4 MAKANAN LEGEND DI PASAR GEDE SOLO! Nemu Jajan Dijual Sejak Jaman Perang

Discover the hidden culinary gems of Solo at Pasar Gede, where every bite tells a story of tradition and flavor.

Hello friends, today we are in Solo, Central Java, trying the best street food here. But before that, I am making culinary content for you, which means I am a villager. So, are you hungry, friends? Shouldn't we start at Pasar Gede? My friend is already inside. / Halo rek, dino iki awak dewe nang Kuto Solo, Jawa Tengah, ap jajal street food sing paling enak nang kene. Tapi sakurunge, aku londok Kampung saiki gawe konten kuliner pisan rek, berarti londo Kampung. Dadi londo kaliren ya rek? Pantes gak awak mulai nang Pasar Gede? Rek koncoku wis nang Jero.

Hello bro, oh broading, I am scared. I am Akak whatever, I am Ben hitting you at the market, but not this market, Suro card. Suro card, have you forgiven me for... so this is Solo's culinary temperature, eating happily, doing evil, delicious Street Fa delicious, delicious, delicious. Street F Solo is very delicious, go! Okay, so let's eat lenjongan first. We've eaten it in Madiun, East Java, it felt like a village. But isn't it called lupis? / Halo bro, loh eh broading, aku wedi. Aku Akak apa-apa, aku Ben ngepleng awakmu yo nang pasar, tap gak pasar iki kartu Suro. Kartu Suro, have you forgiven me for... ja ini suhu kulinere Sol, sen mangan, sen jahat, enakak Street Fa enak, enak, enak. Street F Solo enak banget, go! Oke, soocak kita memangan lenjongan dulu. Pernah kita makan di Madiun, Jawa Timuran, serasa desa. Padahal kan k jja jja jenenge lupis.

Lupis, mbahatin, I don't know, Oh Legend, it's very delicious here. Delicious lenjongan busum. Hello busum, how are you? Lenjongan is lupis from East Java. Lupis is sticky rice, while lenjongan is all about cassava. Oh, all about cassava, okay. This is cenil, what is cenil? Cenil is sticky black rice. / Lupis, mbahatin, Gak tahu, Oh Legend iku enak banget kene yo. Enak lenjongan busum. Halo busum, Piye kabare? Lenjongan niku lupis Jawa timurk. Lupis Niki ketan, nek lenjongan serba singkong. Oh serba singkong, oke. I cenil, Cening apa? Bu cenil piul, pihul. Oh ketan hitam.

Twice at Pasar Gede, I was with my guests. When you come here, to Pasar Gede, the first stop is there. Secondly, what else is there? You were taught by someone else, you tried everything yourself. Oh no, it's with mom. From mom, oh, mom knows your in-laws. I-i-i shop here, you haven't forgotten your Javanese language yet. Amazing, you haven't forgotten Javanese. Thank you, Ma'am, this is Solo's style, I'm a bit rough because of that. / Atastce dua kali Pasar Gede, Kanu tamukuik bareng. Kalau main ke sini, ke Pasar Gede ini, first stop ke sana. Ka kedua, udah ada apa ya? Kamu bi iku diajari ambek orang lain, kamu nyoba sendiri semua. Oh enggak, sama mama. Dari mama oh, mama yang ngerti mertuamu. I-i-i belanja neng kene, kamu durung lali bahasa jawamu ya. Hebat ya, lalias Jawa. Matur suwun Bu, iki bosan Solo, nek aku Rod kasar subayo soale.

Okay, okay bro, first try this is again standing here what? Just standing. Just standing, Eh people in Jo are not allowed. But I've already eaten while walking. Busum Mas, London is hungry. Buik Eco Man. [Applause] Manisco you. I'm from Surabaya, thank you Surabaya food. Hungry for more. / Oke, oke bro, first try S iki iki maneh nang iki ngadek apa? LG berdiri wae. Berdiri wae, Eh Jar wong Jo gak oleh. Mang, tapi kan udah aku mangan sambil jalanang bus. Busum Mas, lond kalir Mong. Buik Eco Man. [Tepuk tangan] Manisco sampean. Akuang Surabaya, matur nuwun badok Surabaya Pok. Badok mongongo mo.

