Robert Edward Grant & Aaron Abke Decode The Secrets Of The Pyramids
Table of contents
- Change is the key to evolution; even the best can be reimagined for something greater.
- Humanity's story is intricately woven with the mysteries of Orion, revealing a cosmic connection that transcends time and space.
- Time is a Mobius strip, intertwining our past and future within the DNA of our existence, revealing that every experience is a step in our hero's journey toward transcendence.
- Embrace the duality of loving yourself while nurturing the world around you; growth comes from understanding, not conquering.
- The journey of Horus teaches us that true wisdom comes from merging intuition with rationality; it's about balancing the spiritual and the physical to unlock our superconscious mind.
- Life is a sacred game of cycles, where we rise and fall through dimensions, constantly reshaping our stories and connections as we transition from one era to another.
- The journey of enlightenment is about choosing love over the need to be right, transforming our understanding of truth and connection.
- To truly understand ourselves, we must embrace the shadows within us; only then can we evolve and expand our consciousness beyond the limits we currently perceive.
- Astrology isn't just about your sun sign; it's a complex tapestry of 48 constellations, revealing deeper layers of your cosmic identity.
- Investing in technology can unlock limitless possibilities and elevate your vision to the next level.
- Unlocking the mysteries of ancient art reveals a hidden geometry that elevates our consciousness.
- Once you see the hidden connections in Da Vinci's work, you can't unsee them; it's a whole new lens on history and art.
- Da Vinci's hidden symbols reveal a secret dialogue between faith and culture, encrypted in art and architecture, waiting for the world to unlock their mysteries.
- You never know how your journey will connect with others; when you're aligned with your purpose, the universe opens doors you never imagined.
- The walls of ancient structures are not just stone; they are a cosmic map, revealing the secrets of the zodiac and connecting us to the universe in ways we are only beginning to understand.
- The connection between ancient symbols and modern art reveals that the illusion of separation between masculine and feminine is just that—an illusion.
- The true power lies in harmonizing the masculine and feminine energies within us, awakening our inner divinity to elevate our consciousness.
- The real game of life is to love everything unconditionally, without judgment, because what you resist only persists.
- We're living in a world where symbols and numbers intertwine, revealing hidden connections that challenge our perception of reality.
- The universe is full of hidden patterns and symbols; once you start seeing them, you realize the Matrix has been cracked open.
- We're all waking up to hidden symbols and connections in the world around us; the truth is more layered than we ever imagined.
- The pyramids are not just ancient structures; they are cosmic maps and initiation centers, revealing the interconnectedness of astrology, DNA, and time.
- The Great Pyramid is not just a tomb; it's a cosmic clock and spiritual gateway, revealing the interconnectedness of time, space, and our spiritual evolution.
- The hidden symbols in the pyramids reveal a cosmic connection, waiting for the right energy to unlock their secrets.
- Sometimes the most incredible discoveries are hidden in plain sight; you just need to look with fresh eyes.
- The only limits we face are the ones we create in our own minds; change the world by embodying the change you wish to see.
- Change the world by being the change you want to see; judgment kills love, but love transforms everything.
Change is the key to evolution; even the best can be reimagined for something greater.
I’m going to kick it off with this: I was at Gaia last week to film a show, and I went to dinner with a mutual friend of ours, Jason Liot, who produced Codex. During our conversation, we discussed a number of topics, and you came up. He was talking about Codex Season 2. When I was with you in May, you told me about Codex Season 1, and after all the things you showed me, I was like, "Oh my gosh, I can't wait to dive into this show!" My wife and I watched it over a couple of nights, getting through all eight episodes in about three or four nights, and we absolutely loved it. It was an amazing show with amazing information.
While talking with Jason last week, he mentioned, "Yeah, we're about to drop Codex Season 2 very soon." He said, "We've completely redone the show; it's very different from the first season." I’m super excited about it because I thought, "Wow, the first season was so good; why would you even want to change it?" However, I trust Jason, as he is an artist himself and a producer.
The Codex show that you filmed with Gaia really delves into this Da Vinci Code stuff. So, I was curious if you could share any little secrets about what you will be exploring in Codex Season 2.
To give you some context, the first season was done by another mutual friend of mine and Jason, Sid Goldberg. Sid is great, and I think we did pretty well with our first-year vision; I was pretty happy with it. However, when Jason took on the responsibility, my work started to converge with Ancient Civilizations, which is their flagship show. They wanted this work to have a seamless integration into Ancient Civ, and Jason ended up becoming my producer for it. He also works on all of Matias's shows, and there’s a convergence with Matias's work as well.
As for my involvement, I will be on Ancient Civ this year, participating in six episodes of the new season. There will be a big profile on some of my recent discoveries and theories related to the Tower of Babel, among other topics. Just today, there was more information released regarding new Orion correlation sites being found. I've already discovered three new sites this year, and other researchers around the world are also finding them. There seems to be a sort of Orion resurrection happening right now, no pun intended, as Orion is also associated with Cyrus. Interestingly, just today, Meta announced their new vision for glasses, and they are called Orion, which is quite funny.
Can I ask you a question about this? I want to get your take on it. I can't remember if you mentioned that you have read The Law of One or not.
I have read The Law of One.
Okay, so you’re familiar with the fact that Ra refers to the Orion group as the negatively polarized ET group. Whether it’s all the stars in Orion or just one that has a negative planet, who knows? But the negative ETs are supposedly the closest to us, being the Orion group. Given that there has been a significant amount of negative infringement on our planet by the service-to-self polarity, I’m curious about the Nazca lines. Supposedly, those were asked about by Ra in The Law of One, and Ra stated that those are symbols from a negative polarity ET race.
This raises the question: Is it possible that all these sites you’re finding—when you say you’re finding multiple sites—are related to star alignments?
Yes, the sites I’m discovering are megalithic sites that feature large blocks of stone, which are often carved and inscribed or have petroglyphs. Their locations and orientations in relation to one another form Orion’s Belt. For instance, I discovered one in a large correlation almost a kilometer apart in Florianópolis, Brazil, on the magical island of Fanopoulos. I also found one in Copan, Thailand, and another in Talot Temple, which is broken into three locations in Bali.
I have photos of these on my computer.
Humanity's story is intricately woven with the mysteries of Orion, revealing a cosmic connection that transcends time and space.
The discussion revolves around the discovery of megalithic sites that align with star constellations, particularly Orion's Belt. The speaker mentions finding multiple sites, including those in Floring, Brazil, on the magic island of Fanopoulos, and Copan, Thailand. Additionally, they discovered a site at Talot Temple in Bali, which is broken into three locations, also correlating with Orion. The speaker expresses astonishment at how these sites are revealing themselves, suggesting a deeper connection to the story of humanity that intertwines with the history of Orion.
The speaker provides a quick summation of their findings, stating that Orion has been an enigmatic constellation for mankind, despite not being part of the traditional zodiac. They explain that it lies on the plane of the ecliptic, with its opposite sign, Ophiuchus, positioned just above and below this plane. This raises the question of whether there could be a 13th or 14th zodiac sign, highlighting the fundamental nature of this inquiry.
The speaker notes that while the 13th sign is often discussed, no zodiac has an opposite sign like Virgo does with Pisces. They elaborate on how the characteristics of these signs have influenced the last 2,000 years, particularly during the Pisces Age. This period has been interwoven with themes of guilt and shame, especially concerning sexuality, as exemplified by the Virgin birth narrative and the veneration of the Virgin Mary. These elements are directly related to the zodiacal transitions and the precession of the equinoxes.
The speaker explains that as we move through the precession of the equinoxes, we experience a backward motion in time, where one degree of rotation corresponds to one day in our calendar year. They clarify that there are 365 solar days and 354 lunar days in a year, and when averaged, these figures yield 360 days. This observation aligns with the ancient Egyptian calendar, which comprised 360 days plus an additional five-day catch-up period.
Furthermore, the speaker discusses the accuracy of these calculations, noting that the solar year averages 365.4 days and the lunar year has 354.6 days. Together, these figures total 720 days, which, when divided by two, confirms the 360-day calendar. They metaphorically compare this cyclical nature of time to a DNA strand, suggesting that time operates similarly to a Möbius strip. This analogy implies that all past and future incarnations are embedded within this structure, emphasizing the interconnectedness of time and existence.
Time is a Mobius strip, intertwining our past and future within the DNA of our existence, revealing that every experience is a step in our hero's journey toward transcendence.
Right, think of it like that. Then you've got this rotation that has to continue, and so it cuts off at the center—right at the center of the DNA strand. Because time is DNA as well, it's like a blockchain of all of our emotions that is the shape of DNA. Time totally, totally—it's a Mobius strip. DNA is a Mobius strip as well.
Okay, right. It's a strip that you might have seen when you were in school. You know, they'd say, "Okay, take one of these strips of paper, and then if you twist it and then twist it again, then you could drive a car on both sides of the strip." Right? The twisting allows that. That's called a Mobius strip. So, you could say that time is like DNA, and DNA is the Mobius strip as well. All of our past incarnations and all of our future incarnations are embedded within the information superstructure of our DNA.
Yep. So, you don't have to remember all these things as some memory that's inside your brain; it all gets unlocked by raising your frequency through our own DNA. Yeah, that's a huge point, man. That's not a small point. I think a lot of people in the spiritual world get that wrong, and they think, "Oh no, you know, remembering past lives, ancestral healing—that means having the conscious memory of it and healing." You know, it's like, "Well, it's a little more complicated than that."
Right? They say, "Isn't it 99% of our DNA junk DNA?" Yeah, I think there's no such thing as real junk, though. That junk is valuable, right? Those are the past lives. So, I think what's going on right now is the storyline of Orion, which is the story of humanity. Humanity goes through this 24,000-year cycle. As we go forward in procession, one day is one degree, but as we are going forward, we're also going backward simultaneously because it's like a Mobius strip or like a Klein bottle in mathematics.
So, the time for it to go backward is just that the cycle is much longer. That cyclic time turns out to be 72 years for every one degree. For every one degree, we experience 72 years of our time when we're on the long side of the cycle. We've just completed the long side of the cycle. When you're having fun, time goes by faster; when you're not having so much fun, during an Iron Age, it goes by slower.
In the next cycle, instead of having half the cycle be 13,000 years, which approximately is what it is—12,960 years—the next half of the cycle is only 2,080 years. So, that half of that is 11,040 years. We have 11,040 years because time speeds up with time mass, time dilation, and gravitational pull. Why does that happen? Because we get closer to Sirius A, our sister star. Really, Sirius A is 8.6 light years from us.
As we get closer and closer to our sister star, the gravity increases for us, and therefore, time speeds up. Oh, that makes sense, right? You've probably seen the movie Interstellar. They land on the planet, and Einstein's relativity, special relativity, shows that if you're in a place with a very high amount of mass, then you're going to have time dilation effects. Your time is going to speed up. That's why they were on the planet for only 45 minutes next to the black hole, and 23 years passed on the ship that was in the orbit of it.
So, basically, what's happening is we've got a 24,000-year cycle, which is mirroring a cyclic relationship that's all relative also to musical notes in a 24-note scale of what are called quarter-tone notes. We're born in all these different frequencies, and that has an impact on the lives that we have and everything that we experience. What we call destiny is really just the free will of the higher self.
