Can I Beat Elden Ring's DLC While Copying Bosses?
Table of contents
- Level up by taking on challenges and using what you conquer. In Elden Ring, every boss you defeat is a step closer to becoming unstoppable.
- Embrace the grind; every setback is just a setup for a comeback.
- Embrace the chaos of the challenge; sometimes the struggle makes the victory sweeter.
- Sometimes you just have to roll with the punches to level up your game.
- Master your build, and the game becomes easy.
- Master your strategy, embrace the grind, and let every setback fuel your comeback.
- Embrace the challenge, adapt your strategy, and keep pushing forward—every setback is just a setup for a comeback.
- Embrace the chaos and keep pushing through the struggle; victory is just a stagger away.
- Sometimes the best strategy is to play it safe and wait for the right moment to strike.
- In the game of strategy and skill, sometimes all you need is the right weapon and a little patience to conquer your foes.
- Sometimes you just have to embrace the chaos and keep pushing forward, even when the odds are stacked against you.
- Sometimes you just need to switch it up and keep grinding until you find your lucky break.
Level up by taking on challenges and using what you conquer. In Elden Ring, every boss you defeat is a step closer to becoming unstoppable.
In Elden Ring, there is all kinds of Boss equipment, to the point where it's usually pretty easy to full-on cosplay a boss after you've beaten them. This is why today, I'm going to be beating Elden Ring by copying the most recent boss that I've beaten. I start off with nothing, then I beat a boss and use their equipment until I beat the next boss, and then I use their equipment. You guys really seem to enjoy this video when I did it for the base game, so it's time to run it back now that the DLC is released.
To start, I need to kill a boss with literally my bare fists and no armor, so I obviously take on the Omega Elden God, Soldier of Godric. This fight really isn't that bad. I pick up his sword from a chest as well as his armor from the soldiers, and I'm set up and ready to go fight Margit.
"Hey big dog," I say, "Oh, I probably should... let me go put this on. That sounds like a good idea." I also could have put the charge attack tier in there, but we live, I guess. "Well, Thou Art of passing skill. Warrior blood must truly run in thy veins, Tarish."
Okay, so we have Giant Crusher, and we're going to need a strength tier. That plus the strength tier means we kind of need to get to 25 so that we can do Radigan's Sorcery Seal and the strength tier, and then we're there. I should also probably go pull the Kirby character; I think I still have the Kirby character. Good enough, bro! So yeah, we're using Giant Crusher because it's one of the golden weapons that Margit uses in his phase two.
I also meant to go get the Ersteel Dagger, true order, and Cate Past. "I am Kenneth Height, and I have seen quite..." Is it not from this guy? Killing Kenneth doesn't work? Oh, Avenue. Okay, we can't get access to that because it's in Leyndell. Alright, no Ersteel Dagger. Alright, Godric, time to die!
"Hey, hey, hey! What are you doing? That's a lot of stamina!" Oh, that's a weird follow-up animation; I didn't know that's what the follow-up was. "Am I going to get this? No stagger? Yeah, give me that!" You know, this was not a good idea. "Witness!" Yeah, that was not a great plan. "I am the Lord!" Alright, Godric is dead. That's also one remembrance, and we need to go get his remembrance weapon. Should I use a dragon fist weapon this time? Okay, I'll do Grafted Dragon; why not?
"Oh right, this is a non-dual wieldable fist weapon, so you just straight up can't two-hand it. Does Godric have armor? I don't think Godric's... it's tragedy. Alright, I need to make sure that I get these spells. Gotcha, okay, I know where that is. Gotcha, alright, let's go kill the wolf."
"Hello, my boy! I would like to light you on fire." I know you can jump that; it's just awkward. Dude, that charged heavy animation is crazy fast! How much poise does that do? Okay, it can't be doing that much poise. "Ow! I jump! Don't give me this!
Embrace the grind; every setback is just a setup for a comeback.
We need to go get his remembrance. The weapon should use a dragon fist weapon this time. Okay, I'll do grafted Dragon. Why not, dude? Oh right, this is a non-dual wieldable fist weapon, so you just straight up can't two-hand it. Does Godrick have armor? I don't think Godrick's is a tragedy.
All right, I need to make sure that I get these spells. Gotcha, okay, I know where that is. Gotcha, all right, let's go kill the wolf.
Hello, my boy! I would like to light you on fire. I know you can jump that; it's just like... awkward, dude. That charged heavy animation is crazy fast. How much Poise does that do? Okay, it can't be doing that much Poise. Ow! I jump! Don't give me this, brother.
All right, look at that! First try, not even close. Dude, it's crazy how easy that was. All right, glint blade failen. This isn't right; this is the one that does five, right? Magic glint blade works though because he does the single and glint Stone Comet Shard with 36 in also works. But am I kidding? 36 in is also very expensive. I think I'm just going to do magic Clint plate. Um, I need a stick. Give me stick.
