8 PRO FFA FINALS - Corvinus's $1000 FFA AOE4 Tournament (Round 3)
Table of contents
- Final day of the FFA tournament, starting with 32 players and now down to 8—let's see if I can overcome the lag and the demon cat!
- Playing smart and staying chill can be your best strategy when no one's around to pressure you.
- Teaming in games is still teaming, even if you just agree not to attack each other.
- Gaming is a lot of work, but stay positive and keep pushing through those tough spawns!
- Navigating the chaos, adapting strategies on the fly—victory is all about timing and seizing the right opportunities.
- My cat tried to sabotage my game, it's an inside job!
- My cat sabotaged my gaming tournament—it's an inside job!
- Adapt and overcome, even if the plan changes.
- Lost the tournament, but won the last game—copium victory secured!
Final day of the FFA tournament, starting with 32 players and now down to 8—let's see if I can overcome the lag and the demon cat!
All right boys, we're getting started. This is the final day of the FFA tournament. We started with 32 participants and now we're down to eight. I have a massive disadvantage because I'm going to get harassed not only by people in the game but also by this demon cat. The server is so laggy.
Thank you for joining, I appreciate it. It's time for you to head off. That looks pretty good. Let's just start here and see where we go from here. I'm not a big fan of this spawn, but it could be worse. Have you heard the theme song "Beastly" by Wolfpack? No, I haven't. Good luck, have fun.
What do we do here, boys? Abis is next to me, which I could definitely cheese. Dragon wrote something, and I think Schwab is here too. So, Dragon's also there, which means this might be an eliminate the whole lobby angle. I love when people type and give out information like that. I don't love it when they're like, "Yo, beasties is on the fish," but I like when people are like, "Yo, can you move? We're next to each other," and I just saw the guy's villagers. I'm like, oh okay, there's two of you there.
I have to go scout. I have no sheep here, not three [__] scouts, just one scout. So, I think I rush castle and just eliminate both of them. Now, the question is, are there sheep here? The question is, what wing do we go with? There are a couple of choices here. I can go Eco into military or military into Eco. If it was one guy, I would do the fast age-up wing, but because it's two guys, I think I'm going to skip the peck wing.
I'm getting all their sheep, which is very nice. Oh, I just realized, man, I completely forgot the map we're playing is Uru, which has sheep in the middle. I completely forgot. For some reason, I thought it was Mega Random. We'll see if I can find any, but I'm pretty sure it's going to be taken. I could also go the triple dervish wing because you can get a lot of sheep and there's no reason to lobby. Yeah, I'm going to do Eco into dervish wing. I think that's pretty nice.
I forgot that this is Uru and that being here doesn't have a lot of resources; you should build towards the corners. It's the first game, you know what I mean? And Dragon is bonus points if I kill him first because he's my neighbor. People already vacuumed all the sheep in the middle, I think. The calm cat wants to climb up, okay, go ahead. I think someone got every sheep there, so it is what it is.
I do want to go for a tower on my gold for sure because I don't know if Abis should be here, but maybe he moved. Because Dragon wrote that, I'm assuming he's super close, but I don't know that. We're just going to play it safe. I think we're playing three games if I'm not mistaken, which I might be. Dragon hasn't aged up yet, he's on deer, which is kind of scary, but I have a faster age-up than him, which shouldn't be the case.
I hope there's no one here. If there's no one here, that's really good for me. That would mean no one can pressure me from the top, so I can just kind of chill. Another question is, do I go camel archers or do I go goums? I don't think I'm going to play this too all-in, like making triple barracks goums. If there's no one above me, I don't need to hurry; I just need to play it smart.
Playing smart and staying chill can be your best strategy when no one's around to pressure you.
I think we're playing three games if I'm not mistaken, which I might be. Tragon hasn't aged up yet; he's on deer, by the way, so that's kind of scary. However, I have a faster age up than him, which shouldn't be the case. I hope there's no one here; if there's no one here, that's really good for me. That would be very, very nice because it would mean no one can pressure me from the top, so I can just kind of chill. Another question is, do I go camel aners or do I go goums? I don't think I'm going to play this too all-in, like I don't think I'm going to make triple Barracks Gul. If there's no one above me, I don't need to hurry; I just need to play it smart.
