A new move of God is transforming pastors and their churches. Bring this to your city!

Table of contents

God is igniting a transformative movement among pastors, uniting them in purpose and leading to real change in churches everywhere.

Hello, my name is Thomas Sono, and I'm so excited to share this video with you. I'm going to do a little intro here to prepare you for what you're going to see. This is a longer video, but it is important. We want to share this with all of you out there, and it's a video you want to share with your pastor and your leaders so they can also witness this transformation and Reformation in their churches.

God is doing something I've never seen before in my whole life. What we are witnessing right now is unprecedented. We work with the pastors, training them, and they see transformation in their lives. They are coming back to their first love, experiencing freedom from sin and the struggles they have faced their whole lives. They are experiencing life. We also work with the churches, training them, and it is spreading now from church to church. It is so unique what God is doing here.

I want to give you just a minute's taste of what is going to be shared in this video. What I bring is different from what you're used to, and it is going to challenge you—not because it is not biblical, as we read it so clearly, but because of our traditions. Here is a list of pastors in Merida; contact them, call them, and they can all testify that they are staying stronger, transformed, experiencing Revival and growth more than before I came.

What we're seeing with this new move that God is bringing is a Unity among the pastors, focused around the gospel and the harvest. It has changed everything. What we are experiencing right now among these pastors is a guarantee that this is a move of God. I will say it that way: this isn't just about one individual; this is a move that God is doing. He happens to be the catalyst to bring it about, but this move of God is going to shake nations. I really believe the church is going to be shaken.

For 35 years, I have waited for a moment like this. A unity is happening between the pastors, and we are getting focused on the harvest. Things are happening, and I knew they were going to happen. I told them, "If we do this, this will happen." When I was in jail, God did a work in me and transformed my life. If you don't know my story, go to topunder god.com and hear my story. God spoke to me about the church and about Reformation.

When I came here to Merida, Mexico, I came with a different attitude and approach, and now we are seeing the fruit. We are witnessing things I had never seen before, and it is spreading outside this state. People from other states are hearing about what God is doing. It is truly a Reformation; it is a move of God; it is Revival. We are seeing it, but it's not an emotional thing. It's not something that is here today and disappears next month.

There are pastors who have been changed, churches that have been changed, and the DNA has been changed to live the life we read about in the book of Acts—to go out and preach the gospel, heal the sick, and cast out demons. There are so many testimonies of what God is doing, and so many things were said in this interview that got me so excited. Therefore, I chose to do this intro to encourage you to see it all and to know that what is happening here was something I knew would happen.

I am confident that if we do things in this way, it will also happen in your church and your city. This is a move of God, and it happens because we do it this way. I really encourage you to watch this video, listen to it, and share it with your pastors and leaders. Say, "Pastor, let's get this in our church; let's see this transformation." We want to work with you out there and spread this to even more.

I am opening up now for pastors and leaders who will do weekly meetings with me, where I will share what I am sharing with the pastors and leaders here. We will keep seeing this move spread to other places. I am very excited for you to see it and come back to us. God bless you; God is doing something beautiful.

Hey, I am very excited to be with you. This is a studio we set up here in Mexico, and I'm together with Todd and Galm. Everyone speaks English here, and we are going to do a video where we want to talk about what God is doing here—not just to say, "Hey, look at us," but to show what God wants to do everywhere. We are standing on something really, really significant.

=> 00:05:41

God is moving in Mexico, igniting a powerful transformation among pastors and leaders. Join the journey to spread this beautiful work everywhere.

I want to work with you out there and spread this to even more. I'm open now for pastors and leaders who will do weekly meetings with me, where I will share what I'm sharing with the pastors and leaders here. Together, we can keep seeing this move spread to other places. I am very excited to see it and come back to us. God bless you; God is doing something beautiful.

Hey, I am very excited to be with you. This is a studio we set up here in Mexico, and I'm together with Todd and Galen, and everyone speaks English here. We are going to do a video where we want to talk about what God is doing here. This is not just to say, "Hey, look at us; look at what God is doing here," but to show what God wants to do everywhere. We are standing on something really, really beautiful.

I just want to read our words in the beginning. We read here in the book of Acts, where Paul received a vision in Acts 16 about going to Macedonia. He got that vision, and right away, they just left for Macedonia. Shortly after, we read how he met Lydia, the woman, and her whole household got baptized, along with the jailer. A lot of things happened. Personally, I received a very strong call to go to Mexico, where I am right now. Galen was the first contact I made in Mexico, and now Todd is here as well. We just want to share about what God is doing in Mexico because it's very, very unique.