All right, let's go get in tier. Could kill like DTS; why not? All right, three minutes, is that enough time? Who knows, not me. I'm not sure I'm going to have enough FP. Is that one ninth of his health bar? I'm not sure it is. Oh, did that miss? Ain't no way, bro.
All right, I might need an easier boss that gives me like an actual weapon here, dude. I might need to go kill like a dawn. I don't think I had enough damage anyway. God, I hecking love NPC fights. Ow! Brother, leave me alone. Goodbye.
41 faith is crazy, dude. I probably got to bust out Godrick's great Rune, but we can also use the flail as the real benefit here. Ow, ow! Oh yeah, what armor does he wear? So fire pret set off, we go brother. I need to spend these runes on faith. I think I could like do math and all that nerd stuff, but I'm not going to do that.
God, flails charged heavies are so man, dude. That's crazy! Look at how lucky I got. All right, fire monk Hood, that's what we want, and then we want the gear from this guy in here. All right, this is going to be a pain in the...
Look like you're having fun there, big man. No, nah. All right, there we go. Merry Christmas, brother. Okay, time to be fattish. I'm pretty sure I'm going to go overleveled or overloaded. Yeah, yeah, I am fat. I am very, very fat. I only need a little bit of endurance to be fair.
Let's see, is that enough heavy load? Oh my God, it's exactly at. Look at the equip load; everything's going according to plan. This is crazy. All right, um, a seal. Why not? Dude's getting bullied. Nice.
Okay, now I still want 41 Faith. Am I actually going to be able to do that? I don't know. Let's think. Faith to 19 to 29. Godrick's great Rune takes it to 34. I could go get America scar seal.
Okay, 14, 19, 24, 34. I need six Faith levels. Am I getting six Faith levels? How the am I going to get six Faith levels? Redon is still alive. I could ALS just not do the flame thing. Oh, I've got an idea! I could do nights C cheese. No, no, no, no. We'll do ball Farm instead; it's grey faster.
Yeah, why am I not killing grey? That just seems easier. All right, I can wield it, right? All right, all right, hopefully I don't die. Dying is bad and not dying is good. Fat rolling, dude. I thought he stood up.
Hey, yeah, I should not have ran out of Stam; that was stupid. The stam regen is really the truest thing about fat roll. Oh, that was quick. Huh, what do you mean?
All right, um, now his armor set isn't until way past Malaki, so we can't get.
Embrace the chaos of the challenge; sometimes the struggle makes the victory sweeter.
In this gaming session, the player reflects on their strategy and experiences while navigating challenges. They express frustration with their current situation, stating, "cheese no no no no we we'll we'll do ball Farm isn't grey." The player contemplates their effectiveness in combat, questioning, "why am I not killing grey?" They acknowledge the need to improve their stamina management, remarking, "I should not have ran out of Stam that was stupid."
As they progress, they consider their options regarding Renala, pondering whether to kill her for the ability to Respec. They note, "having access to Respec is pretty sick," but also recognize the challenges involved, stating, "if I kill Renala I have to get 60 in and that seems like a pain." Instead, they decide it might be time to face Redon, exclaiming, "am I going to get there? no oh my God that was so lucky."
The player continues to strategize, expressing a need for more resources, saying, "I need more money God damn it let this so expensive." They consider alternative methods to acquire funds, such as "duper remembrance and get money that way." As they navigate through the game, they remind themselves of the limitations regarding gear, stating, "it is impossible to get this Godfrey's gear."
During combat, they experience a mix of luck and skill, commenting, "holy he didn't hit me skill issue to be honest." They also reflect on the costliness of their run, noting, "this run is obviously really expensive even without buying upgrade mats." The player assesses weapon stats, specifically mentioning Morgot's, and prepares for the next challenge, saying, "morot it is time to die."
As they approach a boss fight, they express concern about their current build, stating, "doing this fat roll is going to suck." They contemplate alternative strategies, considering other bosses to fight first, and express their feelings about the upcoming challenges, saying, "this is legitimate I'm just really lucky." Ultimately, they recognize the importance of speed in their gameplay, concluding with a sense of urgency, "now we want to go fast."
Sometimes you just have to roll with the punches to level up your game.
I need a different boss so that I don't have to be fat for this. Okay, maybe deer could be a viable option. I'm fine with a little bit of deer action. Let me, uh, let me go pay a visit to a few of these rats over here. Oh my God, I'm just really lucky. The guys' damage is not great, and I'm definitely going to have to deal with the deer roll a couple of times this fight. I think I am not looking forward to it, especially with a fat roll. Man, this is probably going to suck.
Can I stop throwing, please? I'm out of stamina. All right, this is the heal. Okay, now we want to go fast. We didn't need to go fast up until this point, but now we want to go fast. Can you hit the roll, please? Okay, I kept the stance up. There we go! Look at that—maybe a second heal skip? I doubt it; he'd have to be very generous. Yeah, and he is not going to be.
