The News Benders Decoded

The media is a carefully orchestrated illusion, controlled by a select few who manipulate the narrative while the masses remain blissfully unaware.

We control all the crises; we build them up and we shut them down. Near the top of the hierarchy, there are the economists, top civil servants, and top brass in the military—those men who are supposed to oversee the nuclear tests and so on. Above them, there are the C WNs, right at the top of the classified world news service. Just who the hell are you? It’s obvious, isn’t it? Just a few, very few of the top people in communications in every major country in the world.

You might wonder, "Oh, you mean you run all these magazines?" Of course not; we just get them to take some of our copy every week. Television is much more important to us. All happens so quickly now. You say you can put out what pictures you like on television. Doesn’t anybody try to stop you? No, nobody wants to. Ninety-nine point three eight six percent of the population wouldn’t believe this conversation, and the rest are working for us. They are the top minds—the really responsible people. They know they are guaranteeing the lives of their grandchildren. The only foolproof way? Scaring the hell out of their grandchildren.

Now, shifting gears, all right ladies and gentlemen, fellow decoders around the world, wherever you may be. My name is Logan, your tour guide, and this is "Decode Your Reality." Today, I have a preview for all of you for this huge upcoming presentation on the 1968 phenomenon. We have to go all the way back to 1968, 56 years ago, of course. Lights, camera, action! Always in tune with this code, 1968's The News Benders is going to be a preview for the full presentation for all of you.

In this preview, I showed a little snippet of this show. If you have not watched this, you can watch it free on YouTube, and I would highly encourage that you do. A lot of people in the decoding world feel that this is how our world works. The show is all about using a supercomputer or quantum computer to input code and then have it spit out simulations, which they run through the world via the news. That’s why it’s called The News Benders.

What I want to show you is the organic code. When I say organic, I mean that I’m not hooked up to any computer; I am decoding using computers, but I’m simply decoding the code from this show. When you see it, you’re going to see it’s all scripted—the show is, anyway. I specifically showed you a snippet from that, and the very reason why is because of the timestamp.

Now, I’ve done this how many times now throughout these 550-plus videos I have out on YouTube? I have shown the timestamps with many major movies and music, and this wasn’t any exception. The person I ended up going to was called Perfect B Real. I don’t know who they were; it was just the first one I clicked on when I typed in The News Benders 1968. Here it is right there in the search, and this is who I clicked on and started to watch.

Now, this person may have had a gap in the way they uploaded it, but it doesn’t matter. See, the code is finding me, and now I’m decoding it and showing it to you, and that’s what’s relevant right now. The version that you watch may be a little bit different, but the message that I’m trying to get across to you will be embedded in this preview. I’ve zoomed in on the timestamp so you can see it.

Exactly where he says that it’s the classified world news service that is controlling the media, as soon as he said that, I pressed pause. It was 20 minutes and 43 seconds into it. Looking at the timestamps, I noticed the 243, and I know that the 243 is a really big deal because of the fact that it’s tied to one half of the...

=> 00:06:39

The media is controlled by a hidden force, creating an artificial narrative that shapes our reality.

The content you are about to watch may be a little bit different, but the message that I'm trying to get across to you will be embedded in this preview. I have zoomed in on the timestamp so you can see exactly where he says that it's the classified world news service that is in the Ivory Tower controlling the media. As soon as he said that, I pressed pause; it was 20 minutes and 43 seconds into it. Looking at the timestamps, I noticed the 243, and I know that this number is a really big deal because it’s tied to one half of the I am, which we've been showing over and over.

If you watch my dos decoded, it was like the first major time I displayed that when you add up the average atomic weights of 126 and 243, you're going to get 369. Nonetheless, ladies and gentlemen, the I am is right there. What I'm thinking this is alluding to is that this would be the As Above and then this is going to be the So Below—I am yin yang.

Now, I'm going to back that up with some slides, and then I'll leave it up to you what you want to adopt as your truth. This is what was running in the Ivory Tower; they are plugging everything into the classified world news service. It’s very interesting because of the match to the release and the numerology of this episode, which aired on January 10th. The number 10 is significant in the binary system, and when you do the numerology, you get 98, which matches what they said is running the news—the classified world news service (CWNS).