I will start with my first part of why Mexico, and then we can hear a little from your part and your part. But before we do that, can we take two to three minutes to introduce ourselves?

Sure! My name is Galen Scott. I'm originally from Florida, and I've been working down here in Mexico for about 35 years. I have built many relationships and contacts with different pastors. What we're seeing in this time is totally different from what we've ever experienced before. We're very excited about it; God is doing some great things.

Hello, my name is Todd Peterson. I have also been a missionary here since 2005, so almost 20 years. I'm originally from Florida as well and was invited by Galen many years ago. I have done lots of different types of ministry, serving as an elder at one time in Galen's church and pastoring for almost 15 years. It has been a journey where I have seen a lot of fruit, but also a lot of things that have frustrated our process. However, we have seen disciples made, and we are very excited about everything that God is doing in this season.

A little story: I came to the United States after persecution in Denmark. During that time, I had a moment where God started to call me—not to a vision to come to Macedonia, but to a strong call to come to Mexico. In that season, I met Galen. I don't remember exactly when that was, but I know we had a small gathering at his house. He told me about Mexico and Merida, where we are now in the state of Yucatan. Your daughter invited us over for dinner, and we enjoyed some Mexican food, but it was still not the same because we were in the United States at that time.

During that time, we had a very strong experience where God called us through a powerful healing and a very powerful leading by the Holy Spirit. I have already done a video about that, and we can show the thumbnail here and put a link to that video where you can hear that testimony. We then went to California and participated in a Bible school, where we were teaching a group of people in Mexico. I couldn't leave the United States at that time because I didn't have my papers yet. A lot of things started to happen there in California, and God spoke to me about a shift coming to the church—bringing what we have been doing into the church and working with pastors and leaders.

We are doing that now, and we can say that God started to speak to me. Then, I was put in jail, and even there, God continued speaking to me about the reformation of the church and transformation, focusing on the gospel. God did a great work in my heart regarding walking beside churches, pastors, and leaders, and working with them. After I got deported, we realized it was now time for Mexico. I reached out to Galen again, and I ended up here.

When we arrived, I connected with a group of pastors through Galen, where Todd was one of them. I worked with them for three to four months, then went out of Mexico to Brazil and Colombia, and came back to Mexico. Now, we are working with another group of pastors. We are training them and will share more about that. I would say I have probably met 30 pastors during these eight to nine months. We have seen transformation, and I am excited to share more about it.

=> 00:10:41

Transformation happens when you build genuine relationships and trust with those around you.

The reformation of the church has been a significant transformation in my life. I have been talking about the gospel, and God did a great work in my heart when it came to walking beside churches, pastors, and leaders, working with them. However, I faced a challenge when I got deported. Upon our deportation, we found ourselves in Mexico, and I felt it was now time to reach out to Galen again.

When we arrived here, I connected with a group of pastors, one of whom was Todd. I worked with them for three to four months, during which I traveled out of Mexico to Brazil and Colombia before returning to Mexico. Currently, I am collaborating with another group of pastors, training them, and sharing more about our experiences. Over the past eight to nine months, I have probably met around 30 pastors, and we have witnessed transformation in their ministries.

To provide some background, about 12 years ago, God spoke to my wife and me about our time in Mexico coming to an end. A prophet visited our church and delivered a prophetic word, stating that our time in Mexico had come to an end. This announcement was made in front of the entire congregation, indicating that we were moving in the purposes of God. Subsequently, we returned to Florida and eventually moved to Asia, where we worked in Thailand and India.

While in Thailand, I completed the Pioneer Training School online, which excited me greatly. I had the opportunity to go through the material again with another lady who stayed with us in Thailand. I encouraged her to watch the videos, and together we discussed everything in detail. I can proudly say that I am a two-time Pioneer School participant. If you haven't seen the online teaching, I highly recommend it; it's very good.

We began to implement what we learned in Thailand, despite the language barrier, and became very excited about the results. After returning to Mexico, we shared our experiences with Mexican pastors, witnessing God perform many healings and other miraculous events. Later, I returned to Florida, where I placed my name on the TLR map. One day, I received a phone call from Torbin, who asked if I could conduct a Kickstart in Ocala, Florida. I agreed, and we worked hard to organize a small Kickstart event, where we saw God do incredible things.