Ow! Oh boy, here we go, here we go, here we go. Okay, I don't think I'm getting—why are you de-rolling again? Didn't you teleport once already? God, you rat bit! Are you healing again? God, you are an [__]. No, no! Oh my God, oh my God, stop being a bit! Okay, there we go, there we go. Happy New Year, Merry Christmas! All right, killed the deer. I can take all this off now, and that would be three trace remembrances. All right, give me that—I can already wield it! Let's go beat Margot!
Morgott's got to get the horn headband—the splooge head. You want me to go get the splooge head too? All right, fine. God bless the splooge head, huh? All right, let me put a little bit of debuff action on you. Oh, look at how much nicer it is when I'm not fat rolling! Man, they buffed the colossal weapon R1s, didn't they? That's crazy! I was confident. Did you guys think I wasn't getting the stagger?
"I cannot bear thy part in this; shall not be forgiven." Hey, see you later, buddy! Nice knowing you, Morgott. And that's four! Look at us—more than one remembrance per hour. We're only on pace for a 26-hour run. Hell yeah, dude! All right, take that [__] off. All right, yeah, we're looking dripped out. Oh, maybe I should kill big Moog so that I have access to DLC. I kind of like that idea.
Yeah, dude, let's go kill big Moog. Okay, I believe this is going to be a tactical death. I think we're just going to let him kill us three times. If I get this to 25, then we don't even need the Dex tier. That seems like a good idea. Hello, sir! I hecking love blood, dude. He's got to be close to a stagger here too, right? Maybe I lost the—no, okay, there we go. I'mma go for it! Already three bleed procs—that's fing crazy! Minimum Arcane.
Ow! The formula is mine by swinging so much. I don’t need to be swinging that much. All right, he's got a transition here, right? Okay, very nice. Is mine and alone. Okay, my bad. I did not think that was going to kill me. Is mine! Fu yeah, yeah, yeah! Ritual Shield! I for Gore! Brother, are you going to give me a damage window? Thank you!
All right, more health—more good, am I right, brother? Um, maybe just a 30? Yeah, yeah, that makes sense to me. And then I don’t know—more Dex, more good. I kind of needed to save some money, didn't I? Whoopsie! 27? God damn it! Oh no, we're good, we're good. We're at 22. We can go get the Arcane Talisman. It's all part of the plan! You guys thought I didn’t know? I accounted for everything perfectly.
Don't leave! Leave me alone, thank you! Okay, um, yeah, let's go kill—let's go kill Fire Giant. Hello, sir! God, no weapon upgrade sucks, huh? Oh yeah, yeah, look at that!
Master your build, and the game becomes easy.
All right, more health, more good, am I right, brother? Um, maybe just a 30? Yeah, yeah, that makes sense to me. And then I don't know; I don't know—more decks, more good. I kind of needed to save some money, didn't I? Whoopsie.
27? God damn it! Oh no, we're good, we're good; we're at 22. We can go get the Arcane Talisman. It's all part of the plan, you guys thought I didn't know. I accounted for everything perfectly.
Thank you, okay, um, yeah, let's go kill the Fire Giant. Hello, sir! God, no, weapon upgrade sucks, huh? Oh yeah, yeah, look at that damage! Hecking love knee hill. Yeah, this fight is making me not want to do plus zero, 'cause I know I can do it; this is just going to take a really fing long time.
Nice, let me hit the eyeball. Oh, I should probably have the two-and Talisman on, dude. Yeah, 4,900? Wait, was that bleed proc just like huge for some reason? I'll take the Raa; surely it's good, right? Yeah, that's fuing great. Oh, I'm so dumb; please don't kill me.
Um, I mean, I guess I got the somra 3, so might as well just do that. All right, plus five. Yeah, this is light work. Oh no, you're telling me I'm getting one-shot here? Holy sh—brother, it's time to stagger. Thank you, time for rolp. Oh, look at that!
All right, the sound's coming out of the arcane more than usual. I won't lie; that was questionable. Your whips are kind of fast. Hey, get out of that, dude! I'm going to die—holy, I didn't die!
Can't reapa, get out of my balls, brother! What the hell are we doing? Sorry, your balls, not my balls. Madam, please jump back; thank you. This is taking longer than the Fire Giant. I don't think that's true. Oh my God, dodge!
All right, here we go, little nice. All right, give me the Carian Regal Scepter. What other spells does she use? Just Comet? Okay, how much does it cost? 2, 4 FP? All right, let's hope it's good enough. Give me that and that and that. Wow, this is expensive!
Oh yeah, we're looking fing sick now, dude. Okay, 60 in, although this cap gives like three, doesn't it? So I can do like that. Yeah, I'm going to need to respec again anyway; might as well do that.
