12 house house lords in Ascendant of Horoscope

When the second Lord is in the first house, family wealth and resources flow to you, making you the cornerstone of financial support and responsibility.

Okay, so ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the second part of the video on ascendant Lord through houses. Today, we're going to explore what happens when the second Lord is in the first house, the third Lord is in the first house, and the fourth Lord is in the fifth house.

As always, if you do not know where your Lords are placed, such as where your first Lord or second Lord is located, along with all your astrological details, check out the links at ky.com. There, you will find my books, reports, consultations, and a link to my Academy, the Mady Astrology Academy, where you can find all my new courses, especially on wristwatch and smartphone astrology, as well as the Mady course.

In the first video of ascendant Lord through houses, we already discussed the first Lord in the first house. Today, we will focus on the other Lords.

When the second Lord is in the first house, it signifies a connection to family, wealth, money, and sustenance. This means that the family will need you for their valuables, food, and money. On the other hand, sustenance comes to you; money is coming to you. This indicates that the family’s savings are relying on you, which brings a sense of responsibility regarding money and savings. However, it is important to note that it is not you going out to seek these resources; they are coming to you.

This situation often arises when circumstances require you to take on the family’s resources. For example, during your younger years, if you were dealing with health issues, your family might have had to spend money on doctors and medicines. Alternatively, if you were interested in sports or music, they might have invested in your training and education. Thus, sustenance is coming to you, and you are absorbing it, almost as if saying, "give it to me."

When the second Lord is in the ascendant, you will always speak for yourself; someone else won’t speak for you. You will stand up for yourself. Individuals with the second Lord in the ascendant often love to spend money on themselves. Since sustenance is directed towards you, you may desire to join a gym, buy nice clothes, or acquire accessories. Sometimes, spending is not about purchasing valuable or expensive items; it is about ensuring your comfort.

This spending behavior can vary based on individual circumstances. When people claim, "Oh, I don’t spend anything, and I made this much," it often reflects their other financial obligations. If you were a multi-billionaire, you would likely be flying in a private jet, traveling first class, and dining at Michelin-star restaurants. People change, trust me.

Next, when the third Lord comes into the ascendant, your siblings, neighbors, and friends will always look to you for guidance. They will seek your help and support to gain something for themselves. You may find that your siblings frequently ask you for resources or assistance with problems they are facing. In this way, you become a central figure in their social circle, and their social status often relies on you.

From a young age, you will notice that your siblings will frequently turn to you, whether they are older or younger. This dynamic can shape your relationships and the way you interact with those around you.

=> 00:05:33

People often look to you for guidance and support because your natural talents and resources come effortlessly, making you a pillar in their lives.

In life, siblings will always look to you for guidance. They will consistently come to you for help, as they need you for courage and support to gain something for themselves. Often, you will find that siblings, from time to time, will ask you for resources or assistance with various problems that arise. You become their social circle, and their social status actually relies on you.

From a young age, siblings, whether older or younger, will always watch out for you. For instance, if you are younger, your older siblings will keep an eye on your whereabouts, questioning, "Where are you going? Why are you going there?" They might remind you of past experiences, such as, "Remember last time you got into a fight when you went there?" They may insist on accompanying you to prevent any harm, demonstrating their protective nature.

Communication comes easily in these relationships; you don’t have to make much effort. This is because the "house of effort" and "house of communication" naturally come to you. When the ascendant Lord is positioned favorably, you find that opportunities and resources come to you without much struggle. For example, if the third Lord is in the ascendant, you may possess skills from a past life, whether in sports, board games, or music. It’s as if you are a child prodigy, effortlessly excelling in activities like playing the violin at an early age or dominating a sport.

When the fourth Lord is in the ascendant, your mother will play a significant role in your development. She will focus on how you should dress, look, and even your overall well-being. The mother is there to provide sustenance and assets, ensuring that you have what you need. Individuals with this placement often find that they easily acquire a home, even when it seems impossible. For instance, in a fluctuating economy, what once seemed unattainable may suddenly become accessible when the market shifts.