So, in this context, we're all on a hero's journey. The hero's journey is the story of Orion—Orion going through all of his lives and incarnations in the Duat, the world of duality, where the aim of the game is to learn how to transcend the duality, love yourself, and love the world around you, and not try to conquer it. Now, in the early stages of this game, in this cycle, Orion was a conqueror. Orion was the mighty hunter. Orion was a person who was very egoic.
So, all the negative connotations that we hear in the Law of One were very much relative to that period in time. Now, what's happening? Right, so Orion's finally growing up and ascending because mankind is as well. I thought so; that's amazing. Because I always assumed—and maybe I could be wrong about this—but I always assumed when Ra said the Orion group that they meant that's where these ETs are actually from. Right? But with the context you just gave, I don't know about that.
Is an Egyptian character in Egyptian mythology? Oh yeah, Osiris. Orion is Osiris. Yes, okay. Why the two names? Because, well, the Egyptians...
Embrace the duality of loving yourself while nurturing the world around you; growth comes from understanding, not conquering.
Duality: love yourself and love the world around you, and do not try to conquer it. Now, in the early stages of this game, in this cycle, Orion was a conqueror; Orion was the mighty Hunter. Orion was a person who was very egoic. Right? So, all the negative connotations that we hear in the Law of One were very much relative to that period in time. Now, what's happening is that Orion is finally growing up and ascending because mankind is as well.
I thought so; that's amazing! Because I always assumed—and maybe I could be wrong about this—that when Ra mentioned the Orion group, they meant that's where these ETs are actually from. However, with the context you just gave, I don't know about that.
Orion is also an Egyptian character in Egyptian mythology. Oh yeah, Osiris is Orion. Yes, okay. Why the two names? Because the Egyptians referred to their god Osiris and said, "That's Osiris in the sky." They named it Osiris. The name of Orion was ascribed to it by Hungarians and others who used a different name for it, but it's all related back to this same story. Even Ra is connected to this.
Osiris is one eye; Ra is the other eye, correct? Right. So, Osiris had a son, Horus, which is really just his first incarnation as a new life after he was killed by his brother. He was killed by his brother Set, who cut him into 14 parts, missing the 14th part, which was his penis. Most people don't realize this part of the story, but he slept with his brother's wife, Nephthys, who is sort of an archetype of Athena in the Greek pantheon.
So, he slept with his brother's wife, and he ends up being found out. His brother Set, also related to Satan, finds out and gets angry about it because his wife Nephthys gets pregnant with a new child, and that child becomes Anubis, which is related to the underworld as well, like the dog—the dog-man of the underworld.
Oh, the three-headed? No, no, no, it's just one head that you're thinking of—the Cerberus. This is just the one head of Anubis. So, what happens is Set concocts this elaborate plan. He creates this beautiful casket for ceremonial burial and says, "Oh, I made this beautiful casket; whoever can fit in it can have it." Of course, Osiris, boastful Osiris, lays down in the sarcophagus, and then his brother slams the lid shut and nails it shut.
After he dies, Set even cuts him into 14 parts and spreads him across Egypt. The oldest trick in the book, right? Exactly, the oldest trick. So, Isis is heartbroken over the whole story and wants to put him back together. She recruits her sister Nephthys, the one who had an affair with her husband, to go and look for all the pieces of Osiris and put him back together.
They finally put him back together, but they're missing one piece. The legend is that Nephthys kept the last piece for herself or that maybe a fish ate it because it was thrown in the den—some little raunchy humor from ancient Egypt. Fun, right? But no worries, because Isis has a plan. Isis wanted an upgrade anyway, and so she fashioned a new penis for her husband out of quartz crystal.
Oh, out of crystal? What better material could you choose? So now we have the very first personal massage device. I think that was probably the first one—historically, probably. So basically, she fashioned this for him, and then they have sex; they make love, and she gets pregnant with the reincarnation of Osiris.
Because Osiris had been banished to the underworld, he is stuck in the world of duality and is going to get reincarnated over and over again. His first incarnation is as Horus, his son. Wow, dude, Egyptian mythology is like a serious tale! It's definitely a tale, for sure—it's a tale of Noll.
This is amazing! Go ahead and wrap it up, actually. So, he ends up getting reincarnated as Horus, and he wants to avenge his father's death—or his own death, right? So, he picks a fight with Set, and Set ends up plucking out his left eye, which is the left eye of intuition.
Now, the left eye connects by the optic nerve to the right brain, and the right eye connects to the left brain, back to the occipital lobe. So, all he's left with is the Eye of Ra. The right eye of Ra is left intact, and the right eye of Ra is the ability to perceive with the rational mind. The left eye of Horus is the feminine side and the intuition.
The journey of Horus teaches us that true wisdom comes from merging intuition with rationality; it's about balancing the spiritual and the physical to unlock our superconscious mind.
Horus, his son, wow dude, Egyptian mythology is like a serious tale, no doubt. It's definitely a tale, for sure—it's a tale of wonder. This is amazing! So, he ends up getting reincarnated as Horus, and he wants to avenge his father's death or his own death, right? He picks a fight with Set, and Set ends up plucking out his left eye, which is the left eye of intuition.
Now, the left eye connects by the optic nerve to the right brain, while the right eye connects to the left brain, back to the occipital lobe. So, all he's left with is the Eye of Ra. His right eye of Ra remains intact, representing the ability to perceive with the rational mind. In contrast, the Left Eye of Horus symbolizes the feminine side and intuition, which is lost—the spiritual aspect. When you combine the two eyes of perception, then you become a superconscious mind. This is known as hemispheric synchronization of the left and right lobes of the brain, leading to what is referred to as mind-heart coherence.
It's absolutely about heart-brain coherence—100%. When the heart thinks and when the mind feels, that's when the river of wisdom flows; that's where wisdom comes from. So, what happened was that Osiris gets reincarnated. In some cultures, in some legends, and in some mythologies, he's called Orion; in others, he's called Nimrod. He has many different names. In fact, Orion or Osiris is reincarnated many times. Solomon was believed to be one of the incarnations of Orion or Osiris. Melchizedek was also believed to be one of them.
Oh, I didn't know that! Absolutely! In fact, Enoch was believed to be one of them as well. They thought Enoch was a man who became ascended and became Metatron, yes—the Angel. That's a really interesting connection to me, the Enoch-Metatron connection. It's so clear that even in Jesus's day, in the first century, they believed in reincarnation. In three of the four gospels, the disciples ask Jesus, "Are You the reincarnation of Elijah, or Moses, or another prophet?" This was a normal way of thinking for them in the ancient world, and you definitely see this in Egyptian mythology.
When I watched Codex, and you did some episodes on Egyptian mythology, I was blown away by the advancement of Egyptian mythology and what these symbols represent spiritually. For instance, you have Set, who I think represents the devil or ego, chopping up Osiris's body—this symbolizes separation and fragmentation. That's how we get lost in the illusion. Then Horus comes in, and the left eye represents spiritual perception. What does ego do? It plucks it out. Ego tries to rob you of your spiritual perception and leaves you only with cerebral, physical perception.
The whole narrative of Egyptian mythology is about merging both the eyes of Horus and Ra together. That's the way we're meant to live—through divine perception and physical perception. I was seeing all this on the show and thought, "Wow, I never gave it much thought." I knew the Egyptians were advanced, but when I watched their whole mythology and heard it explained, I saw the correlations right away and realized, "Oh my gosh, these people were really tapped into spirituality in that sense."
Absolutely, they were very tapped into spirituality for sure. This whole story is a story of the hero's journey. I believe that the world we live in is not as material and objective as we think. I believe that the world is a mental construct—100%. It is far more about mentalism and subjectivism than it is about objectivism and materialism. I fundamentally believe this. I subscribe to the Hermetic principles, the seven Hermetic principles, and the idea that all is mind—the all is mental.
I think this is what this narrative is telling us. We go through ages of time where mankind is meant to ascend; that's the whole point. We go through cycles where we have avatars that have more access to higher-dimensional knowledge and wisdom, and then we have cycles where we downgrade and end up living in avatars that are dimensionally limited. This is part of the cycle of what I would call the sacred game—the Sanctus ludus, the sacred game of life. This cycle we are going through is why the hero's journey is so profound. Joseph Campbell was able to identify it across tens of thousands of stories throughout humanity. I'm not just talking about movies; I'm talking about the deeper narratives of life.
Life is a sacred game of cycles, where we rise and fall through dimensions, constantly reshaping our stories and connections as we transition from one era to another.
I think this is what this is telling us: we go through ages of time where mankind is meant to ascend. That's the whole point. We experience cycles where we have avatars that have more access to higher dimensional knowledge and wisdom, and then we have cycles where we downgrade and become, you know, where we end up living in avatars that are dimensionally limited. This is part of the cycle of this game that I would call the sacred game, or what I refer to as the Sanctus ludus—the sacred Game of Life.
This cycle that we're going through is why the hero's journey is so profound. Joseph Campbell was able to identify it across tens of thousands of stories throughout humanity. I'm not just talking about movies; I'm referring to all the stories that have been passed on at campfires, by word of mouth, by humanity for thousands of years. All of these stories actually follow the hero's journey construct—it's the same story told over and over again, set against a different backdrop. The backdrop that changes is the Zodiac, which frames what is going to happen, the relevant characters involved, and the set changes we will experience.
Well, right now, if you look at our time window, we are going through a set change for sure. We are transitioning from Pisces to Aquarius. All the things that were relevant in Pisces are shifting. For instance, I just had a meeting with some of my friends in YPO. After 20 plus years in YPO, I decided to resign. YPO is kind of like a CEO club for people who became CEOs before they were 40 years old. It has had a huge impact on my life, and I very much appreciated everything I learned there. I made great friendships, but I realized that I felt like I was drifting away from what was important to my friends in that group.
It's not that I don't love and care for them; I still do more than ever. However, I don't feel like we are resonating in the same way anymore. It just feels like an anachronism, like it's out of place. They understood why I decided to leave, but honestly, I think that's what’s going on in the world right now. We are all experiencing this massive shift.
What Leonardo da Vinci and others did was leave encryptions through time for future generations to find, allowing us to quickly understand what it is that we're playing in this game. It's not dissimilar to the television show on Apple Plus called Foundations. In this show, Harry Sheldon presents a story where civilization is going to go through a period of darkness. It’s set thousands of years ago in a galaxy far, far away from us. He comes out to society and says, “Hey guys, you have this great Empire now, but oh by the way, it’s all coming to an end because we’re going to be in 12,000 years of darkness.”
He emphasizes that we have to store all the information of our culture and civilization in a geometric form, which happens to be a cuboctahedron. This form is significant because Buckminster Fuller, a famous philosopher, geometer, and polymath in the 20th century, referred to it as the vector equilibrium. It is a structure that is an Archimedean solid with an equidistant value from the center point to the vertices of each of these structures. There are 12 vertices, 14 faces, and 24 edges.
