How To Heal The Reproductive System - SCORPIO - Know Thy Health - Medical Astrology Guidebook
Scorpios are naturally detoxifiers, just like their mineral calcium sulfate, cleansing both energy and toxins.
Okay Scorpio, here's a real one. I am actually a Scorpio sun, moon, Mars, and Pluto, so it was a bit of a joke for myself as well. Your mineral is calcium sulfate and your body part is the genitals—get the joke? Very close to the mineral sodium sulfate, which is another liver detoxifier and general detoxifying agent. That's why this sign also manifests liver spots, or as some people call them, age spots or pigmentation. You can see the theme now.
This mineral is also for vascular casts and coatings. It's like a somewhat dense lubricant, which makes so much sense because Scorpio is a water sign, but it also has to do with protection and strength, being Mars and Pluto co-ruling this sign. Interestingly, calcium sulfate is also used as a protectant and lubricant in motor oil, and Scorpio is more likely to be a motorhead than any other sign, being Pluto power and Mars energy and force.
This mineral is well known for its cleansing properties. In its crystal form, selenite is a crystal that is very well known to have the ability to cleanse other stones that it contacts. It's the only stone that doesn't need cleansing itself because it cleanses itself. Selenite is made out of the Scorpio mineral calcium sulfate. This mineral and crystal are known to transmute bad energies, just like Scorpio's traits. The edible homeopathic mineral is known for cleansing the blood of heavy metals and the entire body of metals and toxins. It also cleanses toxic energy from the body, just like it cleans toxic energy from crystals that the crystal has picked up along its way.
Scorpios being low in this mineral naturally possess a more toxic load than others, hence why they gained a reputation for the trait of being toxic and possessing toxic behavior. There is a physiological reason behind this. The appearance of a Scorpio is rather easy to identify—just look at their crystal, selenite. They will have this selenite tone to their body and face. They will also appear like gypsum, which is actually calcium sulfate as well. It's interesting; they look like this when they are deficient.
Try watching movies with more popular actors, and when you see somebody with this alabaster cold white tone, pull up their birth chart. Emma Stone is a good example, and there are many others. Remember, the Sun, Moon, Ascendant, or any planets can be in Scorpio, as well as the eighth house. But it's usually just the Sun in Scorpio, the Moon, or even the Ascendant. Keep in mind, Gemini has a similar appearance with a milky white tone, and Capricorn, which I haven't gotten to, has a bit of a waxy tone.
Scorpios with alabaster skin may suffer from mineral deficiencies leading to emotional sensitivity, chronic loneliness, and detox-related skin issues.
When you see somebody with this Alabaster cold white tone, pull up their birth chart. Emma Stone is a good example, and there are many others. Remember that the Sun, Moon, Ascendant (AC), or any planets can be in Scorpio as well as the eighth house. However, it is usually just the Sun in Scorpio, the Moon, or even the Ascendant. Keep in mind that Gemini has a similar appearance with a milky white tone, and Capricorn, which I haven't discussed yet, has a bit of a waxy white appearance. The Scorpio white appearance is unique with a very Alabaster look and cold emotional symptoms.
These mineral deficiencies manifest in the way that these individuals feel that everyone is against them. They are sensitive to touch and light, lack openness, and experience chronic loneliness, brain fog, a crisis-type mood, laziness, and an addictive personality. Scorpio is a fixed sign, and fixed signs tend to portray an addictive trait because they are right in the middle between mutable and Cardinal signs; they fixate on things.
Physical symptoms include pimples, especially on the back, as the body tries extra hard to detox. In the case of a Scorpio Sun, they are also missing silica, another detoxifying agent. Silica wraps the toxin in a hard coating, allowing it to be expelled through the skin. Scorpio Suns missing both of these minerals have toxic pimples trying to get out. There is a significant theme with yellow discharges related to this mineral deficiency, whether it's the goop in the eyes, yellow pimples, or yellow scabs. Pimples are especially prevalent during puberty for Scorpios, and they also experience genital issues. Pimples under the beard, particularly on the upper lip, often come with blood when popped.
A cold white tone, Alabaster gypsum pale, is primarily associated with metal toxicity. If you have horizontal lines under the eye, many Scorpios have them. The farther they go out, the deeper they are, and the more they run down the cheek, indicating worse metal toxicity. Mine are at bay, but they do chase all the way down to here and several of them can be deep on both sides under the eye. Tissue salts can reverse these lines and all of these colors and symptoms. The more depleted you are and the greater in age, the harder it is to achieve, but they always help.
A German scientist, Schusler, discovered that human cremated remains contain primarily these 12 tissue cell salts, one for each sign and one for each biological system. We are a pillar of salt, like bioelectric crystal technology, a bioelectric Earth fungus. If you really like this and want to know more, you can book a reading with us. We also have our medical astrology guidebook available on our website; it's all in the bio. The book helps you read your own chart and your friends' and family's charts. It can be quite revealing and fun. Have a good day!