Appearance of Spouse in your Horoscope

Astrology doesn't have to be complicated—focus on Venus for men and Mars for women to understand your future spouse's appearance.

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our video on the appearance of your spouse and how to check it simply through astrology. My job, when it comes to astrology and jotish, is to not make your life confused and complicated. Traditional astrology often puts common people into confusion, leading many to become disheartened about the simple and amazing science of jotish and Vedic astrology.

If you want to know where some of these planets are placed to show you the type of spouse you will have and their appearance, you can check out the links at There, you'll find my books, reports, consultations, and a link to my Academy, Maab Astrology Academy, where I am currently showing miscellaneous things connected with wristwatches and wealth. The whole course is done, so you can watch it, but now I'm showing examples of people and their lives and how it dramatically affects their life in either a good or bad way. It is important to always wear the wristwatch, something I talked about 7 years ago in 2017.

To avoid confusion about the appearance of the spouse, you will hear about looking at the seventh house, which is obviously the house of the spouse. Then, you have to look at the seventh Lord and where it is placed. These two parameters seem simple, but traditional methods complicate things. You have to look at the seventh house and the seventh Lord from the ascendant, the Moon, the Sun (what the soul is desiring), and your Aruda Lagna. You also need to consider the seventh house and seventh Lord in the Navamsa.

This complexity can make you wonder how to find accuracy. Traditional methods suggest looking at various parameters, such as whether you were born during the day or night, and it can become overwhelming. To truly grasp traditional astrology, one should spend 15 to 20 years under a guru, dedicating themselves entirely to the study, without distractions like family life, education, career, or money.

For those who prefer simplicity, especially if you have a weak Mercury like me, you want something more straightforward. In this particular case, we look at two things: for men, we look at Venus, and for women, we look at Mars. You can apply what I'm saying to both of these planets. If you're marrying a woman, apply it to Venus; if you're marrying a man, apply it to Mars. This method has not been extensively tested for gay or lesbian individuals, but you can use Mars if you're gay and Venus if you're a lesbian. However, there could be a more complicated dynamic that I have not researched thoroughly.

In conclusion, while traditional astrology offers a deep and complex method to determine the appearance of your spouse, a simpler approach focusing on Venus for men and Mars for women can provide a more accessible understanding.

=> 00:05:01

Astrology can hint at your partner's complexion based on their planetary signs, but remember, cultural and geographical context matters.

You can apply what I'm saying here to both of these particular individuals or planets. Whenever I'm speaking, you can apply it to Venus if you're marrying a woman and to Mars if you're marrying a man. This has not been tested, but if you're gay or lesbian, you can definitely use Mars if you're gay and Venus if you're a lesbian. However, there could be a whole complicated dynamic that I have not researched thoroughly.

I receive charts from gay or lesbian individuals seeking readings from me probably once every other month or once every two or three months, so it's not that often. This is why I emphasize that more research needs to be done in this area. If you know someone who has conducted such research, please share it with me.

Now, let's talk about appearance, starting with complexion. The type of complexion a person is going to have can range from light, medium, tan, to dark. For instance, if you're in Russia or the French Alps, you may encounter people with only light or Caucasian complexions. Even within that, there will be degrees of lightness, medium, and tan. Depending on the country you're in, you need to pay attention to what is around you.

For example, in Africa, if you tell someone their spouse will have a light complexion, they might think you mean Caucasian. However, they will still be African but with a lighter complexion than others around them.

Aries: If any of these planets are in Aries, the complexion will be reddish, similar to a surfer's complexion after a day in the sun, which is pink and reddish. This can only happen if someone has a lighter complexion.

Taurus: This sign will have a lighter complexion, brownish light, not as white as milk but more brownish white.

Cancer and Leo: Cancer can have a milk-white complexion, even for Indians, it will appear pure light and milk-like. Leo will have a golden complexion, which is glowing with a hint of orange.

Scorpio and Sagittarius: These signs also have a light complexion, more brownish light, but very light.

Gemini and Mercury: These signs will have a tan or medium complexion, relative to the race around them.

Capricorn and Aquarius: These signs will have a muddy tan complexion.

These are the subtle differences you will notice in complexions based on the signs and planets.

=> 00:09:34

Astrology can reveal your skin tone and height based on your zodiac sign!

In that particular case, the type of light complexion you're going to get is more brownish, light brownish, or light brown tone. It will be very light. Now, if you go towards Gemini and Mercury, these are going to be tan, medium complexion. These are going to be tan and medium complexion of the race that you are trying to be with or that is around you. If it's going to be Capricorn and Aquarius, these are known as muddy tan complexion. Specifically, Capricorn will have this muddy tone.