You may also possess skills related to vehicles and home decoration, attracting people from your homeland effortlessly. After your birth, your mother’s profession and status will likely rise, contributing to your own stability and comfort.

On the other hand, when the fourth Lord is in the ascendant, individuals may tend to be more laid-back. They often think, "Why do I need to work hard to make all this money? I'm okay; I'm happy," embodying a carefree attitude. In Hindi, this is referred to as being must, where the focus is on finding rest and enjoyment in life. Their happiness is intrinsic, and they find contentment in simply being, rather than hustling for material gains.

=> 00:10:08

Embrace rest and happiness over hustle; true joy comes from within, not from material success.

When the ascendant is influenced by certain planetary placements, it often reflects specific personality traits and life approaches. For instance, individuals with this placement tend to be lazy and prefer to enjoy life rather than work hard for material gains. They often think, "Why do I need to work hard to make all this money? I'm okay, I'm happy; I need to enjoy." In Hindi, this attitude is referred to as "must," indicating a carefree, relaxed approach to life. Their primary focus is on finding rest, as happiness comes naturally to them, especially when they are at ease. They may not be particularly motivated by material possessions, such as driving a fancy car; rather, their contentment lies in simple pleasures.

When the fifth lord is in the ascendant, a strong bond with children becomes apparent. These individuals often identify themselves through their children, thinking, "I'm here for my children; my children are here for me." This connection is profound, and their intelligence is closely tied to the planet residing in the ascendant. People with this placement may find themselves naturally drawn to seeking knowledge, perhaps through spiritual journeys or encounters with wise figures. They might visit places like Rishikesh, where a Baba might guide them with a mantra, suggesting that knowledge comes to them effortlessly.

Moreover, individuals with the fifth lord in the ascendant often possess innate talents, which may manifest in various forms, such as performing arts or practical skills. For example, they could be a gardener or a plumber, but if given the opportunity to perform at a community center, they would excel spontaneously, showcasing talents from past lives. This ability is significant, as it indicates that these talents will eventually be utilized in their current life.

As for their children, even into adulthood, they will seek guidance and suggestions from their parents. While this can be a positive bond, it may also lead to dependency, particularly in cultures that emphasize parental approval. The speaker expresses a desire for their children to become independent after reaching adulthood, stating, "After 18, 19, if you want to live separately, perfect. You live your life; you make your decisions."

On the other hand, when the sixth lord is in the ascendant, individuals may face challenges related to health and competition. They might find themselves surrounded by enemies or rivals, but this is often a reflection of past life actions. The speaker notes, "You invited it from past life," indicating that these encounters are karmic. This placement suggests that individuals may be drawn to careers in law, criminal justice, or healing professions. They often encounter difficult patients or clients, and even negative feedback can be seen as a sign of their healing abilities. The speaker encourages a positive outlook, stating, "You should be happy... I healed this person; they're still not happy with me, thank you." This perspective emphasizes that challenges and adversities are opportunities for growth and healing.

=> 00:14:30

When the sixth Lord is in the ascendant, embrace the critics; they’re your toughest teachers on the path to healing and growth.

When the sixth Lord is in the ascendant, I always observe that even the ascendant Lord in the sixth will exhibit similar traits. However, with the sixth Lord in the ascendant, it is most definite that a person will engage in activities connected with either law, criminal justice, or competition. For example, they might become a police officer, athlete, or healer.

You see, when the sixth Lord is in the ascendant, you will encounter some of the most brash and rude patients. Sometimes, they may even write negative things about you. Yet, you should feel grateful and think, "Great, I healed this person!" Even if they are still unhappy with you, it is important to recognize that the enemy is coming to you for their healing. They may seek your help to win their case, and even if you succeed, they might still be upset because you didn't achieve exactly what they wanted. You will find that you are often criticized, even by those to whom you have provided perfect service.