During this time, I had the pleasure of meeting Torbin and developing a relationship with him. We shared a meal at my daughter's house, and I invited him to come to Mexico. Years later, through various avenues, God brought Torbin here, and I offered him the use of our house. I introduced him to a group of pastors who are very close to me; they were my elders in my church before we left. They took on the responsibility of the church, dividing it into seven or eight different congregations. These men have been faithful in their roles, and we have maintained monthly contact for years, fostering a very close relationship.

As I work with pastors, I emphasize the importance of building relationships. If you are a pastor listening to us, I encourage you to build relationships with people to the degree that you trust them and they trust you. There should be confidence and genuine love in these relationships. I introduced Torbin to these pastors, and he began meeting with them weekly starting in January.

During this time, I sold our ranch and moved down here, arriving in early March. I became a student under Torbin because I wanted to absorb as much knowledge as possible. I have plans to return to Asia, and this time I want to have all the tools necessary to make a significant impact. What I am witnessing with Torbin here gives me hope that we can return and effect great change in Mexico, Thailand, and India.

Reflecting on my journey, I recognize that the door was opened to Galen and the pastors because he had reassured them that it was not so dangerous. At the same time, I realized that I needed to adopt a different approach than I had before, moving away from a more confrontational style to one that fosters collaboration and understanding.

=> 00:15:21

Transformation happens when we embrace new perspectives and walk alongside others, not just lead from the front.

In early March, after selling our ranch, we arrived here, and I became a student under Torbin. I wanted to receive everything I could possibly receive because I have a plan to return to Asia. This time, I want to have all the tools in my hands to be able to do some great things. What I'm seeing with Torbin and what's going on here gives me hope that we can return and create a great change in Mexico, Thailand, and India.

Reflecting on my journey here, the door was somehow opened to G because of my connection with the pastors. He had mentioned that it is not so dangerous to open up for him. At the same time, I realized that I needed to take a different approach than before. Previously, I was more confrontational, asking, "Are you with us or not? This is the way to go." Now, I wanted to walk with the pastors.

Before discussing what transpired, I remember you were one of those who had questions in the beginning. We went for coffee, where we talked for hours. What was it that was mainly new for you at that time?

You mentioned that I was probably the first person you met when I arrived. You recalled the excitement in your heart because you could see the fruit through my ministry and had been influenced by G through events in Florida. As pastors, you expressed a deep desire to see more fruit in our lives. You shared that you grew up in a Pentecostal environment, where speaking in tongues, healing the sick, and baptism in water were common practices. However, there was a nuance that I brought to the ministry that was different from what you were accustomed to.

You also shared your previous experiences with the TLR movement, which left you feeling a bit rejected and questioning certain aspects, such as baptism and how we conduct church. You had a mindset that church had to be done in a specific way or only in a house, and these thoughts were weighing on you. However, when we sat down to talk, it became a beautiful experience for you.

Overall, it started to make sense in your heart regarding what God was doing in the church. You recognized that I wanted to bring what God has given me to be a blessing without seeking to control or manipulate things. This allowed your heart to open to what God was already placing within you.

As generous pastors, you expressed a longing to see disciples made and acknowledged the need for church reformation. You recognized that we cannot continue doing things as we always have. Although we have read the book of Acts countless times, we have struggled to put it into action or connect all the pieces. You noted that God has given me the ability to walk this out, and while it may not always seem to work, God is working and moving, resulting in beautiful outcomes.

To facilitate this, I gathered the pastors once a week. I emphasized that I needed their support because I understood that we would likely be moving on after some time. You have been here for almost 20 years, married to a Mexican woman with children. In that sense, you will remain here after I have moved on, as this is our life—we come, do something, and then move. Looking back at other schools and training places we have been, I have seen that the fruit has not always met our expectations. When we left, there was often a lack of continuity in the work we had started.

=> 00:19:56

True transformation happens when trust is built, paving the way for unity and collaboration among leaders.

I am very excited about the way we have approached our mission here. One of the key strategies I implemented was gathering the pastors once a week. In the beginning, I expressed to them, "I need you," because I understood that we would likely move on after a certain period. I acknowledged that many of the pastors have been here for years; for instance, one has been here since 2005, almost 20 years. He is married to a Mexican woman and has children, which emphasizes the importance of their presence in this community.

I recognize that we often move from place to place, but I wanted to ensure that there would be a strong team in place after we leave. Reflecting on other schools and training places we have been involved with, I noticed that the fruit of our efforts was not as substantial as we had hoped. This was primarily because, upon our departure, there was not a solid team to take over. However, I felt that the open door God has provided for the pastors here was unique. I initiated conversations with them, stating, "What I believe God wants to do here in this city is going to be like a blueprint of what God wants to do in many other cities." This is just the first place among many cities around the world where we are witnessing churches being transformed, reformed, and experiencing revival.