Pasar Gede has everything. Wow, this must be something special. Wow, I've had some very good the last few weeks in Surabaya and try delicious. This is dawet ice from Mrs. Dermi. Mrs. Dermi, how many years has this been here? It has been here for a long time, how many years? About 40 years, or more than 40 years. Wow, when is Pasar Gede's anniversary? 79 to He. Oh, the price for one portion is five thousand. Oh, there are seats, Ma'am, we will take turns. / Pasar Gede itu ada semua ni. Ini Wow, this must be something special. Wow, I've had some pry good the last few weeks in Surabaya and try enak. Ini es dawet Bu dermi. Dermi Bu, dmi sampun pinten tahun bu? Sudah lama ini berdirinya Pasar Gede, berarti berapa tahun? 40 tahun ada, ada lebih dari 40 tahun. Wow, Pasar Gede ulang tahun berapa? 79 to He. Nah, palingi itu satu porsinya PIN bu. Oh ini.000, ada tempat duduknya Bu, nanti bergantian.

Okay, what is this mastp? Trans TV Ma'am, Trans TV Metro TV this is a big screen. But what language is that? Ma'am, I speak forest language, forest language. Well, we are including the forest. [Music] Aond. [Music] So it is written London like this, again hungry. Hungry, hungry, very hungry. Hungry Ma'am, what time does this open? It opens at 7:00 AM until it runs out, until not. Later until 3:00 PM. I usually finish how many in a day? 250-300 on weekends. / Oke, ini mastp apa ini? Trans TV Bu, Trans TV Metro TV ini layar gede. Tapi yangamp bahasa apa itu? Bu, Ak bahas hutan, bahasa hutan. Kalau kami termasukutan. [Musik] Aond. [Musik] Itu jadi londonya tulis seperti ini, lagiulin Pondok kaliren. Kaliren, kaliren, kelaparanan. Kelaparan Bu, derwi ini bukanya jam berapa? Bukanya jam 00 pagi sampai habis, sampai gak. Nanti sampai jam 3.00. Ak biasanya dalam sehari itu habis berapa? 250-300 weekend.

Discovering local street food is an adventure that brings people together, creating unforgettable moments and delicious memories.

But, I want to know what language that is? Ms. Ak is discussing the forest of languages. Forest, if we are included in the forest. / Tapi, saya ingin tahu bahasa apa itu? Bu Ak membahas hutan bahasa. Hutan, kalau kami termasuk dalam hutan.

[Music] / [Musik]

So, Londonya writes it like this, againulin Pondok Kaliren. Kaliren, starvation, the bule. Starvation Ms. Derwi, what time does it open? It opens at 7.00 in the morning until it's finished, until there is no more, later until 3.00. Usually, how much is consumed in a day? 250-300. On the weekend, Heeh, even more. Saturday and Sunday are the busiest. Oh, this big market is still open on Saturdays and Sundays continuously? Heeh, not only people from Solo enjoy it, yes, people from outside too. Earlier it was someone from Aceh. / Itu jadi Londonya tulis seperti ini, lagiulin Pondok Kaliren. Kaliren, kelaparan, buleenya. Kelaparan Bu Derwi ini, bukanya jam berapa? Bukanya jam 7.00 pagi sampai habis, sampai tidak ada lagi, nanti sampai jam 3.00. Biasanya dalam sehari itu habis berapa? 250-300. Di weekend, Heeh, tambah lagi. Sabtu Minggu paling ramai. Oh, masih buka ya pasar gedenya ini Sabtu Minggu terus? Heeh, enggak cuma orang Solo yang menikmati, ya, orang dari luar juga. Tadi itu orang Aceh.

From everywhere, right? No, he just said he holds the record for the most portions here. Really, how many? 10 portions. I went here once and finished 10 portions directly. Really, until I made his banner. Hah, made a banner? If I have an event, I put it up, I become the brand ambassador. / Dari mana-mana, benar? Enggak, dia tadi ngomong pegang rekor porsi terbanyak di sini. Benar, sampai berapa? 10 porsi. Aku terus sekali ke sini langsung habis 10 porsi. Benar, sampai aku bikin bannernya dia. Hah, bikin banner? Kalau aku ada even, aku pasang, aku jadi brand ambassador.