Most physicists today believe that the Torus is foundationally this structure. You’ve probably heard of a toroidal field or a Torus field; it represents this structure. The meraba also fits perfectly inside this. The point is that this particular structure represents SpaceTime. It is interesting that when I constructed this before, I always thought of the 12 vertices as being the zodiacs. Would SpaceTime take place on the faces of the outside of it, or does it represent SpaceTime three-dimensionally? It is a Torus field that results from this, so we can't see this Torus field around it, but this is the inner structure that holds a toroidal field in place, which is called a double Torus. It looks like a double donut.
The journey of enlightenment is about choosing love over the need to be right, transforming our understanding of truth and connection.
Taurus is foundationally this structure, so you probably heard of a toroidal field or a Taurus field. It is this structure that the meraba also fits inside perfectly. The point is that this particular thing, this particular structure, represents SpaceTime. It is interesting that when I constructed this before, I always thought of the 12 vertices as being the zodiacs. Would SpaceTime be taking place on the faces of the outside of it, or do you mean it represents SpaceTime three-dimensionally? It's a Taurus field that comes as a result of this.
We can't see this Taurus field around this, but this is the inner structure that holds a toroidal field in place. That's called a double Taurus. It looks like a double donut, right? In physics, that's the best form that we believe in right now for the structure of all SpaceTime. Wow! Within that, it acts like a Möbius strip, like DNA. You could think of it as DNA tightly packed in this toroidal field that's going from the center. We all have a toroidal field as well; our hearts are the center of that toroidal field. Additionally, you've got the crown chakra as well as the solar plexus that are playing roles in that, and you've got past, present, the now, and future. It's a beautiful representation.
There are, after all, 14 sides on this. I always thought that the 12 sides represented the Zodiac. Now I understand that maybe what I was understanding and believing was just one lower-dimensional aspect of this. The higher-dimensional aspect is that the zodiac signs are represented by the 14 faces. What I'm saying is that I believe there's a missing 13th and 14th zodiac sign, and those are at the top of this structure, which is the triangle. The triangle pointed up would represent Orion, and the triangle pointed down would represent Ophiuchus. Fascinating!
I've been talking about this, and in astrology, some people freaked out about it. They were like, "Oh, you can't just change astrology; you're going to ruin everything! Oh my God!" However, now a lot of them, actually like Heather Ensworth and a few others, have spoken publicly about this and started to go in this direction. Additionally, Robert James Comber, who is another well-known astrologer, just wrote a very best-selling book in astrology on all of this.
So, basically, what we have is a storyline to wake us up to the Matrix that we've been living in, which, by the way, was self-imposed. We came here as volunteers; we wanted to be in this. The people that came into this world are in that situation, while others were actually part of this world already. This is a cyclic simulation that I would call a spiritual life simulation game. Everything that I'm saying to you right now ties in together with the Law of One and the Ra contact. I mean, it's kind of mind-boggling, actually.
But you have to understand that Orion is going through his Redemption. Orion was in a state that is now becoming redeemed because he is learning what enlightenment is. Enlightenment for Orion now is understood and being understood to be a context of all of humanity. He is the archetype of humanity. The storyline is that he is starting to understand that enlightenment is when you express love in a way that supersedes and exceeds your desire for one objective truth. You don't need to conquer or be right anymore.
Anyone who's been in a long-term relationship knows that at some point, you have to decide to not care about being right and just to love instead—unless you like breakups, then keep things the same, you know? Yeah, that's true. That is true. It's a tough reality, though. It is, brother, and I've lived it.
Before we get into the Da Vinci stuff, one last question on the Orion 14 archetypes of the zodiac. We know that all the 12 zodiacs each represent a different facet of the human psyche or potential of the human psyche. Obviously, these 13th and 14th zodiacs would also have to represent an aspect of the human psyche. Since you're talking about Orion and kind of like that moving from the negative polarity and the shadow to the positive, do you think that those two, the 13th and 14th, represent a kind of shadow archetype that maybe humanity wasn't ready to embrace?
To truly understand ourselves, we must embrace the shadows within us; only then can we evolve and expand our consciousness beyond the limits we currently perceive.
Unless you like breakups, man, then keep things the same. You know, yeah, that's true. That is true. That's a tough reality, though. It is, brother. And I've lived it.
Before we get into the Da Vinci stuff, I have one last question on the Orion 14 archetypes of the zodiac. We know that all the 12 zodiacs each represent a different facet of the human psyche or potential of the human psyche. Obviously, these 13th and 14th zodiacs would also have to represent an aspect of the human psyche. Since you're talking about Orion and kind of like that moving from the negative polarity and the shadow to the positive, do you think that those two, the 13th and 14th, represent a kind of shadow archetype that maybe humanity wasn't ready to fully see yet?
I think it's actually more like you can't see it without the aid of a mirror. A fire can't burn itself, and a light can't light itself. A tooth can't bite itself. Consciousness can't perceive itself without dividing itself and creating a mirror of that perception. So, you have to have this experience to be able to perceive yourself. That's why we've not been able to perceive what we are, who we are. That's why it's always felt kind of like, "Why are we here? What is this all about? What's the purpose?"
It seems like we've gone through these cycles of cataclysm where every 6,000 or 7,000 years, the whole thing might get wiped out. Maybe that's why we don't have any history beyond 6,000 years old. We're just now starting to see the history, and maybe it's also just because we are dimensionally limited to the fourth dimension until we transcend and realize that love trumps being.
Once we realize that love trumps being, everything starts to shift. You start to get your 5D vision and realize that time goes both forward and backward. You begin to understand that there's a 24,000-year cycle that Plato called the great year. Yes, while we're going forward in time, we're also, at the same time, going backward. It's just a 72-year cycle for each degree that's longer.
But it is going backward. It's like a tourist that's just going all the way back around. We don't see the arc of it because our lifetimes are only about 72 years. So we can't perceive it. It's like not being able to get high up in the sky to be able to perceive that there's a curvature on the Earth. We believe time is linear, so we don't see the nonlinear nature of time. Maybe what we perceive as our distant past might also simultaneously be our distant future.
Oh yes, and we're going through this cycle after cycle after cycle. We have set changes in the backdrop, and in some of these sets, we are intended to be of higher consciousness and less judgment. In others, we're intended to be of lower consciousness and more judgment. You could look at it like chakras; we're going up and down the seven to 24 chakras that are now basically emerging as well. This is all part of the history that was left in the Fifth Dimension, which is now getting to be perceived by the people that move their perception into the Fifth Dimension.
Let me ask you this, Robert. Do you think that there may not even be a limit of zodiac types, but our consciousness has to expand and evolve enough to perceive them? So maybe in the future, in a thousand years or whatever, we discover a 15th and 16th? You know what I mean? Like, do you think that's how the progression probably works?
Oh, there's more than that. The Atlanteans used 48 total constellations for their zodiac. Really? Yep, and they're called the Deacon of astrology. For example, I'm born in Taurus, but I'm actually born in Orion. I'm born in the Orion constellation.
In the Deacon of astrology, this is what's on the Dendera Stela, which was taken off the ceiling at the Dendera Temple of Hathor and taken to the Louvre in Paris. On that, there are 48 total constellations. So you've got all the normal 12 that we all know about, right? Taurus, Leo, Cancer, etc. But then each one is broken down into three subsets, and those subsets are the Deacon. So within Taurus, there is something called...
Astrology isn't just about your sun sign; it's a complex tapestry of 48 constellations, revealing deeper layers of your cosmic identity.
The discussion revolves around the 48 total constellations used in astrology, referred to as the Deacon of astrology. For instance, the speaker mentions, "I'm born in Taurus, but I'm actually born in Orion," indicating that within the framework of the Deacon of astrology, each zodiac sign is associated with specific constellations. This concept is illustrated by the Dendera Stela, which features these constellations on a plate that was removed from the ceiling of the Temple of Hathor and taken to the Louvre in Paris.
In this system, there are the familiar 12 zodiac signs, such as Taurus, Leo, and Cancer, but each of these signs is further divided into three subsets known as Deacons. For example, within Taurus, there are constellations like Orga Aidonis and Orion. The Egyptians recognized that the traditional 12 astrological symbols were not sufficient to capture the complexities of astrology, leading them to incorporate additional constellations to provide more nuance and detail.
The speaker explains that when one is in a lower dimension, they are only aware of the basic zodiac signs. However, as one ascends to a higher dimension, they begin to understand the nuances and specificities related to the greater zodiacal signs, which are represented by the Deacon of astrology. This understanding is further supported by the discovery of petroglyphs depicting all 48 Deacons on the walls of the King's Chamber, positioned exactly where they are supposed to be.
Transitioning to Leonardo da Vinci, the speaker expresses excitement about delving deeper into this topic, stating, "I'm going to take you down the rabbit hole." They plan to show a video that serves as a backdrop for a project titled Codex, which is available on Gaia and Amazon Prime. This project, initiated in 2019, explores how da Vinci encrypted Egyptian iconography in all of his paintings after 1486.
The speaker emphasizes the subtlety of da Vinci's work, noting, "It's amazing how subtly he was able to put these images in his work." They acknowledge that many viewers might not notice these details without guidance. The conversation also touches on the upcoming release of Codex 2, which is set to debut in January. The timing of this release is intentional, as it is closely tied to the themes explored in ancient civilizations.
The speaker mentions their collaboration with Jason on a Law of One show, which has been postponed due to the demands of producing Ancient Civ. They highlight the challenges of ensuring accuracy and thorough fact-checking in this complex production. However, they express optimism about the advancements made this year, particularly in technology, stating, "We actually went full bore on the technology part."
They invested in high-quality 4D graphics and utilized laser scans of the Great Pyramid, allowing for an immersive experience within the pyramid's structure. The speaker reflects on their extensive time spent exploring the pyramid, stating, "I've spent 18 nights in there," and emphasizes the ability to thoroughly investigate the entire interior due to the technological enhancements made for the project.
Investing in technology can unlock limitless possibilities and elevate your vision to the next level.
The excitement surrounding the new technology is palpable. So much I think it's going to be better ultimately is because we actually went full bore on the technology part. Let's go! You know, we never had that option before, and I just said, “because it's just too expensive.” So, I just said, “screw it, I'm gonna pay for it,” and I just did it.
We ended up getting super awesome 4D graphics. They superimposed me into the environment, and we had the laser scans of the Great Pyramid. We put it into this game environment, allowing me to explore the entire pyramid at any time. I mean, I’ve spent 18 nights in there. You saw it, right? We can find everything in there because I could spend days on end inside. It’s the entire inside of the pyramid structure. We took all of that, and they superimposed my 360-degree view of me. They put me in a box, like the Vvan man, and filled it with 96 cameras at ASU University. Wow! This is something Gia's never done anything like this; it's going to be mega mega Next Level.
The reason for this leap in technology is that I augmented the budget a lot. That was the thing because I thought, “screw it, what else am I gonna do with my money?” Exactly, bro, money is just freedom to do what you want.
Now, I’m even more hyped for Codex II. No doubt about it; it’s super epic! Let’s check out the trailer. Okay, here we go. I’m going to pull it up now. Can you see this? Got it?
The trailer is even done well, with 15.4 million views. It’s pretty epic! Oh, pause it real quick, Robert. No sound? Yeah, so Zoom just changed their settings. Reshare your screen, and when you go to click the Chrome desktop, you'll see a little button on the right that says share sound.