I shared with the pastors my goal: "When we leave this place, I would like to have a piece of paper with all the names of the pastors." I envisioned being able to go to a new city or country and demonstrate that what I bring is different. I wanted to challenge their existing traditions, not because it contradicts the Bible—since we read it clearly—but to show them the potential for growth. I encouraged them to contact the pastors in Merida, who could testify to their strengthened faith, transformation, and revival since my arrival.

To achieve this, I adopted a different approach. I met with the pastors weekly to explain my vision and what I believed God wanted to accomplish. We organized a kickstart event that involved all churches over three weekends, allowing each church to experience this revitalization. Following that, we initiated weekly training sessions twice a week, where I continued to meet with the pastors and teach them about the process. This preparation ensured they knew what I would be teaching in their churches.

This process has proven to be very effective. Interestingly, we are now implementing the same strategy with another group of pastors. I am conducting training sessions twice a week with another pastor, sharing what God has been doing. Now, I would like to hear from you about the fruit you are witnessing among the pastors, both within your network and those outside of it.

Sure! I think the greatest thing I am observing is a unity among the pastors. When I had the opportunity to do the kickstart with Torbin and Okala, I was trying to gather different pastors to get involved. Initially, there was a reluctance due to a lack of trust. However, after witnessing Torbin's ministry and the amazing fruit it produced, I couldn't understand why anyone wouldn’t want this in their church. This realization motivated me to open up Mexico to him because I saw something different in him. I felt confident that he wouldn’t disrupt the work I had been building for over 35 years.

This sense of trust has been communicated to the various pastors with whom I have relationships. They trust me, and I trust Torbin, which has fostered a growing sense of confidence among them. Now, they are beginning to say, "We can see it now; we understand." As a result, they are opening their churches and networks because they recognize that they do not have to compete with one another.

=> 00:24:51

Trust and unity in the church can ignite a movement that transcends individual congregations, transforming fear into collaboration for a greater purpose.

I just don't understand this, and that was the reason why I took the chance to open up Mexico to Torbin. I saw the fruit; I saw something in him that was different. I didn't feel like I had to worry or have fear that he was going to come in and destroy something that I've been working on for over 35 years. That sense of trust has been transmitted to the different pastors that we have a relationship with. They trust me, and I trust Torbin; therefore, that has been transmitted to them.

It has gotten to a place where now they say, "We can see it now. We understand now." They are opening their churches and their networks because they see someone that they don't have to compete with. There is no competition; it is just the kingdom of God. Let's get this thing going, let's get this thing built, and let's win souls for the kingdom of God.

Basically, what I see in pastors' lives is that they have their whole attention focused on their church. Everything in their church is where all their attention is directed. But when Torbin comes and starts to speak about reaching the lost and the field that is white under harvest, the pastors begin to lift their eyes. They start to see the big picture; they start to see the harvest and the kingdom of God. All of a sudden, they think, "Man, this is so much greater than just my little church." They want to get involved in something that is a real move of God that is going to change an area, a region, a state, a country, or even a continent.

We have this DNA being bred into us now about reaching the lost wherever. I get excited when I see pastors having a total change and being so open to the kingdom and the principles of the kingdom. Before he said, one of the greatest things is the unity that he brings to the churches. I have not heard that a lot in my life. I have been accused of the other thing. If I look at our life, I would say there has been fear toward us and the ministry of reformation. Sometimes that fear should not be there; there is no reason for it because what we come with and what we do is all biblical, it’s all truth. What they have heard is a lie.

However, there have also been times when we haven't really understood. I can speak for myself; I have not understood how to really work with the pastors to help them go through that process of transformation. What God did in jail was prepare me for a different approach. I have come here to honor the pastors and bless them, doing things in a different way than I did before, and we have seen the fruit of it.

To talk about some of that fruit, we have a training school here on your property. Together with your team, I think we have about seven or eight pastors sometimes at the school. Just two weeks ago, we baptized five pastors. People ask, "Why do pastors need to be baptized? They're already baptized." But take the story of one of the pastors we are working with. He got baptized when he was 12 in a kind of Baptist church without knowing anything about the Holy Spirit, and there was no deep repentance. Repentance came much later, along with the Holy Spirit. He had never been baptized in repentance, and his wife has the same story. They experienced freedom, and we are working with that church now, one by one.