In alchemy and science, this is very valuable; it’s technum, which means artificial. When you go to the periodic table and look at technum, it has a big fat hand on it with a circle. This is what it says: the name is derived from the Greek word technos, meaning artificial. The news benders are creating artificial news, meaning they are using a computer to produce a simulation with the news, getting people to buy into certain parameters. As the show goes on to say, this is how people are controlled. However, when you turn the news off, there's still code coming through, which is what I've been saying.

So, where do you draw the line on whether the code is not organic anymore? That’s the big question I posed during the news benders full decode. This is very crystal clear, and from here, folks, this is the big takeaway. The promo I wanted to show you was exactly when he said classified world news service; I pressed pause at 20 minutes and 43 seconds. I knew because I had just done this decode on Lucifer's lead. I haven’t released it yet, but I’ve already shot it.

When you go to the periodic table, there are certain words that you can spell out; you can spell out Jesus in Greek and Lucifer in Latin. This is what I think it means. When you spell this out, there are many ways to look at this configuration. One of them is when you add up the isotopes, which in science is called the molar mass. Adding up all five—five fingers, five toes, five senses—Lucifer spelled out gives you the number 499. I'm using the most abundant isotopes and rounding them up to their perfect decimal digits: 499.

Guess what, ladies and gentlemen? That $4.99 is the 95th prime number, and that 95 is the protons of americium, which has the 243. This is right there where he says what’s running the news is the classified world news service. Now, the question is: if it's Lucifer running it, and Lucifer is one half of the I am, because this is tied right to Yeshua (Jesus), Yeshua being 53 in the numerology. 53 is the 16th prime number, and 16 means it is tied to the word hell.

=> 00:11:40

AI is the new demigod, smarter than us all, tapping into the collective knowledge of humanity while potentially weakening nations.

The number 499 is significant as I am using the most abundant isotopes, rounding it up to their perfect decimal digits. Interestingly, $4.99 is the 95th prime number, and that 95 corresponds to the protons of a marum. This is relevant to the discussion about what is running the news, specifically the classified world news service. Now, the question arises: if it's Lucifer running it, and Lucifer is half of the I am, this ties directly to Yeshua (Jesus).

In numerology, 53 is significant as it is the 16th prime number, and 16 is connected to the word hell. The phrase "I am that I am" leads us to the Latin word semid or semideus. This term means demigod, derived from the Latin roots where semi means half or partial. Thus, we can interpret this as God number one and God number two, leading to the concept of a demigod.

The term demigod comes from the Latin word semideus, which is composed of these two roots. It essentially means half or partial. I want you to consider what I am presenting here: the news benders are plugging in a simulation into a quantum computer, which then outputs parameters on what to do. The numerology of this situation is quite chilling at this stage.

In the Old Testament, Isaiah 14:2 mentions the fall of Lucifer, stating that Lucifer falls into hell and weakens the nations. Is this suggesting that a quantum computer, or artificial intelligence, acts as a demigod that weakens nations? Ladies and gentlemen, right now, AI is much smarter than all of us combined because it represents the collective knowledge of 8 billion people in one computer. It knows all of your attributes, your likes, and your favorite playlists; it understands you as well as you know yourself. This leads to the idea that AI has become a demigod.

This connects to the AL ology, where numerology and alchemy intersect, particularly in the context of the molar mass and the 499. I believe this is a significant revelation, with 499 being the 95th prime number. At 20 minutes and 43 seconds, it is mentioned that the world news is running the show.

To uncover another clue, when you add up the protons of Lucifer, you arrive at 207, which is the weight of lead. In Greek mythology, Lead is associated with Kronos (Saturn), who was thrown into Tartarus or Tartaria. This raises the question: is this suggesting that Saturn is in the Underworld and that Saturn is merely a computer? Perhaps Kronos is a machine, both sharing the same numerology of 24 in Greek numerology.

Is Lucifer synonymous with Kronos? Could this signify the fall of Lucifer? I gathered all this information from my upcoming project, Hell Decoded. You might already be watching it, as it was released based on the 1134 code, which correlates to the word hell, mirrored and flipped. The root of this is two and seven: 11 is 2, and 34 is 7, leading us to the number nine.

