Everything Will Change In 2025

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America's 2024 events will set the tone for 2025, marking the end of a 400-year cycle and the Roman occupational government.

Beale 101 4

Frank, yeah, I'm striving for greatness, trying to make it. I was stuck in The Matrix. Yeah, I'm striving for greatness, trying to make it. I was stuck in The Matrix. Yeah, I'm striving for greatness, trying to make it out. I was stuck in The Matrix. Yeah, I'm striving for greatness, trying.

Yo, what's good? It's your boy Bell. If you're new to this channel, hit that like button, hit that share button, hit that subscribe button, and hit that notification bell. Today, we're going to be talking about the spiritual implications and the afflictions that are going to take place on American soil, which will be the precursor to asymmetrical hybrid warfare. So, with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, get those notes out. You already know what time it is because what's taking place in the year of 2024 is going to set the tone and the frequency for the year of 2025. I already told you that the year of 2025 is the year of completion and finality—finality of the Roman occupational government.

One thing you got to understand is that America is basically a country that's conquered by the corporate economic imperialists that control the Roman occupational government, which is the foundation of a Luciferian system. The country is being facilitated, and the laws are being facilitated by corporate bankers and lawyers who control the Draconian Constitution because the laws are not written by congressmen. That's basically the epitome of a Luciferian system. That's why when you go to Revelations chapter 18:4, it tells you to come out of her. "Her" is basically Mystery Babylon. Mystery Babylon is the epitome of Lucifer in the geographical area of New York City, which was erected during the colonization process when you talk about the Dutch Master Jesuit slaveholders in the year of 1624.

When you take 144,000 divided by 360, you get 400 years. So, from 1624 to 2024, that is the end of the verification period of the 400-year curse, which leads up to the year of 2025, the year of finality—finality of the Roman occupational government. First, we are going to get into the metaphysics of understanding what Mystery Babylon is. America is basically the epitome of Mystery Babylon, the great mother of harlots and abominations of earth, which is in the geographical area of New York City, where the United Nations is located, controlling the whole infrastructure of the totalitarian regime of the deep state shadow government.

Now, one thing you got to understand is that there is a diametrical difference between the painting of Lucifer of 1797 and the Statue of Liberty. As I told you before, the Dutch Master slaveholders, who were also connected to the Jesuits and the Kazarian Mafia, colonized that landmass in the year of 1624, where New York City is located, and where the Statue of Liberty stands. The Statue of Liberty is basically the Statue of Lucifer. At the bottom of the statue, you see the apple, which is why they call it the Big Apple, and you also see the chains at the bottom of the feet, which is an emulation of the Statue of Liberty.

The Statue of Liberty is essentially the Statue of Lucifer. When you get into the historic context and the neoclassical structures created by the architect Frederick Austine Beholding, who was the architect of the Statue of Liberty, he got his concepts from the Dutch Master slaveholders, also known as the so-called Ashkenazi Jewish people, who lived in the Netherlands. This all coincides with everything extracted from the demonic text because when you understand everything that coincides with the Jewish culture, they basically read from...

=> 00:05:55

The Statue of Liberty is a symbol of Lucifer, hidden in plain sight through historical and symbolic manipulation.

The Statue of Liberty is essentially the statue of Lucifer. One thing to understand is the historic context of the neoclassical structures created by the architect Frederick Austine Beholding. He was the architect of the Statue of Liberty and got his concepts from the Dutch Master slaveholders, also known as the so-called Askanazi Jewish people, who were basically the Dutch Jews living in the Netherlands. This coincides with everything extracted from the Demonic text. The Jewish culture reads from the Talmud and the Torah, which were extracted from the Demonic text, under demonic rulership and democracy. This is under the Deep State Shadow government masquerading as liberalism, which is the inception point of what controls the infrastructure of a Luciferian system in Babylonian culture under Mystery Babylon in New York City.

It is not a coincidence that the Ukrainian Crest and the Kazarian Tamga emulate the Sigil of Lucifer. The Dutch Master Jesuits colonized the geographical land mass of America, including New York City, where the Statue of Liberty stands. This is not a coincidence. The Kazarian Tamga and the Ukrainian Crest are the Sigil of Lucifer. Manley P. Hall, a 33rd-degree Mason, stated that when the human race learns to read the language of symbolism, a great veil will fall from the eyes of men. They will then know the truth and realize that from the beginning, the truth has been in the world, unrecognized except by a small and gradually increasing number appointed by the Lords of Dawn as ministers to the needs of human creatures struggling to regain their consciousness of divinity.

This means that as the manipulation of the grid system, which controls the configuration of the simulation, continues, it puts an encryption over the planet and works in tandem with the firmament, as mentioned in Genesis chapter 1 verse 5. Consciousness will be activated by the veil being lifted, which is the epitome of the seven seals unlocking in your neurological faculties. This truth will become evident as we approach the year 2025. It is not a coincidence that the Ukrainian Crest and the Kazarian Tamga emulate the Sigil of Lucifer. Symbolism will be their downfall because the Ukrainians and the Kazarian Tamga are aligned with colonization, which was the inception point of the Dutch Master Jesuits who colonized New York City in 1624.