This is Man Battle, Battle B made this, not for eating. 10 I took half. Are we going to eat again? Yes, there are a lot of delicious street foods. Moten, moten sambungas tobat. He was busy, we were five earlier, right? Five, five, 75. Oh, one 15,000. / Iki Man Battle, battle B iki bikin, enggak gawe manganangan awakmu. 10 aku setengah. Habi kita mau makan lagi, ya? Iya, banyak sekali street foodnya enak-enak. Moten, moten sambungas tobat. Dia yang sibuk, kita tadi lima, ya? Gangal lima, gangsal, gangsal 75. Oh, satu 15.000.

Thank you, you're welcome. Okay, thank you, ma'am. See you again, right? Surely, surely, won't break, this is safe, right? Not safe. / Matur nuwun, terima kasih, sami-sami. Oke, Matur suun, Bu. Sampai ketemu lagi, ya? Pasti, pastilah, gak jebol lah iki aman, ya? Enggak aman.

[Laughter] / [Tertawa]

The video is done, sir. Al, here we go. Okay, the original Goongan KH. Solo hasn't spoken yet, the name is bangkon. The name is as conad on Instagram, on YouTube, the name Bang, yes bang. What do you mean, sir? Heeh, Bang Abang, Abang with black sticky rice, oh my favorite. / Videoe Kab Pak, sampun Pak. Al, here we go. Ok, goongan asli KH. Solo iki durung ngomong re, jenenge bangkon. Jeneng as conad nang Instagram, nang YouTube, jeneng Bang, ya bang. Maksud Mas ngo? Heeh, Bang Abang, Abang kon ketan hitem, oh my favorite.

Well, just now you didn't know, I am also jing's child. Okay, okay, okay, it has been decades, which means one of the legends. Nang so good, how much was it earlier? S, earlier 6,000 to 6,000 per portion. The cheap one, red, cheap cheerful. / Nah, singi tadi belum tahu, aku itu anake jingnya juga. Oke, oke, oke, sudah puluhan tahun ini berarti salah siji sing legend iki. Nang so good, tadi harganya berapa? S, tadi 6.000 sampai 6.000 satu porsi. Sing murah, merah, murah meriah.

[Laughter] / [Tertawa]

Cheap. / Murah.

[Laughter] / [Tertawa]

Red in Javanese burger, but in Solo it's called dasendas blorok. End blorok, well in Solo it's called head, usually head. Yes, hello ma'am, how are you? / Merah di jenenge berger Jowo, tapi di Solo jenenge dasendas blorok. End blorok, nah nang Solo iku oleh ngomong endas, biasanya sirah. Iya, halo Bu, Bu apa kabar?

Javanese burger means this bread replaces the meat. This replaces the meat that is usually inserted. Menik k ngoten, Ms. L. This is made by being pounded. Pounded, if not. Well, who is this idea from, ma'am? Javanese burger from Meri war. Try this, want to try, want to try. Very PIN, with Ms. ready. Two pairs, then this Cak with fried bread. This is Javanese burger, please. / Burger Jowo iki berarti iki rotine gantose roti. Niki gantose daginge sing perah diselipke. Menik k ngoten, ng Bu L. Niki gawe no sukun. Sukun, kalau sukune ora. Nah, ini J idene Sinten, bu? Burger Jow ni Meri sang perang. Nyoba iki pengin coba, pengin coba. PIN banget, kaling Bu siap. Dua pasang, terus iki Cak ambek roti gorengah. Iki burger Jowo, monggonggo.

Thank you, Javanese burger. One thing I have to say, yes. / Matur nuun, Jowo ti bureri. One thing I have to say, yes.

Bro, lupis come on, come on, come on. The bread is tough, but the filling is delicious. / Bre, lupis ayo, ayo, ayo, ayo. Rotine alot, tapi isine enak iki k.

Directly cut G. / Porong langsung G.

[Laughter] / [Tertawa]

Half, don't bite too hard, but Fu can. / Setengah, ocok giginya kuat, tapi Fu kan.

=> 00:13:25 / => 00:13:25

Food brings people together, and every bite tells a story.

