Table of contents
- Triggers can be opportunities to experience deeper delight in relationships.
- You are pure delight, and there's no separation between desire and having—realize you already have love, happiness, peace, and fulfillment.
- Turn inward to find delight; your true nature is love, happiness, peace, and fulfillment.
- Turn inward, release false beliefs, and find delight in every conversation.
- True bliss is unconditional and flows from within, unaffected by life's ups and downs.
Triggers can be opportunities to experience deeper delight in relationships.
Today, we discuss how illusory beliefs of separation, if triggered, actually reveal delight so that the individual can experience delight in relationships. To illustrate this with a practical example, let's say Person A is having a conversation with Person B. Person B says something that unintentionally triggers Person A by using a particular word. This word is triggering to Person A, who then has an opportunity at that moment to release identification with the belief associated with that word. By assigning meaning to that particular word, Person A may generate a fight or flight response. However, if they release that illusion of separation-based belief, delight continues to be experienced as a wonderful, flow-based conversation.
Psalm 37:4 states, "Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart." Delight, like desire in particular biblical passages, refers to "of God" or "from God," as "de" derives from the Latin word "de," which means "of" and "from." We even see this, for example, in Portuguese, with the city in Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, which means "River of January." Therefore, we can experience a trigger as an opportunity point to experience and witness the delight of God in action.
To discuss this in a way that I trust is beneficial for you, I titled today's conversation "I Got Triggered into Delight." Today, I would like to discuss my relationship with the shadow aspects—the subconscious parts—to bring delight to them. When speaking of the shadow, which is not something to fear, shame, or condemn, these are aspects that the person may have suppressed or denied, maybe because they think that they may be considered socially unacceptable.
A perfect example would be a person looking to start a conversation with someone they genuinely desire to talk to. There is nothing wrong with that if they genuinely desire it; they get to do it and enjoy doing it. However, let's say they are about to speak with the person, and emotions begin to arise. The individual then interprets those emotions in a way that holds them back, which is an illusion, as the emotions are energy in motion and don't actually hold the person back. They may think, "This person will reject me," and this means "not good enough" or "not worthy." These are thoughts that arise from a belief, which appears only in the mind. If identified with, the person might not allow themselves to talk to this person. In behaviors, it can manifest as hesitation, not being present, or not allowing themselves to be, forgetting that their true nature is love, happiness, peace, bliss, and fulfillment—unconditionally and not conditioned by appearances, which includes thoughts that are appearances.
If thoughts appear in the mind, then they are not who you are. Consider this for a moment: one moment, the person may think it's easy to start this conversation, and in another moment, they might say it's difficult. If they explore why, they'll come up with reasons why it's easy or why it's difficult. So, what remains constant in both scenarios? Pure delight. You remain the same.
Another key point is projection. An example would be if a person is quick to judge others as selfish; it might be a reflection of their own subconscious beliefs. This is thinking in terms of separation, which belongs to what the Bible refers to as the old self.
You are pure delight, and there's no separation between desire and having—realize you already have love, happiness, peace, and fulfillment.
In another moment, a person might say it's difficult to start a conversation with someone. If they explore why, they'll come up with reasons why it’s easy or why it’s difficult. What remains constant in both scenarios is that pure delight remains the same. Another key point is projection. For example, if a person is quick to judge others as selfish, it might reflect their own subconscious beliefs. This is thinking in terms of separation, which the Bible refers to as the old man—a false identity construct. It is untrue, unreal, and illusory, as there is no separation in reality. It only appears that way for the theater of God, whose will is good, perfect, and pleasing.
The fact that you exist is unconditional love, happiness, peace, bliss, and fulfillment. I am equals love, happiness, peace, bliss, and fulfillment. There’s no separation between desire and having; desire means having. For instance, I don't need love, happiness, peace, bliss, fulfillment; I have it. Being triggered into delight means being triggered into wholeness, realizing that I am love, happiness, peace, bliss, and fulfillment. Why does a person think otherwise? They think in terms of separation because they think from identification. It’s not really them thinking. If they were truly thinking, they wouldn’t think in terms of separation. As these identifications are released, the person gets to have the conversation they desire without needing validation from it.
For example, if a person goes up to someone to get to know them and asks for their phone number, and the person says, "I'm not interested," it doesn’t affect them. They remain as they are. Often, in such scenarios, as they don’t react, the person ends up giving them the phone number. This is interesting because what we’re looking for is delight. If triggered into delight, one accepts that they are pure delight, and then delight appears. As stated in Psalm 37:4, "Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart."
If triggered by an appearance, one releases that identification in the moment, putting off the former conversation which belongs to the old man. This allows one to be as they are created, in the perfect image of the Creator, without thinking in terms of separation. These are illusory thoughts that can appear only in the mind, which are untrue and unreal, and can be released.
