A free game SHOULD NOT be this good...

Found a free game on Steam so good people are mad they can't pay for it!

So, I was browsing Steam for my usual game genre when I came across a free game that's apparently so good people are actually complaining that they can't pay for it. Hello fellow engineers and welcome to 45. To start with, we have a deck of cards. We quickly draw those, and you can see they're now all down at the bottom. Basically, this is a western game where we play as this cool dude, and we have to try and shoot this guy before he shoots us.

Down at the bottom, those cards we drew are all different types of bullets. We can add the bullets to our gun here. Then, we can either choose to shoot or holster. If we hover over this normal bullet down here, in the top right, it shows how much energy it's going to use. This is going to use one energy. Over here, you can see we've only got four energy in total, so we can only play four cards in total, or three cards if we pick the big bullet that costs two energy. Back to the normal bullet, the bottom left shows how much damage it's going to do, which is six damage. The big bullet does 16 damage. The enemy's health is down here; they have 110 Health, and we've only got 42. Above his head, you can see how much damage he's going to do on his turn.

We always go first, so we can do all of our damage and stuff, but then we're going to take seven damage unless our gun counters theirs. If we shove a normal bullet in there that does six damage and hit holster, we only take one damage because it does seven, and our one counters it with six. It could be worth holstering a normal bullet so we take just one damage. We should also look at these special bullets over this side. We've got the worker bullet, which basically, if it stays in the revolver (because you don't have to shoot all the bullets that are in the revolver), we gain one extra reserve next time, so we have five rather than four. That's probably worth adding in, so we'll add it there. You always shoot from the top, and this spins clockwise, so that's our first bullet, and that's our second. Keeping this on the right is a good idea because it's going to rotate five times until it gets to that.

We got this bullet that does seven damage, but then the enemy gets three burning, and as you can see, burning increases damage by 50%. We probably want to use that one first and then hit with the big bullet afterward. Let's shove that in slot two. That's all of my energy gone. We didn't even look at this Guardian Angel bullet; I probably should have read that first. The bullet in slot three gets protected, so if I had the big bullet in there, it wouldn't be used up. Maybe I should have used that. Anyway, let's just shoot this guy. Bo, he's been burned now, which means this big bullet should do 16 + 8 damage. Shoot, 16, yeah, minus 8 as well. Nice, he's down to 79 Health. But you'll see we don't have any bullet in the top one. If I were to shoot now, I would take damage, so you never want to shoot when you got an empty round up there, even though I've got this bullet back there. What I'm going to do is holster. That does mean we'll take, oh no, we're going to take seven damage. Enemy's turn, ow, so you see top left, we took the seven damage.

We can now draw two more cards. Let's draw those. That worker bullet has given us the extra reserve over there, so we got five energy. Then we've drawn, oh look, The Silver Bullet. This one does seven damage and also allows me to draw one card. I think what I'm going to do is shove that in the first place. You can then draw an extra card when we shoot it. We also get to draw another card, so that's now on top. I think I'll then put a normal bullet there, the burning one there. Then, I'm going to shoot the Silver Bullet. We then get to draw that second card, so that's good. The enemy's down to 60 Health, nice. I've still got two in my reserve. That card I drew was actually a big bullet, so I could just shove that in slot four. Then we can go boost, boost with the worker bullet that did five damage, boost with that, that did seven but also gave us the burning damage, which means the big bullet, Bo, did 8 and 16 again. He's down to 24 Health. Let's holster to end our turn. It's now his turn; he did nothing. I now get to draw...

=> 00:04:23

Master the game by leveraging every card and bullet to maximize damage and earn extra rewards.

