Archaix Welcomes Waters Above

Table of contents

Beware of media bias; it's dangerous to our democracy.

Unfortunately, some members of the media use their platforms to push their own personal bias and agenda to control exactly what people think. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. Some members of the media use their platforms to push their own personal bias and agenda to serve our Treasure Valley communities, the El Paso-Las Cruces communities, Eastern Iowa communities, and Mid-Michigan communities. We are extremely proud of the quality, balanced journalism that CBS4 News produces, but we are concerned about irresponsible, one-sided news plaguing our country. The sharing of biased and false news has become all too common on social media. More alarmingly, some media outlets publish these same fake stories without checking facts first. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy.

Mainstream media is dangerous, and about 80% of alternative media is dangerous too, but there are a few of us still out here who are going to try to give you the business like it is. I'm bringing one of them onto my channel. We don't agree on everything, and we don't have to, but Jordan of Waters Above has shown throughout his career on YouTube that he's going to tell it the way he sees it, and a lot of times he's going to back that up. Now, he's involved in some things I'm not; I don't know anything about the markets or anything, but we've developed a friendship. We met through Logan of Decode Your Reality, and I want to introduce my guest without further ado. Many of you know him, but Jordan Waters Above has been welcome on my channel two or three times, and I've been on his. So, I'm going to bring him in right now. I'm pretty sure the audio is good; nobody said anything. How's it going, brother?

Pretty good, pretty good. I think me and you getting together is extremely dangerous to the cryptocracy. It should be dangerous to the democracy because we're not a democracy; we've been a republic from the very beginning. It's some shady SOBs that are trying to brainwash people into believing we're a democracy. I was just thinking, like, imagine what it's like to walk up to a news studio with a resume and be like, "I want to work here." What goes through your consciousness if that's even a desire for you?

It's not the first time I've seen that synchronicity. I've seen so many people pull up those examples of news all over the country, even all over the world, especially during COVID-19. I remember there were so many times we were seeing those clips, and it's like, what's going on, man?

Well, 9/11 woke me up. I was in prison, and I was able to go from cell block to cell block because of the job I had at the time. It just shocked me that ABC, NBC, CBS, and CNN all reported the exact same series of facts. There didn't seem to be any competition in the news; it just seemed so scripted. In the following weeks, we kind of learned that there was some type of conspiracy unfolding. A couple of years went by, and David Icke dropped a bomb. Do you remember his book "Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center Disaster"?

=> 00:05:14

The moment you realize the news is scripted and politicians are just actors, you wake up to the real power hiding in the shadows.

At the time, I was blocked because of my job, and it shocked me that ABC was involved. It was the first time in my life I thought critically about something in the media. I distinctly remember, Jordan, as I was looking at different TVs throughout the day—ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN—it dawned on me by the time I went to sleep that every network reported the exact same series of facts. There didn't seem to be any competition in the news; it just seemed so scripted. In the following weeks, we all kind of learned that there was some type of conspiracy unfolding. A couple of years later, David Icke dropped a bomb with his book "Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center Disaster". That book opened my eyes, and I thought, "Yep, absolutely, my intuition was right. This [__] ain't right. Follow the white rabbit."

It's pretty crazy. I don't know if you've ever asked your audience, but I remember when I first created my channel, I decided to ask the audience what their first red pill moment was. I used that to get the conversation going. After about a week, I went back into the comment section, and I swear, probably 80 to 85% of the comments were people saying the moment they woke up was 9/11. My response back then was that this is actually very important. We need to take a little bit of time to appreciate the moment for what it is because if it's opening up your apocalypse, then it's your greatest opportunity.

We often point our fingers at these nefarious elites or apex predators, saying this is an inside job and so on. But then, you also give it credit for being your moment of enlightenment. Don't you see the game that's going on here? It's actually quite beautiful in that way because it was your greatest opportunity. It was the moment where you finally saw it for what it is. Initially, when one is stuck in duality consciousness, it's typical to point the finger at the bad guys and the good guys. But if anything, it was the bad guys doing bad stuff that made you more conscious and aware of how this simulacrum operates and the reality we're faced with.

I know it's tough for a lot of people when they come around to my work and hear me say such things because they believe I'm defending the New World Order, the Illuminati, or whatever. But that's not the case at all. I'm just trying to make people be a little bit more cautious with the way they spread their hate to specific groups of people they've never met. They have no idea if they're even evil. I believe that most of the people whose names or faces you know are actually just sock puppets being used, and they have a handler. If you think the people you can name have power, it's time to wake up. The real power hides in the shadows.

I agree 100%. As a matter of fact, I just saw a post this morning that kind of got a chuckle out of me. It said something like, "Politicians are just bad-looking actors." It was to the effect that politicians are all actors, and the only reason they're politicians is that they look the least like actors. Everyone's just serving their purpose here in this matrix, and that's the skill set they have. The skill set a politician has is very similar to that of an actor. The only difference is that the actor is willing to go to lengths to adjust their aesthetic, while the politician doesn't put any energy into that. But the script reading and the ability to recite lines are identical. They're equally serving their purpose—one for entertainment and the other also for entertainment. Sometimes people take it a little too seriously. It's quite interesting to me how often in the so-called truth communities, people lose their minds over narratives about Trump, Biden, Republican, Democrat, CCP, Russia. It's like, bro, they're all the same. It's just Zionism.

=> 00:09:11

Politicians and actors are both performers, but people take politics way too seriously.

The skill sets of a politician are very similar to those of an actor. The only difference, as you mentioned, is that the actor is willing to go to great lengths to adjust their aesthetic, while the politician doesn't put any energy into that. However, the script reading and the ability to recite lines are identical. Both are serving their purpose: one is for entertainment, and the other is also for entertainment. Sometimes, people take it a little too seriously. It's quite interesting to see how often people in the so-called truth communities lose their minds over the narratives surrounding Trump, Biden, Republican, Democrat, CCP, and Russia. It's like, bro, they're all the same; it's just Zionism.

100%. People are still scared to talk about it. I did a post this morning where I called it out. I was responding to somebody else and reposted it so my whole Twitter community could see it. It got a tremendous amount of engagement, with a lot of people reading and liking it, but not one person commented. I was just calling it out for what it is. I was talking about podcasters of that ethnicity who are super popular and have amazing guests, but neither of these men are of above-average intelligence. All I see is above-average publicity and marketing. Popularity in social media does not equate to merit anymore. We are struggling because we have to fight against an algorithm that pushes its own agendas and those who further those agendas.

I didn't even know about PBD until Billy Carson went on PBD and started talking. Now, I find out he's super big. I did a background check on him and found all kinds of multi-level marketing BS. You're talking about Bet-David, right? I listen to some of his podcasts while I'm in my wood shop. These podcasters with over a million subscribers don't seem to have a modicum of intellect. How do these guys get there? Then I find out they're all the same ethnicity. I'm not quiet about it; I talk about it on Twitter all the time.

It's an interesting time. When I started the channel almost four years ago, I had a couple of hundred subscribers and was talking about these issues. People would call me an anti-semite or other names. Now, what I speak about is coming out of famous people's mouths. The narrative swaps so fast from being pro one thing to against the same thing. It's difficult for me to speak on it now because it seems like I'm going with the trend, but that's not the case. I've been speaking about Zionism from day one on the channel. My study of Gematria and the Hebrew calendar was crucial. You need to learn the rules of the game before playing with people more talented than you. Your pronunciation of the word "Shmita" was perfect, which shows you know what you're doing.

It's crazy, though. People have told me I pronounce "Shmita" or "Gematria" wrong, but I've heard it straight from a rabbi. Many people have entered YouTube University, and I'm well aware that both of us are here.

=> 00:13:06

Focus on your purpose, not the competition.

Playing a game with people who are way more talented than you can be intimidating. I already knew you knew what you were talking about because your pronunciation of the word shmita was so perfect. It was clear that you knew what you were doing. However, it's crazy how some people come to me and say I pronounce shmita or GATRA wrong. I've heard these pronunciations straight from a rabbi.

A lot of people nowadays have entered what I call YouTube University. While I acknowledge that both of us are on this platform, I'm not necessarily talking down on it. The issue arises when people come across a large influencer and believe everything they say just because of their following size. This ties back to something you mentioned earlier about the importance of sources and foundations. Many people are just riding waves, and we're at an interesting cultural moment where discussing Zionism is more open but still requires sophistication and tactfulness due to the nature of the platform.

I know who owns this platform, and I don't engage in demon-chasing. I don't have videos where I go out and attack others. On archaic TV, I focus on discussing what people do and what they've been implicated in, without fixating on it. It does get under my skin when people refer to other shows as authoritarian, only to find out they are spouting moronic nonsense.

Part of our journey, and I'll speak for myself here, is to let everyone play whatever game they think is best for them. There's an ongoing battle of who's telling the truth, but I've opted out of the competition mode on social media. There's a warrior inside me, which is why I'm not obedient and how I've reached this level. However, I need to be careful about where I pour my energy. Do I want to battle other YouTubers and influencers, or channel that energy into serving my purpose? Every time I redirect my energy into my purpose, it becomes more useful to those gravitating towards my message and vision, creating a ripple effect.

Let me offer another perspective. These people don't care what we say about them, which shows their position of strength. If I were a dictator running a kingdom and allowed everyone from the lowest serf to the highest noble to express their opinions freely, it would demonstrate a position of strength. Allowing significant portions of the populace to denigrate you and expose what you're doing without any repercussions tells me they are in a position of strength.