Yes, bre, I mangan gu kuat or sijiiki pinten. Bu, satu pasangnya Rp8.000, ribu. Kamu biasanya mangan opo esik Lombok? Aku cabai. S, aku dulu biar rasa cabainya di lidah gitu. Ah, I got to try it your way. Semuanya, oh dua, mantap! Lupis, ayo, ayo, ayo, ayo. / Yes, bro, I eat gu kuat or how much is one pair. Ma'am, a pair is Rp8.000, thousand. What do you usually eat in Lombok? Me, chili. Yes, I used to have the taste of chili on my tongue like that. Ah, I got to try it your way. All of them, oh two, great! Lupis, come on, come on, come on, come on.

Rotine alot tapi isine enak iki. Porong langsung G. [Tertawa] Setengah ocok giginya kuat, tapi Fu kan perang merang. Londo untune londo, Kal kuat y ambek, untun wong ja burer ja alot y. Al, al, aku takon bangon kan prank bareng, pasti penonton ak. Man ada prank, tapi rew video sampw kita bikin lagi, maak. Oke, siap! / The routine is tough but the filling is delicious. Porong straight away G. [Laughter] Half mixed, the teeth are strong, but Fu is fighting a war. The Dutch have Dutch teeth, Kal strong with, the teeth of people are not broken but tough. Al, al, I asked wake up for a prank together, definitely the audience will. There is a prank, but rew video until we make it again, mom. Okay, ready!

Ayo, now don't forget to follow and subscribe my friend, bang_oficial Instagram YouTube. Teluk vide Heeh. Monggo, monggo, monggo, monggo, m Cade. Saiki meaham meneh Neng daerah Serengan. Neng ono-ono Pak Mi toprak, Mbak Sri. Pak Mi ketoprak, bukan toprak, oh toprak b to mak Sri. Masakan the legendary pisul eh. Sak durunge awak De lanjut mangan, yo awakmu kan yo londo kan melok londo. Kaliren saiki awakmu iki, aduh kan Ar kalir, artine kelaparan kan. / Come on, now don't forget to follow and subscribe my friend, bang_oficial Instagram YouTube. Teluk vide Heeh. Please, please, please, please, m Cade. Now going back to the Serengan area. There's Pak Mi toprak, Ms. Sri. Pak Mi ketoprak, not toprak, oh toprak b to Ms. Sri. The legendary dish pisul eh. Before you continue eating, you are Dutch, aren't you, following the Dutch. Hungry now you are, oh it means hungry, right.

Kelaparan cocok, wah gede, wah lumayan-lumayan. Yes, S baru gak ono. Akak ada samis? Oke, lanjut mangan bakm wisan Pak y mlebu sik. Ayo, loh, iki mlebu masjid. Gak tahu aku masjid mas, oh masjid n sebelah. Aku oki l gerbange k gerbang masjid. Masjid iki aku belum pernah sini loh. / Hunger is fitting, wow big, wow quite a lot. Yes, there's no more. Do you have any more? Okay, continue eating bakm (noodles) wisan Mr. entering first. Come on, oh, this is entering the mosque. I didn't know it was a mosque, oh the mosque is next door. I was at the gate of the mosque. This mosque, I have never been here before.

Kamu teko sopo loh? Dari iki orang tua mertuamu iki yo k kuliner. Betul sih. Yes, halo, selamat siang Bu. Bu, bak Mya ada? Bu, ya ada. Apa itu Bu? Bakm toprak, bakm toprak itu kayak sotomie, tapi ini lebih lengkap. Ada jangelut, ada t ku, ada kara, ada s daging, ada ak juga. Ada, oh banyak sekali, ak mi ayam daging. Jualan dari tahun berapa ini Bu? 35 tahunan. Kita pesan dua ya Bu, ya? Oh, I pakmya dua. Oh, I, ini yang namanya pakmi toprak Mbak Mbak Sri. Iki bihunoh, oh campuran. / Who did you come with? This is your parents-in-law into culinary. That's right. Yes, hello, good afternoon Ma'am. Ma'am, is there bak Mya? Ma'am, yes there is. What is that Ma'am? Bakm toprak, bakm toprak is like sotomie, but this is more complete. There is jangelut, there is t ku, there is kara, there is s meat, there is also ak. There, oh so many, ak chicken noodles with meat. Selling since what year, Ma'am? 35 years. We order two, okay Ma'am, okay? Oh, I pakmya two. Oh, I, this is called pakmi toprak Ms. Sri. This is bihunoh, oh a mix.