Now, the part that does suck is I can't make Siege with my cavalry. Please, nobody here, come on. I scouted everything; nobody here, come on, come on, come on. Yeah, that's nice, that's nice, nobody there. Okay, I love that. Do I even go derish wing? Maybe I go this. Yeah, I'm going to go that. Actually, military, you get three units for the rest of the game. It's a lot of resources per minute, and it's camel Riders, which are not amazing early on. Oh, but he has board too; that's kind of scary actually. You get a lot of resources per minute. So, Stables, did you go [ __ ] or do you have two staes? Let's see what's happening here. Oh my God, they're close. Okay, that's very, oh my God, they're close. That's very good. He might be aggressing on me; there's double sta right now.
Bro, why is he going for me, man? There's a dude next to you. Like, like, bro, every [ __ ] FFA, I swear. Also, what's up with yo, let's not attack each other, let's be friends. Like, what the [ __ ]? Like, what is that called for? Like, bro, what the [ __ ] is up with that? I mean, what is it called? I'm sorry, [ __ ] non-aggression is not the same as teaming, really. So I say, hey, I'm going to not attack six, I'm going to attack blue. What is that called? What is that called? Like, bro, they're next to each other. He literally typed in the start, please move SL, be friends. But alright, I'm dead already. I just asked her not to attack me.
Okay, next game, I'm going to ask everyone to not attack me because I'm going to kill Dragan first. I guess that's all right to do in that case then, you know. See, so I was right; you cannot type that [ __ ]. You cannot type like, hey, let's not attack each other, because by saying, hey, let's both chill, you're letting the other guy know, hey, I'm not going to attack you. So, you know, that's why there are rules so you can't type stuff like this [ __ ]. Hope he kills him. And by the way, just want to make it clear, if he attacked me without either of them typing anything, that's fine. It's the yo, let's chill, and then he attacks me, the part that's like really fore.
Why don't the guy kill him? Because they're teamed up; he told him he's not going to attack them. So, I'm going to have to yell with villagers because I'm pretty dead already. My only chance is to try and steal someone's king or something, but like, I'm pretty, pretty dead. Oh God, please [ __ ], I wish I had [ __ ] to repair. Purple is a c. There's a rule for that. I mean, it doesn't matter if there's a rule; it doesn't matter if he gets minus points. He [ __ ] me over, right? So it's like, I don't care if he gets a punishment or not; it literally doesn't do anything for me. So anyway, um, so there's a, I don't know, I mean, it's...
Teaming in games is still teaming, even if you just agree not to attack each other.
He's not going to attack them, so I'm going to have to yell with villagers because I'm pretty dead already. Like, my only chance is to try and steal someone's king or something, but like I'm pretty, pretty dead. Oh God, please, I wish I had something to repair. Purple is a... there's a rule for that. I mean, it doesn't matter if he gets minus points, he messed me over, right? So, it's like, I don't care if he gets a punishment or not; it literally doesn't do anything for me.
So anyway, there's a fine line between teaming and just not attacking each other. To me, it's the same. Purple really said, "Hey teal, move away or let's be friends." I'm sorry, but saying "Hey, let's not fight each other"—imagine if these two guys are like, "Hey, let's not fight each other," and pink goes and attacks blue, and red goes and attacks me. What is that? By teaming, I'm sorry, oh it's a non-Alliance pact, it's not teaming. Yes, it is. That's literally teaming. Teaming doesn't have to mean attacking the same player; you can just choose to not fight each other.
Now, if this happened without them saying anything, if neither of them said anything and they just didn't attack each other, he attacked me—that's fine. People make decisions to attack players that are closest to them or players that are further from them—that's fine. But the fact that he typed it is what the problem is. I don't know why we have to explain this in tournaments to people. The problem is, I don't care if he gets a penalty for this or not; he messed me over by saying to teal, "Let's not fight."
Teal is going to TC; they're next to each other. What are we saying here? It is what it is. It's always funny to me when I was doing, I don't know if you guys remember, when I did the Sabaton, I did a hidden tournament for FFA. They were like the best games we've ever had, not in terms of quality, but in terms of people playing to win and based on the map spawn. There was no "I'm going to go across the map and kill this guy because he's that player." Nobody knew who anyone was, and people were attacking each other.