=> 00:17:06

True strength is letting people speak their minds without fear.

I instantly check myself, so let me offer another perspective for you. That perspective is that these people don't care what we say about them, and that shows their position of strength. If I were a dictator running my little kingdom and created a platform in the city square where anybody—from the lowest serf and slave all the way up to the taskmaster, equestrian class, noble, lords, and barons—could come together and be equal in their opinions, and I monitored all that, it demonstrates a position of strength. Allowing significant portions of the populace to denigrate you, expose what you're doing, and tell everybody about it without doing anything about it tells me they are in a position of strength. That's why I don't really watch my mouth; they're not worried about Jason of Archaics. They've been doing this for thousands of years. They know who's who.

I've come to realize that whoever you think are the stewards of this Matrix, they know who's who. They know what I'm about, and I know I'm protected. At the end of the day, I wake up with zero worry, zero fear. Love is allowing, and it's the strongest posture to just allow people to do what they think they should be doing or exposing what they think they should be exposing. I don't concern myself with that.

Hey, did you see? I don't know if you were paying attention, but weeks or a couple of months ago, I mentioned to my own community that some of the most popular fiction you'll ever come across in books—before movies and all that—is actually telling us real facts about our reality. You need to pay attention to J.R.R. Tolkien's The Silmarillion, The Book of Lost Tales 2, and the Lord of the Rings series. There are drops in there about Midgard, Middle Earth, the land of the elves, and the early Twilight period before the sun appeared. It's amazing what Tolkien reveals. Then I mentioned The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis, specifically The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. I told my community that the story of Prince Caspian and the journey is not what you think. They are literally telling you you're in a construct. The Phoenix phenomenon and everything is in that story.

I'll be damned, I had already forgotten about it because I read it as a kid, but if this lady wasn't reading the book to her daughter and screenshot the actual places in the book where it literally talks about the Phoenix phenomenon. The sun was put out, people disappeared, and it says not to worry because this isn't even the real reality; everything and everybody is safe on the other side. I posted it on Twitter; it's on Twitter right now. I posted the actual pages that she had sent. It's amazing. I'm finding them everywhere in these old books, classical stories, nursery rhymes, and folktales. For example, "Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream, life is but a dream." There are so many of them, like Humpty Dumpty. I did a little bit of a decode on this for some people about the egg, which is the ego or the Aku in Egyptian. It's part of the spirit, part of the soul. Some people want to make it purely material, purely physical, but again, coming back to the fact that this is a simulacrum and you're jacked into this through the central nervous system, your whole sense of awareness of physicality—the thing you call Jason when you look in the mirror, what identifies as male—all of these things are cultural and of this current age we're in.

To summarize quickly, it's incredibly fascinating how a lot of these stories, specifically Lord of the Rings and others, expose archetypes of the whole. You are several different versions of this overall being, and each aspect of you is perhaps coming back to an animal. In Hinduism, there are certain ways of breaking that down as well, which eventually in Eastern spiritualism we call the chakras. These are borrowed from the idea of the planets and astrology, but astrology is just mythology, which is anatomy. It always comes back to the human experience—it's all about this experience of your observance of this physical realm, and that's what's amazing.

=> 00:21:10

Movies like Lord of the Rings reveal deep archetypes, showing us that true understanding comes from relationships, not just experiments.

It's incredibly fascinating how a lot of these, specifically your example like Lord of the Rings and a couple of others, expose archetypes of the whole. You are several different versions of this overall being, and each aspect of you is perhaps coming back to an animal. In Hinduism, there's a way of breaking down that as well. It could become what eventually in Eastern spiritualism we call the chakras, which we know are just borrowed from the idea of the planets and astrology. But astrology is just mythology, which is anatomy. It always comes back to The Human Experience. It's all about this experience of your observance of this Physical Realm.

When you start to go into what I call relationship, which most of us are not in, we're not relating to anything. We're experimenting with everything. We have the method, which we could call the scientific method, but then we also have the mad scientist approach. You have your terms and conditions, your variables, your controls. You're working on everything under your terms for your benefit. It's really not Artistry; it's capitalism. Once you enter the realm of relationship, then animals start to engage with you differently. Mother Nature starts to engage with you differently. The tree becomes your teacher, not the book. Why? Well, the book was written on the tree. We had to put code into that tree in a whole different way, and we're all just learning that it's all coming from a source.

I find these movies specifically fascinating with these new lenses. As you're doing all this great work, you could pretty much rewatch almost any of these movies or read these books, and you're going to be able to extract these connections. It makes it so much more interesting. For once, it's no longer entertaining; it's like validation.

I'm with you on that, absolutely. You said so much right there, I can't even keep up. I remember the last time we were talking, we covered some pretty amazing concepts. If we could remember any, we could definitely riff on it a little bit as we go. One of my favorite podcast moments was when I was talking about something, and then Logan passed it over to you. You grabbed a shot of whiskey or bourbon. That was a great podcast. I remember that it was a blended whiskey bourbon. I'm not really a drinker; it's maybe twice a month I'll drink a shot. I just had it out when we were doing that video, and I remember that now. Actually, I haven't drunk in almost a full month. I love taking those breaks. Whenever I do, I try to find something very intentional.

With my work, I do live streams, and we talk about health and wellness a lot. Whenever we cover that, I'll hear people say coffee is bad for you or alcohol is bad for you. But when you say that, you're deleting the story. If you went to Ethiopia, where they're growing the coffee beans, and you saw the agricultural practices and the rituals they had behind their coffee ceremony, and the hundreds of years of traditions they have around that plant, it's sacred to them. For us to look at a bag of javala or whatever people get at Costco and call that bad for you is at such an entry level. It's time to become Yoda by studying the realm, the origins, and the stories of all these things. Plants have consciousness, so you can't just look at it as bad. Your relationship with it is non-existent. You're experimenting with it, and your experiment is stuck in good and bad. That's so much of what I've come to realize in the seeking of knowledge and expanding more consciously. It's not that whiskey is bad for you.

=> 00:25:13

Your relationship with things shapes their impact on you—it's not the coffee or whiskey that's bad, it's how you interact with them.

Hundreds and hundreds of years of traditions surround the sacred plants and shrubs that certain cultures hold dear. For us to look at these plants as merely a bag of coffee from Costco and label it as bad is such an entry-level perspective. It's like being Luke Skywalker and needing to become Yoda. You become Yoda by studying the origins and stories of these plants, understanding that plants have consciousness. You can't just label something as bad; it's about your relationship with it. If your relationship is non-existent, you're merely experimenting, and your experiment is stuck in the binary of good and bad.

In seeking knowledge and expanding consciousness, I've realized that it's not that whiskey is bad for you; it's that you don't have the ability to work with it and have a relationship with it. You see it as alcohol, a demonic spirit that takes over you, and you let it because that's the relationship you have with it. We could call it a toxic relationship. Similarly, you let coffee create adrenal fatigue and a crash because you believe coffee wakes you up. No, it doesn't. Nothing does what you want it to do; it does what it does. Complaining about the rain won't change the situation; it's going to keep raining. You just have to be okay with that.

Interacting with culture, we've collectively agreed that these things have certain functions, and we buy into that, creating a feedback loop. Those functions actually start doing these things for us because we believe it. We've created terms and conditions, which is not a relationship. A relationship is allowing the other thing to express its beingness and coordinating with that being because they allow you to express your beingness. Through that, a relationship is formed.

I can buy that. I'm always telling my community that when things become disarrayed in our lives, it's because we're losing focus on our co-creator relationship with the oversoul. When we fall out of that focus, all kinds of things start happening because we're phasing out of that connection to source and phasing back into the dungeon programming of the collective. Once we start borrowing the energy of the collective, we become part of the hive mind. Months go by, and we realize we've accomplished nothing, doing the same old routines with the same old people.

The thing is, not everyone is here to break out of it. This might sound deflating to some, but it's clear to me that a small percentage of people can access this bandwidth of gnosis compared to the overwhelming majority of the human species. Everyone gravitating here is special, not to fluff you up, but it is what it is. It's tough to wear the crown of thorns; it digs deep into your temples, sometimes blinding you with blood in your eyes. Welcome to being awake. This is what it feels like, and it's okay because, on the other side of it, there's sovereignty.

When you're okay with things as they are, when you can look at the rain and be okay with it, when you can accept the moment without controlling it, that's a beautiful thing. We're in a tough position now with an ultra-technocratic, managed realm. Many people feel they deserve technological luxuries without effort, surrounded by a lack mindset group of friends or peers. They go through months of doing nothing and still feel they deserve something. That's where we're at today—a special type of person who believes they deserve without effort.

=> 00:29:23

True freedom is saying no to what doesn't align with your values.

Being okay with the rain means accepting moments when you don't have what you desire and can't control the situation. This acceptance is crucial, especially in our current ultra-technocratic society where many people feel entitled to luxuries without putting in any effort. It's a troubling trend where individuals, surrounded by a lack mindset, believe they deserve rewards after doing nothing for extended periods. This mindset is pervasive even in smaller, niche communities where people stumble upon concepts like gematria and think they've unlocked profound universal secrets. However, such knowledge is merely seasoning, not the main course.

The real essence, the "meal," is about being fearless, embracing your true essence, and not succumbing to easy handouts. For instance, despite numerous lucrative offers from cryptocurrency companies, some reaching up to $70,000, I find immense satisfaction in rejecting them. I don't need their money because I know my purpose. I'm not here to be an instrument for someone else's laziness. Similarly, Jason, with his vast knowledge and community, has also turned down numerous proposals from Fortune 500 companies. He hasn't found a product he believes in enough to endorse to his community.

