I've never played.

=> 01:15:54

Finding love in today's world is like navigating a minefield of political beliefs and personal quirks.

I was raised by a very liberal family from Washington, so I still have values on the left. When Daniela and I met, she quickly hit the button and said, "Not today, soy boy Nick." I then introduced myself and asked her three questions right off the bat: tattoos, pickles, and Minecraft. She responded that she thinks tattoos are okay and loves pickles, but she was puzzled about why anyone would eat a pickle if they could eat a potato chip. When I mentioned Minecraft, she seemed surprised, calling it a "seventh grade dance" moment.

Daniela met Dylan next, and their interaction was brief. She then met Max and commented on his appearance, saying, "That's a good-looking guy." When asked about her political beliefs, she stated she is liberal. This led to a discussion about the challenges of finding a partner with similar political views on a dating show like this. The conversation turned to the idea of rejecting someone based on political identity, with the consensus being that political viewpoints are informed by a person's worldview and can indeed affect relationships.

Max then met another participant who enjoys thrifting. She mentioned wanting a man taller than 5'7", and Max, being 5'9", seemed to fit the bill. However, she didn't seem convinced and hit the button, leading to a humorous yet awkward exchange about height and leg proportions.

The final interaction involved Ashley, who loves Jesus. This sparked a brief connection, but the overall atmosphere of the interactions was described as embarrassing and awkward, with participants often not giving each other enough time to answer questions or get to know one another.

=> 01:21:12

Stop pretending to be someone you're not just to impress others.

He's not even trying. I remember my friend had a hairline like this, and now he's bald. This is why this dude is a simp and a loser. He's not even looking at her when he's talking to her. I don't maintain 100% eye contact either, but I do maintain like 30% or 50% eye contact. He's nervous, a loser. He just seems a little nervous. I'm not going to give him any time to actually answer a question to get to know him, though.

"Hello, I'm Ashley." "I'm Al." Fun fact about Ashley: she loves Jesus. "I do too, really." "Honestly, there is nothing better than a good smoked gouda." "A what?" "Smoked gouda cheese." "Gouda is a type of cheese." "No, no, I would kill myself on the spot. They should have a button that's like instant euthanasia for things like this."

"So, what brings you here?" "Honestly, I feel like I'm too attractive for Seattle, objectively." "Uh-huh, I'm pretty. I'm too attractive for Seattle, objectively. I'm pretty." "What?" "I'm 22." "Oh cool, I'm 23." "Yeah, okay. Well, my ideal age is 24." "I turn 24 on March 15th." "What sign is that?" "It's a Pisces." "What about you? When's your birthday?" "Oh cool, you're an Aries." "Oh Jesus, see this is what I'm saying. Do you really think this guy cares about astronomy? Absolutely not. And also, by the way, it's not astronomy. Astronomy is the real thing, you're talking about astrology, that's the fake thing. It's like the difference between a magician and a wizard. This person's not a wizard, they're just a magician."

"I too love astronomy." "Yeah, but why is he saying that? Remember what I told you guys, hot girl." "Oh yeah, astronomy is so cool and interesting, I love it." "Yep, sing out. Absolutely, this is the whole inflation I'm talking about. Pull yourself together, man."

"I'm Jessica, nice to meet you." "Nice to meet you. Would you like a fruit snack?" "No." "Wait, what's your name?" "I already said it." "You forgot?" "I forgot." "Rejecting his fruit snack, forgetting his name. I'm sorry, you are not hot enough to be acting this way. What's your vision like? Because I'm planning for my kids, I want 20/20." "Wait, what?" "For my kids, I want 20/20." "Oh, her glasses. Oh, I'm thinking about like vision." "Okay, perfect vision, I get it. I'm like minus two point something." "We already have disagreements. You said you want your kids to have 20/20 vision. I'm like, okay, then have 20/20 like fault you were."

"I love how she's so offended that he rejected her after she said straight up that she wants her children to have 20/20 eyesight. Shallow, shallow, shallow. Next."

"Oh my gosh, how are you doing?" "I'm good, I'm Asay, actually. Nice to meet you. You remember me, right?" "No, you don't?" "No, I don't know who you are." "What is going on here?" "Are you close?" "I haven't seen him since like, what, junior year of high school?" "Yeah, well, we're about to rekindle the relationship that was never there. Look at his hat, bro. Like, man, how about that Mac Miller?" "Yeah, over there." "I don't know about that." "Okay, oh God, is least creepy male feminist."

