Table of contents
- AD LeBlanc is still viable despite nerfs, just need to play smart and adapt your build!
- No escape, just a glorified cannon minion.
- Leading insane chases with LeBlanc is the most fun you'll have in the game!
- LeBlanc's mobility and burst damage make her the ultimate escape artist in the mid lane.
- Just had an epic LeBlanc game and another one is coming up—stay tuned!
- Transcript Analysis
AD LeBlanc is still viable despite nerfs, just need to play smart and adapt your build!
All right everybody, welcome back to another video. Today we're playing some LeBlanc in the mid lane, running Fleet, Presence of Mind, Alacrity, Cut Down, Bone Plating, and Overgrowth.
Introduction and setup of the game. The player is using a mix of runes designed for sustained combat, energy regeneration, and durability.
We're going to go AD LeBlanc with our dashes and use auto attacks and chains, which should be pretty strong. They've nerfed this a ton, but it still works. They've got a lot of scary champions though, including a Garen and a Jax who can block my autos.
The player is opting for an uncommon AD (Attack Damage) LeBlanc build, focusing on physical attacks instead of her usual magic. Acknowledges the challenges posed by enemy champions who can mitigate auto-attacks.
We're going to go Static Shiv first, then into Triforce, and potentially a Serylda's Grudge.
Initial item build focuses on boosting attack speed, critical strikes, and some utility with Serylda's Grudge for armor penetration and slow effect.
We'll have to see; we might need to go more on-hit like a Kraken Slayer since these are some beefy champions we're against. I don't think poke autos are going to do too well versus a bone plating tanky Diana.
Contingency plans for adapting the item build based on the tankiness of enemy champions. Kraken Slayer helps deal with high-health targets.
We could do Blade of the Ruined King; tricky, but we definitely need the Static Shiv first to help with our wave clear.
Blade of the Ruined King is considered for its on-hit effects and lifesteal, but Static Shiv’s wave-clear capacity is prioritized.
Thanks for walking in. We've got to whittle her down with auto attacks. It's me versus Garen, but I think Garen's good in the early game.
Commenting on early skirmishes and strategizing around Garen’s early game strengths.
We just need to all-in here since we're level three and she's not, which means we win the fight. Oops, yeah, we got the cannon. Looks can be deceiving.
Deciding to engage in an all-in fight due to a level advantage. Cannon minion secured, although it suggests a bit of surprise or error.
All right, not bad. What is their bot doing? We have a Draven lane, so he's either going to get really fed or he's going to leave the game; there's really no in-between with him.
Observes the unpredictable nature of Draven players, who tend to either excel or underperform dramatically.
I attack fast enough for that to be useful. I feel like the pickaxe might be better. I'd rather have 25 damage on every hit than have 40 extra damage on an attack every 30 seconds because I'm not going to be autoing that fast.
Evaluates item choices, preferring consistent attack damage from a pickaxe over intermittent bonuses due to attack speed limitations.
He's fine; he lives this. Don't walk back at him, you lived this, you trolled.
Live commentary on a teammate's survival, highlighting a mistake (trolling) if they make a wrong move.
Oh yeah, I got Bone Plating and Overgrowth too. Need the cannon. We're going to hit five here. I think we still win an all-in from full HP.
Comments on rune effectiveness and strategic outlook while focusing on last-hitting a key minion (cannon) to gain experience.
Tricky, but I should do short trades first. Where'd that Jax go? We got her. An enemy's Phase Rush isn't getting you out of that one.
Plans to engage in short skirmishes. Successfully ganks or defeats an enemy with escape mechanisms rendered ineffective.
We're level six now, she's four. The pickaxe was the move. I want her to jump in. Do it, as long as Jax isn't here. Wants to hit, I could chain into an all-in.
Advantageous level gap. Pickaxe continues to be effective. Preparing to counter-initiate if the enemy engages.
Chain or miss, looks can be deceiving. Get her clone, you're not getting 25 gold from my clone. Oh, because of the hell you ain't even ready.
Misses a skill shot but attempts to mislead the opponent with LeBlanc’s clone.*
I tried. Really shouldn't stay; she wants to hit a Q, then she's going to dash in and ignite.
Acknowledges a failed attempt and predicts the enemy’s likely strategy to set up a combo kill.
I think I have enough HP as long as she doesn't hit the Q, I should survive.
Calculates survival chances based on health and spells involved.
Aha, well based on Draven rushing a crit cloak, he might not know what he's doing. Got Nimbus Cloak. Think I can kill her. That's close, a treat.
Critiques Draven’s itemization decisions. Acquires Nimbus Cloak (movement speed burst) and contemplates a kill opportunity.
Oh, Mordekaiser was able to kill Garen. I think we go for one of these. An ally, hello YouTube, enjoy sleeping.
Notices a successful play by Mordekaiser. Shout-out to the audience, breaking the fourth wall.
Hope your games provide the easiest of videos, thank you. Oh, I have the Shiv and then we wait 15 gold, we have the boots.
Engages with the audience, hoping for successful gameplay. Shares current item progress.
It's all where next. All right, we have wave clear now. Every time I kill a minion, every 3 seconds it'll zap stuff. She's just dead again. Down goes Diana.
Static Shiv is complete, bolstering wave clear. Announces another successful kill on Diana.
Go try and roam out the other lanes. Draven has stacks of adoration, it doesn't even...
Plans to assist other lanes, noting Draven's potential for bonus gold through adoration stacks.
No escape, just a glorified cannon minion.
Transcript Analysis
Transcript Phrase: Close, a treat! Oh, Mor Kiser was able to kill Garen. Analysis: The game starts with an excitement on a close encounter, and the player notes Mordekaiser (referred to as Mor Kiser) killing Garen, indicating a significant in-game event.
Transcript Phrase: I think we go for one of these. Analysis: The player is deciding on their next course of action, likely considering objectives or items.
Transcript Phrase: An ally, hello YouTube, enjoy sleeping. Hope your games provide the easiest of videos, thank you. Analysis: Acknowledgment of an ally, followed by a casual greeting to their YouTube audience, indicating the player is recording for content.