Why did they change it? They used to do it automatically, but now you have to check the box. That’s just crazy! Okay, cool. Here we go. Now it should be okay.
That was one of the trailers, and there’s another trailer that explains some of the other parts of this. It’s actually a nice summary. While you’re pulling that up, I was just curious about your thoughts on Leonardo da Vinci. He left all these codes of the pyramids in his artwork, and other polymaths and philosophers have pointed to these discoveries, like the slope angle of the pyramid and the chakras in the different chambers.
What do you think? Have you been able to see the full picture? Do you feel like you understand what Leonardo da Vinci was trying to leave for humanity to discover? I don’t think I know the full picture yet. I mean, this is a trip. It’s a real mind-bender. Believe me, I know Jason. He’s not the kind of guy who just GNA and falls down some rabbit hole. He definitely wants to see real proof, and he got totally convinced on this.
This isn’t ambiguous subjective stuff you’re pulling out. When you see it laid out, you’re like, “Oh my gosh, this is undeniable.” The slope angles are identical; you can’t make this stuff up. It’s so mind-bending, though, that it’s almost hard to take in because people are like, “What?”
One of the things Jason told me is that Codex is one of the shows that is watched repeatedly by viewers because they think, “I have to watch this again; I can’t understand all of it.” It’s like watching the movie Tenet or Inception. I had to watch that several times because it was such a mind-bender. This is like that; it takes you on a journey. The whole thing was made with intention, trying to help you uplevel your consciousness.
Geometry is like a QR code for the subconscious mind. I love that this show is all about that geometry and the upleveling of the subconscious mind, bringing things out of the darkness into your awareness—basically, code-cracking the QR code.
Wait a minute, the world is now on the brink of...
Unlocking the mysteries of ancient art reveals a hidden geometry that elevates our consciousness.
The discussion begins with a reflection on the complexity of certain films, comparing them to the experience of watching the series being discussed. The speaker mentions, "I had to watch that several times because it was such a Mindbender." They emphasize that the series takes viewers on a journey, made with intention, aiming to help individuals uplevel their Consciousness. The speaker describes geometry as "like a QR code for the subconscious mind," highlighting that the show focuses on the upleveling of the subconscious mind and the process of bringing things "out of the darkness into your awareness," essentially code cracking the QR code.
As the conversation progresses, there is a technical issue with sharing a trailer. The speaker attempts to resolve it, stating, "the world is now on the brink of change as we enter a new age that we'll be discovering and working on together throughout the course of this series." They introduce themselves as Robert Grant and mention their extensive travels, having visited over 140 different countries. A significant experience occurred during a trip to Egypt, where they observed "the numerous patterns that were left behind by The Architects and builders in living Stone."
In 2019, Grant led a group to Egypt, following the encryptions left by Leonardo da Vinci, particularly those embedded in the Vitruvian Man and the Last Supper. During this trip, they realized that the Last Supper serves as a working map of the King's Chamber in the Great Pyramid of Giza. They discovered eight new stone reliefs in the King's Chamber itself, which they describe as a mind bender.
The conversation then shifts to the Last Supper painting, where the speaker points out the Eye of Ra above Jesus' head. They note that the dimensions of the painting, when excluding the figures at the table, match those of the King's Chamber. The speaker highlights a blocked portal in the painting, questioning why it exists atop such a significant masterpiece. They suggest that it symbolizes the sarcophagus, which acts as a portal.
As they delve deeper, the speaker discusses the representation of the 12 apostles, with Jesus as the 13th. They mention a "missing person right here," referring to Mary Magdalene and connecting it to the Da Vinci Code narrative. The speaker describes the missing feminine aspect as represented by an inverted triangle, which intriguingly aligns with the Great Pyramid's proportions. They specify that the angle of this triangle is 51.85 degrees, a very specific measurement.
Continuing their analysis, they note the alpha symbol shaped like the letter "A" for Jesus, under the Eye of Ra, the god of the sun. In contrast, Mary Magdalene is depicted with an Omega shape, which adds another layer to the symbolism present in the artwork. The speaker expresses frustration with the technical difficulties in displaying the images, suggesting that they could pull up a high-resolution version to connect the King's Chamber to the broader themes being discussed.
Once you see the hidden connections in Da Vinci's work, you can't unsee them; it's a whole new lens on history and art.
The discussion revolves around a specific degree angle that is described as very, very specific. An interesting observation is made regarding the alpha symbol, which is shaped like the letter "A," representing Jesus, the Son of God, under the eye of RW, who is identified as the god of the sun. Additionally, Mary Magdalene is noted to have an Omega shape on her garment.
There is a request to go full screen to better view the image, but it remains minimized. The speaker suggests obtaining a high-resolution version of the image to facilitate the discussion. The connection between the King's Chamber and the Last Supper painting of Jesus is highlighted as a crazy connection that seems to be a result of Divine Providence. Once these connections are seen, they become undeniable, although initially difficult to perceive. The speaker notes that Da Vinci would not have included Egyptian symbols in his paintings without a purpose, indicating that there is likely a deeper meaning to uncover.
The conversation continues with a description of the sarcophagus and where Jesus's hand touches the arm of Mary Magdalene, which coincides with the alpha omega symbol located on the back side of the structure. The speaker recounts an experience where Egyptian authorities questioned whether he had scratched the symbols into the stone, to which he responded incredulously, noting that it is Rose Granite and not something easily altered.
As the discussion progresses, the speaker mentions noticing other hidden elements within the painting, which led to the realization that it serves as a map of the room. There are 36 holes in the ceiling, forming a 6x6 grid, and with 12 Apostles, this results in a total of 48 constellations related to the deacon of astrology. Each figure in the painting takes on the shape of the astrological symbols, with some symbols cleverly hidden.
The speaker addresses a common question: Did Da Vinci ever go to Egypt? The answer is affirmative, as he wrote a letter to the Sultan of Cairo, which was referred to as Babylon at that time. This revelation opens up new perspectives on ancient civilizations and their stories.
Upon closer examination, a Taurus symbol is identified on a figure's forehead, positioned over the right eye. Additionally, a Ram's Head symbol is noted, with details highlighting the eye of the ram, the nose, and the horns. The speaker mentions that they have highlighted these images for better visibility in their show.
The discussion touches on the subtlety of the symbols in Da Vinci's paintings, suggesting that he may have concealed them due to the potential backlash from the Roman Catholic Church for incorporating what they would consider Pagan symbols into Christian artwork. The speaker shares an experience of being granted access to the Vatican Library, describing it as an amazing opportunity, and hints at further intriguing discoveries made during that visit.
Da Vinci's hidden symbols reveal a secret dialogue between faith and culture, encrypted in art and architecture, waiting for the world to unlock their mysteries.
You've sort of like highlighted the images from the wall, do you think? On the show we do, mhm, yeah. So you guys will see the full way that they project it out of the wall if you watch Codex. When I was seeing this, my assumption is, you know, of why Da Vinci put these symbols so incredibly subtly on his paintings would be obviously that the Roman Catholic Church wouldn't have been too happy with knowing that he was putting Pagan symbols in Christian paintings and artwork. Would you say that that's probably the case?
Oh yeah, in fact, I found that when I was given access to the Vatican Library a couple of months ago, back in May. Oh yeah, how did that go? It was amazing! I can tell you that when I went in there, the first thing I noticed was that they had hidden and encrypted hermetic wisdom all throughout the entire thing and the Zodiac, so that not even the pope would understand it. The room is shaped like a brain, right? It's shaped like an open book that's also a brain, and right down the center are seven columns, each one representing the different chakras.
Starting with Adam, then the next one is Abraham, and Abraham's holding a compass and straight edge. The next one is Pythagoras, and the next column is Hermes Trismegistus. Literally, it's all encrypted into this room. One side of the room represents faith and the other side represents culture—the embedding of faith and ideology into culture, the right brain into the left brain. The whole column structure is there intended to become like a corpus callosum for the room, the connective tissue between the two hemispheres of the brain. It was mind-blowing, and it's undeniable.
So they were hiding this stuff all over the place, and that was done during the time of Da Vinci when they built that library. You had Rosicrucian and hermetic cryptographers who were encrypting all of this wisdom. Now, how did it come out in the first place? Well, the Vatican in 1451 released thousands of hermetic texts to the world. Did they really? That was in its possession, yes! So that became the foundation—1451, the year before Leonardo Da Vinci was born. Incredible!
So that's what spawned the Renaissance. The Renaissance was created by the Hermetic movement that came off of that Rosicrucianism. Everything came off of that, and we're going through it now again. Because part of the thing I was doing at the Vatican was they were now scanning all of the documents that they have and putting them online for everyone to see. They're tired of the bad rap they've gotten on it, so they just want to release everything and let everyone see it all.
Okay, the problem is they don't even know what they have. Probably true, because it's all encrypted. Maybe this is the cynic in me, but knowing the Vatican, the Roman Catholic Church, and those ties, don't you think it's more likely that they're saying that they're releasing everything they have, but they're probably just releasing like, you know, five or ten percent? And they're going to keep the real secret texts they don't want the world to see in those secret archives, don't you think?
You know, I think I don't know. All I could do is take them kind of at their word to a certain extent, and they were pretty clear with me about it. Strangely enough, you never know how this is going to work out, right? You just literally never know. I walked into the Vatican Library, and I'd gotten permission to be there. One of the top managers at the Vatican Library walks up to me like as if he'd known me forever and says, "Professor Robert Edward Grant." I'm like, "Yes?" He says, "You remember me?" I said, "I'm sorry, I don't." He said, "You came to give a lecture when you were CEO of Bowen LOM in 2010." Whoa! And you gave a lecture at St. Louis University, and I was a student there in MBA School.
Wow! He said, "I never forgot your talk; it inspired me. You gave a three-hour lecture." I said, "Yeah?" And he's like, "So when I saw your name, I got this approval." Wow, how cool is that? Unbelievable story, right? Like, wow! I couldn't even believe it. I was like, you never know how you're going to have an impact on people and how things are, you know, predestined or foreordained or whatever to occur. You just simply cannot know how that's going to go down.
So actually, I have the video here; I'll show you. Oh nice! I had someone recently reach out to me via email who said that they work in the Vatican Library. They said, "Hey, I love your series on the Gospel conspiracy stuff; I'd love to help you do research." I was like, oh my gosh, to have a connection with somebody who's in the Vatican to do...
You never know how your journey will connect with others; when you're aligned with your purpose, the universe opens doors you never imagined.
The conversation began with an inspiring moment when someone mentioned a three-hour lecture I had given. They expressed their excitement upon discovering my name, saying, "I got this approval, wow, how cool is that!" It was an unbelievable story that left me in awe. I reflected on how one can never truly know the impact they have on others and how events may be predestined or foreordained.
I mentioned that I had a video to share, which prompted me to talk about a recent email I received. Someone from the Vatican library reached out to me, expressing their appreciation for my series on the Gospel conspiracy and offering to help with research. I was thrilled at the prospect of collaborating with someone from such a prestigious institution. It was a clear indication that when you are in alignment with your mission and purpose, the universe opens doors for you. There is literally no doubt about that.
