Table of contents
- Super Luigi Odyssey: New kingdoms, evolved adventures, and Luigi's high jumps make it a must-play!
- Exploring Super Luigi Odyssey is like diving into a galaxy of endless surprises and epic challenges!
- Mario's wild journey through kingdoms, battling bosses, and uncovering secrets never gets old!
- Luigi's winter adventure is full of slippery floors, Goomba stacks, and secret tunnels, but nothing beats the thrill of a boss fight in a lava-filled kingdom!
- Luigi's epic journey through Mario Galaxy 2 and beyond proves that even after 30 years, some games still struggle with camera controls, but the thrill of finding hidden moons and defeating bosses never gets old.
Super Luigi Odyssey: New kingdoms, evolved adventures, and Luigi's high jumps make it a must-play!
I'm going to 100% Super Luigi Odyssey, which isn't just a reskin but the kingdoms have evolved and there are brand new sub-areas. Of course, when Mario's on vacation, Bowser is repeating his old plan, and Luigi is the only one who can stop him. Then again, maybe not. Mario, am I a joke to you? It's a me, Luigi! Just like that, Luigi fell down to a very green Cap Kingdom. Think Cappy's eyes are green, and what is with all these sticks littering the ground? I rush past some frogs, a pot that might just get me to relapse, and at last, I am reunited with my best Captain Cappy—No Cap. Plus, Luigi has his higher jump and floaty air physics. The bridge rises as usual, but now it's surrounded by a deadly poison sea. Oh well, let's turn into a frog and jump our way to the top. Wait a minute, lion, you're not supposed to be here until the post-game. Not like I can use you with all the poison around us anyways. Topper Brutal returns, and Luigi pounces to show his skills. One wedding planner is down.
I bulked my way forward and, okay, who turned out the lights on the Cascade Kingdom? Nose for rot to not only is the land dark but it is also covered in lava, even when you can't see it, especially where you can't see it. I get the first moon using the usual chain chomp methods, but the area is full of frogs and other daddies that aren't originally here. Who needs to use the barbaric T-Rex when we have technology to blast away and receive our second moon? Now, to take down the great rock wall, I find some flying dry bones and borrow their powers to fly straight to Madam Brutal so I could smack her in her dumb face. This, of course, unlocks The Odyssey, and I'm loving the new color. Before I leave the area, I discover a pipe with a new destination. Hey, what's with the in-screen? That's right, it's today's sponsor, The Seven Deadly Sins Idol Adventure, a brand new mobile game offering from the legendary anime franchise which has sold over 55 million copies of the comics worldwide. This idle game is a relaxing and casual experience that all fans of the anime can enjoy, with a one-tap draw system that makes for effortless stage clearing and various buffs. Your characters will grow quickly whether you're doing the grind yourself online or taking a break offline doing something else. The game captures the spirit of the anime with its flashy attack animations and the iconic character pulls you can collect. Speaking of pulls, you can start off strong by receiving 3,000 pulls, three legendary hero summons, the legendary hero Diane, and more—all for free. Just download the game using my link in the description to do so. Thank you, The Seven Deadly Sins Idol Adventure, for sponsoring this video.
Ah, we're back at it to Super Mario Galaxy, specifically Sky Kingdom Galaxy, a dual planet. I walk around a central building to stack a bunch of Goombas instead of defeating them, grab a moon from the top shelf, then jump down the center of the planet, bringing me to the straw hat side of the area to obtain the second moon. I returned to the Cap Kingdom to find a second new area, which transports me into Mario 3D World. I'm back in the cookie Cog works, and it's looking glorious. It is a run full of rotating gears, platforms, and moon shards which I need to gather for its first secret moon. Using my platforming mastery and knowledge of the area from 3D World, I easily grabbed the second moon from under the stage and finally all of the moon shards in the area. Huh, the Sand Kingdom is looking rather flooded now. We have to talk to the citizens underwater, dive down to go shopping, and use the parasol to aid our platforming around the area. At least we can still take a flamingo dance party break. What's your superpower? Cultural appropriation? After the party, I surmised the best way to show off Super Luigi Odyssey is to mix in my post-game discoveries while in each kingdom. Trust me, this will provide a better viewing experience.