Another important aspect is that the shadow isn’t scary or bad; those are beliefs about the shadow. What is there to fear when your true nature is love, happiness, peace, bliss, and fulfillment? Again, no shame and condemnation. The practice is to release in the moment. When triggered into delight, one can witness delight anywhere. There’s only God, as stated in 1 John 1:5, "This then is the message which we have heard from him and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all." So, what about darkness? Psalm 82:5 states, "They have neither knowledge nor understanding; they walk about in darkness." This means the darkness is the absence of knowledge and understanding.
Turn inward to find delight; your true nature is love, happiness, peace, and fulfillment.
Beliefs about the shadow raise the question: what is there to fear when your true nature is love, happiness, peace, bliss, and fulfillment? There should be no shame and condemnation. The practice is to release in the moment. When I got triggered into delight, I can witness delight anywhere because there's only God. As stated in 1 John 1:5, "This then is the message which we have heard from him and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all." So again, God is light and in him is no darkness at all.
What about darkness then? Psalm 82:5 states, "They have neither knowledge nor understanding; they walk about in darkness." This means the darkness is the screen of space. What is there to be afraid of on the screen of space? Why would the individual identify with the appearances on the screen of space or the darkness of the screen of space? The person is identified with illusions of separation. Through spiritual amnesia, they forgot the truth that they are pure delight created in the perfect image of the Creator. They see what appears—the conversation, the person, the environment, etc.—as perhaps an adversary.
If you go into the etymology of the word adversary, we see that it comes from a Latin word which means "to turn toward." Here, what is being proposed is to turn inward. Turn inward to receive delight from within. The source of delight is within, and the source of delight is God. Again, 1 John 1:5 states, "This then is the message which we have heard from him and declare unto you, that God is light and in him is no darkness at all."
Practically, how does this work? On my screen here are the Robert Dilts logical levels. You have a vision, ideal harmonious relationships, having a lavish, steady, dependable income consistent with integrity and mutual benefit. This identity here transforms to be the way you are. This does not mean to pretend to be someone that you're not. You are love, happiness, peace, bliss, and fulfillment. This identity transforms as I get triggered into delight. These beliefs automatically appear to change as I get triggered into delight.
Where are the opportunities then to be triggered into delight? They may appear on the bridge of incidents; they may or may not appear. They may only appear if there's identification in capabilities, behaviors, and environments. Capabilities mean skill cultivation, behaviors mean habits, and in the upcoming videos, I would like to discuss habits—authentic habits that manifest a flow-based bridge of incidents to actualizing the vision rather than one of stress, confusion, frustration, pointing fingers, and blaming this world. This is a result of identification as the person has not realized that the adversary can be acknowledged as triggering into delight.
The person thinks, let's say, adversary means to turn outward, point fingers, blame the person, blame the environment, blame the circumstance. It's an opportunity to release that identification and turn inward. Practically speaking, I don't need approval or validation from this appearance. I don't need confirmation of the fact that I am love, happiness, peace, bliss, and fulfillment. Thus, nothing appears to deny your vision as I turn inward. I appeared to get triggered—that's okay. I got triggered into delight, and the identification is released.
For example, the entrepreneur may desire to develop direct response marketing skills, consultative selling skills, and copywriting skills. These are capabilities, and they apply these skills that they learn in their environments, simply put, into their business. So if the individual is about to start the conversation with the prospect yet they are triggered by particular beliefs in mind, what do we do? Number one, become aware of it through cause and effect reflection, for example.
Turn inward, release false beliefs, and find delight in every conversation.
As I turn inward, I appeared to get triggered, but that's okay because I got triggered into delight and the identification is released. For example, the entrepreneur may desire to develop direct response marketing skills, consultative selling skills, and copywriting skills. These are capabilities, and they apply these skills that they learn in their environments, simply put, into their business.
If the individual is about to start the conversation with the prospect yet they are triggered by particular beliefs in mind, what do we do? Number one, become aware of it through cause and effect reflection. For example, if the person thinks, "When I start conversations with people, the way they look at me implies they're not interested," that way of thinking appears only in mind as it arises from a belief that appears only in mind. They can then purify the subconscious mind from the illusory belief through auto-suggestion: "People accept me the way that I am. I accept them the way they are. I enjoy conversations with people. They enjoy conversations with me. I bring infinite delight to the conversation. They bring infinite delight to the conversation. We share delight in conversation," or something like that. This releases the illusions of separation.
Then what happens? They get to start the conversation. It's easy for them to start the conversation, and they enjoy starting the conversation. During the conversation, as they remain in their flow, they further cultivate the capabilities. They may even go back to the sources of information that they were studying, such as consultative selling information, and they might not consider some of that information anymore as they discover their own style of doing it, which is authentic and true. During the conversation, they may also be triggered into delight. The person may say something which they interpret as rejection, as being not good enough, or as people not accepting them, which is an illusion as there's no separation in reality. It only appears as separation through the five senses—this body, that body, here, there. It appears that way for the theater of God, the good, perfect, pleasing will of God.