Campuran Cak, iki daging, dagingah tahu se. Eh, oh io, oh io, tahu kentang. Wih, so iki opo pangsit mungkin? Eh, karak ini karak. Coba dulu ya, sebelum makan doa dulu. [Musik] Ya mau P sengaja tak coba ku i. Mar l nekan k ngene gawe Lombok G gawe sambal. Aku ini oh kecap sambal. Oke, nyoba k mongg. Pertama kali, pertama kali kan. Kalau ini kan agak but. Kalau ini ada sambal juga. Makasih Pak, enak, enak, enak. / Mixed Cak, this is meat, and meat with tofu. Eh, oh yes, oh yes, tofu with potatoes. Wow, so what is this maybe wonton? Eh, this is karak. Try it first, before eating, let's pray first. [Music] Yes, I purposely try this. Mar l pushing here making Lombok G making chili sauce. I'm this oh soy sauce chili. Okay, trying it okay. First time, first time right. This is a bit thick. This has chili sauce too. Thank you Sir, delicious, delicious, delicious.

Oke, enak, tapi aku kurang. Aku on kul us berubah dulu. Kalau aku makan pedas selalu. C for I don't get anymore soal Seran pedes. Nah, gitu pedes. Tapi masalah opo saiki, Nek gak pedesak, I also don't like that. So now, not spicy like this kind of. Kalau kembali ke Australia, kali samb gak ada. Anakmu Sai umur Seteng, terus bojokku meteng meneh anak kedua. Ma anak kedua, berarti belum tahu ya? Belum tahu, belum tahu. Penginnya cewek, penginnya cewek. / Okay, delicious, but I'm less. I on kul us change first. If I eat spicy always. C for I don't get anymore about Seran spicy. Well, that's spicy. But the problem now, if it's not spicy, I also don't like that. So now, not spicy like this kind of. When returning to Australia, maybe there is no sambal. Your child Sai is one and a half years old, then my spouse is pregnant again with the second child. Second child, so they don't know yet? Don't know yet, don't know yet. Want a girl, want a girl.

Peng aku Bro BR berarti lahire rencana nang Indonesia apa? Nang sia baru. Kalau wis neng kene, ya berarti Indonesia. Tapi anak pertamamu nangang New Zealand, nang New Zealand. Anakmu isok B kene Kak B Indonesia. Akak apa durungong iso loh? Berarti paham iso ngomong-ngomong itu sulit buat dia ngomong. Kar nenek berartiak bahasa Inggris. Heeh, ibu mertuaku bisa bahasa Inggris. Oke, kalau ayah mertua gak bisa, gak bisa bahasa Inggris. / Do I Bro BR mean the birth plan is in Indonesia or? In a new place. If already here, yes, it means Indonesia. But your first child was born in New Zealand, in New Zealand. Your child can speak here or in Indonesia. Can or still can't, right? It means understanding speaking is difficult for him. Because grandmother speaks English. Yes, my mother-in-law can speak English. Okay, if the father-in-law can't, can't speak English.

Good, palingnya areare mangan lenjongan wisan burger. Burger Jowo, dawet, bakm gak ware warek. Ini jujur aku w gak kalir aku. [Musik] Cocok aku ambek teksture. I cocok enak, teksture ono sing lembut. Mi ono kacange sing ngantos ono daginge. [Musik] Lah, memang makan-makan di Solo enak. H enak, murah, merah. Wah, so good. Nek arek-arek sik kaliren n videoangin rek suwun bangkon. Iun, samp ketemu Man yah. Let's go, let's go! / Good, at least eating lenjongan with a burger. Javanese burger, dawet, bakm not ware warek. Honestly, I am not hungry. [Music] I match with the texture. I match it's delicious, the texture has something soft. There are nuts that are until there is meat. [Music] Well, indeed eating in Solo is delicious. H delicious, cheap, cheap. Wow, so good. If the kids are hungry in the video, ask for a table. Iun, see you again later. Let's go, let's go!