Fast forward to the year 2024, the year of order and light, which marks the end of the 400-year curse over America, also known as Mystery Babylon. These entities, the Deep State Shadow government factions, are controlled by the black nobility. This is why the crest of Ukraine sits in the middle. Revelations 18:4 states, "And I heard another voice from heaven saying, 'Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.'" Her refers to Mystery Babylon, which is Lucifer, controlled by a Luciferian system under a Roman occupational government and a Draconian Constitution. This marks the end of the verification period, leading to various afflictions on the planet.

=> 00:10:25

NASA documents reveal a shocking plan for a mass extinction event in 2025, involving biological warfare and civilization collapse.

The black nobility is a significant concept, as is the crest of Ukraine, which sits prominently in the middle. When you refer to Revelations 18:4, it states, "And I heard another voice from the heaven saying, come out of her." Here, "her" refers to Mystery Babylon, which is identified as Lucifer. This entity is controlled by factions of a Luciferian system under a Roman occupational government, which itself is governed by a Draconian Constitution. The scripture advises, "my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins and that ye receive not of her plagues," emphasizing the endgame system and the conclusion of the verification period. This period is marked by numerous afflictions occurring on the planet.

It's not coincidental that NASA released a document confirming a plan for a mass extinction event in the year 2025. This underscores the importance of understanding these revelations. The official NASA documents reveal a shocking plan for a mass extinction event in 2025, involving biological warfare, inside job terror attacks, and the collapse of civilization. These documents, now in the public domain, suggest a dark and dystopian future. They reveal that NASA has been secretly preparing for a cataclysmic event slated for 2025, threatening the very fabric of civilization.

The year 2025 symbolizes the epitome of the nine-year cycle, where nine is associated with finality and completion. This period also marks the activation of the non-ether, prompting individuals to think outside the box concerning their neurological clock, specifically the suprachiasmatic nucleus. This nucleus extracts melanocytes, which activate neuromelanin, the brain's essential nervous system melanin. The consciousness extracted from melanocytes, an intelligence molecule, activates the ethers. This activation manipulates the electrical cosmic energy grid system, creating an interface transition within the simulation. This manipulation is why simulations like Cyber Polygon are conducted, as they anticipate a grid system manipulation, whether from a CME or an EMP. It is crucial to have the mental fortitude to distinguish between these possibilities.

As we delve deeper into the article, the implications of this revelation are staggering. It suggests that a powerful institution, trusted by millions, is actively involved in a plan that could lead to the depopulation of Earth. The article exposes the potential reality of this impending catastrophe, emphasizing the right to know the truth and prepare for what is coming. For decades, NASA has been viewed as a beacon of space exploration, innovation, and scientific advancement. However, recently uncovered documents paint a different picture—a picture of a complicit plan so nefarious it defies belief. These documents include a PowerPoint presentation by NASA's Chief Scientist, Dennis Bushnell, confirming the authenticity of this publication.

This revelation might explain why entities like Berkshire Hathaway are selling significant shares, such as Warren Buffett selling more of Bank of America's stake, reaping $982 million. They are likely aware of the impending afflictions on American soil, as indicated by these actions.

=> 00:14:55

Warren Buffett is selling off stocks and preparing for a crash, signaling a potential manipulation of the grid system and a shift towards a totalitarian cybernetic dictatorship.

The documents paint a different picture, a picture of a complicit plan and a plot so nefarious that it defies belief. These documents include a PowerPoint presentation by NASA's Chief Scientist, Dennis Bushnell. This is a real publication. Is this the reason why Burkshire Hathaway sells more of Bank of America's stake? Warren Buffett sold another 980 million shares of Bank of America, reaping 982 million. Buffett now holds 278 million in cash, selling stocks like never before, including Apple. He's getting ready for a crash.

You can only have a crash when there is manipulation in the grid system. The stock market is not going to give you two weeks to get your cash out and then transition to a cashless society. In order to do that, you need to shut down the whole electrical grid system that works in tandem with Wall Street. The system is only going to crash if the electrical grid crashes. Once that happens, it will segue into a totalitarian cybernetic dictatorship controlled by artificial intelligence. This is another reason why the DHS announces nearly 724 million in preparedness grants. What are they preparing for?

This is the foundation of asymmetrical hybrid warfare, a strategy that shifts the focus from political, military, and economic aspects to one centered around technology. They aim to turn the system into a totalitarian cybernetic dictatorship, using non-military measures and data to gain an advantage over rivals. It is not the data per se, but the range and use to which it may be put that raises red flags. This will be a Black Swan event.

I have a video that coincides with everything I'm talking about. Homeland Security intel, which was put out only to law enforcement and not publicly, indicates a large-scale EMP attack from Russia in the upcoming weeks. Whether this is legit intel or a false flag event, it will be harmful and disruptive. Homeland Security has advised local law enforcement that an imminent attack could shut down the entire grid of the United States. We are to be on alert and prepare our response to handle the situation without communication.