Exploring Super Luigi Odyssey is like diving into a galaxy of endless surprises and epic challenges!
Using a parasol to aid our platforming around the area, at least we can still take a flamingo dance party break. "What's your superpower? Cultural appropriation?" After the party, I surmised the best way to show off Super Luigi Odyssey is to mix in my postgame discoveries while in each kingdom. Trust me, this will provide a better viewing experience.
To the UFO, Robin! It's Battle Rock Galaxy from the OG Mario Galaxy, though thankfully devoid of the cannonballs and laser defenses. Man, this could be a Star Fox level. By the way, where is the next Star Fox, Nintendo? This level is a spectacle of standing on an already moving UFO past an asteroid bursting with cannons and waiting for the opportune time to jump off for the first moon. I then flip the switch to start a time trial for the second jump on the UFO Express, take an elevator up to the key, and tip my hat in respect as I jump to the final secret moon.
Coming back to Earth, I complete the normal objectives and make a mad dash into the inverted pyramid that is still covered in ice. Then, I bop Harriet Brutal at the top, knowing she's a wreck. Luigi slides out of her DMs where he meets up with that stone Andros-like face. "I'm going to punch your face in the face." Let's get out of here on my favorite green rocket ship, re-entering the atmosphere in the Lake Kingdom, which is now, well, more of a lake than it was when Mario was here. While diving around, I come across a majestic sight, an area once called Cloudy Court from across the galaxy. Beginning the cloud platforming, I flit across the hovering garden boxes and take a ride on a windmill-powered fluff. I'm blown away by all the small details leading up to the power moon, though admittedly, the second was difficult to find. On a particular jump, I spied the key with my little eye. There it is, kind of in a hard-to-reach spot, but nothing Cappy can't handle. Why didn't you grab it? After a couple of attempts, I slid down the wall, barely hanging on the window frame, allowing me to jump to the left and survive to retrieve the bonus moon.
On my return to the kingdom, I realized the catastrophic flooding isn't all that bad because I can now swim over this wall, which means I could dive bomb Lanky Kong—I mean, Lanky Brutal. You do have a funny face. Onwards to the gold-colored Wooded Kingdom, which is also flooded. I'm sensing a theme here: 7 out of 10, too much water. Wait a minute, that means I can swim over the usual deep pit that surrounds the area. I can even swim so far that the camera stops following me until I reach the invisible wall. "Luigi, shouldn't we be saving the princess? What are you practicing for, Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games?" Oh wait, that doesn't exist anymore. Convincing him to hop out of the pool, we stomp on top of SP's head for an easy win. However, my way forward is blocked because the tanks can't spawn underwater. How am I going to get in? I tried getting high to find an alternate path, dived around like a submarine, but as it turns out, the solution was right under my nose: a triple jump followed by a hat assist to cross the gap. The tanks up here had a dry area to live on, so I could complete the rotating target shooting challenge, opening up the way forward down to the flower saucer boss, who once again caved under pressure.
Jumping down from the saucer, I find another secret tunnel into Dusty Dune Galaxy. Luigi is forced to fly solo as Cappy is not with us in this missing-no land, so we have to use Twisters to get across the sand, which is instant death if touched. And so help me if I fall in a hole, I need that key for the second moon in the area, but if I die during the run back, I'll have to start the whole thing over again. Again, careful, Luigi! I want to get back to the woods again, thank goodness. Also, the previous boss's defeat opened up the exact same area I couldn't get into before, after which we reunited with Bowser in Cloud Kingdom, capping off with a hat boxing match. Like the sore loser he is, Bowser shoots us in the back with cannonballs. "Came from behind!"
Mario's wild journey through kingdoms, battling bosses, and uncovering secrets never gets old!
Careful, Luigi, I want to get back to the woods again. Thank goodness, the previous boss's defeat opened up the exact same area I couldn't get into before. After which, we reunited with Bowser in Cloud Kingdom, capping off with a hat boxing match. Bowser, like the sore loser he is, shoots us in the back with cannonballs from behind.