As I prepared to show some materials, I recounted my experience at the Vatican Library. I encountered a person named Luka, who shared a strange coincidence: we had met 12 years ago in business school where I had given a small lecture on leadership. It was a small world, and I never imagined I would meet someone in the Vatican Library who had seen one of my lectures. It made me ponder the chances of such an encounter, reinforcing my belief that nothing is by happenstance; everything is preordained.
When asked about interesting texts I found in the library, I responded affirmatively. I showed a picture of the library, remarking on its beauty and unique design, where even the chair backs resembled an open book. I explained that the main hall, known as the Ctin Hole Hall, was once a study room. The walls featured significant imagery, including Abraham depicted with a compass and a square. I speculated on whether Abraham actually had such tools, suggesting that the creators of this artwork were likely hermetic Freemasons.
I pointed out that the columns in the hall represented the chakras, and the background colors were designed to reflect the chakra system. This hidden wisdom was astonishing, especially considering that even the Pope was unaware of it.
I then connected this to the Last Supper, explaining how its structure aligns with the king's chamber proportions. If I were to draw the king's chamber using proportional perspective geometry, it would reflect the same view as the Last Supper, particularly from the East wall or the age of Aquarius. The walls correspond to the zodiac in the 24,000 processional cycle, indicating that the artwork was meant to be viewed from our current era.
I also noted a cow depicted on the right wall, which corresponds to the north wall of the king's chamber. This detail was significant, as it aligned with the head of the ram I had previously shown, marking the entrance to the king's chamber. This imagery was also connected to the age of Aries, the first sign of the zodiac. I continued to describe the sequence of zodiac signs, noting that the next figure would represent Gemini, followed by Cancer. I was eager to elaborate on what the figure of Cancer looked like, as the conversation unfolded.
The walls of ancient structures are not just stone; they are a cosmic map, revealing the secrets of the zodiac and connecting us to the universe in ways we are only beginning to understand.
The walls of the King's Chamber actually represent each of the zodiac signs in the 24,000 processional cycle. We are examining this directly from the age of Aquarius wall, which is meant to be viewed from our present day. It's quite unbelievable! I also noticed that there is a cow depicted on the right wall, which corresponds to the north wall in the King's Chamber. This serves as a clue because, right here, we have the head of the ram, which is exactly where the door entrance is into the King's Chamber. This is significant as it aligns with the age of Aries, the first of the zodiac signs.
It makes sense that we have Aries here, followed by Taurus represented on its head. The next zodiac sign is Gemini, and then we have Cancer. Interestingly, the representation of Cancer looks quite emotional, which is typical for that sign. Following Cancer, we have Leo. It's worth noting that Geminis often blame others for their problems, but that's just a light-hearted joke! The point is that all of this is encrypted within the artwork.
Additionally, there are small inlets or eyelets that show dimensionality, allowing access to other rooms, almost like portals. This brings to mind the symbolism of the three windows in the Last Supper painting, which actually represents the shape of Yod Vav. It's fascinating how this shape is encrypted in the walls—it's truly mind-blowing!
If you take a circle on this line that resembles an Omega and place another circle of the same size on top, connecting it to the line, it gives you the exact proportions of the Great Pyramid. This is part of Metatron's key, symbolizing a circle. Shamash is depicted holding it in the Sumerian text, as it represents a line that corresponds to the length of Pi and the circumference of that circle, which is also Pi. This knowledge pertains to making the linear irrational, a concept that is quite challenging but can be achieved, as I explain in my book, Philomath.
Everywhere you look, there are encryptions. For instance, there’s a small lantern here for the virgins, and the Eye of Ra even has eyelashes—it's so obvious! Da Vinci was quite daring to include such a prominent eye. Looking up, it resembles a cat's nose, and there’s an eye here that seems to be missing on the other side, suggesting a cat face might be present across the artwork. This actually aligns with La Belle Ferronnière, another painting by Da Vinci featuring a woman with an Eye of Horus above her. When you overlay these paintings, they align perfectly, and you can find that Vitrivius Man overlays on top of the Mona Lisa. It’s truly unbelievable!
Creating art pieces that match so intricately must have been an immense challenge. It’s a work of absolute genius, and it’s mind-bending to consider how it was accomplished. Now, regarding the cow, you can see the horns and the face, with the nostrils and an eye clearly visible. The ridge of its back extends across the white section into another area. On the back of this cow, there are inscriptions reading Alpha and Q W, which represent one of the ancient ways of saying Alpha Kai Omega. The lowercase w signifies Omega.
So, we have Alpha Kai Omega on the wall, where Alpha represents the Apis bull and Omega represents the Hathor. When I first noticed the cow, I wondered if there might also be a cow depicted on the wall in the King's Chamber. Would you believe it? There is indeed a cow on the wall in the exact same spot! This connection will help people connect the dots. If you have images of the symbols in the King's Chamber, your mind will truly be blown when you see that the symbols in the Da Vinci painting are in the exact same locations. Tracing the outlines, as you do in Codex, reveals that Da Vinci left an exact replica of the symbols found in the King's Chamber. This suggests that he, like us, was able to walk in there and recognize the symbols on the walls.
The connection between ancient symbols and modern art reveals that the illusion of separation between masculine and feminine is just that—an illusion.
I was struck by a revelation when I noticed a cow depicted in a certain context. Initially, I wondered, does this mean that maybe there's a cow on the wall in the king's chamber? To my surprise, there's a cow on the freaking wall in the exact same spot. This discovery is significant because that's what's going to help people connect the dots. If you have the images of the king's chamber symbols, that's when your mind really gets exploded. When you see the symbols on the Da Vinci painting, not only are they in the exact same spot, but when you trace the outlines, as you do in the codex, you realize, oh my gosh, he really did leave an exact replica of the symbols in the king's chamber. This suggests that he, like you, was able to walk in there, observe the symbols on the walls, and somehow decipher the code of what ancient people left these symbols for. He incorporated this understanding into his paintings and artwork, which is just remarkable.
Are you guys seeing this? The Mona Lisa right here has a strange little c-shaped thing on the left side of the painting. It looks dark and mysterious. What is this thing? Why is it here? At the same time, I noticed that there's a shackle on the right hand of the Vitruvian Man. The Vitruvian Man was cut into 14 parts, which is why these partitions are made of him, with vertical and horizontal lines. We found that when you place the Great Pyramid on top of this, it reveals the location of all the chambers.
Now, I don't know anyone who has abs that look like this. Have you ever seen three diamonds on someone's abs before? Not personally, no. Those three diamonds represent Orion's Belt, and they are in the exact same position as the three pyramids on the Giza Plateau. Furthermore, this line here, when you overlay the pyramid on top of it, becomes the king's chamber, and it has a little shape on top that resembles the Yod symbol. This indicates the king's chamber showing up there as well.
Interestingly, there’s no shackle on the left arm; there’s only one line on the wrist, but here there is a second line that looks like a broken shackle hanging down, suggesting he has escaped. I thought, maybe if I place the fingers to the edges of the Mona Lisa painting and overlay this one on the other, we will see some correspondence. Guess what? I placed it exactly to the edges, so the fingertips go to the edges, and where does that shackle land? Right on top of the wrist of the Vitruvian Man.
Incredible! When you position his feet in perspective on the same thing that her hands are resting upon, the circle ends up crowning perfectly. Her head is crowned by the Vitruvian Man's circle, and then the hand fits back in the shackle, as if to say, wait, masculine and feminine are not separate after all. There’s only an illusion of separation.
Now, if we look even closer, we’ll notice some other symbology in this painting. When you combine masculine and feminine, look what happens: her eye is exactly at his crown. The Eye of Horus, her left eye, is precisely at the crown. Additionally, notice there’s a road here and a river there, which is quite strange. Da Vinci included a river that twists and a road that also twists, which is repetitive. This is because they represent two snakes. The two combined make the Staff of Hermes, which features two snakes entwined, along with wings. The two arms he has represent the wings, symbolizing the combination of masculine and feminine. The hemispheric synchronization of the brain gives us the Staff of Hermes, with the two snakes depicted on either side, meeting together right where these two combine.
What is your take on the two snakes and their philosophical meaning? Many today use it to suggest something sinister, like the devil. What do you think they represent? Personally, I don’t think it's the devil at all. I believe it represents our highest divinity, the realization that we all have Kundalini life force within us. Those snakes are actually there as part of our divine essence.
The true power lies in harmonizing the masculine and feminine energies within us, awakening our inner divinity to elevate our consciousness.
The discussion begins with the representation of the wings as a combination of masculine and feminine energies. This concept is tied to the hemispheric synchronization of the brain, which gives us the staff of Hermes. The imagery includes two snakes positioned on either side, meeting at a central point where these energies combine.
When asked about the philosophical meaning of the two serpents, the speaker expresses a belief that they do not represent the devil at all. Instead, they symbolize our highest Divinity. The speaker emphasizes that we all possess Kundalini life force within us. The snakes, often interpreted as dragons, are held inside our bodies until we awaken. Upon awakening, they illuminate all the chakras, allowing us to enter a higher dimension and experience life differently.
The speaker appreciates the alignment of their thoughts with the listener's theory regarding the snakes. They reference the Law of One, where Ra teaches about the downward spiraling energy and the upward spiraling energy—the Cosmic and Earthly Prana, representing masculine and feminine energies. According to Ra, the locus point where these two energies meet reflects the spiritual development of the entity.
The speaker explains that we all have Cosmic Prana spiraling down like a serpent. The cosmic energy, which enters through the crown, is powerful, and it is essential to build up our Primal energy—the sexual energy or Kundalini energy—to elevate this cosmic energy and raise the locus to the higher chakras. The goal is to harmonize these energies, ideally meeting at the Heart Center, which signifies a fourth density state where we live from the heart.
This connection is illustrated through the two iconic paintings: the Vitruvian Man and the Mona Lisa, which together create the staff of Hermes. The speaker notes that when the two images are overlaid, they fit perfectly, a detail not mentioned in Dan Brown's books. This symbology relates to hermetic wisdom.
Furthermore, the speaker points out that the Eye of Horus in the paintings is proportionate to the Earth, Moon, and Sun relationship. They highlight that Da Vinci encoded these proportions into his art; for instance, the Vitruvian Man's sun circle measures 8.64 inches, while the Earth circle is 7.92 inches, corresponding to the Earth's diameter of 7,920 miles. The Moon's diameter is represented as 2.16 inches, which is 400 times smaller than the Sun.
The speaker admires Da Vinci's genius in depicting such vast astronomical concepts through art, noting that he found a way to represent the circumference of the Sun and the distances between planets in a manner that is both artistic and scientifically accurate.
However, the conversation takes a philosophical turn, questioning whether all of this is part of a Matrix construct—a game in which we live, sometimes feeling trapped. The speaker suggests that perhaps the aim of this game is simply to fall in love with life as it is. They argue that resisting what we perceive as negative only leads to its persistence in our lives. For instance, fighting against deforestation may lead one to live in a world rife with it. Ultimately, the speaker concludes that what we judge is what we attract until we learn to stop judging what we encounter.
The real game of life is to love everything unconditionally, without judgment, because what you resist only persists.