Jason prefers smaller, more genuine collaborations, ideally with people already within the community. He values authenticity over lucrative contracts with numerous stipulations. This perspective leads to a broader question: What does freedom mean to you? For many, true freedom lies in the ability to say no. As an errant, resisting and fighting against the tide is a form of freedom. This resistance defines the essence of being an errant, as detailed on Jason's website,, where the glossary lists 200 terms that encapsulate this philosophy.

=> 00:33:34

True freedom is learning to say no.

The conversation touches on various topics, starting with financial institutions, VPNs, and Nordstrom, emphasizing the wild nature of dealing in the markets. The speaker then delves into the concept of freedom, posing the question, "What does freedom mean to you?" and reflecting on the realization that true freedom often involves the ability to say no. This sentiment is echoed by another participant who agrees and highlights the importance of resisting and fighting against the collective mindset.

The discussion then shifts to the concept of being an "errant," defined as someone who goes against the grain and is a free thinker. The speaker provides two reasons why Jordan fits this definition: his acknowledgment that most people won't wake up, which the speaker refers to as "dungeon programming," and his use of a Star Wars illustration, which boosts his credibility. A particular line from a song by Big Sea resonates deeply with the speaker: "I feel like Luke is finally turning into Yoda." This line captures the journey from being a youthful learner to becoming a wise master, emphasizing the spiritual and esoteric perspective that they are one and the same.

The conversation then touches on personal awakenings, with one participant sharing that 9/11 marked the beginning of their journey. Despite being steeped in Southern Baptist Christianity at the time, it was not until 2020 that they experienced a "Quantum Leap" in their awakening. They liken this to Order 66 from Star Wars, where a sudden shift in programming leads to dramatic changes. The speaker recounts how multiple plane crashes in the same year killed cancer specialists warning about a new vaccine, leading to Operation Warp Speed and the public push for vaccination. This series of events, coupled with their work in Predictive Analytics and isometric projections, ultimately shocked them into a deeper state of awareness.

=> 00:37:41

Seeing how propaganda can literally shut down the world woke me up.

The Galaxy and all the star systems, the Storm Troopers instantly had their programming switched, and they began killing all the Jedi. So, Order 66 to me is when we had two or three plane crashes that all happened in the same year, killing off all these Cancer Specialists who were talking about the dangers of a new vax that was about to be released. They all died in these plane crashes. Next thing you know, we have Operation Warp Speed, and we have a reason why the public is being pushed to take this needle. I'm like, wow, this is crazy.

During all of this, I was doing my YouTube videos, Jordan. I was doing date sequence Predictive Analytics and getting deep into isometric projections. This literally shocked me awake because I was doing videos at night but contracting by day. I watched Texas get locked down—I've never seen anything like it. However, I worked every single day because residential contractors were essential workers. Big John, Jr., and I were getting in my van, going to do jobs, and making money every day. Then I was coming home at night, doing videos, trying to build my YouTube channel. That's what woke me up, seeing how propaganda can literally shut down the world.

You're an observer. A lot of the time, we realize that it's all just observation. While you observe, you see what you want to take part in, what you'd rather avoid, and then you move accordingly. You know how to maneuver in this rat race, in this maze. I think that these two particular examples of 9/11—which I kind of want to start calling 7-Eleven because the coding is ridiculous in that—are significant. I talk about this a lot in my work, specifically with numerology. September, prefixed with "septem," means seven in Latin. It's actually 117 written internationally. You have Tower One, Tower Two (Yaken and Boaz), that's 11. Then you have Tower or Building Seven, that's your 117. All that energy goes into the Pentagon, the pentagram. It's a literal occult ritual.

Moving on to the other event that was quite recent, the C19 thing, it's pretty powerful stuff. The dates are significant. It kicked off officially by The WHO on March 11th, 2020, but the first day of the pandemic in the US was Friday the 13th, just two days later, March 13th. Tying this into my work, we are currently in a solar cycle and will be moving into the start of a new lunar cycle on March 13th of next year. We have a very powerful lunar eclipse on that specific date, the 13th. This is a very important date to consider. I'm not saying it's going to be like a C19 round two, but it will have numerological significance. It will be tied to that particular time of the year when the sun is finally moving into Pisces in the actual sky, utilizing siderial astrology. This is the timeframe of the restart, the reset. It's very clear when you study even modern history; September and March are the two key months where we have these big pivot points of energy.

I kind of see that things are going to be as wonky as they've been lately, especially throughout this election cycle. But this is all just smoke and mirrors—a distraction. Look here, don't look there. October is coming up next month, which is big on Rosh Hashanah because we have that solar eclipse literally on Hebrew New Year. Rosh Hashanah is October 2nd through 4th, and the solar eclipse is on October 2nd. This is a super important Hebrew New Year. Everyone tuning in, this is massive. October 2nd through 4th, and then we have the start of this lunar cycle on March 13th.

Getting back to the awakening experience, it comes in waves. I know you've talked a lot about these seals being broken. I believe these seals are breaking individually too. If you're one of these few that have access to this bandwidth of gnosis that I brought up earlier, then get ready for several dominoes falling in your holistic apocalypse. You were born into this place for a reason; you're here to do damage. The whole purpose of you, as you turn from Luke to Yoda, is Crisis Management.

=> 00:42:07

Embrace the chaos, it's just training camp for your ultimate game time.

Hebrew New Year is a significant event for everyone tuning in, taking place from October 2nd through 4th. Additionally, the start of this lunar cycle is on March 13th. When discussing the Awakening experience, it is important to note that it comes in waves. This experience involves the breaking of seals, which happens individually. If you have access to this bandwidth of gnosis, be prepared for several dominoes falling in your holistic apocalypse. You were born into this place for a reason; you are here for crisis management. One of the best things Ronald Reagan ever said was about the importance of crisis management. The purpose of our actions is not to scare people or push fear, but rather to reveal the truth. The truth may be harsh, but it sets you free and helps you become fearless.

In my experience, no matter what happens on the world stage, I don't flinch or get worried. Instead, I move into response mode. You can either react or respond. Through week-by-week reveals, interviews, and podcasts, it is crucial to remind people that there is nothing to be scared of. This preparation is like a training camp. When it's game time, you'll know how to perform. For instance, when COVID-19 (C19) emerged, I was already prepared due to a decade of training camp. I was ready for the Super Bowl, knowing how to respond to the crisis.

I receive daily emails from people concerned about future events, asking questions like "What's going to happen?" or "How can I protect my family?" It's a tough position because many people look up to our vision and ability to forecast future events. Managing these concerns for others is challenging.

Regarding the solar cycle, specifically the 11.5-year cycle, it is interesting to note the periodic reappearance of sunspot activity. This cycle has been recorded since the 1870s and 1880s. The 11.5-year cycle equates to exactly 138 months, which is significant in my research. The fine structure constant, 138, keeps appearing in my findings.

In the past, I ran predictive software and did consultations, making quite a bit of money and gaining attention for my accurate NFL predictions. However, this direction was not where I wanted to go. The software, known as EMB bionic, has not stopped development in five years and is almost complete. The fine structure constant was not initially included in the software, but it is being integrated now.

=> 00:46:40

Predictive software can beat experts but reality adapts, so we must predict the pattern breaks.

So, I have one final layering to do. You guys know Barry; he's been on my channel before. In the past, I had a plan, Jordan. I was running predictive software for people and doing consultations, which was how I was making quite a bit of money. We got really, really scarily accurate on NFL predictions, and I was posting my predictions on Facebook. This garnered a lot of attention, but it was taking me in a direction I didn't want to go. I started getting contacted by a lot of different people. At that time, my office algorithm was EMB Bionic. However, it is no longer that way. We have not stopped development in five years and are almost done.

The fine structure constant is one thing that was never included in the software, and I'm working on that now. The fine structure constant is very hard to nail down; it is 137 point something, but it's an indefinite article. We don't know exactly what it is, but it's not quite 138. My predictive analytics, which is based on a dial system, is really easy to understand. Any event in the past has a signal ratio that can be measured. When you take that event and compare it to any other event on a different day that is basically the same in the same order of magnitude, they will have the same signatures. This is not what is measured; that's what pattern recognition does, and pattern recognition is always wrong.

What Opus does is it takes the dial distance and time between two similar events. The dial is the spinning of the sky, and my entire software program is based on this system. One rotation of the stars is a day on the dial system. If it's 155 days, that 155-day difference between two similar events is then run through 14 protocols. These protocols literally take that 155 days and run it through a series of pi curvature filters, 5.08, which is pi times 5 divided by two to find out what a radius is. I discovered a long time ago that time and the events that occupy the calendar always unfold in geometrical principles.

We had done amazing predictions on the NFL that defied all logic. I used to show the charts of the experts and then show Opus in the final column beating the crap out of them. The problem back then was the pattern break. We did not realize that every single measurable system, after it has been measured at least five or six times, will collapse. It's almost as if reality itself knows it's being observed and shakes up the nest. What we do with the software now is try to predict the pattern break so we can get an edge on the next series of four, five, or six weeks that we can run predictions.

I'm a busy guy, Jordan. I don't just do Arcanic on the side; I'm also messing with my Opus software. I'm real close to the point where I'm probably going to send you an email because I have zero knowledge of the crypto markets, but I'm almost ready to play.