Okay, who is going to die? Who's going to die? I think Sewer Moog should die so that I can get access to the underground area and get the slammer so that I can kill um trees for Tears. Okay, that's not me.
Oh my God, why is that so bad? All right, this is going to be a nuisance unless I go upgrade. I feel like that should be better. Use the weapon art; I don't think the weapon art is going to be any good either.
Yeah, I mean, it's all right. I hecking love magic builds; we're definitely doing enough damage though. All right, look at that goddamn beautiful! All right, where's my robe? Give me my robe back; give me that back just so that I have a nice even spread to wield all the things.
Yeah, it's the qualiti EST of quality builds. Hello, sir! Oh, this isn't even a boss. I guess I should know that, but for whatever reason, I was thinking this was a boss. Either way, we need to kill this guy to get his weapon so that I can kill the boss versions of him.
All part of the plan, I'm going to kill the Her Tree Avatar next, but let's go get Elden Stars. Oh my God, a blood damage buff goes crazy, or the fire damage, I mean. All right, now that gets us tiers.
Master your strategy, embrace the grind, and let every setback fuel your comeback.
Beautiful all. Right, where's my robe? Please give me my robe back. I need it so that I have a nice even spread to wield all the things. Yeah, it's the qualiti EST of quality builds.
Hello, sir. Oh, this isn't even a boss. I guess I should know that, but for whatever reason, I was thinking this was a boss. Either way, we need to kill this guy to get his weapon so that I can kill the boss versions of him. It's all part of the plan. I'm going to kill the her tree Avatar next, but first, let's go get Elden Stars.
Oh my God, a blood damage buff goes crazy, or the fire damage, I mean. All right, now that gets us the tiers that I want, but it means I have to use this guy. I'm too poor. What do you mean? Oh, that's a couple runes. All right, plus six, plus six Godskin Duo—surely this is fine.
Okay, the somber Bell bearing four is also right here, so we could get this to plus eight. I guess I do get it to plus eight. Why not, right? I guess I can even get it to plus nine. Huh, how will I copy the Godskin Duo? You know, that's a good question because if I didn't kill other Godskins right now before I kill this one, I'd be kind of out of luck. I'd have black flame ritual and that's it.
Let's go kill the apostle. Getting dumpstered, dude. All right, I mean, it's plus nine. Okay, smithing Stone weapon suck. I can go kill another Erdtree Avatar. Why not, right? Let's go kill another Erdtree Avatar so I can use the big Slammer. Except this time, I actually have a weapon to use after I kill Godkin Duo.
I mean, sure, let's use the L2. That was a convenient stagger, huh? The L2 is not that impressive on low-health bosses. That was a convenient stagger. All right, okay, let me put that back on. Let's go kill Duo.
Wow, that has some recovery time on it, huh? Are you not staggered yet, brother? Thank you. All right, me then jumping eye frames, dude. Ow, don't push me into the black flame, please. Thank you. This phase transition—yeah, this is a bad move. Yeah, it's all part of the plan.
Oh, I forgot you get black flame tornado, not black flame ritual off of this fight. I definitely could have gotten away with black flame tornado. Where do you get Fatty's armor from? It's from the non-boss Noble on the bridge to The Curse Mark of Death. Right, I can't get access to that yet, and Apostle armor is from the Kaled one, which I mean I could have gotten access to, but that's quite the detour. So, no armor for us. We got to go kill something else now. Who knows what it is?
Classy. Hey, you know what? Actually, yeah, let's go black flame ritual—plassy, why not? Or black flame tornado. Oh, I got hit by the tail. All right, there we go. Oh, I needed more blue. Damn it! Oh no, maybe I didn't. I forgot I have two flasks. All right, that's phase transition, right? No? Okay, there he goes.
This dude's really liking his lightning strikes tonight. Only some of that connected. Hell yeah, dude! What? This is a scam. All right, see you later, big dog. What is this? 37 dex? Holy. All right, what's next? What should I do next? What should I do with this weapon? I should probably go get the Bell bearing.
Malikith? Um, yeah, I mean we can do Malikith. Yeah, let's do Malikith. But then, at some point, I'm going to need to get Crystal spear. I will not have it. Stol. Ow, God damn it! I thought that R1 would have been a stagger, but it was not.
[Nerd any rollers?] Hey, look at that! Look at the drip! The expensive drip. Heavy load? Yeah, this is going to be great. It has exactly 51 Poise.
Embrace the challenge, adapt your strategy, and keep pushing forward—every setback is just a setup for a comeback.
This 37 decks, holy! All right, what's next? What should I do next? With this weapon, I should probably go get the Bell bearing. Huh, Malakith? Um, yeah, I mean, we can do Malakith. Yeah, let's do Malakith. But then, at some point, I'm going to need to get Crystal spear; I will not have it.
Stumbling through the game, "Ow! God damn it! I thought that R1 would have been a stagger, but it was not."