Transcript Phrase: Oh, I have the shiv and then we wait. 15 gold, we have the boots. It's all where next. Analysis: The player discusses their inventory, indicating they have a Statikk Shiv and are waiting for gold to buy boots, planning their next move.
Transcript Phrase: Alright, we have wave clear now. Every time I kill a minion, every 3 seconds it'll zap stuff. Analysis: With the Statikk Shiv, the player now has better wave clear capabilities that trigger every few seconds with a zap effect.
Transcript Phrase: She's just dead again. Down goes Diana. Analysis: The player describes another success, with Diana being killed again, showcasing dominance.
Transcript Phrase: Go try and roam out the other lanes. Analysis: The player decides to roam and assist other lanes, indicating a strategic approach to gaining advantage.
Transcript Phrase: Rven has stacks of adoration. It doesn't even say. Analysis: There's confusion or surprise about the specific mechanics of Draven's adoration stacks not being shown.
Transcript Phrase: Looks can be deceiving. Analysis: A general remark that could denote a deceptive play or strategy in the game.
Transcript Phrase: He’s always around mid. What's he doing? Analysis: Observational commentary on an opponent's positioning around the mid lane, questioning their strategy.
Transcript Phrase: I can keep jumping, I can kite. Analysis: The player is confident in their ability to maneuver and evade opponents through jumping and kiting.
Transcript Phrase: They have quadruple the amount of dashes he has and double the dashes of Diana. Analysis: The player compares the mobility of different champions, emphasizing their own mobility advantage.
Transcript Phrase: You're dead. There's two of us hitting you, double the pews. Analysis: Confirmation of a kill, noting the coordinated effort of two players attacking.
Transcript Phrase: I got red buff now, 571 shift damage. Analysis: The player has acquired a red buff and states the damage output from their critical hits.
Transcript Phrase: An ally has been slain. Time to make an appearance. Analysis: Noticing an ally's death, the player feels it's the right moment to intervene or show up.
Transcript Phrase: Well, I hope he doesn't have ult. Oh, he left. TP, I'm here. Analysis: The player is cautious about an opponent’s ultimate ability and indicates they've teleported to a new location.
Transcript Phrase: You didn't need to do that. Analysis: Reflects on an unnecessary action taken by an ally or enemy, possibly a wasted ability or spell.
Transcript Phrase: I don't think the clone can proc this because it doesn't do damage. Analysis: Speculation on game mechanics concerning the effectiveness of a clone in activating certain effects.
Transcript Phrase: It can't kill a minion, but maybe, who knows. Analysis: Further pondering about the clone's limitations and its potential use.
Transcript Phrase: Where are you? Triforce misdirection. Analysis: The player is looking for an opponent, mentioning a strategy involving the Trinity Force item.
Transcript Phrase: We need the sheen, but I'm not going to buy a moat. Need the swords. Analysis: The player discusses itemization strategy, prioritizing certain components over others.
Transcript Phrase: An enemy has been slain. Hey, he got his kill. It doesn't say the amount though. Analysis: Acknowledgement of a kill, with curiosity about missing information on the kill count or gold earned.
Transcript Phrase: Oh, he's going to have a collector off that probably. Analysis: The player predicts the enemy will get The Collector item after their recent success.
Transcript Phrase: You just don't get away from this, is the thing. He’s just a glorified cannon minion. There's no escape. Analysis: The player asserts dominance, stating that the opponent is easily controlled or defeated.
Transcript Phrase: Go around Tom. Analysis: Instructions or suggestions, possibly to an ally named Tom.
Transcript Phrase: He's going to get out of control once he hits like two items, stride breaker and whatever else it is. Analysis: The player predicts the enemy will become significantly stronger upon acquiring specific items.
Transcript Phrase: Cleaver, where did that guy come from? Analysis: Surprise or confusion about an opponent's sudden appearance, possibly relating to the Black Cleaver item.
Transcript Phrase: Another game, no grubs contested. Nobody likes grubs. Analysis: Commentary on the lack of contestation over a specific objective or resource in the game.
Transcript Phrase: Might as well just tank it before I get to the threshold of his execute. My clone will pop. Analysis: The player decides to mitigate damage before reaching a critical threshold and anticipates their clone's effect.
Transcript Phrase: An ally has been slain. Looks can be deceiving. Analysis: Acknowledges another ally's death; repeats a general remark on deception.
Transcript Phrase: Whoa, whoa, whoa, we can't. I have two people hitting my turret. That's not allowed. Analysis: The player expresses concern about two enemies attacking their turret, emphasizing the need for intervention.
Transcript Phrase: Would I lie? Can't believe they put Wukong in League of Legends from that Wukong game that came out recently. Analysis: The player makes a humorous or rhetorical comment about Wukong's presence in the game.
Transcript Phrase: One chain, two chain, Diana dead. I'm just going to run. Analysis: Describes a sequence leading to Diana's death and then decides to retreat.
Transcript Phrase: Let's see if he knows. I think he knew he was taking damage from the clone that was just standing still autoing him. Analysis: The player assesses whether the enemy noticed they were being attacked by the clone.
Transcript Phrase: An ally, hey, he's got a clone too. Analysis: Acknowledgment that the ally also has a clone ability, likely referring to a champion like Wukong or Shaco.
Transcript Phrase: Yeah, it works like 90% of the time. It really depends on the situation you're in. Analysis: The player reflects on the effectiveness of the clone strategy, with situational dependence.
Transcript Phrase: If you even have somewhere to run away. But if you just press S as soon as you get cloned and hold alt and make the clone run towards your turret, they're going to go for the clone. Analysis: The player explains a strategy for using the clone to deceive opponents, causing them to target the clone instead.
Transcript Phrase: Your turret has been destroyed. You cannot catch me. I'm too vast. I am too fast for you guys. Nice try. Analysis: Confirms the loss of a turret, but the player remains confident in their speed and evasion.