I have a very bad gut feeling that something unprecedented is going to happen extremely soon. If this information is not getting out, people will be blindsided. There should be full transparency. I'm already under investigation from the FBI, so I'm trying to be more covert in how I give you this information. Just from being observant, I have seen a lot of military activity and movement. I don't know if any of your viewers have noticed, but I've seen a lot of helicopter and vehicle movement. Stay vigilant.

It is not a coincidence that all these things are taking place. The synchronicities are there, the receipts are real, but it's up to you to have the mental and spiritual fortitude to decipher what's taking place during this time period. What happens right before the election will set the tone and frequency for the year 2025.

=> 00:19:12

Stay vigilant: major events before the election will shape 2025.

I'm already under investigation from the FBI, so I'm trying to be more covert in how I give you this information. I will say, just from being observant, I have seen a lot of military activity and movement. I don't know if any of your viewers have noticed anything like that, but I've seen a lot of helicopter and vehicle movement. Stay vigilant; it is not a coincidence that all these things are taking place. The synchrony is there, the receipts are ringing, but it's up to you to have the mental and spiritual fortitude to decipher what's taking place during this time period. What's going to happen right before the election is going to set the tone and the frequency for the year of 2025.

They are going to hit you with many different afflictions on the geographical land mass of America. This is the personification of hybrid asymmetrical warfare. These are the tactics: the development and use of state and state-affiliate media, troll factories, disinformation campaigns, and targeting societies worldwide instead of focusing on a specific region. There will be the use of big tech corporations to collect data, which is a form of a sovereign dictatorship—a totalitarian government controlled by factions of the United Nations when they implement the CBDC. You will also see targeted attacks on opponents of the regime and the official aiding of weak and corrupt governments. All these things are connected to asymmetrical hybrid warfare that will be taking place on American soil. This will be facilitated and orchestrated by Russia, China, and Iran, who work in tandem with the Republic, which is basically the far-right bureaucratic system of a totalitarian regime.

It's not a coincidence that you have Cyber Polygon scheduled for September 10th and 11th in 2024. They are holding training sessions preparing for these so-called EMP attacks. I put out a video maybe two years ago explaining the diametrical difference between an EMP and a CME. These deep state shadow government factions know that the unity consciousness and the cosmic convergence of the 144,000 have the ability to manipulate the energy grid system by activating a certain frequency connected to the neurological consciousness. When consciousness rises on the planet, it causes the human resonance spike to vibrate at a high frequency, going from 7.83 MHz to 13.13 MHz, which is the epitome of the Queen Mother seat of a matriarch connected to the feminine sequence of nature. This rising frequency can manipulate the grid system, producing an influx of coronal mass ejections that activate our physiology connected to a form of non-ether. These sun heat genes will be activated by the granulations and prominences.

On the other hand, there is another component activated by the factions of the government, where they can dematerialize the grid system and collapse their own system to implement another system, which is a form of the so-called Great Reset. It's either EMP or CME, but it's up to you to delineate the two. All these things are in alignment with what will be taking place in the year 2025. You have Chinese and CCP agents getting training from the United States government. Then you have the expansion of borders orchestrated by the deep state shadow government, which controls the infrastructure of democracy.

=> 00:23:53

Prepare now: The grid will go down, chaos will rise, and survival will depend on your resources and readiness.

The factions of the government have the ability to dematerialize the grid system, collapsing their own system to implement another, which is a form of the so-called Great Reset. This could be achieved through either an EMP or a CME, and it's up to you to delineate the two right now. All these events are in alignment with what is expected to take place in the year 2025.

Chinese and CCP agents are receiving training from the United States government. Concurrently, the expansion of borders is being orchestrated by the Deep State Shadow Government, which controls the infrastructure of democracy and liberalism. A study from FAIR reveals that 150 billion US taxpayer dollars have been spent on government services to support the 20 million illegal migrants in the country. This influx of migrants aligns with the activities of the Venezuelan gangs, who are essentially Deep State Shadow Government foot soldiers. These gangs are being used to implement a form of MK Ultra on the geographical landmass of America, creating chaos to establish a new order connected to a totalitarian system.

These Venezuelan gangs are being activated as munian candidates, and it is imperative to have your resources and artillery in order when the grid goes down. These factions will militarize and start attacking Americans on American soil, with the green light from Democratic organizations. The inception of democracy is linked to Babylonian culture, and it is no coincidence that Venezuela is emptying its prisons and sending violent criminals to the US border, as reported by the DHS.

The afflictions and implications on the planet are evident, with Venezuelan gangs committing violent acts such as shooting and killing four people on a CTA train. To identify these factions, one should look for specific tattoos that signify their affiliation with the Deep State Shadow Government. The numerical codex of gematria equates Venezuela to 666, which is connected to the propagation of six ether energy from Babylonian culture. The word democracy itself, with its roots in Kronos and Saturn, is linked to the Ukrainian Mafia and the Kazarian tamga, which is the sigil of Lucifer.