When we shoot it, we also get to draw another card, so that's now on top. I think I'll then put a normal bullet there, the burning one there, and then what I'm going to do is shoot the Silver Bullet. We then get to draw that second card, so that's good. The enemy's down to 60 Health, nice, and I've still got two in my reserve. The card I drew was actually a big bullet, so I could just shove that in slot four. Then we can go boost boost with the workability that did five damage, boost with that, which did seven but also gave us the burning damage. This means the big bullet did eight and 16 again, bringing the enemy down to 24 Health. Let's holster to end our turn. It's now his turn; he did nothing. I now get to draw two cards. There we go. This time, he's going to do 11 damage. I really don't want to take any more damage. Is there a way of doing 24 damage with what I have? So I need four bullets because they do six each. Oh, I can do it with the Silver Bullet.

Silver Bullet, draw a card, then add a normal bullet, normal bullet, and assuming my math is right, I won. Quickly draw a card, bo bo, yes, he's down, and look, he's down to minus one Health. We can continue shooting his grave, so he did extra damage to his grave, which now has 7 Health. You might think, well, that's a bit of an Overkill. Well, yes, it is because look, we holster, and we actually get paid for Overkill damage, so it's always worth going that little bit further. We also get a new card, so we'll claim that. Oh, I get to choose one bullet. What is that? The BFB. Oh, sensor that editor, the big fudging bullet. It says under that sensor mark. So that costs five energy but does 50 damage. That could be worth doing.

There's an arrow there. Have you actually tried shooting an arrow with a revolver? No? Then stop saying it won't work. This has Everlasting, which basically means it stays in my revolver like it won't get used up, so that's quite good. It does five damage as well, not too bad. There's also Bewitched Bullet, so on shot, instead of turning right, the revolver turns left. I'm sure that could be useful. I'm struggling to work out how. I'm going to take the BFB. Do you hate paying for shipping but love the gamer sub samples you tried recently? Well, for a limited time, my code "boo" will give completely free shipping so you can stock up on your favorite flavors, whether that's anime girl thigh flavor, Grand ashes—wait, is that actually a flavor? What the—oh, the really appealing sounding raw meat. There's also caffeine-free versions of them all too. Use code "Bo" at checkout or the link on screen now.

Right, so now we're on to the map. You can see we can move up to here, and we've got another person to take down. After that, though, we get more cards. So let's take on this enemy here. As before, we take a load of cards to start with, so all of our bullets are down the bottom. The enemy has 5 Health, and they're going to add 13 Shield their turn. How are we going to counter that? I feel like, as with last time, we do the worker bullet over there. I might do the Guardian Angel Bullet when it gets to that point this time. So maybe I'll just start with the Silver Bullet so I can draw an extra card. Oh, it's the BFB, so next time we could potentially play that because the worker bullet will give us extra energy. I think I should probably shoot this Silver Bullet.

So we did seven damage, and we got to draw one more card. I think it was just a normal bullet though. If I just do the big bullet that costs my two points, that's done 16 damage. He's down to 802. I'm then going to holster with that in that slot. So holster, enemy gains the Shield, we gain two cards. Oh look, I've got my five health. I think I BFB next time, right? Because I want to try and get the worker bullet going again. Yeah, because then I get two goes out of it. So I think we'll play that. That means we get to keep the worker bullet this time, but it does mean I've only got four energy still. I think let's go burning bullet. I think I'll just shoot that first, then I'll do Silver Bullet. I can gain a card, then shoot that, gain another card. Oh nice, we got more burning. That's always good. Now we can then shoot the worker bullet, which should be protected. Yeah, so we've still got the worker bullet. That's great. With my two remaining energy, I think I'll shove in my big bullet and then we'll hit him with that.

=> 00:08:14

Strategize, adapt, and conquer—every move counts!

I've got my five health, so I think I will BFB next time because I want to try and get the worker bullet going again. This way, I get two uses out of it. Playing that means we get to keep the worker bullet this time, but it does mean I've only got four energy. I think I'll go with the burning bullet first, then I'll shoot that, followed by the Silver Bullet. This allows me to gain a card and shoot again to gain another card. Nice, we got more burning, which is always good. Now, we can shoot the worker bullet, which should be protected. With my two remaining energy, I'll shove in my big bullet and hit him with that, dealing six and eight health damage. Guess what? I may as well shoot with the Guardian Angel Bullet for an extra four damage. Nice, he's down to 43 Health. We'll holster that, and it's the enemy's turn.