Transcript Phrase: We're going on a trip, follow me. Oh, there's a red buff over here. Analysis: The player invites allies to follow and notes the presence of a red buff.
Transcript Phrase: An ally has been slain and a blue buff. Enemy double kill. Oh, goodbye Draven. Analysis: Reporting deaths and a notable enemy double kill, expressing disappointment over Draven's death.
Transcript Phrase: Looks can be deceiving. Analysis: Reiterating the statement about deception, likely emphasizing the unpredictability of the game.
Transcript Phrase: Kaa is kind of out farming him a lot. I missed right-click. Analysis: The player notices Kaisa (referred to as Kaa) out farming an opponent and mentions a missed right-click.
Transcript Phrase: Right-click. I am the right-click hero. Watch out for Kaisa. Analysis: Self-referential humor on the reliance on right-click attacks, advising caution against Kaisa.
Transcript Phrase: An ally has been slain. Is there a wolf? Is that just telling me that Jax is right here? Oh wait, Jax is dead. Why is the wolf? Analysis: The player is confused about an indication of a wolf, possibly related to game mechanics or vision, and then recalls Jax is dead.
Leading insane chases with LeBlanc is the most fun you'll have in the game!
I am too fast for you guys, nice try.
- The player feels confident about their speed or mobility, suggesting they just evaded an attack or opponent.
We're going on a trip, follow me.
- The player is likely leading their team or preparing for maneuvering through the map.
Oh, there's a red buff over here.
- The player has spotted an important in-game resource, the red buff, which provides combat benefits.
An ally has been slain and a blue buff enemy duo kill.
- A teammate has been killed and the enemy team has secured the blue buff, indicating a potential power shift.
Oh, goodbye Draven.
- The player has either killed Draven or witnessed Draven’s demise.
Looks like Kaa is kind of out farming him a lot.
- Kaa (probably an allied or enemy champion) is collecting more gold or resources than Draven.
I missed right-click. I am the right-click hero.
- The player missed an important attack and is possibly critiquing their own play style humorously.
Watch out for Kaisa.
- The player warns the team of Kaisa, indicating she poses a threat.
An ally has been slain.
- Another teammate has been killed, showing ongoing struggles in the game.
Is there a wolf? Is that just telling me that Jax is right here?
- The player notices the presence of a jungle monster, wolf, and wonders if it indicates Jax is nearby.
Oh wait, Jax is dead. Why is the wolf there?
- The player realizes the connection between Jax and the wolf is irrelevant because Jax is dead.
I like this ship down for little Festa. You are all right.
- Some personal commentary, likely reflecting on their situation or teammate.
Well, I might be in trouble. Too fast for you.
- The player feels threatened but confident in their speed to escape danger.
Oh, okay, hello. That was a little jump scare.
- The player has encountered an enemy unexpectedly, causing a momentary scare.
That was kind of scary; I could have definitely died there.
- Acknowledging the near-fatal encounter, showing the high-risk nature of the game.
Your team has destroyed a turret.
- Despite the chaos, the player’s team has achieved a significant objective.
My favorite part of LeBlanc is leading people on some insane chases; it's pretty fun.
- The player expresses joy in using LeBlanc’s playstyle, which involves deceptive maneuvers.
It's worth the chance of dying.
- Indicates that the player's enjoyment outweighs the risk of dying in these chases.
All right, we could either go blade next or I think I'll just get the cyclos sword.
- The player is contemplating their next item purchase, which is crucial for in-game strategy.
I mean, Garen's got five kills now. What do I want?
- Acknowledging Garen's strong position in the game, the player re-evaluates their item choices.
An ally has been slain.
- Another teammate's death, indicating a tough ongoing battle.
I think we'll be okay.
- Despite the deaths, the player remains cautiously optimistic.
I don't know if I'm going to be able to kill Garen, but I should be able to get away from him.
- The player doubts their ability to confront Garen but feels confident in escaping if necessary.
This one doesn't have the phase rush and a Yumi.
- The player notes the absence of specific items or champions that could influence the game dynamic.
We do have a J; he's dead.
- Briefly mentions an ally J (likely Jhin or Jax) but notes their death.
I didn't get an assist.
- The player didn't receive credit for a recent fight, possibly feeling a bit disappointed or unremarked.
The ship didn't zapper or doesn't have TP.
- Commentary on game mechanics or another player’s actions, possibly indicating confusion or missed opportunity.
I should probably head up top.
- The player plans to move to the top lane, perhaps to support or farm.
Surprised to see me? Hello, an ally.
- The player encounters an ally, possibly unexpectedly.
Fancy seeing you here, Garen.
- The player encounters Garen and engages in a banter-like manner.
Thought you wanted to fight? Where are you going?
- Taunting Garen as he appears to retreat from a confrontation.
I can also follow you, I hope you know that.
- The player hints at their ability to pursue Garen, maintaining pressure.
Thanks for clearing the chickens.
- Possibly thanking Garen sarcastically for dealing with jungle creatures or “chickens.”
Rven might be in run-at-down mode, not yet.
- Speculates about Riven's status or strategy, indicating watchfulness.
D is so a few more. How did you know? How did you know?
- The player is likely reacting to a well-timed or well-predicted move by the enemy.
Oh no, I timed it perfectly, I knew it.
- Confirming their own success in timing a play.
No, don't press R, she doesn't have it. We're good.
- Assuring a teammate or themselves that an enemy lacks their ultimate ability (“R”).
God, get me out.
- The player feels the urgent need to escape a dangerous situation.
An ally has been slain.
- Further indicating continued team losses.
Ow, collect the loots. Oh, he wants me.
- The player reacts to damage and considers collecting resources while noting an enemy's attention.
I'm back, backy. Oh shoot, this is my nook.
- The player indicates returning to a favored position while surprised by an encounter.
What are you doing over here?
- Questioning an enemy's unexpected presence near their position.
I will not.
- The player asserts a decision, likely rejecting an action or suggestion.
An ally has been slain.
- Team losses continue to mount, pointing to a challenging game.
Did he flash already? I don't remember.
- The player is unsure if an enemy has used their flash ability recently.