You are living in a Luciferian system controlled by the Khazarians, who are in turn controlled by the black nobility. This hidden hand is responsible for the afflictions on the planet. Therefore, it is crucial not to fall for the technology and semantics of the material world, as it is essentially a distraction from the underlying control mechanisms in place.

=> 00:28:20

Stay vigilant: the chaos we see is orchestrated by hidden powers manipulating our world.

The land of ND, the land of N, is connected to the factions of the deep state, also known as the Ukrainian Mafia. These people are nomads, and when you look at the Ukrainian Crest, which is the Kazarian tamga, it is the Sigil of Lucifer. You live in a Luciferian system being controlled by the Khazarians, who are in turn controlled by the black nobility. This black nobility is the hidden hand that controls the Kazarian Mafia. This is why you are experiencing all these afflictions on the planet.

Do not fall for the technology and the semantics of the material world because the material world is basically the personification of the illusions propagated by the holographic system of the energy extraction matrix. For example, one-way flights from NYC are $49, but do not fall for that. If the grid goes down, all these commercial flights in the air will go down too, just like in the movie "Leave the World Behind."

Many different things are taking place: the SEAC airport officials' cyber attack disrupts service. Be very diligent, stay vigilant, and be meticulous of all these things because we are living in a time where we are getting hit with hybrid asymmetrical warfare. They are hitting us from all sides: the expansion of borders, the manipulation of the grid system, and concerns about China, Iran, and Russia. Additionally, there are entities to worry about, such as the Ser portal opening up and the entities controlled by the deep state shadow government for MK Ultra purposes.

I will show you a video of how these Venezuelans are basically taking over certain parts of America, such as in Chicago and Colorado. For instance, at 6124 St. Can Drive, Colorado, 32 Venezuelans are trespassing the building, showing guns in the courtyard, and they have motorcycles in the courtyard as well. If you ever notice, Chicago, the state of Illinois, is a democratic state. Pay attention because it is not a coincidence that you see all these alignments and synchronicities that put you in alignment with the fact that the epitome of democracy leads to chaos and order. They are causing chaos because they know that time is up; it is the end of the Luciferian Babylonian system being run by a Roman occupational government.

There are multiple calls about guns at 6124 K, with 32 Venezuelans trespassing in the building property, showing guns in the courtyard, and having motorcycles in the way. Be very meticulous, especially if you live in a democratic state.

Physical destruction is facilitated by spiritual energy transmuted from the cosmos. Whatever happens in the physical takes place in the spiritual first. During the time of the solar eclipse, there is new energy on the planet, reversing the polarity of a patrilineal system controlled by a form of patriarchy. This patrilineal system is controlled by the factions of the Roman occupational government, which is controlled by unseen entities. These entities do not take corporeal form and are controlled by archonic forces. The archons do not want to give up the regime of this prison planet, so they take upon the physiology of these entities, these gens, these demons, or whatever.

=> 00:33:11

Awaken your Supreme Consciousness now; the spiritual and physical realms are intertwined, and chaos is a tool of control. Stay vigilant.

During the time of the solar eclipse, there is a new energy on the planet that is reversing the polarity of a patrilineal system controlled by a form of patriarchy. This patrilineal system is under the control of factions of the Roman occupational government, which in turn is controlled by unseen entities, known as archonic forces. These archons do not want to relinquish their control over this prison planet. Consequently, these archons will take on the physiology of entities such as gens, demons, or sleeper cells to maintain the perpetual state of illusion and chaos on the planet. This situation is not just about asymmetrical warfare; it is also about spiritual warfare. What occurs in the physical realm first happens in the spiritual realm, as both are interconnected.

It is crucial to be meticulous and keep your spiritual eye open, paying attention to everything around you, including new entities and factions of immigrants due to the expansion of borders. We live in a time where it is essential to activate Supreme Consciousness and be aware of what is happening. The system in place is based on the concept of "square in the circle," which means order out of chaos. They need to create chaos on the planet because of a bicentennial time capsule set to be opened on July 4th, 2176. The end of the Roman occupational government, controlled by imperialists, will occur by then.

Understanding the metaphysical codex of Freemasonry and the alphabetical sequence is essential. When you see numbers, you see letters, and vice versa; it is essentially a mirror flip. The year 2176 is a Freemasonic alphabetical and numerical codex. For example, B represents the second letter of the alphabet, A the first, G the seventh, and F the sixth. When decoded, the year 2176 signifies "Brothers in the year of order and light, God the Supreme architect will free the original Moors." The year 6000 ends in 2024, marking the end of a 400-year period since the colonization and creation of mystery Babylon in New York City in 1624.

