Alex Jones & Jack Posobiec The Trump Bounty, Oprah & Diddy, and Why War Makes Kamala Happy

Table of contents

True leadership means prioritizing your own community over distant conflicts. Focus on fixing what's broken at home before looking abroad.

Oh, I'm genuinely glad to be here. Thank you! It is a great country, and I appreciate you saying that. This is our 12th city out of 16, and one of the things I wanted to share is that if you spend your life experiencing the United States through your phone, which I think all of us do, you really lose track of what it's actually like. I do think that part of the plan for the rest of us is to convince us that our country sucks, and that's not true at all.

That's why it's been such a blessing to go coast to coast. At 8:30 this morning, I was on the Conestoga River in your state. It was beautiful; you could have been anywhere—Montana, New Zealand—it was incredible. I ran into people in the park where I was wandering—not in a threatening way, but just enjoying the scenery. They said to me, "Oh my gosh, we just saw Alex Jones wandering in the park!" Actually, they weren't afraid; they were delighted, and they were great people.

That's kind of the point: in 12 cities, from the East Coast to the West Coast, to the middle, and back to the East Coast, I haven't met a single angry person. I haven't met a single nasty person. I haven't met anybody mistreating anyone else. Instead, I have met the warmest, kindest, most loving, hilarious, and eccentric people I've ever encountered. Those are the people I grew up with. This is the country I remember, and it's true—it actually is great. I've just been reminded of that, so thank you for having me.

With that said, I've been in a good mood despite being away from my wife and dogs. I've been in a good mood every day for the last 21 days, really, until today when I got back from wandering around one of your parks. I saw a picture of your Governor, and I don't actually want to show up in somebody else's state and attack their politicians because that's not my state or Commonwealth. However, I saw a photograph of your Governor, Josh Shapiro, standing with a foreign leader, signing an artillery shell that is going to kill civilians in a country we're not at war with, with a grin on his face.

I had a couple of thoughts; I was disgusted by it, actually. I was enraged by it, and here's why: I've been driving around Pennsylvania, and I know the state pretty well. There are some hurting places in this state—places where people don't have jobs, where beautiful buildings are in utter disrepair. Walking back from dinner last night, I saw people sleeping on the sidewalk—things that we should not put up with in a country with self-respect. Our leaders did that, actually.

So, for anybody in charge of anything in this country, particularly in this state, to be spending time, money, or concern on a foreign country's problems enraged me. How dare you care about problems in some other place—whether it's in Eastern Europe, the Middle East, or Central Africa? I don't care. I don't wish any of those people harm at all; I wish everyone well. But for you to spend your time worrying about that and paying for it when your own state people are literally living on the sidewalk—damn you.

I mean that because a leader's only job is to take care of the people he leads, period. It's not to end global climate change, it's not to defeat Vladimir Putin or anybody else; it's to protect and watch over the people he leads. This is true of any organization, starting with the most basic organization in any society, which is the family. A father's job is to watch over his family. If his kids are sick and have drug problems, and he takes off to another country to deal with other people's children in a faraway land, he has abandoned his family. I don't care what story he tells you about himself and what a great and caring and compassionate person he is. I don't care how much he attacks you for...

=> 00:05:28

A true leader's only job is to care for their people; neglecting that duty is the ultimate betrayal.

A leader's only job is to take care of the people he leads. Period. It's not to end global climate change, it's not to defeat Vladimir Putin or anybody else; it's to protect and watch over the people he leads. This principle is true of any organization, starting with the most basic organization in any society, which is the family. A father's job is to watch over his family. If his kids are sick and have drug problems, and he takes off to another country to deal with other people's children in a faraway land, he has abandoned his family. I don't care what story he tells you about himself and what a great and caring and compassionate person he is. I don't care how much he attacks you for noticing he is a bad father and a bad man because he has violated his sacred duty to his own children. That's why he's here: to watch over his children.

The same is true for all organizations, whether it's a military unit, the office you work in, the town you live in, the state you reside in, or the nation you were born in. The people who run it have one job, and that's to watch out for you because they're your leaders. When they ignore that, they are evil. Period. They're not misguided. There's no way that someone who lives in this state, particularly someone who claims to represent this state and was born in the state, could not notice the issues around them.

I'm one of you; I'm from Pennsylvania. You don't notice that there's a city, like the one I woke up in this morning, where my wife went to grade school? It's a beautiful city built over centuries by hardworking immigrants—by the way, mostly German, but probably from lots of other places. They spent hundreds of years making this a great city. Yet, I walk through it this morning on the way to the park, and the streets are covered in garbage and broken needles. It's like you don't notice that, really, Josh? You don't notice that? How can you not notice that there's someone sleeping right there while you're lecturing me about Ukraine? Damn you!

There's no concern at all, and where there's no concern, there's no love. Actually, concern grows from love; it's organic, it's easy. You didn't have to read a book about how to love your children; it came naturally to you. They're your children. And by the way, that's enough. I know I'm one of them—not super well-educated, non-geniuses. We have a lot of dumb parents who are pretty good parents, not because they learned some theory about parenting from the Harvard School of Parenting, but because they love their children. If you love your children, you may make a mistake here and there; I have, and every parent has. But over time, if your actions are guided by a sincere love for your child, that child's going to be okay because that's all that matters.

If over time you totally ignore the material and spiritual condition of your people, if they wind up sleeping on the street, and the storefronts are closed, and the windows are broken, and they can't walk to CVS without getting mugged, and it's physically unclean, that's not an accident. They don't love you; they hate you. That is true. Do not listen to the words. I talk for a living, so I think a lot about this—about words and their use. I use words; we all do—to communicate with other people. It's what separates us from the animals. It's not the opposable thumb; whoever thought of that is an idiot. It's language. It's the ability to be precise about the way we feel and communicate that to another person, to pass on information, to pass on our history. That's what our culture is—it's talking.

And that's great, but words are also, if you think about it, a means of deception. They are a vector for lying. How do the lies reach you? Because they come out of somebody's mouth. So if you're in my business and you think a lot about language and you're around people who are lying for a living, after a while, you lose faith in it. You do. And after a while, at least if you're me, you decide, you know, I'm going to be a lot more like my dog. My dog is not a fluent English speaker genius, but he doesn't speak English. Yet my dog, and your dog, and everyone's dog knows exactly what's up. They can't hear a word you say; they only watch you. When you move over and pick up the bowl, it's dinner time. You didn't tell them that; they're watching what you do.

I've decided that's a much more accurate way to judge intent. You can say, well, I have a plan because I'm so compassionate; I really care about you and all your...

=> 00:09:39

Actions speak louder than words; true care is shown through tangible love for individuals, not empty talk about communities.

If you're in my business and you think a lot about language, and you're around people who are lying for a living, after a while, you lose faith in it. You do. After some time, at least if you're me, you decide, you know, I'm going to be a lot more like my dog. My dog is not a fluent English speaker; in fact, he doesn't speak English at all. Yet, my dog, your dog, and everyone's dog knows exactly what's up. They can't hear a word you say; they only watch you. When you move over and pick up the bowl, it's dinner time. You didn't tell them that; they're watching what you do. I've decided that's a much more accurate way to judge intent.

You can say, "Well, I have a plan because I'm so compassionate; I really care about you and all your communities." First of all, anyone who uses the word community is lying to you because there's no such thing as a community. There are only people, actually with names and fingerprints; they're only individuals. No woman ever gave birth to a community. There’s no such thing. Talking about communities is a way of ignoring actual people. Really, name three people in the community. What are their middle names? Who are their moms? Do you know their moms? You don't know anything about the community. Community is a way to make your responsibility more diffuse and less specific.

I don't want to hear about a community. How about that guy? He's un fenel. There's a spreading puddle of urine in front of him. That's an American citizen; that's someone you're supposed to love. Your job is to love that person, and you're doing nothing for that person because you're lecturing me about the community.

The truth, and I'm sorry to say it, is that I drive into this town. I've been coming to Reading—not very often, but like once every four or five years. It's like, you know, your college roommate's kids; they grow so fast, you know, because you don't see them that much. So, I come to Reading sporadically but pretty consistently over the last 40 years now. It’s not better. It's a beautiful town, actually. It's a beautiful town; someone spent a lot of time building Reading, Pennsylvania. It's super obvious as you drive in. It's not a bunch of dollar stores; no, they're a bunch of big, substantial brick buildings built over a hundred years by people who cared.

To see a place like that dying from lack of care, from lack of love, is disheartening. But it's not just Josh Shapiro; trust me, it's a whole line—it's decades of politicians who didn't love you. That enrages me. Then, to see him direct his love toward a foreign leader and a foreign population that he knows nothing about—he doesn't speak Ukrainian. What do you know about Ukraine, Josh Shapiro? No, it's a way for his friends to get rich and for him to puff himself up like some sort of fake world leader and seem like he cares. He's got bigger concerns in mind—geopolitical. You may not know that word, but trust me, Josh Shapiro has no freaking idea what that word means.

More to the point, Josh Shapiro's only job is to protect and enhance the lives of people in Reading, Pottstown, and every other town in this state, including—and I'm just going to say it—you're going to jerk me, including Philadelphia. I know Philadelphia; I get it. But Philadelphia, whatever else you could say about it, is filled with American citizens—American citizens, your brothers and sisters in your common Americanness, fellow citizens right here. Yeah, right there.