The enemy is giving us burning, so we now take extra damage, but that's fine because we get to draw some cards first. This time, he's not even hitting me; he's armoring up again. I think we can finish this now. We can literally shove the BFB in there, using all my energy, but it will do 50 damage. B, he's down. Nice, holster that, seven quid for the overkill, and we also get a new card: dead bullet. This bullet destroys itself, interesting. We've also got the P bullet; if the enemy has at least one status effect, this bullet gains six damage. Well then, I think I'll go with the P bullet again, adding it to my deck.

Next, we can go up to choose another bullet to add to our deck. There's the Undead Bullet; the bullet in slot four gets six damage. The propeller bullet gives every other bullet in the revolver plus one damage, not bad. Then there's the arrow, which never runs out. It gives four damage plus up to another four damage. This gives five but never runs out, saving energy. I might go with the arrow, shove an arrow in a gun, and see what happens.

We could head up that way to the shop. We've got 63 quid, so we could buy more bullets. The soft point bullet does six more damage if an enemy has more than 50% Health, making it a good first bullet to go for. There's also the gold bullet, which I can't afford. It might be worth saving up for, as it draws X cards, X being the number of times a bullet has turned in the revolver. Since I'm already drawing cards, I probably don't need the gold bullet. Let's add a soft point bullet to my deck.

Next, I'm heading over to heal. We go down there and then up. I'm beasting this one as well, and I also get three cards afterward. In this one, we've got two enemies to take down. The one on the right is going to do damage, so I want to try and counter it. Ideally, I could leave a Silver Bullet in the top slot to avoid taking damage. I'll hit with a P bullet first, then a big bullet, and keep the Silver Bullet. I get to draw one card, which is good. We shoot the P Bullet at that guy, then the big Bullet, and now that's in the top slot with seven damage. We can holster that, meaning we don't take damage. We parried the bullet, lost a card, but didn't take any damage. We then draw more cards.

It's the next turn. The guy on the right isn't going to do any damage; the one on the left is just gaining loads of armor, which is concerning. It's probably worth trying to take down one enemy first. I'll use the burning bullet and maybe hit with normal bullets. I could add an arrow so it's always in there. Screw it, I'll add an arrow. He's now bleeding, which means these do a bit of extra damage. When I shoot the arrow, it stays in there for future use. He's down to 54 Health. Let's holster and draw some more cards. Now we're in a bit of trouble because we don't really have any good cards.

=> 00:11:46

Strategize your moves, adapt to the situation, and keep your cool under pressure!

The game progresses as follows: draw more cards and it's the next turn. The guy on the right isn't going to do any damage, while the one on the left is just gaining loads of armor, which is a bit concerning. However, it's probably worth trying to take down one enemy first. So, let's start with the burning and then maybe hit with normal bullets. I could add an arrow so it's always in there. Yeah, screw it, I'll add an arrow so it's always there. Now, he's bleeding, which means these do a bit of extra damage. When I shoot the arrow, it stays in there, so we can use that in the future. He's down to 54 Health. Let's holster and draw some more cards.

We're actually in a bit of trouble because we don't really have any good cards. We can't use the BFB because it costs five. The guardian angel can't be used as there's nothing in slot three. I could add the worker bullet down there. Yeah, I think that's all I can do, then add the guardian angel so we get to keep the guardian bullet. Maybe I should put the guardian angel there actually because I could have parried it. I'm going to put that in there and holster, just so I can parry the bullet. I parried that, but now I'm burning, which means I take extra damage. Thankfully, I get to draw two cards. The soft point bullet will be good against the guy on the left. The guy on the right has less than 50% health, so we don't really want to hit him with that.

I've just noticed that because I've got that worker bullet in there, we can shoot the BFB. Let's shove that in the top and get rid of the guy on the right. He took 50 damage with the worker bullet, and he's now down, which means we can finally aim at the guy on the left. I can't change my aim until the next round, so I probably need to holster. Now we're aiming at him. I think I was already aiming at him and didn't have to holster, so I just wasted a bit of a turn. Oh well.