"So, what are you up to right now?" "I'm a grad student at UP right now." "Student engineering?" "No." "Medical?" "No." "Law?" "No." "So, you're wasting your time." "I now know what, never mind, I like him. I like him, yeah, this is good. Oh bro, yeah, there you go."

"The Zuma girls are saying when they talk about YCK, I'm getting a degree in intercollegiate athletic leadership." "Intercollegiate leadership? Can't [ __ ] say it." "Yeah, whatever, nobody cares. At least he's funny." "Yeah, at least this guy's funny."

"Exactly. Ah, she's so odd. Someone needs to tell this guy that this isn't cool. It's trying too hard, it's gross, it's creepy. Oh God, nice to meet you. You have a very feminine handshake." "I appreciate that." "You do too, not in a bad way." "Let's do it because I like, look at my hand. This is a thick ass hand. Look at my hand, that's a manly hand. I'm a man, I have a manly handshake."

=> 01:26:36

Dating is a battlefield where confidence and humor can be your best weapons.

At least he's funny. Yeah, at least this guy's funny. Exactly. Ah, someone needs to tell this guy that this isn't cool. He's trying too hard; it's gross and creepy. Oh God, nice to meet you. You have a very feminine handshake. I appreciate that. You do too, not in a bad way. Look at my hand; this is a thick-ass hand. That's a manly hand. I'm a man; I have a manly handshake. Stephen, I'm going to be honest, I like this guy. I think he's funny. He's probably emotionally abusive for sure, but I'm not in a relationship with him, so I don't have to deal with that. I think it's funny.

What are you most excited about doing after you leave here? To go on a date with you, Quinn. Just a second, this is one of those guys that definitely like scammed himself into believing every girl likes him or whatever. So he performatively acts like an asshole to try to get women, and he does. It was almost good, but it wasn't. The worst part is it probably works sometimes. I feel like this would absolutely work on that narcissistic Asian girl we just saw. Yeah, 100%. The more psychotic the girl is, the more guys not caring about what they think works on them. That's what I've noticed. He plays Concord. Yeah, because then it's like they feel like it's a challenge to them to prove themselves. It's like an ego thing.

I want to see them in the room together: an Unstoppable Force meeting an immovable object. Shallow, shallow, shallow. Alright, that is enough. I have seen enough of whatever the hell that was. So in conclusion, both genders have the ability to be good. To all the people dating out there, I do not envy you. Thank you to everyone who supports me on Patreon. I appreciate it so, so much. It helps the channel out a lot. If you would like to support the channel too, the link is down there, and I will see you very soon with a new video.

Want more? I should watch more of these. These are so good. Like, these are actually so freaking good. That was good commentary. Yeah, that's insane, just hilarious. I'll link you guys the video. I love those dating videos; it's so freaking good. Yeah, you should. Exactly, so much better than watching the actual video. Well, I don't know; I haven't seen those actual videos myself, but Doc tweeted out. I'll look at that in just a second. But yeah, people need to link me these because I love watching it. Some people get offended by this kind of stuff; I never get offended by it because every time I see a person on camera, I'm always thinking to myself, "I don't care what they're saying. I don't care if they're obnoxious. All I look at these people for is entertainment." That's all. I only care about them for entertainment. So if somebody's an interesting character like the gas station Mac Miller or somebody like that, perfect. Absolute cinema. Yeah, easy content. Give the video a like; this was really, really good.

Imagine this with streamers. Well, I think the problem is most people, like most of the guys, are just so unconfident about everything they say that nobody is going to like that. It's like if you have some autistic fixation on World War I, you need to make sure that people know about that, right? You can't just go and be like, "Oh, well, you know, it's just like this thing that I kind of like." That's freaking boring, bro. It's so boring. The girls are too confident. I mean, here's the thing, right? I think that guys and girls are shallow for different reasons. It's really not that interesting. I think the reason why guys think that women are more shallow is because women have the ability to exercise being shallow more often. Because obviously, there's a lot of guys and not that many girls that want to hook up with the guys. So it's just a dynamic thing where women have more choices, but guys don't, so they can't exercise being shallow as much. That's what I think happens more than anything. Women are basically the pickers. They basically are, right? They do for sure.

I think it's generally the guy who is supposed to fight for the girl. I don't know about that. I mean, it depends on what you mean by fight for, right? Anytime that a girl is getting me into trouble, if she starts trouble with a guy or somebody else, and now this is my problem. The courtship? No, no. If somebody tells me they're not interested, then they're not interested. It's that simple. Why do I think like that? Very simple. It's because I've had a bunch of girls tell me that "no" means "ask me harder." It does not mean that they like that. So why would I act that way? I don't want to have to play games with you. Screw that. No way.