But hidden FFA is very hard to do, by the way. I did it during Sabaton, but it took a lot of organizing. Basically, some players know who they are based on their level. For example, Corvinus and Louie have the highest level among the top players, so you can instantly see their level and know it's them. So, you need players to create new accounts or use Smurf accounts that they haven't acted on. Then, you need to pick a name that there aren't multiples of; you can't be like Bob because then you don't know which Bob to invite.
You need to pick a name for every player, and this is the worst part. It doesn't sound so bad, right? The worst part is you cannot have a Discord where you just type this message to every player because then the players are going to know who everyone is. You need to message each player individually in Discord. You need to be like, "Hey, make sure to create a new account." They create a new account, and then you tell them to put the name, for example, BobJoe55. Then you tell another player to put the name BobJoe55 as well, and so on and so forth.
Then you need to get in the lobby, invite them, and tell them to invite the last guy, and then go. To do this in real-time, game after game, is a lot of work. It's a lot of stuff you have to do. Now imagine the game ends, and you need to do all that again by messaging them all privately. You need an admin to sort that out.
Wait, what map is this? Oh, this is the one with no trees. I think I'm at the place with no trees. Yeah, Kitty, I think I'm at the place with no trees. Yeah, I know it's really sad. Kitty, kitty, kitty. Fine, hey, I'm not going to be toxic. I was going to type because people are going to think I'm super...
Gaming is a lot of work, but stay positive and keep pushing through those tough spawns!
To manage the game effectively, you need to tell them to invite the last guy and then proceed in real-time, game after game. This process involves a lot of work because once the game ends, you have to message everyone privately again. It feels like you need an admin to sort everything out.
Wait, what map is this? Oh, this is the one with no trees. I think I'm at the place with no trees, by the way. Yeah, Kitty, I think I'm at the place with no trees. It's really sad. Kitty, kitty, kitty, fine. Hey, I'm not going to be toxic. I was going to type something, but people might think I'm super toxic. It was just a joke. I was going to say, "Hey guys, let's not fight, smiley face," but I'm not going to do that.
Hey guys, let's be friends until I'm Imperial with 10 relics. Oh, the cat is behind my neck, very nice. Grassing, thank you so much for the raid. Hope you had a good stream. We found a relic, love that. Wait, what map is this? Okay, it is map soon. I was like, wait, are we playing the Octagon because there's a mountain here.
Do it? Hell no, I'm not doing it. Chat, see, it's your fault. You guys are trying to make me toxic. Not today, kids. I need to make a scout. I don't know where the gold is. I don't have any gold, guys. This isn't a good one, but let's look at the bright side. There's no one next to me.
Bro, where do I get gold? What is my spawn even? Is there any gold? Please, I am at the spawn with no wood, by the way. It's this whole bottom side, but I'm kind of on the edge. Please, gold, gold, gold. Am I really going to have to go there for gold? Are you serious right now? Wow, you think there's gold here? Check. No, I'm not going to check. Bro, what the hell is this? Two TC? No, hell no. There's three relics for free, man.
Okay, well, this is a terrible spawn, but at least I'm alone. Imagine if there was a dude here and a dude there. That would be a problem. So, you have to look at the bright side. The bright side is at least I'm alone, although I found zero sheep, which is not the bright side. Green is here. Okay, where do I even Chapel? This is so awful. Where do I Chapel? Like, I mine.
Work, I mean unironically, probably like what? I can Chapel here, but that's far. Red is here. Okay, well, let's go and work, I guess. Oh, green is here. Well, well, well. Hey, red and green, don't type anything, bro. I'm about to lose it. Don't even type a thing. Hey, red, you want to be friends? And then green comes and messes me up.
Bro, what do you mean? What do you mean Rush Castle? I'm going imp, dude. Daddy Jack, thanks for Prime. By the way, this map has water, but it's always only Shoreline fish. Bro, look how much food they got. Malin's got two golds. No one took these sheep, that's interesting, or this sheep, so maybe no one sent their scout here.
Okay, everyone's aging up, but I'm going super slow. You can actually tell this is a normal age-up timing. What this guy got and what red got, that's a normal age-up timing, maybe a bit faster. Whoever is super late is on water, that's very important to know. I'm not seeing any other relics, by the way, except the initial three, which is a bit worrying.
