Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine 2 is even better than I expected

Warhammer 40K Space Marine 2's chainsaw melee combat is insanely satisfying and the graphics are jaw-dropping!

Ever since I saw the gameplay for Warhammer 40K Space Marine 2, I knew I needed to play this game. The sheer number of enemies on the screen and the high-tech chainsaw melee combat were incredibly enticing. Thanks to the folks at Focus Entertainment, I got a key to play early, so we're going to jump in and play some Space Marine 2.

This video is sponsored by Behavior Interactive. The new Castlevania chapter DLC is available now on all platforms, bringing two new characters from the Castlevania Universe: Dracula and Trevor Belmont. As the first Vampire Killer in Dead by Daylight, Dracula adds a dash of Gothic horror to the fog. His unique power is transformation, allowing you to change into three different forms to master all aspects of the hunt. Vampire form lets you unleash Hellfire to light survivors aflame, wolf form has the charge pounce great for finishing off survivors on the pursuit, and bat form can teleport, perfect for closing the gap when your survivors make a mistake. If you'd rather stand against evil as a survivor, Trevor Belmont's your man. His Eyes of Belmont perk reveals the Killer's Aura when a generator is complete and it remains visible for longer. Exaltation upgrades items if you're holding one during a pallet stun, and Moment of Glory prevents you from becoming injured if you loot enough chests. Following Silent Hill, the Castlevania chapter is Dead by Daylight's second collab with Konami, so now is the perfect time to jump back in. Click the link in the description and pinned comment to download and play Dead by Daylight Castlevania today. Thanks to Behavior Interactive for sponsoring this video.

I feel like I'd be really into Warhammer 40K, but I just don't want to spend a million dollars on a hobby. Oh, Tyranids! Yep, I don't know anything about Warhammer, but I do know Tyranids are aliens. Project Aurora approaching Kaku, prepare for atmospheric entry, approaching Drop Zone. Oh, this looks so sick. There's the chainsword. I don't think it's going to turn out well, guys. Oh yeah, hell yeah, we just start like that. Here we are on Kaku, kill team leader. Oh man, guys, confirm Vox contact. This is buttery smooth on my PC. My jaw is on the floor. Look at all of the Tyranids; it's like Helldivers but times ten. Oh, that's a human torso, those are legs. We're really setting the tone early here.

Here we go. It's one of those games where you restore health by attacking. Doom did that, and that's just the best way to do health in a video game ever since. I'm ready. Look at this, to glory, and then we're going to hold. God, that feels good. Press C to parry. Here we go, I'll try it out. Oh, I missed that one. No, I hit it. Parry! We got all the different animations. I'm also such a sucker for cloth physics, and I can't stop staring at the cape; it looks really good. Attention, oh no, he's going to whip. We're locking on. Execute, here we go. Yes, if this was just a chainsword game with no guns, I would be very happy just with that. That's how satisfying it feels.

Damn, the game is so pretty too; it is seriously a looker. Brother, I will repay them tenfold. We're going to make them pay. Take the bolt pistol; this bolter will roar in your name, I swear on it. Oh yeah, see, this is just one of those games where everything blows up with blood and guts, and that's always going to work for me. Have you secured the virus bomb? We failed to launch that bomb; there will be nothing to stop the Tyranids. We won't, we won't. Hey, what's up, nerds? I can just pull out my gun, but that's not as fun as chainswording. Got it, a gun strike. Knock back, gun strike. Ow, yes, there's a rhythm to this that I need to work on. Oh God, there's so many of them. You thought, you thought. Boom, okay, big finisher.

=> 00:05:48

Surviving the chaos and pulling off epic moves in this game is pure adrenaline!

Roar in your name, I swear on it. Oh yeah, see this is just one of those games where everything blows up with blood and guts, and that's just always going to work for me. Have you secured the virus bomb? We failed to launch that bomb; there will be nothing to stop the tyrannic. We won't, we won't. Hey, what's up, nerds? Okay, so I can just pull out my gun, but that's not as fun as chain sorting. Got it, a gun strike. Okay, so knock back, gun strike. Ow, yes, there's like a rhythm to this that I need to work on. Yeah, oh God, there's so many of them. You thought, you thought. Boom, okay, big finisher. Oh yes, dude, wait, you guys have guns? It literally sounds like they're shooting at me with pistols. Kill team, I am at the crash site. Yeah, they weren't expecting it. Okay, do one of these. Boom, I'm not even sure that I'm good at it; it's just fun, you know what I mean?