"Nerdy rollers, hey look at that! Look at the drip! The expensive drip! Heavy load, yeah, this is gonna be great. It has exactly 51 Poise; that's cool. So let's go there, and I mean, that's good enough. All right, I think I'm reaching all the stat requirements at this point; I'm just leveling Health."
"Hello, sir! I definitely have the wrong physic. Ow! Yeah, just need it all. Dude, can you stop belly bumping me, brother? Okay, yeah, this doesn't seem like it's going to be that bad. Reach, yeah, no, nine! I'm out of Stam! Holy! All right, made it happen. All right, I'm still out of Stam; I didn't make it happen. Got you!"
"I thought I think he's going to start rolling. Oh, holy, he didn't! Another stagger? No? All right, nice and simple. Huh, okay, give me that Godskin Stitcher, my favorite! Oh yeah, I forgot about the fatty clothes. Um, I don't have Loretta dead yet, and I'm not able to get Loretta dead until we kill the Hry one, so can't do that."
"All right, um, we aren't putting that on yet. Impaling thrust does good Poise, right? Oh yeah, look at that! Get ducked, absolute nerd! All right, so now it's Crystal spear time. Okay, uh, who's the next victim? I could probably do like Nile while I go about Fia's Champs. Oh, I forgot to pick up Lionel's armor. I'll just copy carry and slicer, I guess. Whatever some of the Champs are using, too late to get Spell Blade Set. It is not; I can get the Spell Blade Set."
"Goodbye, sir! The jump, nerd! Ow! I'm going to get—no, okay, we're good! Oh, get eye-framed, nerd! Actual dweeb! I don't know why I'm doing that. Okay, I'm doing it 'cause I have light roll, and nothing matters."
"All right, hello, my boy! Goodbye, my boy! All right, let's do this, Loretta. I'm so confused that it's crazy how much fat rolling I'm doing on this challenge. Wow, that does a lot of damage! How did I not get hit by that? That's crazy! How are you not staggered? What the—okay, my bad. Thank you, see you later! I should have done this; I forgot to do that. Whoopsie!"
"Um, Loretta's armor is purchasable, right? Heavy load, yeah, hate to see it. Let's go beat regular Loretta; it's the third move set. Dead! Madam, chill out, please and thank you! Jump attacks are good, though. Oh yeah, Loretta's slash; why not? Very impressive! How are you not dead, Madam? Time to die!"
"What am I doing next? Uh, we could go do like Aelle; why not? Ow! Yeah, doing this with fat roll is kind of annoying. I guess fat roll is always annoying. Ow! Um, I'm probably going to get DED by the meteorite here. Ah, it's fine, it's fine, it's fine, it's fine, it's fine."
"Ow! All right, see you later! Nice knowing you! Estelle, Wing of Estelle is a better weapon. I kind of want to go use Wing of Estelle. Uh, what am I going to use Wing of Aelle on? You know, this could be good enough for the DLC, for something in the DLC. A little bit of Rana action, maybe? I ain't opposed. Hello, Madam, how are you? Let's see if I can remember how to do this fight. Light roll seems...
Embrace the chaos and keep pushing through the struggle; victory is just a stagger away.
It’s kind of annoying, I guess. Fat roll is always annoying. Ow, um, I'm probably going to get DED by the meteorite here. Ah, it's fine, it's fine, it's fine, it's fine. Ow, all right, see you later, nice knowing you.
Wing of Estelle is a better weapon. I kind of want to go use Wing of Estelle. Uh, what am I going to use Wing of Estelle on? You know, this could be good enough for the DLC, for something in the DLC. A little bit of Rana action maybe. I ain't opposed. Hello, Madam, how are you? Let's see if I can remember how to do this fight. Light roll seems awkward; that's a punish window. Come on, Fin, follow that up, you dweeb. There you go, let's keep that stance up. Follow that up, come on, there you go. Charge R2, bing bing. Oh, you charged R2. There we go, stagger!
Yo, why are you doing that stupid? Can I stop sucking? Oh my God, that's actually Miyazaki's nut sack. That's crazy! Why am I charge heaving? Anybody have any idea? 'Cause I got no idea why I'm charge heaving. Optional follower, I forgot about the face. Yeah, you thought, nerd! Up! Yeah, yeah, look at that! God, it wasn't even hard. It wasn't even hard, dude!
Am I... oh my God, medium load? What is this weapon? Is this weapon like particularly good for anything? I mean, I could do FIA Champs and then do Raj in the Gideon. You know, I don't hate it. Hey, that looked pretty good! All right, can I not get bullied, please? Thank you. Y, this nuts. Ow, I'm out of stamina. That was great; that didn't suck at all. Let's go get Spell Blade Set, and then I think I can actually upgrade this. What do I do, Rajer and not Lionel? 'Cause I forgot to pick up Lionel's armor. If I remember correctly, two-handed R1 should micro stagger Gideon, making a Rapier pretty good.