Okay, I have to go for this one first, but I think H is going to get it before me. Because I have to HRI, I can pre-make prets, right? I can just start chopping woods. I might need to make a tower here. Please don't tell me there's a guy right here. Please, dude, I can barely age up with this.
Navigating the chaos, adapting strategies on the fly—victory is all about timing and seizing the right opportunities.
The game is progressing very slowly, but now you can actually tell that this is a normal age-up timing. What this guy and what Red got is a normal age-up timing, maybe a bit faster. Whoever is super late is on water, which is very important to know. I'm not seeing any other relics, by the way, except the initial three, which is a bit worrying. I have to go for this one first, but I think H is going to get it before me because I have to HRI. I can pre-make prets, right? I can just start chopping wood. I might need to make a tower here. Please don't tell me there's a guy right here. Please, dude, I can barely age up with this food. There's a lot of deer, but man, I wish I went in the middle. Look at that, that is juicy as hell — boore deer. I could be Imperial almost.
How do I play this, chat? I kind of want to go scout Green because I'm scared that he's attacking me, but I also don't want to go for water. Water's here. I need to see if there's anyone here. Please tell me that's a full W. Okay, that's very nice, actually. That is very nice, there's like a wall there. We go for this one. Dragan is still age one; he must be on water. He must be in water. Another relic, okay, I'm going to get a lot of relics here, I think. Yeah, Dragan is on water. There he is, there's the dock.
Okay, I go Imp and then I kill these two. This has the potential to have a chance to overtake Corvinus, by the way. This is the kind of spawn that can give me a potential W right here. We go this one, go around, I don't want to trigger sacred SS. These guys are going to go here. These two guys should be busy fighting, so I'm not going to cover my villagers with any units or towers or whatever. Wait, what? Someone took the relic. My f didn't get the relic. Go sleep with your brother. Yeah, I know it's super sad. My food income is going to be really good now. What is this guy doing? Let's check. Let us check. Go those SEC, why not.
Enemy destroyed ancient war spark The Landmark. Wait, he's holding him. Oh, he is gig. No, no, no, I want to see. Wow, this guy had Chapel all the way here. That's very optimistic Chapel. Is he actually killing him? Oh, he's dead as. What? No, I think he's fine if he just micros. Oh my God, I didn't finish this. Are you serious? I don't know if he knows how to, but if he just kills the Rams, the units are all dead. My stable should have been faster. Getting the food is going to be a little bit of a problem for a while. I need to make units. Come on, come on, come on, let's go, let's go, let's go. That thing is on fire, and he's not repairing it. Corin is eliminated. Okay, that's a good start.
Fore speee, foree spee, spe party. Oh no, the king is going to drop on this side. Come on, come on, fore spee. Going to Imp is better if the players aren't dying, but if they start dying, then it's like I should have all-in in Castle kind of thing. So yeah, this is one of those where it's like, "Oh, I should have all-in in Castle," but I couldn't have known that people are going to drop like flies. Four players.
My cat tried to sabotage my game, it's an inside job!
Speee foree, spee, spe party. The music plays in the background, and suddenly, there's a realization: the king is going to drop on this side. The urgency builds up as the commentator urges, "Come on, come on, fore spee." The situation intensifies with the acknowledgment that it's better if the players aren't dying, but if they start dying, it becomes a scenario where I should have all in in Castle.
Reflecting on the game, the commentator notes, "I couldn't have known that people are going to drop like flies." With four players remaining, the tension mounts. The commentator continues, "Okay, we got Malan, age3, we got they're all age3 except me. Wait, where are they? Nobody dying Mar, noee fore spee for spee fore."
The strategy unfolds with the realization that if someone takes a site, you can feel like yo, let's attack him to get a boiling oil. The commentator exclaims, "Oh my, yeah go for him, for speee fore speee spee foree." Observing the game, it's noted that orange made a dock right there and is going to try to transport.
The commentator reflects on missed opportunities, "I could have maybe tried to snipe him. Thanks for the content, smile, and maybe in this situation, I should have just all in feudal in Castle one by one." The points are tallied, "How many points? Uh, I don't know. I get what do I get for killing the neighbor? One plus two, okay, so I get three points for killing green. I did not get this game, and then at the time of capturing the sa, there were three players alive, so three extra, and that's it. So I get six points. Oh, do I also get two for winning? That was a pretty underwhelming game, to be fair."
