Table of contents
- Watch pro gamer Lord Doubt take on Duck in an epic Age of Mythology showdown—Egyptians vs. Greeks!
- Greek heroes can be trained simultaneously with villagers, giving you a strategic edge early in the game.
- When the Greeks hit hard and fast, doubt's defenses crumble—watch the chaos unfold!
- Epic battle unfolding as both players race to build their empires and outmaneuver each other!
- When you're behind in population, you need a massive play to turn the game around!
Watch pro gamer Lord Doubt take on Duck in an epic Age of Mythology showdown—Egyptians vs. Greeks!
Welcome back to a game of Age of Mythology Retold. Today, we have a celebrity in the game: GamerLegion's Lord Daut, playing as the Egyptians with Isis, which is a good pick and my favorite civilization to play. Daut, coming from the Age of Empires II community, is a pro player and big content creator. Many of you probably know him as a legend. Today, he is playing against another legend, Duck, who is playing as Zeus. This match is a Greek versus Egyptian showdown on the ranked 1v1 ladder.
The map for today's game is Watering Hole, featuring choke points on the sides and a land grab in the middle for different settlements. There are lots of hunts available if players choose to go for them. The backline is very easy to set up for markets and trade later in the game, offering a lot of possibilities. I'm very curious to see how Daut has been adapting to Age of Mythology. He is opening up nicely, placing his villagers on food and putting four on gold, which is quite aggressive. He seems to be leaning into the benefit for Isis, which is the cheaper obelisks. For Isis, the obelisks only cost five gold, and you can see him building them to supplement the limited line of sight provided by priests. This helps in knowing enemy movements and encourages better decision-making throughout the game. Scouting knowledge is always crucial in every RTS.
One important detail to note is that the gold mines in Age of Mythology are rectangles, not squares. This means that when building your storehouse, you should place it on the side with the most surface area to optimize your resource gathering. This is a small but significant optimization to consider.
For Zeus, we see the temple being built. Zeus has access to the Bolt power, which can delete a unit, and starts with extra favor, which can be used to boost early game strategies like making a lot of Minotaurs or Centaurs. Duck is aging up with Athena, which will give him access to the Minotaur. Daut, on the other hand, is aging up with Anubis, which will give him access to Anubites and upgrades for the monuments. One of my favorite upgrades is the Serpent Spear, a deadly poison upgrade for spears.
A fun fact about the Greeks is that you can train a hero while also training a villager or aging up. This means you can queue an age-up and a hero simultaneously, which is different from how most Age of Empires games work. Greek heroes are very good, and Duck is already grabbing some relics. One of the relics he has found is the Pegasus, which will give him a free Pegasus Scout.
Greek heroes can be trained simultaneously with villagers, giving you a strategic edge early in the game.
One fun fact about the Greeks is that you can actually train a hero while training a villager or aging up. You can cue an age up and train a hero simultaneously because they have two different cues, which is quite interesting and different from how most Age of Empires games work. In other games, you can't have two items in a queue for a single building. Essentially, you can have a villager and a hero in the queue, which is really nice for getting those heroes out early. Greek heroes are very good, and he's grabbing some relics. Let's see what relics we're going to have. That's going to be Pegasus. A Pegasus Scout will appear, so he's going to get a free Pegasus Scout there with that. We see a Minotaur immediately in production, so he's going to have his free one from the start and then get a new one in addition.
Where is that Minotaur? I don't know where it went; he walked out somewhere. Oh, he's got him inside of here. I don't know why, but he's got two Minotaurs inside of the Temple right now. Doubt is putting a lot of villagers on gold. I wonder if he's going for a second TC or if he's going to go for a fast heroic. Something he could decide to do. He did not use Prosperity, by the way. I like to sometimes use this while I'm aging up to the second age, as it gives you a boost to your gold. Interestingly, he did build a second mining camp. I think he realized he made a mistake, but wait, what the heck? He put mining camps all around this thing. I thought those were houses immediately. I don't know if he was trying to build houses or wanted to build a bunch of mining camps. I guess he just wants to be more efficient as he goes around.
There's that Anubite, a nice little quick-moving myth unit for if you age up with Anubis. Good for chasing down Scouts, but you don't want to run into heroes. You don't want to run Jason. He is going to chase, but he needs to be careful and micro that because heroes deal bonus damage to myth units. In this game, you want to keep your myth units away from the heroes. He's got hippos and chickens there at home. Beyond this, of course, he's got berries as well. There are some hunts up here to the north if he doesn't want to go towards the middle of the map. He's also got some zebras down here on the south side.
D still has a ton of villagers on gold. He's just now getting his pickaxe upgrade. I like to usually try to grab this while I'm aging up to the classical age because you're typically going to have a lot of villagers on gold with the Egyptians, of course. They're super, super gold-heavy, something to note if you're playing them or playing against them. Three Minotaurs are currently inside of the temple. As we mentioned earlier, the Minotaur is a really great myth unit. You get a bunch of these and get this bull Minotaur upgrade. He's getting another one too. Oh my gosh, these things are nuts. If you're not massing priests, you're just going to struggle big time when they come.