And my nephew from Philadelphia, my brother-in-law from Philadelphia, are here right now—great people. How is that city doing? I mean, it's a reliable source of political power for creeps like Josh Shapiro because it's easy to rig it in Philadelphia. That's where we spend all our time talking about. But what we never talk about is the zombies walking under public transportation there. And they're not zombies, actually; they're Americans with names, and they're dying. He doesn't care. Giving them a safe place to shoot up is not love; it's hate. That's hate.

I don't care what they call it. That's what I mean about language. They can dress up hate as love. "Oh, that's love; it's compassion; it's caring; it's harm reduction." Really? Your kid comes home and says, "I'm a junkie," and you say, "Well, here's some needles. I'm going to give you some time in your room to shoot fenel." What? You're going to chain him to the freaking radiator until he gets better, of course, or do whatever you can to get that child off a drug that can and will kill him. You would never make it easier for your kid to kill himself, and that's exactly what they're doing. And then they're lecturing you about...

=> 00:13:43

Hiding hate behind the guise of compassion only leads to more suffering; true love means fighting for life, not enabling death.

In today's society, we are witnessing a troubling trend where the act of providing a safe place for drug use is being misrepresented as love. This is not love; it is hate. Regardless of how it is labeled—be it compassion, caring, or harm reduction—the reality is stark. Imagine your child comes home and identifies as a junkie. Would you respond by saying, “Well, here are some needles; take your time in your room to shoot fentanyl”? Of course not. You would do everything in your power to help that child recover, perhaps even considering extreme measures to ensure their safety. You would never make it easier for your child to kill themselves, yet that is precisely what is happening in our society today.

Moreover, the hypocrisy is glaring. While politicians like Josh Shapiro may be preoccupied with foreign conflicts, such as ensuring Ukraine has enough weapons of mass destruction, they ignore the drug overdose crisis that is claiming lives in their own communities. It is essential to judge people by the consequences of their actions. You can claim to be a lemon tree, but if you are producing pomegranates, then you are not being truthful. You can say you care about the people of Pennsylvania, but if they are dying from drug overdoses while you do nothing, your actions speak louder than your words.

This situation has left me feeling enraged, and I did not expect to deliver such a passionate speech. I strive to cool the temperature and remind us that we are all Americans with shared concerns. However, witnessing leaders who take delight in warfare and the suffering of civilians is deeply disturbing. Taking pleasure in the death of innocents is a grotesque reality. It is particularly taboo to voice this sentiment, especially from a conservative standpoint. I have always identified with the right and have never aligned myself with liberal ideologies. Thus, I feel justified in stating that if you take joy in the suffering of others, you are evil. This belief is rooted in my religious convictions and common sense.

The truth is that some individuals are drawn to violence. Their actions reveal their true nature, not their rhetoric about freedom and compassion. An entire generation of Ukrainians is being lost in a war they cannot win, and there are those who revel in this violence. Every federal agency armed with weapons has been overtaken by this mindset. They thrive on the power that comes with life and death, a power that is reserved for God alone. While we can kill in self-defense, we cannot murder for greed or convenience.

Recently, many people have come to realize the importance of being healthier, spiritually grounded, and connected to nature. Sleep, which occupies a significant portion of our lives, is crucial for happiness and productivity. Therefore, it is no surprise that we are exploring partnerships with products that promote better sleep. One such product is Cozy Earth, which specializes in bamboo sheets. We have tried them, and they are fantastic. Bamboo sheets are incredibly soft, breathable, and help keep you cool throughout the night. They become even softer with each wash. Cozy Earth also offers pajamas, robes, leisurewear, and bath towels, all made from bamboo. It’s a wonderful option for those looking to enhance their sleep quality and overall well-being.

=> 00:17:42

Prioritize sleep and comfort; it’s the foundation of happiness and productivity.

Eating right and paying attention to Nature all really matter. Sleep takes up a big portion of your day; in fact, one-third of your life is spent asleep. Sleeping well makes you much happier and more productive. So, you shouldn't be surprised that some of the products we've been looking at to think about entering into partnerships with are based on sleep.

We've got one we really like; it's called Cozy Earth. Cozy Earth makes, among other things, bamboo sheets. We tried them, and they're awesome! Bamboo sheets are really soft and breathable, and they keep you cool all night long. They even get softer with every wash. You have to try them! They don't just make sheets; they also offer pajamas, robes, leisure wear, and bath towels. They make a whole bunch of stuff out of bamboo, and it's cool. It's not just this weird "oh, it's bamboo"; actually, it's great.

Cozy Earth products make great gifts, and the quality is backed up by a 10-year warranty. They even offer a 100-night sleep trial. It didn't take us 100 nights to get into it, but you should try it for yourself. So, make your life more comfortable! Head over to and use the promo code Tucker for up to 40% off. You will feel the difference!

Now, shifting gears, when Dick Cheney and his "creepy freaky little daughter" joined the Kamala Harris for President campaign, everyone was shocked. But no, all the people who worship violence are now on the same side. It's disgusting, and you may not have thought about how disgusting it is. The one thing they're good at—the only thing their unique talent allows—is not building anything or creating anything.

When was the last time someone built something beautiful and useful in Reading? It's been a long time. Josh Shapiro hasn't done it. The one thing they are good at is seizing the moral high ground immediately, no matter what they're doing. Whether it's giving drugs to junkies, crack pipes to crackheads, or abetting the largest example of human trafficking in the history of the West, which is what they're doing right now by moving 15 million people illegally into our country from around the world. The girls get sold off to coyotes; they are human traffickers at scale. That's just a fact, not a crackpot opinion.

Yet, they turn to you—every person in this room, the people with useful jobs, the kind of jobs that are actually essential—and they say, "You're just bad people." Really? There was an analysis done that Bobby Kennedy told me about, and I checked it; it's true. In the last election, Biden voters owned 70% of the wealth in the United States, while Trump voters owned 30%.

On one hand, it seems like the Republican Party is now the party of working-class people, which is great. But then I thought, how did they get 70% of the wealth? They don't do anything; they have no skills. There's nothing they do that we really need. In fact, most of it is bad. Ask yourself, if your average Biden voter somehow got pulled out of the workforce, would you be okay?

How long do you think this country could survive without a DEI consultant on site? No, I'm serious. Could you get to Halloween, or would one of your little children stare up at you with DEI eyes and say, "Mommy, I need a DEI consultant! I need it now!" Honestly, I need a school counselor or some heavy-set nurse who convinces me to go trans. I need that.

Tim Walz was talking to me about my sex life in high school. Really? I need a creep like Tim? No, I do. I need it bad. Yeah, that guy's not creepy. Let your instincts be your guide on that one. As I always tell my children, if someone seems creepy, he is. Am I indicting him for a crime? Nope. I don't have any evidence; I don't need any. That guy's a creep, sorry.

Chances are, my dogs would bark at Tim Walz if he came over to my house—100%. Oh yeah, they would back him into a corner. I'd be like, "Stop that!" and they wouldn't stop because they know. But the point is that this entire, not just political party, but class of people has created an entire economy.

=> 00:21:51

Don't let the people who have done nothing for you claim the moral high ground; they are the real failures in our society.

In a recent discussion, I found myself reflecting on the peculiarities of political figures, particularly Tim Walls. Honestly, I need to express that Tim Walls was talking to me about my sex life in high school. It’s a bizarre thought, and I really don’t need a creep like him in my life. But I feel like I need it, and I need it bad. However, I must clarify that that guy's not creepy.

As I always tell my children, let your instincts be your guide. If someone seems creepy, he is. Am I indicting him for a crime? Nope, I don’t have any evidence, and I don’t need any. That guy's a creep, sorry.

On a lighter note, I can confidently say that chances are my dogs would bark at Tim Walls if he came over to my house—100%. Oh yeah, they would back him into a corner, and I’d be like, “Stop that!” But they wouldn’t stop because they know. The point is, that entire political party, and indeed a whole class of people, has created an entire economy and credentialing system to reward themselves with money and power that is not deserved.

That’s exactly the truth. I don’t like to swear, but the phrase “jobs is a real thing” resonates deeply. Those are all jobs—every single one of them. Yet, they are lecturing people who, I don’t know, plumb your house, keep you from getting murdered, put out the fires when they start, rescue you after a car crash on the highway, build the building you live in, pave the road you drive on, and grow the food you eat.

In a moment of clarity, I must say, those are the deplorables. Good luck when the power goes out, honey; you can call your average college administrator to save you. So, I guess all I would say, and I will stop with this, is: do not write this on a note and post it to your fridge. Do not allow the worst and most useless people this country has ever produced—who’ve added nothing of beauty or value, never fought a war to keep you free, and never done anything for you—to occupy the moral high ground for even a second.

They're all Tim Walls. They are guilty, and they know they're guilty. That’s why they’re hysterical. When you see Kamala Harris before she fully gets control of herself, you can see that glint of fear in her eyes. She has no idea what she’s doing, no idea how she got here. She’s never done anything in her life, and somehow she’s the Democratic nominee. She could be elected president, and for one second, because the camera does tell the truth until people pull themselves together, you can see Kamala Harris in total panic, thinking, “I’m Montel Williams' side piece. What am I doing here?”