The commentator concludes, "Okay, go sleep, go chill and sleep, how about that?" The game transitions to playing octagon now, with curiosity about the water, "How big is this water? That's what we want to know. How big is the P of I don't see a deep water fish. Uh, well, there, wait, there's deep water fish right there in the grass. Okay, I'm just going to build it, see what happens."
The scene shifts to a new challenge, "Demon be nice. Yeah, bro, where's my king? Oh my God, wait, is this all Tree Line? Wait, what the hell, brother? Who is this? This is the English guy, okay, wello, don't tell me you built your, why is the, is this all wood here? Okay, there's fish, yeah, there's fish."
A surprising twist occurs, "Kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty. This guy's scouting, please don't tell me you put your TC there, bro. Please tell me you're just scouting." The music plays again, and the commentator reveals, "Oh, okay, the cat is on the keyboard. She's, no, she's, she's, bro, she's, who paid you? Someone paid this cat off. She just tried to leave the game, did you see that? Did you see that? Who paid you off? Where are you? Holy [__], it's an inside job."
The commentator humorously speculates, "Someone planted this cat two weeks ago near my house so I would take it in so it sabotages me in the finals of this tournament FFA. Insane. I cannot believe what these people are ready to do. That's crazy, that's crazy. I mean, just, I can't, I can't. This cat is a highly trained spy. Okay, don't believe what it's meowing, bro. This is wall too, wait, what the hell, this is wall, so I got to do a little wall here, and I'm like full walled, I'm like tucked in.
My cat sabotaged my gaming tournament—it's an inside job!
The cat is on the keyboard. She's trying to leave the game. Did you see that? Who paid you off? Where are you? Holy [__], it's an inside job. Someone planted this cat two weeks ago near my house so I would take it in, and now it sabotages me in the finals of this tournament. FFA insane. I cannot believe what these people are ready to do. That's crazy. This cat is a highly trained spy. Don't believe what it's meowing, bro.
This is wall too. Wait, what the hell? This is wall, so I got to do a little wall here. I'm like full walled, tucked in like... what do you tuck in? Stepis, okay, you got to chill, bro. What is this spawn? I mean, I love it, but what is this spawn? Look at this. Is anyone else fishing here? Are you watching this spawn right now? Look at this. I have stone, I have gold. This is Marine Lord spawn but for FFA.
Okay, what do I do? No, I ain't booming. This is for the dub. We got one good spawn in three games; we got to use it right now. I go two docks, Palace guards, vom roomroom—that's it. Send it. Wait, what am I playing? Juy Legacy? Okay, come here. I kind of wish there was more deep water fish. Like, what is this [__]? It's so far. Hope there's not a TC here or something because that would be very unfortunate.
I'm so scared I'm going to run into this. Oh my God, are you serious right now? Do I go imp though? Do I go imp and then Palace guards, or do I go Castle? I'm going to decide. I'm going to make a scout now and decide when I age up to Castle and see their spawns. I need to see their spawns because this is nice water, but the fact that I haven't seen anyone means there might be a massive water here too.
I can't let anyone know about my god-tier spawn here, so it's close for public. This should be a rock. They're aging up slow, which means everyone's in water. There's nothing here. Everyone's on water; I think everyone's aging up very, very slow. Why even scout? I kind of want to scout but don't want someone to see me and then be like, "Oh, he's there. I'm going to make ships now." Ignorance is bliss, maybe in this case.
We need to go Castle now. I need to scout water. We go Castle. What's here? Is no one on this water? No way. Don't tell me that. Don't give me hope. This guy made a TC and canceler. Oh, it's drag. Well, I got to [] bend him in, huh? I got to give him a little payback. Oh [], he has a lot of ships. Why is he fighting? Man, dude, I should be like, "Hey, move away SL friends." What's the code?
He's making so many. I'm [__]. I should have scouted earlier. Change of plan. We got to change the plan. Oh my God. Man, I was just sure that he doesn't attack people closest to him. I thought he's going to go for like orange or something, but I guess not—not this game at least. That's unfortunate for me. Bro, I have no space to build.
We go 2 TC. I think I should have scouted. The thing is, sometimes you don't scout and they don't scout, and then you're just both like... you know. They're fighting. I need to go, bro.