Okay, what is going on? Where am I?
- Confusion about the situation or location during the game.
Oh, that's a clone. I was like, what the hell?
- Realizing they were dealing with a clone rather than the actual enemy champion.
Wait, that's my other dash. Shoot, okay, it worked.
- The player acknowledges using a secondary ability successfully, despite initial confusion.
I don't really know what happened there.
- Admits to uncertainty about the recent play’s series of events.
My clone like popped and I teleported it in.
- Describes the use of their clone and teleport abilities.
All right, now we got a slow on our auto.
- Discusses an added effect to their basic attacks.
It's only 20% but it charges up pretty quick.
- Notes the efficiency and speed of the new effect.
I think we go Rapid Fire for more charging.
- Contemplating further item builds to enhance their abilities.
Your team has destroyed a turret.
- A significant in-game achievement, showing progress despite adversities.
But I might need more damage.
- Considering further adjustments to increase offensive power.
Starting to become the tickler.
- Commenting humorously on dealing insignificant but persistent damage.
Patience, Summoner.
- Possibly a self-reminder or quoting an in-game message to maintain composure.
It does add 100 extra damage though.
- Reflecting on the benefit of their new item or ability.
I feel like we can do the auto dash dash.
- Planning a specific combo move to maximize damage.
It's back up auto, that's 200 extra damage there.
- Calculating the total potential damage from the combo.
Well, that's a weird war.
- Describing an unconventional or unexpected fight scenario.
You are being tickled to death.
- Commenting humorously on the enemy taking small, repetitive damage.
Oh, you have a turret.
- Realizing the enemy has the protection or advantage of a turret.
I mean, he might still have W back up soon.
- Guessing the enemy’s ability cooldowns for strategic advantage.
I guess we're all just dying now.
- Reflecting on the team’s challenging situation.
Wukong's popping, he's got a hard steal.
- Noting Wukong’s effective performance and successful item acquisition.
He goes, he's going to type something in all chat about Diana in three, two, one.
- Predicting a potential complaint or comment from Wukong about Diana in the chat.
This works on turret.
- Confirming that their strategy or ability is effective against turrets.
Maybe he's just doing it in team chat.
- Speculating that Wukong’s comments are directed at the team chat instead of all chat.
LeBlanc's mobility and burst damage make her the ultimate escape artist in the mid lane.
Summoner, it does add 100 extra damage.
Analysis: The player is discussing a specific game mechanic or item that adds 100 extra damage, likely an ability or an item passive.
Though, I feel like we can do the auto dash.
Analysis: The player is considering an alternative tactic, possibly using an auto attack in combination with a dash ability.
Dash, it's back up. Auto, that's 200 extra damage there.
Analysis: The player successfully executes the dash and auto attack combo, calculating an additional 200 damage.
Well, that's a weird war.
Analysis: The player observes an unusual or unexpected event occurring in the game, likely referring to positioning or engagement.
You are being tickled to death.
Analysis: The player might be commenting on a situation where they or an ally is being slowly worn down by low damage over time.
Oh, you have a turret.
Analysis: The player acknowledges the presence of a defensive structure, indicating a shift in their strategy.
I mean, he might still have W back up.
Analysis: The player is considering the enemy's cooldowns, particularly the W ability, which might still be available for use.
Soon, I guess we're all just dying now.
Analysis: The player observes a turning point in the game where their team is starting to fall apart or lose members rapidly.
Wukong's popping.
Analysis: The player notes that the champion Wukong is performing exceptionally well or making impactful plays.
He's got a hard steal.
Analysis: The player references an item or ability that provides significant durability or damage mitigation to Wukong.
He goes, he's going to type something in all chat about Diana in three, two, one.
Analysis: The player anticipates a reaction from another player, possibly trash talk or commentary about the champion Diana.
This works on turret.
Analysis: The player discovers that a specific ability or item effect is effective against turrets.
Maybe he's just doing it in team chat.
Analysis: The player contemplates that the expected all chat message might have been sent privately within the team chat.
Destroy. Hello, I haven't fought you yet.
Analysis: The player engages with a new enemy champion they haven't encountered before in the game.
I have another, damn it, I missed.
Analysis: The player attempts another ability or attack but misses the target.
I got every minion but the cannon.
Analysis: The player clears a wave of minions but fails to secure the more valuable cannon minion.
Feel like Jax is right here and they are looking for me.
Analysis: The player senses danger, suspecting the champion Jax is nearby and possibly targeting them.
It's all smoke and mirrors. Leave me be, I'm just LeBlanc.
Analysis: The player uses LeBlanc’s deceptive abilities to evade or mislead the enemy.
Oh no, that's not good.
Analysis: Something unfavorable occurs, causing concern for the player.
Oh, she got phase rush off it.
Analysis: The enemy champion successfully triggers the Phase Rush keystone, granting them increased mobility.
Oh my God, I have no mana.
Analysis: The player realizes they are out of mana, limiting their ability to use spells.
No, you'll never get me.
Analysis: The player attempts an escape, confident in evading the enemy.
What do we want? Oh, we can do the rapid fire.
Analysis: The player considers their next move or item, deciding on something that allows rapid attacks.
Looks can be deceiving. Come here.
Analysis: The player uses LeBlanc’s deceptive nature to lure the enemy closer.
Oh, I think we got him.
Analysis: The player feels confident that they have secured a kill or a significant advantage.
He's just getting run down. We are doing pretty solid damage actually.
Analysis: The player comments on an enemy being chased down and acknowledges their own effective damage output.
Enemy ability.
Analysis: The player notes the use of an enemy ability, possibly impactful to the current situation.
Oh, I could use the plant to get out of that without having to dash.
Analysis: The player considers using in-game plants to escape a situation instead of using their dash ability.
I'm everywhere. An enemy... oh, I'm dead.
Analysis: The player feels they are effectively being everywhere on the map but then realizes they are about to die.
Damn it, stupid E.
Analysis: The player expresses frustration over being affected by an enemy’s E ability.
Man, I shouldn't have went back in.