Okay, that's hopefully good enough. I commend your oh my damage for us. That we continue to struggle. This does not seem like it should be doing that much damage. Look at the PVP experience! Don't heal! I thought that was going to be harder. A god... Where is it? Give me that scepter, brother! Knowledge above all. I'm assuming int is the best scaler here. Int and deck, huh? All right, let's do it. Looking nice and debuffed there, big dog. How you feeling? Don't look like you're feeling too good. Is this a hammer? This is a hammer, right? I believe so; I should not be R1 with a hammer.
See you later, nerd! God damn it, it ate my stagger. You're an ho. Look at how long it is! Yeah, you heard what I said; I'm talking about Gideon's Long Hammer. No, oh my God, it's so expensive! This might be the run with the single most wasted runes I've ever done. Um, hard boss dancing? Lin's actually pretty hard boss. Yeah, let's do that. All right, give me that Roar.
All right, oh, I didn't drink the thing. I should probably do that. Hello! Wow, that is not good. Yeah, I'm—oh, these charged heavies are going to be too much. Yeah, getting smited by Zeus. You know, no Roar charged. Ow, ow, ow, ow, Jesus Christ! Get jumped, idiot! Please don't die. I shouldn't have tried to squeeze that heal in there. Surely that's a stagger. Ain't no way, ain't no way. All right, there we go, there we go, dude. Head! All right, Divine Beast Frost Stomp. We're going to have to go kill a with this one. Let's go see if we can do Mesmer with Frost Stomp.
I mean, God, that animation is slow.
Sometimes the best strategy is to play it safe and wait for the right moment to strike.
The gameplay experience is intense as the player expresses their frustration and excitement. They remark, "are it's going to be too much," followed by a humorous reference to "getting smited by Zeus." The player reacts to the game mechanics with exclamations like "ow ow ow ow" and "Jesus Christ," indicating a moment of surprise or pain in the game.
As the player navigates through challenges, they comment, "please don't die," reflecting their anxiety about their character's health. They acknowledge a mistake by saying, "I shouldn't have tried to squeeze that heal in there." The player then observes, "surely that's a stagger," and celebrates a small victory with "there we go."
The player transitions to discussing strategies, stating, "Divine Beast Frost stomp," and expresses a desire to defeat an opponent with it. They express frustration with the game's mechanics, saying, "God that animation is slow," and ponder whether there are other bosses they could utilize their strategy against. They express a strong desire for the "fire tier," indicating a need for better equipment.
As the gameplay continues, the player discovers they have the "rotted staff," which they believe will be beneficial. They comment, "this feels like it's going to be a pretty good weapon," and proceed to engage with an enemy named Mesmer. The player experiences a mix of excitement and disbelief, exclaiming, "I don't think I've ever seen that move."
Amidst the chaos, they express concern for their character's survival, stating, "please don't die," and "I'm just playing this safe." They encounter unexpected challenges, such as a projectile weapon that surprises them, leading to a frantic reaction: "I did not expect a nuke in my face."
As the fight progresses, the player strategizes about their attacks and healing, expressing hope for a successful outcome with "I am hoping for another one proc rot." They calculate their chances, noting that "his status resists reset in phase two," and express a mix of determination and anxiety about their healing resources.
The player pleads with the enemy to stop running, saying, "I am on my knees pleading that you stop running from me." They finally manage to reset the enemy's status, expressing relief with "nice status did reset." As they assess the damage dealt by their rot attack, they hope for a significant impact, stating, "it should do at least 30%." The intensity of the gameplay is palpable as the player navigates through challenges, showcasing both their strategic thinking and emotional investment in the game.
In the game of strategy and skill, sometimes all you need is the right weapon and a little patience to conquer your foes.
Here we go. We need the plus three fire damage Talisman; it's from Forida reprimand. Right, come here. No, you B, please! How are you not rotted? What? Please stop running! I’m begging; I am on my knees pleading that you stop running from me. Thank you.
All right, I hope his status resists reset. Nice, the status did reset. How much damage is this rot going to do? It should do at least 30%; it should be more than 30%. Ow, me! All right, that should be enough for a rot. It sure is. Right, surely you’re almost done rotting. All right, there we go; it is time to get rotted. All right, surely that’s rot, right? Now we just stay alive. Look at this beautiful... Please don’t run out of rot. Please just die! All right, there we go; goodbye, big snake.
Together, all right, no armor, just a blaspheming blade. Okay, all right, let's go do Sunflower. I think I’d like to use Sunflower to do Mater. I mean, I guess Sunflower does do holy damage, which would be nice for Putrescent, and then we could use Putrescent Cleaver for Mater. That was hitting the tree stem, by the way. Yeah, that looks pretty good.