That’s how they all feel. They know how inadequate they are, how guilty they are, and they know how Jeffrey Epstein died. They’re terrified that you will find out. So, do not let them give you a lecture about anything. They are not your moral superiors; they are your moral inferiors. They are lucky you let them live here, and never forget that.

With that said, I want to invite a friend of mine. Thank you so much, and sorry I kind of lost control. I wanted to give a speech about healing, but I was so mad about reading that I just lost it.

Now, Jack Pic is actually from this area. He’s from this area, and I just met his entire family, numbering in the hundreds—all awesome people. He and I have talked about this because I am genuinely interested in Pennsylvania, specifically one of the oldest states, where our capital is located. It’s an amazing place with an amazing history. We’ve also talked a lot about Kamala Harris’s latest surrogate, Zelensky.

So, I thought it would be fun and interesting to bring him out. Jack Bobic is a man I respect and like personally. Here he is! Can everyone join me in giving Tucker Carlson a warm Pennsylvania welcome tonight? Thank you!

Now, thank you for doing this. You and I have talked, you know, in private a lot about what’s happened to the state. But I just have to ask you, since I’m so spun up, and I’ll shut up and let you describe your views, which are more interesting than mine. Last I checked, Zelensky was like a foreign leader from a foreign country, and he flies over to the United States on U.S. military aircraft at your expense—that could be going to the guy dying right outside this building of a fentanyl overdose. He shows up in Pennsylvania, the key swing state in the closest presidential election of my lifetime.

=> 00:26:13

We're pouring resources into foreign conflicts while our own communities crumble, and it's time to question who our leaders truly serve.

I want to give Tucker Carlson a warm Pennsylvania welcome tonight. Thank you for being here. Applause

Thank you. Oh, thank you for doing this. You and I have talked a lot in private about what’s happened to the state, but I just have to ask you since I'm so spun up. I'll shut up and let you describe your views, which are more interesting than mine. But, Zelensky, last I checked, was like a foreign leader from a foreign country. He flies over to the United States on US military aircraft at your expense, which could be going to the guy dying right outside this building of AENT. He shows up in Pennsylvania, the key swing state in the closest presidential election of my lifetime, to stump for KLA Harris and Democrats in this state. Am I misreading what’s happening? Applause

Here, Tucker, the only thing that I would add is that none of this is happening by chance. We didn’t lose our homes, we didn’t lose our towns, we didn’t lose our economy, and we didn’t lose our cities, like the great city of Philadelphia—and it was a great city, and it will be a great city again. We didn’t lose it by chance; it was taken from us. It certainly was, in the name of compassion.

But I’m just sort of—I mean, you're a military officer, an Intel guy, and you have a big foreign policy background. You’ve been around the world. Is it weird? I’m just stuck on this, and I’ll stop after this, but is it weird to have a foreign leader, whose salary we are paying, whose country we are supporting, and we are paying the retirement benefits of Ukrainian civil servants when our people are really hurting? Is it weird to have that? Is he allowed to stump for KLA Harris? What about all the freaking Republicans who voted to fund this ghoul? What are they saying about this?

So here’s how it works, right? Why does Reading look the way that it does? Why does Montgomery County look the way that it does? And by the way, if anyone’s here from Ntown, Pennsylvania, I’m from Ntown, Pennsylvania, born and raised on the 1400 block of Pennsylvania, on Pal Street. Every single school that I’ve gone to since before college has been shut down. The hospital that I was born in has been demolished. My high school is currently in the process of being demolished. And you want to know where all that money went? You want to know where all that economic opportunity went? It’s gone to places like Shanghai, and then it went to places like Iraq, and then it went to places like Afghanistan, and now it’s being sent to Ukraine to kill people, to kill Christians, in a war that has nothing to do with us, that has nothing to do with the people in this room. And every single person in this room, by the way, is paying the cost. You’re paying the cost, number one, in terms of money, and then number two, if this thing continues and goes even further the way they want it to, you’ll pay the cost in blood.

And I’ll tell you this: when you look at little Josh Shapiro, by the way, it’s amazing how he had to wear the big lifts to make sure that he was a little taller than Zelensky. Because I’m—no, no, really, it’s true, because they’re actually the same height. If you put Zelensky on Josh Shapiro’s shoulders, they’d still both be looking up at Baron. That’s quite an image, I’ve got to be honest. The memers will be hard at work.

But what’s really going on, Tucker, is to go look at Zelensky in that video. Go look at Josh Shapiro. I’ve never seen him more excited, or giddy, or gleeful as he was in that picture, sending the money and the war and the bombs and the violence abroad. When you look at a guy like that, who presided over turning my great hometown of Ntown into a killing zone, who currently presides over Philadelphia, which is a killing zone, and is now going off and participating in the killing that’s going on in Ukraine—you talked about religion, Tucker, and I just look at it and say this guy does not serve God; he serves death.

Well, I mean, kind of by definition. Without even getting into the whole Ukraine thing, I’ll just bottom line it and tell you, if you don’t already know, you’ve been lied to. There was never a chance that Ukraine was going to beat Russia. Whatever you think of it, I don’t even have very strong feelings about it because I’m not from there; I’m from the United States. But Russia has 100 million more people. I mean, it was always going to end as it has—in the deaths of an entire generation.

=> 00:30:15

Success isn't about fame or fortune; it's about the simple joy of coming home to the people and places that shaped you.

Into a Killing Zone: Who presides currently over Philadelphia, which is a Killing Zone, and is now going off and participating in the killing that's going on in Ukraine? You talked about religion, Tucker, and I just look at it and say this guy does not serve God; he serves death.

Well, I mean, kind of by definition. Without even getting into the whole Ukraine thing, I'll just bottom line it and tell you if you don't already know: you've been lied to. There was never a chance that Ukraine was going to beat Russia. Whatever you think of it, I don't even have very strong feelings about it because I'm not from there; I'm from the United States. But Russia has 100 million more people. I mean, it was always going to end as it has—in the deaths of an entire generation of Ukrainians. It's the saddest thing I've ever seen.

Seninsky has changed the law so now foreign companies, Kamala Harris donors, can buy their farmland. There is going to be no Ukraine thanks to these monsters, and it makes me sad as hell. But it's not so different from what they've done to where you grew up.

So, if you could just explain the town you grew up in, what it was like, and what it's like now. The town I grew up in, Narstown, is probably like a lot of the towns here. By the way, I think I'm related to like 50% of the people in the room tonight at least. My whole family is here: my mom, my dad, my wonderful wife Tanya, my kids—they're all back here. Hi, guys! My cousins are all right around here; the whole family is here.

By the way, Kamala Harris was talking this morning about how she has the endorsement of the Polish Catholics and the Polish Americans of Pennsylvania. Well, I don’t know if we have any Poles in this room, but I’m not going to be voting for Kamala Harris, and none of my family is either. Is anyone in this room going to vote for Kamala Harris? She really said that! I’m no expert, but she said this morning that the Polish Americans and all Poles are pretty much only one flavor, Tucker. So, we are synonymous with Polish Catholics. She said they’re all going to be voting for her, and that’s 800,000. This was up on her Twitter and her campaign, and I’m like, “No, I don’t think she has a chance of winning Polish Americans,” but she’s going to speak for us.

The town I grew up in was incredible. You know, whatever people want to think about me or want to say about me, I would trade everything that I have—not my family, but all the material things that I have—if I could just have my town back. To me, success meant moving to a nicer part of my town or a bigger house at the other end of the street. I never had dreams of being up on stage with Tucker Carlson or any of this stuff.

It was the kind of town where my family comes from Poland, as I mentioned, and we’ve been in Narstown for 100 plus years. Every single member of my family was baptized at the same church until my son, Jack—Jack, who’s sitting out there—was baptized. We had the same church, and we pretty much lived on the same block. I grew up in the same house that my father grew up in when he was a little boy because that’s what you did. The children I played with were the kids of the children that my father played with and his father before. Your whole world was a couple of blocks, and everybody knew everybody.

It was good; it wasn’t the nicest place in the world. Nobody was ever writing songs about it or anything, but it was a good place where honest, hardworking people could make a living, go home, and make enough for their families. Then, they could go home and maybe catch an Eagles game after work.

I mean, I think you’ve described what most people want. Actually, most people don’t dream of having helicopters; they dream of living where they grew up, with the people they went to high school with, walking distance from their grandparents' graves. That’s not too much to ask, is it? My grandma lived at the other end of the street, so we could go over to her house to go swimming. The school was within walking distance; it was all right there. The library was also within walking distance, and I used to go down to the library and read a lot.

=> 00:33:56

Most people don't dream of luxury; they just want to live in the places they love, surrounded by family and community.

Writing about my experiences, I recall songs that capture the essence of a good place where honest, hardworking people could make a living. They could go home, provide for their families, and perhaps catch an Eagles game after work. I think you've described what most people want; actually, most people don't dream of having helicopters. They dream of living where they grew up, surrounded by the people they went to high school with, and being within walking distance from their grandparents' graves. That doesn't seem like too much to ask, does it?