Is it that, or is it also possibly that it's just all part of the Matrix construct? The game we think that we're here living in feels like an escape room because it tends to suck sometimes. Maybe the aim of the game, for sure, maybe the real aim of the game is simply to fall in love with it just as it is. I would say it is no doubt. If you do that, because actually the things you fight against, what you resist, will only persist.
So, the things that you fight against, the things that you're taking on, like, “I’m going to fight deforestation,” you will end up living in a world full of deforestation. Yes, which we do, because everything you judge is what you will attract until you no longer judge what you attracted. Yep, that's what the game really is. It's a simple game: learn to love it all without judgment.
It's a simple game. Wait, that's exactly what Jesus said! Oh my goodness, would you look at that? I mean, Jesus was very explicit about these laws, really the Hermetic principles. In one verse, he says, “If you do not forgive your brother his trespasses, your father cannot forgive you.” It's like, whoa, there it is! Then he also says, “Judge not, lest you be judged; for the same measure of judgment you give out will be measured back to you.” If that's not Karma, if that's not the Law of Attraction, nothing is. Exactly.
Then he just said the two great commandments: “Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, might, mind, and strength, and love thy neighbor as thyself.” Okay, and then don’t judge? That sounds pretty simple.
So, we’ve got these chakras, and the lowest chakra, the root, is the one with the highest degree of conditionality. I’ve been thinking about what’s the opposite of love. Is it fear, like a lot of people think? I realize that love, in its most simplistic form and its purest essence, is unconditional. So, conditionality and judgment became the opposite for me, the antonym of love.
The lower chakra is like seven parts conditionality, or maybe it's one part love and six parts conditionality, right? Then the sacral chakra becomes, you know, two parts love and five parts conditionality or judgment. As we move up, we finally tip the balance at the heart chakra, where it becomes then for the first time four parts love and three parts judgment. Wow!
As we move higher and higher, we go to the throat chakra. The throat chakra is where we're now five parts love and two parts judgment, and that's when we enter the Fifth Dimension. It's the fifth chakra. Yep, the fifth chakra is where we end up entering a new experience of Love Dimension 5D. Everything's 5D. Cool, right?
And that's managed and controlled by Orion in the Taurus constellation. It’s funny because when you look at this, you’ll see on top of Orion, who is this Vitruvian man, also Osiris, the archetype of humanity. If you look closely, you could see an A shape right here. There’s an alpha on his left wrist, and just as there’s an Omega on the right. Wow!
You see what I’m saying? There’s a line right here; there’s an A. It’s super subtle, but so is this: look, there’s a bullhead right on his throat. Oh wow, incredible artwork, man! You see that? Even the bull’s got an eye right here and another eye right here. I mean, what the heck? The one in the pyramid, that’s right!
It’s Taurus that controls the throat chakra, and Orion is in Taurus. Wow, I didn’t even see that! You see, now this is the alpha omega that I discovered on the rim that no one had ever seen before. You can’t see this with direct light on; this is light that’s indirect. Yeah, and you could see it pretty well right here.
These were exactly 5.65, which is exactly Pi times 10 taken to its square root. The room’s perimeter in meters, which was not supposed to be known then, is 31.41593. Hmm, wow! They’re always putting fractals right of like the same numbers at different levels. We’re in a matrix that you have to start realizing is an interconceived Matrix of emergence of the mind. It’s full of encryption.
Didn’t you tell Sal Mundy? Oh, this is a crazy one too—tons of symbols! Yeah, look at this. This is an enigmatic painting. People know that it’s encrypted, but nobody knew how it was encrypted. I looked at it and took a left image and a right image and realized that the left image makes a woman with two breasts, and the right image makes a...
We're living in a world where symbols and numbers intertwine, revealing hidden connections that challenge our perception of reality.
The discussion begins with a reference to the room's perimeter in meters, which was not supposed to be known at that time, measuring 31.41593 hm. The conversation takes a turn towards the concept of fractals, noting how they often contain the same numbers at different levels. This leads to the idea that we are in a matrix, suggesting that one must start realizing this as an interconceived matrix of emergence of the mind that is full of encryption.
One participant recalls telling Salv Mundy about a particularly intriguing painting that is known to be encrypted. Despite the knowledge of its encryption, the method remained a mystery until they examined the painting closely. They observed that the left image forms a woman with two breasts, while the right image depicts a man. Notably, the man's hand is shaped like the letter A, and he has the Omega symbol present. Additionally, he is wearing a cross that crosses his chest at a very particular angle, which is noted to be the exact angle of the pyramid's edge.
As they delve deeper, they discover that along the embroidery of the painting, the number eight appears repeatedly, represented as 88888. This number symbolizes Christ Consciousness. In the center of the painting, there is a shape that resembles the king's chamber, complete with a little roof on top, mirroring the actual appearance of the king's chamber. The artist has effectively turned the pyramid upside down in this representation.
The conversation continues as they discuss three stars depicted in the painting, which perfectly overlay the top three stars of Orion. Upon closer inspection, they realize that the hand shadow also takes on the shape of a pyramid, with the base and apex clearly defined. They note the missing pyramid alongside the three stars of Orion, which creates a perfect match with the actual stars.
One participant points out that there is a ring cell stone placed over the heart and another over the solar plexus, with a third one flipping to represent the crown. They explain that the ring cell stone is significant in the context of high llamas, as it is searched for among the remains during cremation, symbolizing the purification level of the llama, and is stored safely afterward.
The discussion then shifts to Beetlejuice, one of the largest stars known, which is located in Orion. They mention that Beetlejuice is the shoulder star that is about to go supernova, with predictions suggesting it might happen as early as later this year. The distance of Beetlejuice from Earth is noted to be approximately 713 to 716 light years.
The participants then discuss the alignment of the stars in relation to the king's chamber. While the stars do not appear in the chamber itself, they note that the sarcophagus was originally centered in the room. When overlaying the constellation over the king's chamber, it fits into a two-to-one rectangle, which matches the proportions of the sarcophagus room. They also mention that the Giza Pyramids are arranged in the shape of the Orion belt, emphasizing the significance of these alignments.
As the conversation wraps up, one participant expresses a feeling that this could all be part of a big conspiracy theory, suggesting that it feels like a big game.
The universe is full of hidden patterns and symbols; once you start seeing them, you realize the Matrix has been cracked open.
Overlaying this constellation over the King's Chamber room reveals that it also fits a two to one rectangle. This framing of these three stars gives us exactly the size proportion versus the room of the sarcophagus. Interestingly, the Giza Pyramids are arranged in the shape of the Orion belt, precisely mirroring its configuration. This connection is quite remarkable, as it suggests a significant amount of information embedded within these structures.
Now, let me see if I can find this thing for you that shows the actual video footage of the cow on the wall. You know, now that you've shown me all these symbols, Robert, I'm starting to feel like this is just a big old conspiracy theory. It certainly feels like a big game, that's for sure. I’m just going to gaslight you right now; you guys didn't just see what you saw—this is all coincidence and conspiracy stuff. I don't want to talk about this anymore.
So, look at this. Here we go; here's the King's Chamber shape, which gives us the proportions of the pyramid from two perspectives. One is the slope angle of the pyramid. Yes, that's right! If you take this line of the embroidery here and connect it to here, it gives you exactly the APM slope angle of the Great Pyramid, which is 51.85. When you take this line, it represents the edge of the Great Pyramid. In two dimensions, these are proportionally the exact Great Pyramid, and this is the King's Chamber.
What does the real King's Chamber look like? The real King's Chamber looks like this, and it has the same angle on the embroidery too. Wow, come on man, it's crazy! What makes this a slam dunk for me is just the mathematical improbability that da Vinci could have accidentally included the same exact slope angles, ratios, and symbols in five or six of his pieces of art. The mathematical probability of that is totally nil. Clearly, he was incorporating these symbols and slope angles in his artwork to communicate something, and that continues to intrigue me.
Whenever someone says, "Oh, that's just a coincidence," I respond, "Please, those don't exist in my universe." Some people might argue that I'm just divining patterns from this, labeling it as pareidolia. Well, what's the opposite of pareidolia? It's just lower consciousness. If we can't see the patterns, then we are all just asleep, and that is the absolute point.
Now, I’ll bring this up because I’m going there this weekend, but I wouldn’t otherwise. I met with Robert Schoch—oh cool! This is my house in Laguna Beach that I just sold, and I took a bunch of rock samples to him. The rocks were sandstone that had turned to quartz crystal, silica, and mica. He asked if I had a picture of the terrain of the area, and I said, "Sure, I do." When I showed him the picture, he asked, "What are these lines right here?" I was taken aback, as I had never noticed that before.
My house had already been determined to have a vortex in it, and this was like the rim of the vortex showing up. It’s well known for that; in fact, Dr. Kiroff put a biowell there to measure the energy coming off of it. It was a well-known place that was measured for two years. Then, he said something else that blew my mind. "Do you know who Walter Russell was?" Oh yeah, I’m a big fan! He pointed out, "Whose face is that on the hillside right here?" I was confused at first, but he explained, "There's a face—this is Robert Schoch, the geologist from Boston University. Look, there's his mouth, his nose, his eyes, and the side of his face. He's got like a goatee." I was amazed and asked, "What? That's pretty wild!"
Do you see it? Yes, I do! We're going to start seeing symbols everywhere; you guys, the Matrix has been cracked open. I was shocked and asked, "Wait, is that Walter Russell? Are you kidding me?" It looked a lot like him. Let me tell you something—I’m going to speak at his university this weekend. I’ll be there on Saturday, so what a trip! I couldn’t believe that.
Well, dude, we could keep jamming on this all night. Thank you for taking us through some of those teasers. Again, you guys have to watch Codex if you're geeking out on this like most of us are!
We're all waking up to hidden symbols and connections in the world around us; the truth is more layered than we ever imagined.
In a recent discussion, we explored a fascinating discovery that resembles a face, complete with a mouth, nose, eyes, and even a goatee. The resemblance was striking, and I couldn't help but wonder if it was Walter Russell. It looked a lot like him, and I was excited to share that I would be speaking at his university this weekend. I’ll be there on Saturday, which makes this connection even more intriguing.
As we continued our conversation, we acknowledged that we could discuss this topic all night. I expressed my gratitude for the insights shared, particularly about the show Codex. For anyone interested in these themes, I highly recommend watching Codex on Gaia or Prime. Before we wrapped up, I wanted to share a brief overview of some of the revelations presented by Robert in Codex.
We knew that The Last Supper had a book depicted on the wall, but we were surprised to discover that it was also present in the king's chamber. My partner at the time, Susie, made this exciting discovery. We found something else in the king's chamber: a hole that revealed a face and a diamond shape. There were no linear lines present, and we also noted an inverted diamond shape nearby. Additionally, we observed a smaller bowl inside a larger one, which led us to identify a larger cow with distinct features, including a horn, an eye, and even hoofs.
This prompted me to consider the possibility of a bull being present in The Last Supper painting as well. We indeed found a smaller bull overlaid on the white section of the wall, complete with a torist symbol on its head. This discovery opened up a whole new understanding of what the Great Pyramid represents. We realized that the king's chamber features all of the zodiacs on its walls, which are adorned with petroglyphs that we have now identified. I presented these findings to the Egyptian government in December, which was a significant milestone.