Ow, can I fing not? Okay, dude, give me your head. All right, goodbye, sir. Give me that no armor and... I already did all this running. Thank you, past version of me; present version of me appreciates it. All right, faith and holy... Oh yeah, that’s some pretty good damage right there, buddy. Dude, come here. Phase two skip, dude! Oh my God!
Okay, allow me. All right, Mater, got bad news for you. All right, maybe I have good news for you; I apparently have forgotten your entire move set. BR, can I stop sucking, bro? Sho, can I heal? Man, why am I so dumb? Thank you. Ow, you and your goddamn laser! Please don’t! I’m dead, I’m dead, I’m dead, I’m dead, I’m dead. Please, no laser! Please, no laser!
All right, I think we skipped the laser. All right, all right, give me that. Okay, what am I doing next? I could do Guas. Okay, let’s do guys. All right, strength charged looks good to me. Um, let’s do strength tally. All right, let’s do it.
Damn it, dude, stop running! Wow, that is a charged attack animation right there. Holy! All right, hey, look at that; that was pretty easy. Huh, six more. Oh my, this is a smithing Stone weapon. Sounds like a Fortox kill to me; that’s what that sounds like. Dude, can we stop being so chunky?
All right, you know what? I’m going to be pantsless gas. Yeah, that’s more than good enough. It’s going to take a little bit; we’re also fat rolling. Dude, can you stop backstepping? Let me just clap your ankle! All right, that really was a fat roll situation right there, buddy. Ow, what?
All right, okay, I guess I need to go upgrade this. I guess because we are about to use an incant, and who am I going to use this incant on? I think 46. Did I read 46 in faith? Jory’s in water; let’s go kill Jory, and then we’ll take that weapon and kill Ancient Dragon Man with it, and then we’ll take that weapon and kill Bale with it. Nice and...
Sometimes you just have to embrace the chaos and keep pushing forward, even when the odds are stacked against you.
It's going to take a little bit, and we're also fat rolling. "Dude, can you stop backstepping? Let me just clap your ankle!" That really was a fat roll situation right there.
"Ow! What? All right, okay, I guess I need to go upgrade this. I guess because we are about to use an incant, and who am I going to use this incant on? I think I read 46 in faith. Jory's in water; let's go kill Jory, and then we'll take that weapon and kill Ancient Dragon Man with it. After that, we’ll take that weapon and kill Bale with it. Nice and easy."
"Okay, okay. Dude, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine... you're a bit Jory. Wow, this sucks so much! Oh my God, I have no blue. I have to walk all the way back through that. All right, this is awful. We got to leave the 500,000 runes just sitting there, and we're taking our happy selves over to Ancient Dragon Man. I'm so dumb! Oh my God, why is this so... oh, that was a full connection. All right, I'm almost dead. I think I'm dead. All right, rip the runes, boys. Rip the runes. I think I'm dead."
"Yeah, we go again. You better not do dragon M. Thank you, thank you! Got to go get that Dragon Transformation Stone first. Oh yeah, I can do that; why not? We've got Radon, Bale, Midra, and Elden Beast—those are the five left. That's nice. So pretty."
"All right, we do be Ancient Dragon Manning. That's not great. Oh Jesus, I was trying to look at how much damage it was doing. I wasn’t even paying attention to what move she was doing. You thought what? How far does this go? Not far enough. Nice bleed, dude. What? What hit me? That's crazy! All right, I'm just doing it for the content, boys, just keeping it close to keep you on the edge of your seat. Yeah, see? I bet you were all nice and engaged during that one, huh?"
"And I think this is what I'm running with. Let's go kill Bale. Ow! What? Holy linger! Can you stop being such a dork, please? All right, don't get microwaved. Is this going to be rot? I believe this is going to be rot and the phase transition. Very nice! Damn it, I still rolled too early. Oh, it's crazy how easy that is to dodge with... oh my God, the stagger too! That's crazy! It's crazy how easy that is to dodge with light."
"All right, goodbye Bale! All right, 49 Arcane is legitimately insane. Is one of these like actually good? First one: best flame lightning. All right, let's go flame lightning. Can I get away with getting enough stats to wield the rest of everything? Maybe? I don't know what was the side boss that I said I was going to do with this. Remind me. Ah, lightning axes! That's great! Ah, fire and lightning—that's beautiful!"
"Three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine... what? All right, it wouldn’t have worked anyway. Wow, it's crazy that it does like no stagger on him. Uh, hello? What do you mean? All right, ow! D, what? I'm not inputting cast! What the... is this? Stop telling me I'm inputting cast! Damn shame! All right, just do that but do it more gooder. Just farm until you get lucky."
"All right, that's not... that's not a... all right, well, this one is not the one that got lucky. All right, I am going to go back up to the top. We're going to run through this catacomb again, but I'm not going to adjust the build. I'm just going to go get a different weapon and then murder Jory with it. Yeah, I could do Bloody Heus. I was going to do, uh, Blood IR thing. Bloody Helis works! Hello, sir! Goodbye, sir! All right, let's go get our clothes. Can you don't, please?