This period from 1624 to 2024 represents the end of the verification period facilitated by the age of Pisces under the lunar cycle. Dividing 144,000 by 360 results in 400 years, symbolizing the end of their system. The year 2024 is the year of karmic retribution, marking a transitional period that ends the Babylonian Roman occupational government. A patrilineal system cannot exist in a sun cycle, which is matrilineal and facilitated by a republic. The numbers and dates, such as those on the time capsule created by Freemasons and placed downtown, hold significant meaning in this context.

=> 00:37:59

2024 marks a karmic retribution and the start of a new era of light, transforming our reality from 3D to 5D.

The verification period was facilitated by the age of Pisces under the lunar cycle. When you take 144,000 divided by 360, you basically get 400 years. This marks the end of their system, and 2024 is the year of light and karmic retribution. We are looking at a transitional period, ending the Babylonian Roman occupational government. A patrilineal system can exist in a sun cycle, which was all maternal and facilitated by a republic.

Numbers like these are part of a time capsule created by Freemasons, often placed downtown. When you see the year 2176 on these capsules, it’s not an actual date but an alphabetical sequence connected to the Masonic alphabetical sequence in the numerical codex. The year 2176 signifies that in the year of light, God the Supreme Architect will free the original Moors, who are the original Masons and the so-called indigenous people connected to the geographical landmass of America. This is supported by the 1848 Supreme Court decision, which states that the original Mound Builders hold the title of America for a million square miles, equating to 640 million acres of land.

In the year of light, numerous portals are opening up, as described in the Book of Enoch, which speaks about the transitional period and the creation of illumination across the planet. These portals bring new energy under the Vantu effect, a velocity of ether that manipulates the energy grid system, the simulation, and the illusion connected to third density. The planet is transitioning from 3D to 5D, which involves metaphysical aspects such as extraterrestrials. The cosmic energy from these portals has a positive electrical frequency and EAL energy, similar to the ringing of bells and flutes, which have EAL and ethal energy respectively. These sounds and frequencies manipulate the simulation and entities like Draconian entities, which are expected to become more prominent in 2025.

The system is controlled by Liquid Crystal polarization, creating a dualistic paradox of the Matrix. When this polarization is manipulated, entities start to reveal themselves to maintain the system of illusion, which is a prison planet extracting microscopic energy from human physiology and uploading it into a neomorphic cycle cloud. The Draconians control this energy grid system, as explained in previous transmissions about the cosmic energy grid.

Sound frequency radiates at different speeds and tempos, and these frequencies in the electrical Matrix are part of third density. Everything on planet Earth works in harmony with a biorhythm and a sound wave frequency. The universe and the heartbeat of planet Earth, known as the Schumann resonance, produce an influx of gamma radiation with a frequency that most human beings cannot hear.

=> 00:42:32

The universe's heartbeat has a frequency we can't hear due to spiritual barriers, but cosmic energies are aligning us for a spiritual awakening.

The cosmic energy grid operates through sound frequencies that radiate at different speeds and tempos. These frequencies, within this electrical Matrix, are essentially third density waves. Everything on planet Earth works in harmony and has a biorhythm, which in turn has a sound wave frequency. The universe and the heartbeat of planet Earth, known as the Schumann resonance, produce an influx of gamma radiation with a frequency that most humans cannot hear because we are spiritually cut off due to the firmament we live in. This concept is mentioned in Genesis chapter 1 verse 5, which discusses the firmament and our spiritual disconnection.

The heartbeat of planet Earth has a tone and frequency, an ethereal energy, and frequencies emanating from the Star Polaris. This transition from the Draco Star constellation to Polaris aligns us with the Age of the True Light, also known as the Age of Aquarius. These cosmic energies have a radiant frequency and sound wave frequency that manipulate everything in third density, including the liquid crystal polarization. High-frequency notes, like those from bells, are significant because they contain an octave frequency that can manipulate physical structures. This is why many bells have been redacted from the planet.

We are currently experiencing spiritual warfare, and this is evident in various phenomena, including cyber simulations like Cyber Polygon, which prepare for the grid going down. The grid controls the illusionary aspect that encrypts our physical eyes, preventing the activation of the spiritual eye. The year 2025, the year of completion and finality, is also the activation of the non-ether, equated to the year of the serpent, the Calin serpent, which resets the holographic brain and the system.

In a related story, Dr. Adams has been trekking through the forest, miles from civilization, searching for a lost tribe. He encountered difficulties, including being captured and infected with something that caused him to act strangely, though he felt no pain. Dr. Adams set up trail cams throughout the forest, and upon returning, found one missing. The footage revealed something shocking, which cannot be shown on TikTok due to content restrictions. This incident underscores the ongoing spiritual warfare and the manipulation in the grid system, causing an interface transition and glitches.

=> 00:47:25

Caught a trail cam thief in the dark, but the footage shows something wearing a backwards hoodie—spiritual warfare or just a prank?