My grandmother lived at the other end of the street, making it easy for us to visit her house to go swimming. The school was within walking distance, and so was the library. I used to go to the library a lot, reading extensively. My mom would let me go by myself when I got a little older, but she eventually stopped allowing me to go alone when homeless people started being led in and there were incidents of them stabbing each other inside the Montgomery County Public Library. This library became a place for transients and vagrants. Then, during the 1990s, Section 8 started coming in, along with other federal programs. Eventually, my town was turned into a sanctuary city, leading to an influx of undocumented immigrants, which overwhelmed our healthcare system because they often went to the emergency room for their healthcare needs.

I even wrote a letter to the editor back in the late '90s, expressing my concerns about this situation. I warned that it would overload and overwhelm our healthcare system. As I mentioned, the hospital where I was born is now a vacant lot next to a Planned Parenthood clinic. That’s my story, but it’s not a unique one. I’m sure most people in this room have either lived through something similar or know someone who has. What I have come to learn is that this situation was created by politicians like Josh Shapiro and Joe Biden, who have done this to us. This was done by design; people were taken for granted, and their lives and communities were destroyed. I cannot explain it other than to say that they seem to serve death and hate the people they're supposed to represent.

What strikes me about what you're saying is how familiar this story is, particularly in this state. I have noticed how fast these changes occurred across the state, from east to west. You’re not 70 years old, yet you describe living through multiple generations of your family in the same town, all attending the same church, and then, in just ten years, it’s all gone. It was shocking as a kid. My parents moved us out to keep us safe. It started with my bike getting stolen, then the next one, and then the third. This was a town where it was idyllic—you could leave your door unlocked. Your babysitters were often the girl next door, a little older than you. When you went out to play, your mom never worried because you knew your neighbors, and they would look out for you.

Suddenly, within my lifetime, everything changed. My two boys, Jack and AJ, are sitting right there, and I’ve never even taken them down the street where I grew up. Why? Because I worry they would be shot due to the rampant gang violence that has taken over since then. The situation has deteriorated with illegals selling drugs everywhere. We had a couple of drug dealers behind us, and they would keep Rottweilers to deter people. They kept getting arrested, but strangely, they would always come back after their arrests. As a child, I thought the cops were the good guys who could take away the bad guys. I often wondered, "Why don't the police just come and get rid of all these bad guys?

=> 00:37:26

When the system fails to protect us, it's up to the people to rise up and reclaim their power.

Many people are worried they would be shot because of how bad the gang violence has gotten in their area. This situation has escalated since the murders that take place there all the time, with illegals selling drugs all over the place. For instance, there were a couple of Jamaicans behind us who were drug dealers. They would keep Rottweilers out to keep people away. Although they kept getting arrested, something strange would happen: every time they got arrested, they would come back.

As a child, you think, "Oh, the cops are the good guys, and they can take away the bad guys." You wonder, "Why don't the police just come and get rid of all these bad guys?" You start to notice that there are bad guys over there and bad guys over here, and suddenly you realize that all of the standards of living, the quality of life, and the basic suppositions you have about the way the social contract is supposed to work don't seem to work sometimes. It turns out that the leaders aren't doing what they're supposed to be doing, and suddenly the towns are being completely destroyed. As a kid, you don't understand why this is happening, and even now, I'm still asking questions about it.

However, I did realize one thing, Tucker. Throughout everything I've experienced, I understand that it will not stop until it is stopped. It will not stop until people get together, vote, take action, and do the work. Every single time something like this is going on around the world—whether it be Russia and the Bolsheviks, China, Spain, or France and the French Revolution—all of the insanity continues until the people of that country or state rise up and say, "No, absolutely not. No more. You've gone too far. We will not cross this line anymore." We are going to stop you, and we will find a leader. Even if you try to kill that leader, and even if you attempt to do so, like what happened in Butler, PA, where they tried to take out Donald Trump on stage, it’s funny how Josh Shapiro doesn't seem interested in that investigation. He doesn't seem interested in finding out who fired that bullet or why, and he didn't provide the Pennsylvania State Police with what they should have had that day.

At some point, Tucker, we have to ask ourselves: is it indifference, incompetence, or complicity? We hear a lot from viewers about big tech censorship, and those reports are more frequent than ever. Censorship means shutting down your access to information—not lies or misinformation, but true things. It's only the truth that they censor, as the facts get in the way of the lies they're trying to tell you. The net effect of this, of course, is interfering in the 2024 presidential elections. That's why they're censoring more than ever now, because the stakes are even higher.

You might not be shocked by this, but the specific examples can be quite startling. For instance, we’ve seen screenshots and videos showing how Google search results about the attempted assassination on Donald Trump instead push users to information about Harry Truman, Bob Marley, or the Pope—anything other than the relevant truth that they just shot Trump in the face. They don't want you to know that because it might help Trump.

We've also seen examples where Facebook marked true photos of a bloodied and defiant Trump as misleading, somehow claiming those pictures were a lie and then limiting their visibility. Its AI assistant explicitly denied that the shooting ever took place. This is insanity, but it's at the core of big tech's editorial policy, which is to deny the truth to you in order to control the outcome of this presidential election. That's not democracy.

We've seen examples where a generic search for information about Donald Trump was automatically rephrased to show positive stories about Kamala Harris instead. Is there any clearer example of election interference? So, what do you do about it? Well, Parler has been down this road. Parler was pulled right off the internet for telling the truth, but it's back now.

=> 00:41:15

Big Tech is manipulating information to control the narrative and influence elections, but true free speech thrives on platforms that respect your right to express yourself.

It might help Trump. We've seen examples where Facebook marked true photos of a bloodied and defiant Trump as misleading; somehow, those pictures were labeled a lie, and their visibility was limited. Its AI explicitly denied that the shooting ever took place. This is insanity, but it's at the core of big Tech's editorial policy, which is denying the truth to you in order to control the outcome of this presidential election. That's not democracy.

We have seen instances where a generic search for information about Donald Trump was automatically rephrased to show positive stories about Kamala Harris instead. Is there any clear example of election interference? So, what do you do about it? Well, Parler has been down this road. Parler was pulled right off the internet for telling the truth, but it's back and has reaffirmed its lifelong unwavering commitment to free speech. On Parler, the Bill of Rights lives; the First Amendment is real. You can say what you think because you're a human being and an American citizen, not a slave.

On Parler, users can freely express themselves, tell the truth, express their conscience, and connect with others who are doing the same. They will not be interfered with; they will not be censored. Parler is designed to support a wide range of viewpoints, and everyone is welcome. Parler is committed to ensuring that everybody is heard, and it has become a place where independent journalism is protected and respected. It is protected because it is respected.

So, is this censorship by big Tech intensifying? Standing up for your god-given right as an American to say what you think is essential. That's why we're on Parler. Our handle is @TuckerCarlson, and we encourage you to join us there. You have the right to say what you believe, and so does every American. You can do it on Parler—get the Parler app today.

Well, I mean, we don't need to guess, right? In the news business, you can't know people's motives. I always say that and try to be humble about what you know and what you don't know. But after a while, you realize you do know because the goal is the result. The point of the system is what it does, and that is true over time. If they come in and make changes, and your neighborhood goes from a cohesive, beautiful, safe place to a slum in ten years, they wanted to do that. If they do that to places all over your state, they did that on purpose. I don't think we need to guess, do we?

If you don't investigate the attempted murder of a presidential candidate, you're in favor of the murder of a presidential candidate. Well, I'll tell you something else, and here's the good news on that front. They tried to take out Trump once, and we said we were going to write an entire book about it in like a month, which we did. We wrote a snap book about it called Bulletproof. Then they tried to take him out again a second time, even before we finished that, so we included that part in the second book as well.

And that guy, funny enough, Tucker, wouldn't you believe, had just come from overseas. Do you know where the second shooter just came from? Ukraine. He came from Ukraine, where he was a foreign fighter who had received training and then used that training to come here to this country to try to kill the one person who is trying to stop all of the things that we just talked about from happening. He said, in order to do so, it is morally correct.

Then the DOJ this morning puts out a letter from this psychopath from Ukraine that says, even if I can't solve the job, even if I can't get the job done myself, there's a bounty on Trump's head for $150,000. The DOJ, of course, put this out on purpose; they could have put that under seal. They could have redacted it. How many things has the government redacted, Tucker? They could have redacted that; they didn't.

Well, regarding the Nashville shooting, we just got the information two years later. The shooting, which they fought tooth and nail to give us, revealed the manifesto of which was like, "Oh, I hate Christians, and I hate white people, so I'm going to kill Christian white people." It's like, oh wow, what a surprise! I was so shocked. So we find out that, and then on this one, look, Tucker, I don't trust Josh Airo, and I definitely don't trust Merrick Garland.

So what we've decided to do with this—it started as a book. We're launching our own investigation into what went on, and we've hired a private investigative firm, some of whom are actually in the crowd today, just FYI. We are going to be expanding that investigation from Bethl Park to Butler down to West.

=> 00:45:14

Trust is dead when it comes to government transparency; it's time to take matters into our own hands.