Mario, Peach, what the crap do you need glasses? We crash-landed, and Luigi comes to his senses in the Lost Kingdom, which is suffering a blizzard. This complete whiteout makes it hard to see the landscape. An airborne robber dives down to steal Kappy. I maneuver past the traps, avoid the colorful cast of wigglers, and flip out this bird with a catapult trap. In the heart of the storm, I find our old friend Yoshi. Between his midair floating jump, tongue-twisting abilities, and general cuteness, I gather enough moons to repair our floating hot air hat, landing us back into the Metro Kingdom.
Metro Kingdom is now much more purple and infested with flies, tanks, and grubs. At least it's not flooded out like every other kingdom before. Not much has changed on our run up to New Donk City. I make my way through City Hall, witness the return of Meca Wiggler, and blast them to smithereens. The city returns to normal, that is if normal is dark nighttime all day. I embark on the quest to gather the musicians who, of course, are just standing around in the open. Then, I drop into the sewers to get the power back on. What a waste of power moons.
Finally, it's time for a festival where we, of course, have to defeat the giant monkey. Is it just me, or do the streets still seem empty? New Donk certainly has downsized most of its population. Creeped out, I go down an alleyway and poof, I'm in another 3D world platformer. That's right, we're in Fort Fire Bros. The area is relatively straightforward: dodge or control the Fireflow Brothers, make it to the pipe to progress, and repeat until you get to where the flag normally would be and grab the moon.
I know there has to be a second moon in the area, so I spend a while looking around. Eventually, I figure out how to butt slam, jump high enough from a distance, followed by an assist from Kappy. I barely make it, ending with a wall jump and stepping on a switch to start a time trial. The run back timing is tight, with me barely missing the flickering fuel, but I get it easily on the second sprint.
In the fresh air once again, I notice the theater is closed down, and the construction worker isn't here to let me in either. They even took away the Mario letters from the park. What the heck is going on in this town? Brooding over the city like Batman to get answers, I warp down a pipe and come out into a sweet, sweet Galaxy. This particular portion is called Rocky Road, and this could be a rocky situation since Kappy decided to stay back for a nap or something. Its most striking feature is the Swiss cheese roads, but each platform has just enough solid ground left for me to easily make it to the moon at the end. The second is a timed challenge, yeah, not really a challenge at all.
After getting the Gerder Moon, I accidentally stumble on the next secret, a groovy Flap Trap area. Originally, this was Flip Swap Galaxy, where shaking your Wii controller would spring the traps. Here, the flip flaps are timed, which means I now have to use patience and memorize the flipping patterns. Definitely not the most difficult secret area, but the ground pound hidden second moon almost had me running back to the start.
Since I've jumped ahead to the post-game, I find the theater is finally opened, showing the same movies, and the well-dressed construction worker is back. I guess they were just afraid of Bowser. Inside the building is somehow 3D World's own Snowball Park, generally an icy level full of snowman pokies. The winter woodland expects you to gather all of the moon shards, which is easier said than done with the slippery floors, but I manage to dodge the pits of death to gather them all. The second requires us to stack the Goombas. I'll need more than that, Kappy, more until I have all nine Goombas in the area. I certainly did not have to restart because I killed one, nope, not me.
Luigi's winter adventure is full of slippery floors, Goomba stacks, and secret tunnels, but nothing beats the thrill of a boss fight in a lava-filled kingdom!
The well-dressed construction worker is back, and it seems they were just afraid of Bowser. Inside the building is somehow 3D World's own Snowball Park, an icy level full of snowman pokies. The Winter Woodland expects you to gather all of the Moon shards, which is easier said than done with the slippery floors. However, I managed to dodge the pits of death to gather them all. The second challenge requires us to stack the Goombas. I'll need more than that, Cappy—more until I have all nine Goombas in the area. I certainly did not have to restart because I killed one, nope, not me.
Deciding to chill out after the busy city life, we end up in the Snow King Kingdom. You know they say not to eat the yellow snow, but is that green snow mint-flavored? Oh man, it's so nippy my green brother is shivering, which means it's perfect nipple-showing weather. Invigorated by the frostbite, Luigi wins the Bound Bo B Grand Prix, followed by a nip slip on the medal stand. First nipplegate, then the DUI, now this Justin Timberlake. Give it some time, and like this blizzard, the public will forget it ever happened.
