Guided Meditation - Infinite Manifestation Loops

Manifestation begins within; set your intention and let the universe unfold your desires.


Welcome to the Reality Revolution. I am your host, Brian Scott. Today, we have one of the most powerful meditations that you'll ever do if you want to manifest something incredible for the rest of your life. These are infinite manifestation loops from the zero state. Be sure to check out my episode on harnessing the non-mind. I will take you into a void non-mind connection, the place in which all manifestations occur. We will use very specific intentions, almost like computer code, that are designed to create recursive loops that work as infinite loops from now until the end of time.

So, find a place to let go of the outside world. This is a space where time slows down, and the depth of your inner world will unfold. Let's begin by creating a sanctuary around you, a space of tranquility and peace. Ensure that you're in a place where you won't be disturbed and where the outside world can gently fade away just for this moment.

Now, find a position that brings comfort to your body. It might be sitting with your feet planted gently on the ground, feeling the Earth beneath you supporting you, or lying down, letting the surface cradle you with a sense of security and ease.


As you settle into this position, take a moment to notice your breath. There's no need to change it; simply observe the natural rhythm, the gentle rise and fall like the soft waves of a serene ocean.


With every breath, feel yourself becoming more relaxed, more present in this moment, allowing your surroundings to dissolve into the background as you bring your attention inward.


Now, in this space of quiet and calm, it's time to set an intention for our journey together. An intention is like setting the direction of your ship on vast seas. You will create many intentions during this meditation, but this is your overall guiding purpose.


So, gently invite an intention into your awareness. What do you seek from this meditation? It might be clarity, peace, healing, prosperity, or perhaps understanding. Let this intention come naturally without effort, like a leaf floating down a gentle stream.


Remember, you are embarking on this journey with a sense of exploration and curiosity. Whatever you experience today is exactly what is meant for you at this moment.


Let's take a few more deep intentional breaths as we prepare to move deeper into our meditation, into the realms of not mind.


As we continue our journey inward, let us turn our focus to the breath, the bridge between the mind and body, the gateway to stillness. Gently bring your awareness to your breathing. Notice the air as it enters your nostrils, cool and refreshing, and as you exhale, feel the sense of release for letting go.


With each breath, allow yourself to sink deeper into relaxation. There's no need to alter your breath; just observe its natural flow, inhale and exhale like the ebb and flow of a peaceful sea.

Now, as you continue to breathe, let's begin a journey through your body with a gentle scan from the tips of your toes to the crown of your head. This is a path of release, of softening into the moment. Bring your attention to your toes; feel them relax and let go. Now, move up to your feet and ankles, releasing and relaxing.

Continue this journey upwards to your lower legs, your knees, feeling a sense of ease wash over each part. Let this soothing wave of calm move through your abdomen and lower back, releasing any tension held there. Now, focus on your chest, your back, and your...

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Embrace the stillness within; it's where all possibilities begin.

Now, as you continue to breathe, let's begin a journey through your body with a gentle scan from the tips of your toes to the crown of your head. This is a path of release, of softening into the moment. Bring your attention to your toes; feel them relax and let go.

Now, move up to your feet and ankles, releasing and relaxing. Continue this journey upwards to your lower legs and knees, feeling a sense of ease wash over each part. As you progress, let this soothing wave of calm move through your thighs, hips, and pelvis, with each breath bringing deeper relaxation. Allow this wave to flow through your abdomen and lower back, releasing any tension held there.

Next, focus on your chest, back, and shoulders. Feel them soften, releasing any weight or burden. Let this relaxation flow down your arms to your hands, with each finger relaxing as if a gentle wave of relaxation is flowing through you. Bring your awareness to your neck and jaw, relaxing these areas where we often hold tension without realizing it. Let it melt away.

Now, move your attention to your face, your forehead, and the top of your head. Fill your entire body with a state of deep soothing relaxation. With each breath, feel yourself becoming more present, more centered. As you observe these drifting thoughts, you find yourself moving closer to a state of mental stillness, a tranquil clearing in the forest of your mind. Let's stay here for a few moments in this space of quiet awareness, where thoughts come and go, and you remain a serene observer, connecting to the not mind.