Many things the government redacted. Tucker, they could have redacted that, but they didn't. Well, regarding the Nashville shooting, we just got the information two years later. The shooting, which they fought tooth and nail to give us, revealed the manifesto that stated, "Oh, I hate Christians and I hate white people, so I'm going to kill Christian white people." It's like, oh wow, what a surprise! I was so shocked.

So we find out that, and then on this one, look, Tucker, I don't trust Josh Airo, and I definitely don't trust Merrick Garland. Therefore, what we've decided to do with this is that it started as a book. We are launching our own investigation into what went on, and we've hired a private investigative firm, some of whom are actually in the crowd today, just FYI. We are going to be expanding that investigation from Bethl Park to Butler, down to West Palm Beach, and all the way out to Hawaii. Tucker, we're going to go to Ukraine if we have to. We are going to get to the bottom of what happened. We're calling it The Bulletproof Project because I just don't trust any of these people.

Be careful in Ukraine. I may not go personally again over there, but the one thing that we have learned, Tucker, is about this bounty—the $150,000 bounty. I promised people that I would drop some news, so I had the information about the bounty on Friday. We found that out today; I didn't know the Department of Justice would be publicizing the bounty like it's a John Wick movie. They put it out there. Matt Gates came on my show a couple of days ago and said there are five assassination teams targeting Trump—five assassination teams, three of which have warrants. I think we know one of them already, and then two which are domestic.

What people need to understand is that the bounty and the five assassination teams are tied. It's like they're actually competing for this bounty. Donald Trump's very life is on the line, and every time he goes up to speak now, he has to stand behind what I call leftist glass because they keep trying to kill him. He's a brave man, I must say. Whatever you think of Trump, he doesn't need this.

Jack, I really appreciate it. I hope you'll stay right there. I want to bring out our next guest, and let me just say we had a little trouble finding an arena that would take him because he's so controversial. I'm grateful to where we are right now and to the people of Pennsylvania.

Now, let me just say one thing about Alex Jones. Alex Jones is one of those people you're supposed to be very shocked by. Here's the one fact about Alex Jones that I can't get over: Alex Jones predicted 9/11, and he did so on tape. Now, I worked in television my whole life. When you're on TV, there's a time stamp. We don't need to guess. I've been on TV for decades saying super dumb things, which live forever on YouTube.

Alex Jones, in the summer of 2001, said, "You need to call the White House right now because planes are going to hit the World Trade Center, and they're going to blame it on Osama Bin Laden." He said that. I've seen the tape; you can look it up. So, check this out: I lived in D.C. at the time. Trust me, I had a daily news show on another channel, and not one person was saying anything like that.

So, Alex Jones says that—it's on tape, we can prove he said that—and it happens. Why didn't the U.S. government call Alex Jones and say, "How could you have known? Clearly, you're a prophet of some kind. We need you in this global war on terror because you can see things that nobody else can see." That's incredible! Have you even met anybody who has predicted something like that? No, you haven't. I've never met anyone.

But instead of celebrating Alex Jones for making the most unbelievable call in the history of the news business, the FBI sets about trying to destroy him. And so begins this incredible saga of lies about Alex Jones, which you've probably all heard about. I'm not going to relitigate it, but that was the FBI that did that. They tried to bankrupt Alex Jones; they tried to put him in prison. Why would you put the guy who called that in prison? This guy is clearly on the side of the United States; he's trying to help our country.

So, if there's only one thing you know about Alex Jones, it's that. Everything I said is 100% true, by the way. I'm not guessing about this; it's a fact. If there's one thing to know about Alex Jones, it's that.

=> 00:49:21

Standing by your beliefs can make you a target, but true courage lies in embracing your truth unapologetically.

In what many have described as the most unbelievable call in the history of the news business, the FBI sets about trying to destroy Alex Jones. Thus begins this incredible saga of lies about him, which you have probably all heard about. I’m not going to relitigate it, but it was indeed the FBI that orchestrated this campaign. They attempted to bankrupt Alex Jones and even tried to put him in prison. Why would you put the guy who called that in prison? This man is clearly on the side of the United States; he is trying to help our country.

If there’s only one thing you should know about Alex Jones, it’s that everything I said is 100% true. I’m not guessing about this; it is a fact. On this basis, I will always believe and publicly state that Alex Jones is the most extraordinary person I’ve ever met. I am proud to know him. It’s not just about having him here; it’s about the fact that Alex Jones is someone who tried to warn the country about the worst terror attack in our history and was persecuted for it.

With that, ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Alex Jones. It’s so funny going back to the point that the introduction was too good. Well, it’s true; Tucker is the best. And it makes me mad, and it goes back to what I was saying earlier: the only thing they are good at is seizing the moral high ground. They try to make you ashamed of the best things about your life, like being married, having normal kids, or not castrating your children. They question, “How can you know Alex Jones?” I’m sick of it. I’m just going to say that Alex Jones is my friend, and there’s nothing to be ashamed of there. I’m not ashamed, and you shouldn’t be either. They should be ashamed. He called 9/11, and they tried to put him in jail for it.

Anyway, thank you for having me. I have to say, I love you. This is a beautiful state full of beautiful people. When we get President Trump elected, all of us together are going to lift the curse off of this country and send the globalists to prison. It is amazing to meet all these great people, whether they are black, white, old, or young. I can feel the electricity in people's eyes—those who are populists, Americans, and who love God, children, and freedom, and who hate tyranny. I can feel the strength in this auditorium at capacity in Running, Pennsylvania.

As I told the globalists a long time ago, I don’t know how all this is going to end, but if they want to fight, they better believe they’ve got one. It just makes me laugh that Alex Jones is considered so controversial for simply loving God, America, and freedom. Oh, you’re so radical! But the one thing I always give Alex props for, that no one ever gives him credit for, is that Alex Jones has stood against war for 30 years, every single day of his career. He fights peacefully with information against the globalists. The real war is against the globalists, Soros, Obama, and the New World Order. They have declared war on us, and we accept the challenge. We’re taking the country back—amen to that!

1776 is the answer to 1984. You tell them, “No, you say it.” The answer to 1984 is 1776. It began right here, in 1776. You know, Alex, we are only about an hour away from where they did the real 1776. That’s why it’s significant.

Bless you for saying that. So, what do you think is going to happen in the next 40 days? Well, we all know that history repeats and rhymes. Just like the kickoff of this country on July 4th, 1776, started an hour away from here, we are witnessing a similar moment. The key battleground state, again, is Pennsylvania. This is the Second Battle to save the Republic. The first battle was launched to form the Republic, and it is happening right here.

I had an amazing interview with you today, and you were gracious to give it in between your busy schedule. You said, “Look, I feel confidence in my gut at every level. Even if they steal this, it doesn’t matter because the process of awakening is here, and nothing is going to turn that around.”

=> 00:53:45

History is repeating itself, and the awakening is unstoppable; victory is on the horizon.

Bless you for saying that. So, what do you think is going to happen in the next 40 days? Well, we all know that history repeats and rhymes. Just like the kickoff of this country on July 4th, 1776, which started an hour away from here, we are coming right back to that point. History repeats. The key battleground state again is Pennsylvania. The Second Battle to save the Republic is happening right here.

In an amazing interview today, you graciously took the time to speak with me in between your busy schedule. You said, "Look, I feel confidence in my gut, intellectually, at every level. Even if they steal this, it doesn't matter because the process of awakening is here, and nothing is going to turn that around." We have the initiative; we’ve turned the tide. Whether it takes six months or twenty years, we're going to evict the globalists out of this country, and we're going to restore the Republic. Victory is ours.

I feel that way too. Do you feel that there is hope for victory in the end? Do you really believe that? Barring the globalists starting a nuclear war, they will still get beaten in that process. Those of us who survive will dig them out of their holes; their bunkers will be their tombs. Other than them trying to start World War III—which we are very close to—our trajectory is victory. Populists are winning all over the world, and incumbents are getting thrown out everywhere.

For instance, you can go to a comment on Instagram where they even try to censor, and Bill Gates does an interview that gets 20 million views. I can read for an hour and not find one person who isn’t exposing him. Klaus Schwab had to step down as the head of the World Economic Forum. The globalists are hated. They just had their big Davos meeting earlier this year about getting trust back. I watched the Clinton Foundation with Chelsea up there at her gala, and they were saying, "Everyone hates us now more than ever. What do we do?" They think, "We’ve got to silence them more." Hillary crawls out from under a rock and suggests starting to arrest Americans for their speech. That’ll teach them!

We have forced them out into the open; they are weak. The mask is off, and now the sleeping giant is awakened. That’s true, isn’t it? No one you ever meet in real life, outside of the Atlantic magazine and the Aspen Institute, is for any of this. Nobody is for tampons in boys' bathrooms. But they are, because we talked about this today. Of course, you’re a historian and a journalist, and you know about it, but most people don’t.

This is all deliberate. The CIA in the 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s funded Ms. magazine, Gloria Steinem, Planned Parenthood—the whole thing is run by the globalists against our country since the 1947 National Security Act. They said in there, "We’re going to have ugly architecture, ugly art, ugly music. We’re going to degrade the family and undermine the symbol of men being strong in the home." This is all declassified. They sold that image to demoralize us and break our will.