Jordan responded, "Great, hit me up whenever, bro. We'll do it." He then added, "I want to speak to something you brought up regarding the pattern break because this is a big piece of my core philosophy on everything in life, including the physical body. This happened recently in my work, and I have something I want to share about it very soon. I just need to carve out the time to make it happen. It's the relationship between the Bitcoin price action and a lot of other assets. It's easiest to talk about it with Bitcoin because of the size of the market cap. To make things simple, every new moon we see a short-term top, like a bullish price, and during every full moon, we see a low or a more bearish price. Moving from a new moon into a full moon, the market goes down. Moving from a full moon into a new moon, the market goes up. If you want to allow me to share my screen, I could quickly show you what I'm talking about.

=> 00:50:58

Bitcoin prices rise from new moon to full moon and fall from full moon to new moon.

I have something that I want to share about the relationship between the Bitcoin price action and a lot of other assets very soon. However, I need to carve out the time to make it happen. It's easiest to discuss this with Bitcoin due to the size of its market cap. To keep things simple, with this particular asset, every new moon we see a short-term top, resulting in a bullish price. Conversely, during every full moon, we observe a low or a more bearish price. The best way to explain it is that moving from a new moon into a full moon, we see a downtrend, and the market goes down. Moving from a full moon into a new moon, the market goes up.

If you allow me to share my screen, I can quickly show you what I'm talking about. I have entertained some interesting earthquake prediction research that also shows the position of the moon has a lot to do with the timing of earthquakes. If you peep over to Streamyard and pull up the chart I am sharing, I will make this nice, short, sweet, and simple for everyone. The blue dots represent new moons, and the white dots represent full moons. This is the first cycle of the year 2024.

Right here, we have a new moon, and you can see the price was up. After leaving the new moon and moving into the next full moon of the year, the price goes down. Then, moving from the full moon into the next new moon, the price goes up. Between this new moon and the full moon, the price is stagnant but still down. Moving from this full moon to the next new moon, the price is up. However, we need to account for a pattern break, which is necessary in this example due to eclipses.

Let me quickly show you the power of this whole eclipse theory. It would be easier to show you on an actual chart. Here, on this custom chart, I have depicted the relationship between the solar and lunar cycles. This dotted white line represents the market low, which also happened to be on the last lunar eclipse of a lunar cycle. During this phase, the market is incredibly bearish for the couple of years that we are in a lunar cycle. We then move into a solar cycle, marked in green for simplicity.

Look at the moment from the solar eclipse in October 2023 to the Great American Eclipse that formed an X over Texas. The relationship between Bitcoin's price action from this eclipse to that eclipse was incredible, with a move of about 170%. Even with 2x leverage, people with this awareness would have made a ton of money. I shared this information with people about nine to ten months before the eclipse. This explains why the market's energy is the way it is, not only on smaller time frames but also on a much larger time scale based on the solar and lunar cycles.

Initially, I discussed new moons and full moons, which make up the smaller month-to-month swings. However, getting back to the pattern break, which is fascinating and something I want to talk more about, you can see over here it was the solar eclipse, the Great American Eclipse. It was a new moon, and we traded into the full moon like normal, kind of choppy. Then, we have this new moon in June, and we're up again, then we fall. After this June moment, we had a strange relationship with the new moons and full moons, almost as if they flipped, leading to a pattern break. The same effect happened leading up to the October solar eclipse.

We are moving into the October solar eclipse soon, and we saw how the market behaved after it. I am not predicting that the market will shoot up in a straight line after the October second solar eclipse, but I have plenty of data over the last decade covering the entire Bitcoin chart since its genesis. This data shows its relationship with bull runs, bear markets, everything from two-year cycles to four-year cycles, and down to the month-to-month.

=> 00:55:03

Understanding the moon's influence on markets can unlock powerful insights, but mastering the basics is key to true skill.

The relationship with the new moons and the full moons almost seems like they've effectively sort of flipped, creating a pattern break. I also realized the same effect happened over here at this stage, which was also leading up to the October solar eclipse. We're moving into the October solar eclipse soon, and we saw how the market behaved after it. I'm not here predicting that the market's just going to shoot up in a straight line after the October second solar eclipse, but I have plenty of data over the last decade, pretty much covering the entire Bitcoin chart since its genesis, that shows its relationship with bull runs, bear markets, everything from two-year cycles to four-year cycles, and then getting down to the month-to-month.

Now, what I'm really dialing in is the utility of Mercury retrograde that plays an effect. To get a little bit of astrology mixed into it, there's also numerology and gematria here. I'm trying to come up with the most simple system possible that I could teach people with so they can plug it into whatever predictive analysis software they are building. So, the people that you're working with or the people that you're coordinating with, have them reach out to me whenever you're looking to get into that sort of stuff and put some focus on the markets. I would love to collaborate on that because I think more people need access to this stuff.

However, I'll be very quick in explaining why I kind of don't want people to have access to this. It's important what I'm about to say, don't take it personally, but it's because you need to learn how this thing works the hard way. You need to learn the basics, guys. So many times, people want to come into something and just get easy mode; they want to press the Easy Button. They want to buy some sort of predictive software that just does everything for them, and then you kind of become a buffoon. You become this purposeless, useless, empty being who has no skills. I don't want to create skill-less sheep; I want you guys to develop skills.

What my favorite thing is, by the way, is when people move on from my work. I don't want to keep people trapped with me. I don't want to be anyone's daddy. I love when people are like, "Waters above, he showed me some really cool things and now I've moved on." I don't need people to stick around for my so-called predictions or market analysis. What I love them sticking around for is maybe the live streams, the interviews, the podcasts, the stuff where we talk about life.

I have to stop you, man. I have to put you on the rope for a minute so I can talk because you're speaking my language. I had no idea that there was any correlation between the moon and the markets. The very fact that you have even isolated a period of time and demonstrated that absolutely shows that we are inside of a construct and observing all of this phenomena that we translate as the moon and the markets. To find the correlates and see that you've done exactly what my Opus algorithm does—it literally analyzes events through the lens of an observer looking from the inside of a computer, but that computer is the sky, it is the stars. I have never even incorporated anything lunar into my algorithm, but now you're going to send me back to the trouble.

Yeah, man, we're synced here for a reason. Everything is perfection. We may have to bring you in under an NDA and discuss more of this because I'm a little pissed that I never considered any relationship with the moon when I knew the moon was a part of the construct. Don't be, brother. We're all here specialized in something to help each other, to be like the ingredients that are needed to make this whole recipe. I'm really fascinated when people come over to my work, seeing similar explanations that I just gave you and your audience, and they still have doubt. If you're fascinated by what I just shared, can I just show you one quick thing? Just really one quick thing. I'm not sure if you can see my screen.

Can you? Yeah, we can see it. Perfect. So, this is the year of 2020-2021. It's basically 2021 as a whole. This is where my career on YouTube started, sharing the Waters Above material.

=> 00:59:15

Be brother, I mean, it's all like we're all here specialized in something to help each other to be like the ingredients that are needed to make this whole recipe. I'm really fascinated when people come over to my work, seeing similar explanations that I just gave you and your audience, and they still have doubt. That's pretty wild. Like if you're fascinated by what I just shared, can I just show you one quick thing? Just really one quick thing. I'm not sure if you can see my screen.

Can you?

Yeah, we can see it. Perfect. So this is the year of 2020-2021. It's basically 2021 as a whole. This is where my kind of career on YouTube started, sharing the Waters Above material. And again, just a quick reminder if you're just joining now: the blue dots are new moons, the white dots are full moons, and the relationship is undeniable. You have new moon top, full moon correction, new moon microtop, full moon correction, new moon microtop. You could see how clean this is. I mean, we're talking within a couple of days, then an all-time high within 48 hours of a new moon correction.

And then right here, you go, what's going on? The reason for this was because there was a lunar eclipse right here that started the lunar cycle. This brings bearish energy into the picture. Then if I show you this chart, you'll see the peaks that we have are always on new moons. So this new moon, man, it's a game-changer when you know about it because it could really make or break some important trading decisions for people.

And I watched, Guy, what you're describing though is if the moon is having any influence whatsoever on the markets, then it's just a direct reflection of the moon having influence over the people. This is where we got lunacy from. This is where we got lunatic from. The moon influences people, and some people snap, become crazy, animalistic. This is a scientific fact, it's a psychological fact. Other people get really depressed, some people get real horny, but apparently a lot of people like to invest money or crypto.

So it's very interesting that the moon would even have this relationship. I think we talked about this on our last live, and it was probably the shot of whiskey moment. But I was talking with you and Logan about how my take on what the moon is, is it's just a reflection of this realm. Like the moon that we see in the sky, that physical object that's luminescent from edge to edge and apparently is spinning at a thousand miles per hour equally to our Earth that is spinning at 1,000 miles per hour with exact precision so that we all see the same full moon face every single day of the year forever since the invention of the camera. And it just perfectly mirrored when you're in Australia, right? How perfect is that?

So anywho, I see the moon to be a reflection of what we call Earth or Gaia. If the moon is a reflection, then there's going to have to be a centripetal area. Geometrically, there must be an axis point between the face of what we call the moon and the surface of our world if they're both spinning at the same time. So I don't believe the moon's a sphere; I believe it's holographic. Now, as being a reflection of the moon, it sounds like you are a proponent. I forgot whose resource that was. Noas Fundom? Oh, I'm not sure who that is. You know, there are two people I could let you know where I've kind of... moon map is a reflection of a wider Earth.