In the tranquility of our relaxed state, let us journey further, deeper into a realm beyond the ordinary—the zero state. Imagine yourself in a vast, endless space, a realm of infinite emptiness, a canvas of pure potential. How far into this realm can you go? In this space, you may be waiting for something to do; there's nothing to see, nothing to hear, nothing to touch. There is no thing, no person; it is a void, yet it is full of possibility.

See yourself floating in this endless expanse, free from the constraints of thoughts, free from the weight of emotions, and free from the density of physical sensations. As you find yourself in this void, notice how it feels. There is a profound sense of peace here, a deep stillness that resonates with the core of your being. This is the not mind.

Let the sound you hear envelop you, embracing it and taking you further into the depths of the zero state. Feel how the boundaries between yourself and this void begin to dissolve. There is no separation here, only emerging into oneness, into an expansive state of pure being. You are part of this vastness, and it is a part of you. In this state, you are not defined by your past, your thoughts, or your expectations. You are in a place of infinite potential, unbound by baggage, unbound by time, unconfined by space. Here, in this zero state, you are free to just be in your most essential and powerful form.

Let yourself embrace this void, this zero state. It's a space where all creation begins, where all possibilities exist. Feel the power of this state, the profound peace and potential that it holds for you. This is not an escape from reality but a deeper connection to the true essence of all that is. It's a place where the seeds of intention are sown, where the roots of manifestation take hold.

Stay here for a few moments, floating in this vast expanse of stillness and potential, feeling completely aligned with the boundless energy of the universe and the not mind. Imagine this not mind as an all-encompassing awareness and infinite space beyond the void you are in.

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Embrace the void; it's where all possibilities begin and true creation unfolds.

Let yourself embrace this void, this zero state. It's a space where all creation begins and where all possibilities exist. Feel the power of this state, the profound peace and potential that it holds for you. This is not an escape from reality but a deeper connection to the true essence of all that is. It's a place where the seeds of intention are sown and where the roots of manifestation take hold.

Stay here for a few moments, floating in this vast expanse of stillness and potential, feeling completely aligned with the boundless energy of the universe and the not mind. Imagine this not mind as an all-encompassing awareness, an infinite space beyond the void you are in. This is not a space you can see with your eyes, nor can you touch it; it is felt and known deep within. Sense this boundless awareness around you and within you, enveloping all that is. It's as if the entire universe, in its vastness, resides within and around you.

Feel the presence of not mind, an eternal consciousness that transcends thoughts and emotions. It is the space between spaces, the space between thoughts. It transcends all physical sensations; it is everything that is not your mind. It is the source of all creation, the essence of true being. Gently align your consciousness with this infinite awareness; it's like tuning into a frequency that has always been there. It has been waiting for you to listen.

Feel a sense of unity, a connection with this limitless potential. You are part of this vastness, and it is a part of you. In this alignment, experience a sense of expansiveness, a feeling of merging with the infinite. Here, in the presence of not mind, you are limitless, unbounded by the constraints of the physical world.

Now, begin to embrace a state of receptivity. Open yourself to the insights, the wisdom, and the profound understanding that arises from connecting with the not mind in this void. It may come as a feeling, a thought, an image, or perhaps just a deep sense of knowing. Allow these insights to flow to you without effort, without expectation. Just be open, receptive, and present. This is a space of deep learning, of profound realization, a space where the truths of the universe are revealed.

As you dwell in this connection with the not mind, remember that you're not just a passive observer; you are an active participant in this vast interconnected consciousness. Your thoughts, your intentions, your very being are an integral part of this infinite awareness. Stay in the space for a few more moments, basking in the unity and expansiveness of not mind, feeling completely aligned with the boundless energy of the universe.

Ask the not mind to dissolve any negative patterns and negative loops that you have in your life. Now, deeply connected with the not mind, let us begin the powerful process of setting up recursive infinite manifestation loops. These loops are like eternal echoes reverberating through time and space, continuously manifesting your deepest intentions.

First, let us focus on the area of money. Imagine financial abundance flowing effortlessly into your life. See yourself receiving, saving, and spending money in a way that brings joy and fulfillment. Visualize this as a loop, an ongoing cycle of abundance that replenishes itself endlessly. State with intention: I manifest financial abundance flowing effortlessly into my life. I see myself receiving, saving, and spending money continuously in a way that brings joy and fulfillment.