So, don’t question why it seems like the world is against you. Each time you face such a situation, you will feel lighter and lighter. When that last person comes to give you trouble and then leaves, you will wonder, "Why do I suddenly feel so good?" Initially, during your growth, it may feel painful. It’s similar to eating a cheeseburger; it tastes good, but when a child looks at you while you feed them baby food, they might think you are being unfair by not giving them the burger. However, they cannot digest it, and they may not even have the teeth to eat it. They think you are being bad to them, but it’s only for their own good.

The same principle applies here. Early in life, you might wonder why these enemies are coming at you. But once maturity sets in, you will embrace it. You might even feel that life is boring when the enemies don’t come; you may find yourself thinking, "I need some excitement in my life."

Now, when the seventh Lord goes into the ascendant, your entire self becomes dependent upon your spouse. Your spouse will seek your guidance and advice in life. However, what often happens is that the spouse ends up controlling every aspect of your life. They may dictate how you should dress, how your hair should be styled, what you should do today, what you should eat, and even what career you should pursue. You may find yourself taking their advice, leading to a dynamic where they exert control over your life.

With the seventh Lord in the ascendant, you will notice this aspect of control. This person will mold themselves for their clients. For instance, they may have strong principles and initially refuse to do something for a client, but when the client asks, they might say, "Alright, I will do it." They adapt themselves to get things done and to close deals.

You can see that great politicians often exhibit this trait. When the seventh Lord is in the ascendant, you are not made for yourself; you are made for the world. You are here to give everything to the world, and the world comes to you to receive whatever information or service you have to offer. Depending on the planet, you might even give it away for free. Remember, the seventh house represents everyone you meet, both outside and inside your home. All they want is you; you become a beacon for the world.

With the seventh Lord in the ascendant, a natural sense of business comes to you. You don’t need to go through failures to learn how business is done; you inherently know what needs to be done from a very young age—often as early as age 7 or 8.

=> 00:18:37

You are a magnet for opportunities and knowledge; the world is drawn to you, and transformation finds you effortlessly.

The world is coming to you to get things, whatever information or resources you have. The world wants it, and depending upon the planet, you might even just give it for free. Remember, it's like everything; every 7th house represents whoever you meet outside your home or inside your home. All they want is you; you become this beacon for the world.

When the seventh Lord is in the ascendant, business sense comes to you naturally. You don't need to do anything or go through failures; you know exactly what needs to be done and how business is conducted from a young age. Nowadays, children as young as 7 or 8 are eager to make business deals. For instance, my girls, who are 9 and 10, want to open their own toy stores. It’s fascinating how a person can naturally develop a sense of business, negotiating skills, and the ability to trade even if they are in a job.

When the eighth Lord is in the ascendant, change and transformation are inevitable. This isn't about small changes, like wearing a different shirt; it’s about profound changes that you might not want. You may have no interest in the occult or hidden tantric knowledge, but it may come to you unexpectedly. For example, you might meet someone at a party who introduces you to this knowledge, and later you realize how significant that encounter was. The knowledge finds you; you don't have to pursue it.

Additionally, the eighth house relates to inheritance, wills, and estates. If the eighth Lord is in the ascendant, you will receive some form of inheritance from somewhere, somehow. This doesn't always mean a large inheritance; it could be something small, like a cherished item left to you by a relative. For instance, my nephew always admired my silver and gold coin collections, and I know that if I were to pass, he would be the one to receive them.

Something hidden or buried may come your way, and while undesirable things can also occur, solutions will present themselves. The feet of the gurus are coming to you, meaning that no matter what dramatic events unfold, the blessings of the guru will be there for you. The eighth house is the 12th from the 9th house, and since the 9th house represents the guru, the feet of the guru symbolize blessings. When you visit a guru, you touch their feet for blessings, indicating that these blessings are already with you.

Even amidst major ups and downs, you will find a way out. Life is unpredictable; someone can pass away at any age, and while the blessings of the guru are present, they do not prevent life’s inevitable events. If your time is meant to be long, say until 98, the eighth Lord in the ascendant suggests that you will face many dramatic circumstances, but the blessings will always be there.

Furthermore, when the ninth Lord is in the ascendant, your entire development will occur through your father.