Analysis: The player regrets re-engaging, realizing it was a mistake that led to their death.
Find time for the rest of his team with that sacrifice.
Analysis: The player reflects on how their death or actions bought time for their teammates.
Can't auto him, his E was up like twice that fight.
Analysis: The player highlights their difficulty in auto-attacking an enemy due to their E ability being active multiple times.
Alright, we either need Blade of the Ruined King or I don't know, Kraken Slayer.
Analysis: The player contemplates their next item purchase, weighing the benefits of Blade of the Ruined King or Kraken Slayer.
Blade slow would be nice too. Kraken Slayer gives move speed still.
Analysis: The player considers the additional effects of the items, such as the slowing effect from Blade of the Ruined King and the movement speed from Kraken Slayer.
Look how I have zero AP and my Q does 300 damage to minions.
Analysis: The player points out the effectiveness of their Q ability even without any ability power (AP), which deals significant damage to minions.
Still time to make an appearance.
Analysis: The player remains hopeful that they can still influence the game positively.
Damn, that's a big deal to Joh.
Analysis: The player acknowledges a significant event or item that impacts another player, possibly named Joh.
Alright, going to push mid. Nobody's here to defend.
Analysis: The player decides to apply pressure in the mid lane, noticing a lack of enemy defense.
Are you certain? Oh, now they're coming.
Analysis: The player questions their previous observation as enemies start to arrive for defense.
An enemy is UN. Your team destroyed AET.
Analysis: The player receives notifications about enemy status and their team’s progress in destroying objectives.
She didn't ult earlier.
Analysis: The player notes that an enemy did not use their ultimate ability in a previous engagement.
I crit. There's no escape.
Analysis: The player lands a critical hit and believes there is no way for the enemy to escape.
Okay, if he presses R on me, I'm literally dead.
Analysis: The player realizes the threat of an enemy using their ultimate ability, which would result in their death.
I'm dead. Run, LeBlanc, run.
Analysis: The player dies but encourages their character to escape, showing a mix of humor and desperation.
Oh my God, get me out. It's so fun.
Analysis: The player expresses excitement and enjoyment about their intense situation.
This is the best part about playing LeBlanc.
Analysis: The player highlights the thrill and fun of playing LeBlanc, especially in evading and surviving dangerous situations.
I thought I was a goner. He didn't ult me or did he ult me?
Analysis: The player is surprised to have survived and questions whether the enemy used their ultimate ability.
I lived. I think he just spun.
Analysis: The player confirms that they survived and reflects on the enemy’s actions, concluding they used a spinning ability instead of an ultimate.
We got to decide, Kraken or Blade?
Analysis: The player revisits the decision on itemization between Kraken Slayer and Blade of the Ruined King.
Or I could go Flicker Blade and dash even more, but really won't do that much damage.
Analysis: The player considers another item, Flicker Blade, for its dashing capabilities but doubts its damage output.
Think I'm going to go with the Kraken.
Analysis: The player decides on Kraken Slayer as their next item.
An enemy has been slain.
Analysis: The player receives a notification that an enemy champion has been killed.
Looks can be deceiving. The rapid fire auto.
Analysis: The player uses LeBlanc’s deceptive abilities again, appreciating the rapid auto attacks they can perform.
I wish I could see how much damage this has done to champs. It actually does a bit.
Analysis: The player is curious about the exact damage output of their strategy on enemy champions, acknowledging it seems effective.
Alright, I mean that was fun. That was a very, very fun LeBlanc game.
Analysis: The player concludes their game, expressing satisfaction and enjoyment from playing LeBlanc.
We got to lead them on chases and stuff.
Analysis: The player reflects on the gameplay, particularly enjoying the chases they led against the enemies.
I hope you guys enjoyed. I've got another LeBlanc game I'm going to add on to this, so keep watching.
Analysis: The player addresses the audience, hoping they enjoyed the content and announcing more gameplay to come.
Alright everybody, welcome back to another video.
Analysis: The player starts a new video, greeting the audience and signaling the beginning of another session.
Today we're playing some LeBlanc in the mid lane, running Fleet, Presence of Mind, Delac, Cut Down, Bone Plating, and Overgrowth.
Analysis: The player introduces their champion and the runes they are using for the game, providing a strategic overview.
We're going to go AD LeBlanc because if we go AD, we have four dashes with our W and our R and we can kite enemies.
Analysis: The player explains their strategy to build LeBlanc with attack damage (AD) for increased mobility and kiting potential.
He's like perfectly made to play as an...
Analysis: The player begins to describe an aspect of LeBlanc's playstyle or their plan, but the transcript cuts off, leaving the thought incomplete.
Just had an epic LeBlanc game and another one is coming up—stay tuned!
Transcript Analysis
Original Phrase
Alright, I mean that was fun. That was a very, very fun LeBlanc game. We got the lead, and they chased us and stuff. I hope you guys enjoyed it. I've got another LeBlanc game I'm going to add on to this, so keep watching.
The player is reflecting positively on the previous game, expressing enjoyment and success. They're transitioning to another game, maintaining audience engagement by suggesting upcoming content.
Original Phrase
Alright everybody, welcome back to another video. Today we're playing some LeBlanc in the mid lane, running Fleet, Presence of Mind, Delac, Cut Down, Bone Plating, and Overgrowth. We're going to go AD LeBlanc because if we go AD, we have four dashes with our W and our R, and we can kite enemies. We also have a root, making her perfectly suited to play as an ADC. However, they've nerfed her scaling attack speed a lot, but I think we'll still be able to play fine.
The player starts a new game, providing a detailed introduction about the champion (LeBlanc), the chosen runes, and strategy (AD LeBlanc). They acknowledge the nerfs but remain optimistic about the viability of their strategy.
Original Phrase
We're against Neeko, which is not going to be the greatest champion for us to play against. I'm thinking we get a Static Shiv first so we have some wave clear. I'm considering Static Shiv, Cyclo Sword, and Triforce—anything to pop in and do a lot of damage on one auto. At first, Neeko is going to be very hard to hit with our E because of the dogs blocking it. She's got 18, we're down in farm, and she's actually getting a lot of the minions she pushes with, but we'll blame it on the dogs last-hitting for her.