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You have the power to create infinite loops of abundance, health, love, and growth that continuously manifest your deepest intentions into reality.

Setting up recursive infinite manifestation loops can be likened to eternal echoes reverberating through time and space, continuously manifesting your deepest intentions. First, let us focus on the area of money. Imagine financial abundance flowing effortlessly into your life. See yourself receiving, saving, and spending money in a way that brings joy and fulfillment. Visualize this as a loop—an ongoing cycle of abundance that replenishes itself endlessly.

State with intention: “I manifest financial abundance flowing effortlessly into my life. I see myself receiving, saving, and spending money continuously in a way that brings joy and fulfillment. This process is ongoing and ever-increasing in my life.”

Next, turn your attention to health. See yourself in perfect health, full of vitality and energy. Allow this intention to be embedded in your conscious field. Feel this state of well-being. See yourself engaging in activities that nurture your body and spirit, and recognize that you are getting healthier every day. Visualize this as a self-sustaining loop of health and vitality that perpetually renews itself forever.

State with intention: “I see myself in perfect health, full of vitality and energy. I am engaging in activities that nurture my body and spirit, and this health grows and renews perpetually forever.”

Now, focus on love. Envision harmonious and fulfilling relationships filled with love, understanding, and mutual respect. Imagine this as a loop—an infinite cycle of love that grows and deepens over time, nurturing and being nurtured. State with intention: “I am filled with love, understanding, and mutual respect. Harmonious and fulfilling relationships continuously grow in my life. I see an infinite cycle of love that grows and deepens over time, nurturing and being nurtured.”

Picture yourself growing, learning, and evolving in alignment with your true purpose. See this growth as a continuous loop—an ever-expanding journey of personal and spiritual development that gets better and better. State with intention: “My life is growing and improving and gets better and better every day. This intention repeats over and over now and throughout time, increasing in its power.”

With each of these intentions, frame them as infinite loops. Like programming a computer, you are encoding these loops into the fabric of your reality—not just now in this moment, but in all of time and space. They are self-enhancing, adapting continuously, and operating in the background of your existence. The not-mind knows perfection now and in the future and transcends the boundaries of time and space. Stating intentions in this state, in connection with the not-mind, is where all manifestation comes from. So create any additional intentions that you wish, seeing them looping, adapting, and increasing now and forever.

As you set these loops, continue to infuse them with vivid visualization and powerful emotion. Feel the joy of financial abundance, the vitality of perfect health, the warmth of loving relationships, and the fulfillment of continuous growth. These emotions are the fuel that powers these loops, making them vibrant and alive. Feel the ultimate truth of these manifestations in reality, in the present moment, in every way that you can imagine.

Gently imagine sealing these loops. See them as a luminous circuit of light, active and alive, a part of the universe's infinite consciousness now and forever. They are now set, continuously attracting and manifesting your intentions. There is nothing you need to do; they are a testament to your creative power. It is done. Feel the absolute finality in this moment. Rest in the knowledge that these loops are now an integral part of your reality, continuously working for your highest good. They are a gift from your deepest self in connection with the not-mind—a manifestation of your true potential.

Slowly begin to bring your awareness back to your body. Feel the surface beneath you supporting you. Notice the air against your skin and the gentle rhythm of your breath. Wiggle your fingers and toes, gently reawakening your body.

As you reorient yourself to your physical presence, take a moment to express gratitude for this time that you've given yourself, for the profound connection with the not-mind, and for the loops you've set in motion. Be thankful for your ability to journey within, to explore the vastness of your own being. Acknowledge the power you hold within—the power to manifest, to create, and to transform your reality. Remember, this power is always accessible to you, a wellspring of potential that you can tap into at any time.

I invite you to gently reorient yourself back to your surroundings. Open your eyes if they've been closed, and move slowly and mindfully. Take this sense of peace and empowerment back into your day, into your life, knowing that you are a creator—an infinite being connected to the vast universe. May you carry the insights and energies from this meditation forward, letting them illuminate your path, always knowing in the back of your mind that it is done—that these intentions are working in an infinite loop in perfect coherence with the universe. Thank you for joining me on this journey, and welcome to the reality revolution.