This guy has so much armor, I don't really know how we're going to get through it. Let's get rid of that bullet and the arrow. The arrow stays in, doesn't it? We can then try the soft point, which should do six extra damage. Yeah, 13 damage. We'll shoot that. We've still got four energy, so let's add the Silver Bullet over there to gain one card. Now we can do the burning first, shoot that, and then shoot the worker bullet. I'm going to add the big bullet there as well and then shoot all of these. We should finally start doing some damage, and we get to draw a card because we shot our Silver Bullet. Nice, he's down to 64 Health. That was actually a really good round. Fair play, Matt, not just a pretty face, even though you aren't.

We have to draw two more cards. We've got more plain bullets and this P bullet. I don't know if armor counts as a status effect, but either way, it does eight damage rather than six of a normal bullet, so it's probably worth using. We'll just load up the gun with normal bullets this time. Let's shoot, and he's down to 46 Health. We'll holster again. He gains 10 more armor. Oh no, he can actually do damage to me now. He's going to do 11 attack, not ideal. I don't have anything to defend myself with and don't have the energy to take the BFB. This is a disaster. I don't want to take 11 damage. I can put the guardian angel in, but it only provides four damage reduction, so I'm still going to take seven damage. Ouch, we're down to 25 health.

I can draw two more cards. The enemy is performing an unknown action next time, which is not good. Let's do the burning, then the soft point. Unfortunately, the soft point does nothing because he's at less than 50% Health. We can then shoot with the arrow at least. Then we holster. What's the enemy going to do? Hot potato—a scorching bullet is being put in my hand. The scorching bullet, while in hand or revolver, at the end of the turn, will make me take 10 damage. So, I have to use up three of my energy to shoot it, which is annoying. The good news is I can put the worker bullet in down there. I'll shoot the scorching thing, but then I'll have no bullets, so I'll holster. It's his turn, he gains 13 armor, and I get to pick a few more cards. I've now got five energy, which means...

=> 00:15:30

Strategize smartly and adapt quickly to win the game!

Let's start with the burning attack, followed by the soft point. Unfortunately, the soft point does nothing because the enemy is at less than 50% health. We can then shoot with the arrow at least. After that, we holster. What's the enemy going to do? Hot potato: a scorching bullet is being put in your hand. So, down here, scorching bullet while in hand or revolver on end of turn takes 10 damage. Basically, it's making me use up three of my energy because I have to shoot it, and that's going to cost three. Oh, that's annoying.

The good news is I can put the worker bullet down there. I shoot the scorching thing, but then I have no bullets, so I just holster it. It's his turn; he gains 13 armor. I get to pick a few more cards. I've now got five energy, which means finally I can end this BFB in the top. See you later, mate. We holster, gain six Overkill cash, and a new card: the brick bullet. We gained six Shield, which is quite cool. The leader's bullet gives all other bullets plus five damage as long as the leader's bullet is in the revolver. That's really good but costs two energy and does 15 damage. Another option is the rotten bullet, which loses one damage on rotate. It starts with 10 but then will do nine, etc.

I feel like doing seven damage and gaining six Shield is probably very good. The leader's bullet sounds incredible, but gaining a shield could save my health, and health is hard to regain. So, let's gain the Brick bullet. We can then choose between three more: fake bullets that gain two reserves, guaranteeing some BFB shots, the deputy that returns the bullet in slot three to your hand, and the bullet bullet that creates three cards named bullet in your hand. I think I'll take the fake bullet; extra reserves are pretty good.

Next, we can choose either to gain 5 HP max or just heal ourselves. I think I'll heal myself, so we'll accept that and get back up to max health. Where do we want to go? Straight up and then down to get those extra cards, right? Oh no, what's this? They've changed it up: steel nerves. The revolver shoots automatically every 10 seconds, so I'm basically going to lose my time limit. If I go that way, it does the same thing. We have no choice if we want to progress; we have to do this.