My brother, you have honored the Imperium with your devotion. Oh yes, oh that's the virus bomb, get it. If you can hear me, I have the virus B, I've got the bomb. Head to the orbital launcher. Yeah, going to stick my hand—oh God, it's like popping a plant pimple. No, you son of a [__], your death will not go unpunished. No, okay, oh God, die. Okay, no, all right, you're going down, brother. Shoot, okay, I'm really—no, you thought you had it, you thought you had it. There, okay, I'm really—I'm not, I'm not doing it. There it is, woo. Okay, I absolutely sucked, but that was still very cool. Oh, you want some more? You guys want some more? Oh no, I'm not going to live, I'm not going to live. Sh, oh wow, how did I live through that? I'm not complaining. Oh, another big boy, all right, okay, okay. Oh, just in time. Ow, ow, okay, it's kind of hard to parry. Oh, another one, yeah, woo. Push, okay, oh that was sick.

This game is giving me Gears of War vibes—like big, chunky, thick characters, chain swords, everything just feels heavy, and I love it. You have served your Emperor well, brother. Oh brother, my brother in arms, thank you for your bolt rifle. Okay, here we go, now I've got the bolt rifle, which should be really good. Yeah, yeah, guys, just run right by this thing. Okay, that was worth it. [], [], [__], here they come. All right, brothers. Yes, oh so good, so satisfying. The virus must be launched into the stratosphere. Nothing else matters. That's the mission, lads, nothing matters. All right, come at me. Oh God, there's so many more. Oh no, a big boy, hold on, we're parrying. Yes, yeah, yeah, no, okay, okay. Oh, I just took so much damage. Bad, bad, bad news. Oh, hit him with them. No, yes, woo. Oh my God, I feel like I've been on the verge of dying many times, and I just somehow pull off the execution in time. Oh no, I will not be taken out by one of these ranged goons. No, that will not be my fate.

We're loading the virus bomb for the omnis, inserting payload. It's not a sentence I ever thought I would say. Set course for stratospheric detonation. The right of Safeguard must be performed. Seek an authorized magos at the command console. Damn it, I'll show you a benediction. Oh, we got frags. Yeah, I'm about to blow these guys to bits. Yep, yep. Dude, the volume of enemies that they put on the map or on the screen is just so impressive to me, and they're not like fake, you know what I mean? Damn, the machine spirits really pissing me off. Okay, this feels like an arena. I'm ready for a big fight. Dude, look at these graphics, look at the environment. I was going to say this feels like one of those true next-gen games, you know, like it is just firing at all.

=> 00:11:21

Just survived an insane battle and became a Primaris Marine—this game is next level!

Detonation on the right of Safeguard must be performed. Seek an authorized magos at the command console. Damn it, I'll show you a benediction. Oh, we got frags. Yeah, I'm about to blow these guys to bits. Yep, yep.

The volume of enemies that they put on the map or on the screen is just so impressive to me. They're not like fake, you know what I mean? Damn, the machine spirits are really pissing me off. This feels like an arena. I'm ready for a big fight. Dude, look at these graphics, look at the environment. I was going to say this feels like one of those true next-gen games, you know, like it is just firing on all cylinders. It's so beautiful.

Oh no, survive! Dude, look at how many enemies there are. This is what I'm talking about. Look at all of them, it's ridiculous. They're so far away. I guess I should be shooting, maybe throwing some grenades. Are they coming? Oh, they are coming up here. They're crawling up the walls, bruh. This is like World War Z, which I think the dev made. Okay, okay, got you. You are really a pain in the butt, sir. Hold on, everyone chill out for two seconds. Yes, yes, yes, perfect, perfect. Okay, frag out.

Oh no, this is why I played all those years of COD zombies, for this moment, to die right here. No, no, no. Okay, I got overwhelmed. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I think I was just distracted by the really pretty graphics. Yes, that's what we're looking for. No, that's not what we're looking for. Execute. Yes, it feels good. Okay, launch the bomb. Oh, sick, it is done. The deed is done. Oh dude, please don't die.