There's one content creator, one artist out there that I think does incredible work, but it's a lot to get into. It's Vibes of Cosmos. I believe a lady from Greece, and her work is just absolutely incredible from a visual perspective. It gives you a lot... people have dropped that channel in my chat multiple times. I've just never seen a video. Yeah, there's an incredible, a couple of incredible videos. I haven't kept up with it, so I'm sure things have adjusted and changed over time, but that's really one of the things.

But brother, like I think we've spoken about this in our first couple of conversations. I bring everything I do back to mythology. Everything comes back to mythology. So the moon is just the matrix, it's the physical realm. The moon, even in language, right? We have moon is M or Mundo in Spanish, that's world. It's Mo, word, world. Exactly, like and dermand is the moon. Exactly. So, Luna... come on my channel, you don't come on my channel just dropping truth bombs like this, man. So we have Luna, right? That's what we would call the moon, but with French, we have M, and with Spanish for the world... I mean, excuse me, when we call it the world.

=> 01:03:38

The moon is not just a celestial body; it's a reflection of our physical realm, a holographic illusion manipulated by gatekeepers to shape our perception.

I haven't kept up with it, so I'm sure things have adjusted and changed over time. But that's really one of the things. Brother, I think we've spoken about this in our first couple of conversations. I bring everything I do back to mythology. Everything comes back to mythology. The Moon is just the matrix; it's the Physical Realm. The moon, even in language, right? We have moon as M or Mundo in Spanish, which means world. It's Mo word world, exactly like dermand is the moon.

Luna, come on my channel, you don't come on my channel just dropping truth bombs like this, man. So we have Luna, right? That's what we would call the moon. But with French, we have M, and with Spanish for the world, I mean, excuse me, when we call it the world, it's Mundo in Spanish, M in French, Monday we call it Munday, Lunes, right? Lundi, the lunatic that you brought up before, crazy. So I visualize this holographic, you know, kind of optical illusion we're faced with when we're looking at the moon. It is just a reflection of this realm.

I look at the fact that it's equally luminescent from edge to edge. It seems to be that it's operating more like a light bulb, not a sphere, because a sphere would naturally have shadowing on the outside from the source of the light that's pointed at it. There's so much inside of pop culture and Hollywood. I mean, if you're into Star Wars, look at the Death Star. The Death Star shows you this kind of visual of a crater inside of this grand spaceship. But I believe that they're just showing you that it's this flat disc, almost like a vinyl record. What it's reflecting back to us is this mirroring, this lensing effect of the firmament Dome.

These optical illusions make it quite easy for NASA and other agents, the Gatekeepers of the truth, to come up with whatever fairy tale they would like. It works perfectly. It's a perfect terrain to build whatever theories you want. I'm not going to sit here and argue with anyone about the shape of the Earth or if the moon is actually a reflection of the Earth. I have no energy for it. But with my work and my study of mythology and how mythology reveals to you all of these things that become the Abrahamic religions, like the creation story being identical across the board, also going back to Sumerian and ancient Egyptian creation stories, it's all the same.

Lastly, the remnants of the peoples that designed this space, that created everything that we have and utilize, are all leaving artifacts of the ancient Egyptian civilization everywhere. There's this sun-moon symbolism everywhere. That sun-moon symbolism is pretty simple to me. The soul, not souls but soul, is literally the Sun. We call it Soul; that's your light, your inner furnace. This physical body that we have is just the moon. The body is Christ. Christ gets plugged in with an ethernet cable into the internet, and that's called God. That's energy, frequency, vibration, just in a very difficult to perceive or visualize spectrum of an electromagnetic frequency.

I want to take that just a little further, please do, by backstepping to something you said earlier. It really supports the point you're making now. You said about mythology, listen, if the sky is truly the inside of a computer, if it is a template of computing and The Luminaries aren't what we think they are, they're actually this massive apparatus that we can tap into and use for Predictive Analytics and all that. If all this is true, then mythology is almost like the user manual. Yes, it's the user manual because all these myths are detail-specific. Greek mythology has more details than necessary; it's amazing how rich it is.

Look at it like Uranus is the waters above, and Neptune Poseidon is the waters below. You have the waters below as your blood, and the waters above would be the cerebrospinal fluid, the Cristos. What gets released every month travels down the spine, the Jordan River. Everything about this realm is, again, coming back to Anatomy. It's The Human Experience. When they cut open the first skull, they saw all of the makeup of this brain and the pineal gland, the thalamus, all of these areas: amygdala, pons, medulla oblongata, all of it, and the way that works, the way that it operates, and the way the fluids...

=> 01:08:28

The secrets of the universe are hidden within you, not outside.

Greek mythology is incredibly rich in detail, often more than necessary. For instance, Uranus represents the waters above, while Neptune (Poseidon) symbolizes the waters below. In human anatomy, the waters below can be likened to blood, and the waters above to cerebrospinal fluid. The Cristos, which is released monthly, travels down the spine, metaphorically referred to as the Jordan River. This intricate connection between mythology and anatomy underscores the human experience. When the first skull was dissected, the brain's structure, including the pineal gland, thalamus, amygdala, pons, and medulla, was revealed, functioning similarly to a car's mechanics. This exploration into human anatomy helped answer the question, "What are we?" and emphasized the importance of knowing oneself from a physical perspective.

This understanding extends to the cosmos, where mythology serves as a user manual for human experiences, later corrupted by religion, which externalizes the divine and strips away esoteric utility. The phrase "As Above, So Within; As Within, So Without" encapsulates this idea. The work of Schwaller de Lubicz around the turn of the 20th century is particularly noteworthy. He demonstrated that ancient temples in Egypt, Babylon, Sumer, and India mirrored human anatomy, showing that man is the measure of all things. His work revealed that temples were designed to reflect different areas of the human body, emphasizing that grand architecture holds secrets not found on paper.

The secrets of the universe are embedded in architecture and, more profoundly, in the human body—the ultimate vessel and avatar. This concept is often obscured by external distractions, such as debates over the shape of the Earth, which divert attention from the ultimate truth that you are the universe. The idea that you are both jacked into and are the Matrix itself is a profound realization.

Channels like Vibes of Cosmos delve into these concepts, showing how holographic toroidal fields operate like Russian dolls, aligning with mythological studies. For example, the outermost toroidal field would be Uranus, representing the creation. This alignment between mythology and cosmic structures further illustrates the deep connection between human experience and the universe.

=> 01:12:58

This is it: There's no outer space, just layers of our reality.

Resist it, but resistance is futile. I learned how to sail amongst people that are rowing boats. I hear you, man, I hear you. That's some good stuff. I might need to look into Vibes of Cosmos. Yeah, that's a channel that goes pretty deep into showing the kind of holographic toroidal fields that are working as a Russian doll. To let everyone know, the reason I really vibed with Vibes of Cosmos is because the way they laid out their perception of the so-called planets, these toroidal fields, is actually identical to my study of mythology.

To break it down real quick, the most outer toroidal field would be Uranus. In the creation story, it says, "In the beginning, God created the Heaven and the Earth." The heavens would be Uranus, the sky god associated with Heaven. I'm keeping it at the Greek and Roman mythology because it allows your audience the quickest route to researching what I'm saying. I don't want to make it complicated for people. So, to keep it super simple, the creation story in the Abrahamic religions, if you look at Genesis, says, "In the beginning, God created the Heaven and the Earth." The heaven would be Uranus, and the Earth would be Gaia. Gaia would be the physical terrain, and the heavens or the firmament, which you get in Genesis on line seven, would be your spiritual, ethereal realm.

In the work of Vibes of Cosmos, she shows that the outer toroidal field is Uranus. Within that Russian doll, the next layer would be Saturn, then Jupiter, and then the eye of Jupiter, which is the relationship between Mars and Mercury. Within Mars would be the relationship between Mercury and Venus, and within that would be Earth. The core layer, which is the Physical Realm called Earth, is the only physical place where we are right now. There is no such thing as outer space or lands beyond the firmament where you could plant your feet or your boots or your space suit. This is it. They want you to be fascinated by space travel and space tourism, but it's unbelievable. When you see Mars rovers, they're in Utah. Hell yeah, they are.

What we have here with this synchronicity between Greek mythology and this visual perspective of the so-called planets is perfect. It's so well in alignment. Once you start getting into the creation story further, you start to see that it breaks down the elements on the periodic table. This is why they call it things like titanium—the Titans. It's all Greek. This unlocked many different avenues for my study and questioning of why certain people are able to do well in this world while others struggle. For example, why are some black people able to become very successful? What I've come to find out is that it's because they pledge Greek in the Boule. The Boule is effectively a carbon copy of Yale's Skull and Bones secret society, even though it's not really secret.

This initiation and recruitment center is for all black judges, politicians, celebrities, and hip-hop artists that we know and love. All the people who get to be successful and have that opportunity in that particular avatar pledge Greek. This is why they are the gatekeepers for people who match their skin tone. When you learn about Reverend Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson, you start to understand the truth behind them.

=> 01:17:19

The Boule is just a Black version of Skull and Bones, creating gatekeepers in politics, entertainment, and more.