The revolver shoots every 10 seconds, so my commentary on this next level might not be great because I can't really talk about what I'm going to do; I just have to do it. Let's draw our cards. You can see them going down the bottom. Oh look, there's a brick bullet in there, which I quite like. Let's put the fake bullet in to gain some extra stuff. We then burn him and hit him with the P bullet. I accidentally dropped it. It only shoots once every 10 seconds. Annoyingly, I accidentally dropped my bullet in the wrong slot.

I think we'll put that bullet in, then I've got one more. I could gain some Shield. Do I keep the shield forever? I think I do, right? So, let's gain that there. Because he's burning, this P bullet does 14 damage—not bad at all. We'll let that shoot. I can just shoot myself. I'll shoot it myself, then holster because if that counts down to zero with an empty top barrel, we take damage, and we don't want to do that.

What have we gained? A worker bullet and a guarding Angel one. I think the Silver Bullet goes in first, allowing us to draw an extra card. That's a normal bullet. The Silver Bullet shoots, giving us another card. We'll take that, then shove the worker bullet over there. Let that shoot and then holster it. He's gained 12 armor, not ideal. He's only got eight health, so we just have to do 20 damage.

If we go with the big bullet first and then guarding Angel, I keep the worker bullet. That nearly did it. Let's just shove a normal bullet in; I think that's enough. The normal bullet should end this. He's down. Nice. We're then going to go via some extra cards: the invisible bullet. It's just invisible. Great. Does it do anything?

=> 00:19:22

Strategize your moves, adapt quickly, and always be ready for the unexpected!

First, we draw an extra card, which is a normal bullet. The Silver Bullet shoots, giving us another card, so we'll take that. We'll then shove the workability over there, place you in there, and let that shoot. Then, we'll just holster it. He's gained 12 armor, but he only has eight health, so we need to do 20 damage. I think we can probably do that. We'll start with the big bullet first and then use the Guardian Angel to keep the worker bullet. That nearly did it. Let's just shove a normal bullet in; I think that's enough. The normal bullet should end this. Boom, he's down. Nice.

Next, we're going to draw some extra cards. We get the Invisible Bullet. Its description is blank, so it's pointless, but we'll take it anyway. We can gain another card down here—The Bullet. On rotate, it deals four damage to the target enemy, which is quite good. So, we'll take the bullet and exit this place. Moving up, we have one more encounter to get through. Oh no, two enemies. Let's draw the cards. Thankfully, this time we don't have just 10 seconds to decide.

We'll use the bullet that does four damage on rotate and shove that up there. The Soft Point Bullet always goes first because when the enemy has over 50% health, it does six damage, totaling 13 damage. We'll then draw a card and shove it down there. It was another P bullet, which we don't really want to use yet, so we'll use a normal bullet instead. We'll go Boom, then another Boom with a normal bullet. The bullet did four extra damage, so he's down to 83. We'll holster that. Should we shoot a P bullet? It's eight damage, so we may as well. We'll shoot that, gain another card, and get the Fake Bullet. We can use the BFB next time. We'll shoot the bullet, keep it because we Guardian Angeled it, then shoot one more time. He's down to 28 health. We'll holster it; it's the enemy's turn.

Oh no, look how much damage they're going to do—11 and 13. The bullet will do four extra damage for my first few hits. I think I'll take the Brick Bullet and shoot that straight away. At the top, I've got six shields, which will help a little. I'll use a P bullet there as well. If I shoot both, he's down to five health, and then shooting the bullet will kill him. Boom, he's down. That's good, but this guy's going to do 13 damage. I can counter five of it with an arrow, which is probably the best thing to do. Or, I could take the fake bullet, take the 13 damage, and then BFB him. Let's take the fake bullet and shoot that. Oh no, it gains it straight away. I did it wrong; I should have done it at the start of the next round. You're meant to put it in and then holster. I'm an idiot; that was a waste.