Helmet off, yes. This guy, I've seen his face in the trailers. Where we're going, we don't need helmets. I will take you all with me. Is this how we die? This feels like one of those you're-going-to-die scenarios. I don't know, chat. Oh, that was kind of sick. Oh God, I just feel like I shouldn't be within melee range of this thing. Yes, no, no.

Brother, oh God, no. Oh, Titus. Now that is how you start a video game, everyone take notes. Our boy lives. Terrifying thing to wake up to. Praise the Emperor. The wound was fatal, you survived only through the Rubicon surgery. We remade you. Prove yourself to us and know true absolution. What is your reward? My salvation, yes, my reward. Put on the armor. My craft is death. Oh my God, what is your pledge? My pledge is eternal service.

The Rubicon surgery has remade you as a Primaris Marine. You are now stronger, faster, and more resilient. I don't know anything about the lore, but this is like 5,000% my [__]. This is so cool. I don't know what's going on, but it's amazing. Hello, look at this little priest guy, look at him. This is humanity in the 41st Millennium. This is so sick.

Oh yeah, what is that support? Are we good? You’re scaring me. I'm good. Lieutenant Titus reporting for duty. Have Sergeant Gadri report to the bridge. You're a lieutenant now. We're facing a Tyranid splinter fleet. They engaged us on two planets: Aarx, Ave World, and Kaku. These defense guns are keeping the skies clear for our ships. The Tyranids have taken note. Get down there and protect those guns. Sir, yes sir.

Captain, you wish to see me? Sergeant, this is Lieutenant Titus. He'll be taking over command of your squad. Damn, he seems a little pissed about that. We'll leave immediately. Move out, move out. Alright, keep all of your limbs inside the elevator when it's moving at all times.

=> 00:17:12

Feeling like a true warrior in this epic battle—nothing beats the thrill of immersive combat!

Millennium, this is so sick! Oh, oh yeah. What is that support? Are we good? You're scaring me. I'm good. Lieutenant Titus reporting for duty. Yes, have Sergeant Gadri report to the bridge. You're a lieutenant now. We're facing a Tyranid splinter fleet; they engaged us on two planets: Aarx Ave World and Kaku. These defense guns are keeping the skies clear for our ships. The Tyranids have taken note. Get down there and protect those guns. Sir, yes sir!

Captain, you wish to see me? Sergeant, this is Lieutenant Titus. He'll be taking over command of your squad. Damn, he seems a little pissed about that. We'll leave immediately. Move out, move out! All right, keep all of your limbs inside the elevator when it's moving at all times. I love how we walk in this armor; it's just so weighty. Welcome, brother. We are yours to command. Yes, brothers, we leave immediately.

Okay, here's a little mission briefing. We got a rendezvous with the AST Militarum and defend the anti-air guns. Sir, you served in the Death Watch? Yes, that's right. It's a privilege to serve with you. Approaching drop zone. All right, that's a little too familiar for Titus. Everyone calm down. You see those service STS? Our lieutenant is over 200 years old. Yes, what an entrance, my Lord. Oh, look at our boys, Major SAR Aid Kadan Regiment. Major, give me an update. The wretched beasts have taken the orbital guns. We must reach the defense guns. Yes, my Lord, follow me. The situation here has deteriorated. Oh my God, look at this gargoyle, look at all the detail. Whoa, we're moving out, we're moving out. Press Q to enter Fury mode. Oh, sick, here they come. Oh, of Ultar, yeah, all right, Fury mode. Oh, and we're going to execute. We are preparing an air strike. Can you hold the enemy in place until it hits? Hold back the Tyranids. In and out, in and out. Yeah, all right, I want this one, I want this one. Nice, okay. Oh my God, I'm getting absolutely wrecked. Hold on, there we go. Yes, oh, it never gets old. This makes me feel like I'm in an actual war, you know? It's like hundreds of NPCs on my screen. This is so cool. Oh God, okay, there it is. Yes, woo, this T incoming. Oh God, should we get out of here? Oh, direct hit. The eight never miss. We must proceed through the jungle to reach the orbital defense guns.