The player identifies the opponent (Neeko) as a challenging matchup and outlines their item build strategy to counteract this. They humorously blame minion loss on the game mechanics (dogs), demonstrating their awareness and wit while maintaining a light-hearted tone.
Original Phrase
Time to make an appearance. Damn it. I think we still max W with this because our jump is everything. It's all good; we can win this. Oh, she's going for the clone. She missed. We got pretty lucky there. I think if she hit those QEs, I would have had to flash away. My passive won me that one-v-one for sure. Cyclo Sword is going to work with our dashes and charge up our Fleet faster. We can go Rapid Fire too for the long-range auto. I want to make sure we still have good damage.
Here, the player engages in gameplay, noting the importance of the 'W' ability for mobility. They reflect on close-call interactions, attributing their survival to luck and LeBlanc's passive. They continue discussing item choices to enhance their strategy.
Original Phrase
She's just running at me. Watch closely. No, I got it. Oh no, I got the cannon. Worth. Alright, what is Static Shiv? I think we need this first for clear. Looks can be deceiving. I'll get a pickaxe. We'll be able to jump away from Nocturne's ult too.
The player narrates a skirmish, highlighting the importance of securing valuable minions like the cannon minion. They reaffirm their item build choice for wave clear and mobility, showing adaptation to the ongoing game situation.
Original Phrase
An enemy has been slain. See, she's just going to go all-in. Damn it. The dogs got to get my damage back. The thing about Neeko is she presses W on you and forces an all-in, but maybe I can jump into the tower when she does that. Like this. Darn, I don't even know if she took a turret shot. I think it shot one of her dogs instead.
The player comments on the aggressive nature of Neeko, expressing frustration with game mechanics (dogs). They strategize potential responses to Neeko's aggression, using the turret defensively, and note possible miscalculations in-game.
Original Phrase
Surprised to see me? Neeko probably has almost as bad champ design as Yi because she's just like Zed—a champion that just presses one button on you and either kills you or doesn't. A lot less skill required than Zed too. Trust me. Q is doing 120 damage. Why is it doing so much? Oh, it does extra damage to minions. I didn't even know that. An enemy has been slain. I need more money. Tricky, aren't you? I thought it just reset on the minion and gave you some mana back. I didn't know they added that extra damage too. Nice Q. It's all smoke and mirrors.
The player criticizes Neeko's champion design, comparing it to other champions requiring less skill. They discover and comment on mechanics they were unaware of, highlighting their adaptability and learning process during the game.
Original Phrase
Wow, scammed. Scammed. What a treat. Got it. The dog is bot. Run for your lives. Coming. Okay, never mind. I'm staying. They're going to have two champions that are going to press one button and fly half the map at me. I think I can cancel their jump. What are you doing? I'm under turret. Come on, man. Put him to sleep. Come on, man.
The player expresses frustration with the game events ("scammed"), while keeping a humorous undertone. They communicate decision-making in real-time, acknowledging the threat from enemy champions with strong engage abilities, and showcasing a potential counter-strategy under turret defense. Their commentary illustrates the dynamic and fast-paced decision-making required in the game.
Gaming highs and lows: from epic wins to frustrating fails, it's all part of the journey!
Need more money, tricky aren't you?
- The player seems to be addressing a gold-related challenge here, likely referring to needing more in-game currency to purchase items or upgrades.
I thought it just reset on the minion and gave you some Mana back.
- The player is clarifying a misunderstanding about a game mechanic, possibly related to a skill or item effect that refreshes or grants Mana.
I didn’t know they added that extra damage too.
- They just learned about an additional effect or buff, which implies there's been a change or addition they were unaware of.
Nice Q, it's all smoke and mirrors.
- Complimenting a well-aimed skill shot (Q ability) and implies it was a deceptive or tricky maneuver.
Wow, scammed. Scammed, what a treat.
- Expressing frustration over being outplayed or tricked in some manner.
Got it!
- Indicates successfully achieving something, perhaps killing a minion, monster, or enemy champion.
The dog is bot, run for your lives.
- They are warning their teammates about an enemy champion, likely Warwick, appearing in the bottom lane.
Coming, okay, never mind, I'm staying.
- A quick change in decision, indicating the unpredictability and fast pace of the game.
They're going to have two Champions that are going to press one button and fly half the map at me.
- Refers to champions with long-range or global abilities, potentially a high-threat situation.
I think I cancel their jump.
- The player is strategizing on how to counter or interrupt the enemy's move.
What are you doing? I'm under turrets, come on man, put him to sleep.
- Frustration directed at either a teammate or enemy for their actions around the turret.
Come on man, you too, you want some too? Bring it on, come on Lilia, get him.
- The player is engaged in a fight, encouraging themselves or teammates to attack.
I think I got her, yeah. Leave me be.
- Indicates a successful kill but also wants to avoid further conflict or chase.
An ally has been slain, an enemy has been slain.
- The game's kill feed showing both a teammate and an enemy dying.
Why do I feel like he's going to ult me?
- The player is anticipating an enemy's ultimate ability targeting them.
I can't use W because if I use W and he ults me, I don't... I mean, I could... you know what? I got Lilia behind me.
- Debating the usage of their W ability due to the risk of getting hit by an ultimate, but reassured by a nearby ally, Lilia.
I don't have anything, he doesn't have mana at all.
- Both players seem low on resources, making the situation tense.
No, come on, one hit. I didn't get it.
- Frustration over narrowly missing a kill or objective.
We got to go again, we got to go again. I got it, no run, I'm alive, holy sh... worth.
- An exciting sequence of trying again, succeeding, and then escaping with low health, feeling it was worth the risk.
Wait, what do they have? Okay, nothing that can get me yet.
- Checking the enemy's capabilities to ensure safety.
I like Jinx's ult. Damn, I need another 100.