Okay, so the arrow is in. We'll holster the arrow and then parry with it, so we only take eight damage instead of 13. Oh, our shield—I forgot we had a shield, so we only took two damage. Oh my goodness, he's doing 20 damage this round. What do we do here? We can hit him for 50, but that's not going to do a lot. I might have to parry with the BFB. I'm playing it super safe. You may call me weak; I call it safe.

Anyway, the Soft Point Bullet—I might shove that second. If we do the burning damage first, then he takes more damage. The soft point does 13, plus an extra six, so he's down to 83. Annoyingly, I've got three energy. The invisible bullet—does that actually do anything, or is it just a waste of a card? I'll shove all of these in. Maybe I should save the work bullet in case I get the BFB. I'll shoot the arrow and hold on to those for next time. Let's holster it. It's his turn; he did nothing. He's going to do 18 damage this time. Annoyingly, I didn't gain the BFB, but I did gain a big bullet. We'll shove that in and shoot everything we've got. He's down to 69 health. Nice. But the invisible bullet literally does nothing, so it's a complete waste of time being in my deck. We'll then shoot a normal bullet.

=> 00:23:06

Invisible bullets are a waste of deck space—focus on the real damage dealers!

He is down to 83 health, which is annoying because they have three energy. There's an invisible bullet in play, but it seems to do nothing, making it a waste of a card. I contemplate whether to shove all my cards in or save the work bullet for later in case they get the BFB. I decide to shoot the arrow and hold on to some cards for next time, holstering the rest.

It's now his turn, and he does nothing. However, he plans to do 18 damage next turn. Unfortunately, I didn't gain the BFB, but I did get a big bullet, so I shove that in and shoot everything I've got. He's down to 69 health, but the invisible bullet is useless, a complete waste of time in my deck. I shoot a normal bullet, a big bullet, and the arrow, then parry to only take 12 damage.

I need to do 42 damage but can only draw two cards. I shove the Silver Bullet, gaining one card, then shove the Guardian Angel, which means I gain another Silver Bullet next time. I shoot to do a little damage and then use the P bullet for three more shots. This draws another card, which is a brick bullet. I use the arrow and add the brick bullet, giving me six shields and doing seven damage. He's down to 11 health.

Next turn, I should be able to take him down. I shoot, and he's down. We holster and get five quid. There's a doodle bullet that allows searching for a zero-cost bullet in the deck, adding plus seven damage. This could make the invisible bullet useful.

We move on and talk to a friendly witch, then head into the woods. The environment is moist, causing every bullet to lose one damage each turn. The enemies are camouflaged in the dark. We target the one on the left, shooting him twice. The ball does some damage as well. We holster but take nine damage to the face. The moist condition makes the ball ineffective after being in the chamber for too long.

I add the Silver Bullet to gain an extra card, but it's a fake bullet that costs two. I holster the Silver Bullet to parry, reducing damage to five. I shoot to gain two more shots, now having six shots. I aim at the enemy and hit him with the BFB, doing 50 damage. I have the invisible bullet and the doodle bullet, so I use the invisible bullet first, making the doodle bullet find it. The invisible bullet now does seven damage.

I aim at the enemy, but the damage doesn't add up to 14. He's down to 12 health. I holster and parry to take less damage, only three. The woods are dangerous, and things aren't going well. The enemy on the left plans to do 18 damage. I shoot him first, bringing him down to three health. The brick bullet might finish him off, and it does.

I holster since there's nothing left to shoot. The arrow is now pointless because it's moist and stuck, doing no damage. I holster again, preparing for the next turn. The enemy has 37 health left, and I need to take him down before he does significant damage. I calculate my shots, considering the moist condition that reduces damage by one.

=> 00:26:58

Taking risks in gaming can be thrilling, but sometimes the odds just aren't in your favor.