=> 00:23:06

Life is unpredictable; your time here is not defined by age but by purpose. Embrace your own path and desires, not someone else's expectations.

Life is unpredictable; it happens anytime. You can go at any moment, and somebody can die at 90, somebody can die at 20. This unpredictability is something that you must acknowledge. If your time is up, then it's simply your time. You cannot attribute your passing to the absence of blessings from the guru. Instead, it’s about the timing of your life. For instance, if you are meant to live until 98, and the ninth Lord is in the ascendant, you will encounter many dramatic circumstances throughout your life. However, the blessing will always be present.

When the ninth Lord is in the ascendant, your entire development will occur through your father. Your personality will reflect your father's major likes and dislikes. He will seek to find himself within you, which is why you may hear him say, "I really want you to do this. I want you to become an officer, a dentist, or an engineer." This desire stems from the father's wish to fulfill what he couldn't achieve through his own life. The sentiment often translates to, "My daughter will do this; my son will do this."

Whether this is right or wrong is subjective. Personally, I believe it is wrong because you have your own life and your own desires. You are not here to fulfill someone else's wishes. Your father's role was to guide you through life so that you can fulfill your own karma. This doesn’t mean you should completely disregard or disrespect your father's wishes, but if you know you don’t want to pursue a certain path, then your father must learn to accept disappointment.

For instance, I don’t impose my expectations on my children. I don’t insist they become engineers, doctors, or software programmers just to survive in an AI-driven world. If God wants them to succeed, they will find their way.

Similarly, when the ninth Lord is in the ascendant, I found myself desperately seeking a guru. The moment I read Autobiography of a Yogi, I felt the need for a guru. Initially, my mission was to meet Mahavatar Babaji and have a guru like Shri Yukteswar. However, I have matured to a point where I no longer feel the need to seek out any guru. I simply want to connect with the Divine.

I often receive emails from people asking if they have the right combinations to meet Baba. I find this amusing because it indicates they are likely at an early stage of spiritual intoxication. Once that intoxication settles, you begin to understand that the goal does not have to be meeting Baba. In fact, Baba doesn’t want to be the goal for you; he wants you to bypass that desire. For me, if I encounter Baba, that’s wonderful, but if I don’t, I won’t be upset. What matters is that I have found my path to God.

When the ninth Lord of Love is in the ascendant, and if a guru is also present, you may find yourself meeting a guru, teacher, priest, or mentor, even if you initially don’t want to. It seems that these connections naturally come to you. This is why certain placements are highly sought after; the ninth house represents fortune, divinity, and the essence of the guru within you.

On the other hand, when the tenth Lord goes into the ascendant, your work will always be intertwined with your life. You will carry your work with you, whether you are in bed, eating, or even brushing your teeth. Your thoughts will consistently revolve around work, society, power, and status. This placement signifies that you are deeply connected to your professional life, and it will always be on your mind.

=> 00:27:15

When the time is right, fortune and recognition find you effortlessly; it's all about embracing the work and responsibility that comes with it.

When the time comes, the guru just comes walking to you, and luck naturally follows. This is why these own placements are so well sought after. The 9th house is the house of fortune, representing Fortune, Divinity, and Guru; all this essence is within you.

When the 10th Lord goes into the ascendant, it signifies that you will bring your work home. Your work is always attached to you, whether you're in bed, eating, brushing your teeth, or driving to the office. Work will always be on your mind, as will society, power, and status. This is why this placement often makes you feel like you are married to your work. It’s akin to having a negative attachment; you carry the responsibility of the world and society upon your shoulders.

However, don't think of this as a purely negative thing. It can become problematic if a person has a family and becomes burned out, neglecting their spouse or children. In such cases, issues may arise. Yet, this placement also reflects a person who is constantly thinking about and worrying over the world and their work. Even if it’s not their direct responsibility, they may feel compelled to take on the burden. For example, they might worry about not getting a contract, even when their department is doing fine. These can sometimes be unnecessary worries about the world.