He set up a whole bunch of trail cams and when he came back, one of the trail cams was missing. All hell broke loose as he searched for it. When he finally found it, you would not believe what was on it. It was a video that he couldn't show on TikTok because every time he tries to show a video, he gets flagged for unoriginal content. So, you have to search it up on your own. This video was significant because, as he mentioned, we are dealing with spiritual warfare. These entities are starting to show themselves due to a manipulation in the grid system, causing an interface transition that is essentially a glitch within the holographic matrix system. This leads to phenomena like time dilation and Deja Vu. Everything is being manipulated right now.

In the video, something was running—not walking—fast in the dark, snatched the trail cam off the tree, and walked away. This didn't look right to him. He prides himself on being honest, even though he talks about myths and legends because he believes everything is possible. The only thing that stood out to him was that the figure in the video seemed to be wearing a backwards hoodie. He swears it's real and not doctored, but it looked like the figure had on a backwards hoodie. He speculated that someone could be leaving clothes out there, similar to how people leave apples and trinkets for Bigfoot. He didn't want to say much more about it but found the whole situation suspect.

He mentioned that the person who found the trail cam said these beings are far more advanced than Homo sapiens. This person found maps and mathematical formulas written on paper, indicating that these beings are intelligent. However, the fact that they know how to put on a hoodie but not the right way seemed odd. He believes we are living in a time when things are going to reveal themselves, especially by the year 2025. He referenced a publication from the Vatican that talked about not being surprised when encountering spiritual apparitions and demons, suggesting that they are preparing us for something.

He then delved into the theological context and metaphysics, mentioning that the prophet Noble Drew Ali advised not to get rid of your Bibles because they will be used to condemn European nations. The events taking place now are part of their timeline of eschatology, which is an emulation of modern-day occurrences. He emphasized the importance of reading the Bible from a metaphysical standpoint, as it is a multi-dimensional book with many meanings. The Bible, he stated, was extracted by colonizing many different cultures and coming up with one big publication. It is comprised of texts like the Egyptian or the Khemetic Book of Life and the Khemetic Book of the Dead, or the Coming Forth by Day, which tells you about negative karma.

=> 00:51:49

The Bible is a multi-dimensional book with hidden meanings, revealing a transition period marked by cosmic and earthly changes.

The text discusses the emulation of modern-day events through a metaphysical lens, particularly focusing on the Bible. It emphasizes that the Bible should not be read like a children's book but rather as a multi-dimensional book with many different meanings. The text suggests that the Bible was compiled by colonizing various cultures, resulting in a publication that includes elements from the Egyptian Book of Life and the Book of the Dead.

The text also references the keys of Enoch, which mention four types of nemesis converging on the planet: food shortage, deadly plague, wild beasts, and wars. These wild beasts are linked to the Draconian aspect, which is said to sustain itself by extracting energy from humans. The text suggests that these entities will eventually reveal themselves to maintain their power, as they are not ready to relinquish it.

The discussion transitions to the concept of mystery Babylon, identified as New York City, which was colonized by the Dutch Master Jesuits in 1624. The period from 1624 to 2024 marks 400 years, and from a metaphysical Freemasonic standpoint, the year 2024 is significant as it is considered the year of light. According to the Freemasonic Apocrypha Bible of 1813, the year 2024 is the year 6000, and 2025 is the year of ality, indicating a period of karmic retribution from 2025 to 2026.

The text further delves into Genesis chapters 4:12-7, which discuss economic collapse, the crashing of the money system, and various other events such as the return of ancient gods, magnetic pole shift, civil war, and the appearance of Fallen Angels. These events are linked to the Draconian reptilian extraterrestrials and the red star cacina, signifying a great purification period causing scarcity of food, water, money, shelter, and safety between 2021 and 2027, known as the seven Thunders being activated.

The text then references Joel chapter 2 verse 21, which speaks about the land, symbolizing the Midwest or Mount Zion, and the true Lord who will perform great signs and wonders. In 2025, there will be 48 hours of daytime, an influx of gamma radiation from the Star Polaris, and the activation of the Holy pyramid in Florida, along with other pyramids. These pyramids have a positive electrical frequency that manipulates the grid system. The appearance of maras, the light body, and the Exodus of holy cities will follow, with the Sun and Moon darkening, signifying a period of 10 to 90 days of darkness. This darkness could also be interpreted as a metaphysical context of using 90% of one's brain, leading to right knowledge. Finally, the text mentions the 12 pillars of light and the appearance of the holy cities.

=> 00:56:52

Pyramids will activate, leading to a massive shift in consciousness and financial collapse by 2025.

You're going to have the Holy Pyramid in Florida turned on. Not just in Florida, but you're going to have pyramids being turned on because the pyramids have a positive electrical frequency that works in tandem with the SpaceTime continuum, which manipulates the grid system. Then, you're going to have the appearance of maras. The light body comes down, followed by the Exodus of holy cities. The Sun and Moon Star will basically darken, signifying 10 days of darkness or 90 days of darkness. This can be seen in a metaphysical context, referring to the ability to use 90% of your brain, which is essentially right knowledge.