There was actually a video I wanted to show you to illustrate what God is doing. This is not even in your network; it is a little further out in a new network. I got in contact with a pastor during a retreat at a beach. I was invited to this retreat, and he was one of the guys there. I really didn't know many of the people present, but we made contact. I went into his church, preached, and saw some amazing things. He also saw some amazing things, and he put together an event. Many received the Holy Spirit there, and deep repentance started.

I have a video we can put a thumbnail in where you can see this deep repentance starting. It ended up that the next week, he spoke even deeper about repentance and introduced a little Baptist. The following week, I came back again, and the whole church got re-baptized, including the pastors, his wife, and their daughter, who is now in our school. Just three days ago, they had an event.

=> 00:29:37

Transformation happens when we open our hearts to the Holy Spirit; lives are changed, communities are revived, and the power of God flows through us.

Recently, I attended a pastor's retreat at a beach where I was invited to connect with various individuals, including one pastor whom I had not met before. After making contact, I had the opportunity to preach in his church, where I witnessed amazing things. The pastor also experienced remarkable moments, which led him to organize another event. During this gathering, many attendees received the Holy Spirit, and deep repentance began to unfold. I have a video that captures this moment, which we can share as a thumbnail.

The following week, the pastor spoke even more profoundly about repentance and introduced a little baptism. When I returned the next week, the entire church, including the pastor, his wife, and his daughter, underwent re-baptism. Just three days ago, there was an event in the city of Mul, featuring a worship leader from Chile. Approximately 300 people attended, and once again, many encountered God. The pastor expressed his gratitude, stating, "Thank you so much for bringing life back to me, life back to my family, and life to my church. Our church is just transformed; it's a new church." I have a two-minute video clip that showcases this transformation, although the translation may not be perfect.

We want to share a bit about what God has been doing in this local church. We have witnessed a movement of the Holy Spirit, resulting in significant changes that we had never seen before. Many individuals spoke in tongues for the first time after receiving the Holy Spirit. Almost the entire church was re-baptized, and we have welcomed new believers who had never spoken in tongues before. Soon, we will hold a reunion where the Evangelista Torin will invite all pastors to view this video and receive information about this vision of the last reform. Everyone is invited, including those from other countries.

This is just one story. The worship leader from Chile shared his experience a few days later, stating he had never encountered anything like this before. He travels from church to church as a worship leader, visiting places like Chile, Brazil, and Mexico City, but he remarked, "I have never seen anything like this in my life." He highlighted two key aspects: first, the humility and the way we serve as a group, emphasizing that it is not about a one-man show. There were 15 to 20 people on stage, all sharing testimonies and actively praying for others, which he had never witnessed before.

The second aspect he noted was the power of God demonstrated through healing and deliverance, which occurred spontaneously. He was in awe, lying on the stage for half an hour, wondering, "What is happening?" These testimonies reflect what God is doing, and this movement is spreading from network to network. We have been invited to another state where there will be around 4,000 people, and I will be speaking there. This invitation came after some members of our team conducted a Kickstart meeting at a local church.

Following our last pastor meeting, which took place two days ago, we have at least four to six invitations to organize events in different churches. These could involve Kickstart sessions, training, or other forms of outreach. During the recent event in Mul, the worship leader from Chile observed people in their street clothes, fully engaged in the worship experience. This is a testament to the transformative work God is doing in our midst.

=> 00:34:47

True renewal starts with getting back to the basics of faith, empowering every believer to share their journey and bring others to experience God.

Recently, some members of our team visited a colleague's place to conduct a Kickstart meeting. During this meeting, he connected us with others, which opened up new opportunities for collaboration. As a result, we have been in contact with various individuals and organizations, leading to several potential initiatives.

After our last Pastor meeting just two days ago, I believe we currently have at least four or five, maybe up to six different projects that we need to organize. These projects involve getting into churches, whether they want a Kickstart, some training, or a different kind of support.

At the recent event in Mou, I witnessed something remarkable. A worship leader from Chile shared that during the event, people were baptized in their street clothes, without any sheets or coverings. One notable baptism was that of a pastor's oldest son, who is probably around 22 or 23 years old. After his baptism, he approached us and expressed his desire to Kickstart his church. I assured him that it could indeed happen. This moment was significant, as it demonstrated to the pastor that his son was taking a step of faith, indicating a need for action within their church community.

This experience highlights a fundamental truth: why do people become pastors? They do so because they love God and love people. They want to see their entire families follow Christ. We are currently witnessing families and individuals encountering God, which leads them to explore another way of doing things. This exploration is yielding good fruit.