The 10th house is also about recognition. When the 10th Lord is in the ascendant, a person may gain recognition without even wanting it. For instance, you might create something that you never intended to go viral, but it does. A perfect example is the famous meme of the guy looking back at another girl while with his girlfriend; it was originally a stock photo but became one of the most recognized memes of all time.

Power, too, can come unexpectedly. For instance, if K is in the 10th and the 10th is in the ascendant, you may not desire power at all. You might resemble Maximus Decimus Meridius from Gladiator, who doesn’t care for power but is nonetheless thrust into a leadership position.

Additionally, all the information and history of the family, particularly the responsibility of the paternal lineage, may weigh heavily on one shoulder.

When the 11th Lord is in the ascendant, you will find that you can never be alone. Social circles will naturally gravitate towards you, and people you don’t know will want to know you. Gains will come to you unexpectedly; you may not even have any wishes of your own, yet suddenly, someone else's wish may be fulfilled through you.

However, this placement can also mean that you might deal with some of the biggest enemies and hurdles in life. When you choose to fight, you won’t settle for small battles; if you are David, you will want to take on Goliath. While you may easily make friends with many, you only want to be with a select few who are significant resources for you. If you have 100 contacts, you will prioritize those few who are worth hundreds of millions or even billions.

This is because the 11th house is the sixth from the sixth; when you encounter enemies or competition, you will face the biggest challenges. In this context, you deal with the biggest competition and desires, as the 11th house is the house of desires.

=> 00:32:14

Chasing the biggest dreams can lead to the biggest disappointments; sometimes, it's about appreciating what you already have.

In the realm of social dynamics, individuals often seek to fight Goliath; they are not interested in superficial connections. While their phones may contain the contact information of 100 people, they prioritize relationships with a select few who represent the biggest resource for them. For instance, if out of those 100 individuals, four are worth over $300 million and one is worth a billion dollars, their focus is solely on that biggest fish in the sea. This behavior can be attributed to the astrological concept that the 11th house is sixth from the sixth. Thus, when dealing with competition, one encounters the biggest competition.

However, this desire for significant achievements can lead to disappointment. The house of desires is closely tied to the ascendant, and when individuals have too many aspirations, they may find themselves overwhelmed. For example, if someone sets a goal to be worth $1.6 billion by the age of 44 and fails to achieve it, even a net worth of $40 million—which is substantial compared to 99% of the world—might feel inadequate. This can lead to feelings of despair, as they may feel unable to attain luxuries like a private jet. The 11th house, filled with too much air, symbolizes an abundance of unnecessary desires that do not contribute to genuine happiness.

Additionally, having the 12th Lord in the ascendant brings unique opportunities. Regardless of one's intentions to save, unexpected expenses often arise. Therefore, it is advisable to invest, spend, and donate money. Organizations will frequently approach individuals for donations, whether for Christmas or Diwali causes. This placement also opens the door to Heavenly knowledge and spiritual insights. Individuals may find themselves dreaming of other worlds or dimensions, leading to a sense of confusion about their experiences.

Spiritual focus and opportunities may come unexpectedly, sometimes without the individual even desiring them. This can manifest as a sudden embrace of new spiritual insights or opportunities. However, the 12th house, associated with solitude and isolation, may also lead to situations where individuals feel compelled to work in remote areas, such as mountainous regions, due to their profession. For instance, a geologist or civil engineer might find themselves living in isolation, longing for the vibrancy of city life.

Despite personal preferences, opportunities will present themselves, including potential foreign assignments. For example, if someone wishes to remain in India but is offered a position with Reliance to open an office in Dubai, they may have to make the difficult decision to relocate to maintain their job.

In conclusion, this analysis of the 12th Lord in the ascendant highlights the complexities of desire and opportunity in life. In the upcoming third part of this video, I will discuss planets in the ascendant, which promises to be an intriguing topic. If you are new to my channel, please subscribe below to stay updated on these insightful discussions. For personalized insights into your own chart or to learn astrology techniques, visit haaresastrology.com. Until next time, take care and goodbye!