Astrotheology in the Book of Judith in the Ethiopian Bible

Astrotheology in the Book of Judith in the Ethiopian Bible

The Book of Judith uses zodiac signs to reveal hidden spiritual meanings ๐ŸŒŒ๐Ÿ“œโœจ.

The Book of Judith, part of the Ethiopian Bible but not included in the Christian Canon, offers a fascinating lens through which to explore Astrotheology.

Aries: The Ram

Aries is represented by the Ram. In Aries, March 21st marks the Spring Equinox, a day with 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of night. This period is significant as it signifies the Passoverโ€”the sun passing over the equator on its way to the summer Solstice. In Christianity, this passing over is referred to as the resurrection of God's son. Additionally, the Jewish Passover marks the angel of death passing over households, sparing those with Lamb's bloodโ€”a baby Ramโ€”smeared on their doorposts, symbolizing they are the people of Aries. In contrast, Egyptians are associated with Taurus, causing the death of their firstborn sons. Hence, whenever you hear Ram, lamb, Shepherd, or Ram's Horn, it pertains to Aries.

Taurus: The Bull

Taurus is the Bull. Observing the sky, when Taurus is visible, it's time to put the plow on the bull on Earth. This concept of "as above, so below" allows for harvesting in Virgo and Libra. Terms like bull, ox, calf, or cow (the female bull) relate to Taurus.

Gemini: The Twins

Gemini, the Twins, is linked to the story of Castor and Pollux of Troy, whose sister was Helen of Troy, and the tale of Achilles. Keywords like twins or brothers signify Gemini.

Cancer: The Crab

Cancer is depicted by the Crab, a sideways-moving creature. Correspondingly, the sun rises a degree starting December 25th, stopping on June 21st, then rising sideways for three days before decreasing a degree on June 25th. Ancient Egyptians recognized Cancer as the Scarab. Thus, terms like crab or beetle refer to Cancer.

Leo: The Lion

Leo is the King, the lion, the king of the jungle. The ruling planet of Leo is the Sun. Thus, lion, lioness, or Cub are references to Leo.

Virgo: The Virgin

Virgo is symbolized by the woman holding the wheat stock. During Taurus, Virgins would cultivate wheat in Virgo to make bread for the year. Keywords here include virgin, wheat, grain, seed, barley, or corn, all harvested during Virgo.

Libra: The Scales

Libra represents Justice, the scales, the balance, and the just one. It judges God's son as it passes over the Fall Equinox, descending into winter, cold, and death. The Jews celebrate their New Year on the Fall Equinox. Libra also marks the wine and olive oil seasons. Therefore, terms like law, judge, justice, divorce, marriage, court, wine, vineyard, wine press, olive oil, refer to Libra.

Scorpio: The Scorpion

Scorpio is the Scorpion, the betrayer. A scorpion bite leaves an imprint resembling two lips, akin to the kiss of death in Mafia lore and Judas's betrayal of Jesus with a kiss. The sun is judged in Libra and betrayed in Scorpio.

Sagittarius: The Archer

Sagittarius signifies the bow and arrow, punishing the sun. On December 21st, the sun is at its lowest point, symbolizing death. It remains at this level for three days, much like Jesus's death for three days. On December 25th, the sun rises another degree, beginning its ascent. Hence, terms like horse, bow and arrow, spear, or Horsemen relate to Sagittarius.

Capricorn: The Goat

Capricorn is the goat that climbs the mountain. On the Zodiac wheel, Capricorn is at the bottom. The Sun climbs alongside the wheel, reaching its peak in Cancer. Capricorn symbolizes the beginning of this ascent.

Aquarius: The Water Bearer

Aquarius is the sign of the man with the water pitcher. Keywords include son of man, man, baptism, water pitcher, and fountain, as the Greek fountains were designed like water pitchers.

Pisces: The Fish

Pisces is the mutable water sign, and it has the two fish, making it easily identifiable with water. Although Aquarius is an air sign, because it involves water, water-related terms can also refer to Aquarius. Whether you're talking about Aquarius or Pisces water depends on the patterns you make.

Astrotheological Patterns in the Book of Judith

In the Book of Judith, these astrological symbols and their theological implications are woven into the narrative. For instance:

  • "Till ye come to the borders of the two Seas all the power of Arfad and all his Horsemen and chariots." The border of the two Seas is the firmament of the two water signs: Aquarius and Pisces. Horsemen are Sagittarius, and the Chariots refer to the constellation Auriga, which is in Gemini. Aquarius and Pisces are connecting signs, while Sagittarius and Gemini are opposing signs.

  • "The number of horses with their riders was 12,000, as were the archers on horseback. He took camels and asses for their carriages, a very great number and sheep and oxen and goats without number for their provision." The horses with the rider refer to Sagittarius. Camels refer to Camelopardalis, which is in Gemini. The donkey is Celis Borealis in Cancer, the Sheep is Aries, the Oxen is Taurus, and the goats are Capricorn. Then he went down to the plain of Damascus at the time of the wheat harvest, which refers to Virgo. If you take camels (Gemini) and asses (Cancer), those connect. From Gemini to the left, you have the oxen (Taurus), so that's three signs in a row, and then the Sheep (Aries), making four signs in a row: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, and Cancer.

  • "They were talking about four signs in a row here and all the fields of wheat that he might gather together all the carriages of his army." The wheat is Virgo, and the carriages are Auriga, which is in Gemini. Virgo and Gemini are two of the four mutable signs.

  • "12,000 Horsemen beside the baggage, and they camped in the valley near Bethulia by the fountain and their tents and carriages were pitched in a very great multitude." The horsemen are Sagittarius, the fountain is Aquarius, and the Chariot is Auriga in Gemini. Sagittarius and Gemini are opposing signs.

  • "Manasses was her husband of the tribe and kindred who died in the barley harvest." The men's servants are Aquarius, the sign of the man; the maid servants are Virgo, the sign of the woman; the cattle is Taurus; the son of man is Aquarius again; the Sheep is Aries; and the brothers are Gemini. Aries, Taurus, and Gemini are three signs in a row, emphasizing the importance of patterns.

  • "Polluted her virginity and thy judgments are in thy foreknowledge; they are exalted with horse and man, they trust in shield and spear and bow and sling." The Virgin is Virgo, the judgment is Libra, and the horse and man and the bow are Sagittarius. Virgo and Libra are connecting signs.

  • "The beast of the fields of the cattle and the cattle and are resolved to spend the first fruits of the TS of wine and oil, and thou shalt drive them as sheep that shall have no shepherd and a dog shall not so much as open his mouth at thee." The cattle is Taurus, the wine and oil (grapes and olives) are Libra, the Sheep is Aries, and the dog is Canis Major, which is in Cancer. Aries and Taurus are connecting signs, while Aries and Libra are opposing signs.


The Book of Judith, through its rich tapestry of astrological symbols, offers a unique perspective on the interplay between celestial patterns and theological narratives. By understanding these connections, we gain deeper insights into the ancient wisdom embedded within the text.

Thank you for joining this exploration of Astrotheology in the Book of Judith. Stay tuned for our next session, where we will delve into the Book of Revelation.