Boule is effectively a carbon copy of Yale's Skull and Bones, the so-called secret society, even though it is widely known and thus not truly secret. This carbon copy serves as the initiation and recruitment center for black judges, politicians, celebrities, and hip-hop artists. These individuals, who pledge Greek, often become the gatekeepers for people who match their skin tone. This is evident when you learn about figures like Reverend Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson and the truths behind them. They are all involved in Zionism, perpetuating an illusion that maintains their posture. Recognizing this illusion can be an apocalypse for the average person, as identity plays a significant role. Wearing a uniform, whether a lab coat or military attire, grants a certain power role, and everyone decides what uniform they want to wear in this world.

One speaker expresses satisfaction with their anonymous role, which allows them to spread the truth without censorship. Another speaker, who is more famous due to original research, personality, and a criminal record, agrees. Despite being more visible, this speaker values the ability to speak the truth. They practice exclusions by dealing in concepts rather than specifics, avoiding the backlash that comes from focusing on particular individuals. This approach allows them to tell it like it is without facing the same level of censorship as others.

The conversation reveals that people tune in to understand the speakers' perspectives on cultural moments. However, knowing more about the script often just puts people back on the gerbil wheel, stuck in the playpen. Rituals and magic operate under the wizard's intent, and anyone can choose to be the wizard by deciding what costume to wear each day. The speakers believe that every day is like Halloween, except for October 31st, when people actually show their true selves.

One speaker shares their ability to adapt to different environments, whether attending a meeting in formal attire or riding a motorcycle to hang out with friends. This adaptability allows them to navigate various social settings without revealing their full background, such as hosting a YouTube channel or having spent 26 years in prison.

=> 01:21:22

We all wear masks every day, but true connection happens when we drop them.

Are you playing? It's funny, like I believe we have Halloween every single day of the year except for October 31st. It's the only day you actually see people. Yeah, dude, I'm on board with you. I can go into a meeting wearing my little button-down long sleeve shirt, dress slacks, and sit there with the best of them. We can discourse about all kinds of things, and not a single person in that room will ever even suspect that I spent 26 years in prison. Or, I can get on my motorcycle, ride down to the old hole, and sit with a bunch of guys, shooting the [__]. Anybody walking in there would never in their wildest imagination look at me and think that I'm hosting a YouTube channel.

We do assume multiple identities throughout every single day. I agree with you. I've done my best to not be anything for anybody for any particular reason. One of my favorite things is whenever I need to get a ride, I'll get an Uber and take that opportunity to see how vulnerable I can be with that person to get them to be vulnerable. It's amazing because we, as so-called truthers, have this belief. I'm not speaking for me or you, but sometimes that's what this all gets wrapped up under in the judgment of it all. Some people are awake, and a lot of people are asleep, right? People use this term NPCs and just mark everyone off who's not you or not following this channel as non-player characters.

First of all, that's not helping anybody's case on the individual level. Second of all, you're kind of shutting down where everyone's at. Most of the time, I've come across people who are cashiers or the dude at the bar, just shooting the [__] with them. I see the humanity in them because I allow the humanity in them. That comes with you being able to be in Flow State. It's not Flow State if you walk into every place with the judgment of where you were at versus where they're at. It's when you walk into every place and you can become a chameleon in a room full of vultures. I know that the room is mostly filled with what you would call so-called NPCs, but that doesn't mean that's how I'm going to treat people. I treat everyone as a reflective mirror of where I'm at. My behavior and the way they operate with me, the way they communicate with me, is what teaches me more than me going into rooms trying to teach people.

I get it, man, 100%. It's an awesome world, full of awesome people. I can go through public and meet some truly unique individuals that I would have never suspected would engage in dialogue about all kinds of things. You would think that weren't normal, but it's the abnormal topics that are becoming more normal today. I'm pretty sure they check in with you like they check in with me just to see if they're still normal. People come to my channel and think, "Damn, I'm so glad Jason said that. I thought I was the only one in here."

That validation is something that people want too. Naturally, when people go down this amusement park of seeking truth, for some it's like a haunted Tower of Terror, but for others, it's a very amusing, fun, entertaining experience. They want validation too. When some people hear my take on the market, astrology, or numerology, it's quite nuanced because I don't learn from many people. I love to take ideas and topics, shut off the outside, and just go into jam band mode. I'm going to solo my way through this whole thing and see where I stick because ultimately, at the end of the day, that's what makes this art. It's not just copying other people.

You said earlier that one of the things that makes you famous is because you have unique research and art that you've created. Stuff that, at the end of the day, nobody can copy. If they were to, it would be sourced right back to you, making them look like a fool for not sourcing you in the beginning. That's an incredible posture to sit at.

One of the things I don't do... You know that band Tool? Hell yeah, I love Tool. Yeah, I [__] love them. Don't get me started.

=> 01:25:22

Don't be a cover band; create something original and true to yourself.

Where I see where I stick because ultimately, at the end of the day, that's what makes this art. It's not just copying other people. You mentioned earlier that one of the things that makes you famous is because you have unique research and art that you've created—stuff that, at the end of the day, nobody can copy. If they were to, it would be sourced right back to you, which would just make them look like a fool for not sourcing you in the beginning. That's an incredible posture to sit at.

One of the things I don't do, you know that band Tool? Hell yeah, I love Tool. I [__] love them, man. Don't get me started. Have you ever listened to that band Deafheaven? No? I'll send a track to you later. Anyways, one of the things that I love about Tool is you could cover them if you're talented enough, but I don't think you could get close to Maynard's voice. At the end of the day, it would be hard to cover exactly. Their original music is so unique and so real. It's a genuine expression of where those dudes were at with whatever was going on in their life and their process. It's uncoverable in a sense.

But then you get to artists like Doja Cat or Lady Gaga, and it's like this [] could be carbon copied and replicated billions of times by the industry. I tell people all the time, if you're at a tough spot right now, if you're struggling, trying to become successful, or you want to do something that makes you feel purpose in life, don't be a [] cover band. If you're not talented enough, don't have enough skills, or don't have enough confidence, it's okay to source what you're influenced by. It's okay to give your flowers to everyone, even your haters. They are here for you at the end of the day. Like Judas helped Jesus, only the real ones know. The people who you think are betraying you are not. When you get crucified, you still resurrect as long as you respond to it the right way. You could take it personally, get worried, or go into attack mode.

I know you have a lot of people that come after you in your research. Being in attack mode consistently takes you out of your creative flow. It takes you out of being Tool, being this creative explorative force. It puts you into that cookie-cutter, expected kind of warrior. I think there's so much more to explore in this experience. I wish more people would have conversations about the times they were going through problems and what they did to break through them. I'm sure you've come across those experiences, but look at what it's become on the other side. You have this incredibly successful channel. When we met, you only had like 30,000 subscribers. Now you have like 100,000 more subscribers than me. It's incredible to see the growth.

What have you learned in that process, going from where you were just a couple of years ago to now having well over 100,000 supporters? Is there any wisdom you could share with me on what that experience has been? I'll tell you my greatest strength through this journey. My greatest strength is practicing what I preach. If I'm giving suggestions or teaching something in a video, look, I have a whole comment section of witnesses that'll tell you I said over and over and over. I'm showing videos where I am literally doing the very things I'm trying to tell my community. Absolutely, it works because we're in a construct. Once you know the protocols, there are behaviors you can adopt that will absolutely modify your reality. If you get really good at it, you can even modify the reality of those in your inner circle. But you can't change the world. From the beginning, I've been telling people you just can't change the world. The construct is fixed. You're not here for that purpose. When you fully embrace the idea that this is an evil, sorry-ass world, you understand the limitations and can focus on what you can change.

=> 01:29:29

When you treat others with genuine kindness, the universe finds a way to repay you when you need it most.

Over and over, I find myself showing videos where I am literally doing the very things I am trying to tell my community absolutely work. We are in a construct, and once you know the protocols, there are behaviors you can adopt that will absolutely modify your reality. If you get really good at it, you can even modify the reality of those in your inner circle. However, you can't change the world. From the beginning, I've been telling people you just can't change the world; the construct is fixed, and you're not here for that purpose.

When you fully embrace the idea that this is an evil, sorry-ass world, you realize you can't do anything about the predator versus prey ecosphere. For instance, I hate it when sharks kill seals or when a spider hits its victim with venom, and that poor bug gets wrapped and eaten alive. You have to accept that you can't change these things. But what you can do is make a difference in your immediate surroundings. For example, I see a guy at the gas station four days in a row, and if I see him again, I know I'm going to pull out two twenties and give them to him before he can even thank me. When I do these acts of kindness, everything goes right for me for three or four days—it's just amazing.

I have shared stories with my community about times when I almost died. In this neighborhood, I was incapacitated and couldn't move. An old lady, who was dying of cancer with a hunchback and couldn't even get out of bed until noon, nursed me back to life. She cooked a pork roast and vegetables for me, despite having no income and living off the generosity of others. I never forgot her face.

Two years later, I was making a good living and had a growing community. I pulled into a gas station and saw a long line, which was unusual. I heard a woman mumble "$2," and the young guy behind the counter tried to embarrass her by saying it out loud. When I looked, I saw the hunchback and realized it was the same woman who had helped me. I walked to the front, gave two twenties, and told the guy she wanted to fill her tank. She couldn't even turn around to look at me, still holding her $2. I remembered her from two and a half years earlier and paid for her gas. I walked her back to her truck, and she thanked me, but it seemed like she didn't remember that she had almost saved my life.

It's crazy how I walked up on her right when she was in need. All she had was $2 for her old, beat-up truck, but we filled the tank. I've never seen her since. This story illustrates that there is a reciprocation in reality. When we treat other people as souls and not just members of the community, we get that soul energy returned to us—not when we want it, but when we need it. Love is the most valuable currency, and when you give it, you get the return tenfold. Everything here is to benefit you.