So then we apply Romans 12:2: "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." They became aware through cause and effect reflection. They have given false cause, you could say, to the effect because they were thinking from identification to an untrue belief in mind. The true cause is God's perfect and pleasing will. They got triggered into releasing that false cause—the belief that resulted in that effect of reactivity. They release the identification, and so what happens is authentic being, living authentically, which appears as unconditional. For example, they get to have the conversation, they get to enjoy the conversation; they're unconditional. The bliss of pure awareness is intrinsic.
That's what I mean by I got triggered into delight. The appearance of the adversary triggered into delight. Adversary again to turn inward. The individual now turns inward. This is then experienced as what we've been discussing lately as I am love, happiness, peace, bliss, fulfillment, unconditional bliss. This bliss is unconditional, meaning it is not subject to the appearances of ups and downs of life. It remains constant regardless of external circumstances because it is rooted in the very nature of being. Inner peace is also experienced—a deep sense of inner peace and fulfillment where fears and anxieties don't exist, leading to a profound sense of serenity and, as a result, freedom from suffering. One transcends the judgment of success versus failure.
True bliss is unconditional and flows from within, unaffected by life's ups and downs.
Love, happiness, peace, bliss, and fulfillment are all aspects of a state of being that is unconditional. This bliss is unconditional, meaning it is not subject to the appearances of ups and downs of life. It remains constant regardless of external circumstances because it is rooted in the very nature of being. Inner peace is also experienced as a deep sense of inner peace and fulfillment, where fears and anxieties don't exist. This profound sense of serenity results in freedom from suffering as one transcends the judgment of success versus failure.
For example, when having a conversation with someone, one doesn't judge by appearances. If the person gives their phone number, great; if they don't, that's also great. If a client wants to do a deal, great; if not, that's also fine. They remain in their flow, living authentically. The practical results of this mindset in business are significant. The individual is not afraid to make sales calls or do marketing if that’s what they truly desire. If they don't desire to do that, it’s fine as well. This doesn't mean the business won't succeed. They can automate, delegate, optimize, or eliminate parts of it, doing aspects they enjoy and bringing on others to handle tasks like appointment setting.
The solutions are always built on the foundation of authenticity. This means not forcing anyone to do anything they don't want to do. Additionally, there is no need to go looking for triggers. If they appear on the journey to manifesting the vision, one gets triggered into delight, releasing the identification with illusory, untrue beliefs of separation, which then dissolve, changing the appearance.
For instance, when starting conversations, one genuinely desires to engage and speak publicly. After conversations, if an individual shames or condemns their behaviors, capabilities, and environments, it’s another opportunity to release identification. In that moment, one should not think those untrue thoughts anymore. If strong emotions arise, practice emotional release as discussed in the video on the 7-day mental and emotional diet.
When a person behaves, the word "behave" can be seen as "be" and "have." Be is you—unconditional love, happiness, peace, bliss, fulfillment. What happens then is you have the appearances and experiences of love, happiness, peace, bliss, and fulfillment. When someone says "behave," it means to be as you are, and it appears as having everything. As stated in the Bible, "Seek ye first the kingdom, and all these things shall be added unto you." Seeking validation, approval, or confirmation of being love, happiness, peace, bliss, and fulfillment before, during, and after conversations is illusory and not real.
If a person is triggered, that’s okay. They get triggered into delight, knowing that they are love, happiness, peace, bliss, and fulfillment. The capabilities and skills they seek to cultivate develop naturally in a flow-based way. They enjoy cultivating the skill of sales, and their behaviors become authentic. Future videos will discuss forming these authentic habits that facilitate a flow-based journey to manifesting your vision. For entrepreneurs, it’s about choosing an authentic path, which is the magic path of intuition and the reality of God’s good, perfect, and pleasing will.
Regarding shadow subconscious parts, if opportunities arise on the journey, one should not fear being triggered. As love, happiness, peace, bliss, and fulfillment, fear is a result of identification with illusory beliefs of separation. If a trigger appears, there should be no shame or condemnation. Be still, practice auto-suggestion, emotional release, or any activity that helps release identification, like jumping jacks or walks in nature. Getting triggered into delight means that anything triggering you is actually leading you to be more as you are.
In conclusion, an auto-suggestion to encourage this mindset could be: "I know that I am love, happiness, peace, bliss, fulfillment. Thus, everything appears to be in harmony and in contribution to being as I am, manifesting as harmonious relationships, environments, skill cultivation, and behaviors that represent authentic living." Acknowledging the true source of delight within transforms outer appearances to be in harmony with delight. For a copy of this mind map, the link is in the description. Thank you for watching. Take care.