Furthermore, I shared my research with the Scan Pyramid Project, who are now utilizing laser systems and interferometry to recreate the entire structure with all of the petroglyphs through computer modeling. I had previously demonstrated this using the Apple Vision Pro, and they were impressed with the results. They recognized the validity of my findings and are eager to corroborate them.
During our conversation, I also mentioned how I had informed the Egyptian pyramid research team about the possibility of a fifth chamber above the king's chamber. They conducted radar scanning and confirmed its existence, subsequently inviting me to join their research team. In our discussions, I predicted the exact location of this new chamber, which aligned perfectly with my expectations. It was situated on the throat Shakura line of Leonardo da Vinci's Vitruvian Man, suggesting that da Vinci had a map of the entire inner structure of the pyramid.
We delved into the Deacon of astrology, identifying various constellations, including Taurus and Orion. The arrangement of these constellations follows a specific pattern, with 36 Deacons and 12 zodiac signs. For instance, if you are a Leo, your opposite sign would be Aquarius. This connection implies that your shadow may take on characteristics of Aquarius, influencing your persona as a Leo.
The pyramids are not just ancient structures; they are cosmic maps and initiation centers, revealing the interconnectedness of astrology, DNA, and time.
The discussion begins with a reference to Leonardo da Vinci's Vitruvian Man, which suggests that da Vinci had a map of the entire inner structure of the pyramid. The speaker elaborates on the Deacon of astrology, highlighting the arrangement of the zodiac signs, including Taurus and Orion. The speaker notes that there are 36 Deacons and 12 major zodiac signs, emphasizing the 2:1 relationship that symbolizes doubling an octave and increasing volume.
The conversation shifts to the face of Orion, which can be seen on the north wall of the pyramid, positioned above the bull and the cow. The speaker describes the imagery in detail, pointing out the Double Diamond interpenetrating each other, the bull, and the cow, as well as the features of a man's face, including his pupils, nose, and mouth. The speaker explains that in ancient Egyptian culture, one does not say they die in Egypt; rather, they say they go west.
When asked about the age of the pyramids, the speaker estimates them to be approximately 13,000 years old. They mention that DNA can be seen on the wall, particularly over the mouth, indicating that the throat chakra is linked to the activation of higher-order DNA. The speaker speculates that the images were once more prominent to the eye but have faded over time, partly due to harsh chemicals used for cleaning the walls, which left white stains and obscured the details.
The speaker expresses concern over the cleaning methods employed by the Egyptian government, which they have requested to stop. They argue that the perfect diamond shape etched into the walls should not exist and that the overlays of various constellations, such as Draco and Canis Minor, are evident. The speaker’s assistant, Eden, played a crucial role in discovering these details, which shifted their understanding of the imagery.
Furthermore, the speaker explains that the four walls of the King's Chamber correspond to the four North Stars in the night sky. Currently, we are aligned with Polaris, but 6,000 years ago, it was Thuin, and 6,000 years before that, it was Vega. The speaker posits that the King's Chamber functions as a giant clock of time, reflecting a 24,000-year cycle during which the Earth shifts its North Star positions due to pole shifts. They conclude by connecting this concept to the Law of One's teachings, suggesting that the pyramids served as initiation and healing centers.
The Great Pyramid is not just a tomb; it's a cosmic clock and spiritual gateway, revealing the interconnectedness of time, space, and our spiritual evolution.
In the exploration of ancient civilizations, it is fascinating to note that 6,000 years ago, we were in Thuin, and 6,000 years before that, our North Star was Vega. Furthermore, 6,000 years prior, we were aligned with Deneb, which is associated with the constellation of the Swan. This historical timeline intriguingly mirrors the shape of the King's Chamber, which is a two-to-one rectangle.
The King's Chamber is believed to function as a giant clock of time, indicating a 24,000-year cycle during which the Earth transitions through different North Star positions due to pole shifts. While this process is thought to be gradual, the exact nature of these shifts remains uncertain. The access points within this framework make sense when viewed through the lens of the Law of One's teachings, which suggest that the pyramids served as initiation centers and healing centers for spiritual expansion. It is noted that the spiritual symbols deemed most true and meaningful by the builders were inscribed on the walls of these initiation centers, a practice that Freemasons continue to uphold today.
The Great Pyramid is posited to be a spiritual ascension stargate, where each block on the walls corresponds to different X, Y, and Z axes, indicating a complex coordinate system in SpaceTime. Remarkably, these blocks are composed of over 70% quartz crystal, as granite is primarily made up of this material. The room itself functions as a planetarium, providing access to the Orion spur of the Galaxy, which is part of the Orion arm of the Milky Way.
This symbology recurs throughout history, traversing the Zodiac over 24,000 years. For instance, the position of Libra is precisely where it is meant to be, reflecting the intricate connections within this vast cosmic narrative. As one delves deeper, it becomes evident that the more one examines these symbols, the more intricate connections emerge, resembling an endless fractal.
The historical depictions of the 48 constellations reveal their arrangement on the walls of the King's Chamber, where they generally align with their expected positions. For example, Orion and Taurus are depicted on the north wall, while Cetus and Aldebaran are also represented. The south wall features Scorpius, which is directly opposite Orion, illustrating the meticulous design of the chamber.
An exciting discovery was made regarding another chamber located precisely at the line of the throat chakra. This was published by Jean-Pierre Houdin, a renowned Egyptologist, who utilized scans to reconstruct a paper confirming its existence. Although no one has accessed this chamber yet, cameras have been introduced into the first corridor, confirming its presence. At the end of this corridor, there appears to be a diamond-shaped Pentagon, which correlates with the shape of the throat chakra.
Interestingly, if one examines the throat using endoscopy, it reveals a shape that mirrors the diamond-shaped Pentagon found on the walls of the King's Chamber. This connection is significant, especially since it aligns with the two interconnecting diamonds that have been a part of my logo for years, unbeknownst to me until recently.
A noteworthy mention is the work of Dolores Cannon, who suggested that there are hidden elements on the walls of the pyramid that would remain unseen until someone with the appropriate energetic signature and geometric symbol could perceive them. This prophecy resonates with the idea that the right individual will eventually unlock these hidden truths, making them visible to all.
Additionally, the staff of Hermes, represented by two snakes, is another symbol that has been intricately woven into this narrative, with historical figures like Da Vinci having encrypted profound meanings within these ancient designs.
The hidden symbols in the pyramids reveal a cosmic connection, waiting for the right energy to unlock their secrets.
On the wall of the king's chamber, there are two interconnecting diamonds, which is also my logo. It was my logo for years, and I had no idea about its significance until someone sent me a video by Dolores Cannon. In that video, Dolores Cannon mentioned that there are hidden things on the walls in the pyramid that no one would see until one day, the person with the right energetic signature and the correct geometric symbol matching the one on the wall would be able to see it. Then, everyone would be able to see it. Oh man, that's a pretty spot-on prophecy; that's exactly what she said. If you haven't seen it, it's pretty epic and worth watching.
This brings us to the staff of Hermes, which features the two snakes. Interestingly, Da Vinci encrypted all of this. It's amazing how all of this information is interconnected. So, what is this really leading us toward? This is what it's leading us toward: the King's chamber. Here, we can observe the zodiac signs. When you overlay Orion on top of the King's chamber, it also forms a roughly two-to-one rectangle. By inscribing a circle around this rectangle, you can determine the position of a yellow dot, which represents a star. The other star, Beetlejuice, is found when you inscribe a circle within the rectangle where it intersects. The two base stars of the legs are exactly at the corners, and when you do that, the center star ends up exactly in the center of the room, framing precisely the proportions of the sarcophagus.
Today, the sarcophagus is located at the back of the room; it used to be in the center. It makes sense that it would be in the center, as that is where one would expect it to be. This setup shows a 6,000-year cycle; every 6,000 years, we experience a pole shift and a significant change. This is the hero's journey. I'm sure you've thought about this, Robert, but if I were you, I would ask the Egyptian team working alongside you to get first dibs on going into that chamber, since you're technically the one who first discovered and theorized it. That might be above board, but I would personally argue that the first person who deserves to go in there is definitely you. I would love to go, obviously, and who knows? I have a good relationship with them.
On the East wall, just to give you an idea of some of the other zodiac symbols we found, there appears to be some sort of animal with legs going across the wall. It was hard to make out, but it looks like a woman riding on top of that animal, which could be a horse, and she is holding something with her arm while her hair flows off to the side. We did some computer imaging on this, and this is what came out.
As for the zodiac signs, we didn't know at the beginning, but this is on the wall of the Age of Aquarius. We realized that it depicts Delphinus shooting an arrow at an eagle right above her, riding the Pegasus. The arrow is called the Sagitta; both Delphinus and Pegasus are constellations, and they are all located right next to each other. They appear to be standing on the line of the brick, almost as if it's the ground.
Additionally, there's a "th" written on the wall, which I believe Da Vinci actually left there. At one point in time, you would have been able to see these symbols and drawings very clearly on the walls. If you look closely, you can see the Sagitta, the Aquila (the eagle), Delphinus, and Pegasus. It's amazing! We then realized that there must be a fish to the upper left side of the eagle's wing. Sure enough, we found the fish; it's right here, with the tail visible. You can see the shape of the fish. If I go back, you'll see it a little bit better. There it is! You can see the fish right here, and the tail shape right here represents Pisces. We had even discovered it yet; that's the thing! We figured out that it had to be to the left of the eagle's wing, and sure enough, it was there.
Sometimes the most incredible discoveries are hidden in plain sight; you just need to look with fresh eyes.
Right, so you can see here you've got the sagitta, the Achila (which is the eagle), the delphinus, and the Pegasus. Amazing! So then we knew, wait a minute, that must mean there's got to be a fish to the upper left side of the wing of the eagle. And then we found the fish. There's a fish right here; here's the tail right here, and the fish comes right here. You see the shape of a fish? If I go back, you'll see it a little bit better. There it is right there. You see the fish right here. Uh-huh, oh yeah, the tail fish shape right here—that's piscus Aus. We hadn't even discovered it yet; that's the thing. We're like, we figured out that it had to be to the left of the eagle's wing, and sure enough, it was.
So these symbols have all been, you know, scratched off; they've certainly been damaged. This is from the liar scans of the room. So this is from the game environment where we could actually have perfect lighting and everything around the liar skins. Now you can see the bull there. [Music] There it is! You can also see the cow around it. So here are the horns of the cow, here's the head, the eye, the snout, the neck—you see that? Yeah, you have to have a very diffused vision when you look at these symbols. If you look hard for them, like, you miss them. Yeah, that's right, just like the alpha Omega was missed forever.
Right, so here's Orion's face with the bird over him. It's almost like he's wearing a mask, like a superhero mask. Like, we are definitely in a game, and it is 5:55 right now. Look at that! It's like he's wearing the bird over his eyes, like glasses. That's right, like a mask. Yeah, wow! And they did wear masks in ancient times a lot. Yeah, sure they did. What a trip! What a trip indeed!