Adapt and overcome, even if the plan changes.
To change the plan, change the plan. Oh my God, man. I was just sure that he doesn't attack people closest to him. I thought he's going to go for like orange or something, but I guess not, not this game at least. That's unfortunate for me, bro. I have no space to build. We go 2 TC, 2 TC. I think I, man, if I, I should have scouted. The thing is sometimes you don't scout and they don't scout, and then you're just both like, you know.
They're fighting. I need to go, bro. Are you serious? X xo's Landmark is here. Oh, he's getting White Tower Rush. I, dude, I would have cleaned up so hard.
I think I moved it enough so I can take it. Bro, are these villagers? This is going to cost me so much delay, delay, delay. How do I get to this guy? Is the only way through here? Bro, is this guy serious right now? He's going for me. Ain't no way, dude. Bro, I don't know how long it's going to take me to get here. Wait, did you wall there?
Corin has killed him. I just need to make sure he doesn't give the king away. What the is this map? How did he even get there? What the is this map? That's bad. How did they get there? What GG, I think the dream is dead. Pretty sure Corin is first out. This is bad. I don't even know who to go for next. Realistically, I want to go for Corin. I don't even know how to get to Corvinus because this map is so weird.
I don't know what the these spawns are. I mean, I got the same, right, but holy . What do I want to get? University. Alright, this is a mon game. I am not liking this at all. He's going to . I don't know what Supply Corvin is at. Where the **is this King? Am I blind? He just there? No.
Sacred sides are far, can't trade. And I could have maybe traded to that dude, but that'd be a trade. Maybe I can go Wonder against two players, but I generally don't think I can hold the players. So what is my plan here? Maybe there's some gold here. Yeah, I don't really know what to do. This map is so . I mean, look at this. This is his entrance to his base**. I have the most score, but I think...
Lost the tournament, but won the last game—copium victory secured!
He just there, no, for spe foreign spee. Bro, are you serious? Che sacred sides are far, can't trade, and I could have maybe traded to that do, but that'd be a trade. Maybe I can go Wonder against two players, but I generally don't think I can hold the players. So what is my plan here? Maybe there's some gold here. Uh, yeah, I don't really know what to do. This map is like so Fu, I mean look at this, this is his entrance to his base. I have the most score, but I think that's due to eco. For this was a disappointing game. I don't know what to do. I think I'm dead either way, right? Cornus has too many points. He got too many points the first game. He like Giga Giga farmed the first game. Send this guy back, these guys a PC here for taxes. There's a, oh my God, there's a gold here.
Green can go for sacred sites. Yes, foree. I don't know, I feel like I played this one. I mean it's so unfortunate that he was on the water with me and I saw it just a second too late to start producing ships. If I had water, this would be so clean. Wait, I should make a Wonder while he's alive, right? While they're both alive. But even that, I don't think it gives me enough points, but whatever, send it. It counts, it comes from when you make a wonder how many players.
Foree, foree, spee, fore. For think that's it, good game well played. Yeah, it's 400 pop. Yeah, sacred SS, I mean it doesn't matter, he gets first. It doesn't matter, like I said after the first game, it was pretty obvious that he's going to win cuz he just got too many points and I got zero because of the situation.
The only thing that's left is to have the copium victory. I might have lost the tournament, but I won the last game and that's even a question mark. Give me that cop Victory, brother.
Is that all you got? Try again sucker. Why can't I, why is this so hard? Why is that so hard? Just let it build the wall. Oh my God, what the [ __ ] is happening? Oh my Lord, which one is meowing? Jesus, you're such a Moulder cat. Where are you going? No, you cannot be on the keyboard, no.
It is what it is. I think I got second or third. You demon, what do you want? What do you want? You cannot go on my keyboard. No, you can't go on the keyboard. She goes on the keyboard and she like smacks my the keys, that's the new thing she found. Too bad about the first game. Yep, it is what it is. All right, so yeah, that was the whole tournament, the FAA tournament. I think I got second or I got third, one of those two. Either way, it is what it is, [ __ ] happens. And yeah, they're going to calculate the points, but yeah, I'm definitely not first, I can tell you that. There it is, we're going to be back to one-on-one and I'm taking an indefinite break from FFAs for a while.