Next, you have the 12 pillars of light and the appearance of the holy cities, such as the Crystal City. Then, you have the Orion star in the east attuned with the light body. The Orion star will disappear, and then you have the holy pyramid on fire in Colorado. This coincides with Zechariah 14:8, which states, "And it shall be in that day," referring to a form of judgment. Notice the years from 2024 to 2025. Living Waters, which is your spiritual breath or life force Mana ether, shall go from Jerusalem, which is the geographical area of the United States. All this is acclimated to the theological context when viewed from a metaphysical standpoint.

This also coincides with the money system. For example, Warren Buffett and others are taking their shares out of the Bank of America. Warren Buffett sold more of his Bank of America shares, reaping 982 million dollars. He now holds 278 million in cash, preparing for a crash. Fast forward to this theological publication, Genesis 47:15 states, "The money will fall in and be destroyed." When money fell in the land of Egypt, which is a nomenclature title for America, and in the land of Canaan, also known as the land of DC or NYC or mystery Babylon, all the Egyptians (so-called indigenous black people Americans or the indigenous Ms) came unto Joseph and said, "Give us bread." Bread is Prana, Mana, or spiritual nourishment. They asked, "Why should we die in thy presence for the love of money?" This means that money is going to be destroyed between the years 2024 and 2025. The year 2025 is the year of completion, marking the end of the Roman occupational government controlled by the Canaanites, who are controlled by black nobility, which in turn is controlled by archonic forces.

The money will perish and cannot buy God's gifts. As stated in Acts 8:20, "Money will perish with thee because thou hast thought." When you see the word "that" in the Bible, it means "th," especially in NX. This refers to the Gentile Esau, the Canaanite. This leads to the whole aspect of the grid and everything going down, with Americans being attacked on American soil. According to Daniel 11:42, "Gog and Magog shall come, and America shall not escape." It says, "He shall stretch forth his hand," which is the personification of political and military power. Gog and Magog represent the Gentiles, which are China and Russia. Whatever happens is expected to occur between the years 2025 and 2026. This will be the precursor to a form of liberation by giving the land back to the matriarch.

Additionally, upon the countries of America, the land of Egypt (America) shall not escape. Gog and Magog will control America's gold, silver, and money, as stated in Daniel 11:43. Gog and Magog, representing the Gentiles, Russia, and China, will have power over the treasures of gold, leading to the implementation of the CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency), which will control the money system after the grid shuts down.

=> 01:01:38

Major global shifts are coming between 2025 and 2026, leading to a new world order controlled by China, Russia, and Iran.

Of the Gentiles, which includes China and Russia, significant events are expected to occur between the years 2025 and 2026. These events on American soil are anticipated to be precursors to a form of liberation by returning the land to the matriarch. Additionally, the land of Egypt, symbolizing America, will not escape these changes. Gog and Magog will control America's gold, silver, and money, as referenced in Daniel 11:43. This control will be facilitated through the implementation of the CBDC, which will dominate the money system after a grid shutdown, leading to a cybernetic dictatorship.

Following this, dragons and the Caronian, representing Iran and China, will wage war on American soil. This scenario is depicted in the fourth book of Ezra, chapter 15, where machines of war and sounds of missiles and bombs infiltrate America from the inside out. The current events unfolding are not mere coincidences. It is crucial to read the Bible from a metaphysical standpoint, especially for those entrenched in religion and monotheism. Reading it with spiritual fortitude and a metaphysical perspective is essential rather than a conventional Christian interpretation.

In my opinion, by 2025, there may not be a presidential election. This is because a patrilineal system cannot coexist with a matriarchal system, which is controlled by the sun cycle, whereas patriarchy is controlled by the lunar cycle. The lunar cycle, which governs the holographic illusion of our simulation, has been phased out. We are now in the age of the True Light, which eliminates the illusion. Therefore, patriarchy and democracy cannot coexist in a republic. From a rational standpoint, it seems unlikely that there will be an election, although I could be wrong. The factions in government are controlled by celestial bodies and astrological alignments.

To summarize, America is essentially a country conquered by corporate economic imperialists who control a Roman occupational government and a Luciferian system. This Luciferian system has been facilitated through colonization since 1624 when the Dutch Master Khazarians infiltrated the land mass and created Mystery Babylon, also known as New York City. The Statue of Liberty is actually a monolithic structure representing Lucifer. The ontological artifact of the painting of Lucifer resembles the Statue of Liberty, with the apple at the bottom of Lucifer's feet symbolizing New York City, known as the Big Apple. The chains and the seven-crown structure atop the Statue of Liberty's head further emphasize this connection.

Understanding the inception of the Babylonian culture's infiltration into America is crucial. This culture created ecclesiastical laws and was controlled by black nobility. The Dutch Masters' infiltration in 1624 is a significant historical event, marking the beginning of these changes.

=> 01:06:06

America's political system is a one-way road to devastation, controlled by an oligarchy with a single agenda.