This is going to be interesting. I don't know if he's going for a timing attack. Suddenly, he's making some hoplites as well. It's very interesting; he's putting all of his units inside of his buildings. It's like he's trying to hide them. Here we go, it's a Minotaur party. He's popping them out. Will he get the upgrade? He's just now getting that bull Minotaur upgrade, which gives them faster speed and more hit points. Doubt does go for that late classical Prosperity. This is the other option: you get it during the age up or towards the late stages of age 2 when you've got a lot of villagers on gold. That's what he's doing right now, buffing up his gold. He already has a lot of gold in the bank, so he can do something with this.
Now he's kind of shown his hand a little bit. He sees that there are all these Minotaurs. In fact, D has so much gold he could drop down a bunch of temples if he wanted to. Oh my gosh, look at them. They now got the golden axes now that they've upgraded to bull Minotaurs. They are very, very speedy units. Trying to get away from this is nuts.
When the Greeks hit hard and fast, doubt's defenses crumble—watch the chaos unfold!
Faster and more hit points, okay. Now, Doubt does go for that late classical prosperity. This is the other option: you get it towards during Age up or get it towards the late stages of Age 2 when you have a lot of villagers on gold. And that's what he's doing right now—buffing up his gold. He already has a lot of gold in the bank, so he can do something with this. Now he's kind of shown his hand a little bit; he sees that there are all these minotaurs. In fact, Doubt has so much gold he could drop down a bunch of temples if he wanted to. Oh my gosh, look at him—they now got the golden axes now that they've upgraded to BU Minur. They are very, very speedy units. Pretty crazy trying to get away from this is nuts, and I think he's going to be pushing the offensive now with this. Let's see if Doubt is able to hold on.
It looks like largely Doubt has just built his first Barracks. He only has a few priests around; that is not going to be enough to keep these at bay, so I'm a little bit nervous for him. What do you think, guys? How's it going to go? I kind of thought he was going to sneak up to the heroic age, but food is not quite there. And here we go, here come the Greeks on the way. It's going to take that out; there goes that Obelisk—one hit and it's gone. Oh boy, watch out, Doubt, here they come. Here they come! Oh no, not a great time to be building a second TC. Oh, his Pegasus sees it. Oh man, that's from The Relic. See, Relic Gathering going into play here. He gets a free Pegasus; I think Zeus also gets a free Pegasus. Oh, it's about to be a slaughter—villagers flying, Doubt in trouble. Min show up there, hoplites as well. That second TC was just not fast enough; he was not ready for this boom. Minar come to town, villagers getting smacked down right now. Not only that, but his TC did not get finished. Not a good look here.
I've seen Divine out on the ladder. In fact, I played against Divine and he did the mass Minar, and it's like, what do you do against this? At least with Egyptians, you have all ranged heroes, so you can kind of try to micro and pick them off. But as you see here, they can take quite a beating for a while. Okay, going to be taking down the Egyptian Watchtower. He's got a fair amount of priests, so he's able to pick some of these off. I really struggle when I'm playing Norse against this because you only have a melee myth unit or hero in the second age, and they just fling you away while the archers pick you off or whatever it might be. But he holds pretty nicely. I think Doubt kind of overestimated the minotaurs. Maybe he's been playing against too many Norse players, but the priests had no problem taking this out. They just sat there and turtled up. Priests are very good defensive units. A few pigs up there, so Doubt will survive the first wave of attacks.
He also has access to Snakes, by the way—the Plague of Serpents. If I was in Doubt's shoes right now, this is when I'd be like, "Okay, I'm going to try to age up. I've held this; we just killed all his units." But look at this, it looks like both players have over 1,000 gold in the bank. Macro is still being figured out, of course—the game literally launched this week, so you're just going to see this type of stuff. I'm great, especially as Egyptians; it's like you put everyone on gold, you use prosperity, and it's like you have gold flowing out your ears.
Okay, but Doubt does not have any more army right now; that's going to be it for him. He's trying to build up some more military buildings. One hoplite left there, but that's going to be going down. So it looks like Doubt is just going to follow up with his original plan, and he's going to put down a second Town Center. So we have a second settlement coming in line, and actually, both these players are doing this at the same time. We've got Doubt also setting a second settlement up using a few less villagers. That rhino is currently being hunted in the middle of the map for the Greeks, and we've got a little bit of a lull here. Medium axemen are currently being healed up by those priests. Axemen are good at countering other infantry—they're counter-infantry. And then you've got the Slinger, and these are counters to ranged soldiers.
Epic battle unfolding as both players race to build their empires and outmaneuver each other!