As for my personal reflections, I have been both challenged and encouraged by these experiences. I appreciate the renewed focus on the basics and foundational aspects of our faith. It's important to emphasize that while there are many theological discussions we could have—such as beliefs about the second coming—what truly matters is living the life of a disciple. We are seeing a renewal in understanding what it means to be a true disciple of Jesus.

We all know that the harvest is great, and this vision has been refreshing. It emphasizes the call for every believer to be prepared to bring others to experience God, to come to faith, to repent, and to be baptized. This empowerment of the church is crucial, and while pastors may have insecurities about this, it is what the church needs.

On a personal level, I have been growing in my ability to pray for and evangelize to others. For instance, during a recent birthday celebration for G, I felt compelled to pray for our waitress. I privately asked God for guidance and sensed that she had a burden for her children. When I approached her and asked if we could pray for her, she confirmed my intuition, expressing her worries about her kids, who were not with her at that moment. This experience reinforced the importance of being attentive to the needs of others and responding with compassion and prayer.

=> 00:39:14

True transformation happens when we take our faith beyond the walls of the church and into everyday life, empowering everyone to experience God in real ways.

Many people I've evangelized, and recently, we celebrated G's birthday. We went out to eat for his birthday, which I think was last Thursday. While we were there, I felt led in my heart to pray for the waitress. I was quietly asking the Lord, "God, show me what I should pray for." I sensed that she had a burden for her kids.

When the lady came up to our table, I turned to her and said, "Can we pray for you? I just feel from the Lord that you're worried or burdened about something with your children." I asked her if that was true and if we could pray for her. By God's grace, it was true; she responded, "Yes, I'm very burdened because they're actually not with me right now, and they can't be with me." We all got up and prayed for her, blessing her right there in the restaurant.

I must recognize that months ago, I might not have had the same zeal, readiness, or understanding that this is what God wants to do—not just within the church building but outside of it. This calling is not just for me because I have the title of pastor; every true disciple can walk in this and see God work in their lives, bringing people to experience Him. This, in a nutshell, reflects the vision and emphasis on the zeal for the harvest, recognizing that God has prepared people to receive His word.

When I was back in California, we had a school, and I thought about starting a new one. However, God said, "No, don't do a school. The people you need to train are already here; it's time to bring it to the churches." I was uncertain about what that meant, but I started working with a church in California, where we saw amazing fruit. Unfortunately, I was put in jail, which limited my time to work with them.

Then I came here, and God spoke to me again about starting a school. I thought, "But God, you said I should bring it into the churches." The vision became clear: to somehow use the school to work with the churches. Now, it’s not just a school here and churches there; they are being brought together. For example, I have been training with a church every Wednesday and Friday evening. Our students take their chairs out on Saturdays, and some of those pastors sit as students, trying to be pastors of larger churches with networks of a few hundred people. During the day, they sit as students together with others, receiving teaching, and they love it.

This transformation is profound and beautiful. I have never seen anything like what we are experiencing now. What gives me hope is that it is spreading like water; it’s as if you throw a big stone into the water, and waves begin to form. We have the first group of pastors, then the second group, and now people from other states and cities are coming in, eager to see what is happening here.

I thank God for Jil and for the time He prepared me. I also thank God for the open doors and for what is happening here. In a few weeks, we will have a ministry coming in from Colombia that wants to receive more training and see what we are doing. Additionally, I have a group of pastors from Florida, part of another ministry with a few thousand leaders and pastors, who also want to fly in and witness what God is doing.

It feels like we are creating a blueprint for how to transform and reform churches to live as disciples in everyday life, bearing fruit while still having a church that is growing and multiplying. One pastor has completely changed everything in his church; they now wear normal shirts, come together for training, and have a time of worship. They have closed all programs to focus on bringing everything back to zero, putting it all in God's hands.

The reason I am sharing this video is to let other pastors, leaders, and churches in different countries know that it is truly possible to see a transformation.

=> 00:43:42

True transformation in the church happens not through conferences, but through consistent, hands-on discipleship that becomes our DNA.

Beginning of Blueprint: How Can We Transform and Reform the Churches?

The goal is to live as disciples in everyday life, bearing fruit while still having a church that is growing and multiplying. We aim to avoid becoming a church that simply becomes a destination, like one of the pastors who changed everything in his church. Instead, we envision a community where we come together, hear training, and engage in worship. However, we have closed all programs to bring everything to a place of zero, putting it all in God's hands.