- Expressing a liking for Jinx's ultimate ability, and stating the need for more gold, likely to buy an item.
Tricky, aren't you? Watch closely.
- A potential call-out to an opponent, implying they are being cunning, and a signal to pay attention to the next move.
An enemy has been slain. Oh, this is awkward, really can't wave clear with anything but my Q and my autos.
- Discussing the difficulty in clearing minion waves with limited abilities available.
Feel like they should have reworked Nefer's Q.
- Critiquing the design of a specific ability from a character, possibly suggesting improvements.
I don't know why it applies a bleed on the first one hit and then like detonates it on the second. It should just bleed if you hit both of them.
- More detailed feedback on how they perceive the ability should function.
Alright, damn it dogs, why do I even try?
- Frustration with minions or a difficult situation involving multiple enemies.
I guess they want her to be burst though. He's out of mana.
- Reflecting on game design intentions for a character to be burst damage-oriented; noting an enemy is out of mana.
Oh, I actually hit her. The autos kill, what a treat.
- Successfully landing an ability and securing a kill with basic attacks.
Surprise to see me, W's doing damage.
- The player is dealing unexpected damage with their W ability.
What do we go after this? Triforce, I think.
- Pondering the next item to purchase, considering Trinity Force for its benefits.
Cycle sword's not good till later. Should my attack...
- Deciding against an item known as Cycle Sword until later in the game. The sentence cuts off mid-thought.
An ally has been slain, an ally has been slain.
- Twice noting a teammate's death, possibly during a chaotic team fight.
Could have probably just went armor boots and went like Bruiser.
- Reflecting on the item choices, suggesting a tankier build might have been better.
Her attack speed scaling is really bad. Looks can be deceiving.
- Commenting on a character's poor attack speed growth despite appearances.
That only bounces to two? Oh, there we go.
- Noting a limitation of a skill that only affects two targets, then possibly seeing an improvement or a different skill's effect.
Okay, I like this. Ooh, I don’t like this. Right where I want, I like this.
- A rollercoaster of emotions, first liking the situation, then disliking it, before settling into an advantageous position.
Damn it, she flashed and the dogs formed a wall in front of her.
- Frustration with an enemy escaping using Flash and minions (dogs) blocking the path.
Try and play a champion like Morana in the fury and try to hit one bind, it's like literally impossible.
- Comparing the difficulty of landing skill shots with a different champion (Morana) in high-pressure situations.
Why am I attacking faster but I'm not getting cannons? Where's the nocturnal? Watch closely.
- Confusion over increased attack speed not securing minion kills, and looking out for an enemy (possibly Nocturne) as they strategize.
An enemy has been slain. I'll go get Lux. Hey, that's mine.
- Reporting a kill and planning to target Lux, while claiming something as their own.
It might be cooked. Why did that triple kill pop up an hour later?
- Uncertainty about the outcome and delayed display of a triple kill notification.
And I don’t even kill the dogs, and damn it, take like five autos each.
- Frustration with minions (dogs) being tough, taking multiple hits to kill.
Your team destroyed... well, we got to run, we got to go, we got to go.
- Announcing the destruction of an objective and the urgent need to retreat.
What do we get? Triforce for the sheen proc when we jump in?
- Deciding on purchasing Trinity Force for its burst effect on engaging.
Oh, red buff, come here. Oh my God, the Nefer slam dunk.
- Picking up the red buff and making an impressive play with Nefer.
Oh my God, wait, why is my static shiv going crazy?
- Surprised by the effectiveness or activity of their item, Statikk Shiv.
Dude, I just yed her, she went from one turret to the other.
- Excitedly recounting a powerful move that displaced an enemy across a significant distance.
I just get kited as long as I hold my dash. No, okay, give me the... an ally has been slain.
- Mentioning the difficulty of being kited while holding an engage ability, and then reporting another ally's death.
Epic game moments: dodging, dashing, and outplaying like a pro!
And I don't even kill the dogs.
- Seems the player is referring to the small neutral monsters in the jungle, possibly indicating a lack of jungle efficiency or a focus on objectives.
Damn, it takes like five Autos each for your team to destroy.
- Frustration over the high health of the jungle monsters being shared, highlighting the need for possibly more damage or better coordination.
Well, we got to run, we got to go, we got to go.
- Urgency, likely getting chased by enemies or needing to reposition urgently.
What do he TR Force for the sheen proc when we jump in?
- Contemplation about using Trinity Force (TR Force) for its Sheen proc in a skirmish or engage; weighing item choices.
Oh, red buff, come here.
- Spotting the red buff, possibly aiming to secure it for additional damage and slow effects.
Oh my God, the nefy slam dunk.
- Excitement over a successful, probably flashy play, possibly involving a champion like Darius or Dunkmaster skin.
Oh my God, wait why is my static ship going crazy?
- Surprise at how Static Shiv's passive chain lightning is behaving, could be due to a bug or unexpected interaction.
Dude, I just yed her, she went from one turret to the other.
- Describing a rapid movement or dash ability, potentially using a champion like Yasuo or Zed to traverse the map quickly.
I just get kited as long as I hold my Dash.
- Frustration at being kited (kept at a distance) by the enemy, losing effectiveness of dash ability.
No, okay give me the a has SL un.
- Unclear text, possibly referring to a specific ability or item. Could be "a has SL" intended to be 'stun' or similar typo.
Maybe a little Blanc counters NE Fury.
- Considering if LeBlanc can counter an enemy champion with fury (like Renekton or Tryndamere).
Was I like right here and then I jumped all the way to Turret or something?
- Recounting a play where the player moved a great distance quickly, questioning their position or the feasibility of the jump.
But she was right here, that was probably over here.
- Confusion about the enemy's position during the exchange, possible disorientation in the chaotic fight.
That's a tilter.
- Expressing a frustrating situation that could tilt or demoralize players.
Looks can be deceiving, done 700 damage.
- Commentary on deceptive appearances in damage output, could be in reference to a hidden damage source or unexpected burst.
Would I lie?
- Reaffirming the accuracy or honesty of the previous statement, possibly in a joking manner.