=> 01:33:32

Love is the most valuable currency—give it freely and watch it come back to you when you need it most.

It's crazy how I walked up on her right when she was in need. All she had was $2 and needed to put it in an old, beat-up truck, but we filled the tank. I've never seen her since, but yeah man, I went off on a tangent, sorry about that. I had told this story back when it happened to my community. That's what happens, man. There is a reciprocation in reality, and when we treat other people as souls and not just members of the community, we get that soul energy returned to us—not when we want it, but when we need it. Love is the most valuable currency, so when you give it, you get the return tenfold.

Everything is here to benefit you, even stepping on the thorns, even the Judas character like I brought up earlier. Everybody who's trying to dislocate themselves from the oneness of all are the ones that are stumbling and tripping the most. When you have this feeling, this inclination to be useful, and you go with it, you create this ripple effect of incredible circumstances to follow. Everyone's coded into your reality for a reason. I'm a firm believer that everybody is coded into this reality for where I am at that moment. Every relationship you have, even the heartbreak or the loss you've experienced, is all just here to sharpen the sword. I look at this reality as a place where man is carving himself out of a slab of marble.

As you become more illumined to this oneness, as you become more in love with life—and I literally mean that from the spiritual perspective—when you start to allow life to unfold as it is instead of desiring to control every little piece of it or trying to disrupt somebody else's flow, you see the benefits. Plenty of people become successful and then others start attacking them. This is why I tell all the prepper people to be careful talking about their preparations. If you have all these cans of food, water storage, gold, and other supplies, you don't need to broadcast it. Move in silence because when things hit the fan, if you're worried about the future, you'll be the biggest target. Nobody prepares until the water is at eye level, so it's crucial to move in silence, allow everything to unfold, and take the signs.

For example, there was a sign you exposed earlier about this person being at the gas station in need. That was your sign to be useful, and when you went with it, you saw its ripple effect. There must be something positive going on in your reality because of what you've accomplished with this Archaics saga. Just in a couple of years, watching this explode has been pretty incredible. Thank you, man. Your boy Logan Jason participated in the beginning of that. It was my first big podcast. My very first podcast ever—I only had like 3,000 subs and was still real small. His name was Jimmy James, and he had a small podcast. He'd already interviewed a lot of people, but he took his own life shortly after he and I did our podcast. It had nothing to do with me; we had great rapport.

In the UK, he had been in an accident and could no longer get around. He wasn't mobile, couldn't work, and was denied by the UK government. It's pretty sad. He got on YouTube and straight-up said it: "Guys, you know what, I make my own rules, and I'm not a pauper. I'm never going to beg for anything. I can't get out there and work, and my government won't help. I'm going to ride this out and see where it goes." Within two or three weeks, he basically said his goodbyes and checked out. It's a sad story. I honored him by taking that video off his channel. It wasn't on my channel; I took it off his channel.

=> 01:37:51

Despite being denied support and unable to work, Jimmy James declared his independence on YouTube, saying he'd never beg and would ride out his situation, ultimately leading to his farewell.

Jimmy James, a man who could no longer get around and wasn't mobile, faced a dire situation when he was denied support by the UK government. Despite his challenges, Jimmy James maintained his dignity and declared on YouTube, "I make my own rules and I'm not a popper and I'm never going to beg for anything." He expressed his determination to ride out his situation, stating, "I can't get out there and work and my government won't do it, I'm gonna ride this out and I'm gonna see where it goes." Tragically, within two or three weeks, he said his goodbyes and checked out. In honor of him, I took down his video from his channel. Later, if you want, I can repost that original video, my very first podcast with Jimmy James, on my channel.

Following this, Santos Bonach, who was just starting his Syncretism Society, and Logan Jason of Decod Your Reality, became significant figures in my podcasting journey. Shout out to Logan, who did an incredible job facilitating our discussions. I tried to reach out to Logan via text to join a show, but he never responded. He's somewhere in Mexico now. Our round table discussion was probably the podcast of the year, covering various topics with Logan adding a unique spice to the conversation due to his hardcore nihilist perspective.

Logan's ability to keep discussions on track was invaluable, especially given our tendency to delve deep into our specialized topics. His presence would be great for future podcasts, ensuring we stay on the rails. As for my research, there are still major predictive programming events on the table, though the exact year remains uncertain. I previously did a video highlighting the predictive programming in about 40 different Hollywood productions, all pointing to September 23rd as a key date for a significant event, possibly an information or power blackout.

=> 01:42:01

Predictions can be wrong, but that doesn't invalidate the rest of the insights.

Let's not deviate from the main topic. Let's address the question you just asked. We still have major predictive programming on the table, but we don't know the exact year yet. I haven't revisited the research to see if I can figure out the year. I did a video about the absolute predictive programming put out in about 40 different Hollywood productions that all show that September 25th is a key date where something major is going to happen. The overall programming concerns some type of information or power blackout.

Now, I think it was September 23rd, right? Yes, I'm sorry, September 23rd. This programming is everywhere in these productions. Jason, just quickly, because I want to recap, the last time we spoke, you mentioned that the event was supposedly for the year 2023, right? Yes. Can I get some feedback on how you or people in your circle have navigated that since we went through that moment, and it was just another day in The Matrix?

One thing on my channel, I'm always telling people, is that when a man puts out hundreds of predictions, there's no shame in being wrong on a few of them. I am never going to do the walk of shame and say, "Oh, that didn’t come to pass." When it comes to doing predictions, there are so many Archaix predictions that I put out there. My track record is very good. I don't care about the small ones. We never knew for sure what year, but the only hint we had was 2023 because of September 23rd. The programming is about a major event, but just because it didn’t happen in 2023 doesn’t mean it’s not going to happen.

When you put yourself out there, putting out a tremendous amount of material for public consumption, you have the right to be wrong. Just because you're wrong on one or two minor issues does not nullify the other 97-98% of your material. I'm put under scrutiny all the time for things I didn’t even say. For instance, during September of 2023, many people were coming to me saying I was making predictions about September 23rd. I never even talked about that. Just because of the crossover in communities, people point darts at your dartboard.

I've been doing this for a while, and I'm doing it in the most volatile place to do it, which is with money. I've had people give me and my family death threats because of things that have happened in the market. Ever since that happened, I've remained calm. I don't sensationalize anything I do. Nobody shows up on my channel being shilled referral links to some exchange. All I have available are the things on my website, which I created, recorded, and released. It's just amazing how incredibly volatile and dangerous people become with money.

To circle back, the importance of this month and this year includes a couple of things to consider. First and foremost, this will be the first Friday the 13th of the year, which is in September, just 11 days away. We also have a lunar eclipse coming up on the full moon, which is September 17th. The placement of this full moon, this partial lunar eclipse, is during the 38th week of this year. The significance of the number 38 is that 38s or 888 becomes 24, and we are in the Gregorian year of 24. This time frame is before the transition into the new Hebrew Year. We are currently in the Hebrew year of 5,784. This is the exoteric number; I know there are corrections and a more accurate number, but I'm giving you what the populace knows. If you walk through Brooklyn and ask a Jew what Hebrew year it is, he would say it's 5,784. So, before anyone criticizes, I'm letting you know this is the exoteric thing.

=> 01:46:32

The upcoming lunar eclipse on September 17th is packed with numerological significance and could be a pivotal moment in world events.

The full moon on September 17th is particularly significant due to its placement during the 38th week of this year. The number 38 is notable because 38s or 888 reduces to 24, aligning with the Gregorian year of 2024. This period is just before the transition into the new Hebrew Year, and we are currently in the Hebrew year of 5,784. Although there are more accurate numbers, this is the exoteric number widely recognized. If you were to ask someone in Brooklyn, they would confirm it is 5,784, which also reduces to 24. Therefore, we have the Hebrew year reducing to 24, the Gregorian year of 24, and the 38th week reducing to 24. Additionally, the first day of that week has a 24 date numerology, leading into September 17th, the day of the eclipse.

From October 7th, 2023, the day Israel declared war on Hamas, to September 16th, it spans 11 months and nine days, reflecting the 119 code or 911 code. This date also has a 19 date numerology and a 64 double-digit date numerology, coinciding with the day of the Trump assassination attempt and his birthday. Both events fall on a 64 and 19 date numerology, which is remarkable. Trump's sentencing is allegedly scheduled for the day of the lunar eclipse, making this upcoming eclipse particularly powerful. While many movies in Hollywood predictively program the September 23rd date, it is essential not to be misled by this.

I have something unique to show you, a screenshot sent by a supporter named Olivia. This is from the movie Leave the World Behind at the timestamp 2 hours and 11 minutes. The White House emergency alert in the movie, which leads to a civil war scenario in the United States, shows the numbers 917 and 224. This could very well be revealing September 17th, 2024, the date of the upcoming lunar eclipse. The number 17 is significant as it is the seventh prime number, and September, derived from "septem" in Latin, means seven. The sevens are undeniable when it comes to Zionism and other significant events.

Regarding Trump, he was a former Democrat who switched to the Republican side and began running for the ticket. This might not seem suspicious, but his recent mention of Tulsi Gabbard, who also switched from a lifelong Democrat to a Republican and has a history in psychological operations in the US military, raises questions. If we see a Trump-Tulsi Gabbard ticket, it could indicate a shift towards Democratic Socialism.

=> 01:51:17

Stop looking for heroes in politics; be your own hero.