The reason I also create this video is to encourage other pastors, leaders, and churches in different countries to know that it is truly possible to see a transformation and reformation of the church. In Meridan, we had a culture filled with many conferences. We would invite various conference speakers to conduct weekend events, and the unity among pastors was centered around attending each other's conferences. However, this approach did not yield much fruit; it was merely a one-man show with no lasting impact.

What we are witnessing now with this new move that God is bringing is a unity among the pastors, focused on the gospel and the harvest. This shift has changed everything. Now, we work together side by side with the same vision, free from jealousy and competition. Our collective mindset is simply, "Let's get this job done." The change we are experiencing is remarkable, and people are beginning to ask, "What are you doing?"

The problem with traditional conferences is that attendees hear several sermons but do not allow these teachings to become part of their DNA. They return to their old ways, maintaining the same faith without transformation. What we are doing here is different; week after week, we are repeating the same message about Christ. We all have the same Holy Spirit, the spirit that raised Christ from the dead.

When we look at the book of Acts, it serves as a diary of the early disciples living this life. For example, we see Ananias in Acts, who heard the voice of God and was led by the Holy Spirit to Saul's house. He laid hands on him so that he could see again and baptized him in water and the Holy Spirit. We discuss how to hear the voice of God, how to be led by the Holy Spirit, how to find personal peace, how to heal the sick, and how to cast out demons. Our focus is on training people to grow into strong disciples for Christ.

We continue to have testimonies from new individuals who are taking steps they had not taken before. When others see what they can do, they feel inspired to do the same. This boldness is contagious, and we hear stories of miraculous healings. For instance, I heard yesterday about someone in the neighborhood who was healed, and now their whole family wants to get baptized, bringing a group back to the church because they are ready to be born again.

Last Saturday, during the training sessions we conduct on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, we took a group out onto the streets. We create our groups and engage with the community. What we consistently hear is that many believers, who are good churchgoers and love God, have never engaged in this kind of outreach before. I was with a family who was participating for the first time, and we met a lady who had a health issue—though I can't quite remember the specifics of her symptoms.

This experience exemplifies the transformation we are aiming for, as we equip believers to step out in faith and actively share the gospel.

=> 00:47:50

Transformation happens when we step out in faith and take action; miracles are the natural result of living the life we're called to.

Now we're out on the street, and so we create our groups and everything. We hear this phrase again and again: you know, you're out there, and you're taking believers who are normally Christian people, good churchgoers, and who love God. You always ask them, "So how many times have you done this before?" and the answer normally is never.

I’m like, so we're here with a group of Christians that have been Christians for years, and here we are out on the street to pray for the sick and share the gospel. I was with this one family, and it was the first time that this couple had ever done it before. We met a lady who had some symptoms related to a stroke; some part of her body was not paralyzed in some sense. This guy prayed for her, and it was his first time ever really praying for someone. He didn’t really do it as he should have; he made it go too long and used all these different words that weren't necessary. But it was just like, "Yeah, say like in Jesus' name, be healed."

The lady responded, and she was physically showing that something just happened to her. She said, "I feel different." Her face changed, and I don’t know who was more surprised—the lady or the guy that was praying. We continued to evangelize, and the wife stepped in, doing what they had never done before. Here’s the thing: they could have always done this if they had just understood. This is what we’re seeing—the church activated.

Time and time again, I hear, "Why didn’t it happen?" because we did it. If we had not done it, it would not have happened. It's just that simple. So many have never experienced this; it’s just not the life they've understood. But it’s the life we’re all called to live. There are so many testimonies every day—somebody's getting healed, delivered, or baptized.

As a matter of fact, I’m going to baptize a pastor in just a few minutes. I did not know that! But again, it’s the gospel. We are really spending time to talk about what faith is, deep repentance, and people are receiving the Holy Spirit like it has become the norm. We expect people to hear the gospel, repent, put their faith in Christ, be baptized in water, and receive the Holy Spirit. Therefore, transformation is happening.

One of the pastors we baptized some time ago amazed me with his humility and confession of sins. He said, "I need freedom; I have been struggling with this my whole life. I’m a pastor, and I’m not free." Now they are testifying about freedom and new beginnings. I heard one of the pastor's wives say as a testimony, "I’ve been born again, again." Another pastor said, "How could I have lost all of this? When I was new in the faith years ago, I had a life, I had a fire, I had excitement. How could I have lost it?"

What we encourage is to take this to Thailand, India, and do the same. What really encourages me is that I said from the beginning, "This is a seed. There is power in this seed. If we put it in the ground, a plant will come up." We call it a miracle, and it is a miracle, but it’s not a miracle where we are like, "Whoa, did you see this? I did not expect this to happen." No, we would be more surprised if it did not happen.