That first Bo is now down to three and six. The brick bullet may just do enough, so shoot him. Yes, he's down. Phew, he's down. Right, we then holster that because there's nothing in the top. Oh, the arrow is pointless now. By the way, I've just realized that as it spins around, it's just stuck in there because it's moist; it's not doing any damage. I'll holster like that, and next time we've got a ball, so I will shove the ball over there.

With 37 Health to get down, otherwise, he's doing some big old damage. The question is, can I actually take him down before I get taken down? I can do 6, 5, 3, 4 plus remember the ball does four damage every time, so that would be 4, 6, 12. Will that add up to 37? And remember, moist does minus one from all of these. Is it worth a gamble? I think it's worth a gamble. Screw it, you only live once. Oh no, it really did nothing. The moist sucks. The moist is so bad.

I can parry it to let eight damage through, or I can pass it to let eight damage through because Y does nothing. Now we got a BFB I can't afford, although I could soon if I put the fake bullet in. So yeah, I'll do fake bullet. What's he going to do? You get burning for the rest of the fight. That doesn't seem fair. Anyway, I've holstered that. I'm now burning, but if I shoot the fake bullet, I then gain. I've got six, so I can shoot the BFB. He's down minus 35.

I mean, then I could try and make some money out of this. So shoot the invisible bullet, put the doodle bullet in, then shove the invisible bullet in as well to do extra damage. I'm just shooting their graves trying to get some extra cash. He's already dead, so 45 quid, nice. Right, then there's that one Enchanted bullet. Instead of turning right, the revolver turns left twice. Dodgy Sheriff's bullet returns Target bullet to your hand. Ooh, so that's on turn begin while in revolver. That's quite nice. There's also the molotov; all enemies get burning. Okay, let's take the sheriff one, and we'll try and take down the next enemy.

Oh no, they got 130 health. Is it still moist here? I don't think it's moist here, which means I can probably shove the bullet. Nice. I can then do you to start, and then, oh, this could be a good round actually. We could do the P bullet, then we could do the doodle bullet so that the invisible does seven. This is going to be a big round. Ready? So shoot once, and that does 14 plus 50% because of the burning. The doodle does two and four twice. The invisible does S and three and four, and then we just shoot the balls to do an extra five and four. Nice, down to 55 Health in one single go. Holster.

Right, what has she done? Oh no, I've been Bewitched. All bullets turn the revolver one to the left, so that happens three times. So I think this rotates the opposite way now. I think now she's going to do 15 damage to me. By the way, if we go to the left for three turns, we've got four things down here. I could get the arrow in twice maybe. Let's do brick bullet there. So shoot, rotate once. I'm just trying to work out where to put the Arrow so it will get used twice. If I put the arrow there, then the bullet does that count as three rotations? Maybe let's try. So shoot, shoot. Is that still going to go right? Oh, I think it is. Yeah, it goes right. Now it will go left. So if I did the arrow there, I would have got two out of it. I've only got one, which means I got to shove that in and parry. I think I get 11 damage. I got a shield though, so I won't actually get 11 damage. I've got seven Health remaining.

Okay, you got the worker bullet in. You've also got the fake bullet. We don't know what she's going to do, so let's just holster. Oh, been Bewitched again. At least I know how it works now. Oh, we can afford a BFB. I mean, actually, what I could do, I could put the P bullet in. I can then shoot the worker bullet and then shoot the fake bullet. That will give me more stuff so I can put the BFB back in. Yeah, we've won this. Arrow, P bullet, then BFB. You're down minus 31. Holster. 31 quid. New card, the kamikaze bullet. Isn't every bullet technically a kamikaze bullet?

Yeah, we've then made it up to this place where we can restore our Health. We can heal by 21. Yeah, let's do that. Then choose extra cards down here. Broken Arrow. Oh, they disintegrate. Yeah, I don't like those. I don't like those. Let's just take another big bullet. And then, man, there's so many. There's so many levels. This game's free. I don't know how many worlds there are either. I mean, even I am annoyed that this is free now. Why haven't I paid for this? What's going on here? What's going on? Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed. It's a free game. Go check it out. For now, I'll say peace, love, and a whole load of different bullets.