With the lack of water, the cheap cheps have evolved to swim through the air. I break out of the confusion using a charging Chuck to break through the rest of the iciness in the Kingdom. Finished with reliving my glory days, I enter the Seaside Kingdom. Is that lava under the sea? Yes, definitely hot lava under the sea. Well, let's try going under to explore more. Strange, I can't get up to the surface. Holy smokes, I got to get out of here. Luigi's a sitting hedgehog underwater like this. How am I supposed to pop the corks on Old Oto's head now? Well, of course, by possessing a guen. Using their water gun techniques, I can get up high and launch the Octo-seeking projectiles, giving the sparkle water thief a headache to rival a Psyduck.
The underwater passage to the second tower is covered in lava, and using a squid from sea level doesn't get me high enough to reach the switch. Even travel by Cheap Chep is not an option as these fishies can't get above the magma crust. Turns out all I had to do was start a bit higher. I took over aien to the top of another plateau and then flew the squid across the molten sea to the adjacent tower. Easy peasy lemon squeezy. Then, in the post-game, I found another secret tunnel teleporting me from under the sea to Spike's Lost City. At least I'm pretty sure that's what the level is based off of, but my rider insists it's from one of the many Dark Souls games. Once again, I have to wade through rotating platforms and long uphill ramps to get the moon. However, I can't seem to find the second one. I can't go out of bounds by going up here. Heck, I'm not even sure there is a second moon in these ruins. I guess I can surf up these platforms, but I doubt—oh, would you look at that. Not my fault; it's just an interesting choice in level design.
On my way to the next fountain, I realized squid pit clears up magma in some parts, allowing Luigi to dive right in. I finally make it to the last party popper, bringing an end to the Octo binge drinking and enraging him enough to start the boss fight. While the Molus Gansu fight started out going according to plan, he managed to no-scope me with a spiked coned shell, knocking me completely out of the gin in the middle of the lava seas. He gets a medal for being the only boss to kill me so far in this run. It's a short-lived victory, though. Now, due to Luigi's murderous tendencies, the kingdom can return to normal with enough sparkling water to share.
Luigi's epic journey through Mario Galaxy 2 and beyond proves that even after 30 years, some games still struggle with camera controls, but the thrill of finding hidden moons and defeating bosses never gets old.
On my way out, I had enough sparkling water to share. I launched a super secret rocket, taking me out of this world and back into Mario Galaxy 2. Oh yeah, it's the Clockwork Ruins Galaxy with its infamous platforming, but the camera this time is so wonky. It constantly pans to the side, so I can't see where my next jump is going to land. You'd think after almost 30 years, we'd learn better camera controls than what was used in Mario 64. At last, I made it to the area's first moon and celebrated like I was at a trampoline park in the future. During the post-game, I searched high and low for the last moon, and my goodness, was it well hidden. As it turns out, there was one brick you can cling on to, but how was I supposed to find that out on my own? Shout out to Mattius, whose video helped me find this near-impossible path to the moon.
Re-energized, I flew over to the Luncheon Kingdom, which had lost all its bright colors. Man, this storm seemed particularly furious. Luigi loafed around until he got picked up by an avian female August Gustau, then left the bird boss to stew on her choices within the strange potato chocolate pudding. I celebrated creating a good dessert by dressing up as Mario and exploring the new old 3D World M Blockland, which is normally a bomb-infested slog through charging Chucks. Luigi's Odyssey, however, involved rapidly moving flower paths over the background blocks to avoid the resident Goombas and sliding through the area with little difficulty. I followed enough flowery paths to the first moon. The second was locked behind a time trial that normally wouldn't be an issue, but these darn timed flower paths made me wait for them to respawn, costing me precious seconds. I was only halfway until the moon first vanished. Timing it just right, I managed to grab that danged moon.
When I tried to get to Bowser's Kingdom, I was greeted by Bowser on a real freaking dragon, looking a lot like Seto Kaiba up there with a Blue-Eyes White Dragon jet. Your argument is invalid. This, of course, set off a giant setpiece of a boss fight. Sorry, he was about as easy as that annoying one-hit dragon boss in Dark Souls 3. Leaving the Ruined Kingdom, I rode another rocket ship and ended up in yet another unknown level simply called the Poison Place. While the area looked 3D, in reality, I could only go left and right on the map. Overall, the area was easy as long as I avoided the poison pits. The first moon was at the end, and the second was on the tower behind. Leaving that noise behind, I got to my favorite area in the game. To be fair, they changed so little of Bowser's Kingdom besides a couple of colors, but how would you improve upon perfection?