Yeah, and this is my little daughter—cutest ever! Look at that little cutie! Oh my goodness! What's her name? So the king's chamber—it's her birthday this month. Oh cool! Yeah, so she is a Libra; she's at the end of the month. So this is the Orion constellation and the King's chamber, that's right. I have one of these balls like this; it's an orari that has the Orion depicted like this, and I realized, I'm like, holy crap, that's the king's chamber! It makes a rectangle. Yeah, I mean, it just really is; it's undeniably the same dimensions and everything.
Totally! Well, man, did this live up to the hype or what, you guys? Yeah, yeah, this was so fun, man. It is nuts! So then, you know, I went to a place that he always loves to go in Scotland—Clavar, which is Orion's Belt. It's literally three mounds of burial grounds that make the shape of Orion's Belt. And he's like, "Oh, it's my favorite place to go." I said, "You know that that's on Castle Grant land?" Ah! And he's like, "What?" We were at Blue's house, and he said, "What?" And I said, "Yeah, it's on CL." He goes, "It's Urkhart Castle." And I said, "Yeah, that's all part of Castle Grant originally." And Urkhart Castle is Grant Tower; it's on Loch Ness. Any relation? That's all the lands of the Grant Clan—it's my family! And so he's like, "We have to go visit." So we went there—what a trip! We all went there together, and we spent the night out there at Orion. And he's like, "Wait, so the Orion constellation in Scotland is on Castle Grant property?" I'm like, "Yep, it sure is!" That's just nuts, dude! What a trip, right?
We're just a crazy bunch—you can't make this stuff up, man! No, and so this is the Red Pyramid. We discovered that in the Red Pyramid on my last trip there a few months ago, there's actually Alpha Omega all over the walls as well. You could see it; it's like right here. There's a big X right here as well. It's like a big X and an A; it looks like a giant Christmas tree on the wall—that's in the Red Pyramid. And then this is with Matias, where we were together. You know, we're like splunking around. I remember watching that video on Instagram. Huh, I remember you guys put one of you posted a video—you both in Scotland on Instagram, right? Yes! And in fact, I have a—I'm doing an IG live tomorrow with Matias at 8 o'clock California time PM on my Instagram channel. AM? Nice, 8 AM! So this was discovered by our group there as well—Alpha Kai Omega. This is the symbol on the side of the Arcturian Mother Ship. Aran are just future humans.
The only limits we face are the ones we create in our own minds; change the world by embodying the change you wish to see.
In our discussion, we noted that there's a big X right here, and another one located right here as well, which makes it look like a giant Christmas tree on the wall inside the Red Pyramid. I was reminiscing about my time with Matias, where we were together exploring and splunking around. I remember watching a video on Instagram where you both posted a clip of your adventure in Scotland, right? Yes, and in fact, I have an IG live scheduled tomorrow with Matias at 8 AM California time on my Instagram channel.
This discovery was made by our group, Alpha Kai Omega, and it features the symbol on the side of the Arcturian Mother Ship. The Arcturian mother ship is called Athena, and the Arcturians are akin to Guardians of the Galaxy, having been involved with the whole Ra group during the construction of the pyramids. It is said that Thoth was originally Arcturian before he went to Atlantis, a point Matias often emphasizes. Essentially, the Arcons are future humans.
I have had visitations from them on several occasions, the first being when I was 11 years old in England, specifically in a place called Rendham Forest, where I lived. This area is known for a very famous UFO event that occurred at Brentwater Air Force Base. Additionally, there have been numerous prominent UFO abduction stories, with many individuals recounting their experiences of being abducted. Most of them report that when they ask the aliens about their origin, the aliens respond, "We are you from the future."
You can see on the center of this cross a rose. These symbols are not etched into the wall; rather, they are raised. You can especially notice the omega symbol and the kai. Interestingly, the shirt I was wearing when we discovered that was an Alpha Kai Omega shirt, which was quite funny.
In the King's Chamber, there is a depiction of the Tree of Life. The trunk of the tree is AAA, with a root system branching off of it. This is where the sarcophagus is located, and you can see the line where the tree extends, complete with leaves. There are also two dragons biting into the tree, which then form a DNA strand that stretches across the wall and over Orion's neck, throat, and mouth. The King's Chamber is literally full of petroglyphs.
It's amusing how the average person perceives ancient times and ancient people as being much less advanced than we are today. When you examine the way they understood philosophy and symbolism at such a profound level, it becomes clear that it requires significant intellect to grasp all of this within a spiritual context. In ancient times, this understanding was normal; these people were incredibly advanced and intelligent, albeit in a different manner than our modern logical and linear intelligence. They possessed a high degree of spiritual intelligence and esotericism, which we have only begun to explore today.
To me, all of this is revealing our actual human story: that we live in a simulation built by us. Ultimately, we are not prisoners of anyone else but ourselves. Our own consciousness can only expand to the level of or the volume of the cage of our own belief systems. The only cage we truly inhabit is the one we believe in. If we believe we can, or think we can, or think we can't, we will be right either way. This aligns with Heisenberg's uncertainty principle and all the principles we've learned from hermetic wisdom: it is a mental universe.
Therefore, if you want to see a world filled with more compassion, then you must embody more compassion. If you desire a world with more love, then be more loving. If you wish to see more kindness, then practice kindness. Stop judging others, for the moment you cease judging is when you begin to understand that it is you. Each of us changes the world by being the change we want to see. We are not here to escape; rather, we are here to engage and transform.
Change the world by being the change you want to see; judgment kills love, but love transforms everything.
That's the thing about this: Heisenberg's uncertainty principle and all the principles that we have learned, right? Hermetic wisdom teaches us that it's a mental universe. When you live in a mental universe, the only way to change the environment is to be the change that you want to see in the world. If you want to see a world with more compassion, then be more compassion. If you want to see the world with more love, then be more love. If you want to see the world with more kindness, then be the kindness. Stop judging it in other people, because the moment you stop judging others is when you start understanding and realizing that it's you. Each of us changes the world by being that change that we want to see.
We are not here to escape this Earth; we are not locked in by somebody. There's nobody, and Orion's finally waking up. We represent Orion; all of us do. We're finally waking up and realizing that there's no fun in conquering. It's not fun. I went to the United Nations and spoke at the co-summit, telling everyone there, in a room full of overlords, "Does the world really need more overlords? Does humanity need more overlords?" Because it's not very fun to be Lord Farquaad in Shrek; it's just not fun. It's a thankless job, and it’s too hard work. It doesn't make sense. If you want to see the world without words, then heal yourself within.
That's the message, brother. The law of one is so clear about this. I love the way that everything you just shared weaves so well into the law of one teachings. We come here to master ourselves, and for me, the main teaching that I give in 40 University from the law of one is this whole concept of spiritual balancing, which is their version of forgiveness or non-judgment. The way that Ra puts it is very unique, in my view, which is that all perspectives are equally valid from the Creator's view. Based on whatever perspective you're locked into, if you believe it, you will see it. All perspectives have relative truth to them, meaning they all appear to be true from that point of view.
When you're looking at a perspective from a different perspective, you can see all the flaws in it. We are grappling with our own confirmation bias and lack of openness to other perspectives. It's exactly what you said earlier: the opposite of love is judgment, and to be in fear is a type of judgment on the universe, right? "I'm not safe here; this isn't a good universe," etc. Judgment is the ultimate killer of love and the heart chakra from opening. To me, the game we're in, which, on one hand, as you've shown us tonight, is extraordinarily complex—mathematical, geometrical, astrological, and so complex—is our universe. Yet, we can just boil it all down to this one simple truth: the whole universe exists for the purpose of love to be made manifest. That's actually all you really need to know to win the game, as complex as it is. I find that to be a very interesting and amazing paradox.
I do too. It's funny because, like you, I studied the Bible my whole life, and I was always fascinated by the concept presented in Revelations—the final judgment, the last judgment, Judgment Day. I finally realized that this was really just a different way of describing the end of judgment when you go into the paradisiacal glory. Paradise for a thousand years is really just half of this Aon that we're in now, Aquarius, where it's all going to be shifted and all going to be different. You start to realize that, oh wait, that's a world that doesn't have judgment; it has love instead. The final judgment is the end of judgment. What a trip!
That is what A Course in Miracles says. The last judgment means the judgment which is actually your judgment, not God's. The course states that God is incapable of judging because God knows everything. You can't judge what you already know. So who's judging on the last judgment? It's you. It's when judgment ends in your mind that the last judgment occurs. Incredible symbolism! It's so beautiful. Then you realize, wait a minute, I chose all of this. I chose the menu; I chose everything in my higher self capacity, and these are all the things that I wanted to learn. Now, I'm able to take my pain and turn it into purpose, and that purpose becomes the wisdom.
My pain and suffering—judgment is the source of all suffering, but suffering is the source of enlightenment. Interesting, huh? When you can suddenly alchemize what you thought was the worst experience of your life into understanding that it's the most beautiful and the best, that is the true alchemy. And that's what the Bible teaches us. I believe that is what we are all being faced with right now. It's such beautiful symbolism, and it makes me think, gosh, the moment that we finally transcend this world is when we finally fall in love with it. Then we no longer need to be taught this principle.
Also, A Course in Miracles—dude, you're spitting ACIM gems, and you probably don't even know it! I don't even know it because I've never read A Course in Miracles. It's incredible! The course literally says what you just said. It talks about the world, saying, "God did not create the world that you see." What it means is the world of my perception—the world that I judge. It's scary, it's evil, it's bad, it's full of tyranny, whatever I'm judging. I'm judging God's universe in my mind, and so I'm sort of inventing a new universe in my mind because there is only the one universe of reality. If I don't see reality itself, I'm in imagination. I'm inventing, I'm projecting, and the course says that God didn't make the world that you see. You have to forgive the world that you see and let it go, and then only can you see the real world—capital R, capital W. Only then will you see the real world that God did make, but not until you forgive the one that you made. That's what the course says; it's so beautiful.
Well, I unfortunately just realized I have to get on another podcast now. Oh my gosh, look at you! I've got another one, so thank you so much. Just tell everybody where they can find you, what you're up to, and how they can get involved. You can find me at and on Instagram at Robert Edward Grant. You can also find my stuff on YouTube; I've got hundreds of videos on there about all this type of stuff. Thank you so much for being with me today, Erin, and inviting me on your show. I really enjoyed it. I can't wait to take you to Egypt!
I can't wait to go with you, brother! It's on top of my bucket list—like seriously, I cannot wait to take you. When's your next Egypt trip?
I'm going in February, and I'm going to try to figure out a way to make it happen because it sold out so fast. I couldn't even believe it; it was nuts! But I've kept a few rooms just in case extras that I wanted to make happen, so I'm going to see how many spots I have left for your buddies, man.
Are you going on Kyle Cease's podcast next?
No, I'm going on a guy named Richard Merritt.
Oh, okay! I saw somebody in the comments say that. Well, we'll let you go then, brother. Thank you so much, Robert; that was an absolute treat as always. Much love to you, man, and thanks for all the work you're doing.
My pleasure! Thank you so much, guys. I really appreciate it. Have a good night.
Yeah, blessings everyone! Thanks for tuning in. Peace and love. Bye for now!