We were asleep back then and didn’t know the government had been hijacked. They thought Americans were intimidated, bullied, and weak. No, we were asleep. Now they try to debilitate us, demoralize us, and break our will. But we are conscious of it, and we’re saying, "That’s not breaking our will; that’s waking up."

I have to say that the main change I’ve noticed—maybe it’s just me, but I come from a very secular background, like most people from Southern California—is that I now know more people in my secular world who are mentioning God in conversation. I don’t know if you’re having this experience, but it’s very striking to me.

When we followed God, we had nothing but prosperity and success. When we got rid of God, everything fell apart. People think Texas is a booming place, but it has crime, filth, Satanism, degeneracy, and pedophiles. Pennsylvania, a gorgeous state, fell apart in ten years. California, once one of the most beautiful places in the world, is now a total disaster. It was a deep red state under Ronald Reagan, and now it’s a total crap hole.

=> 00:57:47

In a world spiraling into chaos, many are awakening to the power of faith, realizing that true prosperity comes from a connection to God, not from secular pursuits.

The point is, I didn't grow up around religious people at all. I didn't go to the church my grandmother went to at all. I've worked in the media my whole life in a big city up until five years ago. In the last year, I know more people in my secular world who were mentioning God in conversation, and I don't know if you're having this experience, but it's very striking to me. Do you notice this?

When we followed God, we had nothing but prosperity and success. When we got rid of God, everything fell apart. I mean, people think Texas is a boom place; it's got the crime, the filth, the Satanism, the degeneracy, the pedophiles. Pennsylvania, a gorgeous state, fell apart in ten years. California, one of the most beautiful places in the world, is now a total deep red Ronald Reagan total crap hole. Now it's spiritual blight, and people are recognizing that because they understand we are getting sucked down a vortex into literal hell, and we have to reach back up to God, and God will take us out of this.

Applause This is it. You've been saying that for decades. I've always wondered, and I've asked you this like twenty times in private over dinner, and I'm proud to say we have dinner. But I ask you this, and you never give me a straight answer. However, since there are thousands of people watching, maybe you will now: What's it like to be vindicated on everything?

Well, I mean, it's scary because I realize that with a lot of power comes a lot of responsibility. A lot of times, the media will joke around satirically, and I'll see the cover of the New York Times, and clearly, people aren't seeing the video where I'm saying it's a joke. Like, "Jones wants to kill his neighbors." No, I said if there's a nuclear war and we all collapse, and my kids are starving, I run out of horrible food, I will eat the liberal neighbors, not my conservative ones. It's more of a joke, but when people take what I say so seriously, I joke a lot less now. I used to joke a lot, but now I take it really seriously because I realize they twist everything. So, it's a lot of responsibility.

I also wish I was making predictions with the proviso that if you call the White House and tell them, "Don't fly planes into the World Trade Center," and then bring in the police state and invade the Muslim countries to bring them in here—not even going after radical Islam—if you do all that, I was saying if you call the White House and tell them not to do it, they may not do it. But of course, I have a big enough audience that people didn't believe me, so we couldn't stop them. I make these predictions about probable futures because I can see all the evidence pointing towards it so that we can stop it.

But now, the good news is with Elon and you and so many others who are fully awake and reaching a lot more people than I ever did, folks are really waking up, and their knowledge curve is going parabolic right now. So, we're in the driver's seat, but that makes the globalists very dangerous, and the empire is going to strike back.

How? Well, they always love to pre-program it. Klaus Schwab said a cyber attack will make COVID look like a minor inconvenience, kind of in a Russian accent instead of a German woman. Of course, you would eat the bugs, and you would love it. These are real quotes. We don't need too many people in the future to polish the robots. These are real quotes. Yuval Noah Harari said, "Oh, the future is not human; you're just obsolete. We're going to be the gods." I don't believe in God, he said, but "I'll be the god of the clouds." Ray Kurzweil at Google said, "I don't believe in God, yet I'm going to become a God." But to do that, all you folks just want to be good, decent people and live a good life, and you experience God's great creation and love. You need to be gotten out of the way for the rise of their new Ubermensch, Superman.

So, we're right back to all of that, and that's why you have the official plan of depopulation by the UN down to 500 million. That's an 80-plus percent reduction; that's official. That was on the Georgia Guidestones in Georgia. Somebody blew it up, but nobody got hurt, thank God. So, the agenda is you're garbage; you're just a consumer. You're like weevils in the pantry eating their flour or something, and you just have to be gotten rid of because you don't fit into their beautiful, magic, wonderful plan.

I was watching the Davos group; they have meetings all the time at their world government summit. About a year ago, when Elon came on via video link, he said, "Listen, people don't want your world government. It centralizes things; it's teing people. They are rejecting you.

=> 01:01:28

The fight for freedom is a battle against those who see humanity as expendable in their quest for power.

Superman, so we're right back to all of that, and that's why you have the official plan of depopulation by the UN down to 500 million. That's an 80 plus% reduction; that's official. That was on the Georgia Guidestones in Georgia. Somebody blew it up, but nobody got hurt, thank God. So, the agenda is that you're garbage, you're just a consumer. You're like weevils in the pantry eating their flour or something, and you just have to be gotten rid of because you don't fit into their beautiful magic wonderful plan.

I was watching the Davos group; they have meetings all the time at their World Government Summit. About a year ago, when Elon came on via video link, he said, "Listen, people don't want your world government. It centralizes things; it's teing people are rejecting you. We need diversity of countries and sovereignty and peoples, like firewalls in a building or bulkheads in a ship." But at some of the other meetings, these globalists were going, "We're just doing something so beautiful. What we're bringing them, I don't know why they're opposing us and don't trust us." Well, because you just want to depopulate us. You're selfish, demonic pigs who love the raw power of destroying people.

America, for all its faults, was the best house in a bad neighborhood for the whole world for 100, 200 plus years. Really, the last 100 years, people aspired to come here; they aspired to have our freedom. The globalists can't have this country exist and have their horrible Global Technocracy slave plantation AI system in charge if there's a place that's still free and open compared to everywhere else. So, we've got to be brought down and used to bring charity to the world while we're being destroyed and while we're paying for it. The whole world turns against us, and we collapse, so the idea of America is discredited. This way, other people around the world don't ever try to go the path of our Republic, which is diametrically opposed to their globalist satanic death code. That's why they're attacking America; it's the idea and the spirit that is incompatible with their Global slave state.

I would make fun of you, except every word is true. The thing that I can't get past is that to put the destruction of other human beings as a goal is not a human desire. Like animals don't commit genocide; actually, that's not natural at all. There may be people in your way, and you're a bad person, and you kill them, but the idea of desiring to kill huge numbers of people like that can only be supernatural, it feels like. That's what the Bible tells us: there's an outside force putting powerful people in positions to carry this out, to keep humanity from reaching its potential destiny. God gave us Free Will, and so there's the tester there. That is the mission and the existence of Satan. Whether you believe that's a real thing, as I know it is, or an archetype, regardless, it's there.

If you read about the robber barons from 120 years ago and the social Darwinism that came out of it, they wrote books and said, "When we do evil bad things and kill people in mass, we are the apex predator. We're doing them a favor to make them stronger." So, it's really just Eugenics. But at the end of the day, if you study the globalists, they're not just trying to kill the weak and the infirm and the low IQ, which is something you're not supposed to do as a human made in the image of God. You're supposed to build up the weak. Christ said, "Suffer the little children." What you do to the least, to me, you've done to me. Better for you to have a millstone tied around your neck and thrown into the ocean.

=> 01:05:24

The battle isn't just against evil; it's a fight for the very essence of humanity and our free will against those who seek to control and diminish us.

The existence of Satan, whether one believes it to be a real entity or merely an archetype, is a significant aspect of our mission. If you examine the robber barons from 120 years ago and the social Darwinism that emerged from that era, you will find that they wrote extensively about their actions. They claimed that when they commit evil acts, such as killing people en masse, they are acting as the apex predator and doing these individuals a favor by making them stronger. This perspective is fundamentally rooted in Eugenics.

At the end of the day, when you study the globalists, it becomes clear that their agenda is not solely about eliminating the weak, the infirm, and those with lower intelligence. As humans made in the image of God, we are called to uplift the weak. Christ emphasized this when he said, "suffer the little children," and "what you do to the least of these, you have done to me." It would be better for someone to have a millstone tied around their neck and be thrown into the ocean than to harm the vulnerable. The globalists, however, seem to despise the smartest, the best, and the freest among us because they view them as competition. They aim to eliminate this competition because those who love God possess free will, which makes us inherently stronger and more powerful than them.

Despite this strength, we do not seek power for its own sake. The globalists are acutely aware that if we awaken and reclaim control over our destiny, it would spell disaster for them. This is why they bombard us with 5G, GMO, and various other harmful substances. Their intent is to stun and poison us, allowing them to dominate not through strength, but out of their own weakness.

This manipulation extends to the fake economy in the United States, which has shifted from a foundation of manufacturing—where men created tangible products with their hands—to a system based on lending money, interest, and the repetitive sale of real estate. The globalists have a deep-seated hatred for strength, particularly strong men. I recently spoke with someone who is not conservative, and they mentioned the chemicals in our water that are affecting the sex of frogs. I refrained from being rude but couldn’t help but ask, "Are you telling me they're turning the frogs gay?" Surprisingly, this person didn’t understand the reference and agreed that it was essentially correct.