Both players are progressing with their strategies. D is following up with his original plan and is putting down a second Town Center, indicating a second settlement coming online. Interestingly, both players are doing this simultaneously, with Duck also setting up a second settlement, though using fewer villagers.
In the middle of the map, a rhino is being hunted by the Greeks. Meanwhile, medium axemen are being healed by priests. Axemen are effective at countering other infantry, while Slingers counter ranged soldiers. The game so far is evenly matched, with both players in similar standings, although Duck is slightly ahead in score.
Duck is constructing a wall segment, signaling a defensive strategy, possibly anticipating an attack from D. With Egypt, the goal is often to advance to the heroic age because early units aren't effective against buildings. While these units can harass villagers and disrupt resource gathering, they struggle against fortified positions with archers, towers, and town centers. Duck appears to be preparing to age up, needing only to build an Armory. He seems preoccupied with ensuring his defenses are in place, possibly due to the approaching army.
D is utilizing his Pharaoh to empower a mining camp for additional bonuses. Both players have their two settlements online, but Duck has a significant military advantage with 70 military units versus D's 8. Although Duck's current units aren't effective against buildings, they could still cause significant disruption to the Greek economy if he decides to attack.
Duck is also upgrading his Spearmen with the serpent spear, which inflicts damage over time. He seems to be saving resources for an industrial age (H3) upgrade. Meanwhile, D is using his Spearmen to attack Duck's wall segment, forcing villagers to retreat. Duck has fallback food sources, so this shouldn't be a major issue. The slow progress of the infantry against the wall highlights the difficulty of attacking more fortified structures like town centers.
Duck is training heroes, with Heracles coming out, and is preparing to age up to Dionysus, which will provide benefits for his civilization and access to the Hydra unit, which grows heads as it deals damage. D is potentially taking another town center, giving him a commanding position with three settlements. The question remains whether Zeus can hold on with his age-up. Duck has some archers, but D's Slingers, with proper micro-management, could easily counter them. D is using his infantry to take out the remaining archer ranges, and we see a watchtower upgrade for additional defense.
When you're behind in population, you need a massive play to turn the game around!
The game provided some benefits for C, but also gave access to the Hydra myunit, which grows heads as it deals damage. D could be taking another town center, bringing the total to three settlements. This puts him in a commanding position, trying to push in here. The question remains whether Zeus will be able to hold on with his age up. He has some archers, but the Slingers, with a little bit of micro, easily deal with them. The Slingers are microing onto the toxit, doing plenty of damage, and using infantry to take out the remaining Archer ranges. We see a watchtower upgrade for the towers and out barreling forward. The Hydra is about to pop out, but there's a fair amount of decay, so its impact might be limited.
Two bull Min are going to pop out along with the Hydra, but it seems insufficient. He could try sending the priest flying with the minur, but he targeted the Slingers instead. The priest quickly works down the myth units. The Hydra, despite doing a lot of damage and throwing a second head, falls to the priest. D looks strong, sitting under the Town Center with a good economy behind him. He might decide to sneak up to the next age for some migdal units or Siege, or continue applying pressure. Zeus has almost 2K food in the bank but lacks the gold required to advance to the Mythic age, which could be game-changing.
If I were in this position with Isis, I would typically favor meteor as a Mythic age God Power, but son of Osiris could also be impactful. However, I prefer going up with Toth to get the Phoenix meteor and the Kings, which is a great age up for Isis. The Pegasus scout reveals extra Town centers, and additional attack revealers are being built, specifically barracks. Doubt is building up in the middle with some hip use in training for the Greeks and transitioning to farms. Duck's population is at 217 versus 102, with an Army size of 140. He needs something big to turn this around.
Ancestors and serpents are available, and D could bank resources to age up Mythic as well. A Fortress is being built for defense, but it might not matter if the Egyptian Army advances. The Pegasus scout provides a situation overview, and D is going for a fourth settlement. In Age of Mythology, more settlements mean more pop space, rewarding map control. This aspect encourages players to take map control rather than turtling back.
A swift meteor could be Duck's only chance to get back in the game, but his economy is stable with the farm transition set up. The Egyptians are advancing without Siege but with many Slingers, which don't do much damage to buildings but can kill other units. Bronze is being used by the Greeks, and ancestors and serpents are also deployed. Restoration is used, perhaps a bit early, but it buffs the army. Despite this, the Army count heavily favors the Egyptians, creating an Egyptian death ball.
Doubt has boats and a lost ship from the ancestors. He realizes he can't fight an undead Army and the Egyptian death ball. GamerLegion's Doubt will take the victory with Isis. Duck leaned into the minotaurs but they were demolished by the priests, shutting down his original attack and setting him back for the rest of the game. Doubt was able to secure his TC, add a third and fourth settlement, and build a large standing army. The total military unit count and resources gathered show Doubt pulling ahead.
This concludes the game. If you enjoyed it, consider subscribing to the channel, leave a thumbs up and a comment, and I'll see you in the next one.