Sometimes you just need to switch it up and keep grinding until you find your lucky break.
Mean all right. What I’m not inputting cast, what is this? Stop telling me I’m inputting cast. Damn shame. All right, just do that, but do it more effectively. Just farm until you get lucky. All right, that’s not—well, this one is not the one that got lucky. I am going to go back up to the top, and we’re going to run through this catacomb again, but I’m not going to adjust the build. I’m just going to go get a different weapon and then murder Jory with it. Yeah, I could do Bloody Heus. I was going to do, uh, blood IR thing—bloody helis works.
Hello, sir. Goodbye, sir. All right, let’s go get our clothes. Can you don’t, please? Nice, dripped out. Jory, third times the charm. Saved by the coffin. Dude, yeah, time to butthole Bandit. What? No, no, no, no teleporting—we don’t do that.
Music plays Here, just full butthole Bandit all the way through. Music continues Pretty cool way to finish it off. Okay, then after this, we take this weapon to Lea. Lea is in a boss fight, so we’re just going to kill Lea, and then we’re going to do great sort of damnation on Elden Beast and then one of the Elden Beast weapons on Redon. Maybe we use an Elden Beast weapon to kill Chief Blood Fiend and then use chicken wing on Redon. Blood Fiend Chief does not use Blood Fiend arm—oh, does he use the fork? Okay, okay, okay.
The depth of your—wow, this thing is slow. Is this a—is this a hellbird? It’s a great spear. Okay, does this have the same Poise values as Serpent Hunter? I hope so. Looks like it. All right, hold on, this goes there, this goes there. Yeah, that seems about right. All right, fine, I just won’t heal then.
Yeah, sub nerd. I don’t know why I did that. Heavy and stagger—hell yeah! Music plays Dude, I think I’m one R1 away from a stagger. Yeah, look at that—that’s pretty good. Now we can do the all grippers, although I guess I want Horn Cent to die first, so let’s kill Horn Cent. Nothing there, right? Yep, nothing there. I’m afraid he—ins okay. I guess if we don’t set it up before Mesmer, then it doesn’t—
All right, we got to kill Horn Cent then. Um, what does this scale with? With strength primarily? All right, more strength, more effectiveness. I hope I still have the stats. Son of a—our ally will never allow this. Hello, Hornet. It is just as the woman said it would be: Lord of the Earth, Tre Lord of America. You too deserve to face the reckoning.
What the—dude, dude. Okay, that killed him. Good. All right, by way of apologies, I will reveal the marrow of my soul. Shh, don’t say anything. Ow, Lord is slain. Just keep her distracted, my brother. Music plays No, Nat! Oh my God, by way of apology, I will—why did he get on so hard? It’s that will stitch you into death. Yeah, bro. Yeah, bro, come on, keep my death. God, that’s so much damage. All right, maybe one more L2, and Dane’s dead.
Bro, I—bro. Okay, maybe I should let Naton face Dane, and I should focus on Lea because Naton seems to be getting beat by Lea. Oh my—Music plays God, this bleeds. I guess I can actually put this plus 10 because I’m only going to use two more weapons, and I have two of them. I—that Dane is surely post heal, right? No, I just saw him heal. Okay, I guess not.
Music plays All right, one more to kill Lea. I have enough stamina. Kind of make the world okay. Okay, sucks that Naton died, but he stayed alive for just long enough. Now I do have to be careful with my health; I have no heals. What are we doing, dude? All right, that should be enough. Music plays All right, done with that. Dude, oh my God, no, this is not a boss fight. We do not copy this fight because it’s not a boss fight. Let’s go beat Rat a Beast—two more bosses, dude.
Rat a Beast with the Holy weapon—it doesn’t matter; this fight’s a baby fight for babies. That too early? I could—I could not see him. I thought for whatever reason I thought that was going to kill him. All right, here we go. Music plays Please, oh my God. All right, get back down here. What are you doing? Ow! Thank you, you ain’t going anywhere. Stay right here.
Music plays Buddy, there’s no winning you, sir. All right, America’s hammer—holy in faith looks good to me, dude. Let’s go kill the boss. All right, easy first try, right, guys? Wow, that’s a lot of damage. Get ducked! I wanted to keep the Poise up. I don’t know if I succeeded. Music plays Oh, huh, did I not roll that? Guess not. Oopsie, I got to get this first try. Damn, I’m really not used to him doing that move that up close.
All right, going to run out of space, aren’t I? Maybe not. I’m out of stamina. Hey, look at that, I lived! I’m going to run out of stamina again. That’s all right, just get the stagger—not even difficult. See, second try is the real first try. All right, 15 hours—that ain’t even that bad. 15 hours, 26 remembrances—that’s beautiful! If you enjoyed this video, be sure to check out one of the other challenge runs popping up on your screen right now.