The Brutals came back in their Megazord, and I used a shrunken PCK AEK to reflect some bombs into its legs, both destroying armor and giving us an opening to spring to the top and peck the bubbles until the Star Wars walker from Wish was blown to smithereens. While exploring the tiled roof, I found an oversized seed. When planted, it quickly grew into the tallest beanstalk, taking us out of this world and into a new galaxy, the Honey Bloomed Galaxy. In this 2D platforming section, reimagined in glorious 2D but devoid of enemies, I breezed through most of the area, wall jumping and ground bouncing easily to the moon. However, the second moon was a struggle. I couldn't seem to get the rhythm and couldn't get Luigi to grab back onto the wall. After many attempts and face plants, I finally managed to jump off Cappy to get the moon.
Speaking of which, we now had enough to complete the Odyssey and go back to the moon. Uh, guys, the sand's looking an awful lot like Mars. Are we sure we didn't overshoot it? As you'd expect, the gravity on the moon is low, but I got slingshotted into the stratosphere on my third super jump. That's quite big, and that's even before I found Yoshi camping on a plateau. All I needed to do was triple jump, or you know, I could just break the game completely and long jump across the universe. With a little more accuracy, I used this to my advantage, skipping Luigi right to the end. Bowser, on behalf of Mario, I up checked. I told you I'm a Luigi. Of course, Bowser didn't take my wedding crashing lying down. He pulled out the old classic fire spins, played frisbee golf, throwing a few fake hats my way, but he still hadn't learned his lesson that I could use his hat against him. I boxed the king of Koopas into a corner, played jump rope around his flaming tail whips, and finally KO'd him with another vicious right.
All that was left was to finally put the hat on Bowser himself, which meant swimming through his angry memories of Mario in order to control him with a green hat. Now to break down entire walls, rush my way through collapsing stone bridges, crumble the rocky pillars, and break out of here. What the Luigi, you're becoming Mr. Steal Your Girl. At least Peach won't let you betray Daisy. Wasn't me. And that's how Luigi saved the princess during Mario's vacation. Thank you for playing my game. Well, I guess I'll mosey back to the unchanged Mushroom Kingdom. Oh, hi Mario, this is awkward. Let's make this less weird by disguising myself as N64 Luigi. Perfect. Even Peach decided to run away from our situationship. Might as well go back to the moon for the final additional secret area, Mount Must Dash, a Mario 3D World recreation of the Mario Circuit Mario Kart maps reimagined with the flowers to boost our jumps.
Mechanically, this area is very janky with jump timing, and I found myself hitting the first wall consistently. All I needed to do was to jump off Cappy to overcome the jank, though the fixed camera angle was out to get me, I swear. Getting to the hill overlooking the end of the track gave me one moon, and crossing the finish line rewarded me with the second. Getting back to the darker side of the moon, the area was now concentric rotating rings with random platforms sprinkled throughout, red carpeted moving sidewalks, and of course, the rabbits. Onwards to the Brutal Boss Rush. Topper Brutal went down without a hitch. Harriet was beaten extremely easily. Spewer was steamrolled over, but for once, Lanky proved the biggest challenge. For some reason, the moon gravity acted like normal Mario gravity, so if his hats were further than a couple of feet away, I'd miss the jump. So I had to bait his hats close by to win the fight. One, two, three, the Brutal Walker was down for the count, baby, and just like that, Luigi was crowned king, rightfully so, on the darker side of the moon.
Pauline changed over to Team Luigi, but the platforming puzzles, metallic waves in the lava ocean, and gameplay gimmicks all remained the same. I've heard your complaints about how I could buy more moons to get something special on the Mushroom Castle. This is for you annoying ones out there. Here's the stupid hat that took forever to unlock. Yes, I am dead inside. And that's how I 100% completed Super Luigi Odyssey. Please like the video to support it and subscribe for more content. You all have a good one. Thanks.