For example, look at these two athletes: Michael Jordan and Charles Barkley. If you don't know who they are, you can just search them. Michael Jordan represents more of a Capricorn-like skin tone, whereas Charles Barkley represents more of a Sagittarius and Scorpio skin tone or Aquarius skin tone. Aquarius is lighter than this muddy gray. Both of them are black athletes but they have different skin tones.

If you have Libra, it will also be a darkish burnt complexion. It's dark but has this burnt quality to it, which you will understand when you actually see that person. Pisces is going to be a brownish tan complexion. Usually, Libra and Pisces are black and dark complexion, but Pisces can be a blue sky or a nighttime dark sky. Pisces is a time where the sun is literally rising, showing a mix of blue with pinkish and orangish tones, becoming light. You will see with Pisces, if you look from their leg and toe to their head, it will go from dark to light.

Cancer is pure white because that is where the sun is in the fourth house, and when the sun is in the fourth house, the white moon is up in the sky.

Now, if we look away from complexion and consider heights, Aries, Taurus, and Leo are short to medium heights. Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius, and Pisces are considered tall heights. Virgo, Libra, and Aquarius are quite tall. Pisces individuals, if they gain weight, look short; if they are skinny, they look tall. Scorpio is also medium height. Height is also determined by planets. For example, planets like Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, and Jupiter will produce taller individuals, while Mercury and Venus will produce more medium individuals. Sun, Mars, and Moon will produce shorter individuals, especially if the planet is sitting in the seventh house.

My job is to make it much easier and simpler, more fun where you just get it. Look at Mars and Venus and their connection with these signs or planets. For example, if you have Venus with Mercury, the spouse is going to be of a...

=> 00:14:32

Your height and physical traits can be influenced by the planets in your astrological chart.

Height is determined by planets. For example, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, and Jupiter will produce taller individuals, while Mercury and Venus will produce medium-height individuals. Sun, Mars, and Moon will result in shorter individuals. This is particularly evident if the planet is positioned in the seventh house. The goal is to make this understanding simpler and more enjoyable.

Consider Mars and Venus and their connections with signs or planets. For instance, if Venus is with Mercury, the spouse will be of medium height. If Venus and Mercury are in Aries, the spouse will have a lighter complexion that tans quickly in the sun. Another aspect to consider is the structure of the face. Taurus represents a square face, meaning the measurements are equal, indicating a proportional body. Aries represents a strong skull, Gemini curly hair, and Virgo long hair. Ketu also represents long hair, so if Venus is with Ketu, even a man might have kept long hair at some point.

Ketu represents past life talents and skills, while Mercury represents skills being developed in this life. For example, if Venus and Mercury are together, the person might be into music, painting, or crafting, indicating a past life talent. Ketu also represents heights, similar to the sign of Sagittarius. If a planet is blessed by Ketu, it will elevate the individual.

In the charts of many astrologers, Jupiter will influence Ketu. In the charts of tantrics, Venus will influence Rahu or Ketu. For instance, if Mars is with Ketu or Venus is with Mars, the individual might have a beauty mark or a cut on their face. Mars and Ketu can represent a cut in the eyebrows, either naturally or intentionally. Venus and Ketu can indicate a birthmark or cut on the chin area. If Saturn and Ketu are together, or Saturn and Mars, the individual might have a butt chin, a characteristic my dad had naturally with Saturn Ketu.

When meeting someone, if you have Saturn Ketu in the seventh house or Saturn Mars in the seventh house, and a triple connection like Saturn Ketu Venus, the person you meet might have a prominent chin with a cut or dot in the middle. Similarly, if Venus is connected with Rahu, they might have a beauty mole.

=> 00:19:20

Your soulmate's facial features might be influenced by their planetary alignments.

My dad naturally had Saturn and Ketu, so you know that hole and then the chin kind of comes down. I don't know if I'm showing it well, but you will see that particular part with people. Especially now, how will you relate this to the person you're about to meet? If you have Saturn K in the 7th house, or Saturn Mars in the 7th house, or a triple connection, let's say you're going to meet a girl and you have Saturn Ketu Venus. If you have this combination, most likely her chin is going to be very prominent and could have a cut in the middle or a dot in the middle. Similarly, if Venus is somehow connected with Rahu, they’ll have a beauty mole or beauty mark, like Cindy Crawford has it here. If Venus is connected with Venus Rahu Moon or Venus Rahu Sun, then it can also be around the eye. Some people will have it right there or right above the cheek.