The issue of chemical poisoning in our environment has become widely accepted, and it is indeed remarkable to see how science has caught up with these concerns. I had predicted this over 15 years ago, conducting an in-depth analysis involving universities from South Africa, Japan, and the University of California, Berkeley. I found that even a small amount of Aldrin could alter the gender of frogs, sterilizing many and causing confusion in their sexual development. This is not about hating gay people; it’s about the chemicals in the water that are affecting these creatures, leading to population collapses.

Within two weeks of my statements, every late-night comedy show launched an attack against me, orchestrated by major foundations and even the CIA. They later admitted to directing these shows to mock my claims, attempting to downplay the serious issues I had raised. The globalists are aware that public trust in the news has eroded, which is why they have turned to comedy as a means of manipulation. When you see these shows promoting the idea that "the shots are good" or mocking political figures, it is a coordinated effort by organizations like the Carnegie Foundation, the Ford Foundation, and the Rockefeller Foundation to influence public perception.

In the past, thinkers like Bertrand Russell argued for extreme measures, suggesting that a world government should consider dropping hydrogen bombs on large populations to control growth and prevent wars. His writings reflect a long-standing belief among some elites that drastic actions are necessary to manage humanity.

=> 01:09:21

The truth is stranger than fiction; while we’re distracted, a hidden world of genetic manipulation and control is unfolding right under our noses.

In a world where globalists exert significant influence, the conversation often turns to the alarming actions and intentions of powerful organizations. For instance, the arrest of Donald Trump is perceived as an assault by entities such as the CIA, the Carnegie Foundation, the Ford Foundation, and the Rockefeller Foundation. This scenario unfolds while individuals are simply at home, perhaps enjoying a beer and trying to watch some comedy.

The discussion of predictions and conspiracies is not new. It echoes sentiments from figures like Bertrand Russell, who, back in the 1960s, suggested that we ought to have a world government that would drop hydrogen bombs on large populations to prevent wars caused by overpopulation. He believed that controlling nuclear war could resolve these issues. Russell's writings, which can still be referenced today, reflect a troubling perspective on population control.

In the 1970s, many top globalists were surprisingly candid about their intentions. For example, Paul Erck appeared on a major television show in 1979, stating that they were collaborating with foundations to ensure that every father figure would be portrayed as lazy and dumb, effectively breaking up families. This would allow the state to control the children who survived, while others would be aborted due to overpopulation concerns. He ominously predicted that we would all be dead by 1987 if current rates continued. This Malthusian outlook has proven to be unfounded, much like the alarmist claims made in 2017 about the ice caps melting, which, in fact, have grown larger.

The World Economic Forum has made bold claims about the future, suggesting that by 2045, there will be no humans, only cyborgs. This aligns with the narrative that has been developing over the past few decades. When I first began my broadcasting career, there were few shows like mine. I was on various radio stations, and I received information from reputable sources, including MIT Quarterly, about groundbreaking experiments. They had developed humanized mice and genetically modified goats that produced milk with properties suitable for creating body armor. However, these advancements were kept from the public due to the potential for widespread panic.

The conversation has evolved to include hybrid creatures, with reports of humanoid hybrids gestating in facilities across the United States. These hybrids, described as part pig, part human, and part cow, are engineered to avoid rejection by the cows that carry them. The organs and stem cells harvested from these creatures are part of a larger, secretive agenda that many are unaware of. The existence of thousands of cows in facilities dedicated to growing humanoids is documented, yet the information is often suppressed.

My attempts to bring this information to light have been met with resistance. For instance, when I discussed spider goats—genetically modified goats that produce milk with properties for body armor—I faced backlash from the Pentagon. After an interview with a private contractor, I was warned that the Pentagon was furious and that I needed to retract the information or face serious consequences.

In conclusion, while the revelations I share may seem alarming, they reflect a parallel civilization that operates separately from the rest of us. The globalists possess life extension technologies and cures for diseases like cancer and Parkinson's, but instead of sharing these advancements with the public, they reserve them for themselves, preparing for a future where the majority of humanity may be left behind.

=> 01:12:57

The battle for our future is between Team Humanity and those who seek to dehumanize and control us.

In the literature, there are discussions about various advanced technologies and their implications. Some individuals express their concerns regarding these topics, particularly because they feel dismissed when they present evidence. For instance, spider goats, which have been part spider for over 25 years, produce milk that can be used to create body armor. A private contractor from the Pentagon, who was initially enthusiastic about the project, later expressed fear after being informed that the information was classified. He was threatened with severe consequences if an interview discussing these developments was not taken down.

As we delve deeper into this subject, it becomes apparent that while some advancements are beneficial, there are also alarming aspects. There exists a civilization that is reportedly operating at a technological level akin to the year 2045, boasting advanced AI and other technologies. However, they struggle to maintain full control over the human population. This is largely because, if necessary, we could dismantle their systems and shut down their AI. The concern lies not in the technology itself but in how it is being utilized against humanity.

To achieve their goals, there seems to be a concerted effort to eliminate farms, ranches, and gardens, effectively making individuals obsolete. This would pave the way for the release of real bioweapons that could decimate the population. The COVID-19 pandemic is viewed by some as a mere drill to prepare for this eventuality, with the intention of keeping people confined at home when the true threat is unleashed. Should such a bioweapon be released, there are calls for accountability, specifically targeting individuals like Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg.

The unsettling truth is that many of these developments are not hidden; they are publicly acknowledged. For instance, the existence of human clones spliced with animals has been documented for over 30 years. This includes the splicing of humans with fish and lizards, all of which is accessible information. The reality of spider goats producing milk that creates spider silk filaments for body armor is also confirmed. This technology, developed in places like Tennessee and New York, is funded by American taxpayers, raising questions about government oversight and accountability.

Despite the alarming nature of these advancements, there seems to be a lack of action from lawmakers. Observers note that many politicians, once promoted from local positions to higher offices, often prioritize personal gain over public welfare. They become puppets, reading from teleprompters without genuine concern for the issues at hand. In contrast, a few individuals, such as Thomas Massie and Rand Paul, strive to challenge the status quo but often face significant opposition.

In this context, figures like Donald Trump are seen as representatives of a pro-human agenda, advocating for the well-being of families and communities rather than destructive policies. This leads to the notion of Team Humanity, a concept discussed with Elon Musk, which stands in opposition to Team Dehumanization and Team Annihilation. At the center of these concerns are powerful families and institutions, including the likes of King Charles, who are perceived as promoting eugenics and other harmful ideologies. The overarching fear is that these entities, alongside mad scientists, are orchestrating a future that prioritizes control and reduction of the human population.

=> 01:16:42

It's time to rise above the chaos and unite for a pro-human future, because the real battle is against those who see humanity as expendable.

He loves his grandkids, he loves his golf courses, and he expresses a strong desire to get rid of this notion of harming others, stating, "I don't want to kill all the people; I like them." This sentiment aligns with the concept of a pro-human future, which he discussed with Elon Musk. They agreed to call it Team Humanity. This team stands in opposition to Team dehumanization, Team death, Team Annihilation, and Team mad scientists. At the top of the food chain of the New World Order, he identifies old degenerate inbred crazy families, with King Charles at the head, advocating for total eugenics—echoing his father's infamous desire to return as a virus to kill 80% of the world population.

He describes these horrible disgusting people, along with the big banks beneath them, and the mad scientists who offer life extension to these elites as the true controllers of the system. He likens their approach to that of an old school or an old church, which they seek to demolish and wipe out. These individuals, he argues, want too much and believe they must kill those who desire freedom. They claim the need for a world government to prevent nuclear war, yet they are the ones who proliferate nuclear weapons. They also argue for a world government to stop bio-attacks while simultaneously releasing bio-attacks themselves. Their justification is that this technology is too dangerous, necessitating a smaller, more manageable world population to prevent mutual destruction. Ironically, they are the ones who enjoy killing and are the true bad people who need to be removed from power and stripped of their control over society.

He compares the current situation to Thanksgiving, where the parents sit at the big table while the children are at a smaller table, suggesting that the elites see the rest of humanity as little kids. He emphasizes the importance of understanding the evil of the enemy, stating that to defeat them, one must know who they are. The enemy is identified as the globalist transhumanist New World Order.

In discussing American politics, he acknowledges that there is one guy who stands out, although he wouldn't label him a politician—Donald Trump. He notes that most politicians are preoccupied with their re-election timelines and fundraising, failing to grasp the larger picture. In contrast, he observes Donald Trump bringing his grandchildren to rallies, demonstrating a willingness to confront challenges head-on, saying, "You want me? I'm right here. Come take it. Come after me. I'm not moving."

He encourages people to 10x their votes, to become active participants, and reflects on his own journey, stating, "Look at me, I'm just a kid from the NWN." He expresses gratitude for the opportunity to bring Tucker Carlson and Alex Jones along with him. He appreciates how Alex described Trump, noting that Trump is not just about ideas; he connects with people on a gut level. Unlike other politicians who seem to view people as a problem, Trump has a genuine affection for people, which is evident in his interactions, whether at McDonald's or during rallies.