Oh, I got it. I got the static Shi to counter in a fury.
- Realization that Static Shiv (or similar item) could counter a fury-based champion.
I got my dashes, where you at?
- Ready to engage or reposition quickly, asking teammates or enemies their location.
Oh, I actually dodged it.
- Successfully evading an enemy ability, expressing surprise or pride.
Time to make an appearance.
- Planning to show up in a fight or gank, readiness to impact the game.
I go this way, I'm going to use gromp as a shield.
- Strategic positioning to use the jungle monster Gromp as a barrier, possibly to block skill shots.
Save me gromp.
- Desperate plea, likely low on health and hoping the Gromp can block an attack or distract the enemy.
Wait, clone.
- Noticing an enemy clone or using their own, indicating trickery or confusion in the fight.
Oh Shen, get her clone.
- Encouraging Shen to target the right enemy or clone.
Some might call me crazy cuz I am.
- Playfully embracing a wild or unconventional playstyle.
Oh, she's all the way back there.
- Noticing an enemy champion far from the fight, potentially out of reach for an engage.
Guys, this is like twice as fat as your team destroyed AET.
- Possible typo, likely saying the enemy is strong or tanky, possibly commenting on game state.
Well, I lost my turret for that one.
- Acknowledging a strategic loss, the turret was sacrificed during the play.
Mundo builds warmogs and he just wins the game.
- Commenting on Dr. Mundo’s durability with Warmog’s Armor, making him hard to kill and dominant in the game.
He only died on purpose for the 420, I'm assuming.
- Joking explanation for an ally or enemy’s death, possibly referencing a meme or an intentional death.
Ow, ow, why are these things so tanky?
- Complaining about high durability of either jungle monsters or minions.
We got malar minions that just blow over from a gust of wind.
- Comparing weaker allied minions to ephemeral gusts, expressing frustration over their weakness.
Nefy dogs have like more health than a Sona or a Yumi.
- Exaggerating to emphasize the toughness of jungle monsters compared to squishy champions like Sona or Yuumi.
We press W on her neury, she's not there.
- Refers to using an ability (W), but the target (enemy champion) evades or wasn’t there.
A few little autos, too bad the jump back doesn't activate the sheen.
- Lamenting missed opportunity of not activating Sheen’s bonus damage due to a specific action.
Might be able to kill him in one auto Q.
- Calculating potential to finish an enemy with a basic attack (auto) plus a Q ability.
This is awkward.
- Acknowledging an uncomfortable or disadvantageous situation.
Yeah, I'm this one.
- Clarifying own position or identity in a confusing scenario, especially with clones.
Oh no, oh no no no.
- Panic or worsening situation, impending danger or mistake.
Oh no no, oh look please, I'm a clone, I'm a clone.
- Pleading, possibly trying to confuse the enemy by stating they are a clone.
Yeah, just Mundo things.
- Referring to Dr. Mundo being hard to kill or his mechanics, resigned acceptance.
You ain't killing him, no way he's going to live.
- Predicting that an enemy (possibly Mundo) will survive due to his tankiness.
Okay, let's do it.
- Ready to engage or commit to a plan of action.
Yeah, I'm going to do Cy sword.
- Deciding to build an item, likely referring to an item with "sword" in the name.
It's League of tanks, we have more tanks means we win.
- Commenting on the tank meta, suggesting that having more tanky champions leads to victory.
I think he's going to die this time.
- Predicting an enemy’s death, possibly a tough opponent that’s finally low on health.
I think everybody's going to die and then Kaisa will pentakill.
- Expecting a teamwipe where Kai’Sa cleans up with a pentakill.
An ally has SL can't be going crazy.
- Confusing text, possibly referring to ally going wild or performing exceptionally.
Are you certain?
- Questioning a statement, seeking confirmation.
We'll go top cyclos swur and then if we make it to more after that, probably Rapid Fire.
- Planning item builds, possibly misnaming items, indicating a strategy to scale damage.
Kraken Slayer could be good too though.
- Considering Kraken Slayer as a potential item choice for its anti-tank passive.
We'll see, I already have a lot of attack speed so the Kraken Slayer could do some work.
- Evaluating how Kraken Slayer would synergize with current build.
- Mentioning a strategy or play involving baiting or misleading the enemy.
why does Darius have a blade of the ruin King?
- Confused about an unconventional item choice on Darius.
Boop, I'm booping you to death.
- Playful commentary on dealing damage, likely with a basic attack.
All right, I want the ship to kill her.
- Desiring for an item, possibly Static Shiv, to execute or finish off an enemy.
Come on, stand by the Min.
- Trying to position enemy near minions, likely for Shiv proc or AoE effect.
Yeah, there you go.
- Affirmation that the situation is unfolding as planned.
Damn it, he's going to die to the minions.
- Frustration over an ally or enemy dying to minions instead of gaining a kill.
Oh hey guys, all right, I'm going to do my epic flone PL.
- Announcing intention to perform a flashy play with clone, possibly like Shaco or LeBlanc.
I'm this one, why don't you go for the one that's running?
- Highlighting their position, trying to misdirect enemy attention.
I think that it tagged me and I had Vision.
- Noting an ability that gave vision, possibly revealing their location.
I think it works for snipy.
- Considering the tactical advantage of the vision or tag for sniping.
The dogs were still hitting me too.
- Commenting that jungle monsters were still attacking them, adding difficulty.
I get ignited.
- Indicating that an enemy used Ignite on them, likely lowering their health.
Hi dog.
- Acknowledge the jungle monster, indicating ongoing interaction.
I guess she did E The Flash there.
- Noticing that an enemy used a dash or blink ability (E) and then Flash.
Shen gets a Taun, she's dead.
- Reporting that Shen landed a taunt, resulting in the enemy’s death.
Well y, she's dead.
- Confirmation of the enemy dying.
Hi Shen, was that me?
- Greeting Shen, possibly confused if they got the kill or assist.
GG, that's fun still.
- Concluding the game with a "Good Game" note, expressing enjoyment.