In the context of the Statue of Liberty, you see the apple at the bottom of Lucifer's feet, which is why New York City is referred to as the Big Apple. Additionally, you notice the chains and the crown at the top, the seven-pointed crown that sits on the Statue of Liberty's head. Understanding the inception of where the Babylonian culture infiltrated the land masses of America and created ecclesiastical laws controlled by black nobility is imperative.

The Dutch Masters infiltrated that land mass in 1624, a significant year because from 1624 to 2024 marks the end of the 400-year curse of ancient Babylon controlled by Lucifer. The Ukrainian Crest and the Kazarian tamga emulate the Sigil of Lucifer, indicating that Ukrainians are controlled by black nobility, which is why the black nobility sigil is behind the Ukrainian crest. Revelations 18:4 advises to "come out of her," referring to Mystery Babylon, which is Lucifer, and the home of the United Nations in New York City.

NASA documents confirm a planned mass extinction event in 2025. Various forms of hybrid asymmetrical warfare are being prepared because the controlling entities know their time is up. Preparedness grants and actions by figures like Warren Buffett indicate an impending crash. This year is pivotal as it sets the tone and frequency for 2025. Cyber Polygon is conducting simulations for energy grid failures, and many different Black Swan events and afflictions are anticipated. The Deep State Shadow government is orchestrating these events, including the expansion of borders and the replacement of Americans by immigrants.

In conclusion, the luciferian system has reached the apex of the verification period of the end of the Roman occupational government that controls political factions. Voting is an industrial complex campaign facilitated by an oligarchy, meaning power doesn't care who it votes for. There is no true left wing or right wing, just a left lane and a right lane on a one-way road leading to devastation. Both the Democratic and Republican parties operate under an oligarchy-monarchy system with one agenda: the destruction of humanity and the indigenous people, preventing them from reaping the benefits of the restoration of the matriarch. Hence, America is fundamentally a...

=> 01:10:36

America's political system is a corporate oligarchy leading us to destruction—detach from it to align with nature.

There is a left lane and a right lane on a one-way road, and that one-way road leads to a road of devastation. When you look at the factions of the Democratic or the Republican party, it is essentially an oligarchy-monarchy system with one agenda. One road might be the fast lane, and the other might be the slow lane, but they both lead to the same destination: destruction over humanity and the destruction of indigenous people, preventing them from reaping the benefits of the restoration of the matriarch. This is why America is essentially a country conquered by corporate imperialists. We live in an oligarchy system, so your vote really doesn't matter. When you participate in fraud, you can't claim injury to the system. By participating in their fraudulent system, you are essentially giving them more time to control the simulation.

In Revelations 18:4, it says, "Come out of her." This is the personification of detachment, urging you to detach yourself from the system. As we segue into the year 2025, the year of completion, it marks the completion of the Roman occupational government under the lunar cycle. The matrilineal system of the matriarchal forces of nature has to take back the planet. Nature will take back the planet regardless of whether you are in alignment with it or not. There is a karmic implication that comes with this because planet Earth is a living entity and can sense vibrational consciousness and unconsciousness. Planet Earth knows who is right for it.

This is connected to the prophecy of the red star Kina, which is the personification of the great purification period. Planet Earth has to purify itself through nature, extracting anything detrimental to it. If you are connected to the system, you will fall with it. This is why it is said to come out of this Luciferian system, or you will fall with it. It has to fall because it is part of the timeline of esoy. When you understand the eological timeline connected to the publication of the Bible, you will know that their end has a verification period. Their time is up.

With that being said, ladies and gentlemen, get this video out there. Thanks for watching. End of transmission.

It's me again, God. I know it's been a long time since I last called you back on your line, so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land. C is going to get to you, and then you'll have a chariot with only one less friend. I had distant folks that look into my eyes to understand the wisdom he's given and his wealth from the skies. Thanks for this SM that I'm about to receive, and thank you for my Heth and all the good memories. Thanks for the courage to take on another day when I used to not believe, but now I know about grace. Stay away from the fire because the flames do burn. Go with your gut feeling; when it's wrong, you learn. For every one step I take, the Lord takes two. Do unto others as you want it done unto you.

It's me again, God. I know it's been a long time since I last called you back on your line, so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land. It's me again, God. I know it's been a long time since I last called you back on your line, so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the completion, the selfish progression, and the end. The last of the moans, the bastard of the land, the pin melon, and the cre. We are just trying to get back to the fact that we were kings and queens of a land for the avalanche seas that I live on Turtle Island with the rest of the diseased, better than the medicine for seven different treatments.

I try to ride away but end up getting seasick. Asleep, I can feel my words like Bing; they awaken with the penmanship of a pendulum strip written in them. Vacant monasteries, honorary payments to the prototype. Tomorrow's only a day away, but nothing happens overnight. What's wrong with going left when you know it's right? Biting off more than I can chew, that's an overbite. Black-on-black crime is like watching two soldiers fight when all along they were on the same page of history.

It's me again, God. I know it's been a long time since I last called you back on your line, so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land. It's me again, God. I know it's been a long time since I last called you back on your line, so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land.