=> 01:20:34

True wealth isn't measured by money; it's found in love for family, faith, and the strength to rise above the noise.

I'm going to go back home, and I'm going to bring Tucker Carlson and Alex Jones with me. I think, oh thank you, by the way. Well, thank you. I like the way that Alex described Trump because I think it's true. Trump's the key to Trump is not just the ideas; you know he's not an ideologue really. Trump likes people on an animal level; he just likes people. You see it when he's in McDonald's, you see it at every rally. He just has a gut-level affection for people that is so different from when I watch Nancy Pelosi or that weird creepy little guy who's the Republican speaker right now. They really seem like when they talk, people are the problem, but Trump feels like, "Well, I just like people. I kind of like, you know, put my armor around them, like the way they smell; I like people."

Trump comes from a hospitality family, yes, that's true. His dad, from the time he was 6 years old, would leave him in the summer all day at a building site. I want to tell a story; I've harped on this a lot because it's a microcosm—it's like a skeleton key or Rosetta Stone. If you understand this, like looking through a keyhole, you see the larger universe. On Mother's Day this year, the evil New York Senator Chuck Schumer put out a post on X, a post on Twitter, and you can pull it up. He said, "I want to wish everybody a great Mother's Day. My daughter and her wife had me over to their house to grill." He called it barbecue, but he said, "This is wonderful for multiple generations. We've always been in high-rises and have never had a backyard or cooked meat." I was thinking, "Oh, that's human; that's nice. Maybe he'll become a human."

Then I looked at the grill, and it was fresh patties with a piece of cheese on it, and he's trying to serve a raw hamburger. The point is, so many of these ultra-rich people, elitists, and other poor kids that grow up in the city, you know, who are impoverished as well, literally grow up in a tiny little room with a television and crime all around them. They have all this chaos going on, sirens, and they’ve never been out in the woods. They've never been fishing; they've never been out to the desert. They've never traveled the world; they've never worked; they've never had a real job. If you look at the politicians, particularly the Democrats, they are not connected to reality. To them, everything human is scary; they want sanitized, shrunken experiences.

If you look at Democrat Party politicians, they look like a demonic spider sucked their life force out. I just want to acknowledge that as a great description. You've been around them in person, so I mean, the vibes—me, 20 feet from Hillary—you repel. She's up there like Jackanory; I can't make faces. I mean, it's horrifying. They're slithering around, and God bless her soul, Sheila Jackson Lee or whatever, just died. Before she did, she gets up and says, "I saw that eclipse; it almost burned up the Moon." We know the sun's the same size as the Moon, and the Moon is hollow and glows. A lot of them aren't even evil, but they're dumber than hell, and the globalists are counting on that.

But look, knowledge is infectious; how the world works is infectious. They don't want people to get excited about knowledge, and once you do, it's addicting. People ask me all the time, "What do we tell young people to do?" The opposite of what Hollywood tells you, anything Democrats tell you, anything politicians say that are leftist, anything Hollywood says, anything Black Rock funds—it's simple. It's like somebody handing you cyanide or fentanyl: don't take it, don't get near it. Just love your family, be strong. Don't feel bad if you don’t have a bunch of money; don't feel bad because you're struggling.

You don't feel bad; you've got a soul, and you love God, you love your country, you love your family, and you are a trillion times richer than people like Zuckerberg and the rest of them. So be confident! Be confident and know you were born to be in this time. You've been under covert globalist attack, but you're not a victim; you're not a loser. You are the sleeping giant that now has awoken, and our enemies are afraid, and they should be afraid.

So, Jack, well, you know what's interesting...

=> 01:24:47

You are not defined by your wealth or status; your true richness comes from your soul, your love for family, and your strength in the face of adversity.

Anything Hollywood says anything Black. Rock funds; it's simple. It's like somebody handing you cyanide or fentanyl. Don't take it, don't get near it, and just love your family. Be strong. Don't feel bad because you don't have a bunch of money. Don't feel bad because you're struggling. Don't feel bad; no, you've got a soul, and you love God, you love your country, you love your family, and you are a trillion times richer than people like Zuckerberg and the rest of them. So, be confident. Be confident and know you were born to be in this time. You've been under covert globalist attack, but you're not a victim; you're not a loser. You are the sleeping giant that now has awoken, and our enemies are afraid, and they should be afraid.

So, Jack, well, you know what's interesting? Real quick, people say, "Alex, oh that's crazy, that could never be real. We could never live in a country like that. That would never happen." And then all of a sudden, Oprah Winfrey is doing these infomercials with Kamala Harris. Hold on, right after the FBI seized all of the PDY tapes that Oprah is on from the parties that he was holding. I used to think that we had to protect Trump; we had to keep him safe. Now I realize there's somebody else we got to keep safe. We've got to keep Diddy safe because that's the next guy they're going to go for. This guy could tell you how your government actually works. That's the guy we got to talk to. Tucker, I don't know, maybe you have an in; could you get Diddy on the tour?

Maybe. No, I'm serious. This is how they run the government, though. This is definitely another Epstein operation. There's an Epstein operation, and he's the black Epstein. He's just the black Epstein; he just is. The same group is behind it. People would say, "How is it that so many of our world leaders have gone to an island such as that?" They say, "How could this have happened? How could it be such an open secret?" And then when it happens, people come out, and Bill Gates, again, by the way, and suddenly people say, "Oh, we all knew! We all knew there was stuff about Jeff." What do you mean you all knew about this? What do you mean you knew about this kind of stuff? You realize we're looking at it backwards.

In order to become a world leader, you have to go to the island. In order to become a celebrity, you have to go to the Diddy party. This is the way their system works; it's a right of initiation. Absolutely, and that's what I've explained. It's like different mafias; you have to kill somebody so they have dirt on you. They know they're going to be videotaped doing illegal things so they can get in the gang. It is the initiation. There once was a guy who actually infiltrated a certain initiation place called The Bohemian Grove. Well, the point is, in old-fashioned times with the Republicans, that was the way to compromise them. Like, "Well, hey, you want to join this particular Republican Club? You know you got to do this." Ronald Reagan and Nixon refused; that's well known.

But that's how you get Republicans. "Hey, we'll tell your Constitution once you're sucking, you know what." But for the Democrats and some Republicans like Hazard, it's like, "Hey, did you know that girl at that party? She was 16. Next!" It's "Go in there with that 12-year-old girl or you're not in the club." And then it's like, "You know that 8-year-old? Go in there and strangle her; we're going to kill you." And let me tell you, they're not just raping kids at FC Island and stuff. I talked about it 15 years ago; I was the first to talk about it. They're killing kids, ladies and gentlemen.

So, can I just ask you to assess my last question to you, Alex Jones? I'm not really sure how Kamala Harris became the Democratic nominee when, in like one day, she went from being someone everybody made fun of to being the most heroic figure in human history. I'm still kind of bewildered by it, but I would be interested in your take on Kamala Harris. Who is Kamala Harris, and how did she get here? That's a great question. Well, Kamala Harris got the same amount of votes in the primaries as Ronald McDonald, which is zero. Kamala Harris is a soulless, truly empty flesh bag who was admittedly a sex operative, just like Oprah Winfrey, who admitted that she was an underage sex slave. Look it up; it's all true.

=> 01:28:34

True strength comes from aligning your values with your conscience, not from the world's approval.

In a recent discussion, a question was raised regarding Kamala Harris and how she became the Democratic nominee. The speaker expressed confusion about her rapid transformation from being ridiculed to being viewed as a heroic figure. They sought insight into who Kamala Harris is and how she reached her current position.

The response highlighted that Kamala Harris received the same amount of votes in the primaries as Ronald McDonald, which is zero. The speaker described her as a "soulless, truly empty flesh bag," alleging that she was a political sex operative. They referenced claims made by others, including Willie Brown, about her past and her actions as Attorney General, where she reportedly put innocent people in prison and targeted journalists who exposed illegal activities. The speaker characterized her as a "clear and present danger" and a "meat puppet," suggesting that she is being used by those in power to further demoralize the public.

The conversation then shifted to whether Pennsylvania would vote for Kamala Harris. The speaker expressed skepticism, stating that if there were a free and fair election, Trump would win by a landslide, similar to Reagan in 1986. They discussed the challenges of election integrity, mentioning efforts in various states to tighten voting regulations. The speaker asserted that Trump had won in 2016 and would likely have an even larger victory in the upcoming election, citing assassination attempts against him as evidence of the stakes involved.

Towards the end of the discussion, the speaker offered advice on maintaining a hopeful attitude for the future. They emphasized the importance of spiritual connection, encouraging individuals to get on their knees and seek guidance from God. They stressed the need to change one's values and to act according to one's conscience, rather than succumbing to societal pressures. The speaker concluded by asserting that with God behind them, "nobody can stand against us."

As the conversation wrapped up, appreciation was expressed for the friendship among the participants, and a light-hearted moment followed with a gift exchange. The speaker also noted the ongoing challenges posed by big tech companies in censoring content but highlighted that live events cannot be censored. They announced an upcoming fall tour across the United States, featuring various notable guests, and encouraged the audience to get tickets at