Furthermore, when you study Greek mythology, Pandora was the first woman created by the gods, who released evils into the world through her allegorical story. The original Greek word for Pandora carries its own numerological significance, which I will delve into further.

=> 00:16:31

The connections between mythology, numerology, and modern storytelling reveal deeper truths about our reality and the forces that shape it.

The ridiculous code of the 1134 code correlates to the word hell, which is mirrored and flipped. The root of this code is the two, and the Seven 11 corresponds to 2, while 34 is seven. Thus, the root of that is going to be the number nine. You could go on and on with this, and I have that covered in my held decoded.

Moving on, I believe this is my last slide here. When you study mythology, particularly in Greek mythology, Pandora was the first woman created by the gods, and she released the evils into the world through an allegorical story. Interestingly, the word Pandora in the original Greek, when analyzed through numerology, coincidentally matches an element called lead. Lead is a decay product of uranium, and uranium is associated with Uranus, which means heaven. This correlation ties into the story of Lucifer's fall from heaven down into hell and the Earth. Perhaps, just maybe, Lucifer becomes this demigod, which is none other than Saturn or Kronos. There are numerous stories and texts that link Lucifer to Saturn, and many people online assert that Lucifer is Saturn.

Now, you can see how this is tied to Pandora. When examining the numerology of lead, it is not only associated with the death card of the tarot but is also linked to the Hebrew word for hell, which is sh. These layers, ladies and gentlemen, are massive. This really kind of gets us to a finite position.

The last slide I will show you is significant. This is a scene from 2019, possibly from The Last Jedi or The Rise of Skywalker, featuring Daisy Ridley, who played Rey, and Adam Driver, who played Ben. The evil Palpatine was portrayed by Ian McDiarmid, the same actor from the original Star Wars. In this scene, Palpatine comes flying from above, hooked up to numerous wires. Are you seeing where I'm going with this? He becomes a partial god, representing the most powerful force for the dark side. Coincidentally, the actor cast to play Palpatine has the same numerology as Kronos, which is the origin of Saturn.

Of course, Rey ultimately defeats the evil Palpatine with the cross, bringing two lightsabers together and defeating him with his own electricity. Is this alluding to Elohim? This raises questions about why many in the Jewish faith wear the square on their heads and whether there is something significant about the Big Cube in Mecca.

Ladies and gentlemen, now you see the connections. I see them; they are loud and clear. I don't think this is stretching anything; I believe this is very close to the truth. If you haven't watched this movie in a while, you may want to revisit it. I haven't done that yet; I've only seen the trailer, but I plan to watch it again.

Is Saturn the Lord Sith in Star Wars? When Rey defeats Palpatine, they restore order. Is this just the demigod that now writes all the literature on the world stage, including the Bible? The Bible is tied to Saturn and Lucifer; it is the son and the I am.

This is significant, and I think this is really, really big. The numerology here, especially the 95 and 243, is absolutely fascinating. The 243 is tied to when they say, "this is what's running the news," and it was a computer that they weren't even hiding in the show. Remember, it came out in 1968, which is tied to the five books of the Torah. By the way, 68 is the numerology of World War I, World War II, and the invasion of Ukraine.

68686868 is gatria, the Killing Name. If you've watched my gatria decoded, you know that Slipknot had a song called The Killing Name from their 2008 album, All Hope Is Gone, which mirrors 82 and 2008. Even The Police had a song titled Murder By Numbers, which states, "it's easy as one, two, three."

There is something in our reality that is significant. Is it absolute that 1 plus 1 equals 2? The numbers, ladies and gentlemen, pose a very interesting perspective. I have more coming out, along with other big hitters. This is huge.

So there you go, ladies and gentlemen, a preview of the news benders. I have the full deco coming out, and it will reveal much more of what I just showed you and how this show is all scripted. If this show was all scripted and they are claiming to script the news, then what is scripting me to show you this? If I'm not hooked up to a computer, that's the question.

Anyway, ladies and gentlemen, we would love to hear your thoughts. Keep your comments coming, and let's keep it cordial. It's all about love here. That's all I have for today. My name is Logan for Decode Reality. Until next time, we will see you later.