Q number 17 is the number most associated with Trump. I guess it's exactly the number that they most associate with him. I don't know, man. Trump, in my opinion, I gotta say it real quick. I told my community a while back that Trump was a former Democrat who changed over to Republican, then started running for the ticket and made it. That right there may not be suspicious, but all of a sudden he's talking about Tulsi Gabbard. She just recently went from being a lifelong Democrat and switched over to the Republican side. She has a history in the US military, not just any GI, she specialized in psychological operations. Now she switches over to Republican and she's running the ticket. If we see a Trump-Tulsi Gabbard ticket, this is absolute 100% Democratic Socialist take.

A lot of the time, I think people have this inner desire to alter the belief that they have about their intentions and their vibrational frequency to match what they want to happen. This hopefulness, this optimism, and Trump sort of fills that role for those people. You feel me? The whole QAnon and everything that's unfolded, this whole narrative about the white hats. I clear pill people very quickly when they start talking about who the good guys or the bad guys are. I simply respond to them by saying, "You want to see a good guy? Go and walk over to your mirror and look yourself in the face. You are the good guy." This is the technology at play here for everyone who wants to know. There's a math equation here: you, as the good guy, now want to see reality as there's someone like you out there that's in a higher position than you on the power hierarchy. You're putting that through this Daddy technology, this Father Figure mode, and you're electing that to Trump. Every event that happens with him or for him or to him, all it does is cement that belief more and more. It went from water and turned to ice. All I'm saying for you to do is it's time to defrost your pineal gland. You're not here to be the Ice Cube; become water again, flow again. You're stuck in this Daddy technology that's making you believe that this so-called elected leader is going to embrace and embody all the good things that you feel. But that's never the way it is, and that's never the way it ever was.

It's really fascinating how people continue to fall for this time and time again, even up to this moment. We watch the things that Trump's team did during his presidential administration. All the times of him being the so-called leader of this country, we watched him do the things that the QAnon movement romanticized him protecting. We have clips of this man talking about "just take the jab." He literally says it the way a car salesman would talk about the scratch on your car. He'd be like, "It's just the scratch," you know, like this snake oil energy. People need to wake up to this, man. I'm blown away that people are still losing their Prana on this politics stuff. But I guess as we get closer and closer to the Super Bowl, which is Super Tuesday, as you get closer and closer to that theatrical game, it just builds more and more energy until the volcano explodes.

I want to ask you something because I was recently on a podcast with somebody that I usually don't speak to. I mean, about the topics I don't usually speak on. I'm usually brought on to talk about markets and crypto, etc., but it was more like with you, where we could talk about a lot of different subject matters. They were asking me my take on what if Trump or Biden, because it was before the Biden step-down moment, what would be the reaction to that. I was thinking to myself all along, and I even had a decode that showed Biden not being a part of this next election cycle, whether it was from passing away or something else, but he was not going to be a part of it. I had all the writing clear as day and all the decodes I was doing, so I didn't need any confirmation or validation for that. I knew that would happen. But I was very vocal to him, and this is where I want to hear your take on it. I was very straightforward where I said if Kamala Harris is to become the president, however it ends up happening, that could create a very volatile America, like an America that might not feel so fun to be in. Again, not fear porn, not me trying to predict some doom and gloom moment. I was just revealing to him that you kind of want a Trump in.

=> 01:55:45

Predicted Biden wouldn't finish his term; now seeing a setup for Trump to return as a hero despite controversies.

I was thinking to myself all along and I even had a decode that showed Biden not being a part of this next election cycle, whether it was from passing away or something else, but he was not going to be a part of it. I had all the writing clear as day and all the decodes I was doing, so I didn't need any confirmation or validation for that. I knew that would happen. I was very vocal to him, and this is where I want to hear your take on it. I was very straightforward where I said if Kamala Harris is to become the president in any way, however it ends up happening, that could create a very volatile America—like an America that might not feel so fun to be in. Again, not fear porn, not me trying to predict some doom and gloom moment. I was just revealing to him that you kind of want a Trump in this battle royale. If you want to have a reality that's a little less volatile, that's probably where you should lean with your hope. So, what's your take on this? How would you envision a Trump-led America?

Well, first, I'm going to offer you this because my archaic veterans know this. As long as eight days after Trump was removed from office in January 2021, I released a predictions video saying that Biden, according to date sequence predict analytics output, will not finish his term. That was a very bold prediction for something in the first week of the man being in office. Ever since then, people have been on my butt, "Oh Jason, Biden's still in office, Biden's still in office," but in the end, the prediction came true. So, I've really had my finger on the pulse on a lot of these events going down.

What I'm seeing is something I just recently addressed on my channel. They're literally showing us how nefarious, how evil, how corrupt all the politicians are. They're giving us the game. They're showing us where the WEF, Justin Trudeau, and this new guy over in the UK who initiated all these new policies that have led to stabbings. We see the corruption; it's literally handed to us on a platter for us to see. We are being oversaturated with so much bad news that it's getting people to the point where they're desensitized. They're just fed up with the system. People have lost faith in republicanism, in the whole political system, and in the voting system. It's all by design.

I can foresee a series of events right here in the United States where I can see Trump being inserted as a hero. Even though people are suspicious of him, even though we know he's married into a cult family, even though we know he's part of the Kabbad cult and all that, and his daughter's in it, even though he's been over there to kiss the wall and he's loyal to a whole other country—not the United States—even though we know all this, we can forgive him. I'm talking about the collective because he actually empowers America and stops all the internet. This is one of my predictions videos from four years ago where I was talking about Trump. I said that the man is not going to leave politics. I released predictions videos about Trump having a very unique role. These are four-year-old videos about him having a very unique role of ushering in a whole new economy and a whole new isolationist policy here in the United States.

One of those predictions, which a lot of people are starting to see come true, is that you're going to start seeing signs of the rise of a Christian-like movement. You're going to see Christianity pushed into a new niche and politicized to the point where it's weaponized. Politicians are going to start claiming to be Christian; actors are going to start claiming to be Christian. When I said that, we were in the middle of the COVID pandemic, and everybody was locked down. In those same predictions videos, I told my community, "Guys, this is not the new normal. Quit commenting on my channel that Jason, you're wrong, this is the new normal. They're going to invoke the masks, we're going to be in 15-minute cities, it's going to be lockdowns from here on out." On my channel, I was one of the only ones putting out videos telling my community, "You guys are wrong. I'm doing the analytics, and this stuff's not going to last 18 months. They're going to lift the travel restrictions, they're going to lift the lockdowns, they're not going to enforce the masks anymore.

=> 01:59:56

Stop waiting for politicians to fix your life; build your own reality within the chaos.

When I mentioned that we were in the middle of the COVID pandemic and everyone was locked down, I made predictions in my videos. I told my community, "Guys, this is not the new normal." People kept commenting on my channel, saying, "Jason, you're wrong, this is the new normal. They're going to invoke the masks, we're going to be in 15-minute cities, and there will be lockdowns from here on out." But I stood firm, telling my community, "You guys are wrong. I'm doing the analytics, and this stuff's not going to last 18 months. They're going to lift the travel restrictions, lift the lockdowns, and stop enforcing the masks. It will become something small in world affairs, not as big as they've been trying to push it." And I was right.

I've been studying these political deals, but I don't talk about it much on my channel anymore because it's a farce. It's no longer important to me because they're all corrupt. To answer your question, I can definitely see Trump being ushered into a position of literally saving America. If Kamala has a short reign as president, it will be nothing but a series of major disasters until something happens where the people demand Trump. I felt the same way when asked about it a couple of months back. If it goes that way, it would be short, and during that moment, there would be so much civil unrest that people would push it back in the direction they desire.

Don't misinterpret me, my brother. I'm not saying either one is good. As an errant, I am a non-participant. I'm here as an observer, a pilgrim, a sojourner, an immortal being passing through this and observing, watching, teaching, and trying to help and edify everyone around me who wants to listen. But I'm not here to change the world. It doesn't matter if Kamala Harris becomes president or if she becomes the first female in an all-male club; I don't see her surviving very long. And Trump, at his age, would just be a mere puppet with other people pulling the strings. It doesn't matter which one it is at this point.

It would be amazing if the enlightening moment for the species would be realizing that we, as individuals, can do a better job at running our own communities. We can build our own reality within all this chaos. It's sad that nobody wants to do the work but still complains. A big part of my infrastructure buildout in my business and reality is to enhance the vision more and more until it's more than just something online. It takes a different initiative to engage with the community, start organizing people, and put together projects to solve the ultimate problem of worrying about politics or the world stage.

I don't worry about it anymore. I used to focus on my prediction videos and politics, but now I don't care. I even did a video showing the amazing parallels between John Quincy Adams and Donald J. Trump. Both had foreign-born wives and were accused of intrigues with Russia. John Quincy Adams didn't run for a second term because the media beat him up for four years about Russian connections. If that pattern remains true, Trump won't come back as president either, but he might come back as Speaker of the House. We'll see.

I need to wrap this up because I need to hit the restroom. I love talking to you, and we'll do it again soon. Please say goodbye to my community.

I'm really grateful to connect with you again. It's been another amazing conversation. It would be great to reconnect with you and Logan, maybe before the October solar eclipse. Logan probably has a ton of information on that. We should do it before September 17th. We'll make it happen. I appreciate you and your community. It's all love, and we'll get together soon for sure. Thank you for keeping it short, brother. I appreciate you. Much love, take care.