If you look at a seed on a table, you can wonder why it doesn’t happen because the seed was never created to be put on a table. If you put the seed in the ground and don’t give it water, and you’re surprised it doesn’t happen, or if you put the seed in and every day you take it off, nothing happens, and every day you take it off, you wonder what is wrong with this seed. We do so many different things with the seed, with its roots, and with our way of living.

I said to you in the beginning, "If we do this, this is going to happen." And what do we see now? It happens. What does that tell us? It doesn’t just happen because it’s a miracle; it happens because we did it right, and God is faithful. I call what we are seeing now Revival, but it’s not a revival that surprises us; it’s miracles, but it’s not like, "Whoa, surprise!" It was what I expected. Why? Because there is power in that seed. God has already created it like this. If we go out on His word and take it seriously...

=> 00:52:08

Faith is the seed; nurture it, and watch miracles unfold.

In our journey of faith, we often find ourselves questioning the results of our efforts. For instance, if we don't give it water, we might be surprised that it doesn't happen. Similarly, when we put the seed in and every day you take it off, we may wonder, "What is wrong with this seed?" However, we engage in various activities with the seed, including nurturing it and adjusting our way of living. I mentioned earlier that if we follow a certain path, this is going to happen, and now we see that it indeed happens.

What does this tell us? It indicates that it doesn't just happen by mere chance; it is a result of our actions and God's faithfulness. I refer to what we are witnessing now as Revival, but it is not a surprise; it is a manifestation of Miracles that align with our expectations. This is because there is power in that seed that God has already created. If we act on His word, take it seriously, repent, and place our faith in Christ, He will give us a new heart. When we go down in that water with deep repentance, He will set us free. When we pray, He will give us the Holy Spirit; that is His promise.

As we go out and preach the gospel, we see that the hands of the sick will get healed. When we cast out demons, it is because we have been given authority. What we are witnessing now is just the beginning; it is up to us to repeat and continue this work. As I always say, don't get distracted; keep doing the same and let it spread to more and more people. Recently, we had four kickstarts in one weekend at four different places in the same city, which I have never seen before. This excites us, and I encourage you to join us and see what we are doing.

Currently, I am particularly passionate about mentoring the pastors. I never envisioned myself in this role, but we have been holding pastor breakfasts where we discuss church tradition. A few days ago, I met some new pastors, and one of them expressed appreciation for our discussions on Catholic Church tradition, reformation, and where we are now. This dialogue has opened doors for further collaboration.

To those who may find themselves in a similar state as I once was, I would say that deep down, everyone who truly has the seed of God within them knows what we want. There are challenges we must face that may help draw out this understanding. I encourage you to embrace this time of Faith. Personally, I have found myself taking steps of faith that I had not taken in many years. Being more involved with the school has been a beautiful experience, especially knowing that God is leading us and we have His word and promises.

I urge everyone to desire this life and recognize that it is what God has called you to. Be willing to take steps of faith, and you will witness God working in amazing ways. Take the chance to allow God to do something in your heart, enabling you to believe that this is real. We are seeing the evidence and the fruit of it. However, I remind myself that Torben will not be here all the time; he will travel to different places. What we are experiencing is a move of God, not just about one individual. Torben has been a catalyst, but this movement will shake nations.

I have waited 35 years for a moment like this, and I will not miss the opportunity to be part of something that will totally change the church DNA. I look forward to going to other nations and doing the same work. I encourage you to bring this move of God to your city and country. Share this video with your pastor and leaders to let them know that something is happening.

It is also important to acknowledge that changes have occurred in my life, including during my time in jail. This transformation is not just about me; others in our network are experiencing similar changes as they work with pastors and churches. I understand that past experiences may have left some with a bad taste, but I encourage you to look at the fruit of what God is doing.

If you are a pastor or leader who has had reservations before, I urge you to consider the evidence of what God is doing and come to see it for yourself. I confess that some of my own hesitations were rooted in my heart, and I have come to understand that God is working in me as well.

I want to highlight that I have never seen Torben wanting anything for himself; he has consistently given and blessed others. I have no concerns about him or his ministry; it is a right on ministry that I am proud to be associated with.

In conclusion, I encourage you to share this video widely and reach out to us. For me, this represents the next chapter in our lives, a new season where we work with churches, pastors, and other ministries to help them succeed—not to become Last Reformation, but to focus on the kingdom of God. I believe that what God is giving us needs to be multiplied, and that is what we are witnessing here. Amen. God bless you. Thank you.