Ketu represents cuts or marks, so if it's connected with these primary planets of your marriage and relationship, the one you end up with is going to be either Mars or Venus. You look at what that planet is representing and then go towards that. For example, if Venus and Moon are together or Mars and Moon are together, your significant other will have beautiful, seductive eyes. Now, if Rahu comes into play with them (Venus Moon Rahu), the eyes will be very hypnotic. People with this connection are the ones who fall in love with one look at their spouse, like "as soon as you saw me, I knew I was going to marry you." This could also be present in their chart because they have the power to hypnotize. Venus mainly is for men, but Venus is the Karaka of unionship, the Karaka of coming together.

If you see Mars or Venus with Sun and Rahu, you know those people who sometimes have this bluish or darkish tint on the cheek or right below the eye? It's like eclipses happening somewhere around the face, usually right below the eye because the Sun is the eye, the Sun is Prakash, the Sun is the light. Mars is fire, Rahu is an eclipse. Mix them together, but you have to know according to the Nadi concept how they are being connected. It’s not just about having a conjunction; they could be connected in other ways as well.

If you have Mars and Sun sitting in a fire sign like Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius, and then also Rahu, there’s an arrangement to it. Sun has to be at the bottom, then Mars, and then Rahu. You will see that this woman will most likely get a guy who will either already be bald or will be thinning their hairline.

These are not complicated concepts because I'm just talking about Venus and Mars. I'm not talking about your Darakaraka or your seventh Lord or Sth house.

=> 00:23:50

Astrology can reveal surprising details about your future spouse's health and personality based on planetary positions.

It is going to be Rahu again. What happens with such an arrangement is that there's a specific order to it. I'm not encountering these things every day, so I have to think about it. Sun has to be at the bottom, then it's Mars, and then it's Rahu. You will see that this woman will most likely get a guy who will either already be bald or will be thinning their hairline.

It's not complicated because I'm just focusing on Venus and Mars. I'm not talking about your Dakara, your seventh Lord, or the sth house. I'm not delving into Naam and all that, which can be confusing. I'm making it simple by sticking to one planet but adding other planets to it. For example, if you have Mars or Saturn together with the Sun, or Sun and K together with either one of the planets, the spouse you get will likely have issues with their joints, usually the knee. If Saturn is involved, they might have injured their knee playing sports when they were young or right when they meet you, and now that joint or knee issue will be a lifelong thing because it's being activated through your chart.

If you look at the simplicity of zodiac signs, I've already discussed these things in another video about your guaranteed spouse in astrology. You can also look at the signs of Venus and Mars. For example, if Venus or Mars are in signs connected with Virgo, Scorpio, or Aquarius, the spouse will always deal with some kind of health issue. If it's in the sign of Scorpio or Aquarius, the spouse can even deal with something like Hashimoto's disease, which is related to the immune system and is detectable but not always apparent.

When considering the placement of Venus and Mars from your ascendant, we also look at the seventh house and the seventh Lord. Your spouse is more than their appearance. These additional factors help you understand deeper things, such as health issues or the timing of your marriage. The planet sitting in the seventh house can control these aspects. For example, when I got married, Mars and Venus had no real role in my chart or my wife's chart; it was completely different planets.

These additional factors can show the timing of events in your spouse's life. For instance, if a planet is sitting in the seventh house or if the seventh Lord is placed somewhere and another planet goes over it, you can see what might be happening with your spouse during that time. It will show additional skills or characteristics of the spouse. You can't ignore these things completely. If you want to make your life easier, start with the two simple things I mentioned. Once you get used to this area of astrology, you can delve into the other factors within the seventh house and where the seventh Lord is placed.

For example, if you have Mars in the seventh house, especially sitting in Aries, the spouse is going to be an angry person who will not hesitate to start a conflict to protect themselves or something they care about. This applies to both males and females. If you have Ketu in the seventh house, after marriage, the spouse will have to be separated for a while. The difference between the ascendant degree and Ketu's degree will indicate something about that separation.

You should look at the seventh Lord because it gives you another perspective. It's like adding different spices to a curry. If I give you a curry with just garam masala, it will taste horrible unless we're in an apocalypse. Adding salt and garam masala makes it a bit better, but adding coriander powder, nutmeg, garlic, onion, ginger, and cilantro makes it delicious.

I'm getting hungry now, so I need to end this. It's almost 6 o'clock, and I want to eat something delicious. I'm a foodie. Later on, I might combine all these things and show you how this dynamic works, but for now, I want to keep it simple and fun so you fall in love with this beautiful science of astrology. If you need more information, you can go to my Academy or get a reading.

I've changed some things on my website, like removing the Jupiter reading because I got bored of doing the same thing repeatedly.