Okay, here we go. The orbital guns are on the other side of the swamp. Be alert, the Tyranid will be lying in wait. Here we go, chainsword. You can pick between different melee weapons. The knife I didn't like as much as the chainsword. Bolt rifle with grenade launcher from the forge. Yeah, no, that's going to be good. Their very existence is heresy. We shall thin their numbers today, brother. We shall kill them with incredible efficiency, brothers. Oh no, okay, yeah, I guess I should use the grenade launcher, huh? Yeah, okay, here we go. Oh God, okay, I got this guy, I got this guy. Yes, oh, so good. All right, no one wants to execute him. He's mine. Yes, oh, look at these guys just sitting up here shooting me. They don't want any of this. Okay, we're going Fury. Oh my God, we actually torched that guy. It's really cool to me how this game can manage to be like half melee, half shooting, and it works. Bolt pistol, I'll switch to the bolt pistol. Okay, so this is bolt pistol versus heavy bolt pistol. Oh yeah, this is like a beefy boy. Dread carefully; the spores detonate when threats draw near. Let us take care. We can't have that happening. No spores. Every time I see one of these, I just want to shoot it and blow it up. Oh no, parry, parry. Yeah, okay, oh, that's a big boy, that's a big boy. Yep, no, I see you. Oh, this guy means business. There it is, there it is. Execute, execute, and off with the head. The most direct route is through the swamp.

=> 00:22:56

This game is a perfect blend of melee and shooting, bringing back the thrill of linear story-driven experiences.

The game manages to balance half melee and half shooting mechanics effectively. Switching to the bolt pistol, I noticed the difference between the bolt pistol and the heavy bolt pistol. Encountering a beefy boy dread, I had to be careful as the spores detonate when threats draw near. We can't have that happening, so every time I see one, I just want to shoot and blow it up.

Facing a big boy, I realized this guy means business. I managed to execute him, and we proceeded through the swamp, despite the risk of it being infested with xenos. Gadriel needed to get his head in the game because this is war. Spotting the orbital guns, I felt nostalgic for more linear, story-focused games rather than the massive open worlds prevalent today.

Activating Fury mode, I locked onto an enemy and executed a perfect parry. Despite some slick moves by the enemy, I managed to hold my ground. The Angels arrived, and we were saved. We seemed twice the size of normal humans, which was intriguing. Commanding to open the gate, I faced a barrage of enemies and threw grenades to hold them off.

Running out of my good weapon, I switched to Fury mode again and marked everyone near me, which was really helpful. With only three humans left alive, the gates were finally open. I kept fighting, throwing grenades, and closing the gates to keep the enemies out. Switching between different types of weapons, I found the combat knife particularly effective in close combat.

The place was brutal, but I loved it. Using a sprint and combat knife combo, I managed to deal with enemies hitting from a range. Captain Hiid informed me that our long-range comms were damaged in battle, but we held fast. Despite taking a lot of damage and feeling overconfident, my squad had my back.

Needing a heavy attack, I realized I wasn't very good at the game, but that was okay. The combat was so intense that sometimes I didn't know what to say, letting the game speak for itself. Finding stim packs for recovery was a nice touch, making the game even more enjoyable.

=> 00:28:25

Space Marine 2 is everything I want in a game—brutal, satisfying, and larger than life!

We need a heavy attack right now. Okay, oh no, I'm just not very good at this game, and you know what, that's okay. Boom, boom, okay, that felt good. Oh, this guy, this guy, okay, I'm running up there to get these guys. You can't just stand up here and shoot at me; that's not going to fly. Yes, the combat is so intense that sometimes I just don't know what to say, which is probably a good thing. Just let the game speak for itself because it's so sick. Oh, there are some stim packs. That's the first time I found one. Recovery, there we go, that's nice. It's really fun to feel like you're almost about to die; it just makes things that much more intense.

Hello humans, established goal Captain Iden. I thought you were a dead man. We need to take back those orbital guns. I've got armor ready to roam. Yeah, see done Captain. Oh, the tanks look so goofy but also cool. Oh my God, okay, here they come. Soldiers, do your work. The controls are in that tower. Make use of them. Here we go, all right, it's Fury mode time. Yes, so fun. Okay, these big guys, oh okay, no, no, no, chill, chill. There it is, yes. Woo, okay, you guys get a grenade. Oh yes, the gate is opening. Come in, Brothers. Squad, move your raggedy backsides through that gate now. Go, go, go. Oh God, oh my God, there's so many in front of us. Grenades, grenades, just throwing all of my grenades. Oh, I got this one right here. Yeah, boom. Ow, okay, that guy really came at me. Navigating through this facility takes time. Yes, a little redecorating will speed things up. My Lord, are they going to blow a hole in the facility? Do it, do it. Yeah, of course, more of them. Reload, oh God, oh God. All right, it's time to wipe all of these guys out. Yeah, yeah.

Major, we have retaken the facility. Hell yeah, brother. Boing, a valkyrie now heading to you. Praise the Emperor. Indeed, get these guns online. Move, we'll punch a hole in those Hive ships so big you can fly a frag through it. Hell yeah, it won't let that happen without a fight. The Hive mind, the Tyranid, a powerful collective intelligence not to be underestimated. The Tyranids will throw everything they have at this facility. Second and third platoon to the orbital guns immediately. Copy that, let's show these bastards what we're made of. All right, we got to defend the facility, baby. None shall pass. The wall is breached. Oh my God, there's so many. Oh nice, oh God, that guy came out of nowhere. Okay, I know all of you are trying to get up here, but you just can't. All right, I probably shouldn't be talking to the enemy. I should be going to Fury mode. Oh yeah, use his own sword against him. Lift it, the orbital guns are functional, but the targeting system is dead. It needs to be basic, man. Brothers, let us make haste. Brothers, God, the detail in every scene is just absolutely nuts. The targeting system is our priority. Yes, my Lord. Okay, that's a lot. Hold on, check it. Yeah, oh yes, perfect parry. That's what I'm talking about. Oh God, watch out, watch out. Stand, I feel so bad for these little humans that don't have sick armor like I do. Defend me, man. God, look at all of the xenos incoming. Oh God, oh God, go for the next one. Okay, that felt good. Oh my God, hello friend. I see that you want to do melee battle with me. No matter. Oh my God, sick. Oh no, can someone take care of that? Okay, come on guys, I need some freaking support here, men. Oh, another one, so good. My Lord, we cannot use the guns until we raise those petals. No, I know, I'm aware. I'm just not getting a lot of help. Okay, we're getting a little overwhelmed here. Hold on, hold on. There we go, there we go. I got it, I got it. Okay, those guys are shooting me, but I'm hoping my team can help. Gadriel, I feel like he's got it out for me, man. He's just not helping. He's a little pissed about the demotion he got, which is kind of fair, you know. Okay, it's the last petal. Oh yeah, we are done. My Lord, the gargoyles are heading for the antenna. Reloading. That's cool, actually. See his magazine on the floor. Feel like such a badass in this armor with this knife, slow walking. Whoa, oh look, he can actually shoot him. Oh God, oh God, oh. Oh, gargoyle, yes, of course. Antenna SE, okay, we got to go to antenna SE, guys. Oh no, oh no. Okay, I'm really trying my best here. Okay, I think we got him, we got him. Antenna B, antenna B. Oh yeah, give me the heavy bolter. That's what I need. Oh no, look at these big boys. Okay, it's Fury time, it's Fury time. Oh, you can melee with a heavy bolter, that's sick. Oh God, you son of a gun, how dare you. For the Omnissiah. Man, these telepathic guys are tough. Nope, here, I'm going to execute him. Yes, yes, get it. The guns are ready. Use the terminal to begin targeting. Okay, here we go. Let us relish the sight of those vile ships burn. Oh, hell yeah. Mission complete. Yes, yes, Brothers.

All right, guys, I'm going to stop here. I don't want to play too much because this is going up before launch, but suffice it to say, probably from all my yelling and general exuberance, Space Marine 2 has blown me away. I mean, this is so fun. It's just everything I want out of a game. It's gorgeous, it's really fun, the gameplay is brutal and satisfying, and the set pieces are just larger than life. It's really so much fun. I can't wait to play more of this. Thanks again to Behavior Interactive for sponsoring this video. With Dracula and Trevor Belmont joining the roster, the Castlevania chapter DLC adds a dash of Gothic horror to the fog. Click the link in the description and pinned comment and download to play Dead by Daylight Castlevania today. Before we go, thanks again to Focus Entertainment for sending me this code. I'm really happy I got to share this with you guys. So, hope you guys enjoyed this video, and if you did, remember to hit that like button. I'd appreciate it. Also, subscribe to the channel for more videos like this and ring the bell so you don't miss my next one. Thanks again, guys, and I will talk to you next time.